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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1886, p. 3

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THE'ADVANCE. ua of tba laadiaf I4eal and family Newspapers In Mortli*rn Ontario. I'ubliahsxl TlkwrwXiam.y, FBOU tta Orru s, ."' - . /kaU-tcn, Ont. TIBalA Or BUBBCBmiON I l.N par aannm la advance ; tl. if nl pall ea thstnJ nf It Tar>. No paper dlseominnea _Mtl all ir i. [.([ paid ui' , and uo aabasrtp> in UISM for Uu than on* tr il't *hMi B*U1 arranirewenu (or abortsr periods ara mads with tb publisher. A.DVHBTISINO RATB8. *e. Casual advertissinnu,tcntipr litiuitrlleu aa* I utuls pr hue abubMQUMt insertion Tranusnt aiivcrtiisuianta to t paid forwhea ww*d. A 1 vrtnmytit witboit >pwial dir*c- ! will be iiiMrtrd till forbid and charfs.A aeecadlBaty. Laurtl iiiducenieuu to eajnlar advertisers. N*Mc*s amoug reading tnatwr, 10 cants psr Uaa each insertion. Mo aavvrttMiiisni iU.on*luu<>4 nntil all ar- r*art|ts ar* paid up. Cpr fur atlveriiMiiieBis ihooaf reaa* tins eiae* >> later tljiiu noon OB TaMCBVr to vaiura a MI HOB iu currtnt Issne. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and " : Flesherton illeat Market. SIPT.OOOD, V '" Oath paid for fat Cattle and Frh Meats constantly on handier Cash. Ordert promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP TUB HHIIHi OV A DAY. A New J . . .. t FLESHERTON. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing-. F.avetroughlng. and In fact evsr?- thing Iu tba butinnn will rsov* uiy prompt aad earaful attention at rea*onbls prices i& .lock, CLAYTON'S H i K MISS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, <'<M-n$, <{-e, intuit "p iu good ttj/lr. Shop m Jr. Clayton Boot <t Shoe Stvrt, FtrihrrloH. EUGENIA Grist Mill, m id Lath Having made eitaoiiva improvsmante In my Unst Mill, I am confident I cau give g'l gatisfaetien. CMCl'I'JNG DONE ANY DAT. Good Ftatir si wtya on hand. Custom Sawing. and Bills filled on the shortcut natice. Lum- ber and Lath always on band. Gash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. . AKITT, , -11*5. iiraa .wl.l (10 HAVC YOU n" " v. no.. COO 000 COLD 'CW HU-kalf m-Uin </ f>r. OIIH'I Ktfift BxH ,-,'.' "' ""' "'">' """ nJ ch:!,l :.-.* /-'>./ "'' '''" <"* iol Ii try Ikil f rtlilml 'true '.-. WrDBd aroun.l tvry bonl of Dr. Cha' I .i't I ur SI a lulil HouMhoW Meditil Ciuid. nd Rcip Book (4 pg*), ronuinins; ow w> nwful ripi aTon.inn.-t4 WlBasMI mta mnd diuggi.l. linvmln V U, nd w.irth ln time* the prict of the median*. CTIIM CURI. A ufe and poilir PMBCllC llarrl,, B r ll UllUK AN-* York despatch taya : Tba limit pubiuUtH an lutareating story of a death- bed fulfilment bf a beuolbal. Toa mar- riage ol Eva M. Hanbroaok to Oiurga Kyersoo Bkioiisr bad bsen eouiitad upon aa oua of tbe social events ot tbe winter in Haekenaaok, N J. 1 1 wan to have taktn plaoa eaily in tbe new year, and tho ill. who were invited bava bean burryiog tip their dressmakers iu autioipatiou o( it. In lasa than a wetk all plans bava bean op<et. Tba mim-itfe oaramocy look plaoa ucder aingnlarly patbatio cireomaianoeB Motca atlercoou.audlaal tiighl tbe young Lm band waa ia hu otffiu. Qaorge Bklccor WM little more than a boy when tis lather, Judge William Skin- Ler, went to Uackeoiaek (rctu 8aktz oaaoty tome years ao. Bat ba was nearly 20 j<ar old wteu be rind, aud bad grown up lo be a vary popular young man. About tbrae yeera ego, wbeo u waa aununto d tbal be wai goicg to mrry Kva BaitDi ouok, daughter of tbe late DC. Charles Uas broach, everybody who knew tbem taid Ibat it waa a very fimcg aod cio.-llen tnatol). Young Bkiouer bad eatitblikbad bimeeif ia tLa drug business tbare, and iba protptcts (or the future looked bright. Ltat TaiiJay 6vt.-uii)g Oaor(.e Skinner ltd bis slots feeling unwell. Dr. Bordatt, who was oaiKd tba uezl mornicg, found him -utl-iinK from fleuiiay, bat tno illLesa was ool oonaidersd seriooa, and no obacge WM u.ade in the arsBcgemouto for the weddicg. Oa Sunday night ibe yoncg man's disease took a tudden aud rapid obange for tha worse, and DM. Bnrdalt aud B'. Johu agreed in conciliation tbat he aa dinger- ously ill frcm typhoid poanmcLia. Wheu tbay called to tea him on Uocdajr morLkg, ba taid : " i)jotor, am I goiLg to gat better nor not ? Tell me. I am prepared to bear tbe wont," " Oeorge." afltwei cd Dr. Burdelt, yoa are ROIUK to die." "Snail I live two da>tT' rquinJ tbe you!)* Luan aczioaoly. The doctor gravely bcok hie bead. "Oaeda) 19 hcarr, tben ?" be atked, aa tba pbysieinu coniLoei to reapond in the Lrgative. "Six boars?' be eaid, qaite startled at ficdiLg death 10 Lear. " Puttibly," antwertd Ihe doctor. When tbe paykiciaci bad K e *d tbe news had betu broken to tbe family yooujj BkiDLtr teut for hia belrothtd. Iu a nil e while the Kev. Cbailea T. Audereon, pastor of tba Hackausaek Frabyteriao Cuurcb, was called JL'.O tbe aiok room to perform a u>arriaiie otremouy. Tbe >curj man was oo weak to ill up, ao Eva Hasbroaek sat n tbe bedside and ht Id bis band while the uiiLiiter read the aervtat. Mr. aad Mra. Ikiuner and Mrs. Ilaibroook were iu tbe oom. It was t vary affecting aceae, but at )cucg man so tocn to pate away waa ba most tratqail and resigned of a. I. Ba olictd tbat ibu olock ktrock 1 jaal as tba oeiamony WM finished. Tte patient tvivsd a little attar Ibe iuarri,i , bat U nly tarvad m make bis rwift decline after .inblfall the more cotiataele Katly ja- idy murbiig, bifura Kv Bsi. . cr had >cet a wifa e^bttcu h .ur.-, bar babe>Ld tad in ker aini*. Tba pathetic n luaio a tba talk ol tba tawo. Il waa aeaeut ute love, and tie deatiibod uiarnage waa dtsiitd. OLD BY ALL DCALE*) oil Awta OKI'-fc IN A t'AMIt. A .nilllannlrr'. Body s-r.-.. r.rU la lt..' 4 llurlrd ! .!>. AOoioago deipatcb Bays : TWJ weeks ago he widow o( Walter Newbarrjr dird m aril, ItaviLg a Urge fortune, over 13 000,- XX) of wbieh, by air. Newbtiry'* will, gott o tba eetab iibment ol a public library io Jbieago. Mr. Newberry di*d al aea iu 1867. To-day ia published a awry wbiob baa cau'td a tenaanon among tbe Ute million- aire's frieuds aud acquaiutaLcce, wt the (Oral, if ii is ttuly toll, baa becu peifeotly ie{ t up to this time. In Novemocr, 1067, tr. Nawberry sailed for Havre to j iin bia amily, who wire in Paris. Tna (cietidly otercoarae oiaal among ocean travellers M tol at all lo bia taote. Qewaala>s ans'.rre aad taoituri. ua tbon.Kuil he i-Uoco o remain to at sea, rcpallioK every c tf .r cf of acqa or even of acqaainl acehbip la wat rtoagniB3d by a gautlaman tro a York, whj knew him by reputation, acd did not oare under aaah aapromisiog iicumttauecs to l.iroe bis acqjuiiitauoe orttcr. la such arroundm|;s, an alien in initial uf Lirt own people, Mr Mawbcrry stoksued a^d died. He ctoaped be Ucoai burial of tbcsa d}ing al sea by ba interference of tbe New York mm who knew him, and who aaaoied ibe oaptain bei tbe dead man's relative* weald rutoi .uy tspente itourced iu keet/ii-rf tbe b..J> L ovk i.f Mca'ord ram that f rmel part f ili oargu was bfouKht into rtqui-iiiuu. f r. N?wbtrry' body waa plaOMl ia th* cask, acd ot (X.ur> was | rn.rvtj iu tba .loliclio liquid. Wlieii tbe cargo wandia- burnd ;be oa>k waa robilU J by tha Mew fork man to Mr. NewbarryV frisoda ia Jtaioego. Mrs. Newb^rry vu* taen in ari, a fac9 ot which the gcntlem&n efarred t ) waa ignorant. Tno cask Ictt tor America on tbo next steamer, and in due ima arrived at Cb:cigo on a freight train ivir tba Michigan Central Railroad. Tbe riinds wbo had been notified by tho New fork man of tba shipment of Ibe body took barge of tba ouk on Iu arrival acd bad it outed to Greenland Ouaetery on a dray. A grave wen don and tba cask still contain- DK Mr. Nowberry'ai body waa pal into il .nd covered ap and it still rsmaiQB tbira. Allolh.r tnriKiin llrlnn Irr. A Olintoo, Mo., det patch lays : Bilaa E. )bcek, a prominent real estate losn agent isrf , it aaid to be a defaulter for ever 1100.000. Tbe ntmoat eonfllenoe bad been laoed in his iaUgtity nnlil lately, and the tanks had given him credit far beyond bis means, aiid booort d his drafts for large .inouuta. About two wa<ik ago F. C. ^icbnlf, of Bridgeport, Coon., arrived in Clinton to look alter a mortgi|{e on property MtloDglDg to 0. B. Jonoa. lie discovered tbe oame on tbe inorafige *o be floiilioan, and tbe raortgs^o a Forg'.ry. Cbssk bad orged tbe name of the recorder to tbe logos mortgage, and had defrauded him oOl of 17, 300. To save bimcelf Cheek gave a ill cd ou trust ou bia property for the amount, and tbe same day gave another deed of trust to save frienda wbo bad advanced him moocy. He 1'ieu left fcr Janada, and has not been beard from einoo. Mr Wbrn A New York deapatoh aaya : Minnie Olark, a notorioua woman cf this oily, br^Dght toil In tbe Supreme Oourl agaiost nroulea It. Kiltaoa, ton ol Oammodora Eittton, of 8l. Paul, for alimony, elaimir-g to be bis wifo, ha having married bar April 94tb laat when be waa druuk. Yonug , wbo resides wilb his family at tbi Windsor Hotel, denies all knowledge of any ceremony, and kUfatkei claims he waa nol cf age al the time mentioned. Jude Donobue rtfotad to permit the plaintiff's couusel to reply to Kllteon'a ttory as told in eonrt. lie reserved bis daelaion. The woman ia one of Ibo best known cf ber claes in tbe eity. - - Parson John Jasper, the famoui colored preacher of Riohmocd, olaima thai ba ban recently been xolicited to go lo Eng. laud on a Itotara tour, and Ibat a man offered him 1400 t.i deliver bia (Treat ear mon on " Tbe San Uo Move" m a Northern city. Prof. JchnBou, Iba fatnona lecturer of tbit elty, in alto reported to have a bit offer to go lecturing on bit tublime tbema* in Europe. Parbapa ha, too, will move A correspondent writes tbal all eastern dogs luiva a maniacal hatred of wbita man and tbat tha Burmeae dogs are in advance of all oiban in Ihlt ratpeot. TUB VHINBSJK e}l BUTIOIV riltek < olumO . Mongull.u. Ulvrtl Nellcc ikal Tkry 'IM.I <. Wlikla Ixlf Day*. A Victoria (B.C.) despatch eayi: Tba KMghta of Labor laat weak passed a reso- lution to Iba effect tbat tba Chinese tbculd be given sixty days to laava tbe country. Exactly how this waa to be carried oa: IB nol explained, A valuable commentary on tbe working of tbe Chinese Reatriotion Ac; in Oali'pruia ia tba avidi-noe lately given by a Chinaman in Ban Frauci-oo againal Moy, late cffi:il interpreter. Moy in eaid to have cleared from 1400 lo 9500 or every Cbinaae woman imporlod into tbo Blate. Tbe women are brought in tor purposes of prostitukiou ID tbe guiae of wives of Obineea resident iu tbe State, ud Moy n ei to allege as a reason for bis high charges tbat he had lo divide bin plucdcr with tbt authorities. Tbere ia Bald lobe inzi>to- ce a syidieate of Chinamen tor the purpose of trading in falsa oertifloater, who ar on cared against the danger of their proceedings being (ivulgcd by tbe terror fell (or tbe Hifbtiiudcr.* to whom tbey telccg. Toe Governor of Wnsbiogton Territory aitoribe tbu reoeut atucki on the Cbinaae within bis juriadiotion to tbe it flu of Celestial* from British Columbia. Mauy, nodoabt, alip aoroaa tha border on tbe mtiulaud How far auinKgliug cf Obinamen aod iooi from Ibis port ia eariied ou il ia 'uahible to say. NJ donbl tbere ia a good deal cf it, though tbe oijtaros ara seldom beard of. TU IK|- lil t.l > I II L- low the ntaa. Tried ! ! Kvtsi vilih the ttBUMrn. A Bait Lake despatch aaya : Tbe trial of B. Y. Hampioo, charged wilb oouS|>:raoy, commenced before Judge Zuie. Hampton ia a oily cfflear and a prominani saint, charxed witb eutering into a oonapiraey to eatabliah houses uf ill-repute for to* purpose ot antrappicg Federal officers and Gantiln. Tne only wiinats examined waa Mra. Field, one of the woman. Bbe testified thai abe bad entered into a contract witb Hampton, tbal ha tarnished a booaa for ber, aod tbal tbo pjlioe promised ber she aboold not be arrested for ronnicg tba plaee in tbe cily. Tbe police paid bar rent, and rt> erved one (com in tbe bonse for tbe spoltara. Hamp- ton pail her $4CO altogether. Ha took ber past Governor Murray'! boose in a buggy, pointed oat bit residence, and told ber to call oo tho Governor and try to gal aim to call on ber. Hampton proici^ed tut 9300 if she gel the Governor. Hampton ai.d bin asaoeiatee told ber tbat tbey wanted to get itaa namea of tbeie Qen'.ilea, to the/ could :ake tbim ( ff tbe jories in polygamy triala. Tbey wanted to entrap tbe Governor in order to gat polygamUt* oa) of Ibe peni- enliary. Tho trial is axoiling great iuler- tat, aad it attended by tbt Governor, tbe Hayor of tbe oily, aod other cffloiala. a> I It'll III. b I.M 111! 4 III 1(1 II. <|uoi ri I l.rln era Urlrvll l'ol . UttJ Ikrlr Pawier. A laal (Fridaj) nigbl's dospatcb lays: Tlia troabie al 81. AlOtrtos' Poliab Cburcb ia< brtkaa oal again. A Urge number ot >eo|>le atnembled tbia moruiug al tbe ebureh, bat fcaaa tbe doom looked. Tbey aited till abcoi 'J o'clock, wben il waa Utermiued t) wail upon Bithop Bjrgeaa vitb Ibtir griavaccea. A proeeeeioo wae > imeJ. wbiob Luoabirci 5.000 people. tVbeo tbe; reaobed tbe epuoopal residabce, ou Wabmi(tou avenue, tbey rang tbe door xll two or three timee, bat no respooss waa made. After wailing rome lima Ibey LoJ tbat tba biabop, wbo waa preparing lo go to 8) Joseph's Ctmrcb wbeu they trrived, bad gone cut by tbe rear door and Men driven away. Tbey formed again and inarched back to Ihe Polhu quarter. Oa ibsir way back Ibey tried to enter Bi. Junepb's Cburob, but were rataaed admis- iioo. Tbo crowd waa orderly thin morniui;, bul rerioun trouble it expected Boon. Tbey rn delernuiae-i to have pvaiaaaion ot tbeir church, in whioh worebip is iuljrdic'.ed on acnjuut cf the rcotot riots. u *.' Itiait ulilri la Hom DK H < . Ull ll. I.lii . ID bis paper in tba Dtoember " Centory , ' Tha Private ilittory of a C^mpaiKD tbat Failed," Mark Twain aaya : " Out Weal tbtra wai a good deal of dotation 10 men's miuJs during tba first mootta of ibo g'eal tioublo a good deal of un>s:iled- oet>, of leacitiK flrat ibis way, thru tha:, then Ihe other way. Il was bard for ua get oar beamx* I call to mind an oatikcee ot this. I was piloting ou tbe tfi>si?Bippi when Ibo nawtoame that Bjntb irolioa bad (ont onl < f tbe Uaion ou tbe Mtb ot December, 1860. My pilot-mate as a New Yorker. He wai strong for ibe LJuiou ; eo was I. Bui ba would nol littca to me wilb any puldcee ; my loyalty waa BoaroheJ, t> bis i).\ baoaaia my father lad owned klavet. I said, io palliation of this dark f c:, that I had bsarj my father ay, tome years before be died, tbat lv. ry wat a greal wrong, and tbal he wouid free tbe solitary Legro bt then ownsd K he oonld think it right to Hive away tbo property of tba family when be wai to ttratnnad In meant. My mate retorted tbat a mere impulse waa nothing anybody oonld pretend to a Rood im- puUs ; and went on deor>mp my Uuioihm and libelling my anoaalry. A muulu later tbeieoesiion almoatberthad C3unidcrablv thickanud on Iba Lower Misri^m^i i, aud I became a rebel ; to did be. We wore toKetbtr in New Orleana, tbe M'.b ot January, whan Louisiana went onl of tbe Union. He did bie fall share of the rebel, bat was bitterly opposed to lei- litg me do mine. He said lhal I oaine of bad stock of a father who bad been will- ing to tat elavea free. In tbe following summer be was pilotioc aTaderal guo-boat and ebouting for tba Union again, and I wat in Ibe Confederate army. I held bin note for some borrowed money. He wae one ot iba moel upright man I ever knew ; bat be repudiated that note witb besita lion, because I was a rebel, aid tba ton ol a man wbo owned slaves." i. oM n .< t*r ii, mi. . A California paper tellt thin minion story ot SO ytara ago : In those times Lower Spiings twarmed with minera, all making money " baud ever fiat." Rowa ot sack* oontaicing gold dust stood under Bwatey'a bar eouotcr, aaoh taok labelled with the owner't name, aud whet. ever tbe owner ol the tack wanted to ataud treat for the crowd and thai wat friqaeutly tbo tack wat brought out aod a piucb of dm! taken for each drink. Thit wai the way of making ohftoge In tbo?e dtya, a* coin smaller tbau 150 slugs acd IM gold pieoea waa hard to gel at. At a malttr ot course, the minora in their careless way ot handling their pnrsea, often scattered oooslderable ot the atufl on tbe floor, where it went Ihroogh tbe crack. Wall. Uncle Billy Qowell, then a young man, thought ot tbia one day after tha old store bad bean torn down, aud went and sorapod ap aud panned oat tbt " top dirl" over Ihe apot where the building had stood, and iu one afternoon cleaned ap 11,100. A Pftf> m rau. Anybody wbo wiabea to take) a ptap at another world Iban ours baa only to look at tbe planet Vtnot , wblah now ahiots bril lianily in tha aootbwasl attar tucdowa Vena* ia ot nearly tba tame till at taw earth, and astronomtrt think It may poa sibJy boar Ufa not altogether auHka Ibat opon tbe lorfaoa ol oar own planet Yet, at Ibe distance ol tome 80000.000 Milan, lit huge bulk appears reduced to the dimeationB ol a star, reflecting the tnollght to ai like pellicle ot silver. We inhabit a wonderful world, bat oar world belongt to a still more WWtatOl family el worldi. TILDY ANN : A Christian* Htory of To-day. By Patience btapletcn ) Where the ooeau kmst* Ibe rugged Mains OOHI are many oapti, narrow points ol laud like long finger* pointing out to aea. imea ibexe oapu roanj and form usarly land-looked basins, or, giu. tbe> are joat tba itrip of earth aud g ay rook, with rcBtlfli bitktri roaring oo titbit ude. Cofhman'B Cape molotei almost a laud-locked banu. ID tbia qoiel little barbor the imall tailboaW ot the fUhermen lie at anchor. Ou Ibe higb bUffi <.t the from which tbe ci;;e extecds ure Ike n of Ibe fiahericea. 1 heir boote* axe tuc-ituriel, with big obimLty* la the of the roof and until window*. 3om dwallmga are wh;tow*sli2d and navo p:cktt-fen9e, bat toon: of them are gray iks tbe rooke, and teem t j be nsl at random all over Ibe ledgei. QJ tba bluff, oamr tba wr-w ootietot the brtor 11.10 Ibe tea, UtidB a neat, white cottage, with greu tiiude aud whilewathed fei.ce ; near it are a few stunted pints, and tbe remaiua uf a fl jwer bad dry btalki and dead leaven tb:t chilly Daoembiir day. Il IB CbrUtoi&ii Eva at tbe Cf e There j no BUOW, bat tbe wtad blowing from tba coean IB a breath from the Arotio Sea. All iba booses bava column* ot Bmoko poaricg Irom tbtir wide moathed chimaeji, aud all tba liltla wiudowa throw cheerful red gleams over tba treaty ground, aud Home cear the bubor, long slanting beaaia onl on the quiet water. Tbe flubicg-boau lie motioiilemi at anchor ; iheut hare, ropeleas mule make them lock like tbe naked, leaf- lets trees inland. Awy cat on the edge of Ibe Caps it a beacon crossed etickt ot wcod like aboge X and tbia bat a weird look in tba mooLli,bt. Tbe breakera are rolling on either tile ot Ibe Cipe with a long, Uzy plaeb ; tbey are oalmer by tne entranca to iba harbor, aa it reepeoticg all abroad tuou a night, and dotting to make their homeward way easy and Bate. la *11 Ibe lighted bomea is CarUtmas cheer aud comfort. Tbere id no ocuroh for miles around the Gape, bat Gbriilmai ia as holy. Tbey are poor, tbene bonenl nther- man, aud money U scarce, for tbey barter mostly with tbeir flib; yet in aaeb boma tbtra IB some simple gift, given wl;h lave and good wishee. The children are asleep DOW ia Bloping roofed a'.lio chambers, curled np iu warm leather bed*, dreaming of ban U CUue, their quiet breathing echoicg tbe tibbing ct tbe tea. F.r onl attsit, beyond tbe baiojn at tba nd of tbe C*pe, is a white apeok. Tbe muoo i foli lu- night, and tbe breaker- ure lipped with molten silver ; even the Bail jawhtB tba beautiful light, acd then tbe oai oomes into view, sailing np a broad Mamot mlvtr like a ibintng pathway ID to heaven. "Thar b'ain'e DO light ia your boaie, Ivjooh." The speaker, a short, broad old man, with brotzjd faoo, wiry wbita beard and lair, and bright blue eyer, that teem to lavs oaugtiland kepi ihe ojlorof Ibeaea, lolda tbe tiller with ooa baud, while with be other be points to tie w bite bouse on tbe aiiff. A teeaud n<ur<s ia in tbe bow of be boat tending tbe jib-sL.t>l. A t*ll, bread ebonldcrcd maa, stooping a lirtlc, with bix fssl and bauds. Hi* clolbee are wtobed elamsily, bol nt at and clean, aud lis whole appearaioa is that o' a man without womankind. 'I kno't, Sds." be asi 1, L alien Jy. lie ras a njaa bjra to suffer, bo: to bear with lobla ailei.ce ; it was iu hia faoe, bis eye*, lis very eboaliJcrB. Dju't ys never with, now," sail Bile, lindly, "lhal ye'd soitar made up ter y K.lliLs? Likely gtl au' good housekeeper tingle yit, Knocu," witb a sly twinkle. " I ouly kecrod tor bar (or htr," laid Cuoob, dreamily. ' Kaerad tor I.LI I " repeated Bile, teuti'.y. Ti.ay Ann Ma'.ucks. Whtit dll she do? run iff and left ye w'an't merited Ibree mjutb, gone five jer. YJU h'kiu'l bat- band DorwidJerer, but iawreokad like , I've eaen bulks on tha shores afore. Waat's (join 1 tcr 'ooini ot ye, Euoeb? Taint caurel ya can live tbia hfealluj; tbat yo'll aliu< be waillu' fur bsr. Wbm'a ojuie ot btr? fhegoln' off with tht Perl Uilliots a bavd lot. Ye eara't thick itrtcr TUdy Aon bed bio liviu' in Bos'ou an' all the d rt03 of ber ruuniu' iff aue'd c.ruj back bcre to Ibe Cape ter be pinted at and ihsmed ? " "Oh, Bile," grcantd the oiler, "hash, ia>b, you hart me so I " " Hart ye ; yee, (ml what K ^od will't do ? At tlial na.p:y hound dead like. to the t'other, them luli'.n. My owo ioue tbar. 'Taiti'i to flee at yjnr'u, Aybe, bul I know under tbt gray roof u kiiid woman waitiu' (or me ; my old wife, iuLoh, an' tba ohildrau tbar, au' my g<d, my yeUer-haired Marthy, wh .'.! orawl op u my lap an' snoxgla ber bead under my Maid aa' artk 'boat Bttty Cam. L>rd ilais ber s*aet bearl; for'erd th\r iu the oeker u a doll for ber, yJler-uairod an' bins-eyed like herself. Uhe'll open ber aye* ter-morrer. Ta mixht have a home ike that, Euoob, an' oLildruu ; tbtr'a Uwa Mr free ye" " Bile, don't >y no more," laid Bacob. ' I ean'l bear it nohow. Listau. h'.i b ru n me, I s'poia, to love bar aud only her. Ton know what my childhood was. Fatber and mother always K-quarrelii||, and naiiuer ot tbem eared lor ms ; aavicg money wai all tbey thought ou. When ten year a^o I was only 80 (bay was drowned earning in by the pint right in eight ot home, I was so upset by bring in peaee 1 couldn't understand it ; I was lonely like, too. 'Bant thin Amos Mat- took* oome taok boma ; ha lived off the Cape twenty-five year, but bo coma home to die ; poor he was, and the mined old boouo there didn't barf chther him from tba oold, to I gave him a home with me. I know folks said it wai redio-il >us, bat il was a new lite for ma. lie wai a gentle man with larnin', and be taught me sum'at ouuider this " witb a wvo of bia loua arm to the Capo tbey were) naarlcg. " 1 know bis daughter was will, bal when he oame abe WM only 12, and rpcilad, mabbo, bul no barm in her ; iiko a birdsingicg all day, aa llghl.hearted and gay. Not like the ohildruu here, wbiobgrow&raveandeid eaily by work and poverty. When ha died be lefl her to mj ; aba hudn't oo relasbun*, so I kap' ber. 1 loved bar, Sile, ai a obild ; I didn't know it was another kind, till folks oome to me arter bar father died aud su4 it was aoandsUous her being to my Louse, and they told her, BO you know ftbe wont op inland to work for tba Perktotei. Her llavin* in a kitchen with her little bandi an j slender shoulders I Then I went to ber and cflered bor my bamn. Bbo oims to me, like a little fri^utci.t d bird, and hid ber heal on my nbonlder. I took her borne-- boma " Ha utrafgled with a aob. " Wa was merriad. I knowtd when ws oome inter my locotome borne, be olirgicg to m? arm, tbit it wara'l the lova for a ohild 1 had f r bar, bat maa'e love tor hie wits. Tho. e tnree mouths ware heaven, tills ; suoh a faithful liltla wife, my TUdy Ann." Ha hrcks down and buried bis head on his arm. Bile oongbed. " I know bow it was, Kcooh, I see all this, bat I see better nor yon Tart BU llnga when she oome, flaantio' bar flae Bunion elolhca and taruiu' tbe gal's bead, an' leadin' ber astray." " I tfont think abe knowd at all what life meant," said Eicon, riairg and lower ing tbe jib. They had oome through the narrow passage into the basin daring trie latt remark ot the) old man. lie ltd Hile than at tbe wbarf and walked up to hia dsaolate home, lla did not Imbt lh Uinp, bul baerad wood on the ftra and let tba moonlight and U relight mingle in the room. His door w aevar looked aha might Oat. fcnfUifii- be. tuteredUit abuse, U was witb a loab at nope that quickly, Mrneid to waary diaappointmant. He looked about the room ; ihe ntal carpel, Ibe Kraukuu stove with lie braes audiiro Iba vantd, ibs pietoras, the pretty paper ou ILo wall, all bjugh t to rlaaaai ber, ai,d LL.. 1 1 in the) ourucr the malodaon eha oouid play aod eing and ha) had purobantd ibu fur br that very day five year* before, v>uu bs rau away and left biui. He sal down by the firs; bin big Nowfouudlaud dog, after Ibe rapiureei of grsaliug him, lay by bis aide ; bis Maltese oat TUdy kitten, now ataid and old called up lit the ooi> obair that always) stood opposite wauii^ lor her mulreaa. "Five years ago Ibis Chriolmaa Eve, Frolic,' be said so the dog, who looked at bin; with trig, aff aotiooate eyee "jou were a little pnp tnau ; aba waa ao fond of pets, tba named you Frolio, yon are acbersocugb cow I oome home from fi in my boat, bringing a draaa fur ber, a blue oua ; il seamed pretty to me. I went into the Bed- room tbare aud bid so I'd bear wbat en said in ner inrpruw. Baa come in with act Uiugi girl tha organ Ladu'l coma ifieu it coma (<edl) ) tbe next day, wb*u hi> wai Rune. 'Ue'a got tbiB for uiyCn<i*'- mns,' my liltla girl says ; ' it's pretty, Peri.' ' 1'cc 1 1) ,' says ine olbsr, a big, told tju I, with an evil ftoe ; ' m oucap aud o.t :->->, tvery thing here IB ebep, you're a slave tj a ooiomou fi>berman.' I aidu'l beari.0 mote. luBtd my care. Ua, if 1 badknowu! They went cut then, and never oaue back, Frolic. It I bad only knowad, i! 1 bad only Buspeotad then, 1 mignt Lkvo saved ber. A year after they waut it wa*, no ice BOW I beared she waa sick I bad bauted fijttin all over for ber in vain. I ualu't mnoh money then, so 1 sold the boat svcd sen] il all to tbe Billing* womiu lor tny little girl. That was tbe l*rl. Ibey'd gone from Bjetiu, acd ibis is a big, loua world (or a flihermau lj travel in. Frolio, I've bcugiii uj other boat, fcr I've tell I might ueel u tor ber, and ail I am 1 save n.l ihe time ome 1'ai sent for. Mebbe," he went on bo(afully, " she might oome back, and then we'd have tba new boat, anl ana and I would ctrutteo il together. We'd nail by mootiligttt cul at kea and up tba river aud she wuull atug (or me like iba uaed to, sonndicg M sweet over tbe waves and eeboug on toe wooded rei. Never a Cbru'moa aeuee, ' be went on, altar a pame, " but 1 ve boogot her a dress, not oheap, hat ones tuat ooel more inoaty tbau wuull keep fain lies here four mouths. I dou't (eel it tibtul ; to b.kutiful wciuan like ber ail ih',s> nue ibinge belocg by rigbl; its lika diokitg a Canary in a aparrer's featberc, [U.iug uuuubiy gowns on ber. I'd like to inu**, r'rolio, if I was drowned at aea, as I know I iball be, il being in ma blood, all my fulka never having laud burial, Inal sbell tind tbem gowns aod know I thought ou her said luvua ner till tbe larsl. " A timid knook etariled him then. The wind had acme op with the ude aud was moaning drearily about tbe lossc. lie crowed the room aud iramblicgly opened the door. A tall woman wuu . fl[ i l: ^ cloak. Redrew back with tLa: i.(l-iecur- rm< ecoaa of muaary and diasppoiuimeul. Mlii.dy Kjllins. C.iQuiu. be aaid, boepitaty, n'e a wild niguiforyoo to be out." bh-j followed him into the r^.u. aLti na> dowu by tuaAre, a> Hue, large uojjj, wi.h a kindly, teasible face, one UU iff ber sbawl aud hood, and be placed teem ou tbe I've been oat ter Marm Bi-.liuga'e," said Malindy, panting a liitle ; 'MI'S awful windy. Bat's mighty tick, suid csu'l live oog, and Lird kuow* where Pert u aud tier marra a begg-in' and prayu.' tor ber to Mme " Maliudy alopped enddcnly, Pert Liil tjga could aoarceiy be a pleaaul to >:o louoob Stetson. I'm Borf y lor tba poor mother," etui Eocob ; aud Ibtn they went ou to talk of luiuga of tbe bird lima', Milmdy'* theooimng week, ot old people dead youuig i juiile tu kit niarrtod. I waa no onilled 1 bad so CJMI ia aud wirm myitll," said M.uady, e.iyly. " I do nope folk* won't t*lk. ' ' Wuy ilioold Ibey?" laid Ecceb.kiowly ; we axe mob ill fntads, Malady. ' Iiu gently p:sel bar band. I will u-sver lorgei y iur kiuluees five yen ' <&. u I lay uure l,ki a dead mau. You kuow my love fcr uer, Malmdy, ae Lcbjdy alae duea ; you bava beankiud who- ue ros: o! tbe folks hero o>lld me ctoiy u: d a fool." " I've read of leva like youro r. b litbtd Malindy. Jua; iQeu Frolio row lo hie feu), hie batr ereot, hia eyes glaring. Ikl r.-ilul heaven, dae i hi : a gioat " cried Milludy. A gboal !" repeated Enoch, ui:o aa snow. Tbs drg crouched by ibo door b<rtir g madly. Kucoa rnrbed oat into tbe night. Tbe wind bluw furiously, tut ana, li-bed lo a foam, was teething and bo: 11:4 like a caldron, iha mom waa veiled witu angry oloudi tbat, lorn and rttiged, blear rapidly across tha sky. A i-ufl of wii,d pat out tbt light Mlii.dy was balding ia he open dear. The dog disapr,) ateJ in tbe darkoeee aud Knoob folkiwid blindly. Hark ! Wbal waa tbal I Above all the roar ot wind and Bee, a wailing cry. Eucon kept close to Ihe dog and tbey both baited on tbe brick ol tba aeaiwapt cliff, tbe d ,: bowling or tnofflug quietly on tbe froaly ground. Fora moment, then, tbe moon ca-ne out from b*hmd the cloud* and Euoch naw something I) ing oil tbssoawawil* covered rooks below. Oa, for light t ' gcido tiim down Ibat tumble olifl ! Oa, for sirsurfth to reach tbal aomettiog so far bslow I Slowly, tortuously, ho lot tiim>-tlf down, olingtog to the Una ted boihev, to rotka, to seaweed. Tun waves arc greater now Tue froth- ioi{, MBtbiog line of water thv. UlbJVt a receding breaker oreepa nearer, nearer! Euli round billow, more majti3, mor fniih'.f ul, tbondera upon tbe reck", booms under tho tide-worn oavarna, auj where il thug pray oa a while face, now a fringe cf foaoi toaobei and eliugi to aof I goldsu huir, 10 a quit I. nataive band. luauiaia.S a ave ahall coma uiigbtier than all and will ora-b on tbat taoa, and with trewhcroo*. rruHtlefs K'asp carry away a body i fl tbe slimy, alippery rooks, out to ita, to sport with it aud tlmg it bilber taid tbilUr. A deafening roar, arsvirbaratitiK or*U Boom, boom into tba oavtrna below ; swish wish, biMing over Ihe ie weed, then twilt, switl, balkrd ol ita prey, baok to tbe de?lls below. The white faoe U ool there ; il U close lo a rough coal, oloae to a faithful heart. He had DO fear, aba wan with him, h U olosc to bis loving braail. The jsaloa-t ea e>uld i.ol separate them now. Abjva in the frowniogolifif they cannot climb, before them the tnordcrone sea, walttoijio taka Item. Tbere ie no rroape. Hn home is far from tba rcet cf tbe Oapc, tie aea i* tooiing higher every momeoi. Bbe ii mioonkoioni, perhaps dead ; o Biill be has ber at last they can lie in tbt Ktme gravt. He it) at far from ibe sea aa ke can get now, and tbe furotu waves drenoh him evsry moment, lloisbeaom- ing obill and no nib, bul he cliuo io Uer and holds bar close, bracirg Lie feel txilween rooks that wash him tavfcg' ly wbea lifted by the (Dooming breaker*. " Halloo I" eoonda a voice) from above. Hi i dog barks. " IIulloo ! ' Eaoob anawore, I ii voice so hoaree and strmoge, bt doct nol realm that it ia bit. Ha H so far andtr Ibo e><*ge ot tbe elifl ba oacnol see above. Tuen aomething fall* down it bin bit arm a rutk, and lit! to it a rope. He tries tba ropa il tttme ttonl there is no time lo waatu. Baa moans tban, for a wave strikes bar f aea ; be tiea b*r to tbi rope Btoadily and itrongly, (aaiog tbe wavea. Clinging to her, bo oriea " R*ady I" and alowly, with inflnito dlf fit illy, tbs rope noes on, op over tba olifl It It should break, it sbt should tall 1 Ha alien tuou I fraytr M ft strong tuul pray i. The dog barks, " All right t" *> down from above, than wave open wan o^mea beating, crubiLg , confused and aroahed By tbe awful force, Enoch gives op hia kold ha is tliding down tbe rocks, drawn by the ULdsrtow ; aometbibg stnkse biru, in a latt, drowr.iug grasp he olutebe* it, prayiun (or bar, thinking uf bar. God ba ihiilifd, the uoblesi, beat, tha braveal of all tnu riielaoua aball not And a rsating plaoa in ibe ernal sea I When ba realisea where he la ha only tbiuka ot her bow ba waa drawn up he doaa not know ; bul on tbe cliff, by tba Ubl of afaeble seas Mslindy Kolltna, bareheaded, draggled aud weeping, ilh torn and bleeding bauds ; al hia aide bia frantic dog ; atacding apart, half bid- den by tbe Irea so which tbe ropa ia tied, a shrinking, cbildiab figure. Ha goes to it; iba tm alive. " Bbe haloed toe drag you up," panta Malu>dy ; ' abe cams to life whan abe brarn c rail to ye. Arter I'd hauled bar up I Idn'l a got you up, don I sees* to me, fci *aa clean tuckered out, bul aha lock boll and he iemed to ba given inore'n m.i/s etrenglh to do it. Ii was bve an ^iv to ber, I'm set to b'liave." Oeneroci Malindy, tbere were bitter te>ra now in yi.ur big, kind eye*. " I am nol worthy, Kaoeh, Eaoeb," aoba tb deer-raneutbered voice, bul ba doea nut beed ; be oalohts iba child's figure iu his arms aLd rnebas to hia hcma. Tha ore hurts brightly (they have suffered ysare cf agouy in ao tbort a ttmi). tbe lamp, rain, beams a cheerful waloma. He laya her on tbe aofa, slrokin* her hair, u oarn'l be my girl-wife ! Toe dog acd Maliady caa in, bat stand respectfully apart. " I have suffered so," TUdy tea. " I weal with her ; we worked in a factory, BO bard, BO Urnbiy hard. Sue tried to make tee go to tbe danota and all. I want to a tew. Ojca I met a horrible drunken wo man in Iha street, lad by a policeman. I waa with Perl ; we was dravecd op like Part dote. Wbiu I shuddered the awful won an turned I) rca and enad : ' Tju'll eome lo thi* ! You'll coma to this!' lloab, lei ma tall, Euoch, tell yon ail. I ran away then from Pert. 1 never a* htr agfcn. I want away cff in tbe coibtry atd worked so bard sueh a long, lonely lima but I dared nol coma back J.oe I mil a sailor treat here) ha uied to ma. II-; told mi you had sold >uor [>;at, anl all for me, sol Part bad kept tbe moLwy and lied to you, and be said folks vb o*t t you'd gel a divorce frcm ma acd u.arrv Malin'y U.lllLI " " Hu-b, hutb," urcantd Kaoeh. "Iwillipexk, dear, tbit ooaa. S> 1 wcrked ou till I had two hundred dollars. Here tbsy are," taking, with trembling batda, a little faded pnraa wat with aea " Look all that moaay. ' He oiugbt the Ir.Ue thin baLd in bit and covered tbem with klstas. I'll gi hack, I said, and leave the mot ay and a little cote telling him that I lovad him all ibe t me, and my heart ii broken. Tbau I WM go away ani never ba beard of any core. B) I earn*, Eooab, walking ao ma- y wetry milea, at.d I looked in tba wi .dow and stw y u aud Maliudy mttiug litre by the fire. YJO. took her bacd. .. 1 : Ibougbl you werd married to her, aid I KOI wild and detprit I ran cut to the e ff a: d j-ja)|td ovar, and tba I knew t. hi < u. r. till I beard her say yen was J.JJTUOJ tbe r ;ck-, Lear tha awful eea, I seemed to b. g^vea tba atteiglb to bring yon np. Baa nk baak wilb a sbuddtriog little cry. Hagttbared btr in hia arm aod laid ber rbnek close lo bis. " Y ju'd batter gii i)me dry obthca oc, yon two, "said Malindy. with an attempt ai j ivialny tbal ber lear-wel faea bailed. You're wai aa drowudad raia. As for me, Tilly Anc, I'm an old maid, hern to bo one. aod il does me a heap o' good to tee >e in i ur old plaee, enl the bull towa'll say ao. I woulJu t mrry Eu,eb Bietaon ...aaw, gral hdmblv tbmg." ()Calu.d)'a obokel uow. Bis did nol know bow y >hac <uld br) "Bare bn heart'* . . you, sj 11 w.uli bs wnas'n livid* witb a deal man. Oood-nigbt to jf. ' Tho d or ilaiamvd, but they diJ :.ol heed. A new lit e bad opoLcd for tbem. Cur s oj\ujar and ainteat would rs ; . 'jrivtr in their Lear.-. " You Icrgiva me, ' in* taid, Ijoking at him witb yearuiuK e^c- ' My rw-;e- girl- >itt, wi-.b her pale face. ber htil. tbio ban}* Forgive her Leva ca .Jt bo kn.ry. I; h v.n tbare'a cnibiu' to forg've, acd havan U o^ma to ma no*. :hj balltir for a'.l the looeaome wait- ing " O-irtli .r long cloak napping, wanl Main dy Ro'.'ini. Tbey had fcr<v>tten bar, abi hai fjrgo:':n ber. elf ri ber j>y lor thru ; ni one ba W^B a beioi'.e She atartaJ with an^b wuoa : I ruolbrr oill, d : " Mirrv (Jori*'mu.aflindy. It's rnor:.i-'. dtaria Y mail bj cold u' tirad stayio' tha long nijhl away." " Mbrry Cbri-mu," she answered . .,u 1> . lira brightly: " Merry Cbria'- mna to ye, and meny of 'm, and to all on rib, and to him ; bat he's got bis beyanl all the wishing, Enoch Btesaion's wife has eosie tone, mother." I II. . t I. II t I, r I I1T r llax|-i < Baaar. Even making illown.cs for tha (ac: that ti.e iLTUibla (raatioo of svery day is let! out of the report aa liitial aud momentary, it U at ill plain that nu other pao; Ic were ever ro corroded with the nee of bnrry aa wa oonkmporary Americana. Il ia not busice-i man only, Uwyere, idiu>rs, me ebacice, tor bufincaa women, mothara of (Mniii'ja, writers, tctobcrd, j urualitt*, uit>U acd ariiaaop, who tboa wear them- ielvc out by rapidity ot motion. Il ia the L . :. 1 ola*ra also who are baaten ihin iu tbia daily attrition. I< IB tha maide and matrons who mnl dicse tnrea or tour times day. basetua) tfcii tea and tbal dialer ad the other reception : who null nol neglect the practice) (or Iha piano club or Ibr harmonic aueioty, or omil tbe ride, or drive, or theatre parly, or ahopplog, or oalla ot condolence , or the raosa, or the day 'a noka of eoortasy, or Ibe aeorea of oalU, or tba piature (iblotUon, or iha hooka from the library. The bake begins hf with this inherited nervous czaitamant, toe school child uu't;*j Ibroogb ita tasks, advanced pupil*, boy* at d girU, work wiih a teveruh baite thai ambition aod tuiula- lion esooorar*, and 10 the bnfiurae and (leaaura of mature exiatecee are en- tered upon with powsra wrought to a bUh fitch, and with a aanaa ct tbo in- adt>{icy of time tbat keys tbem still higher. Il U easy to tee bow wa are all 1. perroaJcd. rcmpelled to do too much from Ihe Ural moment cf cooaeious etiateooa tJ tb laal. But bow wa aro to help il iiamuob more troublesome malKr to aellla. Where) everybody rons, no eane pcra->u can Qjrd to walk, laal Is Menu lii-ano. Ti o time baa com*, however, when people musl ba ppriaadtd to walk, ct drop oat of the rank* altogether. Bialuiiee >u icercaea in tba notuber of deajtkjaj tr tu a|n (IciT, p\raly i<, aod discaxa of t.c heart, and iu the number ot eaaaa ot b.-ain dalirioratiou. Incident to the rash and strain ot daily lite, tbat paint a very arming moral. Daring tha laal fitly yean Mobammsdan mm baa made great awidca on the wwat c aal of Afriea, whence il ie tlriking bark Into the interior, and tbe prediction ia freely mada thai ars long tbe Chtiativn miasionariaa will bavs to reckon wills II ratbvr tbau witb paganism. Tbe Macdicgo merabaala an s*e most aedulona and inooenaful a^suu in disseminating the religion of tba Propbal. Rev. Joahoa Fraesr baa been dappeed (rom tbi minialry by Ike Kingston Free- Taw OU II 1< lu ''. *>! rr. O Lord I what ara we in Thy aiebt thai uicht I a. wbean pur sade-eesii. Ola 01 a o.tnuii' tuis a* lima ; il'e DO afaeo wji bother You Oie us a wee wark and b% wagsa. an' ' new bread acd anMea like Ben Ntvis, an' whu*ky like Loejb Long, Uia ua bull's pork, ahaep'a beef, an' ealfl unison, an' a new. bora egg kill belief meata be ready. Band a bleam dooo ihe mm, and bls*s the kail pat, an Ik* I>0ka of \r K ylc. the Ljrd Oodo' tbe Hielau. Boil* a big wa' Blwen OB aa' the dial, an' a fat oigger ana alween ua aa' ibe wild Eriab* men, and put broken boltlea on't. " I've loal all faith in human natnra," sighed a Waal Shore conductor so hie wife as be subatitoud eitizan'a draia for blue and gold. ' Too know what warm friend* Smith and I have bean for to many yean." Tea," said tbe lady. " Well, ba waa) a pssaanger oo B/ train today for she Oral MOM, and I U be hanged if be didn l boy a tiakel of the ageeta. Bo mucb for f rieLdabip." New fork 8wm. Acd perhaps ia ths distant fatare when thn agaa) oava grown old and move wish alow aid failing steps down the eorndon of tio.e when tbe iiljiniuaa aoeT aff u - aneea lhal now make Ufa wdnrabse an forgotten, how gladly will tha people hall iba n-dlaeovary of Puinam'a I'slnleaa Corn Extractor, the great and only sore pop eora curs of this sge. Without a rival for am- eaey or paiclsaa aettoo, atvtaia ia evsry and ysl perfectly harm leas to eviry otbar part, surely lie loaa would ha felt ia future agea aa keenly M its value si now acpreciaicd by all in this. Try Putnam's PaiUeaa Corn xtr*etor. Bora aod safe. N. 0. Poison Jt eta., Kiogatoa. proprietors. The Lard's Prayer in Chineee followe: u. too dot ben msns*ng, U<y gwok lem gak. Uey gl ak sang, doy a gooy dot ban yen. Ooa di aaah Hwi jae laang. Tan got at goa, man gaa A jsa too. G.oy goa naa too joa jsab. yoa 'm boo owe goa e yoa o ak. Hoi gaauk goa tebool e ok, goy gok seab, kaoo yak. waog yah, gi gooey gey aeon gap ai si. Aa aaang. " Man's work's from eon U ema ; Woman's work is never done. ' Work u B neoeeaily to all , bat, upon bow many, women aspieiaily, doee it (all with tba burden of the last atraw," aod tbit, became their peculiarly delicate eon, autntions are so liable to gsaMnl. We aaanol la ladies, tut wa ean make It easier for yoa, By makicg you atronr and baiter able to do u. Dr. Piaree'e Favorite PrseanpMoo" will re, leva you of narvooa aodo" aansaa. and all tbe many ilia | your icx. Tha Law and Order Leagaa el OJacia- I.BIU, having etcaoaied all other "^-~*i* to close the tbeairca on Sonday, have aakad tbs Mayor to revoke Iba Uaiaai of sbcae manicrt retuMcg to do BO. The Mayor will give bia anawar daru.g the weak. J Im amrr Tb a may be truly said of Polaoo's Nisn- un iba greatest pate remedy of the ag*> Ii DriLgi eomfurl M the weary aaaSerat whin failure baa) aiundad tbe use of every koown remedy. Nervilice M BO abaclute cure for all kinds of (.aiu.iolecnal, sxaamal, cr lojal. Purehaaa a 10 cam aampie iMItla acd try tbia great reiedy, Nerrtlica, carve pain core. Don 'I forget the name. Al any drug store. We an glad to bear there is a Lite Saving Bureau ' in tbia ocuatry. When a man gets) up IB tbe dark acd wrest lee with a roekiofc-eaatr, tbal kind ot a bureau would be a good piece of (arnitora to have in tha room. dissaaat, aa oervoai debility and premature weakness, however icdootd. radio Uly corad. Band 10 oania to atampa lor traaiiaa. Worli's O.spn<ary Medical Aiaoeiaujn, MS Main 8 :rMl, Buffalo, N.Y. " Wall, Bobby, ' atd yoong Fsalberly, " wa had qaita a plea-ani time al Ibe bouse lasl avaaiag." " Yea, indeed, ' refliad B jbby ; ma waa aptakicii about II al tbt breakfast tablt this morning." "Bo year meojo)ed tbe eveniog. too, did aha T" - Y*e. Bbe told pa tax the eoold never uiuk ot }un wub' at bmghlng." \ ii i.. u I 1.1 ot disaes follows an acbaalUiy eoadilion ot ibe liver, one cf the most important oigaaa cf ibt body. Irntart tkxe. brcn- cnr.i.-, a'tbm*. u^aluiU liissstat, eontomp- ii;c. si:kba*daobe, diaeaate of tha skie. Sidneys aad boars all may at traced to faalty aouan or tor|iduy ot ibs liver. No olbar known preparation ao rapidly aod tbtroa^talyr-atoraaadiiordendlivs* M U:*'. Oolden Media*! Otacavary Ii u plaaaoi lo the taste, mild bat tare in iu acuoa, au 1 a gift 10 ia 'anag atuaaaiiy from one of iba moa: loatwatf ol pbyaicianj of tbe age. There art nearly iwj hundred kiads of doge rroognizd ky tba faneiera and bread* rs. ll is aaid that las r juirrsla havt not yal hibernated a rign ot an open winter. t-RCHEhON HORSES. I .r. un-~ - Xk-h . 1* TT 0<<r ttMUtll . .1- - ; t- VHnasTi. Otis, Ixj- rhaem win aati ;,. .- . - ; - - brad a*d tme> a>- , .. .--: mm aodcoka at all aesi to esK lra. AU ' ir aunnaa wjaw sV*a. AH Dcraurr Xn.- rtSta! O I. X. L. > f *bd tS bv* t-lffMI rr .m MMB. I m* I ! fr. I . . ' . *u> J FITS, trtt .rnn.ixuin.-iis - Ckioa, ean. boegbl *n aaah at Bsthsse pisii (WnJ for elrsalax. B.C. BOUUDTOM. M ' I . Nvw Turk. PoaillvlTcnrJlOminat. Xel a sla fail nr<mlOTMn by Prof. " r iH' BUr**i'J r O. a c. A. BUM a. w I ubi by aaalL Osuslese tree - B OOU4UI aaaamall R. U. AWARE ra.r Lorillard'i Cliinu Phig

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