UUts. Ob, Werld-Qod, g Ive me Wealtb !" tb Egyptian X Writer WM mat*. High M hsevtn. be- FalaoTiad pyramid : the brunoi ng tide Of Uviab i Nlie i weaned all bli land w th i gold. ArBYlee of flavei lolled aut-wise at hit feel. tld%Ucl"i traffic roared through mart and is* "Ml* were gods, bit pioe balined kiugi , .. M nsogbt in rook-ribked cbarnels etk?baroak'l raoe to-day and ye ahall find lost and tbe melb, silent eud dnsij sleep. Ob, World-God, give me Beauty I" cried the Htojrtjer was answered. All tbe earth bo- PtesUt'and voeal to bis tense ; each peak, act > gne, each stream, quick witb Piometbean paopleTtbe world with imagined grace and TbelJre'wMbis.anl bis tbs breathing ntlgbt Of tbe Imoiorul markle, bit the play diamond pointed tbongkt and golden tongue Oo seek tbe aansbine race, T find to day A brukeu column and a lute unstiung. < Ob I World-Ood, give me Power '." tbe Honiao eried Bli prater wai granted. Tbo vut world WM ebsjued A eoptue to t-e cbariot of bis pride, Tbe Wood of myriad provinces wat drained To feed tbat fierce, iotatieble red heart. Invulnerably bulwarkoU every part Witb aemed legions and with cloee-uaeaued BLUE YKU8S ASP BUCK ; A kHory of itiood and Iron. Within, tb* borrowing worm bad gnawed lU home. 1 rooflwi rain itands where oo* abode Tit imperial race of everlasting Borne. " Ob I Godhead, give me Troth 1" the Hebrew orted. Bii |>r>yerwai granted. He became the ileve Of the i lee., a pilgrim far ana wide, OareeU, bated, iporQed, and eoourgeJ with none to . The 1'naroahi knew him, and when Greece behold. Blf wlsaom wore the hoary crown of Eld, Beauty he hath fonoworn and wealth and rteesblm to-day, and find In ever; land. Ho fire consume* uiui, neither flood* devour, Immurtal through tbe lamp within hit band. Emma Lcuaria in tht November Century. 1 J . W K nllr nori llr f rrlug- t-.B. Borne timid men will not etpooM Till they are more than rich euoogb : Tbe ninnies think they cau't keep bout* Without a lot of ooitly etuff. Bnt I can proTe Ihle notion wrong. Par wba boutekeeplag I began, 1 bad bear thin, ye eooe of song A Jack knife and a frying pan I Tbe people though t that 1 wai mad (Bet what oared 1 tor what they though I Vi Heeaaee that I tbe courage had To eel np boute with next to nought. A fig for what tbe people think I A. I am not a stylish man, What need I more than meal and drink, My Jack-knife and my frjtug.pen T In coarse of time I got a fork And eomothlng elee thai waen'l new, And one year, having iteady work, I bought a dish and epooa or two. But tceee were needlew tulngs, I grant, ' w u ee wer ne ngs, gran, > Don't laugh, now, Jane and Mary Ann.) elieve A jack , , Believe me, girls, 1 only want k kml and a fry tag pan. Now, reader, If yon feel inclined, But think yuureelf too poor to ipllee. I hope, dear elr, you'll change your mind, And take tbii good and cheap advlee : Unit*, my lad, with what yon've got, Then earn and pickle all yon can ; You're poor, ladved, if you have not A Jack-knife and a frying-pan. V, To have boon to tbe fair wld ye. Paddy, ye rascal , To bad Biddy O Hair wld ye. 1'addy. ye rascal , It's nuellf Is a flame at ye, To a'gbl to tblnk sname nv ye- Bure, wbo'd bave tbe name uv yo? Paddy, ye rascal. To iwore by tbe sun and moon, Paddy, ye rascal. To'd marry me late or soon. Paddy, ye rascal . Is this bow yon sigh for me. Prwteadln' to die fur me I Oob! you toold a big lie to me, Paddy, ye rascal. Q Ive mo none nv yonr blarney now, Paddy, ye raeoal ; For wbal so I care me now ? Paddy, ye rascal . Oebone, ye oppriss me now To what'' ye old mise me now * Btnsbsl wild ye kiss me now ? Paddy, ys raeoal. Arrab, DOW) don't bother me, Teddy, ye raeeal , ID troth, and ye'll irnutber me I Teddy, ye raeeal To " drained u v me ! " did ye, now T Now waen't II Kiddy, now ' Oo to efse Prule, and luck wld ye now 1 1'addy, ye rascal. ______ A. II. HaBT. WHAT MIU DOODLE EID. Ons morning In Hay as the doodle bug lav IB her cavern a fathom down under tbe ground, Tbi poodle dog came and he murmured her name, And tbe doodle bag's heart gave a rapturoni bovBd. doodle, dear doodle I - Soft murmured tbe poodle; " Wbat now, Mr. Poodle ? " Heepooded tbe doodle. Then be told ber all lore, did tbe s moron poodle. But the duodle bog said, with a toes of ber bead, "Wbal stocks, bonds or moneys, I prl'thes, have yon ? " Bit the poodle replied, ' I bare nothing beelde My boautlfol flec ami a bearl that U trae." " Well, then, Mr. Poodle," Helorted the doodle, "I'm not such a noodle, To wed a km. lie Who kaen't a boodle " Andibe nave him tbe mitten, Uis frugal mas Doodle. at the i r ..i for . mi. i. The young man lingered near tbt man aging editor's desk, Wailing (or an appoint- ment oo the regular staff. "Bat you drink?" Mid the manager, wUbiog to lei tbe candidate down easy . " Yes," replied the yoong man , " so did Alexander tbe Great." "Too are a dude?' glancing yoalb's dandified dress. " Bo WM Di.raeli." " And 700 are a liar 7" " Ho was Napoleon Bonaparte." " Aod 700 are bead and ears ID debt 7" " Like Aleikuder Pumas. " " And yon are a glutton 7" " Bo WM Peter tbe Great." " And yon swear occasionally " " 80 did George Wsuhington." " You are liable to net drunk 7" " Like Daniel Webster." ' Ton are not a college man 7" " Neither WM Liuooln." " And then yon writ* a wretchedly ille- gible band 7" 14 Like Horace Oreelej." " Ton ean't make a speech 7" " Like Grant." " Well," laid the manager, plunging at a heap of manoMript, " anyhow we don't want yon ; yon won't do. Good morning." The young man turned away exceeding sorrowful. " U'i no norl of ose," be "aid ; " a fellow oombinee in hii own brain and person the trait* of all the great men from Alexander to Grant, and oan't even get a plaoe on tbe Brooklyn EagU. Tbie world 11 growing too (MI for genius. Brooklyn style. Kral r*r*lr|r Kr Boyal proteges are bettor rewarded In tbM day* than thiy nted to b* earlier in th. g aeen'. r . 1 gn. (Joe of th* Priooe of Wales' tatonwM mad* Canon of Bipoo and another Oanon ot OhMtor. The late mnot Lioopold'i " governor" WM more f rewarded, toi b* got a stall at Watt- minl.r and a Crown living, the two boiag worrt^ta 300 a year, with two excellent tie* should b* inflsred to exist, and Canon Daekworth woald do well to follow the sxemple ot hit more distinguished enl l EL*J* t %L G S" **'< rongnod Us valuable living shortly all, aomination to a eanonry l.ondm Trail. A commit tee appointed to represent the Board ot Aldermen ol Boeton, a few day* ago, al th* funeral of a I*Uow member spent 110160 for a " floral tribute" and MO for hate and glovM for Ihi six m*mk*ra of tbs oommiltee. Their effort to impart dignity to tht occasion WM appreciated, and th; bills wan pprovtd ky the proper. Tbe yoonx iteiger (muter miner) sworn- tally threw back bii head. " Ab. well !" be aid, " I own that all ibis is my doing; aad I think it DO dif grace to me thai I know more) aod aee farther than the others. If thiy are oootenl to bave the old tnitery made a little more tole/able, the little) ipetn of life in the mints more Moore, I asm not aontoul, and the oonrageoni spirit* among 01 are not so. We demand maeh, eJmoei iveryibiag, that ii ten* , and, if Birkow were still tbe millionaire the wor Id con- siders him, hi might guard a(aiaattuiu falling iato oar hands. Bot be ia a mil- lionaire no long*r ; aad upon UB, upon whether our bauds work or retail to work tor him, depends hii whole weal or wo*. You do oot know, father, how tbiogi look op in the bureu and tb* eonfinnei chamber ; bat I know and tell you ihai, lit him r.iist a* he will, be mail yield at aooD M tbe rebellion breaks loom upon him from all tide*." And I tell you he will nog yield," declared the overseer. " He will sooner oloae the works. I know Arthur. When he WM little bo; be wai just M be) now u entirely different from you. You alwayi let about thing* violently you woulc oocquer all by foroe, whether it WM i pieoe of work, a garden tenet, or a oom radc.be did i ut willingly Ml ab ant any thing , Mid it * only itier long heeits tion that hi ooull persuade himself to thi; hot let him onee begin a work, and be never let it go until finished. How be ii fairly awake, and hi will ebow yon ail o what stuff he U made. Mow that be hae tbe reini in hi* band*, no one can foroe tbem from him. Ho has eomctbioM o your obstinacy. If you are ever made to feel II, remember my words." Ulrioh did not contradict with hii wonted violence ; but hii dark, loweriui glance told bow enraged he wen that hi oould nol opntradiet. Perhaps be bed already experienced thu obctioaoy. " And, however tbioge tarn oui," eon tinned the father, " do you think that you will remain steiger that yon will be alluwed upon the worki after all mat hu happened ? ' The young mao laughed derisively. Mo in truth oot, it it depended upon Bevkot aid tbe officers. They surely would DO take me again into favor. Bat vri a*>k ni favors ; we dictate , and oar first detnsDi of all IB for me to remain." " And are you tore of this 7" "Father, do not inenltmy aomraJsji to my face I They will never deuri me." " Nol even if the irsl demind from bradquartera U for yon to go 7 A.ud it Br kow himself make* U 7" " No, never I Be oan never a,05umplul that. Toe workmen all know kbit I have nol doo* thu for myself. Tbioci were well with me ; I bad no need to nUrvc, for I oould find my bread anywhere. It WM their misery I would relieve. Do not apeak ol Ibeir deserting me, father. Toey give me trouble enough, I own ; bat, if tbinga oome to the wont, I will still flgbt my wa; through; no one will leave me in the boo: of peril. Wherever they go, I it all lead them ; and 1 know they will its nd by me even in misery and death." " Toe, at first they would ha we done so but not now." Tbe old man had risen and aa now, for tbi flrsl time, hi turuec hit face to the light one saw bow torrowfu were bin features, bow bowed bis form bnl a little while ago so ireot and fig^roo* " Ton yourselt have just said to L^renz that thing* bave changed," be ooDtinned ia a hollow voice; "and you moe* know the day and boor when the obani(e oame. need nol tell yon Ibie, Ulrieh ; I can onl; sv thai day robbed mi of the little pace end j >y I had ilill hoped for my old mo Now all ie gone forever I" " Father T' eried the young man. Tb* overseer made a huly, repellen gemure. " Never mind," be said. " 1 know nothing of it, even if I am forced to hear it. Tbe bar* thought hai almoeit rob bed me of my sensee." Ulrieb'i eyes flashed threatening a* before at Lorena'* Insinuation. " And it I now tell you, father, that the meshes of the rope were already broken that my hand had nothing to do with i " No, t*U m* nothing," returned the ol< man bitterly. " I cannot believe in yoi any more. Yon have alwayi been wild am violent ; in your wrath you would etnk down even yonr beat friend. 0) your oomradei, and lay to than), ' It w a mere aooideol,' not one of them wil believe you." " Not one I" repeated Dlrieb Badly. "And nol even yon, father '/ ' Tbe old man fixed hi* troubled ey upon his *on. " Oan yon here declare to my face Ibal yon bad no blame in tbe *oci dint 1 None at all. That you be did not end the question ; for Ulriob eonld not endure hie glanoe. Hii still flashing eye* were fixed upon Ihl floor ; be turned away with a tremulous geetnre, and WM eilent. There wa* a long oppressive lileaoi lu thi room, broken only by the old men'* heavy breathing. Hi* hand trembled aibei paeeed it over hii forehead ; ind hi* voice trembled itill more, a* be said " You Hay you had no hand in the) acci- dent 7 You might not have had directly ; bat all snepect you. NolbicK omn be loven- tigated, nothing proved God be ibsuiked I nothing at leait by the law. Cooflde in me alone, Ulrioh ; tell me what really did bap pen down there ; but boait no more of your comrade*. You mart have seen , that, tinoe that day, they all tear you. Be* bow long yon will be able to role them by tbii fear alone 7" Tbe old man left the room ; tbe ton made a movement an if he wonld rnih after him ; thin all at one* hi stood still, nd witb hi* clinched hand beat his forehead, while from hii throat there came a sound almost like a repreeeed groan. Ten minntei might have paiud when tbe door again opened, and Martha entered Her nnole had not returned ; and Ulrioh lay upon tbe lounge, bit faoe buried in bii hand. Bat thu aid not *eem in tb* leant to larpriM tbi girl. Bh* merely glanced at him , and than, stepping to the table, began to gather np her work. At the sound of her itep, Ulrieh Btarted up. Hi now roe* slowly, and oame over *o hir. Uinally lie took no interest in Mar- tha'* affair* not enough at lent tooon vine with her about them. To-day U wsu otherwise. Per bap* for tht* ntubborn, relioent nature, tbe moment had oome when hi longed for *ome word, some token of eympatby. Doubly dear moil have been raeh word or token just now, wben all ibaoned him, all drew baok from him. " Bo you and Loren* are really lover* ?' hi began. " I bare col ones apoken with yon on the inbjeot, Martha , I have latterly had *o many thing* in my bead. Are yon betrothed 7" " TM," WM tbe ihort, bait evuivi answer, " And when will tbi marriage b* 7" " There ii plenty of lime before Ibal." I inch gazed down at tbe girl, who, witb hasty breathing, and trembling fingeri, busied heraelf abont the work, not even looking up to him; but y*t he dreamed Ibal a silent reproach lay in ber lyew. " Yon have don* right. Marftbt," **id be gently, " quit* right. Carl is good and kind and love* yon more than any other wonld have been able to do. And "till yon haw- llated in yonr decision. Wben did you give him yonr promise ?" Three weeks ego to-day." " Throe woeke ago to-day ! Ii that *o ? That wan the day of the .ooident in tbi mine*. WM it really at that tine 7" Yet, j ait then I I n u I then I oould nol On that day I fint knew thai I oould be his wife. ' ' Martha I " From th* young man'i roieM forth a ory , half anger, bsUf pain. a bought to lay bit band npon btr arm. tie trembled violently, and involuntarily irnid away. Variolilet hii baud fall, an 1 epptd backward. And you too ? ' ha laid in a hollow vice. "Indeed, indeed, Martha, Itbouid ot bare tboughl it I" Dlriob!' broke forth the girl IB wild, espairing igony. " uiy U jd I wnal bave oudouo to 01? what bave yoa dont to ourtelf ?" Be stood opposite b*r. Tbt hand whioh a rented opou tbe Isble trembled, bat bit ealarea bad taken on au expression of earful biro' nest and bilterueai " Wbal hav* I don* to myself ? For tbat alone am answerable. To y.n? Well ,o one will litten to thi story (rom ma. Jui I tell you onoe for all," here hi* voice let loud and threatening" tbal I have ad uu jurth of then* end leu ianu*ndo*s nd wexatioui; 1 oan endure tbem no onger. Believe what yon please aud ot whom you please. lu the future II will t> all Ihe tame to nit. Wbal I bav* btguu, 1 ill oarry tbroogb io npltt of yoa all ; and, it DO out will place coDfldenoc in me, I hall well know bow to tntorrs obedience." He wint. liarlha made uo effort to detain him, and roob effort woald have been in vaia. He sltmrctd tbe door behind him BO violently that il jarred the whole se. A, moment liter be WM oal in Ih* oi'tu air. CHAPTER XIII. Tbe arrival of gnesti at tb* Barky country ie at had certainly brought some lite ; but it had iatroduoed i o greater onion into tbe cold, alienated hooitbold ot tbit yoaog married pair. Although tbs vint wai designed to be only ot a few dftys' duration, Arthur louud plenty of excuses for abteooa, end opportunities tor avoiding u \ f recqaent meetiagr a peee of civility f r whioti bit father and young brotbtr-in lew were extremely grateful. Baron \V uleg after two wctka' ilay apon Ihe Babt>xis.u emate, new bis own, waa returning to tbe Bettdeoos. Upon bii first visit to bia dtogbttr, he had been obliged to leave tbt next morning. Erin tbt fearful oataalropbe wbieb had happened dariof nil etey oould nol detain him ; for a nearer duty of relationship summoned him to pay tbt last honors to bit eooiin. After Ibtt duty bad been faithfully discharged, bv bad found in tbe bonstbild and upou tbt ntatt* much dtmftudiug tbe presence ol tbe new beir. How in tbe company of hi* eldest ton , whom bs had allowed to follow him, bi bad ael oal for bom* , and, as Cart had nol seen his sitter eioot ber mar riage, tbey naturally took the abort by-road hading over tbe Berkow estates. From tbt conversation, wbioh, upon tb* day ot their arrival, took place in Eugenie's parlor, and from wbith, M u-uil, Arlhu waa absent, tbii teamed to be tomsthin more than man visit or re-onion. Euge me and ber father had for a long time been lilting together on tbt iota ; now tb. baro; bad risen, and itood before bis deogbte r while Curt, leaning against a ohatr, with look ot intent expectation, gszed over to bi litter. sfiogsnie bad retted ber forehead in b. baud to tbal Ibe hand abaded ber face Bbe did nol change bir position, she djd no even look up, M sbe answered in a low voice I do nol need these hints and insinna lions, father, to enable mi to know yoar meaning. Too ipeak of a teperation." " Yes, my child," tail tbi baron gravely "of atpai ftlion, oo matter under what prt text, or al wbal price. Tbo>e foro-d to thing are wont to bold to il only tbrougl compulsion ; tbii th* Berkowe tbt maelve most admit. Mow tbal I am master of m, ffairi, now that I used no longer b* tbel debtor, I will venture all to re!* me yon from those fetter* wbieb you aiiomtd only for my sakt, and wbiob, whttber yoa ad mi It or not, make yon infinitely unhappy." Jbogtnit did not answer. Ths fa the look btr band, and again tat down by he tide. Ii ibe thought new and larpniiog to yoa! It occurred to m* at the momoni when I received the unexpected tiding* o ibe change in our f onuuei. Wbat did oil Berkow not re*orl to in order to obtain tbii onion with as? Tbi possibility ii nol imaginable, tbal ha woald bavt allowsd i divorce which most eiolode him (rorr. thai ciroli wberebebad forced entrance through na ; and Ihe coulee! oould uol bavi been undertaken with a man wbo in his nnaoru puloniuees was capable ot anything. Hii sudden death haa changed all , bat tht oppciition of bit eon remalni to be ovtr co mi. Arthur, in the whole affair, play e( only ft passive role, and resigned bimielt to be tbi tool of bit father. I hops he wil yield to energetic proceedings on oar side.' " He will yield," replied tbe yoang wift in a low voice ; " yoa need have no anxiety on tbal aoeonnL" b'j much the better I" returned tbe baron. " So moth the sooner wi will roach oar goal." He icemid indeed in grill haste to reach tbit goal. To tbe poor, almost bankrupt nobleman, wbo taw rain jast before him, no choice bad remained bat to sooept Eugenie's aonfioe, aud thereby redeem be nam* and itation of his son ; laminating M tola bad been to kim, he had bowed to necessity, and neoenily bad taught bim to bear il. Bal ha beir of Babenaa, wbo bad won back hit all independence and bii fall nit-import- ftne*, wbo coald witb ease reatore Iht earn ie bid rteeived, felt thit eompuliion ft inurning ditgract, and bia daughter'* mar- iage a heavy wrong igainit bir, for whioti ie matt at any price atone. Daring hie atire sojourn upon tbe ntw eetate, thi* boQght bad been uppermost in bii mind , and kt bad laid bia plans, wbioh war* now eady for execution. Il moil be yoar wish, Eagenie, M well a* our*, that thi* punfol transaction b* conducted and ended ai soon a* poui- le. I think yon bad better now eooom- any ua to tbe Reiidenoe, and from there ake the necessary itept, Ton can then imply decline returning to yoar husband, and await Ibe decree of divorce. W* will akt eart that he does nol violently assert hit rights." " Y*e, by Heaven, wa will do tbal, Bugs- 10 I" inttrposed Cart passionately. " If ie ihoald Hill refuie to undo this shameful >atinesa, yoar brother's iword will compel lim to it. He cannot now threaten a* with itgraoe and public humiliation aa bi* atbtr did. II wa* Iba only thing before wbieh tht Windegt hav* ever trembled ibe only maane by wbieb tbey ooold force a dtogbter of oar bouse to an alliance witb htm." Reoall yoar threat*, Oart," said Eugt- ni. ; " and yoa, father, banish yoar anxi- tiea. Both art hire annaotttary. Tbi. livorea, whioh yoa think must be ft mailer or iirife and oompulHiou, hai long been a settled thing between Arthur and me. " Winded started op ; and, in violent snr priie, Oarl drew nearer hii litter. Eugenie evidently straggled to gtvt flrmnen to ber voice ; bat the ooold not mooted ; Ibe voice trembled audibly M ibe continued " We hid agreed apon Ibis, *vin before Berkow'i death ; bat we wubed to than Ib* publicity of ao early and iuddsn a raptor*, and therefore decided to preserve Iba oat ward restraint* of ft married lit*." " Even before Berkow i death ! " repealed Oarl; " that waa shortly after yoar mar- riage." "And yon yemrtsjf bad spoken of the Bi if.er ? Yon were decided apon it 7" asked tbe baron, In equal turpriie. Neither of tbi two man coald nnlersteni tbt pain to plaicJy deputed on thi young wife'i face. Bh* evidently lonamoned all ber aolf-xm troi for Ibe aniwtr, and it waa firmly given ; " I bavi never alluded to tbe eubjeet. It wan Arihur, who. of all a*B (it* will, ( (Tired m* tbi separation." Th. baron and bis ion looked at eaeh otbtr, as if Ibia ilatam*nt pasted their oomprabtnaion. "I aarttinly wa* not prepared lor tbii," aid tbi baron at laal, slowly. " lie, hm nlj ' I bad not npeeled thai" It ii all the *ama," triad Oart, in a *od- dtn aotttiB ot teodsrnev, " it ha only givti you back to a*, Eogaoi*. Non* ot us has bran t>i,i to enjoy tb* niw inheritsnte, btoauito we knew ihatyoa were unhappy for oar sake. Now il yon come back to a*, oar father, w.< Ml, shall begiu to breath* trolly in the now lite. Yoa bav* everywhere, in II all, boeu wanting to us." Be flaug hie arms around bi* lister, and tor a few inonaeul* the boned btr faoe on bis shoulder, tfat ffeis bwaatifal face WM deathly white and oold, as Oart bad one* before *een it at tb* altar. Why should thi* bs, wben ah* we* now to return to th* father (rom which eh* WM then to b* torn? Th* baton, in torn* nururise, gissd upon his daughter, who now roil ereet, and passed her bandkerobief over her forehead. " Forgiv* me, pap*, if I ***m strange to day," she said. " 1 im uol quite wall not will enough, a* leant (or a conversation on tbii (tubjeot. You mnil permit mi to withdraw. I" " Yon have luffered too much of late," added tbe father tenderly. "I see 'it, my ebild, even if yoa do not confess il to me. Go, and leave to me, all the care. I will pare yoa as much M puwtible." " Tuia U v ry singalar, papa," laid the young mu i tb* door closed behind Ibe n*t*r. Do yon o jmprebend this Berkow 7 I do not." Baron Wiudeg, witb contrioted brow, paced up and down the loom. With th* strangeness ot tbi* revelation blent tome- thing very mortil) iog to him. Th* proud aristocrat had found II quite ouinprtfcen- eible tbal an npitart, with million* at his command, should *buu neitbor intrigue* nor saorifloea, and venture ail, to toioa a relationship with him, even though each relationehip broogbt with ft only contempt nous hatred ; but be bad never forgiven bi* plebeian son-iu-liw for receiving the hand of BarouesiWindeg with a* much indifference a* if this bad been only a common mar- riage, aod for having afterward shown him- elf M unappreoiative of tbi high honor a* hii father bad been appreciative. And now he lli i -i Arthur Berkow sought a release (rom tbi union before they had even ao much a* permitted him. This wa* qaite loo maota for tb* pride of a Windeg, wbo had been ready to contend for the recovery o( bis daugbtar, but wbo oould not near to receive ber back (rom tb* haughtiness or tbe indifference of her hoiband. " I will ipeak with Berkow," be laid at length ; " and if be u really of our mind, wbiob, notwithstanding Eugenie'* asser- tion, I moil still doubt, tbe busineei ihall be entered upon immediately." " Immediately 7" asked Curt. " Tbey bave been eoarot three montbi married ; and I think tbey are right 10. seeking to avoid loo early and abiupl a aeparalion." Certainly they are," replied the baron ; " and I inoold agree with yoa uncondition- ally, if I bad not very argent reasons for hastening tbi matter. Upon tbe worki here, all i* nut as il should b*. I have received ft bint from a friend wbo know*, that. tbe rebellion now broken out among the mine may inflict a deadly wound apon the Berkow wealth, which U believed ao inoaleolabl*. If fierkow'i fortune really oollapaet, hi* wife cannot leave him jail at that moment ; ia the face ol the world, sh* cannot. Although we have deeper and more letions reasons (or the separation, th* world wou'd regard the lose ot lor .an* a* Ibe reason ; and this must nol be. It U better for a* to assume tbe responsibility ot so early a rapiort taan to have oar band* tied wben the dread oatMtropb* really comae. A divorce it not a transac- tion wbieb oan be carried through in a few weeks it requires a year at lent ; and in bait tbat |i mo the separation oan be arranged , if Berkow throws no obstacle in thi way. Kogcni* .no*! return to oar bouse, mast be free, before they soepeal in tbe Kesideuoe how matters tland bar*." "I thought my ihtcr would enter Into and am- tbey had previously decided opon this step, tb* idea of o iure wa* not new to her ; but yet be is cold and silent, M it all tbii lay ioflnitily remote from her, M it il dealt nol with ber own freedom." Tbe baron ibrogged bii shoulders. " Bh* softer* at tbi thought ot th* unavoidable publicity, *bi ibrinki from tb* fprmalitiM nd diiagreeablenesi of the trial, whioh cannot be (pared her. Bach a separatum u alwayi a paintal itep (or a woman, bnl till il moil be takea. In thu eat*, at least, we shall bavi thi whole Residence on oar side. Tb* reaaon of this marriage ojuld bave been no secret, and all will readily comprehend why w* seek to dis- solve it." " There oomea Btrkow," said Oarl half aloud, M tbo door of the adjoining room opened. " Yon will apeak with him . will yon DOI, papa? Shall I leavr you alone 7 ' Wiodrg ebook hi* head. "Yon are tb* eldeet ton ot oar boa** ; and in mob an inetrvMw tb* pretence ot a third ptrson ie apt to impose a salutary restraint. Too will remain , Oart." While tbee* wordi wen softly and nattily exehangad, Arthur had pasted Id rough the acte-room, and now entered. The greet ing on both lidei wai icy and polite a* usual, and thi conversation began with tht wonted commonplaces. Th* gae*t* regret- ted tbal they oould ao Mldom enjoy th* looiety of their boil ; and tb* ho*t pleaded a presiors of basinet* whioh robbed him of the pleaiar*, tie. mutual oiviUti** which neither lid* waa txpeotcd to believe, and bebind wbujh tbey intrenched themoelveH to M, at l*Mt, to bavt something to say. 11 1 hope laal Eugenie'* eonilanl pretence richly compensates yoa for my enforced absence," continued Arthur, glancing through th* loion M if in quest of hn wit*. " Kugeu ie nan withdrawn on aaooant of a flight indisposition," explained the baron , " and I would employ th* opportunity of h*r abttnee to eiprass i wish whoio fulfil ment dependi principally apon yoanelf." Ton bavt only to itate yjur with, Herr Baron, 11 tbe grtnUng of it dependi upon mi," rsturned Arihur, placing himself opposite bil father-in law ; w bile Oart, wbo well k uew what WM coming, withdrew to a window niche, and teemed to b* atten- tively gasing out apon the terrace. Baron Windeg'* manner Meamed it* utmost form- ality, and all thai aristocratic dignity wbiob lay at his command. By tbi* man- ner b* sought to nuiirei* tbt plebeian hoi- band ot hi* daughter, and at tbt outset mlence ev*ry possible opposition ; for at tbe most be oould bat regard tbal i*par- ation proposed on Arthur'* lid* a* a mere ebullition after tarn* pMlioaat* Ment. Be did not believe tbal Arihur Mrituily had any inch id**. " They molt, I think, place a greater *ig. ninoaooe upot 'he rebellion at yoar works than II really J .wervei," began he. " Yes ur Jay, as I itopped at the town to call on tha commandant of the garrison there, a friend of m/ voolb, 1 WM told that the outbreak of yoar workmen into open insur- rection was very probabla," People in the town **em to be more occupied with my worki and my workmen than I bad su[poeed," replied Arthur coldly. " In any event, I nave not called OB 10* colonel for eventual help " Tb* larou ondantood tb* rebnfT " For myself, I naturally ha, no opyoion in tht matter," be raplied oalmly. " 1 wools] on)y rimind you, tbat il will not b* proper to expose Eugenie to possible scenes and out )ieak*. I very much desire to take my daughter home witb me (or a timi, until natt*rs'b*u become Milled." Tbt yonng man'* hae betrayed *om* slight (motion. Us threw a baaiy gjan;e ov*r to tb* door leading to hi* wife's oham- btr, M If bi wonld Mcertain it Ib* with bad originated there. But hi* anewtr WM psr- eotlyoalrn Kogonie le enlirs mUtraM of htr own setioog. If ibe think* Ib* removal neoen lary, I givt btr ptrftwl freedom." B aroo Windsg (vs I aod at letiidotioo oar plan with (s>r mor* pleasure and mation," said Curl thoughtfully. " It " Than ib* will aoeonipaay u* to-morrow," be sil "Agtoth* duration ot her visit Ihtre, we oom* to a point palatal (or a* both to dUoass ; bal I prefer to treat with you by word of mouth, Mpeeially so, ao I know, tbat in tbt miu our wishes coin- old*." Arthur seemed about to Biart op from bit chair ; but hi controlled himself, and ktpi hit plae*. " V. ry w*!L I loppoM that Eugenie has already communicated witb yoa." " Tot. Art yoa surprised at tbal 7 Bh* certainly would flrii of all cocfld* in her father." The young mau'i lip* quivered. " I lop- posed," laid he, " Ibal tbt matter would remain a eeoret between a* until tb* lime for eoiioa came. I bav* erred, M I MI." " Why difer the carrying out of a oonolu- sion once fixed npon 7" atked tb* baron calmly. " The time i juit now favorable. Tbe present condition ot yoar *Hlat** gives ne tbe beit and plainest eiouae for my daughter'* removal. Tbt world need not at Aril know that tbii removal i* to be a permanent one, Now in mourner, whan all our friend* have left the Reiidance, th* preparatory steps o*n be taken unremarked. Where publicity cannot be avoided, il ie alwayi beat to perform a deed in th* (aee of th* world. In tbii way th* propensity to goevip it looncB* stayea." A short pans* eniotd. Arthur again fixed hit glaooe, tbi* lime with an inquir- ing expression, apon tbe door leading to Eugenie'* chamber. Then be turned deliberately to her father, and atked ' DOM the wiah for thie haute com* from Eugenie heriellT" Tht baron thought proper at this time to conceal the truth ; this would end matters sooner, and in any tvent Engeuit would thank him lor il. " I "i ek in my daughter'* nams," declared he formally. Arthur itarted np eaddenly, and so vio- lently tbal the chair fell back. " I ooneent to all, Herr Baron," he laid, " to all. I thought I bad stated to yoar daughter my reatoni for delay ; they were tor the moat part dictated by regard (or her. I did not think of mynelf. If, regardless of Inane, she still wishes matters accelerated -let il be.' (To b* continued). la ihe < euDii r t,aw)r*e ormr. lie wanted justice . You could M* tbal in hii eyee afar eft- Ht didn't want little bit ot justice wiighed out in a gingerly manner and doni np in eoane brown paper, bal be wanted jistioeby the oar load and at wholesale rate*. He hitched hi* old white bore* and dilapidated boggy in front ot the drag (tori, mounted the tteiri run- ning op outside to Ib* second story, and hit eyes brightened M tbey retted on the tin ligu on tbi door : " George Boxen, Attorney at Lv." Tbe lawyer WM in. Bo were a two-dollar dttk, two fifteen- cent chain, a bage cuspidor and a rusty stove. " Morning." " Morning." " I'm Jim Whit j, lir. Live oat by Oray'i Oorners. Bought tht Tompkini (arm, yoa know." " Ah I" " Bkinntr jinei (arm* with me. Hi* tteert gel into my corn. I want damagei, but b* laugh* at m*. I torn my hogi into hi* 'later patch." Good ! I like a man of i-punk." And be kills on* cf 'em. ' What?' Ht kill* a bog worth II." Tan don't lay I Well, thai man ou^bl to bi madi to understand thai b* doeen't own tbi* o jun try . What an outrag ! Have yoa demanded pay 7 ' " o j. yai. aod b* *aid h*'d like to shoot m*." " I* it possible 7 Why, he's a dang*root man, vary dangerous." " I oame to Mk yoa if if " " Why, of eoarae, yoa have tb* best kind of ease againtl him, and it* your duly to pntb it." "Yen, I want joitioc, bal bow -bow much will " 'Oh, tbt oast will b* nothing. Just leave me 16 M a retainer and we'll make Skin- ner sweat. I haven't beard ot lueh an out ragt for years. He probably reasons thai you are ebicken- hearted and at mi ot him." " Well, he'll find tbal the White* have a* much grit M Ib* Hkiunere." " And M moan money to las; with 7" " Yoa bet I " - That'* tb* talk ! We il naka him a very sick man. Yoar CM* appeals to m* a* a oitizeu M well a* a lawysr. Now, we'll secure a warrant M a starter." Skinntr visit* tb* other lawyer in tbe am* villags, and tb* conversation i* about tb* same. Whits gets a warrant for Hkmuer, and Skinner gem a warrant for White. Fint year Two adjournments, a die- agreement, twe it-four day*' loll time and a oab expense of 968 to each farmer. Bioond year Three trial*, on* dinagree- mtnl, four adjonrnmantt, on* appeal and a oath expense of 8150 to each farmer. Time loa, tbirly-flvt day*. Third year -Two trials, two appeals, two decision* and two farm* pat* Into th* bandl Ot two lawyers. THE LADIES' COLUMN. Sidu, .ll.n.l " Tb* disMtroae infla*ne* of medical ttudiae upon Ihe intellectual faculties of women ie," ikyg the I. yon Medical, " a curloui fact eatabllibed ky recent *tatiatioi. In Ejgland, according to the otnioi of 1881, tbe number of women phytioiane was twenty-five. From 1880 to 1884, eight had aeon placed in a lunatic asylum, and al th* end of lait year three were under treat- ment." Tbe Ontario tf mister of Education, In a recent addrenn to tb* East Middlesex teacher*, *aid : " lleuceforth there will be no division in Mcond-olaM certificate*. The diitinotion will b* made by thi Maud- ing taken at th* Normal*, witb or without honor*. Tb* court* would also be on tbe ame line M tb* matriculation in art*. Matrioolfttion with three firtt-ola** honor* will b* con*id*rad eqoal to a flnt-olM* grade certificate." The new rmideni of Magdalen Oollege, Oxford, tbe pre*id*ney ot which i* tb* bin* bibbon O f such ppointm*nt*, U about the youngest man tver anpointcd at th* bead of tbe house about 85. Tht plaoe it worth 17,600 year, with a ipaoioa* resi- dence aud certain com misearial *llowaoCM. Tbe founder of Magdalen, William of Wayntfltte, WM tbe Oral Head Mauler of Eton. Ii i* about th* beat endowed Ool- lege in Oxford. Addleon and Gibbon were both ot Magdalan, M WM also Oioar Wilde. Frosidint Nellet laid at tb* opining of thi Victoria Oollege : " Whatever the deci- ion of Ib* authorities, I am perfectly con- vinced that no change will take place In the fundamental principle npon whioh thi* uuivereity wae founded. Oar father* wers in advance of tbe timei when they erected Victoria Oollege, hot I regret to lay that Ihi Mtthodist Oboreh bM allowed tb* ister denomination to get ahead ot it in educational maltera. Il is high time the Oburoh arooied bsrself tohtrtru* position, if she wishM to take ber place lid* by side with them " Facts About Fashions, Fancies and Feminine Fripperies. w HarvUe;* o. , i. W/OSBCB. Woman is at ono* siooor* aod bypocrill- oal. ()i .joetry is nothing bal gilded and refined hypoority, and all women ar* ocquettea to a greater or letn degree. It U peril ap* a wise provision of nature tbal they can diessmble. They are called on to do a great deal ot it. For initance, when a tlupid young man who otnnot ice when be it a bar. and call* on a yoaog lady wbo does Me that he i* a bore and tells il keenly, she moil dissemble. For instance, again, wben a woman meet* another woman she doee not like, bat whose ac- quaintance is a looial ueoesnity, abe muil aisaemble, and does so by kissing ber on tbe cheek and laying, " My dear." Hnak- ipeare tayi : All tbt world't a ttags And all men and women merely players. Bal moot of tbe playing it done by the women. Tb.lr UVM art mort tbsstrical than men's art. Tbey have more fluent than men. Tbey can flirt (or tbe mere fun of tbe thing, while men alwayt have a seri- ous purpose of torn* sort at tbe bottom of their flirting. Men are direct, women ate evasive. All this on tha mere surface. Thii i<i tht picture of society as we see il whirling patl o* in ten thousand tint* and shadows. Tbii it ii in th* faebionabl* thoroughfare, in th* daxiling ball-room, al the gorgeoo* opera and in tbe reception room at bom*. Formality, formality ; meaningles* compliments, flalieriri, mock- ing endearment*, with woman evtrywbere in the lead, the creator and componnder of it all. Bal underneath tbe inrf ao* there ia another world, a quiet, pctotfnl domtio where woman in earnest, and where her sincerity and devotion outshine every other virtue, and where her life become* a prioeless treasure. Tbe iuaicoare trifler o( tbe whirligig ot society becomes the faith (nl, loving wife and thi tender, patient mother. Tb* table" are turned ; th* man now beoome* tb* trifler. He goe* forth to bask in th* inntbine of th* gay world, while tb* wife i* th* iteady anchor that forever palls him back and renew* bis tenet of duty and obligation. Thus, after all, lh* imilM for everybody and a heart for bal on* beoomM th* tavior of the race. HoMlagj the mirror le> Naleiro. We were diiouiting mirrors thi other day at the Greys', and the question arose as to whether it was better to bavt a flittering one or tbe reverse. Maad thought the latter woald be batter, M then yoa knew the worst aboat yourself, and if yon heard any advene opinion c xprested M to yoar look* yoa woald nol mind. I was not at til of her way of thinking. In the first place, the uglieni woman in th* world woald mind it ibs beard people tay eveu tbtl (be wa* nol pretty. In the second, I think il oondooM to good bamor to bavt nice, flattering looking-glaM that makM the beit ot yon and pal* you on good term* with yourself. Madeline thought that an unoom promisingly true on. would be tbe beit ot all, and perbapt ibe U right. Bat thin Madeline it vtry handsome, and when bir mirror telli tbe train il tell* btr what be i*, *o sbe may well be pleased with its vardiol. Girl*' Qotiip in London Truth Freeh Fswhteei Nolcw. Blsevti are long and eloee, as a rule, yet a f*w ar* shown witb pofl* at tb* tfcoulders and elbows. When th* PrioeoM dre*t I* worn Ib. bodio* u plain, mostly io th* cuirass shape, bal sometimes open in front over a narrow peaked vtet. Persian nit and edging* ar* among tb* new lactt. They com* in wool and Ib* Angora ulyles and in tb* colors of Pcrtian shawls or scarfs. Skirt* bav* a little mor* fnllntaa than IM! aeason and art qaito generail y gathered into Ib* belts, although *om* are in heavy box-plait* al th* iidat and back*. Walking kkirts ar* aa long M pottibl* without touching th* ground. A lew demi- trftin* at* *e*n on ordinary drees**, bal tb* beet tsste doe* noloommecd them, neither do tbe besl-dreseed ladiM wear them . In other than tb* most upentiv* dress** luere ar* mor* trimming* used upon waitte than btr*tofon, some of them haviug almost Ibs entire front* covered with cord and braid trimming*. Braid floonos* and fronts ar* ihown. Tbey are made ol halt-inch wide braids interlaced and showing octagonal maths*. Some of these fljonoei are made ovtr bright colors atd are very showy. Many of the thapet both of hate and bonuses are pinched op in front and out off at tbe back, and in many casei il it difficult to tall wbitbtr tb* article i* intended for bat or bonnet until il is trimmed. Saabs* will be worn witb all material*, and are imported to match most of tb* ntw ftbrios whether of wool or tilk. Ltdi** wbo ar* skilful io embroidery mak* thiir own sashes from any of tb* wool drem material*, limply getting tbem (tamped aad Walking tbem in regular embroidery or Kensington sutob. For drassy ue, tb* beaded front* or pUstron* ar* very pretty and tattefal. They have a dog collar and tqaar. front, or long veil-like point*, *om* of them having but on* point thai pas*** to th* lefl aid* and tattoos to tb* drees below the waist. Tbty com* in jor, doll mourning bead*, and in plomb, or l*ad, bead*. Tbey ar* particularly elegant over black tilk or tin drsases. All kind* of jacketo and veetn are faeh ion able ; some ar* In tb* (hap* ot a pal*- tot, open in front over a tight fitting wain! coat. Lst ladies who po*aeai paletots lake the hint by culling them M short as an ordinary batqae-bodioe, fitting tbem at tbe back and opening them over a waist- coat of velvet or plush plaih ii oomt into favor again M a trimming for drseati and man lion. Th* paletot U tautened al tb* neck only, whence the front* tall loo** over tbe waistcoat. Tone*. AN imprest ive feature of tbe fanua asivicei ot tbe late Lord Bbatteafcary was the magnificent music in Waitminiter Abbey, ttpeoially Ib* playing of tbe two " Marchon." black WM nnlvsraaJly worn by the audience, and a physician's dftogblor who wore an outer jacket not black we* turned oat. A CUSTOM of the days gone by still ebtai - iu Ihe District of Columbia courts. A cording to an old Maryland law, tbe (ore- man ot eaob jury U presented with a poun J of tobacco on rendering tbe verdict in etch eaae. Ai tbi* 1* far in *XMM ot tb* d*maud for tht! weed, the cash iqoivalent of 91 it Hubaututed. Tht tobacco fond amount* ' considerable sum during a term ol oca- and ia usually devoted to tb* purchase ol > cane (or tbe foreman, bouquets (or t judge, and miner comfort* far tha jnrorc I r tbe daughter of Ibe Grown Prinea <* Oermaoy marries Prino* Alexander t Bulgaria, of whom nbe IB fond, bat wb , not a royal penoosf*), tbe marriage, il t > aid, would b* regarded by tb* Qarma oouri joet M tbe marriage ot a dok< > daughter with a footman wonld b* i grded. Il wuull b* practically a me; gauaiic marriage at best. Begal ttiquel in iuon mattern it much stricter in O. many than in England, where tbe Prince "< Louise married, witbonl larioos disoomlot , a non-royal parsonage. CCL KJJOLLT, in hi* bttk detailing b experiences io Ubina, give* ft vary amosii . account o( hi* difficulties at t dinner pr in Canton. The perplexities) tha gu endure* as he endeavors to gel his looJ conveyed M bit month wiib tb* slippery onopatioks are great, while each fault- attempt is met by tbe ladies with nnd; gumed merriment. Bsyi the Victim : " Ot ooaree the table reaouode witb jaekdaw-lik-> laugbwr al my failorts, aod tbt women find endlsM divemon in apply ing their on- . cbopstioks to sbcving varioas seleoli' down my thrum. . . . Tbi womiu annoy me by hawking, hemming and expec- torating ino*s*antiy. . . , Shark Ac, toadstool, fitb'* maw. Stop, pltasa ' (ha ( ohoking), ' I cannot eat any more.' Bal I open my month, in enunciation < f despairing remonstrance, one last ui bit i.< tbrast in ft pigeon'i egg, and ft pigeon 'N egg whioh, according to Cbiuene idea- f dainty di*be*. bad acquired a peeali<r relish by having been preserved for twenty yeart ! 1 bebiteto LO longer. An alleged inconvenience in my boot r n shins me to ttoop my biad under tbe table." And - Ihe unhappy guest gets rid of an unsavory mouthful. TB* administration ol British jostle* in a polyglotio colony WM pat to rather a emrb test lasl month at Kimbarlty, Booth Africa. Al a criminal trial there were two pritou- ere, tb* one peaking only Portuguese, t: other speaking only Basnao, charged oodcr Ibe Illicit Diamond Baying Aol witb ui> - ing in diamondi without a license. Tk*r were two wilneesee, one of whom tpokn only Zulu and Ibe other Metapel*. Tnsra were two interpreter*, on* ot whom ooulu speak English, Bmuto, Zaln and Melapele. and the other Englisb and PoringoeM ; a>. >i there was, finally, the judge wbo impartisliy spoke English. Tb* four toi)jnid Inter preter proceeded to translate tht qoMlioi-t of Ihe Grown proeeootor from Ecgiiah iutn /. jlu and Motaptls, and then relomed tkti answers in Basato to on* prisoner and i > English to the Courl. Tot aiiqajB int. r rster then took op the parablt aad pu i everything into Porlogaeit far the benefit ot tbe Portuguese prisanar. Tb* trial it* Blow length) along, wban *od- deuly it WM discovered tbat tbe FortagoH ptioon*r did nol fully understand the inter, preter wbo tppk* Portoguete. M bs only knsw COM! Portagusaa. Babtl, bow*vsi . could nol b* further imitated, and in tho reoall both prisoner* received a stnlenet of Mven years' penal servitude. 'J ui statical JtrcorJ say* : No ODft wbo, (aligned witb over sxer turn of the body or mind, bM ever ezpehenetd the reviving inflame* of a tumblerful ot milk heated a* hoi a* il oan be lipped, will willingly forego to resort to ll because or ill being rendered son. e what let* aooeptat 1 > t J tbt palate. Tb* promprnesi with wbioh it* influence U (sit i* indeed cui prising." AOCOBDUO to J. Thomas Fortune, tbe ipokeiman of Ih* colored race in New Tork there re seventy-five uewtpaptr*, includ- ing Mr. Fortou*'* own, in tha United Slate*, devoted to Iba interests ot that portion of America's population, liefore Ib* civil war, only halt a dozen ioeb papers ao maty Naasoo. Mr. Walter Ryt baa pabllibad | - Big. tory of Norfolk," in which bt givts Mm* curious lustanoes of fictitious Norman pedigreei. The Uowardi, il *s*ms, are descended from a bogward, whose buiintai il VM to mind hog* ; tb* Townsbends from ont John atte Town'eend, wbo WM a small tenant farmer In 1SV* ; Ihe Balwtrt (rom tbe bull-ward, as Iht man WM called who looked attar the manor boll A Blase el Ice- water us Jape*. The Japanese never stored or oitd io* until the advent of foreigner*, bal tbey have taken to the use of il lineo lb*n with alaorily, and ar* M bad M Amirioani (or drinking ioc-watsr. Men with portable (taudi tlnng over tbeir shonldera perambn- Ute the itreeta night and day, orying : " Kori I kori I kon" (lea I ie* I ice) I Their olnef patroni ar* tb* jinrickisha man, who hva mo*l roady money and are ipend- thri(M by nature. Tha kori mn wben called, seta down bis stand, produces lump ot ice, shaven it as white as mow over a plan*. Il is then mixed with lugar and sold at two or Ibrse rio* (an eighth of ft cent) a glais, to th* panting jinrickisha men. This mixtnrt, which they lh*m- elve* aptly call *hlro nkl (white iloff or tnow), is not bad, and th* n**>ly arrived foreigner, when ont of the sight of other foreigners, in not avert* to indulging In il. - St. L<n,it Qhl't- Democrat, Tbs Mool Kiv. Patrick Djrrian, Catholic B i. hop ot Down, it dead. DD., A London special *ays it I* rumored Ibat vin if defeated in the electione Lord Sail*. bory will meet Parliament M Premier, and iruHt lu a chapter of accidente to keep him In power. A pbyilelfto of baUes ton ,Te j., sopoeeded lately, It it said, in grading bit*otloga' bone into Ihe mlseiog stelion of thi left Olaviolt (Iht bone joining tht shoulder and Ibe brtail-bont) of a man that bad losi two inebei of tbat portion of bis frame by a gun shot acoidsni. It is Mated thai th* bonoo from twenty or more different dogi were uied in lb< operation, and tbat Henry Bergb, of New York, has interested bin It in Ihi matter. bad beau in exiitene* and navir ciccurnnlly. QoBn VICTOIU bM not paasid a night In London lor fifteeo monlha, acd in the xoeedingly depressed slat* of trade in ths metropoll* bir abstnoo txeittt nnosaally indignant oomtaant. A Tory paper, tha City Pri'i, lately urged tbal Iba Trad* Dapro**ion Gammistion sboold make a ipeoial rtprseentation on Iba nubjeol to the Queen, bat they woold nol dskre to do so. Psor. RBCLUI, the Oirman bygi*ai*t, declare* that " nigbl air it icjarioo* only in iwampy regioci, wherean on dry toil, In tb* moantaia* and everywhere ia Ibt upper itorlM of a hoote It U mor* salubriooi tt.au day air." " Draught*," b* addt, " are nol icjarioo* anlest w* ar* all aglow. To beallby ptraoni it cannot ppttibly do M much harm aa tb* stagnant air in a close room." BiLORia, the chief port of Ibe country that wag onot tb* mistnts of tb* world but tbat ii now tb* proipaativ* prey of every warring nationality in the Balkan peninsula, has aboal sixty tboatand inhabitants. Two-thirds of tnei* ar* Jews. Moet of th* real ar* Turks and Greek", with a sprinkling ot Wallaohi, Armenians! aud Frank*. In tpecimtni ot Byaantir* architecture this oily U richer than any otbtr in th* world except Uonitantinopl*. Th* present danger ia thai tome of them may b* destroyed by Ibe projectile, of modern warfare. Tn i birth of a hog* iotberg, ft phenome- non that ha* been **en only one* or Iwioe by a European, and to a certain extent bag remained a matter of theory, wan observed by tbe Danish explorer* on th* east coast or Greenland last summer. Th* berg* an formed by breaking off from tbe end of glacier* extending from tbt perpetual lo* of the unexplored interior to tbt oast and into tbe Ma. Tbt water booyt op thi sea tnd of the glacier until it break, by il* own weight witb a noiM tbat toandt like loud thunder mil** away. Tb* commotion of Ibe water, a* tb* iceberg torn* ovw and ov*r ia tbe effort to attain it balance, is felt to a great dittanoe along tbe ooMt. The natives regard it M ibe work of evil ipirita and beliere thai to look apon Iht glacier in its throes is death. Tbi Danish officer.., whin observing the breaking off of the end cf Ibe great glacier PalBoortaktbrongk thsir telescope*, Wtr* roughly ordered by their Esquimau escort,' usually inbalistiv* enough, to follow Ihtir example and tarn tbtir backs on the interfiling scene. They had happily completed their observation* and avoided an embarrassing om.fliol with their orsw by a seeming tompllane* with |he ordll, . Tb* actual election expenses of the Irish Nationaliil* ii calculated al 160,000 A spoeial **ys tabseriptioni to provide this mm from Inland and America exoeed |5,000 per week Ia Ml bourne tb* )i |tn arrter* M* olad I* oarlst-oo..!, wai.tooalT^d trouMri