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Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1885, p. 3

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RIEM WHO I Mill I FIUE. Chleft of Fire Department* on Prevention of Conflagration*. A HKHU IN HI Mill. K l.ll'K. A I .nig Hraioh deapatob tayt : Blrtamara deoorated the roller ikaling rink in iba rear of L -laud't Ooeau Uotel yeiterday when tbe Ooovolionof Iho National Aaao- atarion of Fire ugioaera waa ealled to order. Tba Convention waa rp^ned 01 lueaday, wbau one bnudred oblola o( fire dtpartmaota in oiiiet all over tba country ameujbltd. Yekterday titty mora came to tba meeting. Obiaf 8h y, of New York, aaid witb re gard to "The Bate Oouilruotion ot Heat tog Apparatus," Dial muoh daugtr aroae from tteam pipe* panting througb or near wood. Kx-Obiel Dimrell, of Bjalon, laid he knew a oat* where a pipe three -eighth* of an ioeb in diameter waa laid through a pine fl oruig. Tbe tipe wa* tilltd wilb uperbeated meain. A amall leak io tut pipe admitted a little odd air, wbiob, *>i.b tba tteam, ignited tbe obarred wood around tbe pipe and aet fire to tbe build- ing. He thought many firtt originated io tai* way. Another fireman taid a pbytioian ob taitied a j -I of flame teveral fees in length by admitting oold air through an aperture in a pipe filled witb auperheatud tleam. It wat tuggeeiad that if Ibe wood next to the pipea wat protected by a tin covering it would laateo the danger. It wat resolved to raqutat the Legialatuta to act io tbta matter. Tba oaxt tubjeot ditouaatd waa the beit meaeuraa for tbe repreeion ot iuoeudiar- Um. AU the epvaknre agreed that lully ciae tentbt of luoeudtary nree are due to in-uraboe oompauiea wbiob offer premium* to agenle, and tbun eooourage tbe latter to procure over-ioanraDoe. Tbu tbey thought waa offering ao iuduoemeul to bad men to eel fire to their jprtptrty for the take of the loturaooe. Tbe n amen were tbun the violim* both of bre cage and of tbe iutnrauoo oompauiea. All tba tpeakera believed a large maj >nty of tb* lire* in this eouotry were of luoendiary origin, and tbat there wire tew nree due to aooideut tbal were not conquered by tbe nremeo. Tbeo ibe fire onieft adjourued to lake lunob aod to drtve over ihe country. Laat night tbey bad a reception at tba Ooao Houta. O.v. Abbett made a ipeeeb wel- coming them. Tbere war* many otber apeeebti, but tb* feature of the aveutug waa a atory told by i x Chief Bextbo, of St. Louia. " Phelim O'Toole," laid be, " waa ao Iriah tailor, wbo name into the St. Loui* fir* department while 1 waa the obief. A batter, braver, or hardier worker I nevtr had noder me. It waa ooly when he bad whiikey OD him that hi waa contrary, aod then be wa* a regular Tartar. But, aa a rule, be wat ae tlroog aa ao ox aod aa gentl* aa a obild. He waa promoted tor bravery until he became foreman of Bkin- oer'a truck. One bitter Bight, in tba winter of 1874, Ibe Southern Hotel caught ore. Il wa* an awful fire. Wben all but oue corner bad beeooootnmed we were horror Btrioken to find that Prof. Reiae, of Washington Univenity, aud bit wife, were in tbe mxth lory. Plielim al onoe marled up a ladder, taking a rope with him. He waa 95 feel above tbe ground wbeo be fouud thai the ladder waa 15 feel khort." " Take aome abeele aod tie oue etd up there and then lei Ibem drop," be yelled. " The proteaoor waa almoal overpowered with tmoke, but he did juit wbat be wa* told. In two minute* th'e xheeta tied together were M-cured above avl tbe olber end lowered le Pbelim. Tba draught kept it oat of hi* reach. He eyed it for a minute. Tbera wat a orowd of 30,000 peoplp watching him. Then be jumped for the theal and ought it and went op baud over band till be got into the window. Then you would bave thought tbal tba people bad gone orazy. They cried and abouted and laugbed at tbe eame time. Well, to make a long ttory eborl, ba got them down all right, aud got down birunelf, too, jait in time, for we bod barely oleared tbe i-treet when tbe wallii fell. " Pbelim KOI a medal, of course. He waa killed al a tlO Ore in a cellar afterward by Iba axploaion of an extingmnber. Tbe whole towo turned out al tbe fuoetel. Mr. aod Mr*. Keita cried like babie* over hi* grave, aod tbey often VIBII the grave now." W IIOI I-.- 1 t-. Ml HIM il 1C - hoi la ib.l. I...U. i IH..I. ol fbr Law. A laal (Wednesday) oight'a Otiuetville, Texaa, deapateb tayt : About midnight t waggon arrived ID Ibi* city carrying tbe bodiea of Jim and Pmk Le, noted deepera- doe* and outlaw*, wbo for two year* bave been a terror to tbe people of D.laware. Bond and Cook oouutie*. Their plan of operation wt* to tteal oattle on tbe Texat tide and drive them aoroaa tbe river into Indian Territory, where the three Lee boyt had a racobe. Lett April, wbile John aud Henry Rod, two re>p-atable cattle owner* of tbi* county, with two ofBoert, one of whom waa a Deputy United State* Mar- thai, ware oo a nearobiog t-xpedillon io the Obirkataw cation for cattle bearing Ibe Ruff Brother*' brand, they oame up >n tbe ttrongbold ot the Lee gapg aud approach! d tbe ttooktde to arrant tbe cattle ih'ev H. Th* detperadoea opened fire tbrou>(h the port bolei of their fortification*, killing both the R' ff* at'd tbe t*o ofBaeri, wbot> bodiea lay expoeed for teveral daye and war* partially eaten by boga. Since tbe mamaore large reward* have beeo offered for tbe capture of tbe I. e brother*, dead or alive. B II Lea, with two member* of hie gang named Hteru, waa captured in May and taken to F irl Smith, Ark-, for trial. All t-ffort* to locate and capture Jim aod Piok Lee proved unavail- ing until Monday, wbeu Detective Tborua*, of Fort Worth, learned thai Ibe Lee brother* were aomewbere in Ibe vicinity ot Dexter.atmtU village in tbia county. Tak- ing two officer* with him, Tbomaa ntarted in March of the derperadoeR. About 3pm. Ibey came UJ.MI tbe onllawt cutting a pai- tare fence. The i flio.TH dtHoiouuied and crept op to withia forty yard* of tbem, abd ordered Ibem to furr-ndcr. Tba out lawi fired for aotwtr. and tbe officer* re turned Ibe fir*, killing Piuk Lee in the flrtt volley and wounding Jim in tbe neck. Jim fell, but fired ttn abota at the ofhoer* before be wat killed. Tbouaudii of people have viewed tbe rimeint J m ana Bill Lte were tbe leaden of a gang of about tweoty tbievei. ID tb* pa-t two yean they are taid to bave committed over forty cold-blooded murder*. niorno la Nerthrn* . A Olouoeater, MM*., telegram lay* : TbevehooDer, IJavid A Htory, the firtl of tbe I n land fleet, arrived homi Ibia morn- ing. She reporta rough weather an the atormtaet aeaton oo the inland o ant Riue 1867. All the fleet met with |OB*CN of ntbing gar. eta. A hnvv gale prevailed from Joly 8.b to the lltb, io which tbe aehooner Marguerite nf thi* port loel moat of h*r fibbing gear. Tbe rohooner Carrier Dove lol two doriee and one man. Tba laaao oommooly u*ed by oowboji mad* ot aixly leet of rope, a third of wbinh forme Ibe loop. Wben thrown, it le *wnog over tb* bead and left oh aider and then over the right nbouldbr, with a peculiar turn of tbe wriat calculated to keep the loop open until it encircle* tbe object al which it i* fluog. Expert thrower* do not pii ie tb*m*elv<i on aatobiog a *te*r by the born*, but try to borl Ihe nooae ID front of Ihe b*a*t Ibal he will atop into it, thin entangling hi* leg* and throwing him. In a Wyoming exhibition a cowboy repeatedly oaogbt a boll by any kg that tbi apto- raton named tNB noit HI H IKM.I u aaeiarr Clalaaaal lr Ihe Ttrbeerae K>laM. A Wakhingtoa dwpatob Myi : Tbere U a o*w Tiobboro* elaimaot. Ha live* iu California, eervtd iu tba Federal army aod navy during thelatawar, and baa ulod au application to the penetoo cffiia for a pan- aloo on aoauUDt of wound* received while in the army, llo baa a friend ID town wbo lay* that with tb* money wbiob he Uopei to obtain aa arreara of peneioo, if ha thould be granted a peneiou aom* two thousand or twenty-five hundred dollar* he hope* to ealablieb tbe fact that he ie Bir H >ger Tiobborue. At tbe requeal ol tbtfc frieud ibe olaimaoi'a preaeut uaiue aud addrotB are withheld. Tbe Htory tbe claimant tella i* that on hie way to Australia after be lilt bom* be wat tbipwreoked oo ao itlaud, from which a patting ibip took him aud bit companion* tu Kin Fratiouoo. Thence he dr.f .tJ to New Yjrk, bul did not attempt to gu to Uuglaod, being half nawilliug, half axbamed to go home. At the breaking out of tbe war be entitled uuler an am<uiied uame in Ibe Davy. Ai a man ot intel- ligence and nouantl rtn lemeut be waa wall regarded by all the officer*, exoept Iba captain, ol hi* ibip. Tba latter treated him ao badly that be deaerted. Uo then married in Niw York city a reapeclable bul uneducated girl of tbe lower elaaa. Feeling alill more eatrangtd from bie borne, he again ealiaitd, tbi* time io tue arm?, and under another aaaumed oame, which be null betra. Ha waa twice wounded. Once all iba flogart of bii left band were ihot away aud again he waa tbol in the body. Tbe retult of hi* wound* wan a temporary aberration ot mind, during which be wandered back to N*w Y jrk, and the war wt* over before h* could return to tin regiment, to b* atande a toobuieal daaerter from tb* army. After the war ba look bi* wife and went to California. Tber* be hired out a* a day laborer on tba ranchee in Southern California, and there be bae been ever tinee. He i* now a laborer, boi baa charge of tbe work on a certain rauohe. He told nobody bia ttory. H* bad given up all idea of ever returning to England. Hia bealib Wa* abakeo ; bii habits had changed ; bi* wife aod hit poverty war* obataclee. Bul a few moutbe ago a lady vmitiDg al Ibe raoob* learoed bit teorel aod urged him to go to England aud try lo itabliib bin identity, lie laid tbal tv*n it no other reatoa prevented him, bie poverty wu a btrrier. Tbeo ibe akid whether he bad ever procured a pemtioo, and wben ibe learned Ibal he bad Dot, urged him to do ao aod to DM the money to eitabheb bin olaim to Ibe Tiobborue till*. Tbi* be aid he would do. 'II - t i. I > I 10 > Meaiial'ardlaa leaai .Tire PwaUk f beer .u I h. ml IK, < tlu.r A lait (Friday) night'* Cbarl*tou (80 ) dwpatoh eaya : A full account baa been published ot tbe recent doioga ot bande of wbile regulator* m Fairflld oonnty, nbow iog Ibat ibcir motive it a determination lo ab iliab inmcegei alien. La*l July regola- tora, oornpned ot tbe beet youug meu of tbe county, viailed a farm n*ar Kidgeway, where lived a while family named lioyia, where oue ot tbe daughter* waa living openly witb a negro man. Two olbcm ktpl a diereputable houae for negroee. Tba regulator* whipped Boyle, bu wit* and two dtugbtkra, and warned Ihim to leave tbe oouuly in ten da;*. Boyle hedged to be a lowed to barvent hi* crop, tod ou account of bin poverty bt waa given leave to do KO, but in Ihe meantime, tba original order being dwobtyed, the reguletore gave tbe famiiy another whipping. Next 'be rrgulatora viailed parue* between liidgeway and Wionnboro', aod whipped tbem badly. Lloyd Davia, who baa a negro mi t'eu, wan next vuited ; he got away, but bin household furniture waa badly brokea up, tod bin colored family warned tc quit. Ti 'u I)UH, the riobeal mvronaul 10 Kidgeway, wan given ten dnye to quit beoituae he bad a oegro mintree* aud f itrily. Ui left bin bukinae* to tbe hao.le f In- clerk* and left for M i*ia*i|'pi. Roe* William*, living wilb a negro womao, waa vuited aud (bowed fl<bl, but waa eaverely whipped, a* waa bia mutreai, and ordered to Inav*. Aboul ttn familie*. all mixed, have felt tbe power of tbe regulator* ao far. To* exouae the regulator* give i* tbal tb* grand jury do not take cognizance of lbo*e liviug iu opeo adnlury bcoauae il i* ro hard to prove tbe niHtetoe of tueh a fact. Tbeae people o uld not be reaotied by the la*, aud to it waa determined to reach 11 Uu outaide of tha law. A t IKIIMIII ~ lit \l -...I nhr l.ik>, u. a Vanillr Wraltj. A Hunderioovillt (N C ) detptteb aayt At Urovard lived Heury MoC irkie (o-.lort-.-i) wth hi* i 'e and four children, aged 4, 7, A aod t yean. Three or four day* ago a colored womtu named Carver o.lud there, Haying i-be wta a Voodoo djotrea*. Tbey gave her abelter aud *be remained until yeeterday, wben ibe aud UcCorkle quar rtlled, aud be ordered her to leave hi* honie. Bbe lilt io a rage, aaving *ha would out jure Ibe whole family. Tbia friKhteued Mr irkle, wbo cflered to lei bur Ouuie back, but abe refuiied. Bba went to a etream near by and gathered Home uiud, wbicb the made iuto a ball, plaotOK io it aeveral hairt f roui her bead anil otber IbiDga. Bbe then rniu ued to UoGorkle'i bonne, aod after pruuounoii g tome gibberixb fell on her hut-OM and threw tbe " conjuror ball " Hg*iu*t tbe boiue, where it adhered. MoCorkle wai ball ornzad with fear, aod DegKed tbe wotuao to n move tb* ball, but i- tif refoHi-d tnd Itfl tb* place. ID a few In. HIM MoCofkle complained ot feeling ill, ixnd noon atterwarda hi* wife waa ouinpt llvd to lake lo ber bed. Before nightfall all the children were 111 aod complained ol griping paiua iu the back aod atomiob. Two pliyMioi.iiH were aummoued, bul wben tbey arrived they found McCorkle dead aud hi* wife dyiug. and before aaaUlaLoe could b* rendered ebe wa* dead. Emetic* wer adoiiuirtered to tbe children, tut phyiioitni KUPI oiling |HIIKII, but two died before mid- u. hi The otber two recovered beture iniduighl. An autopiiy wa* held, bu* no trace ot poiaon or dineam could be fouud. A II... 'HIM..,, M...U By thit f. ketch I tee Ibat tbe Appletooi hoit mad* 8V 000 .000 oul of their c>elo fm lia alone ; 9 000,000 io Ihe groan, of course, tbia mean* ; bul there i* a good margin for proflil. Out of their " Piotnr- c. .(no America" tbey bave made 14,000 000. Bo, it Ibey only published tbone two bonka, tbey would do well. " Webater'e 1'rinirr. ' which they mill publinh, eell* at the rate of I 000,000 a year regularly, aome. timed a few more, but never le*a. I *aid to Mr. Appletou, one day, tbal the publmber of three lucb booki ought to be *atli-fled. TN, be laid, but unfortunately tbey pub- ii*h other book*, tbe Ruoaem of which, or tbe non miowhK of wbiab, made an inroad into tbe profit* of tbe otber publication*. However, tb* bout* of Appleton i* rich enough, aod Ihe mo*t of ita wealth come* through ib* aubaeriptiiin department. You eao imagine that toe *ubearipli<>a department doea a big bnnlnow wben *nmn of ita ageote make from tlO 000 to IUO 000 a year out of it. Tbia it a good income fur a book agent. New York Cor. I'hiladrlphia Preu. > Mary Aiken Oarlyl*, the niece of the late g-at Tliiiiiia", baa lib T|IV oontnbut il to . frrth vnlarne of leltere by Carlyle ttaowlng him in a more lovable light ih%n tb* oolleo ton mad* by Fronde, aid tba book il artfully adverlited to be publi*bed ID New York beeanaa It cannot be brought oul in London on aowant of thi ixelaaive right of editing aod pobliahiot givtn to Fronde' by Oarlyle'i will. ,*et M'tNtt. it .u.i u*blr *< tluu. ml a Devr la Caa-rra. Th* worshipper* in Ibe Kaat Uaveu Coo gregational Oburob on Buuday m trump witutnavd a aoena tbal will be long rtuietu bered. Tbe paator, Rev. Mr. Clark, wa> about nuUbing the prayer immediately I receding Ibe lermou wbeu a dova lit upot I e centre gallery iu full view uf iht con- grogittioo aud began geolly cooing. A- ihe clergyman nuiabed bia prayer th d we flew to Ibe aide gallery and perched on tbe gallery railing abcui otpmite the olergyman. When tbe pattor waa readiuii tbe ob*(>ter from which bi* text wa* takei Ihe dove c med wben ibe pmitur'* tone* grew loud- r aud itopptd wbeu hi pauttd. Tba pattor wai i*adin* ihj tir.-it chapter of Johu'a guiipel, aod when be read the thirty woond vert* aud oioie to th* olauae, " 1 aaw Ihe iipiril det>ot>udiLg fr >to heaven like a dove, aud u bode upou liim," Ibe dove, which bad by ite motion! iudioated an intention olfly IUK lo tbe palter, flew to tbe denk aod peroheo directly upou tbe open page* of tbe laored v 'luoie. Tbe ptator'e text wai the (jurtb verae of ibe chapter. Tba dova *hortly after tl w ia a oirolu over tba eiogtm' b*ad in tb* aide beat* aud tettled down upon tbe platform below the pulpit, and bere it rtuitiueb throughout tbe tecmoo, uooatiooally emitting a " coo " at if lo tppreoiatiou either of tbe pattor'i word* or tbe abare of notice Ihe congregation gave it. Al the oonolUHion of Ibe aeruiou tbe jjwtor ttepped aowu to lead io the taora meuleervioee, aud before doing no oloaed the Itibl*. whereupon Ibe dove fl*w up and lit upon ibe cloned book and cooed. Tbe bird lurioe Hepped c ff tbe book and returned to it. Itthuo uei-il d dowo by tbe ide of the acred book and remained there until tbe taorament i-ervioe wait olo-ed. Toe climax here arrived. Mr Clark D-u-hid tbe ear- vice witb a few remark* in which, after noting tha interruption Ibal Iba dove had occasioned at having been remarkable in view of tbe liugular coincidence* wbiob all had noted, be added that at tht Holy Spirit bad deeoeoded on Chrtal might not tbe pre etc 3 of tbi* winged visitor b* taken a* emblematical of tbe pretence ol the Spirit io tbi* church at thit time, whereupon tb* bird fliw and lit directly upon tbe pailor'i head. Tbi effect upon tbe paator and audience wai electrical, aod where before the dove bad been regarded witb Mmple curioeity and had c .ued emiling faoff , now many of tbe ladle* were muved to team aud Ibe whole aaatmbly *eemed to be deeply aod ilrangely affected. Tbe paetor took the dove down and held II K-UUHI hie brent, and in tbal potition cloned tha tervioee with the benediction. The dove waa Blevy Bradley'* pet djve. wbtah bad fo'lowid him to church. H* *a it following him and motioned ilbaok. Tb* dove flew bok, but aeetog Blevey'a *i*ter e rauu to church took heart aod followed ber aod wbeo *b* entered tbe church tbe bird etole io by tbe gallery itaire and fl-tw iuto tbe gellery. Tbere being no ou* in the glleriee the bird bad no on* near it, and from Ibi* vtnaag* ground descended upon the pulpit. \i-ir Haven Journal and C'or-r. - ii .IK - -i i i i i:i M K... urd arrea* a Wrtrk le nu .-- A Glasgow cable lay* : Jobu de Winter, muter of Ibe banjue Bianhipe, give* Ibe following atory ot tbe low of tba Norwegian batqui Kogalaod and of Ib* rrarue of tbe f jnr aurvivor* : I tailed from Kookland ou Augoailiid for tbeClyde. About 9 o'clock io tbe aveniog of the 12. n *>e ran into a lot of wreckage aud fell foul of tbe top ol a *bip'* u iu-e. Two hour* later we wire ilartled by Ib* oriei of teveral men. We ahonled back aod bovt to, expecting to ee a boat. NJL* appeared, bul the one* continued. At laal we beard a feeble voioi, beggiug lor tiod'* aak* M teod belp. We launched a boat wbiob pulled in th* direction from wbicb the oriei came After a abort lime the boat returned witb H vend UelegeoKD.ibeeeooti] male ol tbe K ><aland akeamau H uiirick eon, aod a boy named Nelnoo. wbo bad been picked up in Ibe laet ilage ot eibauntion fljaling on a rafl bu H of deal*. Toey reported tbal Ibey formed part of tbi* crew of ibe Kigalond, and witb Ihe exception of the tteward Kaodl Nelaou, whom we picked up after an auxioui aearcb oo the following morning alao fl mting oo aome deal*, wire tb* only anrvivor*. Helegeuien Raid tbe Rytland had eapniied io a fearful gal* oo tbi lO.h. Tb* captain and aeveral of tbe crew clnog to the keel of the boat, bul Ibe *a-oon ewepl tbem off. Heleg*o*eo and Nlion war* "inking, wbeu, with a laal i fl rl, tbev clutched al a plank tbat waa drifting by, and banging to il mauaged to k*p tbeir beala above water until aevtral platka and a bit ol rope floated in their way. In the morning Heodrieknoa ino e. riidiu j lining Ibem, and tbe eta ward, wbo bad alno eao p -d, followel their exam I le and made a etoood rafl. All *uflertd much from hunger and thirit. Ou tba ll-.b tbey iiKhted a *t*am*r, bul the pained by witboul heading thur itgnale. WOTUCN'M fHOPKHTV. M h. r , Ikr \ . m rn <.. I h. n.l ml Iht ! n I iid. i iheKall*B] Law. Tbe Married Women'* froperty Act baa had a ttraune, but uuavoidable, retult. A wife, Muiug without her bunband or a next frieud, oaunot be oompellnd to give eeourity f >r Ihe coil* ot tb* action, eveu though ihe may bav* no teparate eatate, and nothing upou whieh execution may ianue if eb* faila Tbu wai Ibe deoiaion of Lordt Ju-tioee Oolton tnd Lindley in re leaao ; Jacob vn. litaac, on Ihe 4th ioil. Borne week* ago, ia rr R >blD*oa ; Pindar v*. K >bi. MOII, Mr. Juilieo Pearwio expraaaed a doobl whether twoiumied women who bad uo aeparate emute. except thai which wa* the xubjeot of the action, ought lo b* allowed to *ue without K'viiix eeonrity for ooala. Kveotn ally tbcir bunbaod* were mad* oo plaintiff^, without prejudice to iba wive*' claim that th* property nought should b* their neparate Hxtete. In re Iiaae, howtver, the Court ot A . i '!. feeltug bound to oonetrue aeol. 1 (3) at it itaud>, aud finding tbat it aayi in plaint word* tbat a married woman itball be capable of Ruing and being ftued, either in ooulraot or in tori, and olberwlae io all retepeoti a* it he were a feme tole, aod tbat her butband need not be j uoed with her *- | lai in it: or defeudaot, were forced to Ibe o iDCluatou tbal abe uced not give teourity for oohti, The ttartliog oi>uiuqueiioe in thtl a married woman oau engait* in lili ni: apart I m her buebtud, aod ia expotftd, when the ba* oo leparaie eetale to 1.0 liability at to coal*. La*- Timrt r^... ... . A youim man eame iuto tbe ear groping through tbe ai-le for a aeat. Hie left eya wa* covered wilb a red haodkerohief and hi* n, li' waa nwr lien nearly nhul. A white handkerchief waa around hi* bead, tied under hi* ohio. Ilie left arm reclined lacilv in a aliDg and bia right waa without ambition, though able to be around. Hi* coat waa lorn, aud hi* lrou**r* looked a* il he bad made aObioigo *lide for third ba*e thronitb a briar patch. He limped in one leg and didn't feel well in tbe otber. " I ty," *atd an ioqaiiitive pan-i<iuger, " b IB lu a railway aooidcul 7 ' " Naw." Here wa* a brief paoae and then tbe irqntry : " Kunaway ?" " Naw." Another peutB, but finally tbe query, "Biatball?" " Naw." " Well, I aay," exclaimed the i' quioitive paaeeogar, warmly, " will you be kind enough to toll me bow in the world you dial get banged up in that ttyle?' " Certainly, eir," replied tba MI clad ii.di- vidnal, iwinuiog hi* right baud around quit* vi(oron*ly, aud di*playing a bid ' mnnola, " certainly, *ir, certainly ; I tried to Hick my onae into another man'* bum n m*." Denver Tritmiu. MID reipectlbe religion of thnee wbo ! are ready le land a helping band io limn [ of trouble. THE GREAT AB8IZB. I.lkt *( Ui eelimag T**tttr ! ill fw.fl ht ti Lut ATERRIBLK DAY OK RECKONING. \k. ikr Hl.i* " HI.H.I Wit* Ibr B. .r ..d the *>bll*erarr wttk Ikr K v T. D.-Wut Talmage, D. D., of Brooklyn, preached to ao immcnae muioi.uj at Ib* aaaeuiUy-rgoaii, Cork, Ireland, on Buuday laat. In *pita ot tbe rain many people oame from a dutanee to near bim. Shortly after concluding tbe -erv'oea Dr. Talmagv tailed ou the tleaui- ibip Aurania for bouaa. Tbe reverend gentleman read hi* ttxt aa follow* : Wbeu tbe v>o of Had aball come iu HI* glory, aod all tbe buly auvle wiiu Him tnu iball H It U)>oij Uitt tnruue uf Ilia glory, toil beforw Huii aball be gaiberod all nation*. an<i H >Uil iMl>trate Ibem ote frmu another a* a irjepnortl itivijatti nm iln-ep from Otto goal*. Matthew nv.JI.3i. Halt- way between Cbamouui, Sit/ir- laud, and Muligny, aaid to* preacher, I ruined in the bora* oo wbicb I wai riding and looked itf upon tbe moat natural amphitheatre of valley and mountain and roek, aod I aaid to iny companion : " Wbat ao r propriate place Uiu would be for the lael judgment I Yjoder overhanging rock tbe (.lace tor tbe judgment aaal ; tbeae gal lariat of tnrrouudiog hill* ooou|iad by attendant augela ; tuu vaal valley, iweep ing mtlet tbu way aod milea tbat, the audience room for all uauoua." But acred geography doea not point oul tha flaoe. Yol we kuow tbal aomewbere, omelime, aomebow, ao auiiienoe will be gathered together, *toondou beyond all latiuo, aod ju t aa certainly aa you aod I make up a part of tbii audieuoe to-day e will make up a part of thai audieuoe on that day. A oouiuuon MUM of j lalios in every man'* heart demand* Ibal there ball be Mini great wiodiog-op day, in wbich that whiob i* now inexplicable aball be explained. Wby did tbal good mao nuffer aod Ibat bad man proeper ' YJU ay, " I don'l know." Bat I muit know. Wby ia tbat good Cbrialian woman dying of wbat it called a apidar oaooer, while tbal d aoghter of folly mta wrapped in luxuriance, ae and health ? You aay, " I doo't know." But I luuit know. Tbere are to many wrooga to be righted thai If there were not aome greal righting-up day in tba preeeuee of all age* there weold be an outcry againil (.id from which Hie glory would never recover. If Oad did not at laal try tb* natiooa, tbe nation* would try Him. We are, therefore, ready for ibe announcement of tbe texr. Tbe world never aaw Coral except io diigniee. II one* wben Hi WM on tartb Il bad 1*1 out lit* glory, tuatead bf tb* blind eye* being healed, all viaioni would hatt beeo extinguished. No human eye eould bav* endured it. And ioitoadof lUKing Ibe dead to life all around about Him would have been ilain undir tbal overpowering iffuliteno*. Diaguit* ot human fleeh, diaguiee of aeamleM robe, >gui*e vf aaodal, diagna* of votee . from Uetblehiiu oaravaoaary to mauaoltum in Ibe rook, a complete diaguia*. Bul ou tbe day of which I tprak tbe Boa ot Mao will oome io Hm glory. No biding of luatre, no beatbtng ot ilrength, uo auppreeaiou ol urau.ieur, no wrepptEg oul of eight of tbe Oodbead. Any titty of Ibe moet brilliant unaete tbal you ever aaw oo laud or aea would be dim a* compared with tbe ceru- lean appearance oo tbal day wben Cbriil rolle turuuKU aud rolla on ana rolle dowo in Ilia Klory. The air will be all abloom wilb HIM preeeooa, aod everything from horiaw to born ID ad true with Hit eplendor. Eli jib rod* up tbe *ky-*t*ep in a chariot, Iba wbeela of whirling nre, and the bora** ot galloping fire, and tb* charioteer draw- ing reioi ot tire on bit* of fire 1 Bat Cbrut will Deed DP each rqalpage, for the law of gravitauoa will b* laid aaid*, and Cbnal will daeeeod iwiftljr enough to make epeedy arrival, bul alowly enough to allow tbe gaj* of millions of peeiatore. In Hie glory ' Olory of form, Klory of omnipotence, glory ot bolinewi, glory of juetioe, glory of love. In Uu iflory ' An unveiled, an uncovered God, deeoeDdiug to meet the human race in an interview which will be prolooged only for a few boon, aod y*l wbiab iball aelil* all the patt and all Ibe preeeotaod all th* future, and be oloaed before the cod ol Ibal lay, wbiob will oloae, not witfa tbe tetliuK no, but wilb the deetruc.iou of tbe planet, a* anufftr* lake off th* lop of a burned wiek. It ii a aolemo time in a court room when there ia ao important eaee ou band and the judge of tb* supreme court enter*, and ba atta down, and with gavel etrikee oo ihe deek, oommaudiuK bar aud jury and witnime aod andtenee into *il*uoe. All voioe* are) buabed, all beadi are uncovered Hut bow much more imprettive when I'.DriM iball lake tb* judgment Mat on tb* Ital dty of tbe la*t week of tbe laet month if tbe laal year of tbe world'* existence, >od with gavel ol thunderbolt nhall imile Ibe mountain*, oommaoding all the land and all th* tea into lileooe. Hal what 1* all tbal cimmolioo and natter, aud lurgiog to aod fro above Him and on either aide of Him ? Il u t de- tailed regiment of heaven, a oooilabulary angelic, aenl forth to lake part to tbaltatne, aud to execute tbe mandela* thai Hall be iwaed. Tea regimente, i hundred regi- meiiU, a tbounand reginanta of angela , for on tbal day all bvaven will be emptied of in tuhabitaoto to lal them attetd the -oene. All the holy angeli. From what a centre to what a otrou inference. Widen mg out and widening out, aod bigbtr up tud higher up. Wuga inlerloekiug wit i Uallenee of cloud above galleriM of cloud, all filled wilb tba laoea of augelt came to listen, aud coma to watch, and oome to belp on Ibal day for which all otber dayi nere made. Wbo are ibotie two taller and more oooepienooi angel* T Tb* oo* Michael, wbo i* Ib* commander ol all tboaa wbo cam* out to dcitroy *io. Tbe olber ii Oabritl, who ia announced aa com maoder of all thoee wae aoeae forth to b*lp the riKhteon*. Wbo 1* thai mighty *ngel near tb* throne ? Thai ia Ibe recur- reotlon angel . bl* lipe (till aquivar and hi* cheek aflaah wilb tbe blaal tual *bail*rd ibe oemeterie* aod woke the dead. Who ii tbat otber greal angel, with dark aod iiverbadowing brow .' Thai i* the one bo, lo e-ie night, by ooa flap of Hi* wiog, turned 1H5 000 of Benuaobeno'* boat iuto oorp*M. Wbo are tboie bright immortala near the tonne, their face* partly turned toward eaob other aa though about to ling ? Ob, tbiy art the Bethlehem chanter* ot ib* flrilCbrutmai night. Wbo are thin other group Handing ao near Ihe throne? Tbi y in th* Baviour'i Mpaetal body goaro. wbiob hovered over Hun io the wildtroeaa, and admmiiitered to Him in tb* hour ot martyrdom, and heaved away thi rock of Hi* aroopbegu, aod aaaorted Him upward on aaoeueion day, now appropriately eioort- ing Him down. Divine glory fltoked on both aidea by angelic radiance. Bat now lower your aye from the divine aod ADgeltc to tbe human. The entire human race ie preHent. All nation*, lay* my test. Bxlore that time, tbe American K j-oblic. ib* Kniclmh Ooveromenl, tba Kreoob liepublio, all modero mode* of governnieut mty beoblitertted for aomelhiiifi belter but all nation*, whether dead or alive, will be brought up into that aa*mbly Tbeaex, aod Tyre, aod H. by Ion, aod Greece, aod Rome, a* wide awak* In that aanembly aa though they bad never elarabared amid Ihe dead ntltoun . Europe, Alia, Afrioa, North aod Hooth America, all tbe nineteenth cen- tury, the einhteeoth century, Ibe twelfth century, tbe tenth century, ibe fourth century - all centime* praaaot. Not one being that evir drew the breath of life but will be in tbal aaaimbly. Vail multitude ! No other aodieno* a thousandth part aa large. No otber audience t millionth part iarnr. No humazi eya could I ok tor 11. Wing* ot aloatroM tad Ulouo a Xle not etrotig euouga to fly over il. A congregation, 1 verily beluve, not auem bled ou anycjotinenl.beoattae no oouiiueul would be lariie euougn to bold il . but, a* tba Bible iLiim.u>cl. in ibe MI r. Tbi law of gravitation uoanobored.iba world moved oat of i H place. Ai now eomelimei oo earth t greal tent 1 1 uprated for tome treat coo venliou, *o over thai gnat audience of Ibe jud^Uieul ball be lifted the blue lent -if Hie >ky, aud underneath II for t\ >t tbe ait, made buoyant by tbe baud of Almigbly d jii. A eoipeaded auditorium Au archi- tDCuure of almoepbeno gtllrie< atroug ooO)(b to bold up worlle. Surely Ibetao arm* of Crod'* aluilghtiu>e<are two pillar* troogeoouith to bold up any auditorium, llul tbal audianoeiauoiio riiuatuin aectioo loug. Uoal audieuoea on e>artb after an boar or two ad j iuru. B.tue timeiui c mrl room* an audieuoe will tarry four or five houra, but then it a4purnt. 80 tbu aor*i ooe poktn of ID lb*> text will ay) jour u. My text aye : " Ha will teparate Ibem oue from anoibcr aa a abe|herd dividetb bia abeep from the goate." No," aaya my friiud, " let tbem all atay together." Bat tbe taxi aye : Be lhall aeparate tbem." No," tay Ibe kiugt of tbe world, " lei meo have Ibei r choice, aud il they prefer mouaroLi oal luttttutiona let tbem go togetber, aod if Ibey prefer Ibe republicto luelitutiooa Ul tb*m go together." N >," tay* tbe oinveu'.ioualilie* ol tbit worll, "let all tooae wbo moved in wbat n called bibber circle* go together, and all tuoae wbo on etrib ui ived iu low oirolea KO together Ibe tiob togetber, tbe poor I' K-ih^r, tbe wiee t'igeiher, tbe ignorant lonetti. r." Ab ! no. l>i you not nonoi in trial aaaetubly Ihe king u without bu eeeplre, ud tbe aoldter u without bia ucatorui, and ibt bibop witbout bit potitinoal riug.aud millionaire witbout bii oerlin>9aMi of itook, and Ihe convict witbout hi* cbaio, tud Ibe bHitgar witnonl hie raga, and the illiterate wubout Lie bad ortbograpDy, tud all of nt without aoy dutiuotiou of earthly iDequality ? 80 1 lake it from thai aa well u f r jtn my text Ibat the mere accident of poeiuou to Ifaia world will do nothing toward deoidiof Ibe queatioua of tbal very great day. " lie will teparat* tbem a* a abepberd divileth tb* abeep from tbe goale." Tbe abeep, Ibe clean**! of creature*, bere mad* a *ymbo, ot ttioee wbo have all line waa bed away to tbi fountain of redeeming mercy. The goat, oue of Ibe nlibiel of oreatore*. bere a type of aboae wbo in the lael judgment will be fouud never to hive bad aoy divine ablution. Divuion aooordiog to character. Not ooly ebaroler out lid* bul cbarac'.er iuide : obaraotar ol heart, character of eboioe, obarao:er ol allegiaooe, character of ffeelioo. ebaraotcr lutide a* well aa obaraoter ouuide. In many a can* u will be a complete and im- mediate re venal of all earthly oonditioue. Borne wbo in ihi* world won pitched ap- pirel will lake oo raiment luitrooa ae kuuioaur noon. Some who occupied a palaoe will take I dungeon. UIVKIOO regardleea of ill earthly oa*l , aud aome who w*r* down will be up, aud aome wbo wire op will be dowu. 11 1 ! what a ehal tnng ol oouventiooa,lri<- ! Wbal an up- heaval of all nooial riglditix*. what a turn i u< of tbe wheel cf earibly onditiou, a ibouitaod rrvoloriont io * acoond ! DIVUIOD ul all nalione. of all a*tei, oot by Ib* figure J. nor by tbe tUure r, mr by tbe figure 7. nor tbe figure ti, nor tbe figure 5 oor Ibe 4, but by tbe nxnre '* Two! Two e bar aclara, two deelioiei, twoeatalee, two dom lulooa, two etermtiee, a tretuaudoua, to all oonipreheniive, all dciie, ao evtr- lanUng two. I aomelimen tbmk tbat the figure of tb* book ibal aball b* opened allow* u to forget tbe thing *in tied by tbe aymbol. Wmre u tbe bookbinder tbal oiuld make avolumelarne enough to contain i he name* of all ibe people wbo bave aver lived ? Beatdee that tbe calling of euob a roll would take more in an fi'ty yeara, more tbao a hundred yeara, and Ibe judgment ie to be eooram mated tu I*** llmt Ibao pain* belwees ennriee tnd uutel. Ab .' my friend*, tbe leavee of tbal book of judgment are Dot made oul of paper, bul of memory. ()je leaf in eviry bnman heart. YJU bave known poraone wbo wire near drowning, but the) were after ward tuaeitaled, and they btvn told yon tbaliu ib* two or three minutei between Iba acci- dent and tbe reeuaoiialiou all Ibetr paal life Bathed before them all they bad evir tbouiibl, all they bad evir doue, all tbey bad ever neen m an iuaULl ottue to tbem. Tbe memory never lo*e* It i- ooly a folJid leaf. It u ooly oloaed buck. Though yon b* an octogenarian, ibinith you be noaoaieoariao, all the Ihougtilnandaot* of your life are in foot mind whether ;ou recall them now or not; jtula* Mtoauliy'e bietory ie in four v jlutue*, although ibe volnine* may be oloted and yc u eaunol nee a woid of Ibem. and will not until they ate opened. An ID tbe oaaeot tb* drowning mau, Ibe volume of memory wai partly op' n, or tbe leal partly unrolled. InloeoMe ot tb* jud< Doeot tbe eutire book will ba opened, to tbal verytbinK will be displayed from preface k> appendix. Vjo have teen wlf-rigiater- ng i jatrumeou which rtordedhow many revolntione Ibey had mad* aud wual work hey bad done, to the mtnafaelurer could come dayi after and look it the luatrumeul ud find juet how many revolution! bad been made, or bow muoh work bad been aoooiipliihed. So Ibe human mind ia t arlf regiiterinx instrument, aud il reoordi all paal movemeuU. Now Ibal leaf, Ibal all-corn preheupiva leaf, in your miud and mine thii moment, tLe leaf ot judgment, brought oul unler tba dtah ot tbe judgment tbrone, you oan eaaily *ee bow all tbe patt of our livea ID an luetanl will ba teen. And to greal and to reepleud- eol will be tbe ligbt ot tbat throne tbal not only tint leal in uiy heart aud Ibat leaf in your heart will be rtvealed al t flatb, but all thi I -ave* will be opened, aud yon will read uol ouly your own otiarao'.er and your own bietorv, bul Ib* obaraoter aud biatory of other*. ID a nuilitary *oo*mpai*nl the bugle Bounded ID one way meaoe oue tbi ox, aud aonoded in another way it meaiin another thiun. Huxle aonnded iu on* way mean* " l're|>ar* for nuddeu allaok." Uugle touudcd in another way meana "To our lena*. and let all light* be put oat." I bavi to Mil yon. my brolbcr, that ibe trumpet of Ib* Old Teelameol, Ihe trumpet that wae carried in the armir* of olden lumen, aod th* trumpet ou tb* wall* iu oldeo nine*, iu Ihe laal great day will i ve ugoillaanl rever bertllon. Old and woru-ont ana exbauated time, having marched acroea droadea aod cenlnrieii and agee, will halt, tad Ihe euti and moon and tier* will halt wuh it. Tbe trumpet! Ibe trumpet! 1'eal tbe firal: I'uder it* power Iba eta will ilreteb lleell out dead, tbe white foam on tbe Up, io it* cry ital lareophagui, and tbe muuulaini will itagger and reel aud itomble and fall into tbe valley never to riae. I'udcoui pad of that laal cyclone all tba oaodlee of ibe iky will be blown oul. Tbi trumpet ! tbe trumpet ! 1'eal tbe a-ecoud . Thi alabaster ball* ot th* air will b* tilled witb thin* who will luroLK op from all Ibe cemeteries ol all tbe age* from Oreyfriar'i obutobyard tnd ibe Rjman oattoomb, from Wmm (tutor Abbey, aod from the coral orvpt* of ncsanlo cave aud tome will rend off the bandage of Kgyptian motumy, and olber* will run e from ibair brow tbe garland of ureen >e. w.-ed. From Ibe north and onth and tba eatt and Ibi weal Ibey oome. Tb* dead ! Tb* trum- pet! ihe trumpet! Peal Ihe third: Amid enrging eloudi ai.d Ihi roar of attendant arniiet of heaven Ib* Lord comet through and there are ligbtuing* and tbunderbolla, aod an earth juke, and t ha!lilo)b, aod a wailum. '1 ne trumpet' Ibe trumpet ! Peal tbe fourth : All thi record* ot human life will be revealed. Th* leaf containing tbe pardoned IID, Ib* leaf containing tbe uupardoned nu. Some clapping haode wilb j >y. aomi grindiog their teeth with rage, aod all tbi forgotten patt baomat a vva v^.^ pat! Ib* trnupal .' I'eak-^The trnm- udianoe breaka up. Tbe gSS Tb* auded. Tba high oourl of beaveu Tbe audieuoe bia IbameelvM to lbir termtoi. Tbay riae, tbey riae I Tbey aink, Ibey link ! Tban tba blue tent of the aky will b* lifted aod folded up aud put away. Tbao Ibe auditorium of aluiotpberio gallcruM will be melted. Tbao toe folded wing* of attendant aogila will be epraad for upwtr j High!. Tbe fiiry tbrooa of judgment will ooome a dim aud a vauubiug olc u I. Tbe Ld^ralioc of divine and angelic magmfl oenae will roll back and off. Tba day for which all otber daye are made ban oJo**d. and the world baa burned dowo, aud the aet oitider baa gooe oul, and an augel flying >u erratid from world to world will potea oog eooogb over Ibe dead earth to on ant tba funeral litany a* b* one*, " Aibea to aabM I" Thtt judgment leaf u your Ueart I Miaa bold ol tbM moment for aoellatioo. In your city balla Ibe great book of mortgagee baa a large margin, to hal when the mortgager ba* paid toe full amount to tba mortgagee, tbe cftuertf ibe aw come* and ba put* down oo that margin tbe payment and Ibe cancellation. and. though tbal mortgage demanded va*l bouaodi before, now it u null and void. So I have to tall you that tbal leaf in my bean and in your heart, tbal leaf of udgmeul, ba* a wi ie margin for oanoalla lion. Tbere u ooly oo* baud lo all tba noivtrae tbat eao touch that rnargio. Tbal hand tbi* moment ie lifted to make the raoord null and void forcvtr. It mty 7 be a trembling baud, for it ia wounded band. Tbe nerve* were oul tod Iba moeel** w*r* lacerated. Tbal record 3D Ibal Uaf wa* mad* in Ibe alack i ik of condemnation . out if oaoealla- lion lafcea place, it wtil ba made ia the red ink ol eaenfioe O judgment bound brotber aod litter, let Cbrut Itai* moment bring to tbal reeord eom| let* and glonou* oabeel- lation. Tbi* moment tn ao ooibarat of imptMiontd prayer, aak for It. V ju ihiLk it u iba njKenng cf your heart. O n It u tbe Duttenog of that leaf, tbal judg ' meal leal. I aak you not to lake from your iron taf a your lael will and teelamant. Out I aak for aometbiogof more importance thao tbal. 1 ark you Dot to take from your private paper* tbat letter ao eecred Ibal you have |ul iiaway from all human eye- iithl, but I aak you for aometblog of m ire meaning tbao Ibal. Tbat leaf, Ibal judg- ment leaf in my heart, tbal jjlgtneot leaf in your heart, wbiob will dtcide oar condi- tion after tLn world aball bave five Iboo- aod million year* bean ewepl oat of tbe beeveue. an extinct planet, and time itaelf will be ao long pat Ibal oo tbe ocean of eternity it will teem oaly a* now eaama a ripple oo the Atlantic. Wben tbe goate m vile herd atari for the barren mooo- lain* of death, and tbe abeep in fleeoe of enowy whiteoeat, and bleating with j iy, move op tba terraced btlle to j JID tb* lamb* already playing in Ibe high paatore* of oeltatial altitule, ob ! may you and I b* doe* by tb* Bbapberd e crock ! Wben the Sou of Man aball come m Uu glory. aod all tb* holy angel* with Him, then bell He eil upon tbe tbrone of HM glory , ud before Him ahall be gathered all natioo* ; aod H* iball aeparate them ooe from another, ae Iba *he( herd dividetb tbe oecp from tbe goate." Oo, that leaf, tbal ooe leaf in my heart . tbal leaf 10 your ' icarl. Tbal lea} ot jadgmeul. Ua, tboae two IrenModoue worda al to* laet ! , C>m!" "Oo'" A* though tb* over- I iiaogiog beaveu* were Ibe cup of a great bell, aud Ibe (tare were welded IL|O a -ilvery toogne an1 ewang from *id* to >i d* until it trunk. "Come!' A* tboagb all the gnat gun* of etrroal dtaaater were die- charged at onoe. atid Ibey boomed forth ID ooe renooudiug oaooonad* of Aritbtnetioal eum in tiojple divmou. Kteruity Ib* dividend. Tue nnure two tbe divivor. Your unalterable deatiuy the Taa* MII . .11 Takt all Vb* Kidney* aod Uver xTake all tbe /ilood purifier*. "T all tb* L> vvtftt M and Irdigiikioo Take all tbe Taka all tbe Orvat healtn*2<. Inihort, take all tba beat <juaUtS3*^ thtaa aod tba bett. ** yuoJijt/i of all tb* beat medieioet in Iba world, aud you will find that Uaf iiiiten bav* the beat curaliva quaUMaa and power* of all eoncnantud io tbem, And tbat Ibey will care when aoy or all of ibeae, eiogly or- eonfeiud. FaU till A thorough trial wui givt poeiur* proof of tbu. Harrfcaeal l.l.rr. Fiv* yean ago I broke down witb kidney aod liver aomplatnl ac>d rbaumaliam. Bine* then I bav* beeo ooaol* to aa about at all. My liver hi mail bard like od , my limb* war* puffed op and fliltd witb water. All tb* beat phyumaoa agned tbat ootb ng eoold cure me. I reaulvad to try Hop Uilter*. I bav* uaad eeven boatlaa; aha bardoea* ha* all goo* from my liver, the ew*llio from my limb*, aod it baa awae* 1 * mi'fflf in my eaaa; otherwiaa I aoejll have bean DOW in my grave. i. W. MuaiT. Buffalo, Get. 1. latl. rear t-t r t i. mm* I - 1 wa* itracfd down with dab*, poverty aed uB.m.j f .r <M rm. n i aent by a aiek taamuj aa4 I/K. bill* fur .Joe* nag. I wu aofnpteeaiy 4>aeo*Jtaetd. antU . UM t-liio. .r oaf pa^aur. 1 lie U.JI.K H|> li mil ao4 la aae nootta w MM .. * .4 bav* aeae a awe dav elaea a-aui t r u. all puur HMO. fua eaa aae* fuiiiltw !! a year with Bov etttw* tur '* viaii will eoa*. I ' u<ir fuiii Ue* Uiaa taVMoee eoaio* wlikiel a aata at H . uo u,. wbii* label, aaon all " (uuoou Mafl with "Hop" or Tb*r* ia t graal deal of Ireland at pr*aLt. A pr*f>rr*d to batoeanogtag by iibien, ae forealUe atoteo tbe oo paying under a reoi Maiicieu* Ujurte* Ae*. l.evr Ne i . j it baa beeo aaid bat, wtaea a woman it dragged dowo, *macialed, wan, and a faadow of her former aalf. with otvea? a cbeerfol word, ebe eao ba oo longer baaoti ful or lovable. Nature may bave oeaw gineroue In bar gifta. aod endowed bet with all tb* ebarme of bar tex. bat tlinti ba* arept in unaware* aod ttoito the roaea fnm her ebe*k*. tbe luetra from bar eye, and the euaabioe from her heart. Bul to b* wall Main lire 10 your owo power. Tak* Dr. i'uree e r'avoritt Preeeripejaa." M will our* \oo . Ihooeaodt have beeo eared by it. N Jtbiug t^aala It for all tbe pain ful maladie* and waaknaeaea peoaliar to womeo. 1'rice reduced to ooe dollar. By P.... .ph. Jean Claude Dognel, matbematieiao, ie dead. Tb* Arebbiabop of Atx bat died from cholera M-e. Nellie Orant-Sartarit arrived in London on Tburaday. K aory A. Storn, tb* dietiDgni*b*d law- yer, died al Ottawa, III . lael week. Arotadeaeon Ktrrar wae among Ibe pae- ogerioo toe Strdioiao, which arrived al Uimouiki ooHalorday. K 'V. W. KlaMtaar. of Bbedden. aod hi* whole family, exerpl oo* obi.J, ar* ill with fever. Kir Toooia* B*lew>n. M.P., who acted ae chairman of the Heoeplou Committee in the recent Vice-Regal tour of Ireland, ba* beeo raied to th* (*rag. h >rd SI. Leonard*, wbo <ur*d ao prom lueotly io a rtoeut eeaudal, ha* >; u* to Australia oo a furaa rai*ed by bie frieode on Dominion that be n luuo* abaenl truoi the country. Tbe V-ieen baa joal reatoeked tb* royal fret library al Balmoral with uew book*. Tb* library ia open to tba inbebitaoti of Cralbie I'ariib. and to all perwno* employed on Ibe Balmoral aud Arjergeldie eatalee. The Biehop of Ulouoeatcr, wbo ie making a tour of Switzerland, while on hie way lo ooe of tbe efanrebea in Ib* m >uotain recently, alipped and fall into a cba*m. U* atvtd bimeelf by oatehitig bold '. aom* biuab, tud waa reaoued unhurt. It i* hard to aatiafy torn* people. Aa admirer recently gave the editor of ab* 1'ioueer lr'a.) Kaftt a preaeol of a eow aod a calf . aud Iba week after be had a leader 10 bu paper, beginning, " Now wbo will give u* a bora* . ' U* probably waala to K>ck a gift bone to the mouth. \h., || Mill !>. PoUon'e NIHM DDK, tba great pain eore, oever fail* to give prompt relief to the fol- lowing oompiainl* Bpraint, brnlaea, eata, tu douloureux, rbeuoiattem. tpioal paiot, neuralgia, lojtbaaba, lumbago, totaakta. bay to-day al any drug (tore a 10 eeejl aampl* bottle aud teal It in any of the above oompiainta. It oevar tatla. tor Ner vibne t* eompoaed of tbe moat powerful pain aubduiog remedut in the world. Gel a bottl* at any drug More. YJO will be made bar | y. Ten and 2o oenta a botti*. Tb* Caiotte deaoraliva elaba that oadei tbe name of pagoda atooaa are of tea eee* are a*cuoo* loogitodutally of a (oaatl lorlboe* rae, a ebeil flb thai ba* left ill mark iu tba rock* ae a long, ttraigbl bora. Toe koeuioe *IOL** ar* alao foaail bivalv I . I. . I . .1, ... Caooot b* disputed, aod tbe eaa* ia yet to be beard frum io wbiob Putnam e 1'aio- la* Corn Kuraotor ha* failed to perform a (rfewl cure. Tbte witb [lanileee aod raped aetioo ana freedom from anooyanee i oe*. The greal corn aod bunioo Manda uorivalleJ. Bore, eafa, rai Bevar* ol fraud* offered aa lubatiiule* to*? ibe reai corn cure. 1'aioaoa Fatoleae Cora Kxtraeior. N C. Pocaon A Co.. Kiae*. too, proprietor*. I'ee oe i Al tb* mataoee of the Uermao Muili f War, *h) de*iraa to protect earner ptgeona. th* poblM forveter* bave reeeived urd*r* to keep the aba/peel puaaibte leak out f jr birda of prey, aod to *xt them aa far ae poaeibia. irreaia I wai looking al a number of Kogliab touriate in Broadway, tbe otber day. wbile Rlandtug alongaide if ex Governor O>born, ot K i,>a- wbo ha* juel returned from the poaiuoo of Miuiiter to Brasil. had obarrved the apparent itreugtb and free movemeote ot tb* women of Ib* party, when hi aaid . " Kogli>hmen a* a rule ar* inagninceot type* of pbyiMal alrengtkt rhey develop in tbat direction by culti vatiog the habit and faahion of nercie Their women walk a greal deal, wbeo our* KII io clone parlor* and take little exerciee. The Kugllab woman travel a gret deal. S<arorly a eteamer comae to Kio Jaretro tbat dtae nit land graal par tiea of travel (era, both men and womeu. Tbey itarl 06 nv*r tb* monutaiua oo long pedeetrtau j >oi oey* to get view* of tba beautiful Bay ul Kio aod of tbe mountain aoenery. Tb* great and eold. f*v*ra aud inflammatory l>r. i'lere*'* Cumpouud Exlrael of I Weed. alao. torn Uv erampe, morbu- iiarrl . > aod JytenMry, or aloody dux. Oui) '-H oaoki. Th* treaearer of tbe Orenl mooumaol fuod io Cbioago write* ki* ifiaal etgaalure thue Bam 1 W. Niekeraea. Tree," aaw a orilioiim in a Ndw York paper a day or two ago on an KnglUh loi.l wbo bad a party of ladie* on a trip aoruawbera to tbi* State, twelve mile* from their bottl. wbo mitaed the lul train aod could ooly gel bk b|r rail by paying f '> for a tpecial train, but let Ibem walk back rather tbao pay ao muoh. 1 tboagfet, oo teeing tbal, u it aa even obanoe thai tbe women intitled on walking back, tbal dutaoee being nothing to ao E oglum woman. -\. r. IViaMkt, Ik. I.I Ink. ',. -l.. Pari* I'reebytery, al it* leal meeting, aptut considerable time iu regard to tba propoeed union of the t >-,oLde*ia congnga- tiOD with thai of Carluke in tbe Preabytery of Hamilton. l)r. Coobrane praaaoted a p*tf i n from tb* (>jond**a Cbureb akiag the I'retbytery to unite tbem with tbe Kirel ('hurob in Brautford. A*, however, the Utmillon i'reabytiry were ttill negotialiug fr a onion between l'rluke and the Oooudaga Churob, further ooueideration of th propoeal wat deferred until JO.h ' 'Mober next. FO DLALLK AND CONSUMER \V.- iiniiM-t only tin' finest of C'ulT- atnl Spi . ,>.. r :Miv it ( . sold ami uiu-i uml in lib. tin-. M a iTfi'--t lux'iry. < hir 1 . t.i.-.'t IN ' iri'Tii rli:l * iou. I>i U\K:XO POWMCR, \>"'J'A ft ' -t AVleJIt./." TI i. ! 't>li*>il will) wiu>l iioa--t. . -i Ground ('(Fits in A IK .\CKH. or .'."> 1 1 >. t i 1 1 s. {'i KK (iKi>fjn> SFTCBS in all .-i/iil W. G. DUNN & CO. CANADA MILLS HAMILTON. ' A dieeaa* of ao delicate a nature aa ttrioture of the urethra aboul i only be enlrualed to Iboae of large experience aod kill. By oor improved method* we have be*n enabled to epeedily aod permanently our* hundred! of Ibe worn eatti. Paaa- pblel. riferwDoee aod tatm*. Ibree letter Rtatupe. World'* Dinpeuaary Medical AHHjiation, ;-.. Mam etreet. Buffalo, N. T. ID Fraooe all th* cow* ara milked oo the left band tide, and tba ofl bortt ia alwayi ealkd the nigh oo*. HAMILTON. OANAOA. T11K PEST AND THg MOST i-.iyr: ' m !<* e'*teej* t ate OomlnKio . ba '"T Iwe) (radaaaw. ba* *4t *atloTr *.* Tvmoa- ladwe ba* over lw i al *v-n eoovwiieaee fu* reeaiere. a*4 I'ooaoal la Moate tad in i. I**. .U.. l.a..*>. ,1 i> . .. e.. 3W %a R. U. AWARE L:rillard'8 ClioAX Flog

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