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Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 4

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- i\ *.-. >r.i X ^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^IM^fc^**^*^^**^"^"^^^* 1 ^*^****^* Large Stock! Waft ham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver d Gold Cases, To choose from. Grade and Warm** considered, iny prices s>re ' cloM to " Svark's," aud*you can prove this hy -calling to see. Anyone coming 1 5 miles to deal with me, t will allow them ft conti a mile here on Watches A Clocks, be- sides the discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, Ib8. A call respectfully invited. AV. A. BROWN. To My Patrons : I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage thes* past 2 years and on the following basis of bnsiucss trust to secur* a continuance of th same :--" Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BE OWN, A RttiaHe Jeweller. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Castors, 1 Batten, 4 Catch. 1 Pickle Cruets. 1 Tea Set. 3 Cake IfesjrtU, 1 Io*v Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishe*, and many small Fancy Arftcles, viz., Napkin Rings, Spoons. i ' Forks 4>nd Knives. 10 per cent, off list prices for this month. See my Price* in, all Lines ere You Purchase. W. A. BROWN. FLBSHBRTOJT THURSDAY. DEC. 31. 1885. SCHOOL MEETISC.. S. S. No. H. Flehert<in.- Election of Tru^ttr, ff. AKTKMESIA DOMINATION. The general opinion that the old Council would be re-elected, has been dispelled by the events which took place oo Nomination day in the Town Hall. FleshertoD. We arc now likely to have a keen and spirited contest for the Reevesbip, as our old Reeve, Dr. ChruHoe, is to be opposed by Mr. Arch. Elliott, who for a number of years has represented Ward No. 2 at our Council board. The record of both these gentlemen is before the people : let the verdict be given at the polls next Monday. Comment upon our part would be unnecessary, as the ratepayers are thoroughly acquainted with the record of both aspirants, and Will, DO donbt, carefully consider by whom their interests will be best serv- ed at the, Township board or in County Council legislation. Mr. John McArthur has been re- elected Councillor for Ward No 1 which proves that he has given good general satisfaction in the past. Mr John Boland was elected by acclama- tion as Councillor for Ward No 2, and will be a new man in onr Council board for 1886. As far as we can learn, Mr. Boland is a first-class man for the position, and will yet carve ont for himself a good, clean record. In Flesherion ward. Mr. Oco. Moore, and Mr. W. 0. Pickell are in the field as candidates both good men. Mr. IHakely retires from the field, after having shown that a young man can take as firm, manly and honest a grip of the municipal "plow," as men of more mature years. In Ward No 4, Mr. Win. T. McKee, the present re- presentative, and Mr. Samuel Pedlar, will again euter the arena and stek the sufferages of the electors. Monday next is election day, ami we have such confidence in the intelli- gence of the electors of Aitemesia, that we predict the election of the men best fitted to guide our little Munici- pal ship safely through the many per- ils which may beset it during the year 1886. The annual School meeting held in the Flnhertnti schoolhotas* yesterday, in con- nection with S. 8. No. 5, WM the nu*t interesting held (or some yi-r. The at- tendance waa food. Mr. Robt. Trimble waa appointed chairman and Mr. John Gordon secretary of the meeting. Min- utes of last annual meeting read adopted. Trustees, Teachers, and Auditors' Re- port* read and confirmed. Balance on hand of over $300, which, explained by Mr. M man condemned the building a* unfit for the purpose* for which it waa used. (At thi* juncture there was an eiten*ie de- mai.d for " Valentine Mug-gin*. ") Mr. Trimble here interposed by saying that the Inij>ecU>r, if he recollected aright waa hiiuaelf the architect of the condemn ed building. (laughter.) Mr. D. 8. Munro made aom forcible and practical remark* anent the duties of School iMpecton, their qualification*. age* at which children ihould attend, Ac. Flour for Thxw requiring fint-claa* Roller Flour from the famous- mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- dal, will do well to call at the Flether- ton Bakery where it is always kept in stock, at reasonable prioss. \VOHM3 often deesroy ckiUrea. bmt Ffct luu's Warm Powders destroy Worms, and eipsl tUm from tbi ny.tem Mr. R. Cook replied, then became general. The discussion would b appropriated to pay Teacher'* atlariu* quarterly in future, an required by law. Thi* accounted for the iocraaaed *chool taxation this year. The amount on hand, together with the legislative grant, Ac. , would, it was thought, amply m*t each*pay nit-iit at it matured. Mr. O. Truaxlgold uked-is average at- tendance of pupils given in Teacher's re- port? Mr. Richardaou avniwered, no: the aqKrepaU) only ; average attendance to b determined by the Inipctor. Mr. D. 8. Munro was appointed Audi- tor. Mr M. Richardson wai unanimously re-elected Trustee, Mr. Wm. Hogg and other* s|>eaking in highett terms of the excellent manner in which he hod atten- ded to hi* dutie* in the put, the former gentleman giving it ai hi* opinion that it was the beat conducted achool in the country. Quite a ipirited diicuaiion arose in con- nection with the petition from ratepayer* in the Fleaherton Station neighborhood, to be allowed to engage a teacher at leait six month* in the year, and hire a room for *ch<x>l purpose* in n convenient quar- ter. It was pretty generally conceded that if the section wa* compelled by law to engage a third teachrr a* had been intimated there could be no great ob- jection to granting the prayer* of the petitioner*, provided, of. course, that the granting of *uch would obviat* the ne- cessity for engaging a third teacher for the F1e*hertnj*ch<M>l. The had condition ' the ichonlhouae wa* referred td, and the Inspector's opin lontheTCKin given, in which that gentle I'M* CAVKEB Wot* or TB BLOOD is Serof KichanUon, j nla. Ibat gnaw* upon ths rilal* and on umr* tb* bod;. Consumption i* sat I.nun Srr.Jula. Burdock Blood Bittsrs i on* of the best ksown combinations lo ear* 8*ofu.. la. 'S Hair Vigor Now renew your ubscription* for 1886, and pay up arrearage*. Just look at the 6gure* altar yonr name and you will know to a cent how you stand with the Editor of the ADVIMCB. CiCTion. Any linimini or oluer inedj. ein* that canuot be tastn internal lj U un- safe for ordinary use. Hagjard'i Yellow .nl, the prompt psiu relieve*, is **f* and re- liable for til aobe* and pain*, ana ess b* *wsllow*d a* well a* applied. 081'MXY NOMINATIONS. For Reeve, Messrs. Thos. Gamey, and Andrew McGirr. For Depnty Reeve, Messrs. E. Pott*, and A. Mclntyre. For Councillors, Messrs. J. Tay- lor, J. Winters, J. Hudson, R. Sprott, J. Bpocrs, J. R. Sing, and J. Duncan. TO REMOVE DANDBUFF. Clan*t ib* M*lp with Pro!. Low's Magic Bolpbur Soap. A delightful medicated toap /or tbo toiM. wltfc Ike |!M* sad of i,. fao>d or gray haU to s satsral, rich kruwa o;.r . or <lep MMk, as war b* -lilred. l< t IM aae llghto* ml hair aa*y be sark.a*d, i.o aalr Utckaasd, sad ssMsn* oftaa, I in at .'. ruiJ. It oaenti falllas of ine aalr, sod iilmn. :-.! i - a*, i stoklr rowth to rigor, ll I n,j'j ami our** wurl n.1 .Un IruiT. saJ i < i u- j fry dlMaM svealtar lo U> . -. , A Ladta*' Blair I>tM*li>c, Ut* V IGOt ! wwqa!ld ; II coatalM nrlttur e!l nor dr. midM* is* hlr sort, ftavy, amd Illkin la *ppi>rMii. and Impart* s d*llul^ acrr**bU. aud latflni porfuM. Ma C. P. rtui 1 *" writw from ftrtf. r> f ' J Mtt : " ! *sil my hlr < ,niom,c^J (luif oat, i I la a ikan iin I IMKMU* n-r j balJ. I **"! p" "* IMKI!* t A iim' Hits Viu*. lncli it-j^.-! Hi. f. . i; ^ of llt Uair. *4 l*rt*l a uw gr^wtb. I !.'.. aow a (ull U.l hir fwtnm ngnt. o . and am eAavlu^ tba*- Ku( for llio y.Mir |.-VM*UMI 1 sbuvkl kan bu b*. i I0.| I. . ht Vr tk* lltnt VI.IM .- A CBTINO EVIL. -Children ar* frrtlul sad ill wlii-n worm* are tbs Dr. Low'i Worm Sfnp safely expel* all Worms. A LITIKO gFtmoH.-Qontioa 'Is Ibis lift worth llTing ?' Aniwsr *ll all dprod* ' upon the If torpid or iastiTi it caiuea s dull, tough, languid feeling. Chate's Ltvsr Care rlT*i health and buy anej. Sold by W. Kichardsoa. fc A Lrna Cr*.-Oo iol trial of Dr. OHM'S LiTur Core will couvioa* th*> most kepttoal and confirm fetter than thotuaoda of testimonial* that it i* a Mia *or. M diein* and Rueip* Book II. a r o II fruia JSJ OW n^rr^. II n..ii Hi* /rowta ft a* hair, ai-t U f UlMT * "tl. Til* V HI- R W !> iur* aura f-r .UnJruir. >"V viUil* u j a4u <( ha* tli* arparalk>a tallM u (it* U:K aatuCacUoa." Ma A'nvs r>'nnx''. Ilr of tl<* c ,i -. -.1 " ( . itu raniily " of V -! it*. rlt>4 from Botto*, Vuji.. Art. . I .til t fr t,ii.- mtj hair bftfan u> tfi** .! --. r>..lni<-* of Ik* eliauc* wkU-U "tii.{ t. ". |irocur*tli, I aST* ! AVkM'* MalS \ ... .K. nail ao bT b**n abl* tu iilnu.n an 4i.i..rur* nf youthfulnw* - luallrr . ( MtaAafsMi r..n~iun<: to mluUivn, i .. 'U.t. nJ in fart *v*ry WM wLuui>.< i .. UM *)r*> .1 UM pvbUo." MM. O. A. rac*OOTT, writing rroca U K'm Ml., f WiMoMw. Meat . *rr*l ". I"-. " l -ry rafidl*. auJ I - (>n aninc AtiaTa H*i "*^" 1 * J " 1 ' ""* S"""" vaT. It 1 Fn Oin. Around saeh bottl* of Dr. Chsae'i I.iTer Care is s Medical Ouidc sad It. ri|..- Iliiok containing useful infurnalion. oter 900 reeip**, and prooonneed by Doo> ton and l>rng(n' as worth ton tim*i tbs c.'hi of tin- mMiicinf. Madicina and Book I. Sold Ij W. Rich*rd*on. Viu.'* om-ju*V * " '"">' i"ut'i >u> b*a'l at c.uilu y cT.r*J vita abort Lair II vBftibiawl togrow. ami it aova* ^ -I a> Wi U '". I rajlarljaJ bui t,u Uxtl* o( IU Vuioa, but aow MM II ocouiuuall; ai a . M. . L< ' W* aassaad* *f atmllar UatlraoaUIS to UM c<acy f Arta'i lUiaVKtoa, 1 oasi but a trial I* MTla** la* BMSI U*f*V alaf NOTICE, NOTICE! Or.J.C.AyerACo.,Lweri,Miss SoMty ail l>rfl.:i It s>mnses the Agricultural Editor not a little to be accused as Le often * of writinK letters which appear in bis own paper orer assumed names. Dot what amuses us most, is the re- flection, that some of these person i who have accused us ( to other people of writing the " Valentine Muggins," Deacon Snakes," and other widely- read letters have likewise accused him of inability to write the editorials in hia paper I Seems strange that he should be able to write letters which have been read with so much interest all over -the district, and have been the subject of favorable and extended criticism In some of the leading jour- nals, and jet unable to wri'e editorials for his paper ! Ha, ha, ha I f to Dominion Organ and Piano Co. Flesherion WOOLLEN FACTORY. A FEW HINTS - TV SWM iv, !**> ... fntlt. 4 fttlll UuriMgUf. 4 * S Mil*. trftrlmn viUaWatalt M* to ss affs^Ha as Aria's fius. Tb.y lasars rasnlar dallj ar: -n. asd ra. Stan tb kowtto *o a saalUr rouJiUoo. For ladlgsUai,*r Draswawla, AIEB tint art la *aluabl*. and a u i* r nra. roart-Lura, to. a* Asyt'tias, ro.i SHiSiarti. gtslwtaajay, DUaraMS, BI*a>*V ask*, VasakaastV Xanaaa, an all rails*** aJ rarl by Araa-. I'liL*. b I- 1 ~r c . apUld I , union. Ma*ias, sad *toaa*U*, Ada's PtLU .hos.j * ftMS In .IOM* larj* anouh to *SIU tb* UT*T anil bowtta, aad nsaoT* oasMpatlea. iioi.aniiuf mrJiilo* la tk* Sprlaf, taass PILL* ar* sa*qnall*s. Wort.,., aaaMd bj s morbid *adlUoa at. tk* bewla, ar* aiaallad b; ti.m Piua. . Skla Dliaaaai. aad PUS*, la* ranlt of Ia4ltllaa or l,oi,miUoa, an wsaf ATBB'S I-II.LI. aa AT** rn i * u. oi*a Ska pan*, raswra lt<amsslnf> aaamlona, aaofslls* tk* farst. tor Plaiifciaa u j Dwa*si**y. aaaaia r saaltii n,, ladlaxsUbl* taod, . u. . ATBS'* Pius ar* tk* ua*> tiajiitf. kvvaMtlaaa, Ort, M.rmJa;la. aa>4 tsUttT-. rult from sifaatlT* oaranf*- SMS*, or eoMi, sa4 Sl**j|l*r on r*mo*ia| u. aasx by tbo ** of a- PTLLSX Tu u.or, Drop* j, KUsVsy I'omplal nta, aad otb.r jfcjsrtOT '**< try dAMIIty or abaUawtlon , ua %u*4 Ij ATVal TlUS. Sajsriiilis, sad Palatal ll*a*tra> lisa, kST* s aafa sad road; lamolr la rail dtrwfloaa. i aj aWUkT*I>r*4BfM, For Sale. Us* tae> largawt aad moat r-mnpMe factory la th* Dominion IDOxlAS. aUfWrl ftcaan mr avaraaJ U uy alter U tkt Wort! Mast) aad l*a**wa at Centennial, If*. Meaal aad MaleaM at f rdner. Aartralla. WTT. OoM M*4al ai>ronnrhil KiMhltlon. 1 or. nt... IfM. mtau Aware* at ladaMrtal Kihleftlor, loroato, Ws Ati wow Mmrtcrrsino SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. BtIT IV TBJS M tailT OafT**oaa>are s.,n-tt-<i. Hrnd for niuitntrd < alaa-Hr, nulled trtr. Addrm POMmiOM OM1AX AND PIAWO CUMTAITT, JK>ji> n i '. Orr. The undersigned having leased the Plesherton Woollen Factory & put the same in a thorough state; AVER'S PILLS. of repair, and secured the services of the late proprietor, Mr. N. Camp- bell, is now prepared to carry on the business in all its branches as has beeD done in the past& would solicit the patronage of all those having work to do in his lines, and! feels confident in guaranteeing sat- isfaction to all. I will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of CLOTHS, FLANNELS, and YARNS to sell for Cash 01 Exchange tor Wool. .j ROOM aad Lot on Bme* Kir.. S. Thomlnir > ; In a good loealltt . water ' vith pump i.mlrr ciir.r; good atal la. aa< other onnranienne*. Only a f. w r*da Brain th* nw Mtbr1l>t chur<b. For ial ea cat? i*rma. Apply at ADTAKCB Ole*, Vleahertoa ; or to Bobeii t'awrwtt . Ix> It, con I. s)aphraala, Miiathoot* P. O W. H. FLESHER, MBS. BULMER. Photographer, Ffaherton, - Ont. D. S. MUNRQ Wishes his many Friends and Cus- tomers and the public generally, A MEEEY CHRISTMAS ! and a HAPPY NEW YEAE! And wishes to in- form them that he is OFF'RING- QOODS at spec- ially Low Prices for the Holidays. He also takes this opportunity of thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past, and solicits a continuance of the same. D. S. MUNRO. llavlsarapsnt famnm Toront t torn. Man* in Vhe atti.lir. of th* to )')>,itn*raphrr. Mr f). .1 |ii,, n . ed Taluable knowlerlgit In Rrtmi- _______ hlni. I feel aatured I ean gUn arxid Ronrral A call reapeetfnlly tollclted, arhere I acquired hlni. I fe latlifaotlon MRS. DULMER. KI..I srv-n . Sept. iTlb . US>, * A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of G-lenelg; Proton t Artemesia and Bgremont I Persons requiring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get them .t BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill! PRICBVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber : Logs delivered befow February 1st, 1886, Uken in exchange, for which Cash Prices will be allowed. Isr-More Lumber can be got aut of a log at Brown's Saw Mill than at th* majority of mills, as Brown has the latest improved sodstitnte for the "dogs" formerly, and in many places yet, used for holding logs in plaee while saw in| Bring on TOUT Logs and get yonr Lumber home with you. Wm. Clayton Has on Land a large stock of WOJHE1TS AND CEHDREITS BOOTS & SHOES! Also just received a large assortment of Mcns Frost Proof Felt Boots! First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of RUBBERS and OVERSHOES just received. t > , v . ' ~ - Important Notice! Tha mbaerlber boga to Inform the people of n**h*rton and aurrouadlDgeonntry. that b*ba* S mil** from Tlaabarton. and la now prepared to lurnlah bill* of any lonuth or all* of Lumbar LUMBER LATH. & SHINGLES. AI way* on hand. Blabwoorl ant to atove-lengthi on hand. Cuatom Hawing dona by the tbouaand. REASONS Wby yon ahould get yonr Lumber and Bhlnglei cut by Hpencor : * (1 ) F.rrry Saw In tbe U ill U New and the mill I* In perfect order. (S)-B*eaote h* ii a practical lawyer andkap< hi* aaw> and machinery In perfect order. (V- Beeana* h* cata all Boantllng Joloe exact- ly to the bill furniihed. <t -H* ha. put In a Lumber Edger and all boardt ar* lam* width* from on* end to the ther. () Beoanae yon rn take a load of log. to the mill and a load of Inrober home name day. () Becanae be guarantee* to cat all enitoro work In a workmanlike manner and latlafactlon guaranteed. |T> -Becauae all fawing U done at rock bottom prioat. Lumber Dtlivertd if Required. G. H. SPENCER. trt 1Mb. ISM. H ACYAR D S YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM :AN-S "WORM POWDERS. AM pleaaaa* to take. Contain their own * II a aala, rare, n i ,rr<-rti*i la < Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, KICTOIV. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Ms u. M:&c.a,&l Mi, Such as Momimcntfl, Tomb Tables, Headstones (' muter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marblo ami (tranite, and raad* on short notice. Also Mantles iu Mnrbl* and Marbleizcd Slate, Ac., Ac. ii. Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PI LLS& OINTMENT THE PILLS Pnrlfr the Hlood, correct all Ulaordara of the I^iver, Stomach* Kldn'ym, and Th*y Invigorate and r**ior* to health Debllitatorl ConrUtutioni, and ar* invaluabU In all COBB- plaint* Inolilontal to Famalea o( all ao. For Children and th aoed they are pvlodsas. THE OINTMENT I* an I nr.vlUh10 rnm<-.l v for M-ul Ijflff.1. Hsvl lUMnt H, Old Wound*, SorM and L'lrem It U fftmoii f r <init and Khriiinitttftni. For dinordern of the ( he-tt It hat no equal. ForSOKK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swelling*, tnd all 8kln Dlaoaaai It haa no rival; and for contracted aad (Ml jolnta It aota like a charm. Kanafaetnrod only at Profaaaor HOIXOWAT'I RnUhllahmaot, 7H. New Oxford Htret ( Ute 533, Oxford Mtreet ), L on don. anrlaroaoM at 1*. 1J<1 , 1 . 4 M . lit, tOf.. andSSn *arh Doi or Pot, and may b* bad of all ato*U eln* V*ndor* throughout the World. 'il<t lor* 1< >kr I*iM <n\ thr I'-.t* .m.f <MrT, Orfnrti Wrwf, Tjowtrm, ihry art If thr addrttt M nri J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, rLBBHERTON, . - ONT. New Butcher Shop in Plesh- The Well-Bred Durham Hull. " GRAY CHAMPION," Will b* for lerrlo* the eeanon of IMS at Lei Urn. lat Range West, T. A 8. Road, Artemeela, oer Fletharton. 'I i:i>IN 941.00. Payable lat January, ISSt. BOOER LEVER, ProprlH*>r. erton . Fetch A Mitchell, PROPRIETOUS. THE nndernlgned renpectfully take thla otipor- tunlty to announce to the people of Flflfth' erton and anrronndlnft ronntry, that they havs f ai i.-.l a Butcher Hhiip In th m.i ml nm t door to the Marble Work*, FLK8HRKTOK, where they will be pleanad to meet with all who faror them with ttii>lr patronage. Freeh Meat* of all Unda, and . lib. Ac In their leaaona. Reapeetfully youra, PRTCHAMITCHF-I.L. Framing and House- Joining. The) underalgned la prepared to eiecuti al orderi entrnited to him for th* erortlon of / M-.-//I .; and Frame Building*, during thnaeaaon of 1*W. All material f urn lhed \J no denired Nono lint competent workmen employed. Tho tliifacll<iii my work ha* given n tJhn pant 11 a giiarantt<r. for the future. Apply to A Mrl.K.ol) 1 n..hi ton Htalion WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DV8PEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIOESTION. FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, t \ Of THE HEART. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, THE 8TOUAOH, HEARTBURN, DRYNE8S HEADACHE, ' OF THE gKlft, And *vry ap-r laa of dlaaaa* arhlna; from ellaordarad LIVER. KIDHEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. ilLBORM 4 CO.,

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