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Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 2

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r, Oh r.-t "*o-tnorrow. o Uxpstrvw (It Mtmi so fu away), IOB amy that 1 may act Uie fltlds, Mav I not to to-day?" Tbe little one tbtn f rtltw), as birds tmall grlefi will borrow, "so lau. to late, wnv uiutl 1 wall, H^,,ini* until w morrow V" * To-morrow, ob, to-morrow! Wb> tticuld mj luvt delay? To-morrow ibe will antwcr me, Why not, wnj out to-day 1 " Tbe swain is yoang aid etkmtet. And Umt uy brl A touiti torrow, "I fain would wtd." tbt lover laid, - 4ud luug aeuiis tbtl to-monow." "To-morrow, ob! to-morrow, It eomvth all too aoon I " B*!lb bt whote hair il turning grtr, For Umt is such a boon. The minutes, tbty art golden, Odd seconds wbo otu borrow 1 Btir duty done, tl set olson. Blx buurs, and 'tis to-uiorrow. "To-morrow, ob! to-morrow 1 " Tbe aged ooiple say. " Our llvet are tweet mil petcef nl, We only know to-day. Tbe flowers of you tli bave vanished, Fur tbiuu we ntver arrow' ; While tDgols wsil at our poor gate To snow as Huveo'i to-morrow." -ifrt. tl. A. KidtUr. I I ILDE BUCK A Story <>t iod ami lro. i And we wail your oommandp, Herr Berkow." Then WM a momtntary pause, bat Ibe visible ttruggle ia Arthur B face gradually g*vt way to an eipreuioa of grave deter nlaation. " I will write to M. t Tbe letter sbtll be Mot to-day; it moat be I" At lait I" said the chief engineer half aloud, aud almoii ball reproachfully. " It i* high time." Arthur turned to hit writing table. " Go ow, and take care that Ue director and MM other gentlemen remain at the pout* wkioh 1 aatigued them when 1 waa upon the work*. Tbey must not move until I eome myself. ThiB morning it would bave been useless to interfere in all that tumuli ; perhaps it ii now impassible. In bait . Lou I will be with yon ; it, meantime, anything special happens, send me word immediately." Tbe officer, jol about to withdraw, step ped onoe again to hiiobiet'i tide. " I know what Ibis decision easts you, Herr Ber- kow," he said gravel;, " and we none of as take the metier ligbtly ; bat one need not always fear the wont. Ferbape il will pass over without bloodshed." A* with a hasty parting salutation the chief engineer led the room, he waa much too burned, and had hie head too (all of other things, to remark the woman, who at hie approach, withdrew still further to tbe protection of tbe portiere. Without even a aide glance, he strode through tbe adjoin- ing room, and oloaed Ibe door behind him. The husband and wife were alone. Arthur bad only s bitter smile for she last words ot the offioer. " II is too late," aaid he now to bimaelt in a hollow voice. " Tbey will nol yield witbonl bluodehed. i most reap what my (slber towed." He threw himself down npon toe lounge, and rested bis head in bis uaad. Now, when he no longer bad to endure Ibe glances of inquisitive eyes, whoa he no longer bad to play tbe chief, upon whote decisions all tbe other* hung now the energy vanished trom bis features, to give place to that expression of deathly weariness which overpowers even the strongest man, if for weeks long all bis strength of mind and body ha* been strained and exercised to tbe utmost limit of poeeibililj . Il was a moment of deep, utter despond- ency , inch as might well approach t man who must ever, and ever in vain, o intend against the curie ot a past in which he is polity of nothing save an indifferent aliena- tion from its interests, and whose momen- tous hsirsbip, with all its oppressive bar- dens, ha* fallen upon him alone. The bitter aooutatious agtmtt his father, which often came involuntarily from bil lips, were stricken dumb at the moment be btard dreadful hints as to bit filbert And still it WM tbe father's (sail alone that, after this desperate struggle, Iht sou wss now confronted by Ibis dire necessity, tbtl with rain befcre bit eye, forsaken by his wife, deserted by all tbe world, he grasped at tbt last msaat of isving him- self, and what he still called bis, from a hatred, which, for long yeare town and tottered by another band, bad left him to nap ite whole terrible harvest. Arthur, as if ia detlbly weariness, closed bit eyes, and leaned bis bead upon tbt arm of the lounge ; he eoald endure DO more. Eugenie quietly led her corner, and stood npon the threshold. The daogtrs the had josl passed were forgotten forgotten the accusation of Ibe cffijer which had jut thrilled her with inch shuddering hor- ror ; forgotten, aUo, him whose daughter she was, and that dignity das to her ancient and noble race. Row, at she approached her husband, he thought of him alone. The thiek veil whieb bad to long lain between them thould be rent at last. All mast and should be explained. At tbe very idea of divorce he 1 1 enabled, u if with that decree her death sentence would be spoken. If she deceived bereelf, if ehe was not received at ehe wiehed and ougbl to be received after this siorinae which she bad ztorted from her pride with itormy vio- lence tbe blood rushed to the heart of this young wift, and tbii heart besl in name- lett angoiih. Upon the next minute bang all for her, "Arthur!" Midi she softly. Arthur ttarled np as it s spirit voice hat touched hit ear, and glanced around him There, upon the tbretbold where ehe bai bidden him adieu forever, stood bit wife aud, at the moment be recognized her sense and reflection vanished. He made a gesture to rnsb ta ward her ; and tbe outer) of bappineet which burnt from hit lips, the apligbting of hie eyes, betrayed all which by a self mastery of long months he bad until this hoar concealed. " Eugenie 1" Tbe yoang wouman breathed lightly, as If s mountain's weight had fallen from her breast. The glance, Ibe tons with whieb he called her name, gave her at lait the certainly so long despaired of ; and if, in tbe midtt ot hit violent excitement, he too, rettrained himself M if for protection against bis own self , bt strove again to pat on Ibe old mask, and to veil the treacher- ous glanoee it WM too late ; she bad seen too much. "Whence come you here?" he aeked at lael, with difficulty controlling bit emotion, " so sadden, so unexpected. And bow did you reach the house ? The works are all in an uproar , you could not possibly bave pasted them." Eugenie slowly approached him. " I earns only a tew minutes ago," ebe said. " I oertainly bad to win my way by force ; do not aik me bow, il It enough that 1 won it. I wauled to eome to you before danger sashed yon." Arthur made an tffort to tarn tway. " What does tbii mean, Eoganit? What would yon bave with this tone 7 Oorl most bave alarmed you with his rsports, in spite of my request, in spite ot my ezprera forbid- dsnee. 1 wish for no sacrifice from duly and magnanimity. Yon know il." " Yen, I know it," retoraed the young wits decidedly. With these wordt you bave ODBC already thrust me from yon. Too could not forgive me for having onoe done yon wrong; and, in revenge for that, yon bad almost sacrificed yoorntlf and me. Arthur, who wti tbt more revengeful tbe harder of as two 7 " M was not riveuje, said be gently. " I gave you freedom ; you had yoonelf wished Eugenie new stood otose before 'him. Tbe word which ones for co price would bave found its way through her lips uow boctrne easy, tinoe she knew beruclf beloved. She lifted ber dark, tear moist eyes imploringly np to him. " And it I now tell my husband that I will oot have this freedom without him, that I have earns back to share all with him, whatever may happen, that I have learned to love him will he then, for tbe d time, bid me go ? Bne receiver! BO answer, at least none in words ; but she was already olatped in his arms ; and in these arms, which so passion- atsly and firmly enclosed her, as if they would never let the treasure won at last go from them, under thete passionate caresses, 1 qgen in felt bow deeply bei loss mail bave wounded him, and what ber return in tuoh a moment must be to him. She saw tbe nplighting ot those great brown eyet in a lustre, inch as in tpits of all those other lightning like gleamt, the had never yet teen in them. The banished, sunken world bad mounted up from itt abyss to the clearest, sunlight , aud the young wife must indeed bave bad a sus- picion of all tbe treasuret wbiob il bad in store for her ; for, with sn expression of the moat entire confidence, she Md ber head upon btr husband's breast, as bend- ing down to her, he said soltly < My wife ! My all 1" Through the open window at a bleating and a greeting swayed tbe voices of the green wooded hills. The voices muit bave blent their whiipert with thin newly found happinesi, for tbey bad helped bring it about. Tbey bad long known tbey had helped to bring it about. For those solitary fir crowned bill tcpa bad long known these two at tbey dil not know themselves; when both stood arrayed in bitter scorn and hostility, and spoke that word of separation spoke il just there when each heart bad found tbe other its deetiny. Bat tbey are of no avail, this toorn and c intention of the children of men, if with their lovet and longingi thty are betrayed within the spell Ibe spirit of tbe moun- tain throws around his kingdom in tbe swaying mitts of the firal spring hours. And what there unites it united for all eternity I CHAPIEB XVIIL The day whieb for tbe Berkow colony bad begun to tempestuously ended far more calmly Iban oonld have been expected from the noenei of tbe morning. One unac- quainted with the eircatuttanees would perhaps have taken tbe tranqoility wbioh toward evtniug lay over tbe works for tbe deepest repose ; sud still it was only the lull of tbt ttorm wbioh retains itself for s moment, only to break loose again with renewed fury. In toe overseer's dwelling alto reixned that dull, oppressive stillness wbiob con- cealed so much calamity in its botom. The overseer sal silent in hit arm chair by tbe stove ; Martha, busied in ber household affairs, went to and fro, and svtry now and Ibtn threw a glasoe upon Ulrieb, who with folded armt paced silently up and down tbe little room. No one tpoke to him ; he spake to none. Tbs former oocliJeuoet, which from tbt ungovernable character of tbe yoang master miner bad oftsn enough led to violent scenes and explotiooi. but jail ae often had ended in reconciliation, bad long >iooe ceased. Ulrieb now ruled within tbt boose absolutely at onltide of it among bis comrades ; even bit father no longer ventured to oppose hie plant and undertakings ; bnt here, at there, fear was the impelling force ; love and eoafMenoe were at an end. Tbe silence had already lasted for some time, and might bave endured tull longer, if Lorecz bad not entered. Martha, who saw him from Ibs window, met him at the door. Tbe relation! between tbit betrothed oonpls wtre singularly cold. This had been a serious, eventful day ; and tbe young girl't gneting might have been warmer, (baps to bave bee ought tWhai't to bavt been warmer, on that fery account. Tbe young miner seemed to feel tfait , for bis face assumed an almost offended expression, and be panted in Ibe midtt of bit salutation ; bnt Martha did not remark either , and, with a batty movement, be lursed to Ulrieb. Well I ' asksd Ulrieb, panning in bit was. Loreci tbrujged bis shoulders. " It is at I havt before told you. To-morrow tour hundred will declare themselves ready to go to work, and there are just as many waveriag and hesitating onse. Ton can scarce count upon half." Ulrioh did not fly into a rtge, ai usual UCOQ mob, occasions ; tbe wild passion which bt bad tbii morning tbown wbsn he learned of a much smaller defection among bil comrades strangely contrasted with tbs almost unnatural repose of his manner, at be replied " Upon soaroa half 1 and bow long will tbey hold oat ?'' Lorens evaded a direct answer. It is entirely the yoouger miners. Tbey bave stood by yon from the first, and will still remain with you, even if there should be another conflict at the mlnet to-morrow. Ulriob, will you really push matters to tar " He will push them to such a length," said the overseer, rising, " that the men will all fall away from him, ons after the other, until at last be remains quite alone. I btve told you, Ulriob, you could not succeed with your senseless demands and your sentelees hatred, wbiob might havt been in place with the father, bnt wbiob the son oertainly has not deserved. What be offered yon was enough, thai I tell yon I, who have worked to long in the mines, and know bow to sym- pathise) with my comrades. Most miners would gladly have taken what bat been offered to ours ; but tbey bave been so much threatened, and have become to intimidated, that no one 'longer ventnree to lift a hand, because Ulrioh bat put il into their heads to demand impossibilities. Now for weeks long, tbii has been going on ; and yet all this mitery, anxiety, and need hat been in vain. There must at last come a day when wife and children, with their hanger, will rise above all else. And that day has now eome. Ton bave brought all Ibis upon us, Ulrioh yon alone ; now make an end of it." Tbe old man bad risen, and now gazed almott threateningly at bil son ; but Ulriob, with sullen composure, endured this silent reproach, wbioh at another lime might tiave called forth all this rage. " I moil not qaarrel with you, father," he returned coldly ; " that I bave long known. Yon are content if you can eat your bread in peace ; and all which lies btyond that yon call folly and wickedness. I bavt ventured all. I thought 1 oonld carry thit through ; and I should havi done it, if you u Bsrkow bad not all at on oe risen np, and showed us a brow of iron. If il now fails wel', I am ilill sure of half my comrades, SB Carl sayt , and with these I will show him what conquering as mean*, lie shall pay dearly enough for tbe vic- tory." Tbe overseer looked up to Lorms, who stood there with bowed bead, wilboul taking part in the oovertation ; then he turned to hit son. " Fin* see it the halt will ret lain true to you, Wbsn the chief again steps between yon as bt did to-day loon. This hat cost yon the other halt, Ulrioh. Do you think It hat not bad its effect the manner in which hi has horns himself from the very day yon began to threaten him ? Do you think tbt; do not all feel that be is a match tor yon and them, and that be alone matt of ntssstity control them wbtn yon onot cease to be their master ? This morning some of them for Ihe first lime went back to their work ; thty would bave done to threo wttkt ago it thsy had dared. Now thai the beginning is made, there will be no more pause." " Ton may be right father, laid Ulrica sullesly , " there will b* no more pause. 1 have built npon the took and they have proved wrttehtd sasd, wfciab mtlts away baneita my hand. Bsrkow bat Isarutd how to otjole these eowtrda with bit eloquence, with bit aoenrsed manner, to step among them, at if there wat never a tone which might be burled against bis forehead, ctvera mallet which in extrem- ities might hit Ibe high born chief ; and therefore no one' venluret to attack him. 1 know why to day he all at once carried bit bead ua high, why be rnthed into the midst of Ibe tumult with an air as if victory aud bappintss could no longer fail him ; and I alto know that both bave now come buck to him I myself tbit morciog conducted them to bit arms." The last words were lost by tbt violent cloning of Ibe door wbioh be had metn- time opened ; no one understood them. Ulrioh stepped out into tbe open air, and threw himself dowu npon tbe bench; il wat a weird, unnatural repose which had fallen over him to-day. Il teemed almcut painful in a mun so aecuttomtd to giv* loose rein to bU wild patticn. Whether the desertion of bis comrades bid to affected him, or whether il wit nometbiag lar differ- ent wbiob since tbit morning had overcome him, we cannot say ; the proud oerlaiuly of victory wbiob be bad at y el thowu at svery hour appeared uow weakened, almost destroyed. Over past tbe Ultle garden flowed tbe wide ttretm, wbioh farther on drpvt Ibe wheels ot Ibs works now Branding still. It wat a wild, treacherous etream, this brook ; il bad nolbiag of the gentle murmnrt, the tilvtr clear glanoet, of its comrades np in tbe mountains ; and still il same forth from tbe depths of tbcte mountains, just there wbire tbe mines lay. How oltsn had il ought to draw innocent plajiog children into its torrent, and at least to frighten and torment, where it could not wound and kill ; to revenge itself because man bad made il a servant to execute hie will. With a threatening murmor, the mad, restless watert bad dashed on in the last svening twilight, and still more omin oat now rang cut their voice. They hinted mockingly and maueioutly, as if down in their depths they kad learned ot Ike tarth demons those perfidious wiles with which they lure to dsatb Ibe men wbo would fain wrest from them their secrets , as if they, tac, would demand as their taorinee, young, glowing, hopeful Uvei, and bury tbem in tbe eternal night ot their rayleet caves. Il was nothing good which rang out of it this rushing and roaricg of tbe waters, and il was in no gocd hour that this weird murmur fell upon Ibs young miner's ear. Immoveable be Hand down into ibost dsptbs at if a mysterious voioe wat calling to him. He mnit bave tat there for a long time, when be beard a step a| proaobicg ; and immediately after Martha ttood before him. "What do yon with?' asked Ulrieb, without turning bis glance from the stream. " I wished to see where you were, Ulrieb." There seemed to be a restrained angnith in tbe girl's voicj. "Where I was I Your betrothed hus- band is in tbe house ; for him yon should care. Leave me where I am." "Carl has gone already," said Martha qnioHly ; " and be best knows that what I say to yon nsed not oocoern him." Uirieb turned aad looked at her. It seemed at it be would bresk loose from tbe thoughts the rushing of Ibe waters awoke in him. " Listen, Martha," be said ; " no one else would bear from yon what Carl bears. I cannot allow yon to meet me ia this man- ner. You should not bavs laid yet, i( yon did not love him." With a gesture almost of teorc, the young girl turned away. He knows lost I do nol love him ; I told him so when I gave him my promise. He underitandt all tbit. I cannot change, at least not now. Perhaps after marriage I shall learn to love him." " Pirhtpi I" said I Irish, in a tone too deep and cutting to refer merely tot these wordt. " Bo many olbtrt learn this after marriage, and wby nol yon ?" Again be gazed down into tbe dark, rtgingi watert as if be oonld nol break loose from ite tpsll. That on rushing tide, in its wild, unearthly murmurs, seemed to whis- per very evil thoughts to him. Mactfaa stood some few slept from him ; for she wat not quits frte from tbe fear wbiob tinoe thai aooidenl in tbe mines Ulrioh bad intpired in all. For weeki she had avoided every association, svsry toll- tary interview, with Ulriob ; bnt to-day tbe old love had awakened mightily within ber soul, and bad driven her almost forcibly to him. This itraugs calm did not deceive her ; she suspected what lay behind il. " You oannol gtl over Ibe desertion of your comrades 7" asked the gently. " Half of them yet remain true to you, and Carl will ttand by yon to tbe last minute." Ulriob smiled dudainfnlly. " To day it it half ; to-morrow il will be a quarter, and day after to-morrow let II rest, Martha. As for Lorens, be has from tbe first been with me with only half a heart. He has ttood by me, and not by Ibe revolt, because I was hit friend ; but there will toon be an end of friendship. Besidet, bis heart w to much engrossed iu yo a that be oannol now honorably love me." " Ulriob I" said Ibe young girl with a passionate gesture. 11 Well, thai can no longer wound yon. Yon would not content wbtn I begged yon to be my wife. If yon had, It would bave been far better." " It would nol have been better," said. Martha decidedly. " I am nol mads to endure what Carl to patiently endurei day after day ; and as it it between him and me, il would have been between ui two, only it would bave been I wbo must endure. I bad no share iu your heart ; your love wit wholly another's." There lay a bitter reproach in Ihe worde ; bn) even Ibis did nol enrage TJIrioh to-day, lie bad risen, and was looking over Ihe darkening park, at It be sought eome object between tbe trees. " You think I oonld bave fonnd this love nearer and better if I had only sought il ; and there yon are right. Bnt one doet nol seek this, Martha ; it suddenly seizet one, and does not release him while a breath remains in hit brtsst. I bave learned Ibis. I bave done you wrong, girl how great wrong, I now know for tbe first time ; bnt believe me, there it no blessing in tuob a love as mine ; it often oppresses one more heavily than tbe bitterest hatred." Il sounded strangely, Ibit half entreaty for forgiveneie in the mouth of Ulrich Uarlmann, who usually asked little whether be bad done wrong or no; and there wat something else in the words, wbioh Isy infinitely far from bil character a dumb resignation, a sorrow which no longer bad anything wild or passionate, but which, on that account, was so much tbe more touching. Martha forgot timidity and fear ; the itepped olote to hit side. " What is ths mailer with yon, Ulrioh ? You are so strange to-day, as I bave never before seen yon. What it wanting to yon ?" lie stroked tbt blonde hair from bis ttmples, sod leaned for support sgaintl tbs wooden fence. " I do not know. An undefined some- tiling has oppressed me the whole day long a something from which I eannot free myself, and whieh robs me of all my strengtb. I oerlaiuly shall Meed all tbie Btrengtb to-morrow . but, whenever I would think of it, everything grows blaek and obscure, ae if nothing lay beyond Ibis to morrow, as it with il all was at an end all 1" With a touch ot bil old obstinacy, Ulriob started up. " Idlotls thoughts I I believe tbe wa r down there bas done all Ibis to me 'a its accursed roaring. And I have just now lime to listen. Farewell." He was about to go, bnt ths girl anxloutly held him back. " Where wiU you go ? To your comrades?' " Ho { I BOtt tskt out) more walk alone." " Ulrisb, ttay, I implore you ! ' The yoang miner's short-lived weakness wai already over ; be broke impatiently away. ' Let me go I I have no time to talk with you tome other day I" He burnt op< u Ibe gsrdsn gate, and shortly after v'.mued in tat twilight ot the way leading ihe park. Mariba stood there with folded bandt, and gutd alter him. Mortification and bitter torrow ttrnggltd in ber features, bnt grief Hill htld the mattery. " There is no blessing in tuch love I" the wordi yet again eoboed in heTbeart ; the alto fill that there was DO bleating in ben. Meantime Eugenie Btrkow fonnd her- self alone in ber husband's et bluet. Tbere remained to tbii husband and wife but little lime to give themselves up to love and to love's btppiuess. Twioe already bad Arthur ben forosd to leave- bwr side; to-day noon, when be bad thrown bimtelf into the midst of the revull, and for tbe moment bad overpowered il ; and now again, when a conference with his cffioers ssunmoued him away. Bat in jpitc ot ber uneasiness about bim, in tpite of her anxiety in regard to the present ttill so dark sod threatening, the >oung wife's face glowed with tbe reflection of a deep, inward happiness, wbiob, won after so long a con- flict, no longer trembled before any out- ward ttorm. Hue wat with ber butband, at bis sids, in hit protection ; and Arthur teemed only too well to maderstand how to make bis wife forget all else bnt him. A door was opened, and tttpt were beard in the adjoining room. Eugenie rose bastily to greet the new ocmer, whom tbe naturally euppoted to be her husband ; but her flril attonistinliot at tight ot the ttrange form yielded *JPfcrTor. as in the man wbo enterd abe recognized Ulrieb Harlmann. He also paused in aetonisbmenl as be became aware of ber pretence. " Is il yon, my lady ? I teek Herr Ber- kow." " He is nol Lire ; I was just now expect- ing him," replied Kugenie quickly, bnt with trembllcg voiss. She knew what a dangerous nan this wss for Arthur what role be played here npon tbe worst ; still Hhe bad not hesitated to oocfide bertelf to bis protection, when this morning co other choice bad remained to her ; bnt between this morning and evening lay tboee hours in which she bad beard the accusations the ebief engineer mads against him. It waa only a sutpieion ; bat even the suspicion ot a treacherous, underhanded murder of a defenceless man 1s something terrible. Tbeviry thought of I bad filled tbii yoccg woman with horror. 8ae bad confided herself to Ibe open, reckless enemy ot ber husband ; but she drew back shuddering from Ibe band wbieb pirhspa was red with the blood of Arthur's father. Ulriob remarked this movement only too well. He remained Handing npon Ihe tbretbold ; bat tbtre was an annrstakblo irony in fcil voice at be siil " I have perhaps frightened you with my entrance ? It was not my faull that I did not bave mytelf announced. Your ladyebip it badly served. I f onod none of your liokeyx either on tbe stairs or on tbe inrridort. might perhtps bave tbruel tbem atide, bad tbey refuted me entrance ; but their out- cry at thin woeU bave Oeeu a tori of announcement." Eugenie knew that be could btva entered unhindered. Fraisand Anton, at Arthur's express command, were ia tbe ante-room of ber own apartments. Now, when all minds were excited, when all tbe bends of order were loosened, he did nol know but the lawlestnest of tc me might letd to an allack, or at least an inlnuion into tbe buntc Daretl and aLxiety bad driven tbe yonug wife over M ber busband't ouambsr, wLiou lay in the other wiog, aud from whose windows the could see bim coming. II n. In trntb, tbe entrance wan unguarded ; and the was entirely alone in these rooms "What do yon with here, liaitmauu 7 ' she asked, inmmobing all btr oonrtge. " I did not suppose, that after all thai hat hap- pened, yu would eeek to enter our bou'e, and even j|rade younelf into tbe apart men! of yonr chief. Yon mutt know that he no longer can receive you." " It U for that very reason I leek bim to speak a few words with him, I expected to find bim alone. II was nol yon I sought, yonr lady ttaip." At tbe but wordi be had itepped nearer. Eugenia involuntarily drew back to tbe farthest par I of the room. He laughed bit- terly. "Can a few bonrt have made tueb a Orange ? Xbit morning you demanded my protection, and leaned upon my arm at I conducted yoa through tbe tumult ; now yon flee from me as if near me you were not sure ot >cur life. Herr Berkow bas will employed the time to repreteot me to yon as a robber and a murderer has be nol ? " Tbe young woman's dslioate brows con- tracted, at, subduing ber fear, she tteriily replied, " Lesve me I My hatband is nol here I Yon see Ibis ; and, svsn It he were to come now, I should hardly like to leave yon alone with bim." (To be continued). tll.tfll M the Bar sVUh Ld I l.tilD*. Two goldflfth were placed in the pind of tbe Cobanett, Mate, common fire yeare ago, and when Ibe pond was drained recently IbouHandt of them were fonnd. Mrs. Brooks, in Ibe Warwick Hall water of the EJen, England, killed a talmon recently tbal weighed eighteen pounds, and subsequently she booked and killed two eplendid fresh- run fUb ol Lineteen and twenty-six pounds in forty-five minuter-, both with fly and single gut. Bev. Mr. Dodd is pastor of tbe Andover Methodist Epuoopal Ohurob, a veteran fisherman, and a man ot veracity. He says tbal while fishing on tbe Baeeville pond be threw out bu line, when a bird of enormous size soared down npon him, and in raieicg bis rod to ttrike at il Ihe line wound itself about tbt bird's m ok, and be pulled il into tbe boat. U al onoe aiHaulted him ferooi- onsly, and il was with the greatest difficulty tbal be mastered it. It was about Ibe tize of a turkey. ISnogr , I M.nb lor n.lhll,g " Waiter, bring me a chop, please, rather well done. Look sharp ; I'm in a hurry I" 11 Very torry, tir, bnl we haven't a chop in tbe 'onie to-day." " Well, Iben, I'll bavt a sleak." " Just si bad at before, eir, for we haven't a steak left." 11 Ob, well, what joint* have you ?" " None, tir." " Wha-a-l I No chops, no steaks, DO joints. What have you got, then ?" " Oot tbe bailiffi in, unfortunately." " Bailifft, eb 7" (fbarpening bis knife on his fork ) " Well, bring iu a bailiff I" London Catertr. MM flew ih. i sue W*nhls>s>4 k>r ' B. Oreuh Ammt . >hCB* nilBitl I aluaill) In referecoe to tbe death ot tbe sscrcfl white elephant, recently reported by cable from lUugooo, il uiy b said that a travel- ler in Biumab iu Uti'i, iptakiug of Iks king who reigosd at the time, lays : " Among Ibe rest bt bath fours white ele- pbanle which are very itrange and rare, tor there is none other king tbal hath them but be. It any other king bath one bee will tend viito him for it," and be continues that if be dues nol get tbe elephant " be will make warre with bim (the potiestor of the coveted elepbatt) for il, for he bad rslbsr lots a great part ot bis kingdoms than not to oocqutre bim." Tbe travtl'er adds thai eaoh ol these elephant* " sUn Jeth in beats glided with golds aud tbey.dotM feede in vetiela of silver and gill." Father Btgariuafio, 200 years later, layi thai Ibs tnueral cf a femtle white ekpbanl wsi eiuduoted with tbe same forms and ritei as tLccu [r-.ct.Btd at tbe death of a quten. The body wat burned on a pile of romtio woods, and three days after its atbee were gathered by the obibf mandarins, enshrined in gill urns and buried iu tbe royal ceme- tery. A luperb mausoleum was subse- quently raited over tbe tomb. " Even to this dsy," tays Mr. Frank V n cent, Jan., a reotnl traveller in Burmsli, " the ' celestial ' while elephants are Hill the objects ot great veneration, royal favor and attention. Aude trom then divine character of being transmigrating Boddbat, tbeir possession, according to Burmese tuperstiiioo, is considered to bring pros- perity to toe conn try in peace and good fortune in war, and therefore tbeir death is considered nothing less than a national ealamily. Al snob lime the entire nation shave tbeir htadt and perform tnoh deedt ot sorrow and mourning as ars onitomary in tbe lots ot tbe uearett and dearest of their relatives. ' The animal Mr. Tinoent asw in 1861 bad while eyes and a forehead and earn spotted white, appealing ss it they had been rubbed with pumice stone or sand paper, bnl the remainder of the body was at bltok at coal. A correspondent ot tbe London Sfaruterd, after annoooiug (ha occupation of Mande- lay by the Brititb troops on November 2y.h, says: "I saw tbe sacred while ele- phant close by King Xbebaw'i palace in a magnifloenl palace of bil own. Tbe only while about bim is in two tmll dirty spots, wbieb are almott imperceptible." I Table. Mr. Diner-oat has prepared tbe fallowing rules and regulation! for himself and family. Said rules and regulations bave been enclosed io-tmall tablets of brats and fattened with a oonbined nail and screw to the memory of eaoh-itrdividutl and teparate member of taid family. 1. Having tat down (you will alwa)t lit down ; any other manner ot getting down it exceedingly vulgar acd uubostonest ), deftly place the dinner napkin in your right pocket, inb'tilnting for tbt tame tbo> older and more antique detigb which yuu brought with yon. N>perie ttcoktoau tbn-i be replenished at a triDing o*t. 8 Never eat fi<b ur |ie with a knife. Use your fingers, 3. Al**yspeel orange* with vaur teetb. Xno moujeol U opportune to display tbe wbiteoets of jour molars and icciiort. 4 DJ cot forget to inquire of your boBUts bow much a pound ibe paid for cheese aid whether ber table tilver it solid or only watbid. Bne will dtligbt in answering tbjse qu>lions sad will iowiitr >ou to come early and often bnl not to dinner. 6 Never eat toup with a folk. Tbe oabit it disgutticgly vulgar and bat bceu cat of style for some montbt. If tbe bcetcie insists tell her you are nol from Cincinnati and never learutd Iht art of soupitg a Ufoik. Never wan uatil the olbere l the table are teivtd. Call time when yonr own plate is filled. 7. Diligbl yonr lady friends at the table with agreeable convertation. Describe in glowicg detail your recent vitit to Ibe morgue and also givs s ten picture of bow an army -urgeon amputates legs aud arms. 8 You may arrive at your friend's honis early, but do nol fall to remark to tbe boniest at soon as yon havs entered tbe bouse tbat ycu are onoommin hungry and lupgtfcttbe propriety o! commencing dinner at once. ;i, Baould yen detect (be ladj sitting oext te you shoveling peat or matLcd potatoes into her mcuih with ber knife, immediately call tbe attention ot all al tbe table to tie inoidtnt with tomt facetious remaik. You will be classed as a brilliant wit and Ibs ltdy will be everlastingly grateful to you. 10. Never pick yonr teeth al Ibe table bat if you cannot avoid it ask your hottest lor tbe loan of a pin. WM M. Cltmtu' Teacher. " Oh, Mitt MoBwelter," said s little Ladi sobool-boy to bis teaener, " I beard pa talk- ing to Mr. Jones about you." 11 Indeed I" replied Ibe teacher, archly. 11 Wbal did be lay." " He said you were tbe hardest- working teacher be ever saw." " And what did Mr. Jones eay ?" the aeked pleasantly. " He said yon didn't know anything, and had to study bard to ktsp from forgetting it." California Mavrrick. A horse, belonging to tbe Carlisle, Penn., Inditn School was sent np from the farm to be thod. Having a number of ready- made shoes on hand, Ibe job, in tbe absence of tbe boss, was given to an apprentice. After an interval Ibe following note came to the Superintendent : " Tbu horts don't Bt none of our shoes." " What It ths difference," lays a French paper, "between a gentlemwn and a valet?" " Solely thit, tbat whereas they both tmoke the same cigars, only one of the two paye for them." The Orlflsi el .tir." susd > flirt." The history of those everyday titles of Mr. and Mrs, wbiob art now tbe common property of every one, it not without inter- est, though in some ot its steps it is a little obscure. In tbe esrlier times of our history the ordinary man was limply William pr John ; that it to lay, he bad merely a Christian namt, without any kind of " handle" before it or surname after it. Boms means of distinguishing one John or one William from another J.'bn or another William became neoeesary. Nicknames, deiived from a man't trade or from his dwelling-plaoe, or from tome personal peculiarity, were tacked on to tbe Christian namtt, and plain John became plain John Booitb. At yet there were no " Milters" in the land. Some John Bmilb accumu- lated more wealth than Ihe balk of hit fellowi beosaio perhtpt a landtd proprie- tor, or an employer of hired labor. Then be began to be called in the Norman Frenob of the day, the " Maittre" of Ibit place, or of that, of these workmen or of tboee. In time tbe " Maislre" or " Maitter," ss it toon became, gol tacked on before bii name and be became Maister Smith and his wife became Maistrest Smith. Bnl gradually tbe tente of possession wai lost sight of, and tht title wat oonftrred npon any man wbo bsd attained social distinction of any kind, whether bymer3pasisssion ot wealth, or by holding some position of more or leu oonsideration and importance. Il ii only within comparatively modern limes that tbe terms came to be considered an almost indispensable adjunct to every one's name when meylioned in ordinary conversation or writing. Maitlrsis Smith soon became Mislrtst Smith. Exaetly how and when Ibe terms got corrupted cannot be said. alaster Smith, however, remained Maatsr Bmith long after his wife beoame Mialreta Bmitb.-A'j. t OI.IIMI i uo.> tMHiBrtv < inf. A Hi. vr Sill ! Ihe !IU. ilou. Prom the II iu en el Tqasponuct C'olter .ratter. A i-i'JCUii uitBtiaijol tcnpuulilurs lu Ibe I'emputatou (Jjlonisau a Coujpacy w held iMt(b'iidwj) otgbtiu Toronto. Tue attendance ww urge, many being from a distance. Mr OeaH. Watson otfioiated as premding cHinei om . behalf of eerttui Toronto toriptaoldtrH, who bad invetled largely iu thaoonjpauy't bujda duilfg tbe Msnitoba bocm. The mteticg was called to devite ways and meant to prevtnt tbe abtrcholdtrs from collecting tbe arrears of Ibe toripboldert wbo objeoi to paying tbeir esll on the ground that Ibe company have not carried out thtir agreement with tbe soripbolders. The meeting was a hot one, and the pent op feeling* of U>e scrip- holders toned vtnt in tevere cota- miu'.H ou tbe dircoiori, ehtre- ln MLTH, and past toO pmviit matt* agtrn Messrs. tsge, Livingntone and Powell. Udiugtbe evtbiig Mtntger Powell ws oalltd inand undtrweut a totticg orotat elimination for !!> tectfil of the tonp- lio.J-ia. Boms ..J -uiu Mt at pretent peudiLg agait si toiii bjlJem tot nol paying iheir duet, but a iafg* uuiuir (>Utvoipa:ly la*) err) bave paid up niter receiving a legal letter. The intertitBol some 3.000 scrip- holders sre in tbe company, and the aggregate of claims imoa&t to 1150.000. The seripbolderi unatimouily adopted a resolution appointing a committee to con- fer with tome legal tutborilies as to tbe poet^ilily of obtaining au injunction to reslMtin tbevebareboldert frou making c J- leeliODi from tbe soripbolden, eaob owner of one notion to be assessed tl and owners of half Motioni 60 oentt, to defray the legal expense!. |., /r Us Ue DlSBee." A writer iu Snakeiptiriana favors tbe performacoes of Bbakipeare in tbe dime mutenmi, laying : " If Shakipeare is ever to bicDine a pjwer outside tee cultured oltstes, the dime museum must be enocnr. agtd until s> better plan it deviled." We believe ilis a matter cf stage history tbat tbt great tragedians of forty or fifty yeart ago were particularly detinue of holding tht favor of andienoet of tbii oleet. - Cur- rent. The writer remembers witnessing a per- formaxoiof "Komeo and Juliet" by tbe Btepbens' Family Tragedy Cj. iu Arbroatb, Hoolland, acme ftflceu years sgo. Mr. Stephens was an totor of soms mtril, and bad ail at tbe feel (in tbe pit at many ol the great trsgedians When " Bbcffli Kttie"-bia marionette entertainment became a drug iu tbe amusement market, be gave Ibe people tbe " legitimate drama." Bbkk'peare's plays wers fairly well repre- sented, ointidering the cist ot admission six o nts for reserved stats, fjur cents for gallery though there was a great deal of rant, more or lest slaughter ot the Qutou't English and an rrtrsnvteJ prompter. <Jj the ccoaticn referred M, with if r. Stephens a stage manager, " Komeo arid^Joliet " bad been witnessed till the clone by an entbuBi auio erowd, eaieny of young men and women. When tbe lovers, one after tbe otusr, took ibe poisou potion and tell dead, tbe interett was at ftver b' at, aad a determined recall wa given. Up went tbe curtain. Ju'.iet knew ber duty. She remained a corpse. Not eo ltim-o. He bad become exbanalel, and wat on bi feel, preparing to leave tbe s'.tge. Tbe audience trere astoritbtd to n d one of tbe poisoned lov rt cone to life again. They kept client for developments. Toe sltgt minager wa* wroth ; lie knew .not what to do.. Suddenly a ibcugbistruok him. Tbs audience muti be pleated. "Die over sgtln, Tom, acd please tbe andietioe," be audibly whispered. Tbe pit heard the remark. Tbty were tickled with Ibe idea. "Die over again," "Die, Tom," and kin- dred remarkl were shouted first by a few ia the front teats, and then by almott tbe whole orowd. And sure enough Tom died ; tbe tail te< ne wai re-enacted, tbs aadisLO was delighted, and Sotkspeire'H betl love play was aetcd as protably il had never been before cor tinoe. Yee ; dime repretentatiocs of Bhtkrpetre are apt to be full of intereet. HI HIU> TBS LAMI-. 1 remember ooo, s great while ago, 1 was atked by a friend to go with him in tbe evening to the Lou e of an acquaint- ance, where they were going to bve a kicd ot musical*, at wbiob tnere.was to bt tome i.oled pianiet, wbo had kindly oiotented to play few ttraiot. I did not get tbe name ot the profeetlcnal, but I wti.l. Aud wbin tbe first piece wat annonnoed I saw tbal the lii hi was very uncertain, to I kindly vclunteered to get s lamp from another r 001. I held thai big Ump, weighing about twenty-nine pounds, for blf an boar; while Ibe pisnif t would tinky, tiuky up ou Ihe right band, or bang, ooomy to bang, bang down on the bait, while Lo snorted sod slugged the aid ooLoert grand piano, and almost knocked ite teeth dowu ill threat, or gently flawdlad with theksyt, like a pale moonbeam tbimmcring through tbe bleached rafters ot a deceased horse, until, st last, there wai a will j angle, tueb at tbe accomplished muticitn gives to an instrument to afaow Iht audience tbat be has disabled the piano. . and will take a slight intermieslon while il is tent to tbe junk ihop. With a sigb of relief, I care- fully pul down tbe twenty -nine pound Ump, and my friend told me tbat I bad been Blinding there, like Liberty enlighten- ing tbe world, and holding that heavy lamp for Blind Tom. I bad ntver teen him before, and I ilipped out of tbe room before be had a chance to tee rue. Etil Nye is liottun a<oe*. WlelrrMlln. OsliBelJom fretzi but their music OOL- geale tbe bearer't blood. An Omaha woman kindly consented to have her picture taken in a group with ber three divorced buibandt. " Be rare you're right, then go ahead." Bat luppoiiog your girl holds yoa fait aboul tbe neck and won't let yoa go, then what? " Eloping ii no joke," remarks tbe editor of an stteemed contemporary. The girl's father etagnt yon before yon got away, did he ? 11 Did yon cry when yonr ma went sway?" aeked a kind -hearted neighbor of little Mary. " Well," said Mary, after tomt reflection, " I believe I did bunt a ftw learn." n Odor ol t-. < ontin . . Speaking of drug articles, t new test of tbe real financial standing of a tua i-aboul- lown it to sniff al hit silk bal. If it smells like a mixture ot turpentine, hartshorn, and several other things, howevtr taiutly then Ibe wearer it to be set down as not s dandy reckless an to expenses. He may be a good enough ohap in a general way, bal he ii guilty of rejuvenating htt bat by meant of a fluid sold by barbers in bottles, instead of having il blocked by his hatter every two or three dayt at a cost ot half a dollar for eaoh treatment. Tbe new method imparts lustre bat leaves an indielinol odor, by whiob the economizer can easily be delected. Tbey tell a pieoe of fiction aboul s fellow noted among t lot of swells for hli devioei for living showily al a low flout. Tbe tale runs that he called on s beautiful young aotrets with s distant view to get eventually so near to her st to marry. At Ihe tnd of tbe evening and bit departure the lilted bia gloved band within a foot of ber dainty note, sniffed al il, and exclaimed : " Ah, betzirre r Then the brought ber nasal teeter clone to his lapels i)Dd remarked: ' Naphtha 1" Finally she smell of hie glcnay hat and handed il to him with tbe parting oritioiem : " Ob, stovepipe polith I" Et did nol oil again. New York Letter to tnt Bufolo Expreit. A ui>aMiletlJ]BJ|jr. rrofenaor Jacques, at everybody k'nowp, baa been invsnugaiiuk pnycwtaal pbeno- BMjut. The I'roteasor bas a. brother wto isn't BO much interettea in psjobioal pbeaoaieit a* be u. Tbu brother Cklled the othereveoing to make a fraternal vitit. He entered tbe bouse and struck, naturally enough, for tbe back par lor. The Profttsor itopped bim al tbe door. bu b, ih b," said tbe Piof euor, " don't come in don't make a noise there's a lady iu here ia a trance." The visitor itartejd back, aad attorn; led to go into Ihe trout parlor. Al Ibe door be waa met by toniebody he didn't know, wLo said: Bb-b, ib b, don't owe iu ; there it a mania btre wbo it jjsl going under tie influence I" '1'ueu be started for tbe library, B .me- body elae uiet bim at be twnn; opin ihj door. "Bb-b. abb, be careful; then 1 , a seance sjoicg e, Ad you'll H>oU tht) condi- tions if yen oome ia luat way! 4 Be ruined upetsir-: ecd rapped ra'ber briskly at the door cf .tbe family kitting- room. It was bis tfsrer-in law who met him this lime, sud tbe said : 'Bh b, sb-b, dou'i make a noise ; jou'll wake tbebady I" Thfiu at darted downstairs, took hit bat and ene sod lett tbt bosM.-*- Barton < Man ) Record. Ntw> from Hilil-h Mr. T mm at Uorrie, a native of L'vsr. pool, Kngland, died here last wet b al Ibe advanced age cf 102 yeart. Ripa raspberriei were growl: g in a garden a.) James 13y a ftw dtya ag>. A second growth of cabbage and olbar vt- K *ls- blee are doing well throughout tbe ItUnd. Tbe 6 oent pieoe'.ii beginning to circulate freely, aud tbo word bil (12J oentr) it leu otttn beard. Tbe want of small change it bsdly felt, to we toon exptat te tee Ibe Canadian ocnti in me. Tne Victoria Council having pstsed si by-ltw closing talooni M mid- night and on Hundajt, ' a test oate bu been gol op by the liquor dealers, one of whom be Sunday b*f ,re lst kept optn all day and did a roaring bosii.ein. Tat cats wat brought np in tbt Polici Oonrl afewdiysago and was adjourned. A correspondent at Victoria writes ; A late arrival from Granite Greek n ports a town ot one hundred wroien tuild- iogt, um of two ttorey*. bemdee tents. He says that from tlB to t25 per day wai being made, alto that DJI.I y clainit were Bold to Chinamen. Provii>ns wtre obetp, fhnr 110 per ICO lot , baoou 33). per Ib., beef lla. per Ib , oats i. to 7i , snd veuiioc 5o. per Ib. Mr. Jutloe Oretse left on Monday for Nkuaimo. Among tbe oaten to corns before Lira there it one ot bigamy against an Indian, wbo wai mtrried b> a R^man Otlholio to os,e woman tnd by a P.'oteitaol minister to another. While ><viog after tbe manner of bii people, tbe " tipaob," it seem*, i tea tilled K>BBjr taaa on i kljot- obmao," but when be tikes s wife ord- ing to oiviliatdntagst betoamtoabl* to tbe law. Pcnesml Petals, Oimral B'.raugt is r.pidly ar, p--oko'ju g It as aodtMeood that Use. bu Caarlcf Qt&t irbutbnoi, K B.,Intr*otor O n- ertl of Aitillery, will be appointed Com- mtnder-in Chief of tbe Bjoabsy army. Prof. QjJdwifi South bat i uffiaTeuily recovered frcm hit recent lllnci* to be able to receive a few friends and atv nd to he ordinary panoits daring a portion it the day. Olani Sprtoklee, tbt sogsr refiner of Ciliforria, it tbe virtual King of tbe Bind- wiob Inland*, became be control* itt tngar Und* and cultivation Be It ahwtbo on>r of a fleet of steam and sailing tbipi, and will now etrry tbe mail between Ban Fraooiteo, Uouolulu and Aookland, New Z -aland. Hsv Dr. Williams, General Buperinten- dent ottbe M Iboditt Obnreb, altncngn be eta bardly yet be oilled convalescent, It in a much more favorable condition than be bt beta in tioot his attack. Thers are symptom* of improvement wbiob warrant tbe hope tbat be will toon be arourM again. Ho will, however, not be able to resume bit work for tome weeki to oome. Another gtrter is placed si thx ditpotal of Lord Balitbury by tht death of ibn Duke ot Bomtrsat, ss well at the Lord L'enten- auoy of Davaothire. It is belie v. d ih >t Ibe Btatl tlm vacant in Si. Oeorge't Cbipol will bt given, sayt London Truth, either to ibe Duke of Norfolk (e a reward for bit elec- tioneering tpseehtr) tbe Doke ct Bnc- eleueb (te a reward (or being In father's sob), or to Lord Carnarvon. < k.rrk I . ir Hev. Hugh Price llugbes bu more than ocoe oorapied the Tabernacle pnlpil in ibe absence of itt pastor, Is return Mr Spur, geon bit been preaching at Brixton Illll. In tht course of bit remarks Mr. Spnrgeon btd Bometbing to say aboul caste. I do nol auppoBeV'Be observe! . n BIB* with inch a mioliiry at yon bave st Brixton Bill you bave need cf any admonition ; lui I know atveral respeotablt chapels, so dreadfully retpeottble that Ibe people in tbem never rpeak to one another, tipecially if tbey do uol belong to the same class, We English people oannol bear oatte in Qindoelac, of course. But It is only s oats of black faces Md whit* ; we have got guite as much canto her* as tbe Hindoos bave. In tbs time ol Ualtobi they Ibtl feared tbe Lard spake often one to another. In tbeie limes we wbo fear tbe Lord tpeak often against out another. Tbsl is the only difference : bat it u s very serious difference. ' "o,,.rlhln l.ll. r '' Pa," said a 4 year old mise yesterday, " if I be a good girl will S tula Claut bring me anything I want ?" I think be will, my detr," wu the reply. Well, yon juet tell him to bring me a tleigh with a seal, and a bw doll, and lots of picture oarde, and s> little Itble, and a pusiy oat, and s cradle for my doll, and a let of dishes, and some blocks, tnd a monkey, and a trieyole, and a jumping jack, and a box of candy, and a boggy for my doll, and s poke bonnet, and a liitln stove, and lots ot nice plavtbioin " Courier. One of tbe flnl orders the Uniled Btatei Pretidtnt gave when he came to the White Bouse wss that LO smoking wti to be toler- ated there. Recently several men si the reoeplion bad to De atked to throw away Iheir oigart. ill. Mr ol . Krprlf ,. ,1 T| , .1, , r... Early on Baturday morning week il was fonnd that Margaret Higgins, wbo bad been sentenced to death at tbe last Manchester Assizes for the murder of ber infant child, but afttrwardi rtprieved, bad committed snioide, She strangled berielf by forcing a hiudkerohiet tightly round ber neck and actually pinning it, after which sbt threw a towel over ber face and tied it tightly to prevent her from breathing. Tbe Orasader it tbe name ot a large brig which hat been (quipped for carrying oil from Philadelphia to Liverpool in a new wty. She has 46 tankt, wbioh bold 177,000 gallons of oil saob. Thtse will be pumped foil in America snd empty on tbe other sids by large pump inn by a JO horse- power logins with which Ibt tbip is Tlte We>ni oi ibe fjeas*0. Kate Field hti been talking terribly about Btll Lake Cily, yet if the were to go there now she would receive the moil Oentile treatment. Tbe Mormons, how- ever, might Utahlise her for mince meat. Nno Hrltuni Piytfit. Inqaiiy M New Tork wldeni ttill farlbtr tbt range of the trichinosis diseats Ibat followed tbe birthday party on Thanks- giving- eve. Twenty of ihe 2"> or SO per- HODS who attended ths party bavt been accounted for, and of inese 17 are, or have been, more or ISM affected. Tbe seven who bave eteaptd ate no pork. Five of these were traced to-day. Mosei Simon, one of tbe tiek men, wss sent to the hos- pital to day. John Dsvlio, another young man, beetme to ill to-day thai be also was detpatobed to sn hospital. Be eaid thai an associate of his, Jamti King, who wts also at tbe party, was timilarly affected. Tbt Weilzel family wert very low to-day, and little hope is entertained tbat any one of them, save the old people, will recover. Ordit try army signalling, by wavisg flags or torofaet, can iranimil ouiy ten words or so t miiiDte. spelled out by letters ; bnl an adaptation of the Morse telegraph le rips*. bert, now generally employed, haj more ttuu, doubled tail rate ol rpitd.

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