Wright-Thompson. -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Ward, Mr. Geo. Wright, of Wareham, to Miss Mary Jane Thom[p]son, of Artemesia. Smith-Rolf. -By the Rev. W. Ayers, on the 23rd Dec., 1885, Mr. Wm. B. Smith, of Blanchard, to Miss Lizzie Rolf, of Logan. B. Laurance's Spectacles d Eyeglasses Am the only genuine Kughah Article* In UIB CaiMMliaa market Raal PebbUs svre kept iu stock. Testa are given to pur- afeaaeBB to provo gwauinanas* They are mninendwd by w*M P*W**B*BW*. Vice- JJaS.l. Jrwrlrr, ate., /le*Wtoa, Q%t Ha* only place where they can be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. 17IM E ~Ta\rVBL,E. M..V to,** North. Tiair .. ............... af ark'lal. ...... _______ II &J " ' 10 WUllaanfora ............... Iil9 OaatsworUi ..Arrive 100 .. ,j 10 a) ' ^Ki|, Mall I Sjeoad .TLeave 1-JUem a36|>u CaaUworth 80 s 10 " VIIHamaTora ! *0e - l SSO 4 08 I 411 ' **> SS li- sa) " Mar VLMBUTO* .................. ;t Dindalk ........................ IT iMlburiM ..................... 'Til Mvill* Junetioei ..... 1 100 jl*- > Arrin ............ lit CerdweU Junction OT " 7 .. Arrive'lOtS " Teronio W.WBTTB. (f i. Hrr T D.McNICOLL. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., OUT. rT*M IAV M K4.rO>, *.<-. FXESHKRTON. Hr4>nc, nr I (.. Dirwt'vtt Cvurt oj/i Dr. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIER, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. t^nmom and Ra*l4oca near Pr*bytrln CkcrcbM. I'rloaTllte. r. MARSH 4 I I.. I..M.H DBMTI8T. IUDVATB of Toronto Bchool of DraUctoy, til bo at Markdale the Ut and Ird Wvteee- ytttatrli Biofith, andM FWhrton on lhlit e>n4 Ir* Thurvlaj lu each muiitli Toi tin practic* f hll v'"'""-'" 11 FROST & FROST. BAIt KISTI .14- HOLICITOH8. '..NVC.Y4N.KH. *c Offlee I'niilett hir.-.-t. OWKN SOUM>. and every Tbnndajr at FLRSHKKTCN J. W FROST. 1. 1. M ALFRKD FBOST. Crown County Attorn.y BAMDt. B. r (;. Ill IS rBICM.W niHTlN. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, Huctfuor* to Lunder it Hand*, BARIIIHTKIUt. BOI.ICITOKH. NOTABIKH. C'DNVBVANCKMS, Ac Money to Ixian at Leweit Rate* of lutere*t. Office*. 10 KlnR Htreet Ka*t. Toronto. MORPEY & MILLERS, BarruOri, Siiliritori, Nuturiet PMie, Omc-B. Over tlcf irlane Irru Ktor*. DURHAM, ONT. Snsiucss Card... Jtho W. Irmttronf . FLEUHBRTOK, Co. Outr. DIVISION COURT n.riiK COMMIHHIONKR ID B h . Connrano*r. Ac AKBiit for purclia** aid >al* of land* Appraiser for C. L. C. Com- an 1 P P II * H. Aoclet; Mnnry to l<nan no th* mo4t rMMnable tertnr Iiwrn ur MAHIIIAOK LICBN8EM. Jan. 16. Sloan* INSURANCE AOE\T, KUOKNIA. RepmentlnR that Klld eld Fire Iniuranc* Co., th* NOBWICH 1'itiox, of Norwich. KuKland Intnraucc affertod on House*. outbillldiu|{*, Ac.. at low rates. Inturea igainii W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.FBE ABTIllltSIA. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, INSURANCE AG'T, <rC. DBRDB. MORTOAGKH. L.KAHK8, *o., prepar- ed and property eiceuted. Insurance affi>o- ted In 8rt-clae* companies. Uonejr to lend at leweet rates. Honey to Loan. At 6\ Per Cent. Inlnrrtt on StraiyU Loan. TTTITII Interest paid narl*. not In advance. No V aommlmion charged. Apply to A. Kl*.*t. - TBOKMirRT. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Majon. FLESHERTON. Order* In Town and Country promptly and aranilljr executed. THE MARKETS, FLE8HERTON. CnrefuUif.Corrected Each Wrfk. Floor f 00 to 6 00 Fall Wheat $0 80 to 80 Spring Wheat 60 72 Barley 46 66 0t 28 80 Peas 64 65 Batter 10 18 Egg, fresh 20 20 Potatoes 020 020 Pork ... 5 75 ft 26 Hay, per ton 800 1000 Hid B 6 26 7 25 Wool 16 16 8hepkins 60 70 Gees* 06 Turkeys 10 Chickens per pair 026 030 P ooki per pair 040 060 3 Flesherton J NEW STOCK AT of ft/ Jewel y .S'/org. i-nt- MEfO&E FA rO."-*'J>RJJfClPLES. WOT VOL.?./ 10. 237. FLESHERTON, OHTARIO. DECEMBER 91, 1885. A. R. FAWCETT, Aro iliuwinp full li/K-i of THE ADVANCE Fawcett. Editor Tii - Bits. CoHtisting of Lofal and fjHur Jtemt gathered by The Attttnce Ktixtrttrt. IB- PUTS, Mantles, Ulsterings, And a splendid range of . Dress Goods In til the New Material.. MENS OVERCOATS ! Stunners at $',. Better.^t $7. A lot of Canadian Ail-Wool Tweeds Will be sold befor. CHRISTMAS ! At AHY PRICE! TO CLEAR. Tbesn ire New Goods, bat we have urn-pins stock and must turn them into money. - MENS Long Felt Boots, $1.95 PER PAIR. Well soled and leather foxed warran- ted frost proof. Ladies Felt Lined Leather Boots ! Warm, Comfortable, and Durable- Every depttrtibent is fall of goods h' ,-asoi). and e challenge tbe Comity for low prices. The highest cash pricea paid for Maplu and Birch log* at Wm. Bradley'* mill, Fleihertoit. Applet, AfjJri, Applet! Any Quantity No. 1 Grsjen Apples K-r sal* at It TBflfBLJrS. The Flesherton Pnat-Ofie will I* open from 1 p. m. to 2 p. in. on New Year day. - H. J. 8r*uH<uc, Poai-Maater. Mis* Phoebe Alluon, of Alliaton, ia visiting at her brother'i, the popular boat of the Maxwell Houae. To-morrow (New Yettr's) evening the Methodiit Sabbath School Anniversary will be held here. A good programme has been prepared. LaxHea, you can buy the cloth for a splendid Dress for two dollar* at D. 8. Minim's. Don't fail to it -The Dundalk HrralJi Chriitnia* number ia a very creditable one indeed, <uid must have involved a great deal of trouble and ei|>enae. Mr. Hall i* to be commended fur hi* enterprise. The display of China and Glass- ware at IlicliardsouB ia the finest and cheapest ever at-eu in thin part of the country. The Preaiiyterian Sabbath School Anniversary, held in the church, Flesher- ton, Chriatmaa evening, w/ai very largely attended. The pr< tgriin mo was an ex cellent one, cnjiecially the Cantata, which waa rendered in the in. -at creditable man- ner. Silver PUtod Cruet*. SilverPlafd Cake llii-k.-tn. Silver Plated Butter Coolers, Silver Plated Pickle Stands, at Ricliardaons China Hall. \Ve take this opportunity to warn any |>er*on againit dumping potato** 011 the public streets, its there ia a by-law strictly |>r-. Int. itnitr aurh a arnaeleas prac- tice A number .f nltiaUe cuwa have already bevn clu.l->l u> dath by potatoe* left carnlvatly ou Uui at nuta. and it ia time something waa In.- to reuiiett the by-law touching thia pint. fcaTTlic best, cheapest, most dnr- able Pianos, Organs, Si A mi; Mach- ines, for sale by C. Trrad^oid. next door to Clayton's. Fleslicrton. Also, old Bowing Maclui>cs repaired and ta- ken aa part pay on new ones. Shuttles, Needles, Ac., mid all kunls of Hewing Machine supplies. Grand Illumination BY CHINESE LANTERNS, ON : -IS T B W YEARS EYE, AT Richardson's Drug Store : Just opened out, comprising some of the most recher- che articles ever shown in Plesherton. LADIES COMPANIONS, GENTS' DRESSING- CASES X-MAS CARDS, CHILDREN'S TOYS, CUPS, and VASES immense ! We shall be very glad to see all our customers, and wish them a very " MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR." Just go to Will Richardson for Immense Bargains in every description of Holiday Goods. /.'(/ r -./imnif II HUH. Having o |" <l la Hi fri -linn- n( Koom III Kii-li.-irilM.ii . l.rn-l, bl'ck IM-M door i ItOMMrU'a Jewelry atorr, r >|i<- iiu 1 1\ Kfillrlt piilv llr palroniacr. Hoi urColil I nn< h fiirni-in ii In HiiHlnriM Hour* *>r later If rnj mi i 4! JINC.S Hit ItOr r fr/. Ifc'ii't forgitt the grandi shooting match at Hannah'* hotel, Flt-sherton Station on New Year's Day. llK..ri.KiTT i the inin f nnp of lifr, and regularity of the bowrli im uoe of th* moel ntial Uw> of liwlih Bardoek HU .-I Illttrri r.-,-MUt. N the buwrrli in a nitural manner, curing CoDBtipttton and prcrrnttng rnouj d i*r*. HusincM will be siupended at M. Rich- ardion A C'm itre nu Now Year day, Jan. 1, 1886. You know, " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy " TBI ITF.HT COCOB cmi. The but for Cough and all Tliroat *ml Lnng truublfi ii onr th at loo fen* and diRloff* tne tough mneoiii, clears the bronchial tube*, an<l al- lay* irritation. Thii in what Hagrard Pectoral Bilnain doet in ercry oaae. A Mutiral Trrntir* Stoi-f. We undemtand that the Fleaherton Ole Club and Rrau Bnd intend giving a union concert on or about the 1st of February. We ha\Te no hesitation in any- ing, that to the loven of first-cUaa miuic, I this miterUiiirnont will be a rare treat, . M, wo undernUnd, that careful aelcctioii nf choice nitinic hai bcn made, and no paint w ill be i]red to have then thor- oughly prepared. OIK OKI >. I OlM.t s Elfftion of O&rerm- Bnyal Pr+erptury. - lr. t iiij Rlmrk Co. PLE8HERTOH. IsircnK HT.IMM.. Uollf. fclotcbet. pimple* and fettering auiree are indications of impure blood that ihould nerer be neglected, ur ill health anil pr>rhapa iootirable di>ane may result. Burdock H] -I Hut, r purifire tbe blood hy aoting on the four cardinal points of health tbe Stomach, Bowali, Lir*r and Blood. I'tiriiit r'< A iiHX'tinuf of i Vniro Orey Fanner'a In- titute will t> held in Markdale on the 8th anil Oth tlays of January, 1886, com- mencing r.i' 1 1 day at 1 . % p. rn. Lecturee will ha given and diacuuioni invited on topics connected with Agriculture, Horti- culture and kindred aubjocta. Profee- eors Hniwn, Oreniide, and Barre, of the Agricultural College, will r* preaent. Tin' ;iniMi:il meeting, for the election of officer*, vill he held at 10.30 on the mor- ning of the Hth Jan. NATION M,riI,I,S are th> farorit*- pnr gatiro and nun l>il null medioine* they are mild and tborongb. B.OTAL IL4CE niB- rirroar. At the Annual meeting uf Victoria It.iyal Hlaok Pre i captory, held in the I i >rmasr. Hall. Mark 9*\, I'.u Friday. Dec. llth, 1885, he folluwing were elected nfficer* for 886, via.. Sir Kt J.ir Bmdie, Preceptor. Wm. Brady, Dp PrucepUir. John McFadden, Chaplain. Thna. Elliott, Ret(iatrar. Ja*. Elliott, Treasurer .). <>ib>n, lit Lecturer. Thoa. Oilray, 2ud " J..hii liilli-spte, 1st Ounaor. Jaa. Brj-an, 2nd Cenaor. George Ritchie, l*t Stan Hearer. Ja*. Nt-laon, 2nd " John H. Carann, Pursuivant. Thm. Me Arthur, Tyler. Sir Kt* Ja*. Trickey, Jas. Erskine, Wm. ItiitlxdaTc. Thin MH'i.nncll, Th* Abbr>tt, Richard Abbjr, and Tin* Alx-r rombir, Committee. Thia PreeeptJiry i*4i> a very pr<i*perou* -inlitiiig, having a merubcnhip of 21 nd over flOO in the treasury. The reg- lar night of meeting i* the firat Friday n each month. Visiting Sir Knights are I way* welcome. sroBKlA L o.i_ wo. HIM. At the annual meeting of thia Ivdir*, eld in their hall at Eugenia on the 10th lit, the following were elected olfio.-n >r the ensuing year : Henry William*, W.M. Alei. Madill, Dep. M Wm. J. Hith, I'liai-lani. John Linton, Rc. Secretary. Jaa. Williams, Fin. Secretary. F. Bowermau, Trcaaurer. John Williama, D. of C. Ki'liraini lirodie, Lcturi-r. Cominittee John Bowerman, Juaeph (owurmaii, Juaiah C>i>i>er, Bobt Wil- iani*, and Joseph Wubur. Auditors Jaa. and E. Brodio. Thi* l-.il.M- meet* on the Wexlrnxday on >r before the full of the moon in each month, and is in a very flnariahinq con- dition, having a hall second to none in the district, and being out of debt, with a fair surplus in the treasury. L.O. L. NO. 609. At the annual meeting of this lodge, held on thu 21st nut , the following were elected onVen for current term : W. Wright, W.M. J. Sn. II. Dep. M. S. Morrow, Chaplain. J. Graham, Kec. Secretary. W. Fleaher, Fin. Secretary. T. .gnell, Treaaurer. A. Wright, Lecturar. M. 1 .V*i ., D. of C. Committee O. Rwaaton, W. Davis, W. Carter, J. Bpeara, WaUhorn. A. Bryan, Tyler. 1. 1' i. NO. H83. At the annual meeting of L. O. L. No. 883, held on thu 16th mat., the following were elected officer* for current year : Wm. Rutlede, W.M. James Homphill, Dep. M. Edward Rtone, < liaplain. Wm. L. Wright, Rec. Secretary. Jamea A. Kennedy, Fin. Secretary- Jame* Aahdown, Traaaurtr. Henry Piptr, D. of C. Frederick Gee. Lecturer. Committee Richard Ktone, Andrvw Kutlodite, J.'bn Duupe, AlUn Park*, Richard \\hittaki-r. At the cloae < f the meeting, th mem- ber! Hid visitor* partook of an oyatrr cup- per. TH HBCKT nr Hrcrawa. Tb* rea*i<o why Hac7*ril i Yellow Oil is eo popnlar with tb peonle a* a I- u. b.M remedy fur pain, ia in j atie laet tbst wbile many Imitumt* "iiiy rv I . Velluw OU aolb relwTes aad crn Hhnmatlsm and all aches, patns, and lainrnr. 4 r I in . l :i . r a ii-. > ,.. : V. The following are the officer* for the year 1886: Juhn Id >' ami, Master, Thoa. Kelts, Overseer. Jat. Bnxlif, Secretary. R. Buchanan, Treasurer. J. I. Graham, Lecturer. .l..s. Kuchanan, Steward. D. Tlioiii|t*.n. Aaat. Steward. W. Heath, (iatkorper. Mr*. J. Holland, Ceres. Mr*. J. Warlin^, 1'oin.ina. Miaa Brodie, Lmly -\ast. Steward. . Auditor* J. Graham, J. Buchanan. IMeifale to Diviaion Grange John (>raham. Thu regular meetings of tin* (iran^e are held ou the Friday on or before the full of the mm MI in each month. CROLBI* I'KCVKNTITITI. ~ In order to with- stand O'holf ra and such like epidemics a per feet parity of !.1.>J. and tlm prorxr sx-lion of the stoavarh are requirrd. To insure tlial end. in tbe ehrapeit. rnot STailablr and complete nunn'-r. nee Mcdrev.r S|>.*i1>- Cure fur l>vsp*psia and Impur* Hlood. There is no purer. *afr nr more r* liable rnmnly In eiisteoce for Indiiteation, Ilyipepiia, Costiveneaa, *te. Ask your igbbor r any person who ha* n .j It. Sold ! y W. KichardsoD. Trial bottle nir*ii free. Mrafortl Kon.l. From our o*ra Corrripondtnl. Ilinfs AoibKirr. While wrkini{ with a threading ma- chine at hi* place, Mr. Adam Hulop met with a very serious accident. He waa re- iiint inn aotne straw aU/ut the cylinder, ami having his mita on at the time, his left hand got oiuk'ht in tbe teeth and was fearfully inviglvd. lie iLgtttu* aran<l *ajn.-r.irt will awrar harJtae. a***.* w*W his hand. Mr Saiiiui-1 Gilbert U back hoeae again from Wiartitii. A large quantity of the timber and lum bet rw|uird for the trecUon of the Mark dale roller nnk haa been cupiilied fmm the Ecli[>ae steam saw mill now under the management >f Mr. J. W Smrt Crai. It is p.-pnlj. ly adiuitltii eT>rjhrr* thst M-'ir 8pee>ly Core is the salrst. m*t r*lial.l<- so4 by far tbe chnpnt reror-ly for<'on>ti r tn.|i. Liver ('iii|.Uint, ID lu!i-tii.n. Imparr Ml I Luis of App-tit.'. in.i all similar Uuuelea. It Ii not n-rroarv t.. take a im .it quantity b*fie any result is prodn?.| A few !,* will tweWWM T> u vl It* merit*. Thai bot- tli>Kiveo free at W. Richardson'* Drag Slure. WRIUBT TiKiMranN. At the residence of the bridca' father, n the 23r<l mat., by the Rev. Mr. Ward, Mr. 0,,.. Wnht. of Warrham, t Mias Mary Jane Thorn aon, of Artomesia. HJIITH ROLT. -By the Rev. W. Aycr*. on the i'irtl Dt-c., I**'., Mr Wn. H Smith, of Klaiu-hard, to Mi*s Lizzie Rolf, of Logan. Rev. ,1. O. Falll*. l>iitt.<n. wrtifti-i "For anme year* my wife tian bri n tr. ul.ii.l itii I>vi|tepiiia, and ha* tried one ti.mti after an i. tin r reeomnroiied witb but little or no eff- eet till adl**.l to (ifp Mo(>rogor't S|x>dy (Jure a trial. 8iiic taking th firvt i.. ti . 1 hate noticed a dMidrxl improvrment. and can with oonlidrnee reoimmend it t. !* on* of, if not the r>f*t mediemr eitant ! r l>vs |M<l>sia. This invaluable nirtlicine for Liver Complaint. Indigestion, Kidnrjr t'uniplaint ispnrrlf vefretabl. Hi.ld at W. Riehard sun's Drug Store. Trial bottlts given tree. To i hi- 1 1 . . i ,.r. of Ward .\*>. :t. Luphraala. nsiTTLCBtiH, A* a camlhUtf for your upjxirt for Councilman for thia Ward, 1 am aaked which candidate for the Reeve ihip I am lupporting. In reply I would ay I am running independent of either of the candidate*, nttither supporting nor oppoain? one or th> other. If olacted I intend to give a loyal sup- port t-> th Reev* of your choice, and wiil carefully attend to yoor interests in all matter* affecting them which may coma before the Council. Respectfully asking your vote* and in- fluence, T am, Yours respectfully, 0. Pimsu. What Th.- ;irr Who's g.-ing to be elected Reeve t Ag- ricultural Editor. I wonder the same tiling mjax-lf ; hat, by the way, don t you want a fint-cta** hawgunl C. Treadtfi.lil. No ; 1 d rather have a Treaavarerahip, ..r < '1i-rilii|i. <>r something of that srt in the New Ministry - Fiithting Editor Ni.w, li> k Li-re, y..n kn-'W, l--k here ; Annstr. nu; had bettor c- t the 1-- ki in hafte and he ready to haml them over t<> the new MIIIUUT of Finance. --Robert Trimble. What have I d-ine that the people ihould not re-elect me J None can say that I have not done my duty. Dr. Chriatoe. Ye*, but you chould give other* a chance A. ElliotL That's what I aay. T. Kella. An.l I. J. O. Elections make strange, bedfellow*. 8. (i. Ae* to irriiid ' Whoae got aie* to grind ? Strwt-rirr. Ye, but l'k here, you kn. w, look here; I don't think don t ttiink, \ u know that it would be convenient t> i-liN-t A man living on the border* of an- other Um iiihi|>> must be mre c<-ntrJly located, you know, nn-re centrally located of courae. R, Trimble. fHE KEY TO HEALTH. I'nWVi sll ibe eloper*! srnun <TlS P.owtls, Kidneyi and Liver. cirrvin*> o^ (isrlu.illy oiihoui wrikcnii i; the svtrm, .t'i th impuruie* and fwl humon of ih s*crfti.-n ; al the t me time Correttin/ Acid.ty of the ttomach, cunnc BUi- c wucas, i)y!pcDia. UeaOachea. Di.-- z'.ness. lleartDi rn. Constipation. Dryne.ii of thn Skin. Dropsy. Dim- rota of Vision. Jaundice. SaltRhrnm. Erysipdia, Bcr 'n's, Flntterinc of tho Heart. Nervouanesa axd General Df)Wl : tr: aM lhc*e sn.l manv i>t-<r .mii- o' B7KDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles l-'c . Teft.'arsi-'' Tl Fof islr liy *H fl^-l . Ui>M acd btiwer ai.d OeoU' V. *u-.a*. Brooch**, Cbaiua, Hmgi, ate. , aft ol the AM* )*- honMly **%*, .TAN. c;. * .Vi-airir* a .jmnted Eves*- ** ADVERTISEMENTS. it u/ < IIKISTHJ.J4 FLOCB. J*M tiinei a la**)* s in*liii"il ef tolled t\"+r. uite,bt* tot Chrletsaae aa4 Year Pievrtee. aad a* rack salt aad issrre : Tr. MH-.R.s H ANTED. Tvvdrrawlll b* rec*4*w< wp o *nea ef .tar 1>~ . ISei. at tb. Vleaierle* Bkc lor tbe eellvsvv ef two lhiiaal (Bad. s* lawful fed**- BHe.>ebe Us ua ike line wTaTruke*! a*4 W K nearer, ae* " 14 of tb* STFW WILL fl R Lot In ltb Coa ArtraiMi*. > I I I K.r L*>TH r UK xill . 3 Lat* lor eal*. IB leoeed Appljr so W4XTEB! KM MU1 MOJM IM* W WkMe 30X0) f*.t Birch. W. ABE FB HALE. 1*0 lb : food (or ricfelM Bie< v Will Mil w.o IOB MALE. A I'.m.inm WdlUui* HlMM Hln( MMblM ) D.W C*tolMu |prTr*. & wUI Uk Ml or MS on MUM. or nrtitnf* (a* r4e. DTA<r> omcE. FLfll BIXC MILL T UXT. Tb* "!! kti"WB " (inwuni Mill*." nd btlf ii. L:M at rbk*ta. to ! tnu Afply to th* Ei W "H BOLAJID. w Notice to Contractors. nf. \' KD TENDE>lr<eddrfe!%o th. * Canaf.- will b* arrival uf Ui* V a*lern aa<l -i>UAT. lh*aMee*,< <A H lor raluua* th* waj!fcf tft* I-Kki w*rrt aad TboawJa, waa\ ** b .MM the . . Mafttof tb. MTral locallUM, I ;i.- n.| Mrtptrf* petfl re I toiia. caa bvMeB t tlii.omr.- on ami artvr MONDAY U> 11 In UT of JAM ABY MII IMHI. wlMn priDtW forms of t*ti<Wr can be nbtamed. A lift* cl*M *f totetnatiou nlatlve to tb* work> oortk of Alt- ant>ur| will h r<iruili*l al tb* Rei4tit Cnt ..... ! ' K l an.) f,.r .^k. ...ullief Allanburg. plaa>. ii> iftrati..ni. Ac. may be . . , t r arc rrqu.rted to bear in u*4 that fn>l*n will not M ron>l<lere4 ! made trirtly in arror.lanr* wntb tb priete4 f !. ii I .u the raea of Uruit xcept there ar aa. urhvd thv artual iinalare>. tb* nature of til* occupation and plare of mMrnre of eacb !< br ol the aane . an. I furtl.tr. a* ami nit id beak ebeqee for UM mim of Twu Tn.'t >uip DoLLjiae IT in.. r. >: to thi- >itont of tnw-f k oa tbe a*rtlnn mut araotnpant the r*|>e>!U*e tn<lrn. wl.Kh uni'ball Wfurfrtted If l>i v-e^y In rn.k Ir- i... .1 t. r. n i. .c. nux-t f> r \t- w..r. tt U>< rate* italed in Ib* o**r luboiltud. Tnr amount required In earb raea will be tat<~l on th form of ledr Th* rh*>|D* or mo*f tbo* eot In *U1 be tM'Md to tke r*<ictjiT* parti** wboae n are nt a*|H*d Thii |Vrrrtnirnl doe* not. he *)*.. bied tlf te eo*p the lovevto* any leader By order. A r URAtM r.T. ient nf Hallway* aad CaaaX wm Mb December. lBa ( >a UK FOR A Ihnroiifh bv4 HulToli Bear * sa*iUi at Lot IX. taut Kawt. T S Road. lrte*B*a*a toek lint pn. M K.t i.rvr r..vmt RlhiMiMa, b*l<l In Fleeberaea failed l*a* Frlc* SI JACOH H.LLY ; KING'S EVIL Wai the aaav form' i'v f'.ttu to I bniifv if a *Uirr-.... u tliel U ev-u. I ti CUP J I; a kuw'i tua U. Taw WVTM! I* Uor twtv, aad kaowi tuat SCROFULA ran oalv he rurxl bv * tBnf**n,fc portfl-a- Iloo Tlw* bw.-l. If Uit. U a**rVvi..l. lb J.-i- |-r>irliiai In lalul tkrvw-. rrn r-I|..n .,'-, r j.. u. r-ilN-u. Ansnosi t-s rrVr iin;4iHn< .: >! > ^>| surals >*> K. -iftnt, < nla*M>uii Krwrnteoe, It*. n>"-. H..i', < arrtwnrree, Krytwpol**, I'urulrnt I leer*. Nrvys aj*4) **aj. alcal < ollapaa, Mr. If uhwrd ! e*e> tlnur. Khriimalltiii. r^-rruf Hloai* t a- larrli. Kl-lnry <il I.Mec I'tirans, Turx>rrular (' vn*n*Mplluis. iSMl <sr- a*0Urr lUotrrrutt* er ;" Ayer's Sarsaparilla oad-ptrfiHf wn/.cix. l-i.. t - , ml an ihrrt-ive that It rrxtk-atv*. frvM lb *T,i,m llrrvtllta*} kWrofMla, l-i ta* kio.uxl iMuu of CTHII;<OIM ui-ra-a ao.1 mrrrur . At tb esun- -tan* it rVbe aod tltalUw the bowl. rr>tortrs; brt'thful a. :i..a la ISM ilisl rr.n uv4 rrju\et>a;uv(itMrntlrw ;ttru>. This gnat Regenerative edieiM It rr>mr.^- 1 of the jrrmtn* r7a*fvm* Trii<<t . __ JVC*, fl-'- ln^iu. the /odn/r* i ' IV/duiw> taJ Iruis, and :1 ,-r Ithrrrnllenti .-f arrtat po> trary. carvru.'y and ertrni'r.rallv foow powttoeii. It* tormii.a ( eriwr*lH aaewa te the awximl prof *>. *a4 Us* Wet phrvicho* ruo4tantly a^nacrft Bm*ruuLi si aa Absolut4> Cure re.t>w<1 fcr t1>e> UM bWL It hconc.i. r^'fj te fkealta- est practtcab't dtrrrc. far Uyosrf aajr ether preparation (or wl.:tk Hke ** are rlalnml. sn.l U IhrrrfM* the earaaest, ai wtll ae the br** b-'osxl cine. In tbe worij. Aycr'3 Sarcrpar.Ha rgrr.tr-D r if. J. C. Mf*r AC*..l**. r.*:i. [ \n!>tlra! Chetnleta 0M by ail Pn' Tjtot : r" kwtlles (M *. J