I American & Swis Gold and Silver Cases- I rices- \Fall Stock Complete Imerican Clocks, I3est M.I !,<-. Sprmg and Weight- Friendt, Xeiylilors, Countrymen! Lend me your attention : I have a large Block of fine goods, carefully nelccted by myself, from first-class -wholesale houses, and am in a position to s, 11 3ash bettoj- goods at Closer Prices than any jeweller in Central (key. My Warrants on Watches and Clocks cover 1 to 2 years. FiratTclass Lathes, Tools and Man-rial Cor difficult for Cash bettor good . . Watch repairing, aud personally attended to. Goods and work as represented. Lazarus & Morri and BOSS SPECS, 180 pair. 25 ctt. to $2. Warrante to mil 121 I W. A. BROWN, Km \BI.I: JKWELLLR, HI VRKDALE, OM . FLVEST QUADRUPLE PLATE Silverware. Wedding Rings, IX k, THIS FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, NOV. 19. 1885. Important Notice ! le&iotl biiu of any LUM SOCIETIES. 'Economist's" letter, in another 'column, contains some practical, com- mon sense remarks. We have often ' ' thought of the subject, although not pn-t-isely from "Economist's" stand- /point. The most important thought The aubicnlier b*gi to inform tho people SI* . . , riMhertoiiaudeurrouuilinKi-ountry.tuat hehu>whicll Suggested itself to Otir I11111U, was the amount of time oonRumed during the sessions of onr various so- ,cietics which might be far bettor spent i from Fle.hc.rton. ami ia now prepared to 'by heads of families arotllld the home circle. The spirit of selfishness en- gendered, too, in those societies which do not admit females within their cluirmed circles, was another thought & SKINuLESs ! suggested. Now comes "Economist," siabwoodcuttost.nvienKtbe ' who gives us food for thought in au- caetom flawing done by other direction. Sec the amount of money expended in connection with these institutions, he says, for which there is not an adequate return. Aud is it not true ? Undoubtedly it is. Hnt, then, if the people are perfectly willing to bear the heavy burdens of supporting these societies, says an- other, its nobody's business. Yes, If to the bill furnished. <-H baa put i i.un.bor fMgor and ail but ft great many may not have cont- boar-le are atuie widths from one end totho|f e( f (fa ^j,. IkcatlSe they are Ollly asked to pay 25 cents now, or a dol- lar seme other time, they never trouble themselves as to the aggregate cost t'u three, six, or twelve months ; and LATH, Aiway. on h.nrt on band. the thoii-atid. REASONS Why you ibould gat your Lumber and Shiuglei cut l>y SpciH-or : (lh-Bvrr Saw in tli Mill i New auj the mill 1* In pvtvct order. (ft Bcaiw he is a practical lawyer and kucpi hU**wian>l inacbioary iu p*rftn-t order. (I) Bau*e becuti all Scatitliug Juice esact- -4ue jnti can take a load of locn to the a loiui of lumber homo same day. 4l> because bo K"araiit* i * to rut all cuttoni work n: a o >rkuianhl><- manner aud aatitfarllon 'vcauKc all sawim; U'l.-ni i prtcua. It-'lirrrnl if 7f. rrck t>ottoui G.I Bept I' tii 1S8S Sl'ENCKK YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Are pi (ilive it to take. Contain their own Is a safe, mrn. &u<l rffertm*t la CLillr.ii or AdUl> Jilll\' J. DAITON, 7""/"/riiji/iiru/ Mr incioi La<l .S'urr. yor, Ciril then if Mr. X can pay his way in such ami such society, why not Mr. U. or somebody else who are equally as able, financially, to do so. This last ia an argument which has been used thou- sands of times outside of societies, and has involved hundreds in financial i Miii, It is a most illogical argument, hut it appeals to that inherent human I weakness for pomp aud display, aud 'unless counterbalanced by correct business principles, is almost sure to be attended by serious if not disas- trous results. But, asule from the amount of uion- ey necessarily employed in the main- ti nance of those societies, tho subject presents another equally important aspect. Ihisiness men and they are the chief supporters of such societies / r ,, r - wuo ftrc members of two and three societies, (and sometimes more) fmd <tr -i <(v - ! that, between attending the meetings levelling and Architectural Drawing!. i . . . . ... cHATsvouTii. ITOF OHV.Mv.1 ' " ieir various societies, public inoet- = ' | ing", entertainments, and such like, HoilSe- Joining, they have scarcely an evening in the whole week to spend with their fami- lies. Thus many important home duties arc neglected, and there is not that social intercourse between par- ents and children which tends to de- velop character and strengthen those endearing bonds which should be the prominent characteristics of all happy and well ordered homes. The ab- sence of the head of the house engen- ders a spirit of carelessness and indift- M nn on the part of the children, and frequently leads them to seek else- where for those pleasures and health- ful recreations not to be found aronnd tlu-ir own firesides. Boys and girls not yet in their teens and in their tceus, are to be found wandering about the streets at tho most unseemly hour* ; mingling with good and )a< companions ; picking up and soon glib in the interchange of slang phrases acquiring loose and disorderly habit? and, in many instances, something far worse these are amongst the many evils resulting from the contin tied absence from the home circle ol heads of families. Th undernlRiirtl ! pri-pan il '" iMvuteal orders uutruU-J to him fortli-nn i tiuu of XAu*2/iru/j< ii MI/ /Y''" /i'liMiii'/s, during the oaon of |HH.- All !mitrinlfurnihed if K> rt.miro I Soil'' li.i' ' nip, -ti' nt workmen ed. The a.clsf-i ork has ffiVM i Uu!>a<t in aguaraiiU'ff'T t At|>l7 to AM Illi J'.i-hii i i ton Ktaticn f< The Well-Brud Durham Bull, GRAY CHAMPION," Will IM (or aarvicu Hi.- . i .11 i.f IHH.', at Lot 142. litHange Wot, T .'. s H..H.I, trtemeula, n*ar January, IhWI. ROGKH LKVKB, CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY 18 MAUKKI) T.&B. Jn /;/".>.. Letten, NONE OTHER GENUINE. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE HUOUSNES8, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, ^ DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNOICf. 4 t- OF THE HEART, CRYSIPELAt, ACIDITY OF SALT IMFUM. i THE STOMACH, O8YMES8 OF THt 8KIH, t <JlMM arl'..r from KIDWEY8, STOMACH, - BLOOD, HEADACHE. And LIVE BOWEL 3 OR TOTONTG, NA CItEIt ADVERTISING." The Flesherton Advance, the Mount Forest Representative and a few other beets should credit that article on Sacred Advertising to the Bulletin nnd lot the enterprise. When the sue- student docs strike a good let the devil have his due. Btrton World. We are indebted to the Collingwood Jlul/rtin for the above clipping, as al- though we regularly send TUB AD- VANCE to the Ueeton World office we have not M yet received a solitary copy of the latter paper. However, we may inform the Bceton World that when wo clip an article from the Rullftin we'll give it dor credit ; but as we did not do HO in the CASC ivfer- ri il to, must hold out-self excluded from the World t lists of papers that "should credit that article on Sacred Advertising to the Bullttin and not to the Enterpritr.." \Ve are aware that the "sucCiSKful student" had an ex- <.;i-.:; mljck ou the subject, but as we misplaced the copy of the Knllt(in containing the siiine, we adopted the next best course by publishing the Knterpritet remarks upon the same subject. We might remark that the discussion of this subject did not ori- ginate with either the Bulletin or Jin- lerprite, and neither of these papers, therefore, deserve special credit. Riol. In reference to the execution of Louis Reil at Regina on Monday last, we clip commun ity. the following concise yet cumprohensive and fair article from the Toronto Jl'urW of Monday : "Louis Kiel ascends the scaffold this srlvi-s. So, too, may the ill mlvimd phil- anthropists of London take the utne lea- sun to heart. And if there bo a section of the community in Quebec who think that because a French Canadian isauo is raised, therefore it must bo given into, that section will know that the Canadian people as a whole will not allow luch race prejudices to rule. Kill dies, not because lie is a French halfbreed, not because he iia patriot wor- thy of martyrdom, but because In- is a man who in the past has been dangeruua almost to the destruction of the Canadian mornins; as a knave who has at last en- countered his doom. He was no patriot, and those who have been working in his behalf were spending themselves on an unworthy object. He offered to sell all Taiiudlan Pacific Railway. The last ateamer of the Canadian Paci- fic Stenuifthi]) Line will leaveOwen Scund (weather permitting) for Port Arthur, on the 17th November, for the final trip of the Season. The All Rail Route, however, ii ojten , and travellers can take advantage of a his dupes fr $35,000. His treat invnt of , t | iroug |, Canadian Koute, thus slaving Thomas Scott was of a cruelty in keeping ' t ] lemge l ve8 (he annoyance of Customs with his savage nature. There is not one | ^rutiuy und charges, and frequent chau- rvdufmiiiy feature in his whole career. His insanity was feigned. rebellions, and if let go would have head- ed a third. Heil wn a dangerous mn, who is well out of the roud. \Vt> are, not inclined to i 1:1111: of Can. The Company runs daily He raised two traing b> . t)lc Canadian All Rail Route. The Gospel Army held service in the Methodist church on Monday evcu- mg. Notwithstanding the state of call for an) man's blood, and arv sorry to t | le roa ^ s t |, c congregation was large. think that capital punishment still exists, but society luis only one way to protect itself, and that is by makin<; an example on the scaffold. With Kiel's removal Northwest rebellions are at end. The trade hereafter will W too risky. As for the French Canadians, we fail to see why they should make roin'n cause with a murderer. The truth of the matter is that they do not. All this talk coining from Quebec in favor of Kiel wa worked up for party purjioses. The great muss of the French people and all their leaders are on the lido of the law. Hearen forbid that Kiel should K" to his death because he has French blood in his veins ; ho is removed simply because he i a man dangerous to the entire socie- ty of Canada. The Canadian pcopU by this execution have u'ivtMi the world, and especially that class for whom the New York Herald and thu Sun .-) ' ..k. to understand that they are K"'ng to settle their ililh'culties them- many from a distance being present. The Army have completed their labors at Uorbetton for the present, arid the next point to be reached will be Max- well. Dun&illc Herald. RiLiKr followi tbo n sr of Hag- yanl's Yrlluw Oil, in i-umi of 1'iun. Itbeum- atifim, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Heiatica, Sure Tliroat. Asthma, Croup, and all Korcneai of the il.--.li. Vi-llow Oil iian iuteinal an>lcz- t'-r:ril ri'iuedr that should be kept in every household. THE Nn-TUL KNOT.-Mr. W. F. Bowes, Marine Mail officer in Her Majesty's service, aud Miss Fannie L. Shaw, eldest daughter of J. M. Shaw, Esq. formerly editor and publisher of the Elora Expreu, were married at the residence of the bride's father, in Elora, on Thursday, Oct. 22nd. UKBIUTT. Perhaps you are weak ind weary, all run down". Ret tired with slight exertion, feel fnint and dizzy, or dull and hiiifn.'l. then yon need a K. .o,l tonic regulat- or to mako pur> WCHK! rircnlala. and giro vim strength. Try Burdock Blood Bitter* it will not fail yon. NOTICE, NOTICE! Flesherton WOOLLEN FACTORY. The undersigned having leased the Flesherton Woollen Factory & put the same in a thorough state of repair, and secured the services of the late proprietor, Mr. N. Camp- bell, is now prepared to carry on the business in all its branches as has been done in the past& -would solicit the patronage of all those having- work to do in Jais lines, and feels confident in guaranteeing 1 sat- isfaction to all. I will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of CLOTHS, FLANNELS, and YARNS to sell for Cash or Exchange lor Wool. VV. II. FLESHER District News. fl pays for the ADVANCE until January 1st, 1887. DR. LOW'S WORM Sritt'P will remove all kin'ls of Worms from children or adults. Thanksgiving duy was pretty generally observed as a holiday in Flcsherton. FUEKMAX'S WOKM POWDEKS are safe ill all case*. Thry ilentroy uid rrmuvo Wormi iii eliildren or adults. Scarlet stationery has been intro- duced, but will not be popular. Who wants a letter ml before it is written ? PROF. LOWS MAGIC KTLl'HfR SOAP. Hcttliug, toothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. PeligTitful fur toilet aie. The Mirror will support Reeve Agnew, of Meaford, should he seek re- cleciion next January, in preference to ex-Reeve Alex. Tbompson. NATIONAL PILLS are unsurpassed ai a lafe, mil I, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biliary organ* promptly and oflect- nallj. ACCIDENT. Mr. William Silk was caught in the couplings of a thresh- ing machine, on Monday, while work- ing at Mr. Itobert McLellan's. One of bis legs was badly bruised. Sh<:l- lame Free I'reii. MiiviLocs One done of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache. Dizzi- ness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottl'8 r .4Tm.-ii to care Liver Com|ilaint, Imlij/i^t ion and Biliousness. Sold by \V. Richunl sou. ONLY ONE LEFT. Mr. Frank Hale, of Jcssopville, had a yoke of oxen a few days ago. Now he has only otic, the other died from the efiects of an overfeed of turnips, on Wednesday of last week. Shrlburne Frrt Prett. DOI'T BE PKCI -m.i>. Hi ware < f any drug- gist who will tr\ to nuttier yi>ii tu take any- thing iu place of McGregor & 1'utko's Car- Imlic (Vrute. It is a uiurvcl <l uvuliug for 8rvi. Cuts, Burns, etc. No family hi>uM be without it. It has no fquul. Get '' Gregor & fame's, nml have uo other. Onlv 25c. per box at Hie hard HODS. It is rumored that Mr. 0. R. Hanuali, constable of Ihuidalk, is to assume the role of prosecutor under the Scott act, in the room and utead of Thomas Anderson, Esq., resigned. Dii/trin Pott. M<:0Koon & I'AUKK'S Cnrbolic Cerntr is invaluable for Wounds, Sures, Salt Ithetilu, Cut*, Huron, Seal. I ami 1Y[. rv us n li.nl ing and puiifyiii',' ilrc firi?. l>o not l>e im ii"i->-'1 on with other useless preparation*, recommenjnl rn he good. Us* only Me (IrvKor Ac. Parke'n Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Uicliardsoni. The merchant tailors of Toronto contemplate publishing a "dead beat" list. We have been seriously thinking of doing the same thing ourselves, if our delinquent subscribers do not whack up pretty won.Duffrrin Pott. HORHKVEX, ATTENTION ! When yoni horse it pulled, scratched omit, or hnn anv ng'y siiro. liullie twice daily, and apply McOiiKonn * I'iitKK's Carbolic Cerate. It is un.loulit >lly tin- finest hoaliiip and cleansing appli. cation for it. I) sure yon get McGregor A Prkf'n. Sold for 25c. per boi, at Richard- suii'i I 'MI.- Store. A Bio Loss. A horse said to be worth $150 di'-d with iiill.iinnmtion at the queen's Hotel stubles last work. The animal belon ;ed to Mr. Johnston, of the back line, Mclancthon. Slid burnt free Prttt. INDIES dsi.v. The rnraplcxinu is often rendered unsightly by I'linpl.-s, l.i v-r S|,,.|M. auci Vullowuess. These it in well I.IIOKM w caiiKi'il fi nji an inactivu I.iqi>r aud bad Moml. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure purities the blood und whole syntem. 8?f K<<cipe book for toilet rci pos, hints aud suggestions on how to preserve tho oomplcxiun. Sold by \V. Richardson. ROLLER RINK. In all probability a roller skating rink, will be established in Durham. The amusement is an excellent one, and would be preferable, to none at nil. It will doubtless pay well. Durham Chronicle. lNn.rr.tuA. This is u epidemic worse anil more depressing than on ordinary cold, and requires prompt remedies to break It up. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a trust- worthy remedy for all forms of oolda and their dangerous results. Some of onr sports wont to Owen Sound last week to see the expected fight between Fulljarnes and Gilniore, with full pockets and light hearts ; it is Raid, they didn't see the fight, and came home with a light |x>ckot, and a heavy heart. Dundalk Herald. MAUBIA is the action of dineaiic germg in bid air, poor drainage, swampy regions, etc., upoii Ids system, producing chills, fever, neuralgia, and many daugurous diseases. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the bowels, liver and blood and wards off and cures Ma- laiia. "HE LOVED THEM STILL." McAlis- ter tells about a farmer, who sold his oien at the last fair, and after they were paid for, he bought twenty cents worth of hay, and stood by them until ;hey had eaten it. Whoever ho was, that mau's heart was in the right place. Durham Chronicle. CTJRF.D or DEAFNESS. Harry Rioardo, of Toronto, was deaf for eight years, aud also offered with Chronic Rhonruatiam. After til i Isn failed, Halyard's Yellow Oil cured Doth afflictions. Yellow Oil is a reliable internal ind external rnmrdy for all painful and inflammatory complaints. HARD LINES. Jas. Dnpgan, of Pembroke, was fined $50 and costs or three montliB in jail for an infraction of the Scott Act. Having nothing to pay the fine with he will po to jail. Ho had only disposed of five conts worth of whiskey,- which lie carried in a bottlo in his pocket. He was drunk at the tinio lie made the sale, and the man wan rlnink to whom he sold it. free Prtit. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons;roqmring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get Uiem at BEOWN'S Steam Saw Mill ! PRICEVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber :-Logs delivered befor. **mj 1st, 1880, taken in exchange, for which Cash Pnces will be allowed. -More Lumber can be got at of a log at Brown's Saw Mill than at tha majority of nulls, as Brown has the latest improved sndstitnto for the "do" formerly and in many places yet. used for holding logs in place while saw ing Hring on your Logs mid get your Lumber home witli you. Wm. Clayton Has on hand a large stock of WOJONS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS & SHOES! Also just received a largo assortment of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots ! First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of RUBBERS and OVERSHOES just received. FAEMEES AND OTHEES ~~ -I'SK THK- PeerlessMachineOil Which is unexcelled by any other Oil in the market. First prizes at all El- hibitions for 188:t & 1H84. Manufactured at Tin- <{ne>i. (ilj Oil Works, 8. ROGERS SL CO. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHEBTON. MARBLE WORKS! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF d Hnueai&l Mi, Such as Mainiinmitg, Tomb Tables, Hcadstonos Counter ami Table Tops in American and Italian Marble nnd Granite, and made on short ntico. Also Mantles in MarbU Mid Slate, Ac., 4c. FlcOiorton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Illood, rorroct all nirardoni of the Liver, Stomnoh, Kliln 9 yH f a.ncl Oo\veln. Theyinvl(foratndroKtorntolii.lth lii-liilitatod Conotltutloni, and are invaluable ID all Com- lilaiutD Incidental to Finimlira of all . For ( liiUiri'n mid tlie cod they are priceleee THL? OINTMENT kanlnfalllbleromoily for Md I--RS. lln.l llrnastn, old Wininda. Horwi and Ulcer*. It la f amove fer (...in M. I RliBimiatimii. For dlRoMora of tlm ( lnvt it ban nooqual. For SORE Tit HO. IT, n.ROJVCltJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Qlanilular Swellings, and all Skin lllnennM it lia no rival ; and for contracted and atlO joints U arts liki' n charm. 1'aiiiifartiirod only at PrnfiMaor lloi.i.owiv'H RHtitMIMimenl, 7X, Kcw Oxford Mr.-, i < Inte 5:i, Oxford Htrret), I nndon, and nro sold at In. 1 J<1 , J:. '.H , 4. M., 111., 22a., ami Xh. eaoli Bon or Pot, and mar Uo had of all If aeN rlno Vi-ndors throiiftnout the World. hi rrliiufru ihmilil /<< t< ."..;,;, < >.,ftiril <m Hit 1'olt and Bmrrt. If the ntUreu it not , f.ntnlcn, fli, ii are sjmriou*. THE KEY TO HEALTH. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLESUKUTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE. FIFTY ACUKH. lining H,mth-F.at .junrlur Vo. .1. In thu Mli i'ii of Kul'hrnnln. wltllln oti mil* of th floiirlnhliiK Vlllw "f Klinlii-rlnv niiil four mill's from l-'.upi'iiln ; 411 ni-rr" rli-iu.'!. ^oml HIIMHI. anil \Vi-ll, with xiiltnlilii Darn HI .1 Sluhi, on thu loading mail to M. /iford Ti nun <<ay. E A W. 8. O'lininN.Kuetula P.O. Unlock* M the cl<>pct<t avenues of ikt Bowels, Kidne7 and Liver. carryfae| oil )> jihully without wcnkrninq the ijf'lrm, nil the impurilic* anil fmil hunioi* i.f thr Mc-ctions ; nt the f me time OoTTectisV AciJ.ty of tho Ltomach, runn c Buf. ousaej, l*yspep.-.-ia, HeadarhM. Dii- t, licartbi rn. Constipation. D."yimi of tho t>kin. Dropsr. run- ness of Vision, Janr.dice. SaltRhcom. ErysiBeH-j, Srro'tila, Fluttering of th ; ^ea-t, Vrvori!Tie3i at d C1enral 1)2 T) l.t ' ', >i'l l'i'-c uii m.iny oiler iiirtt* \-,r '"in i ,1 iip' ^ .'-'' IM -hr hi'iv tnflnrnce EU.ID-J!?:: rr,oor> BTTTERS. riiui:b Bottles i:c;Ee-u'u- Fur s-ic 1 liv all ! -l-r. T. :.::::; : >. ,1. . ,?ui....