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Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE. at ft tfco leadktf Local and family KewtpaperS In Northern Ontario. lubUsbe<l Omoa, em<ruW Street, ?1<W<m, On. TBfcWS Or 8LH8CKIPTIO5 i l'l6 per aanqtn In advanee; 150if net pull a* the end of 1} \en. No ii-i discontinued SBHilall urr*ara.u<pal<lu\>; anil nosubeeriji- (em taken for U>i tli4ii on. year, exespt when speelsl rraiijeiuvuti for shorter perloda sre mad* with the publisher. iDVBBTiaiXU KATEs, *0. Caual advertisements, 8csnts |Mr letinsertiou aae. I centi per line muli ub.nqusnt Insertion. TrausMiit l>rUk/i IU lo I |nti.l fm wbsu erderedr A'lvartisenioata without >|>cial dirsc Moil iff 11 bu Inserted Ull foi UJ and <Uaj-|ed accordingly Literal lii.liieciur utt to regular advertisers. Nelioes 41110%! toedine 1 matter, 1U cunta per Un sach inner-turn. Ho advertisemoiit discontinued until all ar- rear4i4s are paid up. Copy for advertiseuieuts should reach this offl oot jstor than noon on Tuesday to ensure nsertiou in current liue. A. R FAWCETT, Xditor and JYnpriefew. Flesherton Neat Market. Cash paid for fat Cattle and FrejiL Mati constantly on hand fr Gael). Ordert promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP F^ESHERTON. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Kepairlng, F.ajretroughing.and ID fa. I every tliiiiK in tli busineo will receive my prompt and careful attention it reasonable prices Stoves & Eolnm is Sloe.. ^CLAYTON'S ii A KM;SS SHOP i FLESHERTON, It tht plact to yet tjmir Harnttt Collari, d-e, madt tip in good ttylr. Shop ui H". Clayton' I Boot A SfW rffor, FltArrtt*. EUGENIA Grist Mill, m ui Lit. II. Hiving made eiteniire improvementi In BIT Grist Mill, I m confident I can givego/l iatifactin. CHOPPIXQ J)ON ANY DAT. <i *>d Floor slwayi on band. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath alwajg on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS, M. AKITT, hnnk of 1 no p oi. bMtbooklbran con- It contains 1 11.1 1. oi nrwKiiiijirrfliuidfillinatee <iflli.'eo!.tf nm.-iii'i . 'I IK- ml vi i liter WM wsnla lo M ti'l one 'l.-lmr. rtn.ln in Ittlio In- fiirin-it.i ill* . while fotrrtlB) wno will tnvit m li.iii'l- I i:i>.'i-uul Dollars In ml- votlU 11*. fi -i iifiin-iH i.i.hiMt.'il wlilrli will tnni-ii.i-' ; n nirot. or oem M *: I,t4v ii nrrirnl at tijf COT- raff" - 1'iiv IM-.MI Isam 1 .!. Snot. p. . iiiMrv". '! l"oenl. Vr|i. |r. 1. 1., i I'. KOWU.l. * '<>, MiW^I'M'H! ' !>\ KHTMNi. ItrifV.M. um -;.| H :i\,i! iliiunr sq i. NvwYork. Tffe ftClEBRATCD pn ,vVj)? CHASES J LIVER CURE HAVE YOU anlc.ruin reiwdy. .rrv NATURE'S REMEDY BOO.OOOSOLD flfinl totry Ika f Jr. lilt"' rtmiJj SosUTHiNO Htw. Cnrr.** Wrapped smumi r,- botth- of Hi r ,.,-, Cur. b a HoBKhotd Mr.licni l.uide nd Kec.p. Book (M Pl")p containing owr ton o nonoumed T,y medio.1 men 4m! .IniggitU a inv* v l. nd worth ln tin*, the price ef > sMSeBSe. .,m CMMM CATAWH CUM. A <e .nd poUu rimedy. I'rKe. tl cent*. SOLO BY AU DEALER* '? IN A I4.1H) >I1B. r. -I..FC tlr.p. KM.i I. lr I brlr lli.rui |>r> | I ta.H llilun MM u..i A lire. WILKBBIUIIII, Pa., Deo. The water 10 tbe Butqunbanna litver at N*uiiocke broke throigh tbe Oferwoikingi of N j. 1 jie of the Boiqaebanija Goal Company thi> morniDg Tbe alarm wa* at oooa lent tbrongb tbe workiQKi, aod (be men humid to the month of tbe elope and esoapcd. A number ol Hungarian minere are tuiioicg. A later deipateb iaj : Tbe dUaeter le more appalling tbn wai at flretantiolpatcd. Tba theory that ibe water broke tbroaxb tbe bed ol tbe river bki been diipelled by tbe faot that tbe place wbeoc* tbe water oame ii over 4 000 (eel from tbd Barque- hauuu. In traoing Ibe water it waa dii- covered thtt it flowed from a pool on tbe or face in vbioh il bae collected from tome epriugi tear by. Tbe water bad then followed tbe rock to a faoll in Ibe atau, wLiob waH tbe firat on'lat lor it. 11 then ran into the gangway add tlnpe*, and ibeuoe into Ibe Itwer rorkiog of N 1. 1 dope. Wbeu the water wae dit covered rnehing Into ihe ilopei there were tearly 1,000 men and boe at wotk tu tbe TUIOOI openiOf{e, but al the prticu!r ipot where toe water hret appeared tbtre were not ivtr tbirty perioci at work itt tbe time. II ii repotted that tbere are now aboul twenty men ia tbe face of ece ot the gap^waye, who are ebal in by water a-. J rabbiib thai lave accumulated in the weet gangway of Ibe eteond lilt cf tbe Roae team. It 11 im- poeeible to lay wbkt tbeir fate will be. A reteaioii party are now (olio WICK tbi faoe of tbe chamber! ot that part of tbe gang- way, wbieb 14 filled with water aod rob- nab, with bopee ot reeooiog tbe men dor- ag ibe nigbl. Tbe cf&aiali lay tbere ii DO daLgerof Ibe men aufferiDfe Kit plenty of air from tbe faeet cif the aba m ben tbat are not filled. Tke pnmpe will be pal into opeiatioo tbii evt-uin*. They bare a eapaoity ot temoving 3 000 looi of water per minute, and il te txpcoted tbe mine will be clear by Monday otxl. Old minere are ol opinion thai tbe mrn who are ibnl op will be rescued alive. Later. Al 10 o'oloek tbin evening it ii telieved that tbere are no leie tben SO men altogether in tke elope, but LO namco oau be givtn. Tbe oompioy are mtkiug ! f ery poeeible t ffort loreaebtbeimpriaonea aen. Tbe pump* are now t work aid new cuee are fci iag rapidly pal op. Another brae tf men nave been eenl down tbe air Lad, who will tiidt avor to oat Ihroogb to be epol wbere Ibe imprieoned men are believed to be. Tbti work will be kept op antil tbe fate ot tbe men ie kaowo. Il.SO p m. The water bae tubeldcd and a large foroe ct men are al work removing be qniokjiand that blooki tbe gangwaye. fbe reioatDg party are now within forty feel of Ibe men, and there are ilrong boree of eaohirg them in lime to aave tbeir livee. rbedanjage lo tbe mine will be eKteoaive. A VIL.B tie ti. i i.i ippord flurdrr ) faaillT Buraf <l IB Ike K.l. ol ihrlr ll.. A laet (Tbonda>) Ligbl'e Detroit leeptteb eaye: Tbe ore tragedy in tbe uburo* of tbii city, by whicb Frank \uccb, bu wife and two children loel their ITOI ycelerday morning, now provre to lave beeu a murder of the meet appalling character. A poil-mortem on the rrmaiue aa beld tbie afternoon, tbe b '!> of Fiat k lucob being titat tzaiuioed. Tbe ftreparl ,f the nkuli bad been burned away, bui the iraju remaiLod intact, and lodged nrmly within it wae a n calibre ballet, badly mie ibaped. Tie blood about tbe braiu wae eoagolated, nhowing tbat death bed taken plaoe acme time before bit body wae burned. Tee bead ot Mre. Kcoeh wae neil eiamioed, aod a tallet found ia her brain. Tbere wae no hemorrhage, and death mtul have occurred bat a moment icfcre her body wai eoneumed in tbe d*mee. Tbe bodle* of the ehi.dren ebcwed DO ballet marke. Dr. Owen, who conducted be eiaminatioD, wai poeilive, from tbe oouric the ballet tcok in Kooeb'e braio, tbat Ihe pietol waa LeU iu tie biLd of tome pereon otber than himaelf. A hired man known ae " Aleak," rtoiotly die- charted by Koceb, wae teen al Koorie eiteiday. wbere be entertained eome ilracge oompaniooe at a ealoon. In tbe connect friqueot libatione " Aleck ' dii- la>ed a Urge roll ol bill*, and hie appear- tree created to(ioion. Il wae kcown in Sourer, where Koooh had rtUtivee and many acqaaiotaucea and friende. tbat thie man " Aleck," wbo.-e other name la n 1 to be U ,ucr, bad wcrked lor K'jcob, and mnet be aoqaaioted with tbe babil tbe atter bad ol keeping money in tbe be uie. Ae eoon ai tbe reealt cf Ibe poet- mortem lamination wai known the aatbotitiee were notified, aod cfflaere went to work. .luutcr will uudonbtedly be appribeuded on eoipieton pending the folleel cffiiial nqoiiy. A !{/ M O I II I II I. rirr I* lit r II .u.r <l II H ti I or ,1 lo D.-..I. Wllh r .. An Olympia, W. T., despatch says ; At Long 1'raine, sight miles from hers, Mrs. Hicer, a relative of David Cbamberi, wbo laa for eome tim* manifested symptoms of neanity, lait nigbt sa.ureted psperi witb coal oil and distributed tbem aronbd tbe loose, telling ber ohildrei that sbe wae wetting tbem witb water. Early Ibis morning sbe made tbe remark tbat sbe wai kbont to kill tbe whole family, and ber lusbend, fearing ebs was about to attempt lie life, tried to pal ber out of tbe room, ml on opening tbe door discovered tbat tbe looss wae in fltmss. Beaching tbe front loor witb one of bis children, be foand it oeked and tbe key removed. Be tben ran >o tbs back door and found il nailed op. finally bs and bin little daughter succeeded n escaping through a wiudow.bul were both jedly burned. Tbe OLf ruuate woman ind her remaining four children were named to death. 1 ! Ho. i. 101 II . Ulvr*. Mr. John Bey, of Eael Baginaw, Mich , writes tbe Bee Journal : I have obtained only ball a crop, or tbirty -three pounds per colony, tbia letaon. I started laet ipriDg with twenty -five oolpniei, increased tbem to seventy-three daring the uaenn and obtained eleven bandied pounds ol extracted honey. I have eold five ooloniae, which leaven me eiity-eigbl ; tbeee I have packed in planer ebavinge on Ibe rammer itande. I contracted Ibe moet of my colonies down lo eeven and ome to nx Langs troth (ramd, and filled in tbe epaoe and over Ibe brood-framie with ebavioge. My oolomeH are strong in been, and I left them thirty poonde of hooey per colony to winter on, the moet of wbiob i* while clover honey. Tbe put eammer I pat tin roofe on my hiree, and gave them two coats of paint, whioh makes a good roof, and ooeta only 18 eente per hive. I loel two ooloniee lait winter just on aooount ol leaky roofe, and for tbe value ot those two colonies I could have roofed one hundred hivee. I one Ibe looting tin 20 i'Jr) Inoben, and il ii jaet Ibe else for tae ton frame Langilroth hive. I also uie books for Ibe covers of ever* one ol my hives. To tauten and unfasten them is bat tbe work of a moment, and less trouble than handling a large stone. My hives stand in tbe open air all Ihe year round, ezoept in midsummer, when I shade them with a large board, a la Ueddon ; for Ibe tin roof draws too much heal from tbe ton. They tell of a conductor in Osorgia who has worn all tbe hair off the tides of hie head by lilting hie bat wben be asks lady passengers for tbeir tiekets. From a single aere you eau gathsr 1,000 bunbelH of prime oyiters, if yoa have the awe In tbe right place. This beats wbeat railing by a luge majority. TUB i|i- KIN OP miori.inum. I Veil WM*ei !* t 4.o.u ! KTcrT l.lur ! I rur found Iu Her (Boetoc Uespateh.) A few weks ago a woman of attractive appearance, who n*id ber name was Mrs. Hoiitfc, hired two rooms in the dwelling bouse of Fred Meldl on Coortland street Everett, about three ai'ee from tbo bust neee centre ot Boston. She occupied Ihe roonae regularly until November 3rd, beinj absent during ihe day, but alwaye return ing at eight. Nothing peculiar about hei conduct wae noticed by Ihe other occupants of tbe bcoee except that she seemed te be making exteneive purchases, as she always oime borne loaded with parcels. Her room remained as sbs had left i) until a few days ago, when Mr. Maldl, desirous to move wiihed to have tbe room vacated. Tbe only explanation < f bis tenant n abeeuee ws the receipt of tbe followiDgJelier : M. TsIKT. A liumtmm .nerrhauai Aista iht llus. MALUT, Mri. Bmltb did out have tltue to couiB and tell you how >L wai |U!D( uv r to br old fnuuil'ij LUUBB to .top a fttw weekn, lor in fact tu 'til not kituw at the time tbat sbe wouM be KODB more tttui a few she geaerally dua. Hut Mrs. Tliurodika waa very huiy nolliug roa.'y to gu to New York oo aume buaiottM, aod wim vury aniiuutohaTMrK Swithgu with her, and if .Le d.jtti >|M mar >> Koae quit* a loug tlmu. Mlie bai probably wrltMu you Leriulf, but If abo bai not ttie will err :amly do so tx tore aba itota to New Vptk. bbu called over tu a*e m* 011 btr wav f rota eotue shopplog au<l gavo m b. r aJdro*., to Uiat If auvtbiug bappaned 1 aboQl I koow wbjn either tu BuJ you or Mreeyeju. 1 am tbe enlv relative abe baa got liviug now 1 . aa<l am the ouly one tbai ib woul I be to sand au;wtior U) RITO uy direcliou. v<j iu any oaaa. Hop eaae do Dot feel aunou. or worried in ide Ie4<t. JANE i: ' Mr. Uaidl al length notified tbe loo*U authorities tbat they matt take ebarge of Mrs. Bomb's i fleets as abacdonet properly. Tie Kveretl officers rcqaeeted Chief Wade, of the Slat* polio*, to take charge of vb gocda aid to make search for Ibe owner. Ditcolives Bbodes and Moore went to the premises and were astonished to nod a ato:k ot goods covering a wider range in variety Uuan was probably ever o.>Ueata under one roof. Il wae apparent tbal tbe goode comprised the booty of one or more skilful thieves, and ths cffiaora decided to take tbi property to Haston for identiOaa- lion. A description of ibe wjman wttu had oceaplsd Ibe room was obtained from the other tenants, and on investiga- tion tbi police de< i led tbal ebe most be a woman wbo was tautsaead for ihoplif tiug a monlb ego. Tbe picture of the shop- lifter wai obtained from Chief Uansoom's inea' gallery acd it wai identified by the Everett people. Tbere are goods in bsr rooms in all tbe following lines : Jewellery, including a dczin diamond, ruby, amethyst and otber riage, gold chains, lockets and pins eel wilb precious stones ; pnrsei containing from 9:10 to 140 in money ; boots and shoes, forty or fifty pairs ot all descriptions ; a great quantity of cat glass and ebloa ware and ornaments ; to)s in an immense variety , druggists' goods, from a tig bundle of liquorice and lot ot perfumery to a fine collection of surgeons' knives ; dry goods, including a large acd valuable collection of laces, silks, vslvets, latins, dress goods in entire piece*, and an immense quantity of bottom ; a great quantity of hardware and tinware, including balobaie, clothes lines, fifty or mors tin |>lalee, about two hundred ioor kfjs and tin pint ; fancy goods and kaiokv koaoks in variety, from stereoscopes to Noah's arks. Tbe collec- tion comprises thousands of artielse cf small bulk in every line of trade, aod filled two wagKoni to thsir utmost capacity. Jane Weldon, tbs thief wko man- aged to carry away Ibil maae of goods without defection, ie a genuine klepto maniac. No otber explanation can be given for tbe theft of ball tbe itcfl In tbe Mlleotion. Il bai no poeeible value in Ibe bands ol dishonest holders, and even al fublia suction il would be diiiiialt lo gel a bid for many of tbe articles. Tbe woman bai a notorious record for work of this aorl iu New Yoik and elsewhere, and baa several aliatsr. In addition to tbe articles named tbere were found batik books, shares of railroad stock, and otber securities amounting to a oojtidtrabls earn in ber ustne. Bae ii a we mac ol attractive afpearince, and about 35 years old. borne detectives wbo bavu followed ber career believe an inane asylum would be a more apijrof riate place for bir confinement tben a penal mentation. Tbe woman is tbe wife of Frank Weld >n. In 1876 sbe wae arrested In Chelsea on picion of being concerned in the abduo tion of I'nailey Hoes. In 1B78 .ho was arrcated for shoplifting, and seuteaced to ibree ysare in tbe reformatory priion. At Ibat tine tl 400 worth ot stolen goods vert- fcuod in ber room on Piea-ul street. Ob May lOih, 1889, she was again arrested for shoplifting, aud sentenced to two years in the reformatory prison. *u i i m i i i ... - - N j ; 1 ome fromLjudcn." Tnie infor- mation wa tallowed uj' by : "Oi why, yet ; yon are Mr. Jones, ol London." " No ; my name i Ocyer John Cryer." 11 1 beg ycur p.rjon. I 3ce I bave made a mistake. I took you for another man, ' aid Pale, as be exeused bimsc.ll aad weot to carry out Ibe oft repeated programme, ol potting bis " pal," wbom *>* aeicl to make the etoquaintanee of tbe oot-of-toero merohaul. The second banco man met Mr. Cryer near tbe City Ball Park and ibas greeted him : ' Hello, Cryer, ie that sou? {Jlad to meet yoa.' "Glad to tnoef bat wLtf sr* yon?' Lquired the uitrobaut Why, I aa a friend, of r. i.ylor in L->b Ion," 1 1 know Mr. Taylor well." 'Ofeeafee; I know y/oi welli weald roarnind taking a parcel to bun when you ,obomeT' Tbe merchant said be would M very willing to obiifa hie old /head. t'be eoDfiieoee man then led him to wner ie bad the package, a den in a itreel t ft Irjadway joel where, ttoe msrabanl ie unable now M tell. Ae tbsy entered Uie lunoo-sbop two men were eugaged playing lards i the meiobact's .alleged friecd lat town and took a band at tbe cirde and woo. Tbe mirahaoi wai aiked take a hand, bat declined, as he utvet bet cor played ouda. The man who wai beaten m tbe game Irew oat a 110 bill and aiked for cbaoge . ihe merchant's friend aiked tbe me rchsnt f he would oblige with change. B> iug be * -old, ibe luau in furs took out a rou of )M, and as he wasextraeliag two lo bill* bis friend snatched the nil and ran oat with it. He got ap from his seal lo follow ihs Ibiet when a man rushed in front of htm -ay ILK : " I am a reporter. What ie tbie ; bow ulbis? Te.'l me all about il," thus delay - Lg Mr. Cryer five mianUM, during whioa iiuo tbe confidence thief bad eeceped. Mr. >|er started for bis hotel to think over' his c xperienoe. After diocer he elarted aland walked up Broadway. Hemelbie a ret acquaintance, Qrattd Genual l\:,,' and ceased bie arrest. Mr. was) asked it Pete was the man wbo stole bie money. H laid no, bat t (e WM ibe one bat got bi family kiutory out of him Aa , here wsje oo'svideceo against the prisoner ' bat he > lock part in ibe- robbery be wewi luebarged. - Fete nave Uuuaeueae i,if t LI\LV, but he it alto kncwn as I'ter L>tke. .,^ Uhl.h < ml l. n.i r < ..Mb. llliHl II. A Now York despatch eayi : A number ol dealere in eggs and produce in Patereou were called oo, on Saturday last, Oy a man repreeentiBg himself aa Oarrett Oodrr- donk, of Roekland eooniy, Mew York. He eold each of Ihs dealers a lot of ' fresb country eggs " at a remarkably low figure Tbe eege w*re delivered by aootber mu, to wbom tbe dealere refused payment. Yesterday Onderdenkoalled for his money, but WM arreeted under an act probinltinu the eale of adulterated food. He Wft fined 150 and costs. Tbe eggs were artificial, and were manufactured by a firm in Newark. Tbe sbelli were made ot a clear, transparent composition, and tbe shspt wae perfectly modeled. Tbe portion snr rounding tbe ywlk was made of albutnet and tbe yolk lUelf of ground carrot and seff ron. Tbe eggs were teiled and found to scramble well, and in an omelet the r. waa no perceptible difference between tb. real and artificial egg', but wben boiled Iboy are easily detected, aa the yolk ano surrounding white portico do not wrdei. separately, ae in real eggs. S-.urorr in. Tliir.l<T< .1 ky Hnrmr.r. A Lindon oable bays : Eleven Europeans who were working for Ibe Bombay Bormab Trading Company, employed in Cnindwin forest, on learning of Ibe rapture between tbe Burmese and Indian Govern menti, tried to reach Manipoor On tbe Mib of November they were overtaken an murdered by Bnrmeee troops in a iteamer MongioK to Ihe King, and commanded by a palace official named Tbacdbawmounn II i* alleged Tynedab, tbe Burmese Primi llmiiler, wae implicated in the massacre Tne inhabitants of Rtngoon are Indignant It Tytirdah being allowed to retain hi- otflae. Tbandbawmoang, after tbe murder ritumcd to Maudalav, whir* be oiroulatei 1 I report of bis own deatb. His arrest bar ool yet been attempted by tbe British authorities. _ 'Ion. 1 In I .. . Elijah Abram, an Indian, wae split. u up a tree for rails near Frome, Elgi county, wben ceventeen pieces ol oopp and silver coin fell out, worth 110 or 112 These coins were concealed in an inch aod a quarter anger bole, over which toe tree had grown in tbioknese about lour inches On the oottide DO traces of tbe bole oonU bi Been. From the growth of the tree since I tbe boring ot the bole it is lapposed that the 1 coins were pat in there not later than 1812 U.r. SB*B*e1. Will red Uaweon, a young man, whoee father keeps a hotel In tbe township 9 Oloncester, was arraigned before Mr K >ohon, 3 P., al Ottawa jeew/rdav lot the tbefl of 8-iv"i from Mr. Dogald Maoaestsr M P. The alleged tbefl is laid to hare taken plaoe on December 10th. Detective O'Neill bai* charge of Ihe caee for tbe proee outton. Tbe prisoner was remanded noli DfXl luejidar , bail being ntuitd. Tbe Hew Yet* World of icetertay s>ye : " UriL.d C.'Utral I'.l*. tbe ten: klowa buuoo tuna iu th oity since liuu^ry Jou'e enaviotiotj, was a pmonet at J, flerion Market yeeterwey for hdrnlgiog m tbe old game. A country merchant wbom " Pete " bad graonfuily " steered " into a bnuoo den wae in court to see that julioa *a done and to gel back if pceaible I "J wliioh bebadlokl. Tbe eoontryraan, Mr. J,Le Cryer, dressed la a beavr, fur-triniuiei overcoat, came from L.'ndoo, Oul.< u< stopped al ibe Attor House. He waa falka ing past tbe Poel-offloe ytsterday whin be wss aoooaled by " Pete t" "Yoa come from Canada, don't yau ';" " I did," answsred Ibe merchant, ,oat* "From MOL trial ?" ventured the mr*)n I... Tuo Marquis pf Lnb:au has bteo ekcKd I'reeideut of Ibe rkdeiy of Auli [uiriei ot Bootlaod. Al tbe mceticg of tbe Grand Lodge oe be SOvb alt Sir A. Catritibiil. it Ulythe 1 wood, was re fleeted Orsnd Master Mteon of Boutlani!. Tbe shipbuilding trade on tbe Clyde is radually icapr viug Tbe veeeeb) oo baz.d number 72 with a grors estimated ConusKe ol 110 000. The Deaepca' Court of Iflwicgloo Krre bniob, Eiinburgb, have adopted a reeolo- ion to erect in the lobby cf tbe churcu a ' memorial to tbe meu.ory ot Ibeir late l ilcemed paitor, Ke v Dr. Begg. At Ihe Eiinburgb High 0>urt of Ju-<i- ary, oo the 10 b nil., It -b ri Donald, i-otenant in Ibe Cj*dl f eeej Yolujtr>rsi, leaded guilty to embtrz'ing over ill'.' wloDgicg to tbe oerpe, and wae sentenced o twelve month*' imprisonment. Among Ihe remain* disturbed ay tbe i-vtons now sjoing on iu coonsolloo rub the restoration of the Weil Cburoh, Btirling. are tboee ol Ihe He* John Hum. I, be fauttu- 1 muusler of KilmarDook, cele- brated in Uurns' "Holy Fair." Lewis iluuro and Peler Moian, ycuag men, were on tbe 28lb all. In G.rau engaged in afrieudly sparring match with glovee, when Munro fell and became luren- -ible. He continued in tbii ettts till tbe rb inst., wben bs died. Moran u in cue- tcdy. Al Inverneis Free Prtibylery, on tbe Let i ust., Bev. Dr. Black laid ndliug at oasars wae diahonoriog Uod, white Ibe Biv. M/. M I'avnh considered tbal toe dea ot gambling for tbe eaose of (j A was euongb to make any Cbrutiaa aian thrill 'rom bead to fool. Urn Apple ll< i lor Trasvpe. Tramps wbo are fond of a Dice spple night to find life worth living over in New season, lo tbe opinion of Ibe Nw York TViouv. From all ildeu oimee Ibe statement with lrnlworthy vooobari that tbe srple crop dowo Baal ii unnceaa. sarily large so large tbat unless ihs brotberbood of tramps nobly come lo ten r stone a considerable portion o( it mail go , to waste. In some parts olCJoneotioulsUi* farmers bavs not attempted to gatbir all ibe applei that are coming to them, and tbe information comes tbat in sod around Waterbury " everybody baa lived npon pplse, applen raw, applet baked, in-i" ile wed, apples coddled and apple pies.' Il u evident tbal this is tbe trauip'e golden opportunity. Applss are healthy aud icurinblDg, and New England raises tbi ilnoeiouian cry, come over aod help n< eat them. Tbe eyes ot tbe country ire on ibe tramp, and Ibe general feeling ii tbal be will respond to tbe beet expeeietione. l-rlll). nrt Whllr TvUl III. li.r.i .. Philip Laird, a reipeotedaadw*U-know farmer living Ibree miles from Bnrfori). fell dead ou the street in Burford about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lird ha I jasl returned from Brantford wilb bit wife, and slipped al s store to mako lome (inrohasei. While Ijiug bie ho/see he full down dead, nis miltlcn rTtntb i. alert- hated to appoplsxy. Tbe deocated wae a brother ot tbe Rev. W. D. Laird, of Wood- stock, late of Toronto. A Buffalo woman bae the eoviai>le dii- tinction ot being tbe only American lady who was ever tijpalod on a deer's aatUn and escaped alive. Bbe was saved by tbe mtgniinde and reliability ot ber bustle. Hat tbe stag wae killed before be could disentangle bitusftlf. Oeyer, Wagner's ilepfathor wen ltd to lintel; but the , makavouDgWegner a i, , was veil ewsjjtv say*: ] I hii Itarucd t say*: I hii Itarucd to 1-reeiu.W-itelllsakeil krani (Freisobn't). which WM Ibsn . n*w. 1 he day before bis death (Sept. 3Q, 1.- Jl| I bad to play these to Oiyer in ao admitting loom, aad I ktird Wru fsiiitlj saying to my mother, ' >4 you think bi might bavs a gill (ot mueie 2' " Al tbi age of U Wagner eeorsllf began to write) a <rand tragedy. It was made op of " Uaea, let" and " Lear," forty tw6 Dim iVeJ. *, \ some of them bad to return u gboita lo keep tbe fiflb act going. A tramp, wben arrested, gate bil reii- decoe, M " all over. ' U 1 ulntonn-H Latit Deulitratlou on th Hobeuue* URANGtMEH WILL FI6HI A.AINSF IT. A London eable lays : Iks excitement throughout Great liritaiu on tbe subject cf Uome Role for Ireland continues without ubatemenl. Newspapers of all shades of opiniou and polilias are argiug Mr. Glad- stooe to speak df finitely in regard to bl* plabi. Tbe late Premier, in response to a telegram asm yesterday aeking bim for information with reference to tee Iriib Uome Role eebeme, wbieb it is reports J,he bae bjad uuder considera'ioo for sotLe timr, replied, w fellow* :->F*om my pnblie declaration!) at Kiiubirxb resi.eelirn; tfae govirnment of Ireland, you will see tbat I bave LO farther o^mmanioation lo make." tl will be remembered tbal in Ibe speech referred to by Mr. Ulad.toae, which be de- livered on November 17lb, be laid iu sfltol, la reply to Mr kartell's i-ut'i<eeliou to give looilsclf-fcoverutueul lo Ireland, tLat wben be learLs through a ooLstiiutional c wbal tbe wishes of Ireland are he will give tbem attentive consideration, km that he cannot gain this knowledge uutil tbe new Parliament meet*. Mr. George J. Ooseben, who belocgi to (be Whig branob ot tbe Liberal party, tele- gr ajhed, in aus war to an iLo,uiry today, tbal be maintained hie hitherto *ipretied o.-uviolloni again.! Irtib Home Kile, acd tbal be eoold not ecmmsnt on any eebtma of tbal nators oatil such iobme bid been fully declared. Tbd Merqtrii of ilarlington. who Wka Beerttary ot War in Mr. Gladstone e Gabi Let, declares tbat be bas not approved of Ibe icbeme, as bas been intimated. Mr. Macartney (Ooneervaiive) declare* tbal Ibe adoption ol any form of Home Kali would bean indirect violation ot tbe cjLitirutioa, onder tbe provisions of which thousands of Kuclishmen and b wtcbmeo bavs invested money in Ireland. To Kraut Ireland savs, would be to betray Ibe minority in Ireland, and tbe people would be beld rerp.unble 'ur the oouaeuaecoH. Mr. John O'Connor Power (Nelicualui) m an interview to-day, approved ol tbe icbeme, wkiab, be said, wae a fair cue, aud was based on Ibe icbeme of Mr. liaao Ball, a former Iriib leader. Mr. Power did not, however, apt>tove of it. n [ i tion llial tbe Crown, ae a gotrai.tee, sbooli have tke right to Dominate a por- tion ot tfae members of Ibe Irish Parlia- ment. Tbat proposition be obaraoteriud as loo absurd far settooe consideration. Ue added ibat Mr. ParneU'e eacdid accept- ance ot tbe scheme would be ntosasery in order to justify tbe Government iu intro- ducing iiccb a measure. Ao immeaes Loyalist demonstration waa beld al Arrcaub to-day. Several addressee wen mads by promiuec. Loyaliats. Tbe gathering wai ebaractertJid by eorce very iipreseions in orpusniin to lc<_- lioiuc Kjle doolriuo, aad Ibe meeting edonlsd a terns ot resolutions exireisive of its belief Ibal resort to Homo Italo prto- ciples would bl certain, sooner or l.ter, to eventuate iu actual civi' war, su 1 tihcrl itiK Ibe Loyalul parly to go to tin utmost lecgtb in resisting Ibe ifijtu if Ibe lloeue Role advocates. Tbe resolutions also eommendid tbs Loyalists i.. Ireland |j Ibe lull and deserved syiupalcy of all Proteetaate taroogkoot tbsBiitisb kmndom. Tbe speakers wsre ball and Itfleol in declaring their views on tbe eeuiing poUtieal situation, and mire tbau oue tf them boasted wilb a degree if earn- e.itoess iBal arooaed repsaeed eheem from the listeners, tbat tbe Loyalist party in Irelsnd tfas ready to meet whatever issoe migbl be preeented. " Ibe L'.ster Oratgs men are ready to eome to tbe front," said one ot tbi speakers, amid great aprlaate, " at-d wben ibsir services are wtit<4 :ity ibjootand uteu can readily betutiulolbe ftxild for active service In ittacai of Ibe O.UM of loyally to the Government." Paruell bae axaiu mysterioutly disap- peared, just as be did on Ibe eve of he enforcement of tbe Coercion Aet. Evan bie tearrst colleagues do not k :ow where leis.or-weattskasaddrese A Louulu* eable says : Tbs cpiniotii ot tbe various leaders bavd bte:. - u^til on tbe'iubJfCt of lt>e Irish Uom" Rue|ru- poeal, whicb has oau*d a Kreat eu*auou in political circles. Tbe Pall UM If ;::( bavicg alleged thai Erl H^quoer bad aoquiesoed iu tbe scheme. K*rl rtpcr.cer telegrapbe, " No scheme if Home Kile bas rtodivcd my approval." Mr CiuM.- f tele- graphs that be bae no knowksdce wbmltvir of Mr. Gladstone's alleged \t"; -jraU. Hir Cbarlee Dilke says it is prem.tnrs to die. cosslbe lubjtol. Mr. BesUysaysbe can- not express an opinion on the suljsci before bis parly tueele. Mr. OCoouor dv- olarss Ibat Ireland will not be satiincd witb lees than Canada enjoys, and will not contribute to tbs Britten rxohiqaer. Msyor Sullivan, of Dablin, sayk : "I cannot understand bow any assembly can save wbal landlords oall tbeir inter eels. Tbey willpert.h by tbe inexorable law of nature. Tbe minority creed of polities twee safetn Ireland 11 iu England. Lrs Home Bule will be more certain to work iaiitael ,nly to both parties." Cbambaileuu tayi tbal it Parnell ibculd approisoh the Liei-ral puiy In areaeonable and considerate ep;rit, ibey would fairly and impartially examine any prori'jual bo might make, aod adopt them if they sgreed with Gladstone's ptiao pie-, i . .rf Jruville bwin eekej I.M oclnlou ou tbe fccoried llotiis Rule roheme, said : Mr. Oladet'Uejs menace iu reg ard ao UlK- . <f .Hf k itlOC.1 II BLlLCULl ', II ia nseWasiTor myself to lay trnre." CBamberlain, speaking al U.rmiugtiam to-nigbl, claimed tbat Ibe bulk of ibe Lib eral members ot tbe Bo%se Ot Cnuoyusi were Uadiaal', aud tbal tbefuturepolu) of tbe party would therejrre be a BiSKaJ policy. He doubted whether it would be wise for tbe Liberate to aeospl cffioa ut-ti the Tories, bad druuk to Ite dregs tbe cop ul humiliation. Be confirmed the itateaent made in these despatches of Saturday laet and said tbat Ibe Parnellitei were uakinit overturee, not Mr. Gladstone. Tbe speaker warned ParnsUilei, Whi k i an tiadioals equally to maintain Ihe ittegrit of Ibe Km, ire. Tbe UoiMd States O ov ernnetil. be laid, pturrd cat blaxd aui treasure like water, and fought aod won Ihe greatest contest of modtrn times to preserve auio* U Ktiglisha.en rstameO be courage acd stubborn determinant: i wh.ob were Ibe ato.enl obaraetsrielios of tbe reoe, aad botb of wbieb were eo eon pieuonily di-plsyed in the American Mruggle, tbey wtrsid rot allow lemptalioc nut tfert-sta to sucks thsir resolve Iu inaiu- tain Unimpaired aa effective uuion M tbe tbres kingdoms. A London special sayi I'arn* 11 has woo. Yenlrrday'e newe removes ti c U-t deubl tbal Gladstone will concede llau e Rule of K sweeting kind. Of oooree, the details of tbi eventual compromise are onknown . but il Is believed Ibat beyond itipuUucg for tree trade and Meeting Ruaranieie ot protection for tbe loyal miocrity 1 . Inland, e very ttiiag will be yielded to Van. ell. A> tbi Otadstoee prarramrus is outlired il oontaini a proviso Ibal Irelsnd shalloon ikiue te send members to Wesin.iu.ter. but it is likely tbal be will give way on tbi* ixmil, as tbs Irish do not wi'b Imperial rtpiesieaiatiac. Tbere wiU ee a Dublin I'ar liatnetjt, evpssoe >tver Irish affaire, over police, taxation, oonrtt, and all internal rustlers. This muob scans certain ; bat bow il will bs broagbl about is doubtful. ire is no question ot Oledstoce's carry the great bulk ol Liberals ene, and Ibe Liberal psperi are rapidly vaulting to the Home Kule IdsLAnl w buttier II will be doue while tbe LttMmlt are to opposition or after Ibeir return to power it is not seen. Lord Hsliabury has it in bbj power to dissolve Parliament befort tbe tblfif il done, and II Ii qalte likely thai he will do this, going tn the oououy on a strsuuoM anti-Irish cry. Tbrre is immense excitement to London over Ibe news, and a despatch from Dublin kye tbe public i< intensely enlhtuiasMC, Tlie Dabun trrtmm'i /evmeW lays: II u r an itahle ' r K. ulaud to require a guar- antee for tfae protection of tbe landlord s IrgitiiLate mtsrtsie. The awel hopeful sebeme ie for Ihe Irish Parliament to par. obaae Ike land, repaying England by eni.aitv, Eogla: d to apportion the parohaM money and Ireland to deal wiab tbe tenants. Failure to pay tts annuity to Ihe Imperial Exchequer wonld virtually imperil Ireland's indepen- dei.ce. Therefore, it u imperative to encourage Irish industries, which Eualisb legislation and unfair competition by Eug- Ush eapilalisli have destroyed ; but we are willing 10 restrict tbe power of protection Iu crder to mure England that oar pur- pose ii oat a hostile one. We wiab Mr. Gladstone itodspwd. We beseech Iritbmen to remembeNbts diffloulliei aod to be pre- pared i" eoepl a ra>obable eomproniue on our extreiEs rights, if a saenflee of our principal ruble be not involved. ' Tbe foregoing artie's wae Inspired by 1'aruell b Sfamrfurd (Tor>) deplore. Uladslones political prcfliKaey. Tbe Honing Poit ( Cor)) prediete a civil war. e>w A wtM aeTst T. Ten. 'iH.cs BORSS 4xcin:as In William a eampaign in Ireland in 16>< s certain Capl. iiyerly was well carried by an entire Turkuh ebarger. wbo. wben tbe war wa ever, rxoircs tbe first ia cbrono- logical older ot tbs tares euitro sires to wbom every thoroughbred on tbe turf trace, back iu origin in Ibe direct male line. Ibe moil famous of hi. descendants iu recent time e have been Wild Llayrell, Ihe K.yintf Dj-^h-nan. Buccaneer aod Kirber. (Jjeen Aoce aid her consort, PriLoe George ot Denmark, tbe phlema- tie "cstil possible?" of tbi revolauon, were well mated in tbur Icve for horse* , tbe Qaeen. we are told by eiwiti, drove like a Jehu. Bbe won a plate u York two days before .he died. la her r*ign, cr josl before ii, Ibs D.rUy Arabian ; wae implied, a horse who, tbrcu^b bie great great grandson. Ibe illu . lipn-, was tbe ancestor ol most ot tke raoiug stcok in aglaod. He wae the airs ot Flying Cbilders, wbo wae tbe bero borse of the eighteenth century, until Ol. O'Kelley'e Ellipse sonebed the fiosjiish lacguane wilb a uew provirb. Ia or iboat 1'i'j tbe G)ldolphin Barbie laid lo bavs left tbe shafts of a earl in Paris to teeoms famous in story ae tbe third and set of Ihe three eastern sires rsfsrred to. 9ie descendants In tbs direct male line, laye Cooul Lebndorff, are now IB danger of dying cut in K.,glaud, beicg here repre- sec ted by tbe Melbourne family only. Melbcorne's only great ton, Weet Aaslra- lau, was sold into i' races, and ttsre tbe moel locors-ful stallion of tbe family, bie son Ray Bias, is located. Oa tbs otbtr >a~d, as LebndotrT remarks, ae sire kae begotten dauhter. superior to Melbourne >, wtetber es prfnrmsrs OD tbe turf cr se irood mares. - <JujrtT'y Rrrifw awMM erlee.lf WeeiBsrsl A la.t ilaund>j nigbt'e 'Kiuefrtoo says: La>t 1.14*1 e*ipue atyab- affray oecorred in tbe Beoll Aet town of Ksnfrew. Tbrse wcejog men, Mitchell Conway acd Kdwsrd so.d Miebael Malva- bill. Vent into a plaoe wbere wbJakey wat sold on ibe ily, and after tbey bad apeat all their a.onsy and beeome JploaiwHed ibey were ordered to leave toe prsmiees, bat refased to do so. Tbe rssalt was tbal a nombsr ot loAans suddenly appeared oa tke eesns armed witb clube and atlseked tbe young nun vietooaly. Ths lalter foogkl disperslely, and daring tb meU* eaeb of them wae slabbed in several pieeem, svnd owing to loesof blood tbsy all fell sxbaos ted 03 tbs floor. The noise attracted a crowd, and wben tbe p-joln of btoed wen dis- o^versd a doctor was oalisd la. Be Ibs victims all atrstebsd oal at full stee by aide oo the flees ac Tbey ars all dacgerously wconded', bat il u ihoagbl two of them will recover. Con way died ibis evening. Aii effort has bsen mide to discover wbo used the knife, but thai tar ibs eriaual bae ao* beea fi.and oat, and no arrests have been made. Tbre is great exnlemeul in tbe town, aad Ihs t>eopee are eo ueeaied againe* tbe roan wbo ai-Ul tbs liquor , acd wbo, U is said, bee bsen selling il illegally ever since tbe Scott Act was paassd. tbat threats to lynch bim wire freely made. sole* dirrlnsse. indigestion, of lUe eyee, headaehe, Ueellode, laahUtty to peiform msotal work and IndlepTiehloB tor btdily labor, sod annoy aosl disgtul jour friends and eeijuauuaaaea with you nasal twang and cffsosivs breath aod eon- tan! tflorts to eleaa yew oese aad thnno, wbea Dr. tiage'e Catarrh Kerned y ' vtil promptly relieve you of di.oon.fcrl acd et.Beriof, aod your frtecds of toe diegnal- ing said needkee aflienone ol you loath some disease ? Kev. T. Ii. Wilson, of the Moakegon i griKational Cbareb, can do several thtegi Cxaides trtaib goad isresjeps. Us plays tbe riatsetgiUcally Esarly pleysdhisway through o Allege with it writes eessAwLfle articlei for ihs magssiDee, aad gees a royally from a (ate^t eufl button ol hie inventtoa. A mill i. ii,.... Anoid, experienced Wail atr<ei backer 'touarked. iu course of ejnversatiou with a epurterof cui cf our exchanges, a fsw day* ago, Ibat " a still tonne wae often a for- one.' Tbeidiake wished to convey was uat men wbo talked too much expose the seer*:* of tbtir banuees. A silsol man il ;snera>ly l v j safest advieer ; he thinks bsfurs he speaks, aod weisrai wsll his words. Boms men are as ready with ibsir opinions as a hungry u.aa for dinner . all ibat u rcqaired n ibe opportanily to sir hem. Other* are so voluble ihey tell all bey koow about Ibeir uwn bu.ine*s, ai.d their Leigbbora' ae well. Generally, yea liti take tbe meure of af inveterate ta;ker, ae it's wind and tetfa. Ua its >lber baud, the man wbi bolev bis tongas t e.sily fathomed. " Bull walr ruji iff " wi:h bat little ooiae acd friction, wbile ih .hallows loam aad frst wiia CUK- latil luu-uil. AH a rula. Ibe ulcul man ii melbjdieal, .1 .t.ku i! erfu!. U weigbe bis w >r it aod pcnode acojratly. Iu aasioeee be makes no taws oe parade ; he traueaet* ii. ioevar, wilb dii n^uoj and prulenas Sr*g and vanity ars t*ios ; I ^ tibsr the/ were born aad togsihsr tbey will die. C <neeil and b ti ^ are poor elemcLls tfale , air. rttt eo as soon as a litllr coney is made uuliy bavi a chill. Baasl- ug ul big pr ti:< anla>p-cdy f. rtuje to tvt ry lutener abowe a lack of go. d een-e an J sound jaJcmsnl. Men have beet bu- < un tbsir own toetimooy, and merchant* lave failed from to j much U>LKOC. Why should ib* ecerete of tbe store cr oouotinj room be proclaimed on the eireel urner ? Amercbenl'e knowledge of LH is Ibe eafeel ii til own breael. If be is mskiog nuner, the faet will di<eloe leIf SOOQ encngb. in a solid. subitaDtial way. If yen mail bavj a ejLfilanl lain n your wife. Bbs ie snutlid to 11, and is cor h.lp mate. Jexh Blllkssie .1 HI. u*.. It 11 totd ol J sa Billmgs that one* ranipiLg with a fellow dog as his ecm- , te fs.l among sjotiie Yale bo>s in a .nccticul village hotel Tbey took him or a farmer from way back, and set oat to tave tcBe fan with bim. Oa ibsir in- joiriig with stljeted interest after tbe lealm of bis wife at.d ckfidren, 1 h, witb eoouterttitcd mmjlic.iy, KIVS them a Brat i..- aoaoant.'? a*e family aad Urn. O' course yon belong to the Church 1" asktd obe ot Ibe boys. " Yse, and my !aUi4t acdgrandtaUiac before me. ' " Now, I eu[|-e jou would not tell a he," said one of tbe students. "Nit for ths world ' VC:il will >o take tor tbal J . pointing to Jieb's cur. which wae eronobmi beneath Ibe chair. " I wou'l take IW lor Ibat dog-' " Twenty dollars ! Why he's not worth ti cents." 1 is*ure you I would not take list lor him." " Come, my friecd, ' sa d tbe student, who, witb bis ootnpankx.s, wae bent ou having some fan with tbs old mao NJW, you say you won I tell a lie for the w .rid. Lei me eee if you wiU not do il fas? 10. I U give yoa fsW for yeer doc. " I H not lake il." "Y u will not? Here, let OTS see if Ibis wiU not tempi yoa M lie,' a<J Jrd tfte ttadenl prodaoiog small beet of half-dollar*, whioa bs bntll ap in small piles on Ibe Isvble. J >sb wai silting by the lMs, with hi" bai in hi* hand, epfiarectfy ncoococrnrd " Tbere," added ihstludsot. "tbere ar 140, all in stiver; I will give yoa that for the animal." Ji-h qmelrv raited bis bai to Iae edge of tbe lablr, aod. ae qaiek s- tboogfai, scattered all ihe mouey tn'o il rxspl one half do'Ur, socl tben eiolaitn. J " I wou i lake year 1)10 Niutlero a:d a half u as much as that dog is worth ; he is jour property ' ' I I wi.J yoa surpriM to ban tuet many ladies maks a praetsee of eetsM the rsiir. Nsvenbelses it M a liieraJ fact, ae many brothers aod bosbaads ceo testify. Why shoald it be nii^iiliejej aawomanlyto use a nz.r, especially to shave down troableeome oorae. Tbe only reeeon against ths practise te beeaoee a new aad a brighter era has dawned upon Ibe tuffsrers from eirns. for Pataam's Painlssi Com Extractor, by its prosnpt. painless action, bae ioce sway with the necessity of reeorticg I j tbe dacgfroai I raoiiet of otiog tbe ratir. Try PanacB s sod bs setutied thai u is Us best acd urest corn cure. Beware <.( ia.(utiana. ThcSaai(>L inkeof icdiaos.wboeerafy Ike reservation buweeu the Spokatoi aad Neeplslum rivers, ars said to bs ibs miMtt advaccKl aideivili^d race of laOiaas on the Pacific coast. Tncir boast u tbal nsver bae one of their tribe ibee* the bioed of a whito oiao. 1 I woaldoot live elway. No; lot if disease ia to maks my uie a daily burden, liot ii oeea nor. gocd friend, and win aoi if will be wiee la litns. How many of oar lovsd ooee ars OMOldering in tfts doit wbo might bave been epared for' yean. Tbe slight cjejgh was) unheeded, the many s)mitoms of disease thai larked within wsre slighted and death eewne. Dr. Fierce s ' O jldtn Medieal Dieoovery " eaenot reeaH ihe dead Ibcogb n has soatcbed i nil kers from tke vsfge of Ihe grave, aod will eooeumc-tioo in m 1'r. Bredkjr, tbe eoeeice victim, ii reported M te steadily improving al tbe Waebiogtontan Uome lo Chicago. Tbe byaioiau having bie ease in char** expeeie ' kdlev's complete recovery if the latter will remata la ths U^me loog enough. l avvre *lv Wllr'. I IK. Tbii is Ibs report of a Prioeees street Xit.tlsmsn wno bsd ths opportunity a few Dibts IILOS of tesnos' 1'oUon's NISVILUI, ibs great pain ears. Be prerartd Icr any smergtnev by feevtee] a eneiss el Kervilins at band, llonly o.eM 10 eenai lo lest it. ycoean lay tee kossJes M any drag store. Gel a 10 or }J oeal bottle to-day. Sure la rbnmati.m, neoralsTte, cramps, ojlie, beadscae Neiviltne. ibe sore pop pun ears. AU druggists, 15 cents a hot lie . " Step rub l into tbe patter and make . our self al koaoe, m. J the V Tear-old eon of tbe editor to bis stetsr'e beet young man. Take ibs roehioc chair aad help yoareetf te ike si bom. Usiee Louise u ap-etaln and won't be down I it some time yet ha* to maks up ber form, yoa know, before go- ng to preee." Toaog or middle aged msaec firing tram nervous debility, loee ot memory, prema- tareoliasie, ae ibe result of bad baMw, snoull lend 10 cente in etampe for. large. llu-trld treatise. Andreas, Woaus DiAVixsaav Mmt I.-JL Aesocunon, (6t htaia streei. UutTsi . N.Y. Vanderbill'e obief cook was paid 14.000 a year. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND *> VH. A. I CURE FITS.' > i - t - r* I %. hMa Hi*>r * (Koi v i - t - r* I %. CAAei i^W * IW> . i^lT ' itif f * ''*.. m* 1 I .: .1 fwi llii i i.- u 4 V fr. Ski!nk,Iu.skrat,liok f Rarcooo The exprteeion " erol as a eaoumbet" now rests up in a sol 1 seientiflo baiii. la a recent siu 'y up.m the beat of fsvsr an English investigator, while seeking foe certain analogiss In plant!, took Ibe tadperatore ol tbe popular esculent at various stages cf It* growth aod loud 11 to b> about one degree below that of the tarroundicg atmo*pbere. Bui tbe iale> boldi good for ycaog oaoaabirs on!? warmw. I.-avirf Badeo-Badra a fortoithl ago, " 1 bop*. " said Ktiiwr Willlami to ib bargomaiUr, " to yoa again otxl year. I kaTi often bfore eaid tbe aaoM Ibinc ; bat at tnj age It i* ImpoMibl* to lay oat any man rlaae. ll in. to fact, very pr ibicmatieal il I nball ever oom* amoug 700 agaio, bat I bope at leaet to do ao," Botaker PorwtbeoM eteak, i New I nd lady- No, boarding imue ttn-l tor ctmUr. . N.w Talk. FoitlT*ly cwd by r i;. Tb IM n> il>irl. J Oat . HOME R. U. AWARE tH*T Lcrillard'g Climai Ping

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