American & W;V r r< I Gold on 'I N </<'</ Cases- American Clocks, !- Lend in.- than uny Ooodl lion : I- in Spring and Weight- , liuvc -A lar'o stock of fine goods, carefully selected by myself, from first-class wholesale houses, and am in a position to sell ( , utiai Otty. My \Varraut8 on Watches and Clocks cover 1 to 2 years. First-class Lathes, Tools aud Material for ilitlicult Lazarus W. A. BROWN, ISO pair. LOSS U ctl. to fo IRBLUBUB JEWELLER, NARKDALE, FINEST QUADRUPLE PLATE Silverware. \WeddingEtngs, - 18k EUGENIA Grist Mill, SW lad lit. Kill. Having niaile cnU'tistvc ininrnvi-ini'iitj- in my Orist Mill, luiiic.i'iti.t.nt 1 ciiimivi- gi.o-l (iooj Ciisloin aud Bills fill-'il nn tin slmrti^t m.tii-o. Lum- IICT and Lath alwny on liaiul. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS, M. AKITT^ Advertise in The Advance. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other comi-hlnt* arc so InsiJioniln thl ttack utbcwcHtffctingtlic' tliruat ami lungs: none o tritiril witli liy ll' majority of suffer- ert. Tue ordinary cou^li or cuM, rciultlng perhaps from a Hilling IT UUCMHMM.JUS ex- poiure, Is "Iti n I ut the K-giiiim g o( a (atal tick ness. AVKU'S Cumin I'M i< HAL Las well proven iU efficacy in a f t-rty j < an' fight with throat ai.i limy vliM.ibcs, iiiiJ cLuuld to taken m u:i MM i'..llut Jclay. A Terrllilo Cough Cured, "In IN'M It"- k iiH-v. M-n4il,lii<;hatrrcted HIT lung!*. 1 ha.l .L i :i, iil.d pad ui^lii alter Dlgbt vlthout >lap. Tli iloctort y.'n. imr ll|'. 1 Irn-il AVKIt'n Clll.l.l:\ I'li- I'.KAI. rnioll i .-..-'I ii'.y aiiih.'*. li:ilvicd I.-.-)., iilj.l all'!..! n i< tliu nt litroc'6llry Icr tin- i ' i':\ ! i.^ ^ti'ii^Ui. Ity tl.o coiitiiuu'.i !.- .'i ti.i- PECTOBAL pcrmo- ni-nt faro .1:1-. fllivt.-il. I now ffj yean olil, tiaii- HI.<I lir.n[> , uii'l HIII cut. ticU your tiimiii l'ni..i:\i. i-. ,ir'l mo. marho ) ftuwiill*c.>'>N AdTrrtllnn Uuru( liisproe* Sl coiiuacu n/ b* BMCto tut It Tin- \.''ll Hred Durham Ili.M, GRAY CHAMPION/' -. rvi,,' tl'~i'if<i'ii .f ISK-, at Lot 1 3, lit Uanti" v " i >iiil. Aitiia. -:a. Hour KK'i<lli .' t' 'i: 311.00, Payable Ut January, IMC. LKVKH. i i * ^ j . V_) ] YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S XTORM POWDERS. An pli>a>r.nt to take CociUin thxir nw li a lafe, mro. uu<l rftrrm*! tt wurat ill CbilJroa or aB, \l., JuiflS, 1';.'. Croup . A Mother's Trll>nt. i While hi tlie country lnt vliter my litlU boy. l!;i' ' i 1 with croup; : . 1 ,i> 11 I.i \% '.i 't *il* h"iii mraugu* latioii. oi:. .f i!ir family M:^'i.i'htiMt the UM of AVIK'I- ( III l:ll\ I'l n i: >l. u bottle of which \v.i ;.:\va\> L* j.t in the house. Tliif waitrlfl n: i.iu':!l nn.l li-f-im-it il. !, >n( tooar delight in !.>. llmu l.nli mi In m tbe little pati'-i y. 'J lie doc- tor i'l t'.:..t Hie ( imi.v 1'x'ronAL had MVIS] inv ttiirli n^'n lii.'. (MII ,'ou \\(,iulr at our gIBllllkl*'.' Sii'C'Tfly \ "iirn, .Mi<< I'MVA crnxrv." 1W Wl l.tli St., IM.- York, Mi.) 1C, UJ. "1 hre mo.l Avrn'n CnrnRV Pt'ToBAl in my fitim.i f : 'v.i.l > :!!. ;imi i!o not henitato to pi < 'ii"iuieo It tlte r:,ot ctTi-'tul remedy for cuuglia auJ c--l.i^\\e hve ever lriel. A.,1. CIIA.VE." Lake Cry.ul. Minn., MarcL U, Itei. 14 1 satf^ti 1 '! f. ni;lit iwt from Brnnchitli, aiul aft' r u> iv : i. \ ..ii.. ..i u tih MI puo* CCM, 1 . . Llio HM Of A\ I l:' C'HEE- T I'l-.i u.iiu. . i i'ii \VALDEJI." Dyli.tlt.i, Mits., April 5, 1ft;!. "I r.iiu: it *ay fin Hfli in I rji of Avrn't Cni.iMtv I'l * i-'i;'.i . 1-' ii-Tiiitf aa 1 do that but fr its nee 1 eiioLlM lontf tTuce have tlieti Ironi ium; IT u'il r'.. UKAOUO>'." Palestine, loiu, April 22, 1 No case cf an affection of the throajt or Jonga eiisu vlncli cannot be greatly liTe< by the ue of AVER'S ( UEBT and it Mill atn-aiii cure vlien the) not already beyond the control of mediciiuu 1 .IH'MIIU BT Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, MiM. buld by ill DtUfigUU. Flcslierton Heal Market. SKl'T.ilOOU, THE ADVANCE. Ono of tho le.iing Local and Family Nc:i>ape In Northern Oiuan.i. 1'ubUnhuil Every 'Jrhin-sclay, FllOM THE OrriCB, Street, - tltdiertvu, Ont. TEKMS OK Sl'ItSCKIPTION: 1.00 por annum in advance ; #1.50 if not jwld t tin. oiuliif 14 yearn. No pl>jr diacoiit until all arr..rHfl< are paiil up ; and no Biib liwu tkkuu for !!-. than ou yuar, except ,v ' s|>,^ml Hrranci-ini-nts for shorter pidwdB are uiadu with the publisher. Casual advertieintints.ttcutS'iHtr f.itiartlou and 'A cents por lino each ayigniueu.t ^ifiertion. Tranaiuut advartineiuMW to bu paid for when iTdi'i I'd Ailvortlscnii'iltu without a|>wcal direc- tioua will bu inserted till fort/id aU uU*.red acciirdiiitly. l.ili. ral inducement* to regular aAvertliwn. Notices niu'inc reading ua-dor, IU cents pr line each llisurUav No advertiaoiueut dlKOUtluued until all ar- rnu HOS are paid up. C.ipy for advertiemont8 should reach thii office not later than noon on Tuesday to ensure uturtiou iu current iuuu. A. R. FAWCETT, AWifor FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. SEPT. 24. 1885. EAST GREY EXHIBITION. Fkihtrton Next Werk, Stptember ance Cash paid for fat Cattte and Sheep. Fnsli ^frats c .'ii-t:in' ly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GOHDDN'S HARNEfcjS SHOP Balance of year 25 cents. Next Tuesday and Wednesday, tho 29th and 80th days of September, the popular East Grey Exhibition will be held on the Society's grounds, Flesh- crtou. It promises to be the best cc- hihitiou ever given by the Society, both as regards the number of cntriei: and the attendance of vi&tor*. >'o effort is being spared to make it ' most successful affair. We hope to sec every Township and village large- ly represented in the ejlu&its, and can with confidence aware visitors I that ample acccuumodation will be provided for them. The Society has done its duty most faithfully ; it only now remains for tho farming commun- ity to patronize their .county fair as it deserves, to warrant tlie most gratify- ing results to all concerned. The Flceherton Brass Jiftnd, .aug- mented by a number of gentlemen from the Clarksburg Hand, will furn- ish music for the occasion, under the . ilic'icut leadership of Mr. E. \ an- xanL Exhibition Erhoes. A. Wilson carried off first ]>rize for team of drivers at the rucent Indus- ttial exhibitiuii in Toronto. Two other Mnrkdaleitos also carried off prizes in horaes. We congratulate them. Mr. Arch. Ciiirni, thecnterprisingstock raiser, purehosud some very fine animals at the Model Farm, Cuclnh, recently. Nothing like improving your stock, far- mers, and Mr. Cairns sets a wise example in tin* particular. Mr. W, J. Cooey, the "ei^le-eyed," asserts that he won't act as constable at our fairs any more. It makes him sick and disgusted to see the way some ]>eople will act . anyhow, hu want to see some- body else till his shoe* aud see how they will stand the sneers and jibes of an un- sympathetic populace, who have no more regard for the fuelings of constables than they have for any other people's in fact nut as much, sometimes. The Agricultural Editor will be pleased to have his friends call upon him at tho ADVANCE office during the East Grey ex- hibition. Messrs. Robt. Hannah, of Fleshcrton Station, and Robt. McGirr, of Ferersham have purchased Jim Noble's famous trot- ting stallion, "Ooldfindcr," for the sum of $700. "Goldfinder" made a de- cided hit at the Toronto exhibition and was awarded first prize in his class, al- though shown against a splendid amy of handsome stallions. Will Campaigned supborb little trotting stallion, "Puzzler," astonished visitors to tho Toronto exhibition by his wonderful staying powers, and was awarded second prize in the same clnsn In which "Gold- tinder" was exhibited. "Puzzler" is one of the most remarkable trotting Mallions in this country, and to the ADVANI-K be- longs the honor of first noticing his "strong" poinU. When sjmtomn of maluria appear iu any (i.rm, bike Aycr's Ague Cure at once, to -pre- vent the development of tin: disease, and continue until health in restored. A cure is warranted iu every instance. want* to K()cn<t (ini' iMImr, fln'l in It tlie In- formation he rtvjnln-B, while foi 111 in wlro will nivi'M 01. < linti'lri"! thonRftnd <lnilnrs in nil- vertt'iiiR. HM-Mrine In Imliriitt il wlii--!i will inct't hlH every nf|ulrrniuit, or cim t'f iiimte >.'iVi/ art in. Int tycnr* "149 edftlon* li'uvr lir-i'ti ii-ui-d. Kent, i>u*t-nal<l. to any million lor lucent*. FLESIIEHTON. James Sullivan, Tinsmith, - nt. uut-iKI. toany .ddrtM i Hapalring. EaretroaghlnB, tuid In tal t | lillK jn ,,. ,,., ,,.. wl || ,,,, lv ,. Illy , New York. CAUTIOX ! EACH I'LL-.; OK Tin; WAUV JlAVl Stum & tau in is ii.\J;ivi'.D T.&B. ti:' l.ilteri, NONE OTHER GENUINE. CLAYTON'S llilt\i;ss SHOP! FLESHERTON, II til' 1 jilm-f In <i<t y<<r IfiirxrM ( 'nlliii-f, ifv, mnil. ii/i in <i'iil ttijtf. Mm]* iii II'. i 'I 'iii fun' i Hoot <L Khar .S'forr, PVaAerfon. TRSftELfBRATED pri v. l J)?GHASESJ LIVER CURE Cures Cholera,Cholera Nlorbus. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sic/:- netsand Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and a 1 1 Ccrr.- f faints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and mill be found equally beneficial jcr adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL 3HUCCISTS. T, MIUBURN & CO., ,r~ _ Proprietors, Toronto HAVE YOU Cirer Complaint, Dyipepiiii, Imligli<>ri, IHIioiijneM, Jaundice, Headache, l)iin<s. Pain in the Hack. to.tir.neM. or any dineaM .rl*in from a deran.ed 1 li-nr, Pa. CHAM'S l.rm CUKC will tie f">"nJ a lure and certain remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY Tt unqualified .uccew of Dr. Chaw"* I.ittr Curt in Liw Complaint rei solely wilh the fart thm it It,! fr.,m nature'swell.kru.wn liver regulator., MANIXAKF: *:! DAMMCI.ION, combined with many otnef invalyaUe !!. Kulu anil htrbi, hvmg a poerW cffext on t>ie K i !nty<. Stomach, Bowels and Blood. 600, 000 SOLD Dry out-half mi Him // / ' ' knit's Ktcife Kiokt wtrf sfM ii Cfiuul* a/o*l H't maitt n'try man, woman and chttil 4^ it t-'itl'.'tJ with Livrr Cm- i fltuml If Irf lltit t-l'lltcm nmrdj. SOMETNINC NEW. GIVEN AWAY FIEE Wrapped around -vtryU>ttlf ,,f IV ( hWs l.ivrr Cure ' h a vahiahlc llouwhol'l Mflirnl (.ui-1* ami Recip* I Book (84 p*->, ronlaining over lor. n<ful rr. i|.r, I pronounrc'l T;ymr,licl men anil drug-gills a invalu- able, and w,rih trn unirs ilie price of the medicine. . TIT CMA3f 'S C*T1H CUf . A "f "1 P !' remedy. I'rice, n cent^. THYCHASt SKlOMErADllt1 PllLS ; 'lv perboir. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. BOMANBON * CO.. Sola Aj.n. Bradford CENTRE CREY FARMERS INSTITUTE. At a meeting of the Directors of Centre Grey Farmer's Institute, held in Markdale yesterday (28rd tnst.) the following "entleanen were present : From Sullivan, Messrs. Pnnglo and Sparrow ; from Holland, Messrs. Nor- ton and Sowerby, from Euphrasia, Messrs. Gilray, Richardson and Ellis ; from Artemcsia, Messrs. Kells and lUiikely; from Collingwood, N. Mc- Cohnan, M. P. P.; from Markdale, Dr. Sproulc, M. P. After considerable gooduatured discussion, concerning the benefits to be derived from the In- stitute, a Committee was appointed to make all arrangements necessary and to communicate with the Agricultural College at Guelph, with a view to se- curing lecturers from that college to attend a public meeting to be held in Markdale as early in the month of January as convenient. The second public meeting of the Institute will be held in Chatsworth. A committee was also appointed to draft by-lawa and frame rule* for management of Institute. NONK HTTKK. Tin r. U DO more whole- some or delieiotiK fruit ou earth ihau the Wild Strawberry, aud tin rr is no wore ef- fectual renn'ily fur Qbolera, I 1 -.' ntiry. Crampe and other sqiuuifr complaints of in- tents or adults, than I 'r. Fowler'8 I'.ui uct of Wild StrawU-rrv. -The TDWII Hall Hocklyn was insured in the Sovereign for $1000 und Maclean 'B store was insured in thu Uoyul for jft'tM. Thornl/iiry Staiulartl. A llKAitTY ll\i LU -mi M. 'I'ln- jxMjple, the press aud the ]>roft!8siuii all lictntilv iutlrsi> the merits of liurilock ISlooil Uitturs as tlie beat Blood ami Liver regulator aud purify- ing tonic now in use. THE REBELLION! In the North-West is practically ended, but tho Immense Bargains in every department of E. J. Crier's Store, Prieeville, Still continue. 20 per cent, deduction to Cash Customers for next 80 days. Just Notice ! SOME OF OUR PKICES And you will be convinced that we are simply prepared to back up every statement we make : Factory, 30 yards for $1.00 Ottoman Corded Ail-Wool Tweeds, Carpet, &c. at Uottom Prices. Teas at 8 Cents per Ib. Soap, 50 bars for $1.00. 25 Ibs. Rice for $1 .00. Prints, from 5 Ucuts per yard up. Heady-Made Clothing, full size, from $5 per Suit up. B. J. GEIBR. st Market Price paid for Hiitlcr and Eggs. No. 5. Company left by >]>ecinl train on Tuesday morning for Cauip Niagara. No. 5 ia tin' lioaviust company ever left here, if not the heaviest that ever left the county. The Company contains five men who stand C feet 4 inohes high and the smallest man in the iviujmny measure* 5 ft. 10.'. in, and only one man at that height. Taking them as a body the iiveniijc height ia over feet, which in pretty good for n full company of 4O men and three officers. Tho officers are Cii|'t.iin McDonald, and Lieutenants Rennet and McNab, who arc as tint* a looking set of company officers as rvcr ntcjipi'd on tbu !':i'M, and will nu doubt acquit themsel ves creditably. - Clittf mirth H.iiisf MKN. ATTENTION ! When yom horse it galled, scratched or nit. or hits uuy u^ly lore, bathe twice daily, an. I apply McGntooH A I'.UUK'S Carbolic Ceratr. It is undouht- ly ttio finest licalinx aud cleansing nppli- eatiou for it. B sure yon get Mcdrejjor <t Parke's. Hold fur 'J.'.c p box, ut Kicbard- lon's L>rng Hlore. Special I'riir. Mr. Rout. 1' t, of Eugenia, will givo prize of 9~, ut East (Jrey exhi- bition, for bent calf got by his bull, "Young Briton." DO'T BE DECEIVED. Beware ol any drug- giat who will try lo ioduc* you to take any- thing iu place of McOregor * Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for Son -. i 'nt. Burns, etc. No family sbould be without it. It has no equal. Get Mc- Gregor .v Panic's, and have no other. Only 26c. per box at Hiohardsona. Hit 1 has hri'ii granted a respite tin- til the 16th October. In the mean- time the constitutionality of bis trial will be considered by the Imperial Privy Council, A good many people will now be almost prepared to tike their affidavits that Riel will escape the gallows. \Ve do not think lie will all the same. By Our Own Artful Dodger. What in the wide world has become of the A. E. this two weeks back ? Haa he been scared by a cuuntrymnu ? Tlie sound of the saws and whistles is enough to waken the dead. J. Drown has bin saw mill completed. Oeo. Tryon timed Mr. Thorn saw 72 feet in iKi seconds. Any one in want of lum- ber can rest assured that in Price- ville is the surest place in tho world to get it. T. L. Rawson has the contract of sink- ing a well for Atkinson's commodious stable. Tommy don't strike oil again. E. J. Drier U giviiiK immense hatgaina in all kinds of sununcr goods. If you want a hat or a nobby suit of clothed, E. J. Orion's ii the surest place to get it. (I'll strike Mac for a plug of smoking to- bacco for this notice, dead sure. A. D. ) Miss Ferguson has returned from Tor- onto with a large and well -selected stock of goods. Prufessor McDonald ha* been called to settle a dispute between some parties on the old Durham roaxl. There is much need for him on the Durham ruad street in tlit* village. Owen Sound. From our ouin Corrttpondent, The large barge, Janr. C. Woodruff, was purchased by the Parry Sound Lumber Co. from the Owen Sound Dry Dock Co. last week, and will be used in taking lumber from Pnrry Sonnd mills Oswego. She carries COO tons burden. New steel rails are being laid on tho track at the C. P. R. depot. The new post office is completed and was opened on Monday. The building is a beautiful one, and WAS built by our gentlemanly postmaster, Mr. Crawford. It is situated on Poulett st., the most central and most convenient part of the town. Hon. Thos. White, tho newly appointed Minister of the Interior, while spending a few hours in town, previous to leaving for the North- West, was waited upon at tho Queen's Hotel and presented with an nddreaa by the Liberal Conservative Association of Owen Bound and North Grey. Mr. White very suitably replied. After luncheon given in his honor and after the usual toasts had been duly hon- ored, he was escorted to the depot where he took the C. P. B. steamship, A thn. banco, for Port Arthur. As the boat cleared the dock, he was enthusiastically cheered by the immense crowd Unit had assembled to witness his departure. Two young men while trucking freight at the station were caught in the act of stealing some boxei of sardines. They were Uken prisoner! by Sullivan, C.P.R. policanaan, and lodged in gaol. Their trial OMM off on Monday. They pleaded guilty and got 16 days in gaol. CapUia Leideg, of Jackson, Mich., and formerly iu command of the Army here, is visiting bar numerous friends her* and is tho guest of Mr, James Miller. Counterfeit twntr-five cent pieces are in circulation here. MaBviLors One u\>se of IVr. liver Care will cure Siok Headarlir. Diisi- new, aud Sour Btomsch. 1 to t boltlo nro warranted to etirn I.ivc r Complaint, liuligcst- iiin and Biliousness. Sold by W UicLnrd- aou. I have a Full Supply of Boots &: Shoes ! On h:iiid KtiitiiMo for tlip Season, having just ivecivcd a large addition to inj Stock mid will bo constantly inakin;,' additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. FAKMEES AND OTHEES - USE THE - PeeriessMachineOil Which is unexcelled by any other Oil in the market. First prizes at all Ex- hibitions forlitt & iH.-it. AhimU'iicttuvd ut The <(ncen t it) Oil Works, B. ROCiKKS & CO. Lost. On Saturday, 5th itist. , between Flcsh- ortou and Duiulalk, a vnlUc. Miiwcil near Proton flat; station, C.l*. U. Kinder icav- iiiK same at Al)VA>'<.- oftiice will be rc- wrrJcd. Mi:s. JAM: Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STO ONLY. Thv coui]ileJti>'U b ofteo rendered utigightly ty I'anj.l. .-,, Livtr Snots, and Yellowuesa. I'lit^e it ia fll Luowu arc caused from an inactive l.n[rr and had Uuod. 1'r. Chase's Liver Cuiu (untluH tLe blood iiinl wbclo .>.}!! in. Sec H<cii>e Luuk fur toilet recipes, faints and RtiKgrstiuui mi how t" preserve tlio complexiuu. Sold by \S . Hichardsoii. Subscribe fur THE ADVAM-I. IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S. K.L. ISSUE: tt TON. i,ows found with every toilet, hraling. Kliould be It is oleiiiiiii(; aud Lost. Taken from R. J. Sproule's pew in the MetlnxJisV Church, iilx.iit the lost of June a Canad Mc'tNudist Hymn lionk , with Mrs. R. J. Sproule's nauw written mi Hy leaf. Tin- party liaving it will ]>!eaae ru- tiirn the mmo ax it is a present fruiu her ma to Ada M, Pproule. It. J. SntouLE. FliKKMAN WORM POWDEIiH arc Bnfo, sure Hn'l pedv to remove worms from children or adults. DR. LOWS 1T.KASANT WORM SYUT'P i a naf ami rrllnlilc worm remedy for all Worms iifflictiug chtlilrcu of <inJtK ; McOnicnoR A- I'AKK' Carbolic Gflrate is invaluable for Wounds. Haras. Halt Khenm, Cuts, Burns. Soaldn and festers, as a heal- ing and purifying dreaxiaK. Do not bo mi poixtd on with other nselMS orcparatinns, recommended to b as Rood. t T so only Mc- Oregor 4. I'srke's Carbolic (>)*< Hold by Ricbardsoni. A Now TrontmenJ- I'crhupi the most xtraiirilii>ary IICCP" that has been achieved iu modem medicino hn* been attained by thi> Dilon troiitnn-iil for Catarrh. Out of 2 0(X) patients trenti d ilni iug the past six monthn, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of thin stubborn malady. Thiy is mme the lean startling when il ii remembered that not five percent. of patients presenting themsclvct to the regular practikiosM-'r are benefited, while the patent mediciu aud other ndverliaed cures never record acurvutuU. Starting witb the claim now generally belived by the moat scientific men that the discos* is due to tbe propose* of living parnoitfs in the tieine, Mr. Dixon at onco adapted his cnre to their ex t< nuiu t ii 'ii this aocompliahcd, he claims the Catarrh is practiaaliy cured, and the pr- moneney is unquestioned, as cnre) effected by him fc nr years ago aro cures still. No one else has ever attempted to euro Calnrrh ia this manner, and uu other trpntmeut has ever cnred Catarrh. Tho apjUccation of thn remedy ig simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the year in tho must favourable for a speedy unl permanent cure, the majority of cnsea being cured nt one treatment Huffercn* should correspond with Messrs. II . A. Uixon <S Son, 805 King street west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatiec on Catarrh. Mon- treal Star, Nov. 17, 1883. FAHMERS AUD THRESHERS I Ask ij'our Jlfcrc/tantsfoj McCollBros.Lardine MACHINE OIL FLE SHE ETON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. YANZANT, To Rent. The Cottage onrt imr 1m recently oeeuploil by Mr. Ja3. (1. Hrookn. ooar tlie Mi'tlio.ii. t, <'hiirch, Kli-liiTtiiii, to rnnt. For terms and particular!, apply at The AJWA.VCK omoo. or to THOH. OHHORNE. I lu. Proprietor FARM FOR SALE. FIFTY ACRFS, IwlnR flonth-Eftr,t quarter No. 3, in tju- ,'itii Ton. of KnphrKKla, within onuiniln of the rtourtnliiiiK VilUgc of Kimhorlny ami four miliM from KuKonia , 40 anrtm olrarcxl, B<K Hoiine and Woll, with Rtijtnhlc Harn and Stuitl On the leading road to Mcnford. Terms easy. R. & W. 8. O'BRIRN, Framing and House-Joining. Thn nnilnrniRnpd in prepared tn execute al ordem nntrtifttnd to him for tho croctlon of nml From* 1 during thnneanon oflfWfi. Allrnatoriiilfiirnlvhoil if no dodirod. None but nompeti nt morkniun cni|'l'>\ '"I Ttii' MntiifMi'ti'Mi my wnik )iah|;iviMi III the patt IH niiarikiitvu for tlio future. Apply to A. Mr-I.KDI) Flos-linrtou Station ALL KINDS OF d Mome&i&l Us, Such aa IConunicnU, Tomb Tables, HcadstonoR, Counter iiiul Table Top.-i in Anicrican and It, ill in M i.iil. and (ii.iini. , and made oiv short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Slate, &c., Ac. in, Aug. 30, 1883. Cures Dizziness, Lott (/ Afpetite, Indiijcsttoj^ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and A't.incy*, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, 8<ilt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Inquire Blood, Deranged Stomach, r irrfijuhir art ion of the Bowels. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PIUS&OINTMEMT THE PILLS Purify the Blond, corrupt all Dior<lorB of tho Liver, Stomucli, Kitln'yH, and 13o\vel8. Thylnvi<fortn<l rmtoroto health nnll!ttl Cmiptitntlnna. mwl sro invnlnalilo in all Con* plaint* iiii'i'liMitnl to Ki nmli'K of all inc.*. For cliIMn n ami tlio utfpd tlioy aru pi ionium. THE OINTMENT k nn infallible remedy for Had I/OKS, Had Mroafttn. Old \V..iiiiil. Soro* iuvl Vlcnrs. It IH faruouifor (tmit and Kh.'iiiMMixin Por tllnordi'rn of tlie Choit It h no p|nal. For SO U K Til HO. 1 1 , /; HO. V ( 'II I Tl S, CO I <; /IS, COLDS (iUmliilar Swellings, iunl all stun r>ionir. It Ins no rival ; and for contrnutml anil stiff joints it HI t l.k" H cliarni. Kaniifactnroil only at Profennor HIILIXIWAT'S EntabllMvnfnt, 'TH, Now Oxford Ktrrrt ( Into 3:i:t. Oxford StrrrJ ). London, and re sold at In. 1 Jd., 2. 9d., 4t (11 , 11 , KB., and :i'i ouch MOT or Pi t, and mny bo lia<1 of all MeAl fine \ ,'iidor throughout thn Worlii. nM !,>!. I,. 5.1-1, (t.rfitrd i