THE ADVANCE. * *f the letdlaf Local and Fmily Kewepspers la Northern Ontario. Published Every 'I'luu-Mila.^ i on:, s J r (f*Arten. On.. TKBMS or tUBSCBirTIOM : tl.aoper BumiB e,de.ii*e. 91.80 if net eStheenJotlJ year*. No paper dUaontluued vjstil all arrearag** are p*id up ; and uo *sbeorlp* Mae taJlen (or leet than on* year, eieept when peelal rrneuientB for shorter period* are ads witb tbs publisher. ADTBBT18IN0 BATRa. *o Caiual advertisement*, tc*ntep*r let ln**rtlen aal S oentB per line each eubeequent uitertiou. Trsntleut Bdvertieeuuente to oe paid for when entered. Advertiieuieuti without upecial direc Mese will b* inserted till forbid sud cuu-fea aeoor Jiucl y. LUtersliuducemeute to regular advertisers. Netioee among reading matter, 10 cent* per kiae Bcli iiiiertniu Ho advertisement dieoontlnued until all ar >** are paid up. ( opv for advertiiement* should reach thl* aflee a*l later than noon on Tuesday to eniure Bsrtion in current l**u*. A. R. FAWCETT, Editur and Proprietor. Flesherton ill 4 i I I ^lllI'Ll'l ill. V 4l I . 1 all 111 I SEPT. GOOD, PBOFBnio* v. -***: - V - . -1 9uh paid for fat Cattle and Fr*sh Mcati constantly on band fr Caib. Orders promptly filUd. OORDOIVS HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN. James Sullivan, Thi Tinsmith, - Fleshertoa Bepalrlng, F.svetruughing. snd in fact every thing in the bueinsee will recclv* my prompt and careful attention at reasonable prlc**. Si:::: & Eoloff.,,6 in M, CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, Jl tht plact to get your Barnes* CoUari, At, made tip in 9000! itytr. Shop in W. Clayton's Boot tt Shot Start, Fluherton. EUCJENIA Grist Mill, SO ill let. 11. Having mad* extensive improvement* In mv Grist Mill, I sun confident I can (iv* gee 1 ttisfactien. CHOPPING DONS ANT DAT. Good Floor alwsys on band. Custom Sawing. and Bills filled on tbe iliorteat n*tice. Lum- ber and Lsth always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. DH. AKITT, * hook of ino panes. | K >k mran |i ,. Vfil,.i.i 1 1 ipiipers and estimate* Oflln-....t '.f il.l'lll - i Illl I4.U, 111- 1 Who vrniitilp flH'li-' oil* > <> I'" 1 " I" t''h'1n; furnmtlon nervnilri-*, wlnlf i"i nlni wrrowni Invest PI"' hut' Iv I th"i'i\mi dollars In *> v*fti*tn*> a srhom* I* ln'llmtrrt wlilcli will nwi t> f\ .-] \ mill r. infill, 'w ^w &* mad* lo iota tin /;'/. . tr.iirtmitlfmrTtntm r.<;>n. '.,/. i r.i . .Ii i..i.< IIHVI- bren U-aril. trut. iiimt-pniii iminv uililrreo lur lucent*. r It Writ l. 1. 1 i'. ItOWKI.L I A CO.. irAl'. Vnrk. Tfce nm,UBliH.a .u.c... of l.r fhaee'i l.iJ ' Ture la BBtmrnl r-i. . 'v ili Ihefccl *" < ll-k,,own l,r 'pM HwS^rfX.i-t^.ttJ lood. 600 000 SOLO ' /.* i' Cam*<* mint. Wl vmrnl m *tmmm mnj ckild w*t it tr'Mta <* /.n flmint to try tk-l t rcttltnt rrmrajr. SotirTHimNcw. GIVEN AWAY Fin WrapMd around ewy hoill* of Or. Oim'i l.ivtr Care a -*liitilt HouiehoM Milirl (iuide and Rcip Book (14 pf">. containing owr oo awful rfcip, ounced by medical nwn and dru(fit iin*Ja- nil worth ten limelth piice of th median*. CHASE'S C*TttH BUM. A f. ana o.ltl i. Price, i.imtv Illl CTBirr I A H. M. i.r ic .*.!. . i Tr>Ttl*>r| It el >e> -ifcr lor r -ml -hr.ii Al'.r.imd (Ore) ttlemam sayi> : Fo sou.* uuis Barry Robert*, jpoeimaater a Tau/p oo, Washington Territory, ba* III tr*at*d bie wit*. Mid wa* accused ol bar. H* was warned by tbs Lever to attempt U again. Mr* Roberts, who I* a daliaet* liltl* woman confided in a neighboring member of ber ex aud showed tb* w*lM and brois** on her body. Tb* word wet Mnl forth lo ib* neighboring farmer*, and on Thursday nighl an organised body of worn* proceeded to R>bert*)' bon** and look R bertM oat, removed bi* clothing, 'ripped him lo the buff aod tied bim tr a auk* in front ot ibe Poet i face. Tben b* women Ml two with the black *nak- and broib twitches aud gave bim i threshing tbal brought ib* blood to bu bauik and caused biui lo plead piteou-ly Wben the Ibrtwtaing wa oomplrtad, Robert*' fa*t*nings were cut and ue . II. wed tc ineak off Tbat uigbt be packed bin bUuketx, mooulsd a oay u-a aud atarted over Ibe bill* fir parts u: k. own. ANAV*DI*N TKAOKOV. lafteeevrr; eif a Criaaei '.*> I rare Asj "wpsieird BSBiMe*1 Tare* Jtaretcr el A Halifax dewpatoh lay* : About month ago aom* bunj.u remain* were (outd in tb* woods at Blaek Kiver. Oum- Oorlaud euui ly, aod ye*t*rd>y C .rnuer Black, ol Acubent, oomiuenoed an it quest. \ resident of Blaek River, named U ./tou. >e*tin*d that two >earn ago last autumn, bile hi* aou was dnvinK thruu^h tbe oods in tbe early evening, be met a man waJkiugj and earrytng a valiaa, and later e<i auotbsr man in a buggy. Tne man witb tbe valtae was well dreased, about 40 y ear* , and medium in *i>e, while tb* oue in ibe buggy r*eembl*d a ruffian. When young Burton wae murmug bom* tbe following morning, by Ib* tame road, a law mile* (rom wbere h* bad DI*| theae men be tb-erved a buggy tiaok uad inc into tbe ditob. He also obeervsd a valise in tbe tdg* oi tbe woods, tog*- bur witb paper* and letter*, wbieb were oloae to Ibe open value. Fearing that som* daeperate deed bad beta ojmmilttd be touched oeitb*r vali>* nor p*4rs, bat bur- ied home aud stated Ibe (sole, to bis father, wbo, in eompeny witb another man, imm*- diately visited tb* locality and found that lie) bad til gone but ibe papers and lat- er*, tome of wbieb they took bom*. Tbene were placed in Ib* coroner's bands to-day oy Itr. Barton. Tbeir eonteLl* would udiool* a patent medicine man or attent of eoms kind. Mauy of tbtm were stabs of order* ud receipts, bowing b* bad ool- i-oted oonnderable eom< of money. Coroner llol be* abuul flity of the-e ooopou*. I'ney bear tbe namee of plea** in Ootano, (joabse aud nurtbvro New Turk 8. ate, and toe montb* at April, May and June, 1883. Ou on* oppaMkt the nam* and place U cr W. J. 8. Boatbworita, Aultivule," iiA on* dt a MI of aomstbing bad been >rdeied and M4 bad been paid. Oo tb* b.ok was kitfutd Ib* nam* W Hill " J*IUK to ibe absauee o' J uu Horton and uolber witubw ibe Oouri adjourned for a orui gbl to gel luller partienlan. F \ i i < K -m Teve Tl. ., 11111*4 asiel .....! Weme>* A last (Wednesday) uigbl'e Wahini(IOD, Pa ,ds*(>*iabay* :Oni> of ibe moel bornble llruad oai-uallies ever witUMwd in tbi* noiuit) b>[ (>eue(i cburtly before S o'clock tuu afteruoon in 'Wortman'e oni, ball a mile eaai of vVasbiufiion, on tb Baltimore Obio Railroad. A luo*l freigbt, *aat- n.ui.d, etartad (rom ib Waabiugton yard* wi i border* to run to Fiulayvill*. Wbeu u 111* out tueiiiioued it o., Hided with a I'Doand tbroagb freinbi with turiioo 'on*, ae both trains wars running al a bigb rat* of BDesd. Tbe trok in tbe out lise in oorve, aud tht *ninan did uot disouver ib* tpproaobing disaster until too late to avert u. Tbe two engine! rosbed tugetber in an iron tmbrane, and kox " piled ap in all direction*, and ib* truck WB* euT*red witb Ibe debrit ol tb* rrtok. Tbe following pereon* wer* killed and ijured : Jubn Rider, of Waebinglon, oon- luotcir, iuitanlly killed ; bu remaine ar* lorribly manglrd and soaldcd. Frank Buydcr, ol Piedmont, W. Va., hrakaman. wbo wa* on on* t f tbe engine*, wa> *ea>lded to dealb. Jam** Morris, of Wasbington, -meanly w.unded. J. O. Reynold*, of Jameelowp, firsman, leg* mangiwl and fs*l badly maifaad. E giueer Frank Dsan re oaived uitly brni>*, bu i il i* tboogbt b* la not (atally injured. In addition to these every batid on tb* two train* was mor* or n jo red A foret ol mm ar* DOW olsar ug the wreck. Tbe ue**b <>( Oonduotor Rider Is peou- luarly **jd. Bis family aanurt* of a wi'* and three imalloblldren, snd to-Mgbt bis rml Ktrirken wife is nearly oraidd witb ib* tboek. Al Ibis boar it i* impoesibls to oeate wb*re Ib* fatal miiiaki lo tbe train order wa* made. An inqn**t will be to-morrow. i ike v r. A MontnaJ telegram say* Al Ibe out >reak uf Ib* American war, James Hausy of tbiB oily, wsnt to the Biaiee aod uli*ted n the Ounf*d*rat* army. Ha left behind bim a wife and yonnn 4augbt*r, and wa beard of lino*. Ten yean after hi* dnpartur* on* of btsbroiber*. named O**n, died, leaving to ibs absentee, and to hie olber brother John, eaab and bauk i-t icks to the value of about 114 000 .1 .hu, immediately after bl broiber'e demwe, took poexesaion of hi* sbara of tbe legacy, ai>d a oor*>tor, Mr. Tboe. r'- i. wae appointed to look after tbe olber bait ol wbat bad been left by Ike dying man, and to remit il to James upon bit return from tbe United Bietee. A* mated above, be ba* never been beard of tiooe bie departon, and DOW bia daogbter, wbo i* of ttf. I* patitiuniug tb* court to b* put into possBiiton of ber father'* *bar*. OLD IV ALL DKALCM ,w>**wJMI* Taw Jrr.i Ha, Mlairr Preaidrut Olev*land may retu** to ki* babiee if be will, bat oul her* iu Iiliooi* *e do tbem> thing* dirt -renily. Hev*n be praiied ; we bav* in unr Obtef Eiocattve grand old Uuele Dick Otfleeby a man wbo love* to foudle aud ore** every bald- headed, foszy faced baby tbal ii held op to him in a pinning blank*!. Tbie good man maintain* th* correct theory be believe* in encouraging b bie, and it cer- tainly U a great luojuragamaol to Ibi* beet of home ludualrie*. for wbat mother 1* there tb** would not be specially piond ol a baby wbom tbs kind old O iveruur ba* kt*S(d, and wbal mother i* tber* in all Ibis fertile Htatt- wbo doe* not feel regret ful If she bae no baby for the kind old Q-jveruorto kis>? Ws bear il said, too, that heaven seeme to net it* mark of ap proval on tb* babies our Governor ki*es tbat upon every baby cheek tb* od old mau'* lips tonob there appears in do* time a dimple a soft, pleasing dimple wbiob neither lime ean efface nor tb* grim band ol .rrovr obliterate President Cleveland might well enhance bit fame by studying the taolio* wbicb ha* made our IIuoli Dick'* oam* a trsanarsd bonsebold word on ibcoe broad, bounding prairie* of onra L' Aidii/e Nrtfi. The BapMH Obureh al Wnoditoek ean 1 not spar* tbeir pawlor. Rev Tbo* Trotter B.A , wbom t'.ie Park Obarob, Bradford, ! recently tailed. In *vid*non of tbeir at tachmeul to aim aad nt* miniirv. they bavt inrea**d bit lalary from 11,000 to 1 600, M an moome more suitable to bit I work and hi* requirm*ntl, Mid s* an in I dutuneu t to Um 10 I lay , A New York despatch says : Dr. Dore- , Ib* fatuoo* eueojiai, wa* ask>d ti-day wbal b* IbooKbt of ibe oas* of Dr. Brad- lay, of Gmoago, a victim to cocaine, an] said, Dritfly . tbal II wa* not a snrpriae to nm, a* tb* cocaine babil wa* slowly but sorely snpenediug tb* morobic* babil. A similar to tbat of Dr. Bradley wa* 'eoently under tbe care of Or. Doremna. .1 wse Ibal of a man la year* old, wbo bad aken morphine to cur* tick headache, but bearing of Ibe mor* direct effect of ooaib* had beeu indnotd to try u. 1* began witb CO* drachm a day, until b* inoreaaed Ibs do*** to five and seven drachms daily. Tb* ai ftbetio was hypodermically ILJ- cled. A low fevsr wa* tb* direct oouseqannoe Tbere wa> neither tbirel vomttiiig nur diuiueam. Tb* man, bowsvar, became very iieivoo*. Hu lolae was wsak, baatitg 100 lime* a oiuate. Balivauon, wbieb uln-u follow- ibe use of o Jduue, did not occur, nor did ibe usoaJ citation of tbe pupil* of ibs eyes A'ter a lime tb* man could get no ele*p and went tbrougo ll tb* eympwm* ol lelinum tremru*. Dr Djreoun* ebowc ibe rtourd uf tbe death of Htm Caetor, of jrouardBVUle, K.n., wbo tuuk a 4 per eent. Buluiton of eooaiti* fur tuotbacb* cure at uight, beoanie paralyzed ibs UbZt moruuiK aiiddud in tbe (jfterniion of tzbauition. Tb* doctor advocate* a law mpelliug Druggists to label oooiue pomou, and lu lv* ihim warn pnrebaeers of its d*adl) nature. I Ilk HHIII-ti 'IA .! ferttceilarv i 'I air l'rep t>i 'llwBI>.r*1 av I.M.I,, a aa*l -.... A Litdon tablet*)* : T'ie Queen bae sen' *j ttkgram to Q*u Pitudeiga*! tbankiu) bim for tbe ikilf at maunsr in wbieb be eon ducted tbe expedition to klandaUy. Gen Preudergaat bae neeived from Lure Doflerin fall pow*rs to ettabUab a tempo rary OovemntMil al Mandalay, and for tb* preeant will paraonally uereu* control. I i* probable lb*t a native will be appointee uiei under tbe suaerajinly of Qu**n Vic tuna. Tbe following Additional dsttil* ol tb* nrrender of Kn g Tbebaw were ri-cy-ivrc ber* so-day : O 8 .turday la-t Oeu Free oVerna*!, cummanaer of tbs Bntiab ex k edi nonary furee, al the bead of a brigd of troupe, rnarohed loin Mandalay Kiug Tbebaw al OLO received Oul. Hiaddeu, wuo acoouicauied ibe sxpcditiouary forov a* Oivil C 'inmiaaioner, al Ibe palace, wun ibe uxnal EaeMrn formula*. Tbe K i.g wae Ltiuob affected ai d irigblencd. He raid b* boped ibe B.itub would spar* bi* lit* ; Ib*! b* wi*bed to abdicate and would remain in any bouse allotted to bim by tbe Uri i-h Government. Kiug Tbebaw c. aimed tbat bi* Uiuisters bad d. o ived biru in regard to Ibe nitnatioB of affairs , ibat bs was uuuraul of wbal was occur > tug ontald* of Mandalay; tbal b* wae almost a prmonar in hi* palace ; tbai b* ttarsd aasaisin* woold slay bim il be left Ibe palace , and be woold eurrauder K> the Bnti.b aniboriue*. Ool. 8la>dd*o advi>.ed His M.j ety to plead with Lord Dofferiu, in* Vio^ruy of India, al Oaloalla. Ou Banday Kiug Tbtbaw surrendereil in ine pr**ebce of tbe MioisMre aud embarked lor Calcutta under gn*>rd. Tbs French Consul aooutut amed Hm ex Majesty. Tbe Burmeee appear to be friendly disposed toward Ibe Briuab. Ou Mouday ntgbl Mandalay was plun- dered by Daooitu, wbo Mtacked tb* troop* and killed aod wounded a*ver*J. Tbe Standard blauiea Ib* llaff lor Uttgleotlug precaaiion*. < oi *i-a o>-t Tbe PracUee I AN 'l/o. til in .11 n A Newport (Ky ) devpalob say* : A wo- man named M .ry 1' ;ll wa* arreated last nt al IB* rtqaeal of M.yor Uxlm, who euepeots Ibat sue wa implicated in a reoeut !well*ry robbery in Dayton, Ky. She wae ouud in a abauly boat on Ibe Oaio River, mar ibe Oiuciunaii A Nwi>orl Iron *ua ?ipe Ooaipe>uy, by tbe Newport polio* Bbs claim* tbal abe kuew uuibing of tbs rob- bery, aud tbal *be ba* beeu living wiib tbe man in the boat for several moulb* Wbeu krrenierl ibe wa* attired in men's clothe*, laving on a coal, pant* aod vist Bu oiatmed t*<al ibe was uufurtuuais iu Park- srabnrg, V.. several years ago, aud after i*r downfall doffed btr ekirts aud ad p sd mat* attire to bide br bam* and to *>oap* ideutity. A'ter she left Parkenbnrg tbs orked in diflsranl place*, including brak- og oo a railroad train and sbovellu.g dirt, ib* oams to Nswpori aud sine* bar arriva tare ban workod in aevaral fonodriee lo n.muuaii, aad (or eeverl mootb* wa* a aborer at tb* ga* work* in Oiumuoati. 8b* ays at no plso* wbsrs sh* we* *mploy*d wa* ibe ever *a*pect*d of being a woman Ib* mill bae trace* of feminine beauty, but icr rough experience bae told on ber com plexion. She is but 10 year* of age. A ( mil W i lum .n tar a. (From Ibs lUostralad LoaOon H*wi) Tb* will of the Rigbl Hon. John Edward L,svrson, Vi-oouni 8l. Vinetnt, late of Nor- OlKDey. Linexiln-hire, a (laplain in th* iixttctilb Lufr, wbo died on Jan. tf H ,J lael, at Abuo Kl*a, to th* Bondan, was prtvsd on tbi tm jd nil , tb* vain* of <b* ;-r aural fatal* amounting to over 11 000 1 be codiBil was mads by the dtceaeed alt*r b* wae wounded ; it i* wrtlMn on on* uf ib* peg** uf bi* pookst army book, follow- og toms tiotet a* to Darnels, sketches and other military memo* , and tbe b> ot i- Bled in tbe priuoipal regietry of Ib* Pro- b*j|e Oourl. Tue codicil le in pencil in the form of a letter, bat not witn*>e*d. Belug however, written by Ibe deceased bim*alt, b* being at tbe lime tngaged in actual military acrvic* in the fac* uf th* eoemy, aud Intended by bim to operate tbould be die, it ba* lull and binding tffeol in law. li 1* at lollow* : Dear Uftaima I* the sv*nt of mv 'lying under tan i<pe sl'ou about t>i b* |rfo uie<l. I eboulil like rim Tnafl<i). Hoeirjer and Koiubt to bave an annuity uf MU eaak I , lu.u.ii like a tablet pat IB Nurtoo buroh, with a u allUeaort^iti .u fruui Army List "or eiaewhereof uiy military Ufa. Tour aflte.>B, UT Vines NT. To l>aJy 8t. Viuoanl. The t- MI I'm I'.iri.n, in ale. In eomming Ibe booore, let not th* boroio aud patient mule, is a factor in tbe H luth'n great redemplioo, be overlooked. Beneath our Hummer's *uo, half-fed, ofteo u jrutly treated, b* ba* tilled the mil, oov rediu ooltoa, ploughed it. packed It. ginned it, hanl*d is to town, and served a* security oa bi* ma*ter'i note for lo! tbsee many, many year*. Whole familie* bave hvrd Oyou b'l individual labor and been clad with puroboae* rfl-cted nuder bit good na'iie. If th* left ba d*d M>ldier wbo ba* i tied away 100 > ears apun our e.iat-of arm* in ever banmbed, we shall move to put ID his lead the patriot!* mu!*.- Hacou. Ttlegropk. Mllll.n. hnk.p..r, . AD article contributed lo Ibe New Yo k World lay* down tb* proposition thai Hiatory *bows thai all great men bavs bad good wivex." W* were under Ibe impreweion tbat 8baki<pe*jr* and Milton wi.rei great men, col wt do not call to miod Ibal their wive* were much to brag jViut. Indued. Ibe fact tbat Bhakupaare left only bi* " bel b$d lo bit wife," and Ibal Miltun's famou* *>uiw*r to tbt Duke of Buckingham indicated a vary tborny cbaraotsr in bl* own ipous*, an exampl** whicb show Ibal theae ar* very important e iiwtiniia to Ibe |w ot ap proprletenB** UidwOWB. Jl IK *)N HI* *-KK I *O4ir PMrel a* lea l.ii- . Vita . . i l..n Ml*. .1 a-e~eel *>! Jllltl >.l~ *>* A K johcdter d> i-pkicb >ajs : Tenlerda; yoor eurreepcudeiit vwited the inu-tuuj o Prof. Henry A Ward, the eoieLtaet, wbo is preparlug tbe ikeleton ot tb* mammoth elepbaal Jumbo, and u also making i model ot th*> animal, tht largatt work o the kind ever tltemptad in this country Tbe model will not b* finished uulil uei pring, although it wte ai Qr.i calculated to bav* It completed in two mouths. A th* pr***nl etsga of the work Jam bo looks like an elephant mad* of lath, alihooxb tb* shape uf the "ody, bead and liobe remarkably perfect TbearjimeltaudB on irame of bevyoa>k Uruberibulttd aogetber m a position at natgral at in llf*. Twi irou rude, eaob of iwo-iueb *hd matal, ran through each limb op lu to ibe body, *beri tbe framework of ibe great beaetuaon -iruo-.u 1 tin framework ia ooriipoted o more iron rodi and oak timber*, bolted aether in tb* elrongeel poaaible msi ner Tbe rod* and framework extend into tbs bead and upper part of tb* trunk, tb* rods really taking the place ol boo**. Open tbe framework ia nailed iuob tquar* t>tnp* ol baoswood. The ginersl Hhspe of tbe auimal dependi largely upon ibe manner iu wbieb tbeae stnpi ars placid and tb* different length* 'by are cut to. Although at flrat glanoe Ibe elephant appeals to be made uf lash, s oloe examination reveals Ib* really artisuc work wbieb ba* been done in shaping il, aod the wonderfully Btrang* way in which tb* parti bave been made. Th*> bide t* iu two pteoee, and it will r. quire maob elrttob ing to plact il over the mod ell although Ibal II aa near jumbo's origin BIB* and shape ts it ii poaaible to make il. Tb* tu-k will b* of ivory, screwed oo iron rod* pro) <olto( from the bead. Tb* eye* ill be of glas* blown eepeoialJy tot tbe purpoae. Tbey will b* tbi natural else and color Th* building for oonitruetjog tbe model bad to be ertoted ixprently for ttas parpoee, O a Ik* top of tb* skull u a ctvily ver two feet ID width and in some plat nearly *n iuobis in dsptb. This was tb* wound, if II omn be called mob, wbiob wa* liettid wban Ibe locomotive itraok th* great boast. Tb* lower jaw and other m*uM of Ihe skull will be nulled to Ibis portion whin the skeleton ii mounted, [o a building nsar by tb* bone* ol tbe ikele Ion ar* placed ready to b* united. Tb* remain* of ILK other elephant* are wailing to b* articulated. "Tb* larger! we ever mounted before," Baud Mr. Ward, " wts tbe skeleton of ao Indian elephant which was pal togelner aevtn year* *gj." TO.H 1 HlltV ! ! HEAD. I.I.I.. * a H . l.k I h irtf H. k . tHepaean. Tbire u gresl rejoicing in P. T. Be*. Bum's winter quartan over the recovery of ib* triok bsoiy elephant, Tom Ttanmb, whoa* I ix wa* n jureil at Ibl time of Jnrnbo'* death. Tb baby elephant teels BJS [lad a* anybody, and bis nuberanoe of pints b*epe Beolt, Ihe trainer, in a eon tent worry. Tb* plaster bed DO sooner wen toru i ft* Tom Tbouib'a leg than bs w.ved bis trunk and itoud npoo bi*> head, kicking bis bawls in tbe air. Tbe baby next climbed on top of ibe tiner'i eatfe, and aeluiiiebed tboe* aultuala Oy leaplug into be air aud taraicst asomere-ull with tfas ability ol a pr<ifseional tumbler. C .for uuatsly he tell upon bia head, aod hi* piieuu* one* bron*(bt Soutt to hi asaiat- nee. After drinkuiiKa gallon of boer ibe *>by tell better aad dauoed around th* ring oo bin bind l*sr*> to lb> moaioof a paee- UK band-orgc. Too ThULub doe* Dot lr*p ae well ts be tormtrly did. tvid b* cbooee tbs da>rkaa of uiifii for pwrform- i-K bie anticM. Tb* stirBffe awoke oue igbt to flud tbi baby boldiug tbi boesaol playing cold water apoo bim. Tnere eetue pretty near beiUK a row, bat sir. Boull ruDBd biaieelf aud pot u end |g tbe di- turbauoe. If tbibaby'i f ri.kiu**- ooultune)* u i* tbougbt thai Mr Barunm will b* iKed to ooufine him in a 0*41*. Bcutt think*, however, tbal Tom Thumb I* ao ova' j iy*d ai bii reooviry that b* naturally lesl* like baviuit aorae too and will aooo aelile down to tbe etaid lift ol a inckolown elephant. lrlTl,., II.... I , ._ Molbers wbo are disturbed by the noias aad nntidiortM ot boys al hooit most be oarelul.letl by Ibeir reproacbee Ibey drive tbeir children from bum* in seareb of pleasure eUowhere. " 1 here are Iboe* bauisters all Boger-marks again," s*>id Mrs Carey, aa ibe made hast* with t soft linen elolb to poliah down Ibe ihining ok again. Geor**," *h* said, with a fluibrd faoe, as ab* gave Ib* ololb a deemed wreuch onl of Ibe baaln of *odt, " if you go ap Iboe* lair* again before bed-ttm* yoo aball be pntubed." *' I *bonld like to know where [ am to go T" said Oeorge. " I oanoot stoy in tb* kitabeo, I am so mocb in tbs way, and I can't go in the parlor for fear I U mna* tbal up, and now >on ta>y I oau'i go up to my own room. I know a fraud place wbere I can go," be added to himself , boy* art never told Ibey are in the we>y tber*, and we can havi lots ol fun. I'll o to Nil'* corner. I ean amok* a cigar now s well a* an j boy, if U did make m* twin) sick tb* first time. They shall not laob al m* again about it." Aod ao Ibe careful bouMkeeper virtually drove bar ton from tb* door to bau| about tbs *teni and *il under ibe broad, inviting portio of the village grog ahop .ftUaeV'ehia Uoww. Wee Bve T*w.i*e > - us a t)awM* f Profeeeor O. 0. Ktion, of Tale Collage, in a paper oo " Apple*," read recently before tbe Boientiflo S-iosety of Bridgeport aid : " Tbe flrnl poinv* seienliuo dmnon. si ration of the ixiatectt ol apple tree* was in tbt di oWure, made through t very low condition ol tb* water, tbal tppl* tree trunks forme! part ot the f ouudation* of b* habitation* of Ibe lake dweller* ol Switzerland. Tbl* period, a* nearly aa oonld be judged, ws* from 1 300 to 1,000 year* before (Jhrtat. Tbal tbe apple wnb wbiob Eve wai tampted m theOardio o' Eden, aeoordiun to Ibe BortpHree, is tbr ei'tile ol to day ie uncertain, inasmoeb a tb* word ancnull v appliid to lit* appl included ibe q>iiooe aud Ib* petr. (Jonxe <l u utl) Eve tuigbl have beeu templed b> either of tbea* la ter traits. Th* prteen iple was dui to Ibe cultivation aud divelopmeot of tbe crab-apple, and tbe pfconliariiy of Ibt ai pie in it* ivolution i Ibat Ib* part now valuable wa* simply tbe eayx, tbioksned aod become flashy, which bad formed aronud Ihe oriKmal fruit or eed*. Tbere are now abon 900 varietiet nf appl*a, clainfled DO t Qnd*r le*s Iban 3000 uame*." A ! H.rr.n.ri. r. A writer in D-omber "8-. Niehnlae ' ay*: In the 8mithnuian IcitUioiion V lilt of animali valuable to rain, tb* Ire* toad i* mei.lioried a* an excellent wisibn prophet, and I ean teniify to iti powsr ' foretelling tbs change in ibe weather. I bave in my rxeaeaiion s paper weight it ibe form of a broDMfruat lupportiug npoi it* b'Ok aglaai lube with a bulb at tbe bottom. Bom* montbt ago I was fortanatt enough to eawb a Ire* toad, tod bvii> beard ol bin ability si a weather prophet 1 put bim into my ulaa* tub* snd mad* from matohcK a small ladder * tbtl be could oliHib op or do*o within the tnbe. 1 s >oii found that tbe i| proaoh of a obaogi in tb* weather wa* uWavi noticed by tht little prisoner, wbn climbed towsrd thl >) whenever Ihe sir grew moist or before rein and ae invariably deeotkded toward tbi bottom of Ibe tnbe in advance of Ibe ooro ing ol dry weather. Tb* bang It fashionable U Paris, boi tabooed IL Kntland ^Pl^^^P^ Mi ^^^^^t* i K BBH ' rirtutiiim CIKUI. Mew. "Ionic >>>, II. II-- I p *. . r u- i. t. Ira >o lit.. The other day, in one uf tbe j >il* of Mew Z alarfid, tb*re died * mao wuo for mauy yearn bad be*u n obj 01, Aril of tutor, lb*U Of interact, to Uie eolOUtt*. 1'be riy year* of libij ty Gamit are brouavd lu a veil of myitery , bat in 1841 lie received senierjo* in England of Ma year*' penal servitude. A at tbat Una* P*nal ewvitnd* also meant tranaportetiou. Henry wa* removed lo tb* eolooy of Nor- folk Island. ID thai Poiflo region h* dia- pcrted bim.elf tot bi* tall term, (Of it u not until 1866 that b *e;ain appear*, la thai year U rr*tt, having reached Aus- tralia, bold!) ooDotiTed and u boldly oar r ed out a most daring nuk robbery. Gtrretl determined lo carry oul bt -obtoie eiugU-bandsd, and proceeded with Uie oinjoet oooluaM to do bu little jjo lu broad d)iij(hi. 1'xdiun a notice on tb* outalde of tbe bank at Ballarai be bad selected for bu operaliona tbal Ibe eetablishoitjui would be oloaed lur an boar, he weut la, abut the frool door after him, and, preventing a loaded rev-jlver at UM beads of tbe inrprised and eonewhal < l ir O'j inserted if&oial*, be demanded the o.n.i*u is of the late Receiving tbu be qoieily looked tbe elerkc lu tbe building. mtii departed ii&iliog by tbe back door, wiib a prx fli of 6 000 a* Ibe reward of bie oummeraiai euteruriae. Witb tbu tarn Henry escaped to Euglanw, but belug fotlawed by a defective be wae captured lu tbe) itreeU bf London. Tbe trio* by whiob be wat captured wae raider a mean out. Tbe deteeiite thought tbal be recognized hu man, bat not quite tare tbal be wae Ibe right one, be gives a load " eao-ae " tram tbe udewalk, aod tbe auiuepecting Australian, doubileee think- ing to help a fallow o IJDUI ID diitrew, tarui ibarply rouud, aod a ae ibarplv nab- bed. Bool back lo Australia, be was ined, and received a sentence of Mo yean' penal servitude. Upon tbe expiration of hi arm Oarrell snook off lb doel fro .. bu pruon eboee and crowed oTer to tbe neigbboriugootonyof New Zealand. Among amuj well planned robberies, witb tbe ikilfnl executi n of wbieb be distiu. gnitbad biicielf, ohuly eonepioaooi wae Ibe feat be aooooipiisned of " etiokmg up " aeveoteeu meu uul far from Donediu, ud relieving Ibem of tbeu valuables. Tbe prooee* of " sucking op " u ebarmiiigly simple. Tbe operalur pounce* oat tram Die ten bush opoD *a nasu*p*cting parly of traveller!, aud witb loaded revolver raiaed, He eriei out " Bail ap t " whereupon everybody knowing wbal u meant all the men instantly Inrow tbeu bands ID Ibe r. Any one making an effort to get at lie ude arms u abol. Il ri paired a certain amount of oooragei to do tux unit Is triek ell. Mr. Oarrell, a* oeoal single banded, managed hiaev<ict**n men bluieelf. la a ori time be bad Ibem all tied lo tree*. and tbeu, at bu own convenience, be emptied their puokete. tbe kindneie of atari wbiob wae eo pleaaing a abarao teruiie of oar amiable buntirauuer. be made a good ore, boile i a billy of water and nave ibeiii all tea. Moreover, know Ibe i-olaoe < f tubaoou, be filled -from tneir own pooouee tbe pipe* of IDOL of bo party wbu ou.kad and U<bt*d Ibeoi. 'ufu. wuLii K tneoi kindly " Ooud 'i "d-LiKiii." Mr. Oa<r*ll vamouead. fU MtU OiuttU <>i i " \ ii I I a i ** i > i iu i v i'i~<i t , * .- Ml*- <*arrl ( * ir t .or. Well < wlta l ..ud raetav. The Mititiilan Lake, in the Btai* of lidalgo, bead water* of the Pauoou Rivtr, IBM diaapoeared wiibiu Ibe last tew days, and uo explaua ion I* fl red uf its atrauK* Cuuduot 1 1 wae a lake al Ibe lime some uiilcB long, and wee located in ibe opeu Aeiiutlau pl*4n. Even dunug Ibs dry U wa* quite a body of water. A ew moiuiuat* iuc a eubierraueau ramble was beard, low aud sullen, which buok ibe around. Tbs strange quakiug wa* uolioeable ou tbe O Ifo de las .a* bill. Tb* people living in tbe vici.,ity ot Ib* Tajo bill ware eepMtaliy al tbal pa** IB tb* lunu*l wbien ur som* time pael bae beeu made to carry fl ib* surplus water. As *oun a* tbe auunds eeaaed Ibe walen of ibe lake be*>u diosppaaring rapidly till all bad guns Tbiy emptied into a cavity in Ib* vicinity if tne paaa. Toe laud ju*i beyoLd cum- mebcee lo riae, and ha* alway* served time immemorial, a* a dik* to b Id tbo* waiwra. Il M nut kbown whort ibs water wbieb existed there baa KOLS, as ihe Panaeo River, hitherto partially fed by ibis laks, ban not evidently received them. Tbe Ouvernmeut rboold maks a soisuuflo xamiuatlun o' tbs matter. Toe waetrs wbieb empty ou tbi* plaiu are many. Tbe streaam from tbe iiilli cover a temtory of thirty lib their tribuiarici. from tbe Tulai.etugo beigbts to Ib* natural dim* al tbe Tajo, a bowl among the munulain*. Ibi- bowl ba* beeu almoel filled at limes dur- ing the rainy aeavoo, and ba* been a ouu- taul menace, ovuflowing field* andarups, aud many a farm on tbe shore* of tbe Mflzuilan lake bas been ruined by ibe rim. K walen. The mum I tboe drilled by nature itself ba* given outlet to Ib* wat*rs, and thoee people bave without furlfaer eSurt aolveo a difioull problem. Work wil, probably now be dieoou lined oo tb* tunnel, bub wa* being (lowly dug al Ib* exp*iiee of all ibs properly holders in Ibe vioiuily, wbo could not well affurd Ib* coal. Bui it la also nsoeasary to examine tbe pteno- menon wiib reference to It* after oouse qaeuee*, and so as to avoid evils wbioh [hi aria*. Byitienio meaeuras ebonld adopted to purify Ibe air from tin efleote of deoompueilioD of flab left behind. ae well a* to remedy tb* miasmatic exhalation* from wbal i* yet a vast marsh City of Mttieo Two lit too iet. fcorl Hair 1- V* .hln,i. Tbe ihort bairorsiaba* elrook \V*>biiiK- ton, and Paune>lvania aveuue of a brigbi atteruoou.te filled wiib tbe daogbler! oi noted men wbo walk along tbe tidewalk dnwad lo oeeJaktu ol iaks, flue drereea aud nobby bate, nuder wbiob tbe, eul Ilk bat of boy, ebowi fortb. Some look teller tor ibe change ; olbers are made horrible by it. A pretty girl lookn wel witb ohurl hair, and her plump, roiy obe> k- routid, lull, eofl while neok and juutil> ixtited bead on a pair of good elrai|(bt booldere are broogbt into the more etrik lugaouiraal by tbe rakieb out uf to-day Tbi thin, sorawny, aaraggy.naaked girl 'lOWrver, look* thiuuer. Mrawuier aoi -eragxter Iban ever, aud tbe ul. daugblen >l some of Ibe Senator* and Krpreneuta tvee aitraoled leee ailention ai.d appeared to much belter advantage under tbe old out. Fashion rnlee Waabington, and before i*M***aoa.Je over ihere will b* a lot ol iaioral taair iwitob** for sale cheap. from i Wat kiHfUm l.ttttr. A a.t. r .1 KvUe. A few days aeo two men were in Smith's bevber sbop. One bad r*d bair aud the >thr wa* bald-beaded. Red hair to bald- oasd " Too were not around wbeo they wore giving cut bair T" Bald-bead" Y, e, I ws* tbere : but tht-y only bad a little red iir Miami I wouldu'i take II." Bwten- Oi l'rri(alr>i at one time **t tb* muaie of Jaoopous's great hymn, " Htabal Mater, ' to ruamo for two female voioe*. Tbi* famooa -ailing ha* b*n arranged by Leof for four viiion* (miie< < ). and was to bave been per- formed ou Saturday uight in Mew Yark by b* Beebe Ooooart Qaarielle. Colonel Uanki* aud asvsral other ei'.i- ens of Windsor talk of building an leotrio railway from Windsor to Walksr- vtll*. UUg. tm I rvr Trmtmm tSf pp. ll.r. .1 Ihr Ke>Val f Mr. W.iliameoo, of Kabar, ba beeu nuy ILK at BalmoraJ for tbe parpo**) o boat in marble of Prinoeea bealrtee, ba* been ordered by tbe Queen. Hsr Majeely, it i* said, ha* ajiaiu sz- praaaed ber ID Motion tor Prii/sea* Beeilriea, or rather Priuo*** Usury of Bsktteoborg, to lak* ao active part in London society cut ssaaon. Like tk* Count*** 8p*ne*r, Ib* Ooaclsav of Oarnarvoa is determined to " bej DO* wea/y in well- doing." She u ideiati#ible 10 ber effort* to be of a<* to Irua *oeiir> at large, and lo Ibe poor and Ib* *Mk in particular Her kindly vieits lo two of the principal bos|Hteat touched ib* p*of>l< to tbetr leiiderwl ipot. and they are BOW bsr ujoet loyal adnuirers. Lord Hi. Leonard*, vbo not ao loon afo altalued eueb unenviable notoriety in Bug land tbal be wa* induced to b*>l*k* bim elf abroad, baa- been oreatug an im( re- iun in Australia Iba* be/ccln.ry letialalore are not quit* a divine mentation. At MslbourD*. daring tb* bearing of a owe axaiosl a pablioan for seliiag liquor* after boars, it incidentally oaoie OQI that HI* L irdebip, upon bring r*f OJMM! liqoor, bnke opan tbe bar door, and Ibal Ibe polio*) hid to b* sailed in before be would desiet. Tbe Euglub BoyaJ Family art bl**nJ wiib sirmularly bsarly *| peiitea , not tb* appetite of gourmands, wbo live) to **>l and not eat to live, but ibe appetite tbal lodi oatee a clean palal* and a good rlineallmi I bey look upon four snb*tanu*J m*>*J* a day a* by oo mean* an ezoeeaivt ailow- no* of food. Kven at tneir i o'oloek tea, tbs wafer like bread and bolter thai eot lomanly aoetmpania* the syrupy Boueboog or Orange Peko* u supplemented by beet uluily out sandwicbae, pate Je foie grai, and other tempting deliaaeue, and *vrv ju*lio* u don* to tneiu by Ib* illastriooa n** without in sny wy filing " tbtir laborale dinner that u to follow latar on Much as Ib* Print* of Wala* tnjoyi a good oieal, however, it u to him inai thank* are do* tor tb* tendency toward oorteulicK Ib* met n of tbe " iaxer " tocMly dmnir, a refjrmation wbiob Hu Riyal Bigbuie* initiated ibroogb bu dislike for prolonged ceremony. At Karlboroogb ii .UM tad 9*tidringtaam the eeverili* tbal iorrouod royal etiqaalM are dons away witk a* far a* poeaibls, aud tb* stjoymonl of foaats IB thereby oousiderably en we***. The maldse aaot, In bar straighl-haekad dusr, Win. a lab on ber pel* ami wrinkled ofcesfe, ia i ah. .iriflod, aioriial. myttlfled air, Wai 1 tut aboat to apeak. iad ib* maiden niece a nls* little DaaU loud uiaaklf Iwtrllnc her tbauub* acoat. WIUi t half triauipbasl aal<-atrai4 AaJwaolly txwilchinf pout. aid the oialdBD aunt . Will yea pleassczslsJa Wiui yttr hwxatl*) *viv ( V^*pj 10 olotMi iwM*M*u*)T ? T*u ml.! aMllv, I aaaar* 700, Jan*. Havt knoeked me dcwa with a fsatber I Wh*s I tbtak of year brUulnel ap sty ear*. K r asrapoloaa ear* aad iri aom* to tale I Yea Jl HII.KB. Hrr 'I .|. .1. . lir.irr laeii II t-..i rear* I in ta fear I * J Tbs annouLormenl of Her Msjeety's deaire tbal ibe celebration of bar jubii.e year should be (OBtpooMl till lie olo.e was thus read* by theTiewi . It is ondsretood to be Ib* Qo*en'* pleaMore that It.* jubtlte of hrr riiu *boaid not be eelebrated until ibs completion bf fifty year* from hir aoer**ion. Tbal period will be aeoom- pliauedon Juus at).b. 1M7. H*r Majeoly'i 'ill i* law in ibi* a* iu ouore iu.portanl matter* ; and ber eorj-ota ought to hi grate' alto ber for relieving them ft a Mine perpUxtty In the laud of I.raei aoaordniK to ib* B. ok ot Livitieos, U* wuole fifuetb y*M waa to bw b*>llo<fd. and ra* pruclaioicd a juoil^e. II ll.r Majesty ' j jbilre, hko a Hebrew jubtle*. wrre to occupy *-i eutire iwrlvtm^utb ins jdtilr*) 1. 1 the nin would bin Juue, 18*16, and ooneiade in June, 7 A< .Ui it j iicinifs baVa lo be OULOCU >ed, Ibe meat i/unetiliooe adv^eataa of atrici subuutMiou to tbe dspoum ol aee U.USI concede tbal tbt atue* uf tb* fiftieth year baa a> maob n.hi to be OUOMU any utber portion. Practically Her ety's faithful ouojret* avr* uoi dupowd tu b iyrauLUl over oy tbe ecudcnluf Ib* u-e of a ton ut- term. A r.mij, in wbiob Iney glory, of balf a century u thai whien tbey de-ire tu dwell npon aud ea.ptaakiu Tb* bl f evulury will uot ba fioiah*d oof .rt Jjue, 1IW7 ; and lb*y will cordially oot-oui ulhr^uicu's anwiliifigueee) lu p-ecifiiaw Ib* ac ul f*iivitM*. TJ ineor* >b*i th*e* shall be worthy of the oeeaaiou Ik* pn laratluu* will bav* i) Commana* loon wfore. Auy *tiol.-r for the proou* Uo-aic mu-i .n of jubilee *xoii*m*iit over a h ile year are a jre to be aff rdid ample oci-e for OOUMU tmeu t. Tbe JO . h of Juuc, lltHT may bs tbs aunivtraary to b* b'inoreu i n will >h*d long ray behind and u front. R bearaala fur a Hraud pse;*aui bave to be oo a scale eorntnuuaursM with BBtlt" tittiof eelot_y UMT*, And lettlaf a Ttauvo *A* tlUit yoo I " Sow tall DM at o*x* jo*t whl he aUd. Aud ebalv"o replied. This la e.olte a truJ, 8* do not tus-l there and bu( jour head, Or e'.templ Uie leml ileniaj I ' If I celeb you once more la tach * til. Tboach you ere eiLlees). I eu tell yo*. *T"~. 1 <h*il b eel j^u j u*t u If yoa wear* BUT, And Band you u senee! a*>ia I Are yea folai to tell me wnat he ssld And what yeu >ald TU no* Btaod Ibi* trUug. go loot at me. Jea* ! LJ't apyoeuaead I Oua'tgo u J yoa wer* itifliiig : ' Her volee wu ehaken of eoarea witb fear : * Me >kid-be ud. WU1 von nave me Jaa* T Aei I Mid I woulO. Bat, laJeed. al. dear. We'll aever Jo to a(aia ;" a*vee) u. How varied tb* raon of savooiattaa opasi Ibe btmsn miad. Mamory Is sv.r fond ut preserving picture* of tveole bat Ib* obara*i*ir of stub event* otoal b* d.Serenl lo meet tbe peoulieniisei of the Individaal. Tb* pl*aaanl reooileeeioni of one) would fail to tod a place in the memory of somber, bat to oar mind tb* balaron d>l r* tboe* thai follow Ib* as* of Paineun s Painuss Corn Extractor ibe eaa* sat* and nainue* corn ear*, for it promptly relieve* to* misery by removing Ibe Sttbioe] aorns. Try Pntnaa's Painlaws Corn Es.lra.tor, aud as* tbal no *ub*uiat* is.palmad off M (eoaia*. Tb* presence of Ib* beloved oo*) alwayt ibortsn* time. Ae U t>f This u always tbs oass w/bsu Nnviuit is applied to toy kind of peoa , it u) ior* to di*app*ar t* if by 01*41*. Blroogw, mor* p*n*lrating. and qankir > Milan Iban any other remedy in tne wodA. Bay a bottle f Nernliae to day, and try let wonJtrfui pow*r it relieving paia of very eeswnpuon. Psin *aanol*tay when it is aatd. Ii I* just the tkioti to bave fa a boo** lo m**l a eo4d*n ansMk ol Ulaam Only 16 MOM a boltl*. SampU bottles only 10 oeott. al any drag not*. ! mm* V|e>jalier*. Sir Jibn Lu3b.cs. bas a Krwal many pieaeaut aud ouujplimetitary ibinKi to esy of Tb* difivrsno*, ho s erle, " batween their oiind sud oora u Dot ou* ol absolute nature, but IB *.. t mtber B qu**- ilon of druree." The ant h manaxejd to advertise bioieelf very extensively m* a eagaeiou* animal, but in aom* r**us*)t* b* le ijot to be oompared mtellectueJ y with Ib* Jersey m qolto. For ilratexio ekili, for penirteiQl deMrmiastton and for ability to make a mm prefer death by a boa IBW rather tbau so dors bis torment loner, Ibe am. qjito -h old bav* Kuld m*dU hum bout it* nesh and tb*D be oast into Ib* deptbe of Ibe sea. If Sir John bad *er lept or tried to uleep in a Jersey bed with a a>iiliou moaqaitow* holding t msw meettag In Ib* room, h* would eoteulifloally swear tbal Ib* sal 11 a mere idiot by tb* eid* of the** demoniac soi<Kst*rs. The moeqoilo sot* on on* geoeral pnnoiple-v x , that v*ry uelliw wbiob ouvers tbe ileeper ba* s bole in 11 >omwber* He ba sxsj lunicxl bimwlf wiib tbe babits of Ibe N .rib Amsrieu domeetio, and feel* eore Ibal ID ber burr) be ba* made a rtp or a tear Oayljr bs ebaul* hi* little melody, knowing; tbat be ba* all tbs time until dsyiigbl dolb appear " to find Ibe spnrtur*. Wbin luuud hs soreame s glory Uallelojah ! d uhte on Ibe and of your noae. Tin dream of gorptoo* and gargoyles, tbeu -priug madly from yonr < .uch witb <lrmo|e words on your lip*. You trw doomed Tnat mo.quito " balb ou urderwi *lw*p " Be te your waster, your I) rani U kuow- ii and M'lgs ; you know it and- yoa do act -itg 11* bee toaud y 10 ei.d will oliag k you liki a pour rdation. Sir Jobn bts omcihiog to learu - Inlsrooura* witb womto is tb* aUmeit of good mann*n. r A* itass are qgiokly sbe>ndoned with ib* completion of railroads, ** the b*j*js, drMlt*, oatbartio pills, eompcasd ol *rod* aid balky msdieinss, are qaiokly a baa dooed with the inirodoowieo of Dr Pierw* * 'Pleaaani Pargaitv* PeUtts." wbieb are eaor-ooated, a d liitl* Urgor Iban mu lard eeed, bat oomposad of htgbly cooaws trsled vegetacie eziraots. By drags})***. Tbe bearing and tb* training of *hud IS WOSQSn'S WladOB. For soli's, fevers snd loflammatery at- taoka, M wrli as *bol*ra moroo*. diarri *sa, dyeautery or bio- d , flax, eolio or or amp* in emmacb u* Dr Pteroe'e itra*t of Bsjaart Weed, aoinpoeed of neat Oravpt Brandy, Smart Weed oi Water Pepper, Jaoawoea Gioger and Campbor Water. S.ler.oe. wbeo nolbiEg o*d be laid, is Ibs *lvx]U*i*9 of di-oreuoo. la Ibe o ir* o' **v*re 9 >a<be, weak loagt, piliiu*: if bl wd, and in* *>rly (tag** ol Cntmfti<M Dr. Pteree'e "Qjldtn Mrdicel Oi>euvry " ka* astooih*d tbe BiedMtJ MUliy. While il oaree the severest O'OKrj*, ii mrengtbeos tb* system and fnHft liW blood. By dmggwtsj. Tb* N 'W T irk abarobe* are *ngael*d in In* astitation of s eontinaation of Ibs b*if holiday thai *ai ganerally adopted by tbe bu-iueee men ol tb*>l any during Ik* Burner moutb* R v. Or. R 8. MeArthor aid b* favored il be*aose it sim* at tb* relicioot improvement of men. One) ofcjeel contemplated by the 8*iorday ball bolidsy i* lo iLdoe* larger nunben to sltend tbe boo**) of Ood on tb* L rd * day. Tboes wbo have earefally looked iota tbe matter Arm that erne* thii movm*nt Hisjssj %ht( reeuli bea been seound. Jt Urr.r.u. mm* f lr- nta4r4 I 1 " loLoe had a oat wniob alwavi sat Of to Ibe diuuvr table with ma, snd h I In ua^ihiu rouud bia ueok aud lit- plat* and *om* fl<b." cays s writer in Ib* fine .Uoen " H* u-ed bis paw, of oonr**, but b*> we* very parlioular, aud b*bv*d wiib cure ordinary dro rum. Wbeu h bad flsi-btd hi fish I suuietime* gave bio a pioo* o' mine " One day be wae not to b* foaod when the dinner bell rang, so we benau without him. Joel ae tbe plates were pot round (or tbe entree, pue* earne runbion BI eiair> aod *pran||iato ble ohair, wiib two ruiw iu hi* mouth. Before b* eould b* elorprd b dropped a rnoune on bie own plat* sod then OB* oo mine. He divided bis dUnoer witb me a* I bad divided mine wiib him." \Vo import only tin 1 fim-v " o* C'oir-- 1 ami Spioe Oin *>^I-.N: ( : FKE,Jol't .n>un<i aii'l miirmimd iu 1 H :ius, ir.a'Tf' t luxury. Our 1<V. tii:- 1 -H't I:K SPICK tre pen " i-ur ood.- !i-au<l-'i n . iiantew' :> frum :il;il 'iou. I>! B A k : NO POWD*H. id "TA '- ' -. FrunJ" Tl 1 i lied wtiole iioa- GoffeeeiaAni :'."> Hi tins. PT-KI: (Ji:. : TO SnCBB ill all eiz'<i -. W. G DUNN & CO CANA'<- "ILLS HAMILTON. AC*KS. or t > PERCHERON HORSES. hkawd Bo*s* Stock Farm. lnae Iel Mk-h . If vrr coi biently I > ttMatt ea B Detrwt Unf niiml-r t I- .- brol and (nde atal aadedttof *0 asre* t.i ertrrt froSB. All t>ur* bred stock, rrc- Mstwd In th French and Am-ru-ar. ttu I Bocks. Prlo^. r.-*.nabl. ux-li r irantJ. l*rira Otj*. wBsdiataloiuerree. on.t, A I Sl . t>m. rr. Bbcn. I A weptioal boueebolder seiiJs tbr follows* : m Ho<cm*T And now tbe betiMl faruiir packl Hi* apple* for tb* town ; This Is lue top rew la th* taaks O O O And this U lower Jo wu - O O O There will be upwardj* ol thirty-one thousand voter* on tbt new voteri' liat for Toronto. William T. Riobardsoo, wbo died tori wa* buried al Uillbrook, wai t mtmber o Captatu Mason'* company. Royal Uriua dier*. lit- wte at r'leb Creek and Batoob* en*l*lt f irtai 1 1 In n n> R. U. AWARE THAT Lcriiiard's (ilium Flag . T. tax I m ^i-a t wo . vmm raturiu *n iaa> i. hBm|.-... I r o m<Mnm. pa. T 4 li.icreu in rwi ai. < Vtek ol h. * tb b* \u and coalraottd a told , bom wtuob h ditd. I BtJtalo, HI. LJOlWIC BTUPT, Book-k*piDg, Bwetas* nWwIC rona*. WrlauBj, horattaad, el* tboroochlf ttaxbl by nail Ortolan tn* tddreai BKIANT8 BUtUHIBI OOLCtaAl