T B. Lauranco's Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Article* in the Canadian market. Real 1'ebbl are kept in stock. TeaU are given to pur chaaers to prove genuineness. They are NQpmmended by the 1'i.sidont, Vice Pm-, Ex-Prei., and Ex-Vice-Pre*. of the Medical Acaociatiun uf Canada, Are. J AS, *.. at I SSKLL, Jtwrler, <tc., FttAerton, Out The only place where they can be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIM:E Taking Effect, Monday. July nth, 1885 <.OIIIK North. BTATUMIB."" Toronto i<eae Cardwell Jnnotloo Cbartovtoo Orftnffe- * Arrive Tille. i' LMV <)rnii.iville Junction Hhcllmme Uun.l.lk FLEHIIIIUT s M..1 Willi. ChaUwurtb Owen Boup't I tat " , 9S " BSO ' 1005 " ;io 10 ti II 10 " 11 W " 11 SI liSH Arrive^ j 00 Kip! 4 4.'>|im 6 30 " 64-," T <M 004 " 830 " 854 " 'J 10 " 38 " B0 " 1010 " Hlxed Houth. _ BTATION8. Kp. Owen Bound ... ..... lx>v 5 'JUii CUworlh ................... 580 Williuiford ................ ; 05 a.r. u ................ ft Fl.HKII I .................. i Dundalk ......................... 708 Hbelburne ................... 7 SI Ormville Junctiou ..... 800 Or aag- ' Arrive ............ 8U vUU. ! Leave . Cr.lwell Junction ......... V07 Toronto ............... Arrive 1045 . WHYTB. GBK'L BprT. D. il. M< . u.l. AOT Medical. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S..OST. IMIVSM !\V xl K4.I.OV A.r. FLESHERTON. Iin\dfi,ir, nett to l>n ui< n Court office. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIER, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. tiOfflc* and Hei>lilene urr Tmbyterlan Church*.. I'rlcevllla. J.r. HAKHNALL.L.It.K DENTIST, ORADt.'ATK of Toronto Hrhool of Drntlntry. will b* at alarkdal* thi> Ut and .Inl Wodno day of M)h mouth, and ai KU- h-it.-n on th* lt and .Vil TJiunwIay In ch mouth forthv of bis profession. FROST & FROST. BARR1BTK.BS. SOLICITOUS. O IN VK.YANC'KR. Ac. Office 1'oulott Stroct. Owr.N SOUND, and very Thurs.lay at XI.KMHKUTrN. J. W. niOHT. 1. 1. H ALFRED FROST. Prowu County Attorney . munwu *AXDS. H. r RCIILIN. nu.n.w.o*nvis-. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, .s'tuvrjior.i In I.:***, I, i it //(iiuit, BARRIHTKB8, HOLJrtTORH. NOTARIK8, OONVEVANrKllh, <to MIIIMV tn Loan at !> wt Bate* of luMi-ut. Officu. 1C King tro J..t Toronto. MORPH7 ft MILLERS, Barrittert, Xolieitori, Jfotariri Public, CuHnryanrert, id'. OrrirB, Oer McKarlaue's Drug Biora. DURHAM, - - - ONT. John W. Armstrong, FLMIIKnTON, Co. OlUtT. DIVISION COURT CI.KIiK. TOMMISBIONKB tn U. R., Confeyancor. Ac. Agent for purchase and lain of lau.li> AppraixiT for < L. ('. Com- and F. P. n A R. Hocinty. Mntiny to Ix.i\n nn the tuntt rMknonable tenui ISHI V.H ur MAKII1AUK L.ICKNSKH. Jas. K. Sloan. INSURANCE AOJtNT, KUUENIA. Hnprwiontiiii; that solid old Fir* Insurance Co . the NUHWII-H UNION, of Norwich, Kngland In*nranci> affectwl on Houteii, outbuilding*. Ac., at low ratm. Iniur a{>lii W. J. BELLAMY, Twr. ri i I:K ARTKUCSIA. CONVEY AXC 'Kit, CoMMIMWNEK, IXSUKAffCE AG'T, dC. DKBDH, MOBTOAdKB.LEABKS, Ac., pritpar- d and properly lecutvtl. Insurance afTeo- td In Ant^lau couipautos. Money to land at Money to Loan. At i'\ Per Cent. Intrrait on Straight Loan. TTTITH Interest paid yearly, not In advana*. No *v eomnilfifllon charged. Apply to A. imiBB. TIIOR>BIRV. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLE8HEKTON. Ordn In Town and Country promptly and aanfally executed. THE MABKETS. FLESHERTON. din-full ii\<'nrrf<-1ril Koch Itrrh. Flour ..................... 5 00 to 5 00 Fall Wheat ............ $0 80 to 80 Spring Wheat .......... 060 072 Barley ..................... 45 Oata ................. .... 28 Peaa ...................... 56 Butter .................... 13 Eggs, fresh ....... ...... 20 Potatoes .................. 20 Pork .................... 6 00 Hay, per ton ............. 8 00 Hides ..................... 6 26 Wool ...................... 1 Sheepskins ............. 00 Oeeso ..................... 05 Turkeys .................. 08 Chickens per pair ...... 026 Ducks per pair ......... 10 60 28 55 18 20 20 5 25 1000 7 25 16 70 06 08 30 50 Flesherton Ady&ace. .. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. V./ HO. 235. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MCEMBER 17, 1885. A. R. FAWCETT, PROPRIETOR RICHARDSON Arc showing fall lines of IN Furs, Mantles, Ulsterings, And a splendid range of Dress Goods THE ADVANCE A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Contiiting of Laeai atui (Hhrr Intrrtitint/ Itemi gathered by The Adnince Rrpnrtert. la all the New Materiali. MENS OVERCOATS! Stunners at $5. Better, at 37, * Xobbiest at $10 A lot of* Canadian All-Wool Tweeds Will bo sold before CHRISTMAS! At AHY PRICE ! TO CLEAR. m 'hcse. are Now Goods, but we have a surplus stock and moat turn them into money. MEN8- Long Felt Boots, $1.95 PER PAIR. Well soled and leather foxed warran- ted frost proof. Ladies Pelt Lined Leather .Boots ! Deacon Snuke't Chrittma* ttory held over for next week. 1,000 Iba. all kind* of Sweet* at Rich ardton t Drug Store. Get your job printing done tt the ADVANCE otHce neatly, cheaply & rapidly. Renew your subacriptiont to the ADVANCE and pay up all arrearage*. Apjtn, Aj'jfff, Applf f Any quantity No. 1 (ireen Applet for tale at R. TRIMBLE'S. All matter intended for next week't iaaue of THB ADVANCE mutt reach thia office not later than noon on Tueaday. Artemeaia Nomination in the Town Hall, Klesherton, on Monday, Dec. 28th. See bill* The highest prices will be paid this week for Gette and Turkey* at Iticliardsou & Co 'a. Fetch & Mitchell make their own lauaage and they guarantee aatisfaction every time either in rolls or stuffed. Remember the grand banquet and concert in tho Aruiy Karracka, Fcvuraham to-morrow afternoon and evening. Grand display of China A Glatt- tearc Tea Sell, 41 pieces, only $2.25 at Richardson it Cu'g. There will be n shooting match at the Eugenia Hou*e on Christmaa day, and a ball and supper at the same place or. the evening of same day. New stock of .Went Ortrcoati ; new stock of t'rlt Bnoti received this week at Hicliaidgon & C'o'a. An adjourned meeting of the Read- ing Room Hooijty will be held in their room nest Monday evening at T'-'W o'- clock, for general businea*. Fur Coatt ii (/ Mantlet splendid value at Richardson & (Vs. -Mr. W. A. Armstrong ia in the col- lecting busine** in KleaherUm. If yuu have notes or account* to collect, we have pleasure in reomimendint; you to try Mr. Armstrong. Buy yonr boy a Ifanil Sleigk beauties for Christmas at Hicliardson A Go's. Auction sale of Farm stock, Ac. at Lota 29 & 30. Con. 4, Artemeaia, on Tueaday next, 22nd Dec., commencing at 12 o'clock noon. 12 montlia credit on all sums over $6. Mrs. Esther Smith, pro prietor ; W. H. C*ni|ignc, auctioneer. See bill*. Richardson's China Hall tho right place to buy Christmas presents. Auction *ale nf Farm itock, Ac., at Lot 3, Con. 6, Collniflwood township, on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. tharp. 12 montht credit on all turnt over 96. Tho*. Rolling, pro prietor , John 8i>een, auctioneer. See billa. v I Mattel IM i J ,/. Wu have no heeitation in aayini; that for comfort, escellenw* of nd, and the politeneaa and attention uf their aervanti, the Canadian Pacific Railway ataiida pre- eminent aa the Model Koaul of Canada, and although one may foel inclined to ainile at their atreamen advertiaiu^ the ail, a thp will convince any unpreju- diced mind that thu road, e<juipiuent, aceuery and punctuality arc superlative in every aensc of the word. *K. ^ The Ri.ller Rink now beiq* | i)(9hitructed in Ma(k<laio by anenterjihsing joint atock iAkiiy, will, we are Told, be ready fur by the let of January. It ia on the [>remiaea juat back f tin- Markdalc House and therefore very centrally, located. It will coat, when completed, |HOO. Why cannot wu have a roMer rink in Flesher- ton I Roller skating is a healthy recrea- tion, if the testimony of leading medical men ia to be believed, and haa become iiumoinmly popular of late. bitetli like a serpent and atingeth like an adder ' How many valuable hours the drinkera have spent ai.il what value have they received for their Kt time and money T which, if a|wnt wisely, how many acrra of potatoes) that time would have grown, and how many barrela uf flour that money would have bought t But draw the veil and ponder. Thu Monthly Cattle Fair of our village waa held to-day. The farmer* complain very much of the low price* of farm atock. Priceville I'nion Sabbath School i pre- paring for their annual i-ntrrtiinmi-iit on Wednesday evening, 23rd iitat. A full evening's entertainment with Chriatmaa Tree, Ac., ia expected. The business place* are looking ijuile attractive with the display of Xmaa goods. I!, ..i/.,,,:, thf Rtrortl. Thu Cana<lian Pacific Railway is break- ng the record every day. Now the North Shore Railway luu been transferred to them, their time Mil has been arranged hat through connections to (juehec and tointa in the Lcwer 1'rovmcea can be nade from Ottawa, Toronto, DutMtt, aixl 11 point* West, via St. Martin Junction, - Hiili-a North of .Montreal, thus avoiding tedioua waiting at conDcctinx poiiita and inabling paaavngen to reach their deatin- ationa in aa short a time aa puaftible. S. S. I rm I r. f..i r{/. Among the many interesting feature* n coinmctioii with tin- I'r<"ili)terian Sab- J >ath School Annireraary, to be held here n the evening of Christiuu Day, i* a plendid I'hrulnuit Cantata, in which over 35 peraon* take part. Itoaidea this there will be the usual interesting arrmy uf reci- tatinna and aong* by the Sahl*th School hildreii. Tea aerved from 4 to T o'clock m., literary and uiuaical entertainment unmence* at 7:30. Admiasinn 20 cent*. hiMren 15 cent*. The Anniversary Ser- mon will be preached by Rev. Mr. Wil- ton in the I'reabyterian church, Fleaher- Thf itft Markrt. We are pleased to obaerre that the Fleaherton market i* now pretty generally acknowledged as being the heat oil this branch of the C. P. It. And why not t There is not a village or town in Grey an favorably located for drawing trade from such a distance on every side aa i* Fleah- erton. Thu leading roada are good the year round, and hence the splendid facili- ties fr teaming produce t.. our market Fle*hcrton i* situated junt where thr*r leading roads croas. With auch keen competition nmongit our buyer*, .what u to prevent the onward march of imp meiit in thia place. We always had very strong faith in the future of Kleahert. >n ; it* fine nat'.tral facilities and superior claaa uf busines* men and citizens, warranted a* much ; but we never had such unboun- ded confidence in our thriving town aa we have at the present time. . in, on Sunday afternoon ber 20th, at 2:30. nest, Decem- \earljf a Ftrt. On Thursday night laat, ihortly after the lamp* were lit in the Pre*bytvnan church, Fleaherton, one of the chande- liers fell to the floor. Luckily th. < prei- ent were enabled to extinguish the flames before they had made any headway, oth- erwiae thiahanuaoiuo atructure might now have been a heap of ruina. )ln i i- , II. Money left with Mr. Wealey Long, P. M. at Maxwell, for tubecriptioiia to the ADVAKI'I- for arrearage* or renewal* ill receive juat a* prompt and careful at- tention a* if left with the Editor himself. Mr. Long is our agent at Maxwell, and will aim > attend to any order* for printing and advertising that may be left with him for ut. Warm, Comfortable, Durable- and ivory department ia full of goods suitable for tbo season, and wo challenge the County for low prices. & Co. FLESHERTON. An hit. u,,,, ,, i Farmrr. We had the pleasure of making the ac- quaintance uf Mr. Jenkin*, uf Owen Sound brother of the Ktlitor of the Dur- ham Chronicle on Thursday laat, when he in compaiiv with our old friend, Mr. Alex. Stewart, called on us. Mr. Jenkins ia one of the mo*t intelligent and gentle- manly individual* we have over met. Ho ia a farmer, and evidently an advanced one tt that. Worthy of \ot1tt. Now that thu holiday season lias come, and thrre i* such a larye ilvniand fur all kinds of [iresonU, in the ahape uf Xmaa Cardt, Ac., it will well repay any one to call at Ruaaell'i jewelry store, KUslu-rt'-n. where there is at ]>rfacut the n>.*t beau- tiful, beat selected, and cheapoat stock i>f Xtnaa Cards -quality contidercd -ever en in tlii* tuwn. The Agricultural Kd- it.ir wat in ItuaatsT* st.irv on Saturday evening laat and *aa astonished ai well aa pluaavu to ace sue k a magnificent di*|>lay. His atock of silverware ami watchea, tuo, ia aini)>ly ininiensr ; while all hi* other depart invnta are well filled. Hit pricea are really marveloualy !., everytluni; considered. Go ami see the display uf pretty things for younelvea. For The Adtan?*.} l'rH-r\|||r Nearly another year in by. A few short daya and we will be into 18W. T night thu Pn, vi ilr Prvwler ia peeping around, and he haa juat glanced back into the |<aat year, and he aaki himself the jueation : How many dollars ha* been apent in Pricevilli'thiiyrar fr that which \rn-ny." " We are pleaaed to notice the improv- ed tone uf the Floahertmi AM A.N. K dur- ing the year now clnaii>g. Tli..u<h the tieet ia reductn) amm-what in aiiv, yet it is crisp and newav, ant) should receive a wide circulati'in. Mure power til yer ellx. Mr. Kawcutt. " MmkdaU Wnmiani. We are always pleated to be the object of genuine praise, such at the abuve from our esteemed contemporary, the Stand- ard. VV say esteemed, became the past with ut is paat and will never be resurrec- ted : we liru in the present. Mr. Rut- ledge i* a gentleman whom to kn.iw ia to reapect, at ia also our southern in-i^M.r. Mr Hall, nf the Dundalk Herald. We have exchangi'il red hut ahuta with butk uf thi-tr u'l-ntl'-iiifii in the paat, but that d.iean't leuvn our ecteem f. r either of them u* citizens and business men. Nur should it. /7i.i. I t,i i- 1.,, ,. We might sty in reference to our re- marks audit the darkies in the farce, "The Colored Dentiat," that with the exception of Mr. White, we did not get all their names and hence did not publish the fact. OVrn. turn AnvAXi r. and Canadian Livestock Journal one year fur 91.60. THE Ai'v \i r and Rural Canadian one year for $1 7"> THE ADVANCE and American Agricul- turist one year for $2.00 ; price uf latter pajHT a!one, fl.50. TH* AnvA!<-i and the New York Inde- pendent one year fur 9.1.AO ; price of the latter paper alone $3.00. THE AKVAM-E and the Family Welcome one year fur fl.50 ; price uf latter paper alono tl.OO. BOYAL I I HIM tits. I nt, , I, ,,,,,., In,!,, Alllpicr* Of fountain <,,,, I. The entertainment in tbe Town Hall, Flesh, rtoo, ls>t Thursday evening, under the auspices of Fountain Council, H..yal Templar* of Temperance, wa* very large- ly attended. There were sorm-tliing like furty young people from Markdale alnne. Mr. J. (iordon waa chairman and perfor- med his dutiea well. The stage fixture* were iiiont complete, but what struck us inora particularly waa the handsomely ar- ranged emtilein i.f the order, placed just above the drop curtain. The acene prea- ented when the curtain rolled up waa strikingly tine- a handsomely arranged r.Hmi, ith picture*, tabl,-*, chair*, rlowert Ac , and a very tattily arranged fireplace, ..n the iiiantrl-|,|..fp of which wa* a beau- tiful cluck- t real one which ticked off the niiautfs and boon aa they flew by. The programme wa* a lengthy one, oc- cupying three h.mrt and a half. The firtt wat th* "Royal Templar 'a Grand March," by the Orchestra, compoaed of Meaura E. Vaiixant, N. Campbell, \V. J. Bellamy, .111.1 <ie<>. Saul, accompanied on th* organ by Mrs. O. Saul. The rendition of thia excellent piecw was creditable in the e*> treme, and well merited th* applauae that followed. Rev Mr. Ayert' reading cre- ated a profound intern*. Mr*. \V U Triiubleaang " Wild Violrta -ery .-, t ly Mr. D. 8. Munm at.g " Mias Brady a I'iano-furtay " with splendid effect in fact he made a moat derided hit. Hia taste in selecting a piece full of nch hu- mor, and yet entirely void .'f thu*o di*- gutting vulgaritin* .. rominon in many ,,f the comic *ona uf the pment day, sh..w- d hi* mxl judgement. Mr. Minim's election* arc alwaya cluutu- and w, 1! ren- dered, and we are pr. u.l to mention him aa one uf the leading vocalists ID thia county. He wa* deservedly encored. "Moonlight n the Plain," by Misae* Ayer* and Leitch, wa* cunt; with good effect. 'Tome Where the Lillie* Bloom," by the Fleah*rtoo GU* Club, was the beat hit of the eTemiif, and wa* enthusiasti- cally encored. The Glee Club tat. niahed and delighted everyb.dy by their splen- did ainging -Mr. Ja*. Ii. Ruaaell'a music- al aii.litroiif tcn.ir. Mr \Vm. Karnhouae a rich and melodioiu boa*, and Mr Munru's inspiring and highly cultivated aophrano, being the talk nf the evening. " My wi/e hat Tau Uw (Jee, by Mr. J. R. AuUer di'p>'n our irmii.l !.! fai.'tit.- ,<. : -n ply immense, and was greeted by a per- tect ttrm of a|iplaute. Mr. Anderson, like Mr. Munrn, is always liappv n, hi* selectmns. Mr W J. Brnsnn's song, " \VJti with Me. ' in character, was loud ly encored, and seemed to afford a large number of thuae preaent great amusement " Don't Marry a Drunkard to Reform Rim," a Temperance drama in five acta, waa then put on with the following CAIT or en 41. AI TIB* : Edwin Lake Mr. J. G. Ruaaell Emily Bell Mrs W W Trimble Pauline Knox Mia* Alice Leitch Robert Pierce Mr. I). Blair Dora Mis* Mamie Ayers r'rai'k Master Frvd Ayert Bartender Mr. Geo. Su Bar-room frequenters, Meatr*. Heunck tJ.ml. >n, Thonii*. Hi, Raakerville. The firat set-tie fell rather flat, owing t n< rv..usne*s on the part of ..no perforBMl and the indistinct utterance* and lack of energy of the other*. The *econd scene however, redefined tin- play from failure NEW STOCK -AT- oterl Jewel 1 // Store- , (,nt> Consisting of Gold and Silver Ladict and UenU Watchea, Brooch**, Ear-ring*, ('haitia, Ring*, Ac., all uf the finest qual- ity and at a* l"\c pnca a* 017 dealer can hunmtly u-11 them. .1 A *. o. it- i ?*! i-: 1,1 , w-Rpairtng a peeaalty. warranted Every j*>b til waa really at ted bar r.H'in one, wlucl the life. Mr Sai JUST RECEIVED AT ' Richardson's Drug Store : TEN CASES OF Important Jiotiee. Mr. 1*. Munahaw, proprietor of the mail stage between here and the Station, now deliver* all parcel* carried by the Dominion Exprea* Co. to persona living anywhere inaide the village limit* free uf charge . thoae living outoide Fleaherton will hare their panel* left at Munshaw's Hotel. Thu Dominion Express (Vy it becoming more and more popular every day, parcels bein^ handled with more than usual care and at reasonable price*. Pulpits. Rev. Mr. Ayert exchanged pulpit* with the Rev. David Auld, of Eugenia, laat Sunday. Rev. Mr. Auld preached an ex It wa* a duly np- cellent aermon in the morning. rich intellectual treat, and wat preciatod by tho large and refined which assembled to hi-nr him. Tho ser- mon in the evening wa* equally instruct- ive. and interestinu. Rev. Mr. Auld haa an intensely ii.tureating mode of dealin with hi* subject, and wu shall be to hear him in Fleaberton again. dealing plewaed CHRISTMAS GOODS ! Just opened out, comprising some of the most recher- che articles ever shown in Flesherton. LADLES COMPANIONS, GENTS' DRESSING CASES X-MAS CARDS, CHILDREN'S TOYS, CUPS and VASES immense ! We shall be very glad to see all our customers and wish them a very ' MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR." Just go to Will Richardson for Immense Bargains in every description of Holiday Goods, made an excellent bartnxUr, while Mf. RuaMtll waa aiinply splendid aa the drunk- en Edwin Lake. Mr Blair a* Robert Pierce, waa very fair, only that, at timea, h* contrinplatcd the really fine actinK of Ruaaell in such an absorbed and prenocu- pied manner, aa to suggest to aiauy that he appeared in the acen more aa a spec- tator than aa one uf ilia principal prrfor- in.-n KuaarU'a druuken apeech waa a masterpiece of amateur acting. The "d*>- hrmiu tremena" scene waa au reaJuttc that many could aJn.at IBMJMM they aaw the snakes .Urtn.K their tiery tongue* and twirling thrir hideous and clammy bodies around the unfortunate Edwin Lake. It waa piece of aa fine amateur acting a* haa ever hern aen in thia town. The death bed amrae of LttU Frank waa a moet iinpreawire one the auft, girl-like ruiee of the dying boy f Master Fred Aym) in that Vautiful no*. " Shall we father at the River," wu almuat iiideacribable. It waa in thia touching and pathetic acrue that the really iu|*ni>r abiliUea uf Mra. \V . TnmbI*, a* an artitt* uf high or- der in the amateur drama, were shown aornewhat t. adrantagw In thia ac*c* Muse* Leitch and Ayen appeared U> good atl vantage. Bright 8|*rkl.' by the Gle* Club, waa wall rendered. Mr. Walter W.od'* aingiiig waa excellent, but hia taate in ch<i*iiig the piece he did waa r. n.i. mned !) some, aa aimply execrahlu. To do Mr. \V..ls justice, we do uot belirvr that he really c-.nid.-ml the pirce ..ut .if placv, having, ai h>- assured u*, ifiirn it in many i-ther place* with good rliWt. (hi the present .-coaaion, at an \ rate, it waa vocif- erously enit-rrd aa well a* aeterely eon- drinned > that Uatea differ seemingly. I Minute Ouu at Sea," by Mraara. Audertoii and Munro, waa well rendered. The " liquid Mclntyrw'a." by Mr. W. J. Unison, lecvivetl a hearty encore and cre- ated much annulment, but the aunt by Mr Hriiaon. in reaponat) to the encmv, waa away ahead of the Buuld Mclntyrea in ncli humor, and showed better taate aa well. "Five Cnpplea of London," by Mr. Munro, waa well suns;. And iiuw we have come to the laat f the programme, and the moat unpleaaanl part "f our duty remains to be done I'n- pleaaaiit < r not, we hare firmly determin- ed t.. criticise all theae rutertaiumente atrictly on their menu, anil we ahall n>.t deviate fpim thia o>ur*t) come what may. A nulling that will brinf the blnah of sham.' to the cheeka nf our boy* or airls, or adulta. must t frowned down, an<i it la the duty <>f the prva* to do tin*, and endeavor, an far a* poaaible, to correct the \ i.l.-nt .I.-M:.- i .f loine to drag into our puMic entwrtainnieiiU thoae elemrnta which tend to engender vitiated and Je- pra'ed taatea and deatroy thuac moral eU-menta ao ntceeeary ti pure and enlight ened public sentiment, "The Colored Dentiat ' waa humon>ua and really enjoy- aiilr, without bting vulgar, au lonx as Mr D. L. White and Mr (leo Saul were/ on the stage by theniaelvea, but when vnie two or thre* "(her rr)iia rame on. and aaaumed the m-*t diat(uating attitudes ah<vking !> auch a reliiied audience the wh'ilf amur molved lUelf down into the Wunt kllnl vanrty lurh aa or do hope will i,f \rr t<e perprtraUd in thia pla><r acaiu The darkiea in u,uratiu did not aem t<> undrntaud that they cuuld create lota f fun without beii.g abnoluta- Iv vulirar, aa ther certainly were. Thf wh'ile waa brought to a clow* by the aui(iui( of the natmnai anthem. ADVERTISEMENTS. M 01 |{ Joss r*c*lwi a tart* HolUd rinur uiui... ' r . l>,.i,u4 and N.w Tu- PwlriM. UM) si r.wk bolSuoi fricM (or 0Mb J'lMMi cil asHl U*T. yow mOtt. W W TR1MRI.K i i MM I;N WAXTBir. T.n J.r. will b r*c*lr*d up to Dooa of SOah '. Uy :' '^ I- 1 ' rissiiroa riour Mills, for th* ^.IIWT at two tbousaad aoed. savsttX lawful < ~l.r lUils. tub. M% tL. 11.. iw- J W I riMbw. not latrr ncuru. * BKADLJCT MTBAT Mil I r. and a I AW t, ( >u *aa b la prvpcrty and >yl M ..DMM. JAalKK #:i i.t b, i-r alKK BTFWABT PIKHlsi; ltk Oasv Arttml. Apply to VILI.K;I: LOTS roc MALE. S * lor >!. in !Wrhrll larwr (.'IxuvO * *H>1> I" W URADLEY, 1 At nOTbsttoa Saw Mill. 100 000 fM of Wh.t. Mai<U n I JU.UUU (t Birch. ___ _ W BBADLKY. w.RE FOB MALE. A Slack Maxe. H TMn ojd. and w*%*.inc .booi DOltw. .t>xxi raaVUtw and worker. Will Mil for eaah or |ood (ndotwd ftftt W IOB HALE. n^ Machin.. will tak. ajo A (tnuln. rrl\ ii.-w e*h or Mt v i'i-iv \i>v*Nor orrirr M 01 i;i\ ( . WILL in BEST. Tin' well known *iH>4>ton Mill*' within on and * half milMal r r n I i _. r.**..umt>U wwas* Jo* W Aawaraosra. i.n. i rrv. Joan M i ii. r.Mbwton. SOT *5tb. )!&. For Salo. HVUM and 1x4 oe with pwaati ** tun* ; Mai .1.1.1.. n.l ,.U]r roBviiino* Only * fr r.nl* fr.'iu th nrw Mrtb.Nllcl church or to Ko 'wrl r*a< llMlkcv P O.