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Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 1

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Wright-Thompson. -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Ward, Mr. Geo. Wright, of Wareham, to Miss Mary Jane Thom[p]son, of Artemesia. Smith-Rolf. -By the Rev. W. Ayers, on the 23rd Dec., 1885, Mr. Wm. B. Smith, of Blanchard, to Miss Lizzie Rolf, of Logan. B. Laurance&apos;s Spectacles d Eyeglasses Am the only genuine Kughah Article* In UIB CaiMMliaa market Raal PebbUs svre kept iu stock. Testa are given to pur- afeaaeBB to provo gwauinanas* They are mninendwd by w*M P*W**B*BW*. Vice- JJaS.l. Jrwrlrr, ate., /le*Wtoa, Q%t Ha* only place where they can be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. 17IM E ~Ta\rVBL,E. M..V to,** North. Tiair .. ............... af ark&apos;lal. ...... _______ II &J " &apos; 10 WUllaanfora ............... Iil9 OaatsworUi ..Arrive 100 .. ,j 10 a) &apos; ^Ki|, Mall I Sjeoad .TLeave 1-JUem a36|>u CaaUworth 80 s 10 " VIIHamaTora ! *0e - l SSO 4 08 I 411 &apos; **> SS li- sa) " Mar VLMBUTO* .................. ;t Dindalk ........................ IT iMlburiM ..................... &apos;Til Mvill* Junetioei ..... 1 100 jl*- > Arrin ............ lit CerdweU Junction OT " 7 .. Arrive&apos;lOtS " Teronio W.WBTTB. (f i. Hrr T D.McNICOLL. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., OUT. rT*M IAV M K4.rO>, *.<-. FXESHKRTON. Hr4>nc, nr I (.. Dirwt&apos;vtt Cvurt oj/i Dr. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIER, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. t^nmom and Ra*l4oca near Pr*bytrln CkcrcbM. I&apos;rloaTllte. r. MARSH 4 I I.. I..M.H DBMTI8T. IUDVATB of Toronto Bchool of DraUctoy, til bo at Markdale the Ut and Ird Wvteee- ytttatrli Biofith, andM FWhrton on lhlit e>n4 Ir* Thurvlaj lu each muiitli Toi tin practic* f hll v&apos;"&apos;""-&apos;" 11 FROST & FROST. BAIt KISTI .14- HOLICITOH8. &apos;..NVC.Y4N.KH. *c Offlee I&apos;niilett hir.-.-t. OWKN SOUM>. and every Tbnndajr at FLRSHKKTCN J. W FROST. 1. 1. M ALFRKD FBOST. Crown County Attorn.y BAMDt. B. r (;. Ill IS rBICM.W niHTlN. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, Huctfuor* to Lunder it Hand*, BARIIIHTKIUt. BOI.ICITOKH. NOTABIKH. C&apos;DNVBVANCKMS, Ac Money to Ixian at Leweit Rate* of lutere*t. Office*. 10 KlnR Htreet Ka*t. Toronto. MORPEY & MILLERS, BarruOri, Siiliritori, Nuturiet PMie, Omc-B. Over tlcf irlane Irru Ktor*. DURHAM, ONT. Snsiucss Card... Jtho W. Irmttronf . FLEUHBRTOK, Co. Outr. DIVISION COURT n.riiK COMMIHHIONKR ID B h . Connrano*r. Ac AKBiit for purclia** aid >al* of land* Appraiser for C. L. C. Com- an 1 P P II * H. Aoclet; Mnnry to l<nan no th* mo4t rMMnable tertnr Iiwrn ur MAHIIIAOK LICBN8EM. Jan. 16. Sloan* INSURANCE AOE\T, KUOKNIA. RepmentlnR that Klld eld Fire Iniuranc* Co., th* NOBWICH 1&apos;itiox, of Norwich. KuKland Intnraucc affertod on House*. outbillldiu|{*, Ac.. at low rates. Inturea igainii W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.FBE ABTIllltSIA. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, INSURANCE AG&apos;T, <rC. DBRDB. MORTOAGKH. L.KAHK8, *o., prepar- ed and property eiceuted. Insurance affi>o- ted In 8rt-clae* companies. Uonejr to lend at leweet rates. Honey to Loan. At 6\ Per Cent. Inlnrrtt on StraiyU Loan. TTTITII Interest paid narl*. not In advance. No V aommlmion charged. Apply to A. Kl*.*t. - TBOKMirRT. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Majon. FLESHERTON. Order* In Town and Country promptly and aranilljr executed. THE MARKETS, FLE8HERTON. CnrefuUif.Corrected Each Wrfk. Floor f 00 to 6 00 Fall Wheat $0 80 to 80 Spring Wheat 60 72 Barley 46 66 0t 28 80 Peas 64 65 Batter 10 18 Egg, fresh 20 20 Potatoes 020 020 Pork ... 5 75 ft 26 Hay, per ton 800 1000 Hid B 6 26 7 25 Wool 16 16 8hepkins 60 70 Gees* 06 Turkeys 10 Chickens per pair 026 030 P ooki per pair 040 060 3 Flesherton J NEW STOCK AT of ft/ Jewel y .S&apos;/org. i-nt- MEfO&E FA rO."-*&apos;J>RJJfClPLES. WOT VOL.?./ 10. 237. FLESHERTON, OHTARIO. DECEMBER 91, 1885. A. R. FAWCETT, Aro iliuwinp full li/K-i of THE ADVANCE Fawcett. Editor Tii - Bits. CoHtisting of Lofal and fjHur Jtemt gathered by The Attttnce Ktixtrttrt. IB- PUTS, Mantles, Ulsterings, And a splendid range of . Dress Goods In til the New Material.. MENS OVERCOATS ! Stunners at $&apos;,. Better.^t $7. A lot of Canadian Ail-Wool Tweeds Will be sold befor. CHRISTMAS ! At AHY PRICE! TO CLEAR. Tbesn ire New Goods, bat we have urn-pins stock and must turn them into money. - MENS Long Felt Boots, $1.95 PER PAIR. Well soled and leather foxed warran- ted frost proof. Ladies Felt Lined Leather Boots ! Warm, Comfortable, and Durable- Every depttrtibent is fall of goods h&apos; ,-asoi). and e challenge tbe Comity for low prices. The highest cash pricea paid for Maplu and Birch log* at Wm. Bradley&apos;* mill, Fleihertoit. Applet, AfjJri, Applet! Any Quantity No. 1 Grsjen Apples K-r sal* at It TBflfBLJrS. The Flesherton Pnat-Ofie will I* open from 1 p. m. to 2 p. in. on New Year day. - H. J. 8r*uH<uc, Poai-Maater. Mis* Phoebe Alluon, of Alliaton, ia visiting at her brother&apos;i, the popular boat of the Maxwell Houae. To-morrow (New Yettr&apos;s) evening the Methodiit Sabbath School Anniversary will be held here. A good programme has been prepared. LaxHea, you can buy the cloth for a splendid Dress for two dollar* at D. 8. Minim&apos;s. Don&apos;t fail to it -The Dundalk HrralJi Chriitnia* number ia a very creditable one indeed, <uid must have involved a great deal of trouble and ei|>enae. Mr. Hall i* to be commended fur hi* enterprise. The display of China and Glass- ware at IlicliardsouB ia the finest and cheapest ever at-eu in thin part of the country. The Preaiiyterian Sabbath School Anniversary, held in the church, Flesher- ton, Chriatmaa evening, w/ai very largely attended. The pr< tgriin mo was an ex cellent one, cnjiecially the Cantata, which waa rendered in the in. -at creditable man- ner. Silver PUtod Cruet*. SilverPlafd Cake llii-k.-tn. Silver Plated Butter Coolers, Silver Plated Pickle Stands, at Ricliardaons China Hall. \Ve take this opportunity to warn any |>er*on againit dumping potato** 011 the public streets, its there ia a by-law strictly |>r-. Int. itnitr aurh a arnaeleas prac- tice A number .f nltiaUe cuwa have already bevn clu.l->l u> dath by potatoe* left carnlvatly ou Uui at nuta. and it ia time something waa In.- to reuiiett the by-law touching thia pint. fcaTTlic best, cheapest, most dnr- able Pianos, Organs, Si A mi; Mach- ines, for sale by C. Trrad^oid. next door to Clayton&apos;s. Fleslicrton. Also, old Bowing Maclui>cs repaired and ta- ken aa part pay on new ones. Shuttles, Needles, Ac., mid all kunls of Hewing Machine supplies. Grand Illumination BY CHINESE LANTERNS, ON : -IS T B W YEARS EYE, AT Richardson&apos;s Drug Store : Just opened out, comprising some of the most recher- che articles ever shown in Plesherton. LADIES COMPANIONS, GENTS&apos; DRESSING- CASES X-MAS CARDS, CHILDREN&apos;S TOYS, CUPS, and VASES immense ! We shall be very glad to see all our customers, and wish them a very " MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR." Just go to Will Richardson for Immense Bargains in every description of Holiday Goods. /.&apos;(/ r -./imnif II HUH. Having o |" <l la Hi fri -linn- n( Koom III Kii-li.-irilM.ii . l.rn-l, bl&apos;ck IM-M door i ItOMMrU&apos;a Jewelry atorr, r >|i<- iiu 1 1\ Kfillrlt piilv llr palroniacr. Hoi urColil I nn< h fiirni-in ii In HiiHlnriM Hour* *>r later If rnj mi i 4! JINC.S Hit ItOr r fr/. Ifc&apos;ii&apos;t forgitt the grandi shooting match at Hannah&apos;* hotel, Flt-sherton Station on New Year&apos;s Day. llK..ri.KiTT i the inin f nnp of lifr, and regularity of the bowrli im uoe of th* moel ntial Uw> of liwlih Bardoek HU .-I Illttrri r.-,-MUt. N the buwrrli in a nitural manner, curing CoDBtipttton and prcrrnttng rnouj d i*r*. HusincM will be siupended at M. Rich- ardion A C&apos;m itre nu Now Year day, Jan. 1, 1886. You know, " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy " TBI ITF.HT COCOB cmi. The but for Cough and all Tliroat *ml Lnng truublfi ii onr th at loo fen* and diRloff* tne tough mneoiii, clears the bronchial tube*, an<l al- lay* irritation. Thii in what Hagrard Pectoral Bilnain doet in ercry oaae. A Mutiral Trrntir* Stoi-f. We undemtand that the Fleaherton Ole Club and Rrau Bnd intend giving a union concert on or about the 1st of February. We ha\Te no hesitation in any- ing, that to the loven of first-cUaa miuic, I this miterUiiirnont will be a rare treat, . M, wo undernUnd, that careful aelcctioii nf choice nitinic hai bcn made, and no paint w ill be i]red to have then thor- oughly prepared. OIK OKI >. I OlM.t s Elfftion of O&rerm- Bnyal Pr+erptury. - lr. t iiij Rlmrk Co. PLE8HERTOH. IsircnK HT.IMM.. Uollf. fclotcbet. pimple* and fettering auiree are indications of impure blood that ihould nerer be neglected, ur ill health anil pr>rhapa iootirable di>ane may result. Burdock H] -I Hut, r purifire tbe blood hy aoting on the four cardinal points of health tbe Stomach, Bowali, Lir*r and Blood. I&apos;tiriiit r&apos;< A iiHX&apos;tinuf of i Vniro Orey Fanner&apos;a In- titute will t> held in Markdale on the 8th anil Oth tlays of January, 1886, com- mencing r.i&apos; 1 1 day at 1 . % p. rn. Lecturee will ha given and diacuuioni invited on topics connected with Agriculture, Horti- culture and kindred aubjocta. Profee- eors Hniwn, Oreniide, and Barre, of the Agricultural College, will r* preaent. Tin&apos; ;iniMi:il meeting, for the election of officer*, vill he held at 10.30 on the mor- ning of the Hth Jan. NATION M,riI,I,S are th> farorit*- pnr gatiro and nun l>il null medioine* they are mild and tborongb. B.OTAL IL4CE niB- rirroar. At the Annual meeting uf Victoria It.iyal Hlaok Pre i captory, held in the I i >rmasr. Hall. Mark 9*\, I&apos;.u Friday. Dec. llth, 1885, he folluwing were elected nfficer* for 886, via.. Sir Kt Bmdie, Preceptor. Wm. Brady, Dp PrucepUir. John McFadden, Chaplain. Thna. Elliott, Ret(iatrar. Ja*. Elliott, Treasurer .). <>ib>n, lit Lecturer. Thoa. Oilray, 2ud " J..hii liilli-spte, 1st Ounaor. Jaa. Brj-an, 2nd Cenaor. George Ritchie, l*t Stan Hearer. Ja*. Nt-laon, 2nd " John H. Carann, Pursuivant. Thm. Me Arthur, Tyler. Sir Kt* Ja*. Trickey, Jas. Erskine, Wm. ItiitlxdaTc. Thin MH&apos;i.nncll, Th* Abbr>tt, Richard Abbjr, and Tin* Alx-r rombir, Committee. Thia PreeeptJiry i*4i> a very pr<i*perou* -inlitiiig, having a merubcnhip of 21 nd over flOO in the treasury. The reg- lar night of meeting i* the firat Friday n each month. Visiting Sir Knights are I way* welcome. sroBKlA L o.i_ wo. HIM. At the annual meeting of thia Ivdir*, eld in their hall at Eugenia on the 10th lit, the following were elected olfio.-n >r the ensuing year : Henry William*, W.M. Alei. Madill, Dep. M Wm. J. Hith, I&apos;liai-lani. John Linton, Rc. Secretary. Jaa. Williams, Fin. Secretary. F. Bowermau, Trcaaurer. John Williama, D. of C. Ki&apos;liraini lirodie, Lcturi-r. Cominittee John Bowerman, Juaeph (owurmaii, Juaiah C>i>i>er, Bobt Wil- iani*, and Joseph Wubur. Auditors Jaa. and E. Brodio. Thi* meet* on the Wexlrnxday on >r before the full of the moon in each month, and is in a very flnariahinq con- dition, having a hall second to none in the district, and being out of debt, with a fair surplus in the treasury. L.O. L. NO. 609. At the annual meeting of this lodge, held on thu 21st nut , the following were elected onVen for current term : W. Wright, W.M. J. Sn. II. Dep. M. S. Morrow, Chaplain. J. Graham, Kec. Secretary. W. Fleaher, Fin. Secretary. T. .gnell, Treaaurer. A. Wright, Lecturar. M. 1 .V*i ., D. of C. Committee O. Rwaaton, W. Davis, W. Carter, J. Bpeara, WaUhorn. A. Bryan, Tyler. 1. 1&apos; i. NO. H83. At the annual meeting of L. O. L. No. 883, held on thu 16th mat., the following were elected officer* for current year : Wm. Rutlede, W.M. James Homphill, Dep. M. Edward Rtone, < liaplain. Wm. L. Wright, Rec. Secretary. Jamea A. Kennedy, Fin. Secretary- Jame* Aahdown, Traaaurtr. Henry Piptr, D. of C. Frederick Gee. Lecturer. Committee Richard Ktone, Andrvw Kutlodite, J.&apos;bn Duupe, AlUn Park*, Richard \\hittaki-r. At the cloae < f the meeting, th mem- ber! Hid visitor* partook of an oyatrr cup- per. TH HBCKT nr Hrcrawa. Tb* rea*i<o why Hac7*ril i Yellow Oil is eo popnlar with tb peonle a* a I- u. b.M remedy fur pain, ia in j atie laet tbst wbile many Imitumt* "iiiy rv I . Velluw OU aolb relwTes aad crn Hhnmatlsm and all aches, patns, and lainrnr. 4 r I in . l :i . r a ii-. > ,.. : V. The following are the officer* for the year 1886: Juhn Id >&apos; ami, Master, Thoa. Kelts, Overseer. Jat. Bnxlif, Secretary. R. Buchanan, Treasurer. J. I. Graham, Lecturer. .l..s. Kuchanan, Steward. D. Tlioiii|t*.n. Aaat. Steward. W. Heath, (iatkorper. Mr*. J. Holland, Ceres. Mr*. J. Warlin^, 1&apos;oin.ina. Miaa Brodie, Lmly -\ast. Steward. . Auditor* J. Graham, J. Buchanan. IMeifale to Diviaion Grange John (>raham. Thu regular meetings of tin* (iran^e are held ou the Friday on or before the full of the mm MI in each month. CROLBI* I&apos;KCVKNTITITI. ~ In order to with- stand O&apos;holf ra and such like epidemics a per feet parity of !.1.>J. and tlm prorxr sx-lion of the stoavarh are requirrd. To insure tlial end. in tbe ehrapeit. rnot STailablr and complete nunn&apos;-r. nee Mcdrev.r S|>.*i1>- Cure fur l>vsp*psia and Impur* Hlood. There is no purer. *afr nr more r* liable rnmnly In eiisteoce for Indiiteation, Ilyipepiia, Costiveneaa, *te. Ask your igbbor r any person who ha* n .j It. Sold ! y W. KichardsoD. Trial bottle nir*ii free. Mrafortl Kon.l. From our o*ra Corrripondtnl. Ilinfs AoibKirr. While wrkini{ with a threading ma- chine at hi* place, Mr. Adam Hulop met with a very serious accident. He waa re- iiint inn aotne straw aU/ut the cylinder, ami having his mita on at the time, his left hand got oiuk&apos;ht in tbe teeth and was fearfully inviglvd. lie iLgtttu* aran<l *ajn.-r.irt will awrar harJtae. a***.* w*W his hand. Mr Saiiiui-1 Gilbert U back hoeae again from Wiartitii. A large quantity of the timber and lum bet rw|uird for the trecUon of the Mark dale roller nnk haa been cupiilied fmm the Ecli[>ae steam saw mill now under the management >f Mr. J. W Smrt Crai. It is p.-pnlj. ly adiuitltii eT>rjhrr* thst M-&apos;ir 8pee>ly Core is the salrst. m*t r*lial.l<- so4 by far tbe chnpnt reror-ly for<&apos;on>ti r tn.|i. Liver (&apos;iii|.Uint, ID lu!i-tii.n. Imparr Ml I Luis of App-tit.&apos;. in.i all similar Uuuelea. It Ii not n-rroarv t.. take a im .it quantity b*fie any result is prodn?.| A few !,* will tweWWM T> u vl It* merit*. Thai bot- tli>Kiveo free at W. Richardson&apos;* Drag Slure. WRIUBT TiKiMranN. At the residence of the bridca&apos; father, n the 23r<l mat., by the Rev. Mr. Ward, Mr. 0,,.. Wnht. of Warrham, t Mias Mary Jane Thorn aon, of Artomesia. HJIITH ROLT. -By the Rev. W. Aycr*. on the i&apos;irtl Dt-c., I**&apos;., Mr Wn. H Smith, of Klaiu-hard, to Mi*s Lizzie Rolf, of Logan. Rev. ,1. O. Falll*. l>iitt.<n. wrtifti-i "For anme year* my wife tian bri n tr. ul.ii.l itii I>vi|tepiiia, and ha* tried one ti.mti after an i. tin r reeomnroiied witb but little or no eff- eet till adl**.l to (ifp Mo(>rogor&apos;t S|x>dy (Jure a trial. 8iiic taking th firvt i.. ti . 1 hate noticed a dMidrxl improvrment. and can with oonlidrnee reoimmend it t. !* on* of, if not the r>f*t mediemr eitant ! r l>vs |M<l>sia. This invaluable nirtlicine for Liver Complaint. Indigestion, Kidnrjr t&apos;uniplaint ispnrrlf vefretabl. Hi.ld at W. Riehard sun&apos;s Drug Store. Trial bottlts given tree. To i hi- 1 1 . . i ,.r. of Ward .\*>. :t. Luphraala. nsiTTLCBtiH, A* a camlhUtf for your upjxirt for Councilman for thia Ward, 1 am aaked which candidate for the Reeve ihip I am lupporting. In reply I would ay I am running independent of either of the candidate*, nttither supporting nor oppoain? one or th> other. If olacted I intend to give a loyal sup- port t-> th Reev* of your choice, and wiil carefully attend to yoor interests in all matter* affecting them which may coma before the Council. Respectfully asking your vote* and in- fluence, T am, Yours respectfully, 0. Pimsu. What Th.- ;irr Who&apos;s g.-ing to be elected Reeve t Ag- ricultural Editor. I wonder the same tiling mjax-lf ; hat, by the way, don t you want a fint-cta** hawgunl C. Treadtfi.lil. No ; 1 d rather have a Treaavarerahip, ..r < &apos;1i-rilii|i. <>r something of that srt in the New Ministry - Fiithting Editor Ni.w, li> k Li-re, y..n kn-&apos;W, l--k here ; Annstr. nu; had bettor c- t the 1-- ki in hafte and he ready to haml them over t<> the new MIIIUUT of Finance. --Robert Trimble. What have I d-ine that the people ihould not re-elect me J None can say that I have not done my duty. Dr. Chriatoe. Ye*, but you chould give other* a chance A. ElliotL That&apos;s what I aay. T. Kella. An.l I. J. O. Elections make strange, bedfellow*. 8. (i. Ae* to irriiid &apos; Whoae got aie* to grind ? Strwt-rirr. Ye, but l&apos;k here, you kn. w, look here; I don&apos;t think don t ttiink, \ u know that it would be convenient t> i-liN-t A man living on the border* of an- other Um iiihi|>> must be mre c<-ntrJly located, you know, nn-re centrally located of courae. R, Trimble. fHE KEY TO HEALTH. I&apos;nWVi sll ibe eloper*! srnun <TlS P.owtls, Kidneyi and Liver. cirrvin*> o^ (isrlu.illy oiihoui wrikcnii i; the svtrm, .t&apos;i th impuruie* and fwl humon of ih s*crfti.-n ; al the t me time Correttin/ Acid.ty of the ttomach, cunnc BUi- c wucas, i)y!pcDia. UeaOachea. Di.-- z&apos;.ness. lleartDi rn. Constipation. Dryne.ii of thn Skin. Dropsy. Dim- rota of Vision. Jaundice. SaltRhrnm. Erysipdia, Bcr &apos;n&apos;s, Flntterinc of tho Heart. Nervouanesa axd General Df)Wl : tr: aM lhc*e sn.l manv i>t-<r .mii- o&apos; B7KDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles l-&apos;c . Teft.&apos;arsi-&apos;&apos; Tl Fof islr liy *H fl^-l . Ui>M acd btiwer ai.d OeoU&apos; V. *u-.a*. Brooch**, Cbaiua, Hmgi, ate. , aft ol the AM* )*- honMly **%*, .TAN. c;. * .Vi-airir* a .jmnted Eves*- ** ADVERTISEMENTS. it u/ < IIKISTHJ.J4 FLOCB. J*M tiinei a la**)* s in*liii"il ef tolled t\"+r. uite,bt* tot Chrletsaae aa4 Year Pievrtee. aad a* rack salt aad issrre : Tr. MH-.R.s H ANTED. Tvvdrrawlll b* rec*4*w< wp o *nea ef .tar 1>~ . ISei. at tb. Vleaierle* Bkc lor tbe eellvsvv ef two lhiiaal (Bad. s* lawful fed**- BHe.>ebe Us ua ike line wTaTruke*! a*4 W K nearer, ae* " 14 of tb* STFW WILL fl R Lot In ltb Coa ArtraiMi*. > I I I K.r L*>TH r UK xill . 3 Lat* lor eal*. IB leoeed Appljr so W4XTEB! KM MU1 MOJM IM* W WkMe 30X0) f*.t Birch. W. ABE FB HALE. 1*0 lb : food (or ricfelM Bie< v Will Mil w.o IOB MALE. A I&apos;.m.inm WdlUui* HlMM Hln( MMblM ) D.W C*tolMu |prTr*. & wUI Uk Ml or MS on MUM. or nrtitnf* (a* r4e. DTA<r> omcE. FLfll BIXC MILL T UXT. Tb* "!! kti"WB " (inwuni Mill*." nd btlf ii. L:M at rbk*ta. to ! tnu Afply to th* Ei W "H BOLAJID. w Notice to Contractors. nf. \&apos; KD TENDE>lr<eddrfe!%o th. * Canaf.- will b* arrival uf Ui* V a*lern aa<l -i>UAT. lh*aMee*,< <A H lor raluua* th* waj!fcf tft* I-Kki w*rrt aad TboawJa, waa\ ** b .MM the . . Mafttof tb. MTral locallUM, I ;i.- n.| Mrtptrf* petfl re I toiia. caa bvMeB t tlii.omr.- on ami artvr MONDAY U> 11 In UT of JAM ABY MII IMHI. wlMn priDtW forms of t*ti<Wr can be nbtamed. A lift* cl*M *f totetnatiou nlatlve to tb* work> oortk of Alt- ant>ur| will h r<iruili*l al tb* Rei4tit Cnt ..... ! &apos; K l an.) f,.r .^k. ...ullief Allanburg. plaa>. ii> Ac. may be . . , t r arc rrqu.rted to bear in u*4 that fn>l*n will not M ron>l<lere4 ! made trirtly in arror.lanr* wntb tb priete4 f !. ii I .u the raea of Uruit xcept there ar aa. urhvd thv artual iinalare>. tb* nature of til* occupation and plare of mMrnre of eacb !< br ol the aane . an. I a* ami nit id beak ebeqee for UM mim of Twu Tn.&apos;t >uip DoLLjiae IT in.. r. >: to thi- >itont of tnw-f k oa tbe a*rtlnn mut araotnpant the r*|>e>!U*e tn<lrn. wl.Kh uni&apos;ball Wfurfrtted If l>i v-e^y In rn.k Ir- i... .1 t. r. n i. .c. nux-t f> r \t- w..r. tt U>< rate* italed in Ib* o**r luboiltud. Tnr amount required In earb raea will be tat<~l on th form of ledr Th* rh*>|D* or mo*f tbo* eot In *U1 be tM&apos;Md to tke r*<ictjiT* parti** wboae n are nt a*|H*d Thii |Vrrrtnirnl doe* not. he *)*.. bied tlf te eo*p the lovevto* any leader By order. A r URAtM r.T. ient nf Hallway* aad CaaaX wm Mb December. lBa ( >a UK FOR A Ihnroiifh bv4 HulToli Bear * sa*iUi at Lot IX. taut Kawt. T S Road. lrte*B*a*a toek lint pn. M K.t i.rvr r..vmt RlhiMiMa, b*l<l In Fleeberaea failed l*a* Frlc* SI JACOH H.LLY ; KING&apos;S EVIL Wai the aaav form&apos; i&apos;v f&apos;.ttu to I bniifv if a *Uirr-.... u tliel U ev-u. I ti CUP J I; a kuw&apos;i tua U. Taw WVTM! I* Uor twtv, aad kaowi tuat SCROFULA ran oalv he rurxl bv * tBnf**n,fc portfl-a- Iloo Tlw* bw.-l. If Uit. U a**rVvi..l. lb J.-i- |-r>irliiai In lalul tkrvw-. rrn r-I|..n .,&apos;-, r j.. u. r-ilN-u. Ansnosi t-s rrVr iin;4iHn< .: >! > ^>| surals >*> K. -iftnt, < nla*M>uii Krwrnteoe, It*. n>"-. H..i&apos;, < arrtwnrree, Krytwpol**, I&apos;urulrnt I leer*. Nrvys aj*4) **aj. alcal < ollapaa, Mr. If uhwrd ! e*e> tlnur. Khriimalltiii. r^-rruf Hloai* t a- larrli. Kl-lnry <il I.Mec I&apos;tirans, Turx>rrular (&apos; vn*n*Mplluis. iSMl <sr- a*0Urr lUotrrrutt* er ;" Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla oad-ptrfiHf wn/.cix. l-i.. t - , ml an ihrrt-ive that It rrxtk-atv*. frvM lb *T,i,m llrrvtllta*} kWrofMla, l-i ta* kio.uxl iMuu of CTHII;<OIM ui-ra-a ao.1 mrrrur . At tb esun- -tan* it rVbe aod tltalUw the bowl. rr>tortrs; brt&apos;thful a. :i..a la ISM ilisl rr.n uv4 rrju\et>a;uv(itMrntlrw ;ttru>. This gnat Regenerative edieiM It rr>mr.^- 1 of the jrrmtn* r7a*fvm* Trii<<t . __ JVC*, fl-&apos;- ln^iu. the /odn/r* i &apos; IV/duiw> taJ Iruis, and :1 ,-r Ithrrrnllenti .-f arrtat po> trary. carvru.&apos;y and ertrni&apos;r.rallv foow powttoeii. It* tormii.a ( eriwr*lH aaewa te the awximl prof *>. *a4 Us* Wet phrvicho* ruo4tantly a^nacrft Bm*ruuLi si aa Absolut4> Cure re.t>w<1 fcr t1>e> UM bWL It hconc.i. r^&apos;fj te fkealta- est practtcab&apos;t dtrrrc. far Uyosrf aajr ether preparation (or wl.:tk Hke ** are rlalnml. sn.l U IhrrrfM* the earaaest, ai wtll ae the br** b-&apos;osxl cine. In tbe worij. Aycr&apos;3 Sarcrpar.Ha r if. J. C. Mf*r AC*..l**. r.*:i. [ \n!>tlra! Chetnleta 0M by ail Pn&apos; Tjtot : r" kwtlles (M *. J

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