Obituary It is with a sincere sadness we chronicle the death of Mr. Dennis Mahoney which took place on Tuesday last at Font Hill Station, a place near the C.P.R. where the Northern from Gravenhurst taps it. Mr. Mahoney has been in the employ of the N. & N. W. for over fourteen years, and was at the time of his death, bridege inspector at a salary of $90 per month, having risen to that position from a day laborer. The disease was typhus fever, and carried him off in just three weeks. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. He was highly esteemed by every one. He was the oldest son of Mr. Patrick Mahoney of this township was 39 years of age at his death. The relatives of the deceased have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. - Thornbury Standard Death of William McMullen. On the 21st. Inst., at Flesherton Station The Funeral Although expected for some time past, the death of Mr. Wm. McMullen at his residence, Flesherton Station, on Monday evening last, took most people by surprise. He passed away peacefully and without a struggle at half past eight o'clock on the evening named. He had only been ailing for a few weeks prior to his death, and although it was known he would never get better, the end came sooner than was generally expected. He was about 60 years of age. Deceased was a good neighbor, a kind husband and father and thoroughly honorable and straightforward in all his dealings. Although a shrewd, keen man of business, he was generous and sympathetic. He was one of the oldest settlers of this (Artemesia) Township, and although he had his ups and downs like other pioneers, yet by his industry, perserverance and economy he managed to become possessed of enough of this world's good to spend his declining years in comfort, and leaves his family well provided for. The funeral took place from the deceased's late residence on Wednesday afternoon, yesterday. The cortege was one of the largest ever seen in this part of the country, there being over eighty vehicles, which testified to the high esteem in which deceased was held by the public generally. The remains were interred in the Irwin cemetery, Orange Valley, the funeral sermon being preached by Rev. A. Wilson, Presbyterian minister. The sermon was eloquent, masterly and impressive and was listened to with profound attention by the large audience of sympathizing friends and acquaintances. Purely Personal Rev. W. A. V. E. Pattyson, of Collingwood, -known to many of our readers, -was married to Miss Frankie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson, of Markham, on the 8th inst. Born. -In Artemesia, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. Walter Woods of a son. B. Lanrance's Spectacles d Eyeglasse Are the only genuine Enylihli Article in tliu C'iiiiHilmii market. Held Pebble are kept in stock. Tt-sU sue iven to pur chatter* to prove ^onuiiienc*?. They are recommended by the 1'rcM'lu.', Vice Proa., Ex-Prca., and Ex-\ice-Pres. oftlu Medical AtKi'cmti'iii uf (J;uiada, Ac. JAS. ii. Kl SSELL, Jewtkr, ite., PlttknioK, <M. Tlie only i>l:ice where tlmy can bo got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, l<i;/, July -.or III. STATIONS., I-.-KM fartli.i.11 Juntii,,.! :"! " < :> " ('barlevton .. ') ' " '' I ' " Oraiiue i Arm. 'J SO " ville. i IX-KV.' 1006" Orniu|0villu J;iiK-tii.ii. In 17 ' bholburuu l" W " Uuinlalk II Uf Kl.K.HHKHTON II *' " WarkiUl WUliauikfurd .. ... I- l"!'": '"rtatfw'irtli Owen Houii-1 Arrivt- I 00 " South. _ OWl'M fvillll 1 Chatsworth Wllllanufonl Murk'UI- Uundallt Sbelburne . Orlievill.' .lunction... 800 " Urauiiu ' Arrivo ........ n Ii " villu. i Utavo ...... H i"> " Cinrlostoii M Vi " far,l.-ll Jiuicti..!! ........ 07 " Toronto ............ Arrive 1044 " W.WHTTB, I). Mi Mi i -I. I. I.I -, 1. 1'ASh AOT DR. CARTER, M c.r. &S.,Ovr. PHYSIl'IAN. si i:,. i ON. A. . FLKSHEin'ON. Rtlilifllfr, 1\rjt td /'I' I>i*. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCSfS, I'HlfKVILLK, - (i.NTAKIO. aii.l Heidnc in ar 1'rukbytcrlan JJcuttetnj. J.P. MARSHALL, L.lf.S GU.vnt'.iTr. "I Toronl iol "f M, i,nt will !H Hi Murk, lli- i- ' I U,lui-H dayi.f fin'h iit'-nili. an,| At l-'l. -!i.-it,,ii i.n tin- Ut nit:ir,l r)iiini1> in i-i' Ii inuntli lor thu praetlcu of hiM j,i ui,-, . i,,u KIHST & P11IIST. BAKKISTlim. CDXVI'.YANC'lia, *c. OB\oo Ponlett Btrwt. Owwi SIMM., and ery Tliunulny at Fl.l'.MHKKTrN. J. W FUOST. 1.1..II. AliFKF.I) FHOST, Crown Comity Attonmy. -;n. ii .P. v III.IN. PHKII.W IIAIIVIX HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, .s',,, , ajon ' /-"' I''!' 'I ll'Hi'ls, BAHJils-n.l.s. muiilTi.|;s. NdTAKirs. CONVKVXNl'l l:-> ,\, M.-nnv to l.on t l.w--.t lt'i<-s,.f i.ii,.i. -t. Offlci*, 10 KIliK Street Kant. Tnionti MORPHY & MILLERS, , s ''i ' .I'll'*, OFFICF.,- Over McFarlsne'n Rrufi Klorc. DUUiiAM, OXT. tfavtb. John W. Armstrong, l'i .tnr.nroN, Co. ORKT. DivisinN c irnr CI.I:IIK. COMMISSIOXKK in It H , ( Ai'ont (or |nl i rlio nn,| aali' of l.iu.l-. Apprainwr fur ('. I,. ('. Coin. ail'l K 1' It A > 1... -i,-t> ML I..-) Ui Ix.nn ,,n HIP innrti raaxunublo tornis. IHHUI-.II UF MAl'.UIAOK I.ICRN Jac. 7. Sloan* IXSUHAXCK AUKXT, EL'dKSIA. H01trtj!*Mitiiiu that *t^\< Co., thu Noitwu u I'Mi-N, , Iii^urKiirf cifi * r . i <>M HI At luw rtbtCM hiMirt-H nun \ oM Kir^ Insurance -f Nmwicli, KnuUnd. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.KKK IIITI.MI ~M. KY i. \ < '/:/, . (o.v.u/Nx/M.y /;/,', y.vxr/; i ur. ,: Di:r.i>s. Mi<itT(i\in:s i: \-i s. AC., prrr-tr- 1 ]>r|Tly I'M-i'iiti'il. Iniiiranei- arTi'C- il In flrot-claan coinpitiilt-a. Money to Icinlat lowentratu*. Victoria Hotel, O\VKN SOUND. This tioiifw trnn in-cti r.-iii*,- i aiul )>!AOP<I under th" umMiii(t'iiit UL <>f Mr. H. H. Mi<l<Uu{t]. To thoHo flMsiMi-u all fit- fiinif'-i'ts (if n <|iiitt homo, whon vlnitlni,' O\v*n 8outir1. on hu^iri' or p]aA- ur, will ftn<l thn "Virtorln" uqiiftl to tho biwt Ul in w n. Careful ttoitlrfl. 11 H. MIDDAlirH. Tropriutor FRED. RYDER, Brick an ft Xt<nir Mason, FLEBHEBTON. Order* In Town anil C'unntry |iromptly snd rcr.-fully oiaoiltetl. Money to Loan. At i>\ I'rr <'i-nt. Int'-r<-xt 1,11 Ntniuj WITH tntcrent pi,l yoarly, nut In advance. No couiuiuiHiou chargotl. Apply to A.i.Kili:. TIIOKXHIRV. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton . Peich & Mitchell. I-ltoriMKT'UiS. THI'ii'-l, i it fully tAki- tllii om.or- tiiniu t,, nun, MIII. ! I" Hi" ' |.oo|ili' of Honh- orton AIM! iirri)iiii,lini; o.iinlrv, that tln-v IIAV,- started a Hutoller Simp m tin i m.l n.-\t I.MT to Hi,. Mrl,l.- W.M-li-,. I l,l:slU.HTON, wlmrp thi-v will IM- |il,-n,"l I" im-i-t with all wh,, fnvi.r tlu-in with thoir i-ntri.iiiii;.- ii, ill MU ul all kJll.K Hllll I- is) I. A I- III ' >! I Nlll-M'lll. lii ' nr, J'iJTlll A 3J1TC1ILLL. J Flesherion Advance. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-" "PRINCIPLES, JfOT MEW NEW STOCK AT j\ VOL. V., NO. 223. FLE8HERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 24, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the diseases whlek cause Luuuui lutti-nng ntult from ilerauf*. iui-iil uf the slouucb, bowels, anil liver. Avtu'i CATUAJITIC Viu.t act directly upos tlieae organs, and sre esim.-.alljr desit;iivj to cure the dim-uses caused by their derange- ment, Including Conitlputloa, IniUa;es- tlon, l.y-ii.v-i.i. H.-.i 1 1. lir, I>j,nl. rr, and a boat of utber silmcuU, for sll of wlilcb they >re s tafc, lure, prompt, and pleusuut n-iiii .ly. The cTlrusire us* "I ibe I'lLU) by eminent |>l>\ > .. uns lii rvgulur prac- tice, sli'j-ra uiiiuiitiikalily the Mtiinntiuu la vUlcb tliey ua livid by tlio medical profc*- Siou. Tliew I'ILIJ are eorupoumlcil of vtgttabl* ubaiancus only, aiiilajeabaoliii<-ly fircfiuia caluuiilur any other iujur. ,ua ing.idiiul. A SilHVrrr from IIr:ii!iti-|ln writes f "AVKS's I'n 11 are Int.i'uiilili- tome ani sre my conilaut companion. I bare boea s severe auflervr fiom lli-iulaclia, ami your I'lLI-s ro Ike ouljr tliiiit 1 uld look te for r*li<-l. One d,ne will nuicniy moY in; S>i\vi-l ami free u y hrml tumi p-min. lltfi an- tlie iuii.1 eUcllv nm! i In- .I..M. -i | liv-.i llutvoerer (nuiiil. It la uliMHra to uw M l*-k lu tlieir praise, cud 1 ahiaji do st Leu "OWi. W. K I'A-.r.of \V. !.. rs & Hro.- Fraiikhii St., lUdiuioiitl,\ u., Ji.i.u i, i--j. "1 lisro iwod AM:H' Pn.u In rmrnVr- less int.uic as MX-..IIIIL, i.,i, a by \ua and liave never known ilit-m ii, fail t<> ai-r, inpliih the delrl mull WcSMastsutl) k<-<|. iLitm u hand HI i.ur home si.-: ui ISu'liVsmhsiA UMy are luvalujilllef^** , .I i. lU'.li." Ueila, Tens, June 17, 18*2. The KKV. FHAXCIS n. H MII/ITTF m-UInt from Atl<i,tt:< Ha., M\V i-.. 1,0 years pant I laave boon aubjetl t,. con.liiailinn. from wliicli, iu ul ll,c un; i,I incUI- fin.a r various Mils. I suffer*! li.i-n.itif incoiiTenl-iici', unlit sonic monlkt avu I kegaii lakin Avta's i'lLij. -j i.rv Cove entirely coireot-J the costiie l.uL't aud save vastly Impruveil n.jr j, ..-:., -ul I.. Avru'ji CTHAitnc rn.i-s correct Irrvfn- larltii-j of .he bowels, ttm.ul.ta tlio s|.pe- tlli- and di^ostiou, auU by tbeir |>ruuipt mil U*i,r ui^h action give Uiuo aud vigvr u. UM 1 ccJUoiDy. THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawuett. Editor. Tit - Bits. ntimj of Isnil <nt OUirr lit It- tin 'fitln'i'il Inj The Adrunre Rrfwrtrr*. Dr.J.C.Aycr4Co.,Lowell,Ma3i. S..M iry^:i iiuii^i.u. YOUSG, OLD. AND MIDDLE- AGED. All eiperlnire tk rmn l.-rfl I'.-lirlk'nl t-llii in of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. riilMri-o lt!i *arr ErM, SOTS JutU. Kar*. nr any arrnfulom or avps- Illtlc taint, may be iiuJr UculUiy anil ur^ng f) " U- old by sJl Draolsts ; |l. aU boulss for H -Tlw brick work on Mr. SV. H. El- der's house in finished. Mr. I'eter Munshaw is erecting a brick residence. Mr. \V. K. Flesher is building a substantial new brick residi-nct-. Mr. S. Damudo haa rutuniud from his holiday tour. AH Wool Undertcear -in prt-at vari- ety at liicliurdsons. -NVh:t<-ver you do, don't forget to I iy the pi inter. A full as.irtiiient of Stationery, of the best '[iinlity at the old Drug store, Kicliardoii'a Mr. Jan. U. Russell, our noted Jew- elir, retiuiii-d from Hsniilton on Tiu-i- day. - All Wool Rlanktti cheap at Itich- ardsons. Miss Minnie Ellerby, of the Gospel Army, Dundnlk, was riniting friends in r'!r.->lurt'iii iMit Saturday. For Cheup Svgart go to Kichard- S011H. A full line of the New Series of Scli<M,| ]t,K,ks at tli,- old Drui; store, lii, li.irdson's. Mr P. Rutherford of Kulherford UroH., l<-kliiiiders, iic., Owen Sound,- waa in town yeatvrday and called on y Ai.v M r.,. For Idiots &, Shows go to Rich- nni/<r frtt i>f ehitryt. r//f /. //. .-very Sunday al2;:o'clock |i.m. Kon du\ School u I | m I'm vi-r ineetiuc every Thurwlay ttvenmt: II ai K> , \ VS u ~ ( .v. |.av tor. (LadaM'&M rvnu-tyiu couuoctiun.) SF.HVH Ks i.. r\ s., ii.l.iv at 11 in ,v iv:)p in. Buildav S.-II.HI! .t a p 111 Y.Min* I'o| I- - ' in.-. -tine . ..iv M. m. In i vn,. i at 7 '> MiiRtr. rj r irxlii) at:.i Itv-v WAI mi AYXIIH, vistor Al.l S4Hlt't> ill 1. -Illir. '11.111 Important ITotice! of Tlio nubucrikor !K';: to inform tin- j ''] -IL rtou auclnurruuiiiliiij; country, that In , , i nRj.OMO.MILL i mil. < from rivKhrrton, and H DOW pn-|>rnl tn fnrnUh In: in of any length orilMiof Lumber LUMBER LATH, L SHI1TGLES. \fl on lun-l. on band. Custom Sawing doitu by the tboQMtnd. REASONS Wuj- fou alioulil get your Lumber aii'l SlmiK cut by Speucor: ill hi the Mill laNewauil the mill in |,iirfector<!ur. 121- lli'raiiM- IK- In a practical in wyor aiulk*cpl lia aaws anil iiijtrliitii-rv m |--t(i'<-t nrilar. (31 Her-HitM- hciit all Kcaiillinx Joice enact y to thr bill ! i rm-li.-l. 14) H.- In- put In a I. un. U r l-.,li> r and all i-ar-1- arc niuin.' wiillU fruin on.- ,-M.| tu tli tlu-r. i.S* Ji. i-aiivr ymi ran tnki- n I, art ..f liii-i to the iilll an,I K )na,t of lnml.rr linim, -.ninr ilay. "Si Bocanc ho ipiarmitfon to rut all nintoni vork In a workinanlikumnnnuramliiatiafactlon iiaranti-eil. IT, HuraiiM- all sawing in doun at rock liottoin irlcon. Litmirr llrlietretl if Uniuireil. G. II. Sl'ENCKK- H.'j)t. lOtli. 1MM3 ii,, iil-in will U lined if he puts any more cobtle su.nes in that "deluxhtful" little duck |M.IU| on the public s(n--t, near Mr. U. J. Sproulv's store. Sec I(irli:irilsons irumenae stock of Jlat$ & fur goodt. About C o'clock yesterday morning there wa quite a fall of snow in Klesher- ton. How is that for tho 23rd of 8p- tcuiU r ? You will find Tininthy ami Clover S,-. .Ii uf t'-.' I -t i|iudity at the old Drug St.. iv, UiiliaiiU'iii a. - Our renxlcni will obsen'C that the -n t-r,'i. i I/ 'l,ul,ihi!r uaUhinakur il'jewel- Irr, Mr. \V. A. I'-rovm, a new ndvi-r ii<t<'iiii-iit in this issue uf the ADVANUK. .Mr. li's .-nlv't's air always read with in- terest for he docs just what he says he will tin. - 13 c. a tlo/cn for K 'gs at Rich- unisons. Tin; Ladiu's Aid fen-July of th* Me. tliodist c-linvrh, Klrnhertnn, will IK t.rr- pared to furnish hot dinner and lunch in thu large, mid conimodioiis store heluni;iiii! to Mr. M. Kii li.irdsnii, at the East (irey Rxhilut ion to l- held in this place next Tuesday nnd Wednesday. A S<i/e Intntmmt ; $3.9<> c. fur a jutir of those men's No. 1 whole stock (saddle f-i'iUiii Loii^ Hoots at Uicliaril son's. We understand that over 200 per- sons have professed thoir knowledge uf sins forgiven in Dunilalk since tin- ad- vent of the Gospel Ariuy. Tho M.ijor is a revivalist of the higher type : Ins pro- fession and practice are in perfect liar ninny with each other ; hence hi* suc- cess. Kor nil kinds of Ifnuif Furnith- iigt and linildrri* Ilurdwarc, go to Rii'liurdson's hurdvvurc store. - Our nott-il jewelry man, Mr. JHS. C!. Hussell, has a very fine stock of wati-lu-x, cl.K-ks & jewelry now on hand at remark- ably close 1 1 1, i-. Sole a^cnt here for B. Lnnrance's famous *pectacles. Viaitors Druth of William *. Null. n. The i a nip at (M (lu tilt Imt., at Fltfkertou <hir t1etlurt., lioyt '',,,..; limn. MI J-'\tner<il. "LeaTM hart thoir time to fall, And r.,., i to witlinr a>t U,o North wmil'a IT, atri . And utara tuaet .-but all. Thou baat mil IUKHOIIH for tbiue own. O I i.-atli '" TIIK CO.NVKNTIOY The HabUth Srh..l '..nv, ntum lu-M in tin- Mctln 'ill*' Chun-h, Kle<i!it.-it.n, '.ii Wrdiind.iy aud Thursday of laat wv t k Two of our boys from, Mas . WM " mterestii,;; affir tlir-Mi*!.. ut. ters David Clayton and Will Vokes, call- A * *'' ' ' v - '' -' nrday A'u/rif. **' ' m ' "" e<l on the voluntoers of Flesherton (,',,, Although exj)ected for some time ist, " ""'I 1 l NiaKara, on Friday last, and the dc-atl, of Mr. Wu,. McMullen M hi. tJ " ^"'"'V *ihtlieni. They asy , ' residence, Kleaherton SUUoii, on Mo,,- " boy. are in ifrand trim an.l in the very ' day evening last, took rn.t people by bu t of P iriu surprise. He paa*<l sway peacefully and U1 without a struggle at half past ru/ht o'- clock on the evening named. He had ur lart w.-.k a rt ,,f U, ! mly aUi,, K a fcw,k, prior to hu 1 death, and although it vat known he i would never get bttter. the end cam* , Th.- 'Vrut>" is plentiful m **" nir.-tinp f t! - l,, ri n was held in th,. churj:, hith was wi-ll attendol l.y th.- iittlr f-i!kv 1 U i 'arson, K J,ihnst. n. 11 \ C, .II.U Lll 1 \V. I . ,.-;.! ,.,. t . I |- . dehv, red s'i irt iiddreaMS. A nuini !- \,-ry diflJCTj'.t ,,ni . asked, and tlie anawurs i-\ tin < >u Sunday morning at 8 o'clock the ; bii^'lu called the volunteers out for church and to the was awarded the distinguished }i, tmr uf ." It wiisa^rand /'/<-.s-//rr/o//. I ul. ^ -^-^ -^ _^^^_ l.:ulle I ^ nd ' ' '", Ear-nil^, Chains, Kin^s, Ac . all of the Vi.,.t i|tial- ity and at luinr i-rvr. tkan auy de*ircan Itonestl . /- !! ti, W* A a-~ f * W * t^* BwJ ' W f * ml ^Vr* Or. Jwl r*rHI%J^l^ ..ring a aptiualty. If try job A wi-ek auo> last Saturday in. .ruing : i.ur villa-.-. :i *.i- aroused fi- m . 1 .-I ahitks, ;LS "f wo- in.-ti in <ii,-irus, aiitl as Urars an* j ful th^ i" -a-- n r'-.-r.r^ nn-rc i.t rtained that ai/inc.>iic i.-- i. crtirird off l>y V;-* who irn ' cnine ft' iu . r women in tli> ' '.urea on -. ^i.ii'.' ittle in tli.- N Deceased was a good neighbor, a kind and father and thoroughly hon- irable and straightforward in all hisdeal- ngs. Although a shrewd, kswti man of lusiiiesn, he was tfeiiun-ui (Bid syiii]>a- hetic. He was one of the oMest settlen T thin (Arteini-sin,) Township, and al- . hough he had his U[* and down* like I other pioneers, yet by his industry, per- severance anil economy he nmnagd to poaat-ucd of enough of this Fle S herton C,,,n,i.,y .,..rx-bi., K off to church at tho head of .1 u h,,!e raiment. ' remark* to the inspiring strains of tin- regimental ' of tho UlttJ S " UII<I '' ' id .-<l,.-r bands will ft Capt. CampWl and Lieut. Field """"'ers. \ M lf., c ll .-, alx.ijt six inrht-a taller l.y *" "'' '' l '" ' ath S^lii.,l nifetini*s h.' . ln_'!i!y f-T thi- if! ! 1lt S-1 1 ' ' a'h >--!i-i..l. Ikt'* ii'^l 1 Army, 1. ! by th, , n.-rv PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMEB. / . 7///r*r. Flesh erton, - Ont. orld's (fooda to spend his declining years ' duri "t: 'j 1 n comfort, and leaves his family .-!! provided f.,r. Tin- funeral took place from deccasixl's ate residence , ,n at when di.-y consider tho hull tion acconleil their company on the i-cca- sion named. There u im mrv ICL- in the ereninir. and in cons<|Uvnce quite s num- ber tinted t>u- fall* and took in tin- M-J!,'JI afteniooii. l ' st '"' *'' ''" ' i! "' l 1 ' 1 '' iln-rt,,ii voluntoers will cume lllst l ''"irv-li li-r,, IU\ \\.i;t- r Av.rv In in. l.y Saturday evenings'* train. Our lr^l-l th struts, sin-in with great i liraas Band together with a largo numtirr at Wednesday af tcrno. .11, ' " f " llr < --'" z ''"-'- '"'''" l '"--tini< them eaterday. The ot-rttye waa one of the. FU*rt"' Station and according them a largeit ever aoen in this prt of the cr-un- 1 n> >' 1 ""W wi-leoino h-me." Tl..> t ', there being over eighty vuhiclc., wi " **** *" vM ** *" d . hich testified U. the high esteem ; | as usual, treated to a,ent suptx-r. hich duceaavd wa* held by tlio public W h "I* l " Kv " ur v ' 1U e tuni " ul '" ;rn. -Lilly. The ix-iiiain* were Interred in he Irwin cemetery, Orange Valley, the uneral nernion being preached by Rer. A. Wilson, IVabytenan u.inirtr. The n<lll > niorit iiii.n was an rluquent.nuuterly and mi russive one and was listent-d to with pn> man to du h<oi<ir lo our stalwart oitizi-u- vim .in. i.iv i.t.- Army IINIUIIS. Ki-tuni- . tho lee! | .jf tl.c i . sh. mly U-f. .re tin- ytne : tlii r.-,'uKr m-rvices. ih.- i:i.-rv.\l win tak- uu up by R.ii^iiii,' ami ; r . A l . ulit i k tii. l'.. lit, -i,t n IN wius re- opened by the m h ^111.- <f t'i.-ij n.: u, , and xi.uid '.Id hymn. "AU H ul tin I J. ' . >- * n or 4ta* soldiers on Saturday evening and uive ur " f Jttu * X ; ""<-- ai.d |,ray.-r %i_ 11 ... n i ., \ , uuml atu,,t,,,n by the luge audience of yinpatliizing friends and skO|uanitai)CM. Call mid bccure a pair I Lanranci 's S; .-t.n-lrs to bt- had Don't /oryet tliat Bicharilson sells No. 1 Godcrich Milt for 75 c. a bbl. Noble Lawrvnre ia tlio next bi'.; |~>ta- > (talk, man Ui n<4ico. Six feet nine in hus was the l.-ii/tli of the potato stalk linwn ua l;uit S.itmil.iy, and which was ;;ruwn in N.ilile H ynrxU-n. A clioice b>t<>ck of New Ovrrcoats now in slo^k at Itioliardaatis. MaRR i !.:. 16. Ford i Stin- son's steam saw mill cauttht fire fruin the inachiiicry while the men were at dinner to il.iv and wan totally dontroyed, tov'< 'Ii er with a quantity . f luiub.r. Luss|4,000 to ffi.OllO ; |rtly iiwurvd. A larji' ami wi'll icl<cto<l stock of I'uadjr Mitdu Clothing in si/<s anil p in s to suit everybody, just op imi ut them the K nuid rooeption the fine Mr " C'liinik! di/nity. aii-. |" kr and he is always ;. nt.-d and I of I!, hn L. r r:i. f .I -j- ? in-it, di.niitli-*l I- Oiily select huu{uac, and fsnltlvu i i tion, ivmiiidfl us uiore and n, Carman. The ti'in- f,-r the fvrmii/a dimun; i, was Th- H '"',<, 111 "It- (Vrtainlf. and L Its Finality. " The tint was diacitis- ed l.y H.-V .1 V ininressive laneua-,-. an.'. as li- A Wnc I'mrcAtrriox. Dnriug the Sam inrr snJ Fall people an liable to sudden at- tacks of bowel complaints and with un proupt rin. Jv ur iu.|; ij at li-is. I. !;(.- may b in Jailer. whoe Mp.-rini<- Farms Per Sale and To Rent. : wncfalr. (or *! tornt lor Stray Colt, Si vi i) i :i< band for pn>:i>|it rel : u(. ami a r ml inutciiul to Clocks and Jewelry I'hrsiriuu u t--ii.-d t i with ni;irl. :. A nnm- It-r -.f i sl.< r^. :. . sd- drea. "Its 1 . dss- cuav Ibj 1 ! Kcm- Ue. Th-- : , I : l i . ' In Artenn'sia, on the ITt'.i im>t , tl f Mr. Walter Wo,di of a nn. thcaabMrl- . T a- s a. '..-. PO. Mortgage Sale OP - VILLAGE PROPERTY. \\.c Job For neat, chi-ap ixml rafiidly excouU-d Job Printing, try tho Fi.B.-nr.uTs AD- \ AM, B iillii-e Si'n-iitl to no in- in tin- County, (ii't yi.ur Fall show pi inline done here. Os TIII HIB. "I/cari a hvr tlinr time to fall," save III., |,..i t. (nil il>l ttritMl'- rrr leaTes art- .,u tlir riv j'.i-l n... U-mj; un in ancli niormoUH qu*ntiti^> in in > in l>r K.>ul>-r' Kxtnel of Wil.l Mnml.rr;. Ilir run- .l\ f.-r i li.-liia M rl u-. Diarihii-a aiwl olhei NI.IIHHU i IM|.|IH| A Bail Loss. On Wednesday night -.' laat work, tin- I I: .'i-iitl. man's repli. -s t the ques- tions f.iirly lir:t!.-d with hnllian* and sp- propnate i IHIMIH. .' ter and n.iind .ift.-r r..iin.l ..f a|>|i!aua> fr .in t -ual us. M ' '.tly .in ! man - x-rt.tinly hi- :< ..ii.- . f. if i - t the \--T\ > 1 III :i C>ili\. i ..All. .|| nii I;. . Mr. ii.nlfrcy. wi li-ani--* 1 tint ver ttiuty \. iri ,1 .11 a ' 7: ::.-: :f ? . - lm- .1 -X t '- ."I H. 1 ' . - -.. 1 t There is no gotting out of it : Flr-hrrUin, in tlm man to re- your Watch or Clock. He gives salibfuction every time or no pay. Fall Exlillilllon. North Orey- Owen S. un, October let and -ud. house and Wn -and most of the c..ui.-i,i. >"""" "' l1 '" rtl< " " f ''" t>u "'i" ' of both building. ,f Mr .|..|,i, II Pt4 ' town hn-. K'.,;.!.nc,,a & C, ll,i-:, ..1... rv , I 1 " 1 " 1 ' 1 destnyed l.y fire. It M,.,,,, Mr. F r.l lll!lt ' wiwiUn-s m.- u.iik in thu barn aft, r dark, and of course use.) s lighted lant.-n. l : "" " Having ,*casi..ii t,, .- int., th.- l.oa*-. h, ' w " w " r " "" llll '" Mtl : ' 1,'ftthe lanti'n, ., t!,e Urn tl-T In , we ""' ' i tin- m.-anwhil,-. hom-.-v.-r, it is sti{.| .*..! ' " ! '' lt * 1 ' . ,, ' that one of the -..lN i t.t.-ro-I t!: a1 "' ' '" ' " " : "> " b " l 1 *^ ' fn>kiine then- ki.k, -i to the fair, call and .11 ul uut i|uutations. see Russull's st<H-k It will pay you. See J. W. BATES, Furniture. Denier and Undertaker, new advt's in this iasjie of the AHVAM K. Fret rxhibit of tho world's pro- tlucts nt Richardson's store on Fair day. l-'.vi r\ liody slinulil visit it. Tko Ladies' Aid of tin. Presbyterian church will furnish refreshments) for the [,ul,]u- at the East (irey exhibition to be | held lirri- on Ttii'Hday snd \N i-ilm-aday of i next work, in (hu Town Hull. On the I evening of the second day of ihow, a - i^rxnil concert will IM- held under their | auspices in the Town Hall, t<> which the I , ill, hi- art) cordially invited. --For a pood Winchcttrr Rrpwtinq ! Kifle go to Richardson's New How. ware store. Kast Oriy Fleshertul, rSpt. 20 and 30. ( thu II, Hand ChaUwortli, Oetolwr 8th. iJirio ].: MAIU, ;.,:,, <M. 1st and 2nd. Uolhind centre -\\illiinisfoni Station Oi'tidn-r ,".lh. Arteiiiesia I'rici'Mlle. iVt.-l>. r lith Kuphrasia --Ro.-klyn. OcU-U-r tHh. Proton -Dundalk, ('cMx-r 7th and 8th. (Mprey- Maxwell, October Hlh. Bentinck Hanover, Sept. 24 and 2f>. E(frcinont Holstein, October Uth. Northern \\Hlkerto n, (Kt. tith to '.Hh. the l;ini[>. which exploded and and iinplriu so i; w:w the i-ur eiijoyuu-nt "f a : -. \\'. vl itl at su larly i!al. , T!ir\ .ir-- .- l--t uf .1 ' that tin- tlaiues .IIHUI c tin- hoiMf, nlncll wiu> ;il i ln.irti.1 f, l|.ja ,-ind -> II di-*r.. litinn-d tn tin- II, -h., buys fruin his brother who is in Ilia the Fi,, ONT. hnl. -Mill- bnsincEi, therefore lio can soil frmu l.'i to 25 iwr cent, cheaper tlian tiny other dculrr. HIE MiBKETa FLESIIERTON. Flotir f8 75 to 4 00 ''all Wheat JO 85 to HK Snrino; Wilful 86 HH rl<-y U 50 CO Jals II 8O oas II 5H i!(t Julter o \2 Vi f?H, fl-CHll I) 1 1 Oil '"Uitoos '25 () :) 'ork ;, ;:(i r> T.'- lay.per ton 7 (Ml 7 00 I' s ft 00 r, 00 Vool Hi (> Sliiii.Kl.ius fl 45 (10 Obituary. It is wifli a sincere sad ness we chronicle, the dunth of Mr. Dennis Mahoiit-y whirh took j l.n-r on Tuesday last at Font Hill Ht.itii HI, n place near the O. I*. R. where tho Northern from Gravenhurst taps it Mr. Mahoncy has t,-->-ii in thu employ of the N. &, N. W for over fourteen years, and was at the time of his death, bridge inspector at a salsry of f.H) per month, ItiiviiikC risen to that position from a dny Utiorcr. The disease was typhus fever, | nnd cami'il him off in just three weeks. Mi- li-avf. a wife and five children to 11101:1 u hU loss. Hu waa highly - M. , un -I |,\- i'\cry one. He was tlie olilcit son ul Mi l':ilu, k M.ihi-iu-y of tlus township was .'!'.> yirirs of pe. at his dt-nth. The relstives of tl"' ' asi-d have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. 7Vi..n.(.ii->/ .s'fcni./.ir./. Purely Dr. and Mrs. Ilixon, of Pric*ville, at- triiili-il the services in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Miss McCormick hu returned from an extended trip in the ciuit,visiting friends. Mr*. Hunt returned home from her vis- it .outh sovi-ral days sgi>. Mr. R. M,<;i'l. the popular Flehrtou station iu;eiit, C. IV R., returned from a holiday trip n week or two agi rvfruahcd. Mr. Stephen Spirit ri-tnmed to Flesh ground, i, nly n |xirtiti i>f the conl being saTod. No insurance. Mr. K-.rd has the- sympathy , ( his iii-i.,|ilMira and f ri- iid in Ian ti-rnl-le loss. In one short !i'>ur the hnnl w,,rk ,,f i wan reduced to .ilu-a. I', . '|-lr i AM too careful in hainlhni; lamps. in n n. r in nhirli th, v were trvat ! n warm.'-.' t u T.r.aritv with bicli >> K. wd. iinnirii-i' stock of s. Fit slim-ton. at Ihnr i rl\ I . VUinrl I'v tin- (. ruedn i*-liuc by SIIT nt* caadiil >! UT -r. A SV.i -u KMI.. TliiT.- is no q i- luit tlmt |)yn|H'|>Kii> i- the national ili.~<-' of our cniiiili v 'in ! lni- r--ni|-lirnti'.| vitli dlscsiM-H of tin MTU ami Kiiln.'\ is tlit< cans* of nntolil inini ry Hm i,-. l.i,.... I lilltrrs will aim, -.I cure ti.. Worst C.V.- known. I'ummtloii. A s.,m -f r.'in| .-I i - * . ', IM 'Jiul i; TobniM-41 tVorkrr* Frrc from 4 hil-ra. fVi.m thr .U"d--'i/ H"i,rl./. - -. ' N ' /' 1. MI; -i :* tl. \ 1 \ > rtklicsl cliaii^i. ( -r li . , a>uj I beaut > . hi "III Vah-iii-m. Spam, whu-h is now W- ''''->. 1: " ! ! ri.l > tin- . ig decimated by . V !, iv tlu-n- is a T EXHIBITION slM t. \^\'. _ . ., - ,'f M.\> \V\ 1,11 1 ISKMliN I ^ women, m-t i-nr ,,f^\ Ii, in has licen atfect od by the disease. We Wlieve fact wsa also noticvd in Amsterdam, Holland, J^XJC .1*101X1 durini; Hi.- .hol.T. .-rHlwiif. Tl... , , , , .. , ,j ployed in the lisildllii^ of ti', as! Ju; Vllt I from the rholi-ra. erlx>n frt.m Owen Sound last wo*k. We j e>(aniiakers, nj,,ji'.l a angular miu.uii. regret to learn tliat he is on the sick list. Rev. W. A. V. B. I'altyson.ofrollmir wood, known to many of our readers, - was) iiiarrnt.1 tn Miss Frankiu, eldst daiiifliter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry nf M.irkhivm, on the 8th inst arriving at HUM HV. FlrHliei'tnii, i-\i'i-y day. Call and se- cure tonic uf tilt* haivaiuB ho is ofTt-r- ing. ALWAYS HK.griIIKD-A BIH| ollirtio luriliriur. Niitinnal l'ill < trill n, t disi.|,pi'iiit JTUU. Do not pnirii.i-i your -Sil\iTii' till YOU Kl'i ItllMM-ll's KtlK'k Wilil'll \\lll be on haiul in a fuw wookM now. Tli- ri will IN. ,.fl-'i.-i ffM- il-'* I'M MI-III.I luk>d ul) al >!.itiri> . :... Village of Fovershaiu, . TIK-M|JI. ^7111 Ortohcr. ., - Tio.kt ii i.ot and linn- oi.Qiiot IM?, any siiii.knit; ti i 'i| IM to (! Navy" liran.l A rnp| i of 1 i., 1 irr H]> pearaiu-* aud hij|li- 1 |>i: - i ' I t. 1'iit sll iH|'|><r > tobacco, an.l but s sui|,l(> Ii f in i*|-|"-l to ,||. I .1 |>1 :. I in' s.t , k II- , i t i>l thu Myi:i' N'i\\ |,lii({ n tin- \ I ' whih Dunry osn porebsst '||IK |mnin ii tin- \ iit'iiii I i-iii i-r,-,liii- in t'u.iii! I Sllil 111. i til. t .-ll III I I,.' i I i.l rill |M -11,, ,0- Iilll' I i I \ II tli. i i , r t ( 'I I-. ,V ,'.,,' .1 .j - . . .. *f M.r - I k t r* .'r i .' I o OMK .BBUI-hrA %. I.F in tl.c , V % * T t In- l ..... a i nil. ".- . I- UN tl V\ I'.