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Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1885, p. 1

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Burnett--Muir. -At the Methodist parsonage, Flesherton, by Rev. W. Ayers, on the 10th inst., Mr. Wm. Burnett to Miss Agnes Muir, both of Artemesia. Hodsdon. -In Toronto, on the 9th inst. the wife of Mr. J. T. Hodsdon, of a daughter. B. Laurance&apos;s Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Article* In the Canadian market. Real Pebble* an kept in itock. TetU are given to pur- chasers to prove genuineness. They ars recommended by the President, VUt- Pres., Ei-Prc*., and Ei-Vioe-Pr*. of the Medical Association of Canada, Ac. J \s. G. RFHSELL, Jeweler, <<., Pleiherton, Out. The only place where they can be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME TAPL.E. Taking Effect, Monday, JuZy 7tt, 1SS6. N-rtli. f m>nto Cvdwall Junction Orange- 1 Arrive vtlle. i Lieave Orangeville Junction... halburn* Duudalk 445pm &apos; SOT - 8 " OZS " ] B5" &apos;flSO" 708" . .. WUHanaitard ChkUwurtb mi,:, IOIT 1046 1110 U II .1 &apos; Owen Bound ...;. Arnv- TIM TM " I O4 " *> " ! sS " &apos;J lo &apos; MU*d. I! ii . I . 100 10 Goliuc Nouth. 6w*n8oa*d CUworth WUllaouford M.ik !.. K>|> Mall (97 42 r *-" ^" Duudalk I JM 7 1 i -) MM-1 i 3 SO " i > IB 400 " 1 I II eivuiuv Oranieville Junction BOO - Oraoe- f Arrive Title ( Ioe I* Charleaton i" 611 Cardwell Junctiou V07 " Toronto Arrive 10 " r W.WHYTE, OES&apos;LBCF&apos;T. I) MiMCOLl^ OESLPaaa.AoT. DR. CARTER M.C.F. &S..OST. Ml VsH I \ V HIKGEON, \r. FLESHEKTON. Rttidtnee, next to LUntiun Covrt offiet, T>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHM, FRICBVILLE, - ONTARIO. an.l lU-Ulonco nvu- I&apos;reibyUirlsn Jlcutiotry. J.P. VARSIIALL, L.lf.K DKSTIST. GIUnfATE of ToroTitn Mw>o] of I)ratitry. will b at Mrkrtli tho 1st iH Srtl WiwtuM dajo(rh month. ail at Klwhrtou ou tlio l<t and Vd Thursday in oac-li uwnthfurtb* prmtic of bin profouiuo. FROST & FHO-7. BAHRIHTKKS HOMClToltS. t&apos;OSVKVAXtVRH. *c OBJcc Puillett Stri.t-t.OWKX S>n NU. and Tery Tburaday at FLl-.sHKrt&apos;K N J. \V. FIIOST, 1. 1. H. ALTRF.D FKO8T. Crown County Attorney. . B1UDW1N B1XDS. . T. KfUI.lX. rBED.W.OVIS. HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, $utenuu>n fo /xii"f<&apos;r it Itniul*, BABHIHTKIW. BOUrlTORS. NOTARIES. CONVKYANCKlUi, Ac. Uouay to Loan st I.cwoit U*U of IllUrwt. Offlcon. 1C Kinn Street Rast. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, n*rriit:-r*. Holir.itorn, Nubtriei Public, Orric*. Orr MeKarlans&apos;s Drue Store, DURHAM, - - - ONT. John W. Armstrong. I&apos;l.l SIIK.UriiS. CO. OllKV. DIVISION COURT CI.KKK, In B. H . Comt-vunrrr. .t- A^-fnt for iHircliaMo and >ale of land* Appralixr for i I.. C. Com- and T. II A H. Hoclety. Mnnoy to l<omn nn tlio ssoit r*K*nni,ble Uriun IHSCXB or MAKRIAUK LICRN8B8. Jas. INSURANCE K. Sloan, AGEST, EUGEKIA. RpresntliiR that >ol|r1 old Flro Iniiiranrc Co . tho NDIIWII n UNION, of Norwlili. K.nclanrl Insurance i-ffwctr-t on Hoiipr-.otitliuildiiigi*. Ao.. at low ratet. Iniiirna iKm.t linlui.iuK _ W. J. BELLAMY. TWF. CI.KKK AHTKMBIIA. CONVEY A WKK. Ati&apos;T, d-C. DEEDB, MOKTOAOES. I.KAHKH. *c.. prxpar- d and properly executed. Ininranci- arro- Md in flmt-rlacoini>nlf> Xonry to land at lowr.t r Hi .-. Victoria Hotel, O\VI:N socNn. Thli houne ban boon rfltt.l and plared under tb MiaiiMv-mrnt of Mr It H MlildaiiRh To thoae denirliig all the comfort* of a ijuiot home, whan rlaltlnn Owon Hnmid. on hiilnu> or plea*. r*. will nn. I the "Victoria" equal to tho bant In town. Caraful h tli-i v R. H. MinDAfCH, Propriator FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mctson< FLESHERTON. Orders In Town and Country promptly and sarefully eiecuteii. Honey to Loan. At 8\ Per Cent. i,n Xtraiyht L>an. WITH Utureirt paid yearly, not in advance No oommtsaloucbarKixl. Apply to A.CBIER. IIIOKMII Rl. Hew Butcher Shop iu Flesh- erton Fetch & Mitchell, I&apos;ltoritlKToKS. flinK nndenl|rn*d rrtpoot fully take this oppor 1 tiinlty to annoiineeto the poopln nf Heli erton and aiirroimdlng country, that tbey hare started s llutrhe. Shop In thu utanrt m-tt .lixn to thn Marhlfi Workn. KKKKIIKHTON, whom they will he pleaaed to m*et with all who faor lhiii with tl.oir patronawA. Krenll Moe,tn of all kinds, and Flab, 4c. In tliotr leaaon*. Hen|<ertf nil r yours, TBTCH * MITCHELL. Flesherton Advance. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FAYQW-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.&apos; VOL. V., NO. 231. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 19, 1885. A. R. FAWCETT, powieTo NEW STOCK \ offf/ Jrieehy .S , (,nt- Consisting of Gold and SiJrrr Ladis* and OenU&apos; Watotraa, BmralM*, K*r-nif*, Chun*, atnga, Ac. , all f>f tU sua4 qual- ity a** at a* tow SB-ice* a*U/ 4*el*f CM nonasfTy- se!l them. .TAS.O. WtTSfBELsL, ^-Repairing *p*eisUty. Er*ry je>*> THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Cunntting of Local and (Hiker Item* yathtrrd by Tlit Advance Reporter*. Harrird. BURKBTT Mt&apos;iK. At the Methodist par- Konage, Fleaherton, by Rev. W. Ayen, on the 10th inat., Mr. Win. Burnett to Agnea Muir, both of Artomecia. Don&apos;t forget to pay the printer what- ever you do. Do not fail to Bee Russell&apos;s stock of Silverware at factory prices. Those to whom we nave sent accounts will kindly *eUi*> sane i r. In Toronto, on the 9th int. , the wife of Mr. J. T. Hodadon, of a daughter. A little daughter of Mr. Joseph Beatty fell down the *teps of the Orange Valley era in w^Ur time 7 Doe* he think it U a itructuru in keeping with the require- ment* at thi* progressive place 7 If he hi,ne*Uy doe* think *o, thun it ia high time to queation his nanity and take *tep* to aecuro hi* removal to tome place where reaaon and intelligence are at a big di count. But h doear.&apos;t think *o 1 Tour* truly, Mvoums. In all imitation* of the Myrtle Kavy to- baeco yet attempted, either iaferlor utock ha* \in-u ms4e a trifle lighter ia weight. The latter defect is apt tn escape tbe altfn- schoolhouge. (Sydoiiham laat Tuesday and broke her IDr thigh bone, and SA!I. Choice Goderich Silt for promptly re|jondi-d, when the little *uf- cvorybody. well saved, in new barrels. ! fer ,, r was care f u iiy and .killfully attended at current prices at llisliardson ACo&apos;s ,. prices Remeiuber the She., .tint; M<tch at Fleiherton Station on Saturday nezt,Nov- .I..UT Slat. Call at RiiRRcll&apos;g, Fleslierton, if I m ti<, a Salt: Farm Stock, Implement* and House- hold Furniture, at lot 3, con. 4, (>prey you want a good violin or violin fi x . &apos;Towuahip, on Tueaday, Dec. 8th, com- ings, ic. The forthcoming Sons of Temperance entertainment m the Town Hall, Kl.-h erton, promiiuK to bo the beat amateur concert ever given in Fleshcrton. To Ciioi&apos;i&apos;Kks. Just opened at Ilirli- mencing at 10 o&apos;clock without reserve. For particulars, aee bills. 1&apos;oeitively and other J. W. Hodipon, a m. term* proprietor ; John Spvera, auctioneer. Match. The shooting match in Flesherton last arHuou & Co&apos;a Hardware store, Flesh- Thursday, und.-r the auspices of Messrs, erten, 15 boxes Axes from the best &apos; ivtch & Mitchell, waa well attended, makers, from 60c. up. 8co them. , ,, ir ,, ^, am , (ligtrict Bportinien were ont R. W. Ayer preached on the tub- ih lanje numbers. Me*ars. W. H. Cam- ject, "A Wheel within a \Vhuel," in the | paigne, Fc-er*ham, J. H. Cam|iai^nu, Frabyteriaii church hero laiit tuuda>y ev- F!mhiTtn Station, Ja*. M. Fawrett, of to a KIHK! conitre^atinn &apos; The wa* a very interusting (ine. Kimberlcy, Ue<>. Mitchell and \Vill. Clark of Flushurton, and other*, did good ahoot- Do not fail to get a pair of thofe "&apos;-&apos; H. Laurnnc> Sjtoctacles only to be had at Itussell&apos;s, L&apos;lesbertoii. ".I mini 11- Pu/iler," the well knuwii , . ... , the most magnibcent and conTenientlyar- trotting italllou, is now th. nroirty of i i " ranged place of husiness in tin.- county of Opinion. Mr. M. Kirhardson of Kltwherton haa Mr. NV. 11. Klili-r of thin place, he haring purchased &apos;&apos;Fuzzier" fnun Mr. W". H. Cauipaigno one day last week. For A.iiracliau Mantle* and all kinds of Fur Good*, go to Richardson A Go&apos;s. Tiny liave a splendid stock to choose from. Boy* and irirl*, remember that there i* a by-law proliibitingsleighriding on any of tbo sidewalks ur fo. >t|.;alis in any of the village* in ArUiiuusm. (.iuvtirn yuur- elre* accordingly. Call at linsseU&apos;a, Ficslierton, if you want Music of any description. He lias a nice selection on Land now. Last Friday evening thu member* of the choir of tho Methodist cur h huru were entertained in a m*t pluaaant man- ner at tho pars.nne by the worthy jias- tor, Rev. W. Ayvn. A very en joyablc ev- ening was |&apos;ent. INTKHESTINO TO LAOIKH. Jast open- ed at Richardson & C&apos;o&apos;s tliia wrvk : anollii-r crate of tlios*; " London Coral Tea beta." Tliey are very pretty and cheap . The By- LAW, pawed at thu lust se*- aion of uur Townahip Council, prohibiting boys and girls from coasting "ti tho side- walk* has IM-VII printed in p<ter form and duly distributed. The people will govern theuiaelvea accordingly. If you waut any particular piece of Music, cull at tlie Noted Jewelry Stow, Flesherton, and you can get supplied. Tho small boy now cudgel* himself in order t.. find ways and nii-nns of *uc- cussfully evading the by-law |u**ed at the last suasion of our Township Council. If he cannot sleigh-ride on tin- nidi-walks, he&apos;s bound to do <> >omuwhi-reul*o but, then, the sidewalk* are far the nicest fur coasting ! SAWS. Thn following brands of CroflBcut S.ius can now be procured at Richardson & Go&apos;s at prices not heretofore touched : Lanet, Lantt Tooth, Lancrt, Racer, Chariot, and Champion. An immense stock to choose from. Don&apos;t fail to see. them. ranged ptoM of business in tliu county jUrey. It in elegantly fitted up, lighted by gan, and U a standing monument to thu industry, integrity, and energy of the proprietor. An engraving of the build- ing appears in Mr. Richardaon adver- tisement in another culumn. You can- not fail to see it and read theadvt Ifcm- UtraU. Etttt G&apos;IV // /{.nii/url. Tlu- Hnii<|uet to be held at Mini shaw&apos;i hotel, Flcaliuilun, uit Taeada> uvuiiing, 24th innt. , under the auspice* of the popular Eaut <!r.y Agricultural Suo- irty, pioiiiim-s to lie a splendid affair. The Uoiiimiasionur of Agriculturu, Toronto, I&apos;mfe^aor Itrown of tho Agricultural Col- lect-, fluelph, tin; M. 1&apos;* and M. P. Fa of the three constituencies of this County ((in-y) have buen invitod to be pr*ent, and dt-&apos;.iviT addrussos on tho occa*ion. OUier notable* will also be present. Holler Flmtrfor Stile. Tlionu ri-.|inriiiu&apos; rirst-claiw Roller IHour from the famous mills of Mr Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call at the rleshor ton Bakery where it is always kept in tock, at reasonable prices. .1 Good Shot. It is amusing to see our *port*inen going out with their firearms and ammunition, and returning often without gauic, and a little boy going out with a home-made, bow and arrow, and hriniring home par- tridge ; tins happened on Saturday last. Harry Lammi went out with a bow, and by a well directed shot brought down a fine partridge, and brought it home with as much satisfaction, as an adult hunter would a bear or a deer. Dundalk Her- ald. before. &apos;I> M>: &apos;le Navy is made plnys to th povnet Mid each pl-.iglienr weighed. ti< rfnflr TV tht Editor uf The AdwMf. MB, EDITOR, Is there another village of aame number of inhabitant*, that haa as many societies in it as are in the vil- lage of Flenhrrt. .n 1 Ma*ona, Oddfellow*, f)rangi-inen, Workmen, Son* of Temper- ance, Royal Templar* of Temperance, Mutho.h.ts, Presbyterians, and Baptist*. The last three being chnrche* are not in- cluded in thu object of theae line*. Thu expensi- necessary to work them i* very coniiderable and amount* to quite a tax. Take first the Oddfellows, a benefit society compost*! of say 30 members at a co*t per member per year of *ay (10. Then take the Workmen, of aay 30 mem- ber*, at a coat of $1* \-t member per an- num. Then the Masons, at a cost of aay 97 for 30 member*. Royal Templar*, 26 member*, at 918 per member. Oranife- men, 80 members, at 91- Son* of Tem- perancc, 120 members, at an average of 60 cents per member. Then we have, Oddfullows, 30 members, 9300. Workmen, 30 " 480. Mason*, 30 " 210. Templars, 85 460. Orangemen, SO " 90. Sons of Temporamte, 120 mem&apos;* 72. Betide* Initiation Fee*, say per yoar 100. Insured member* in 8. of T. . . 00. Total, 9192. Of course thi-ae sums are approximate, but not very wide of the truth. Such i* the re*ult of the diversity of thmnjHl *H! taate of a community, and > True, wo may h^ive a little mnreof the BO-, at M .&apos;io, UK- i-nly waa cut down. Th called education <>f tliu day. a little usual nu|u*t in the jail wa* held and an smattering of what ia termed piety, s lit- appropriate verdict returned, tie more uf the refinement with a groat Friu unit to lust the doomed nun little of the mock conventionalities a>id hi luted no *ign uf flinching. Hi* pride of society in general. But, Sir, in &apos; ual advisers had persuaded him to aban- the real sterling qualities that gn tn make don his onumal intention uf making a a man what he should be in public orpri- *fech, and ln-ynnd his lie ut- Tate life, we are *adly deficient. In thi* U-red on wi.rd. At 8 Oo Pere Andre ad respect we have executed a retro^Tade iiuuiatered the last aacrainent toKirl, who movement. &apos;gave the rasponses firmly. Although Our Council is governed to day, not V>y &apos; i*le, he wag firm. He wa* dressed in a merit but by favoritism, partvistu. ilecep- black coat, brown tweed pai.U, and tion, lucre and toadyism. Our Township uir-nu<ir.-< When the hangman, acenin- i* govenied by tho same tuewi* es our |>aiiii--.i l.y lV[.iU> Sla-ntl f;i>.vni, ii.jH-sr Schools and Chun-he*, and in fact xcivty e.l wuii in. pini.-iung sttap* lUcI wa* In fe-nTr (shsme to ay) are all minfpn- ; sf.i!nlin with ln> ..[-n. pravmp in lated by these sainu magic powers nn.l in- &apos; Preiicli, thu |>rie*t* standing in fluence*. It i* micht over right; gold lie tlu-n w.-iiited firmly t.. tin- scaffold re- before merit ; opulence and inflm-mi- be- rieatiiii.&apos;. "In liiil ,lo I |,ut my trust" fore worth and integrity . and favoritism His head waa erect, his step firm, and he and partyiini above all. Some mny say lu-v.-r ahowed th.- It.i-t tr.-ni..iir. A* Ir these are null assertions. Tmuch I would ri-|-ated the ] rv, .-iful exclamation half ay : lit down and calmly investigate the mule lit up lua face. Di-*<-nding the matter, use the reasoning faculties with iVw stop* of the scaif..i.l lie .t..-d ., Urn which you aro posse***!, commencing, if ,|r-p with lui f;i. e turned m.rths-anl. you please, with the highest office down p, n Andre and Father McWilliams con- Ui the very lowest our country a*.rd*. tmu.-.l to pray, and Rial said in Engluh. NKW ADVERTISMIIWS. Notice. and I will nut ! afraul of the verdict. I : . an* tin- forgiveness ..f all ran T.. prove our assertion* truo, we willj forgive all nij enemies." He th. n pray simply appeal to you next January after &apos; ed a ahort ti ire in French The tho elections and ask you if the candi- &apos; tmin-r t. >k his phtce. The white cap was dates who are elected, snd the host who &apos; drawn \. , Ilnl&apos;s head both prie*t* h..ld are nominated, are the men beat cacula- ted, by judgement, brain |&apos;Wt-r, educa- tion, business tact, and general ability, to be your representative* at the variou* ingligMi-d i-andlf* and repeating the prayers for the dying. Tlie length "f the drop wa* n^}.t feet. At thi- tint in .in. nt .-f thf fall ._. .. . L boards t.. which y..u elect them, ..r try U. remained still, with the knee* drawn duio. up uvun ilu-w tin nut include other kindi of insurance* which entails a corresponding expense. The Sf.m uf Temperano*, an institu- ti"ii adapted to the rnn.iv i for enrolment, <m the Temperance quation, and at the cheapest possible rale, unlnu the limir anoc Department be) used, then the initi- ation fee being almut f.1 per $2000 ii re- duced t thit iniiiinium of chanji-n also, with the insurance equally Mcure. utly. Three or four lime* the Ala* for our country ! Alas f..r our- &apos;swayed to and fr.. .(Uiverine, and then selves ! Alas for posterity ! that su,-h R,,.| was dead. The *usr*nee had Seen facto aru true. !,.,,... hut tin, atfi.ny was short. The We give these stray thoughts t.. the j hangman di.l his work well public in hop.-* that they may cause some, [ Kxtra..rdinary precaution* were taken who have minds, to think, and m>t ./nly against any possible intrru;.t think but act on others who are less proceedings or the intrusion ..f uuaulli-.r able t- d..*i., and thus gradually (it can ixd person*. At a mile fr-ni the bar- uot be done in a moment) bring at.&apos;Ut the { racks uioui.u-.l |*tr la challenged all p*r- dsiired change. The groat secret is, The > sons, and eouipell**! aiiowwnt- ten passes. Other lines of guard* were stationed at point* near the pnst, and the saute precautions were- observed st the jail. Ne one waa permitted to enter the guard room until M U&apos; .. , :..- &apos; The scene prt-sented then was that if Kiel - n the scaffold, with Peru Aiuln- snd Fath. r M uos with him. celel.nuing BMS*. Ri.-l wa . n lendi-il knees. H iln- n.-ti.i to pi : &apos; ...i: 1 : : the same encnpoetl manri.-r shown during thi- i n-ct-dniii iii,&apos;lit on rivrivuig wariunt; of his fate II &apos;in uu-iiiiation Right Men in the Right PUeea. Hoping, Sir, I have not trespassed on your tpare, and wiihing pn|nty to the ADVANCE and it* Editor, I remain, M.KUKIAN. Ca*tle Thought. NOT 16, 86. Every person ha* eipial right* to belong to which society he pleases, but after granting tn all and several that privil. k -r it ill** ntnke one, that the o. intuit drain i for fees, Ac. , aro far U-y. ml the p<waible good to ruvrui&apos;. And tlier- is not only II, E // Ilia fViiiir on Thi&apos; t&apos;lilinlii .in./ linn . lit. Regina, X. \V. T., Nov. 16.- Tlio deed i* dune. Louis Kiel is dead. He died like a martyr. Prave to the laat, he walked cainly to tliu Bc-alTuM, and in tin- midat of a prayer, breathe<l rather than uttered in tho intimity nf iui-ari-stne*, tin- Uilt wa* sprung, uid Ln>uis Kir I waa at the. last nnmieut to uiak* an addrea*, hut 1&apos;i-rv Aniln- mnindexl him of hi* |>n>- mi*e and he thin arc and walked to- wards the eiecutu rmr, rfp^-alin.- prayer* tn In* taut in.. in. nt, his final words "Mi r- : .&apos;. -n M.- ! ! without a n. .IB than t, [., nun*. the tax of uioi cy, hut tune, which should count for something, and tho*u who*e pre direction* lead them t belong t.. more precipitated into .-tni.ity. As th- c. n- . uiclmling the ..(Hi-ials an.l newspaper c di-iiiiird man .ipt-earud on the scaffold the rcHp.iu.l- .- all.wi-d within few spectatiirs present held their l>reath in dumb i-xp-i-tancy. A* the wa* drawn an inroluntary sigh escai i-d wl.i.-h t<.L thu form of expression. wero confines of the barracks execution to 1 Ii IIIU&apos;IIIK MO* ever mure &apos; the wa* shot, passion alnmat turned to r*yret, and tho*e who a few nonu-ntji Those whose pmperty pay the mo*t tuie* in Artemucia : Michael Akitt, for $10,2HO lU^&apos;f r Lever, 10,000 W. K. Kli-sher, ,200 J. W. Annstrong, 8,800 Dr. Christ.*, 7,100 A. Munhaw, 6,(>50 Mr. McCJowaii, ,600 M. Richardson, 6,460 T. WriKht, 4,350 David Stinson 4,100 than one <.>f theii.&apos; societies, must feel the burden oppressive. Of course there arc difference*. Ri.rr.e before- had stn-nu.. ili-clared he. des- erved his fate felt a pani( i.f s-&apos;m.w whii-h must always arise ou thu death are mutual insurance institution* pure | m an, no matter how inis:ak.-n. h. and *imple such, I learn, are the Work- t ,j his carei-r. men and Roynl Templars, or nearly so. It i* well to peak of another questi..n, vis., thu claims on the public for assist- ance. Thu argument occurring to the f a bravu wick- Eiactly at 8.23.30 on tht. niorniiit; if Monday, Nov. HI, 1HKT., I...M-, Ku-l paid the penalty for ht-a<litii(a rubt-llinii aptinut the rulers nf tin- rountry i.f hi* nntmt} that will be remembered fi-r all tum-. j tainment in Rugsell, the Noted Jewelry man, Fleflhorton, has a beautiful stock of Silverware on hand now and is confi- dent he can give better value than any other dealer, as they arc marked in plain ngnrc-8 at factory prices. POP*T, QRATF.L. Baioirr&apos;s DuuuftE.- common and diiajterous complaint* are dut- to a bad condition c ( the fluidi, uubesJlby rliaiim&apos;M m tlir blood and ecretioui tbs 1 .1 vrr bring I-.|IL.||\ at i with tbe Kid- neys. liiguUtt- Iheee couilitioni with Uur dock Blood Bitters, one nf tbe beat renoTators known to medical kcirnce. Debate. A very interesting debate took place st the laat session of Flesherton Division, 8>ns of Temporance. The subject was, " Resolved that Kiel should not be hung." The negative aide won. Mr. Tekh, of I&apos;otch A Mitchell, butchers here, filled the chair very ably. The rnminittee to decide wa* composed of Dr. Chriatoo and Messrs. J. Klackbnme and J. Heecrofl. The negative wan imtained by Menutrs. W. Tin niipHi in, John Itannoii,. nil George Anderson, and the aflirmattve by Montr*. C. J. Spnmlc, W. J. Davis nd A. R Fawcett. Entertainment. On Wednesday evening next, the 2f>th inst. , the Kleaherton Division of Sons of will give a cplendid outer- the Town Hall, Flenh. it.-n. at 8 o&apos;clock sharp; door* open at 7:!*0. The- programme will con- sist of that splendid Temperance drama, entitled, " TV L>wt I*mf," and n panto- mime, entitled, " Thf H&apos;vrltituj Family," inter|K-rwd with choion songs, duets and recitations. Tho Suns&apos; entertainments are usually h&apos;rst-claM and thi* certainly promises to be no exception to the rule. A mnt cordial invitation is extended to evcryltody to be present on this urcasioii. Admission 15 cents, |>ayable at the door, wlirri- prot;rninnies will bo furnisluxl to each individual aa they entor. After Sht-ntT Chapleau hail read the warrant for his execution to him lat night, 1&apos;eru Andre t-nten-d tin- .i. - m..l ili-atli th- wntor i*, that tho*e institution* existing I MI J t h e best interest* of purely for personal bem-fits in the shape It wa. a *ad and solniin of insurance or benetiraries. appropriatt-d merely to its own membership, have in > claim on the public for assistance to pay rents for halls or anything else ; and those which exist merely to promulgate whole- sonio morals such a* the Hon* of Tem- perance and the Churches hare a legiti- mate claim, for tbe simple ro.ison, that tin- public to the extent of their labors are benofitted. There i* no objection fur any or all to 1&apos;iijoy themselves to their heart&apos;* content, but tin- r..iiti-iitii .n i*, that the same t-laima upon the public for substantial counten- ance doe* not rxist. The hangman was J... L II. mUraoii. a r.iicibly n. i fi,-i4,liti r. Hi- figured in the lied n\er impressive. As reU-lli..ii, hnvmit b*en one ..f Ru-1 * pns on&apos;rs at Fort Garry. fl.ouii Ri.&apos;l w.-u liorn at - " Mann . O.t .:!. I-M4 He w , of the prM*i.-i.aI i.t and leatier of tin- imuii. . I.--H at R..1 Itivrr. 1W9 ; rmtliainri.t 1 I&apos;- - i.chrr. 1-7 - ; . i&apos;X|^-llf.l in tin- full.iwing yt-ar . leailrt in tin- N.-r&apos;&apos;i. -t rrrolt, 1HK4 H6 ; I llat.ihr. May Unli. iidulftl f..r trea*.ii l.-lmiy July i&apos;. ty Anc 1 and si-utemvd t>. be luiigid Sj t !>. r.-| n. \-d tlin-e t.nua, i until N.IV. 10. liw&apos;i, when the seatcoce nf death wa* carried .-ut 1 that Thr Bfst Fauillt Paprr. man&apos;* cell an<i up tn the hour i-f was never absent from Ins suit; T er they prayed the whule night l..i,, K,,-! k &apos;""- r &apos; f """ % "&apos; fMaarn or < ana.U It namben being nii-st fi-rvi-nt. Towanls 3 a m. he I di <! and finally slept siiundly. 1 Andrt- watched him a* hi&apos; slept Sin rtlv . ... i i ,. , ly illaprnve.1, "onrr a ubvnt-rr alwa.- U-f..n.., ,.,-l.K-k, |{,,-1 and fr n, ,. : , .. , Nkl) that time until 8 unlock, when the fatal bell began to toll, he prayed without &apos; in thi> UStti rr r .< il r ti.|>nrf i. the vrr h--.l in tbe I aitvil OH old tub T on u- h.i 11 >t-.wltb .i:t tin- || . r I! ..T nr, tli.-r j.-uuial in tii.- .-ountrr. anil It ha be . ..rare Brply to "Ralrpayer." /".. thf Kd\t<tr f The Aiimnot, IH-nr Sir, -" Ratepayer&apos;* " letter in Some dvl.iy t<x.k place in iniaring tho Ki&apos; &apos;Ni iM !-~ I 1 , scaffold, owing to soiuu buiiKlmg, but at &apos; &apos;8.15 all was announced t bu rntdy. Euphrnwlla. Riel was then escorted U|i tlie faLil stairs To thf Editor of The Admnet. I and attended by 1&apos;ere Andrn ami P.. SIR, In scanning the page* of your | Win. McWilliams he again in pray- journal I wa* very much pleased with the &apos;, er. At tunes he wa* inaudible, l-ut <\<<r name you had selected for your title page, and again his word*, deep and earnest, niltn,) aj> I tin- want, -f all rlsaaee uf raeasn am wi>ll ii|i|.;i.-l. whllp It rrtaiua that marked IniltTlilualTjr nf |Mii|^.> wliitli a]..n* it Ihr kbuiii ..f trin miccraa iu <ltbr tb preaa or I-L&apos;I it In tua. It la trul) ln<1- ; t frai kit i-. iniurn.ti that wlmb la (ood :. 1 t. wleaal) c.ii.louiu all that Is i-U In po- litical or atx-ial life It i. a jounial i-l N paares. T culomn* to a pa*. and i. ITIIU..I .-i .1 . ;Unt l)|-. .n foot parwr. a niatur of grMt UnpoctaMioe to reavler*. Tbe fulluwiutf JI-M-III ti .u uf thtvBeial cuetMila of iu |>va ami tar KIU .U| iliuuu will aot l your lait iuue ju*t carrie* out my opinion ), M 1 to exclaim, what an advancement we of those "taxes has ri " crank*, who are lhave made. After a must rigid scrutiny to be found in every community. 1 am a iul a most thon>a*;k investiiratnni, wi- not anxious to pay heavy taxes unless I i must come to the humiliating euncltwioii. AHVA.KI r. That ia, if you cause it U- ad- vance in thu right direction. It caused sutxlucd and gentle voices of thu the little brain with which I am endowed At H. 18 tho t -\ecutn> ler advanctil and to think, and (aa charity bugin* at home) pinioned his arms behind him, and he we will also commence there. j was conducted, not led, directly t the In outing our reflection* back wanl over trap, whence he waa U> open hia ey-a in tho history of our i-oiintry, and |*r- tho great hereafter. As In- to,Kl there tic ularly of iwr County, and mure partic- ( he asked for two minutes inon- for prayer, ularly of our Township (Btiphrasia) we are eonld be plainly distinguished ab..e th- * .te.iit , , , , i f..iiuil. au.l nlil hrt> w. ij| M > that tl. t-n sutxlucd and gentle voices &apos; can see I am getting full value for my that our money. I .-- (if any) is infioitemiinial minded Rntrpaycr think that, tit-cause it will increase the taxen, the necessity for n * IT W &apos; "d abaoluMy und-cornabU t,. the eye, &apos; -Moru. i>: M kTiiLU ba> a fraud re- putatk&apos;ii nu>n*- luria t.f pnetke t+m nu.r ou. or vlae. and ootavnllT r > , make Una pane very latareetis r-SKvttla tbe star) peei pr.-vr \ttLlt thr tuiitM are concluded In the tsms Duube* but with the tret wrek ol Nowtuber a Ine cod tinue.1 ttor; will b* ,-d. rausia* | tiiroiiiih twu or Uiree uocthe. Pace * ta kr tar was his net-oiid i r third r.- lllr ,., ,,,,, Mll<> , Dd p.,,,,,)*, department w* bavt. vr aeeu in any vapor It in railed Tbe Hllll UK Uoom. a.u.1 at It* rourxl tal.le all are wel who have any aubjtvt of n . :.t t >aJvu- to preaent forth.- dtacnaelon or tnUAratloa of ttiolr fellow*t. It wa*<l u a fe*|nn> ..f thr ll~-rin IMand st once beean* woedeihilly or to tho mind. Take, for instance, our municipal initi- proper *chool accominodation no lunger tlio Oountjr CouncU down exist* in this town ? I>>es he think our &apos;to onr lowest municipal office, ami are we school accominodation quite sufficient a* 1 j n any hotter poMtioo, or are w any it i* t Does ho think thnt the present mnre iiitellifrently Kf>Teraxl than we were tructure i* well ventilated, roomy, and at the time our country waa almost one nitc and comfortable fr pupils and teach- unbroken aolitudo ? I We aiMwrr but a* that imi-st it waa denied, and while he wa* uttering the words, "Jeu Marie, aaaistez nioi !" the white cap was adjuiUd, the two miniitent repeaU-d the Ix>nl s prayer, and aa they spoke tho words "deliver n*&apos; the wa* drawn, and the event which hud hreii the subject nf so much Llttfr controversy wa* accomplishud. lx>uis "I>avid " Ru-1 waa n<> more. Ho lis.l dn-d an ignornmioua death on the si-t r ..ld, All hi* vain boastings had been livuhut to nn.u-lit In two minute* l>i r,.,l,|, tho attendant surgeon, pri.nnuiiced life extinct, and nine minutes aftn wauls. : sHejkM heh*l-lat rul dine, on MI JN Li the 91 at KM. I <-IUK at 9 o clock a m < aii> " to th* atloe will llbllr fMBVMl lall- WBtlNCSOAT II. a- I M KTB4Y HTBIB. Cejna im\o my pitwiiMa ahoet tares i. seen year old &apos; jrear U MSewr Tb awnar te* ha* For Sale. Heose aa>4 La* m Wnhe.rv. m a goat ssseJMw : water _ wuh I&apos;lioip oader eeesr. leod iul>l, BSand >th.r c< nrn>eDce u>ly a fw ! rla frois tb new Matheexes clinraa. I r> -. eay aBi* Aiplv at Ar"- ..<*. PlMh&apos;f h.-r-rt KaveeS*. U* M. i n 1 L ii tiiaeia HeAtheoS* t U Teacber Wanted. For a*al fVn.l hotdi to or tl. IT i .! limMrje*!. i em MM ** <*r at Jamejiry u> JOIN HA^AKU. a~ Timutttm * f Take Notice That 1 eill ii&apos;it LM reapooaiLiie fur ear i rua by my family r/BOMl R MOCBE. Qspreie T- For Sale or To Rent A new IVtBk nottatfa ! r * \\uul<l not (or to H Stray Ram. . C.m 4, Artinnsls. i llrlobvr. a white rani Owna* Ma bt ,- proparty *s4 i>t>c ( JOB* FOBTKOCB. \oliee. IN punuano uf ~-t 1. . h*p i. i> hvraby f i > i n tht all Trcdit . .. _ Tie., ...... ititoraaael utaes* aa.nt t;. I .tAI. .f WII.lJAXf \|. \tr . &apos;. thafunhlp of Art*mrala> MS*)*] f i.ry aod r*rolisa> of Oeitart*. wbu liedou or aiMHii th< Twmty-Plr*t day / Hetttember. A D lets, axe to bei et pe>ai are- ..r t MrMulUo FlMber- . -.. f thKeeu%aof tha.a will aad toeSaB^Mt at kbe wiiel tosiMi 1. no at ..r January. A D 1MB. a nato f all petrueuianot their -Tiln" and r t the aacar- n> b.1.1 br Ihesi. aevl tSWI aft.r la* 1 la*t iiiviUoswddaae. UM " . |M-inl D.UU ui.i acta. ikt d of the ...I Uu \\i:.i.u MrlluTl.u. will to ilistril.ut* UM of tb *J.I !--.. .4 unua<t th* umftM rutillwl tb*r4a. ngsirt ><>f win, n aottee li** timiyu a* abovq rvquirW. and thai 1h .*> I I x.- &apos;.t..r< wUl nwt U lulu for UM M44 of hMiclaiiu tiotira hll n.>t h mlvix! b tl.. >Akl W*/y I. MiUullm. >nh all Mrtiw wb<> v .tmu ..f th to the aa..| Vary V M M ".. : . MART A UrMfLUC!!. I J tMKH M. Ml ; . I Date* at Artemoela. Ibis srd aay of Noveegs** PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMBB. Ont. Flesherton, a*wMar*MtiD . m < e**ji!to of BVe . .p.-r Ur ; IMeavj. r^Mirrd eJwaei*e so.-.*lfe t* Beasav tseU sfe< 1 aaa fin mad a*sral u t e*UI repe^iT:< Jllclleia. Ktnhattoo fef.1 M11S. IH&apos;LMKU. nth. 1*BV THE MARKETS. FI.KSiiKRTON. the val ..... fiht-pai&apos;i-r iu a dlaavmlnator of al t -i.-. . f Hi,- ,!> Pa^i-K U Allr< with plraan &apos;irtivi- n-.liii(( for the I&apos;, l-.c !* T Ii the u.uket fug whurnr arc clreii cum nt |u H-.-i ,.f all the In p..itmit l>rtrvit inaikrta. aa w.-ll M eJawhr I&apos;M;.- " la Ilia I- atni.t.-a.l .li-fartinvnt n.l fn talna a raat amount of nx-fi.l inatlnu for th* fariuor, tlie dalri tuan. ttie alotk and |HMiltry rala*r. iirefiilly^&apos;tfrreftftl F.i!l \ Spruit: ^ l:&apos;&apos;t ItarU-v Oati : . -li . - ............. &apos;,{ \\ T u t"n Hide! ; &apos;, T:* / . . . / !><*.. 4 50 to ft OO f 80 to HO &apos;) Ail 72 CO III t* 13 II 40 27 59 12 r pair Hm-k PIT pair o is U 5 00 8 >0 5 <> 1& 41: O& 08 20 40 O 2M o so 5 90 10 on 7 <X ift M Oft (M 3<1 60 Support Your Lo- ral Paper. Tlio " Advance r From How till Jan. 1st, 1887, For J7.

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