TELE8RAPHIC NUMMARY All Latent News, irom Over the World. The Direct Compact ' cable is broken 160 mile* eaatof Ganao, N B. Thirty. three deaths were recorded in the oily at Kiugitoo lor the moolbot August. A true bill h been loaod lo Montreal against E. K. Sheppard, ol Iba Toronto New, lor libel. Tbe Bishop ol Oatario w** obliged to return to Oitw, being unable to attend any of the oommitteu, owing to bin con- tinned I;. U B. A ipleudid tunny fiib or horse mackerel, 'J teet long, and weighing 300 Iba.. he* jut been Ukc.ii id tbe tiabery oi til. Germain de Rimoaeki. At meeting of tbe Halting* Reform Club delegate* were appointed to tbe Toronto Convention. There will be a large representation. A new Bee hoaee (or tbe biebcp of Ontario will be presented to tbe Kiugitlon diooeie ou tbe USlh am.ivrary of Bubop Lewis consecration. Tue Circassian, from Liverpool, with the weekly mails mod BO oabio, 40 tuter mediate aod 191 steerage pmsengors, arrived at Kimoueki on suurd.y atiernoon at 'A 30. Tbe mail* were torwatded at 4 50 p.m. Tbe remaina of Private Hughee, ol tbe Royal Grenadiers, who died i Battlelord on tbe lit of Augoit, were interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon with tuiiiinry honors. An illicit wbUkey distiller named Joseph Bedard hu beeu arrested ty tbe Inland Revenue offioen in Montreal lor con- ducting the manufacture of spirits with- out a lioeuke. Tbe i r isouer w arrested In tbe act. On Saturday afternoon Margaret Bryson, late oook in Kock wood Asylum, appeared before tbe Police Mautrate. Bbe was charged with infanticide. After tbe evidence of Drs. Clarke and Oliver was taken, abe wan committed to atand ber trial at tbe coming AinizeB. Number* of French Canadian workmen and women of Montreal refuie to be vacci- nated, declaring it to be an English fancy wbiob they will not aobmit to. Mer- obauu wbo employ tbem are afraid they will loee their foreign custom U tbey keep tbem. Tfae Marine and Finberiei Department hae j ui received the gold medal awarded to it by tbe International Fisheries ExniDition for tbe epcoimen of a white whale prepared by Mr. Gregory, of tbe (^jebeo igeiioy, and exhibited by it among tne Canadian collec- tion in London laat year. Tbe argument in tbe Riel appeal oaae wax concluded at Winning on tUlurday. Mo new issues were raited. The oa*e haugeou tbe ej leetion of tbe jurisdiction of the court and the insanity plea. Cbiaf Joelioe Wallbridge aid tbe c urt would deliver judgment on Weduenday. Tbe (odiaa triale Kill be returned at Uegina DO Monday. A paid uii milor named Euitua wae eriou-ly i( not fatally Mtabbed at Qaebeo by a mau named Michael Malucey, belong ing to Gbaiu plain tlreel, ou Saturday night. Tbe victim wa conveyed to the Marine Iloepital, where he lien in a i re- oarioui condition. He received eeveral itaDe, one penetrating hu liver, while another one wae aoroat ibe abdomen. Mr. Bally, Ibe overseer of tbe inland eat at Montreal, )enterday morning, while engaged about the gratiuge at tbe bead of tbe aqueduct, noticed a bag waebed by tbe rapid* on tbe chore near tbe out. Mr. Bally proceeded toward* tbe bag, and opening it found tbe body ol a dead infant newed up in it. Mr. Bally immediately telephoned to the Waterworks Department, wbo notified tbe Deputy Culef of Police and tl'e coroner. A girl of tender year* wae lately rescued from a house of iil-fume in Montreal by two detectives, where ii wae alleged ebe wae placed by ber own lather, who wae a con- itaul frtquenter of tbe vile deo, and joined in the orgiee carried ou there. It u stated by tbe police tlat tbe house wae vinited regularly by partiee holding place* of renpoQsibilily in Montreal, wbo will be involved lu the scandal when i, ie brought op in oourt. The father ie to be arrested. Ha ii represented an quite able to support hie daughter, u be u a mau ol meauc. Tbe girl bai been provided for by the Recorder until tbe trial taku place. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge will loon reeugu, it it eaid. Earl Carnarvon will start for Belfast to- day on a tour ol tbe north ol Ireland. Tbe reported betrothal ot the Prince) of Walee' eldeet daughter IB officially denied. Tbe French Miuuter of Public Instruc- tion baa forbidden tbe clergy to interfere in tb ojming elections. The German Government bae chosen Flashing as a port ol call for tbe new Ger- man Unee of eteamers. Emperor William bae returned to Berlin from Pritiwalk, where be bae been witneaa- ing tbe army manoeuvre*. Tbe Huiphure Kyyptirn ha* been sap* pressed by she French Government for rbluhiug artiolee inimical to France. Ibe London Bank of Kngland on Bator- day sent to the Bank ot Ireland, Dublin, 13,600,000. Tbe treasure arrived safely. Tbe mother ol tbe Polish poet Balnki b as been foully murdered. Tbe motive wan robbery. No ar route have been made. Bit H. Drommond Wolfl hae aeked tbe Bultan to use bin inflacLce to establish a firm government in Egypt, and thus enable England to withdraw ber troops from that country. From Berlin it is rumored that Prince Bismarck intends to propose to tbe Reichstag a further increase of duties on cereals egaiael all countries but Austria and Hungary. Gen. de Courcy , the French commander in Annam, telegraphs from Hue that aeri- ous disorders bave occurred in Quin-Hou. Numerous Christians have been macsecred and a number ot villages burned. Mr. Tennant, lately member of Parlia- ment for Leeds, will oommenoe next November the publication in Rome of a mi-weekly journal in tbe interest of tbt American and English colonial there. Mr. Timothy M. Healy, member ol Par- liament, made a spetob at Londonderry yesterday, in tbe course of which b* said that Ireland bad gaiued couoenmou after ooneeeeiun wbiob it bad been deemed im- possible tor her to obtsuo, and would ulti- mately secure all that the desired. Germany it Atticg tip four expeditions for Arctic explorations, and recently sent a note to the British Admiralty, asking for auy advice upon tbe subject which it was willing to give. The Admiralty replied folly in a candid and generous spirit, and this communication hat beeu received aod ae koowledged by Germany with tbe greatest courtesy. Thirty soldiers belonging to a Highland regiment yeattrday made an asaanlt upon s dosen artillerymen at a village near Plymouth. Tbe Scotchmen were touted. ' and tbe artillerymen carried tbe village by term, when tbe people fled to ibe field*. An armed picket guard subsequently oap- tured fifteen ol the riotere. The) Radicals will make a determined fight against tbe Duke ol Edinburgh's 0001- ing appointment to tbe command of tbe whole navy, wbiob ii understood to be tbe preeureor of tbe Duke of Cambridge's resignation ol tbe command of tbe army in the Queen ie likely to bear Parliament talk of ber whole reign. Proccia bas sanctioned tbe plan tor tbe projected ship canal, wbiob it u proposed to oat from Kiel, on tbe Baltic, to a [oint on the lower Elbe, near Cnxhaven, In the Ger- man Ocean. Tbe entire cost of tbe work ie placed at IM.OOO.OOO marks, of which Prussia stands ready to contribute 50.000,- 000 marks. Tbe Bill for the construction of tote canal will be submitted to the Bon- dearatb alter tbe vacation. Lord Randolph Churohill'c health is sot ferine from tbe tremendous strain of the laet few months. His pbysieiann fear that if be continue speech- making there will be a complete oollapae ol tbe nervone system. They ineist npon a month's vacation and absolute rest, bat at the present time, when so much dtpend* on the efforts ot the party leaden, Hie Lordahip finds it bard to retire from tbe flgbt and doff bn armor for tbe hepberd's pipe. Letters from Egypt allege tbat tbe Oom mission wbiob made the indemnity awards, which were paid out of Ibe Egyptian loan, was a faroe and a fraud ot tbe worst kind. In many caees, after giving certificates for claims, tbe Oommlceiun was forced by evi denoe of fraud to oauoel the awards, but in many otbere, where tbe frand wae equally great, payments were made corruptly. It i* poeitively stated that tbe majority of the claims paid bave gone into the pookete of an organized gang of flnanoiere. Mr. Samuel Plimsoll, tbe Radical mil- lionaire and philanthropist, wbo formerly represented Derby io tbe House ot Com- mons, and who ie best known ae tbe sail- or's friend and tbe deviser of the Plimsoll line to prevent overloading of veaaele, pro- pose* to contest Sheffield for a east in tbe next Parliament. He arrived at Bbtmeld oa Saturday night and received a tremen- dous ovation. Ibis demonstration is tbe Radicals' reply to Lord Randolph Churchill'* recent cpeeebee at the Cutlers' bacqaet and elsewhere in Sheffield. A crowd of oOO person* joined tbe depu- tation appointed to convey to tbe burgo- master ibe resolutions adopted at tbe meeting ol Socialists held m Amsterdam on Friday night. Tbe Burgomaster refused to receive them ae a deputation. He inti- mated, however, tbat be wae willing to inquire into any well founded grievances against tbe police, whom be eoneidtred to be juetifled in tbe action tbey bad taken at tbe time of the recent demonstration. Tbe crowd dispersed quietly. The Socialist* bave called a meeting to be beld to-night to prepare a statement of their grievance*. Arch bi- bop Walsh, replying to an addreet of tbe Dublin municipal authorities, caid be bad a deep aod settled conviction that the only remedy for tbe grievances which Ireland had long labored under was a restoration of tbe rights ot which she had been deprived of a oeotory ago by means as shameful as any that national infamy could diBoloee. He rejoiced witb them tbat the nag which fell from the bands of tbe dying O Connell had again been boldly uplifted, and be prayed tbat it would never be reforled nutil the Irish Parliament was restored. Messre. Davitt, Harrington and Redmond were among those wbo welcomed Arcbbiubop Waleb. For a fortnight tbe papers have been printing c iuj,riulatory things on the set- tlement nt tbe Xalittkar Pas* difficulty, and EugUuJ Dae been ostensibly felici- tating ber.olf on tbe implied assurance ol peace, but tbare bat ben an underlying cneaainees all tbe time, wLttl., t'.e fact tbat tbe Woolwich arsenal baa been w rkug day and nifcht bae not tended to dimiuisb. Tbs publication yeelerday of a detailed story in tbe CHnmiclt of Russian aggres- sion and an Afghan rout on Afghan territory have revived all the old tsars. Tbe sou roe is not cpe- cialy reliable, but the story is too circum- stantial to be merely a besaar rumor. Tbe action ot tbe Governor of Herat in re- leasing Buaeian priiooere fit* in snepi- oiouily well with bis anti-Kaglisb intrigues, and tbe news bae created a blaze of excite- ment in India. lie effect on Herat and on tbe Ameer can only be guessed at at yet, but there is no doubt that tbe Ministry, if tbe story should be proved true, would take a very stiff attitude and exact both reparation and a guarantee for the future, Charles Williams, a disreputable negro, ot Cbattanooga, Tenu , shot and instantly killed a street oar driver named Polk Mitchell yeaterday afternoon. Tbe thirteenth annual convention of the German Catholic Central Society of the United Slates began in New York yester day. Nearly 1,000 delegates are already there. Tbe steamer Wallola cleared from Uulnth, Minn., on Saturday (or Buffalo with 80,000 barrels ot flour from Minneapo- lis, tbe largest cargo yet floated on any of the great lakes. The cargo will fill 160 t eight cars. i Hi- :i m * -. 01 i *>f asTmlr* las Barctlasia I ..r Wmtml A Hrpuii bi< el the i-n- ai-ii i. n. J A tfu.nll.I ol U. Irl.U. lilld OII..1 Matin IBrwsjhl I*>i. Mr. C. N. Bell, Chairman ot tbe Bpeeial Committee ol tbe Historical Bcoiety of Winnipeg, made a prelioainary investiga- tion into the pre historic mounds upon tbe Lower Furl, Winnipeg, on Saturday. A large quantity ut eactu wee removed from ilietop ot the mound, and aoottiug made acrocc its width to a depth of a foot and a naif to tbe level where remains begau lo appear. Tbe culling wae then left so thai Ibe further excavation might be gone on with when the postponed excursion taken place. Some eighteen years ago a shaft was sank to a depth of seven feet to tbe eontb of the oeulre ol the mound and a number ol stone, thell and eerlbenware articles brought to light, together with a quantity of human remains. Mr. Bell bad the workmen dig a quarter circle trench around this old shaft and extend- ing down to tbe clay bed on which tbe mound reate. On breaking tbe surface human skeletone, generally very much decayed, were uncovered al every few feet, and lolly twenty were uncovered in tbe trench dug. The bodies bad beeu buried in all sorts of positions, eime horizontally face upward, some in a ait- ting position with tbe knees drawn up, aod in one place some eight pilea ot the main bones, each with a ekoll on top, were found, having the appearance ot having been brought there for burial alter the flesh was gone and the bones laid flat in beapa and tne kknlls placed ou tbe little pilee. One large ekeleton in a very fair state of preservation was found in a sit. ling position with the lower part ot tbe body sunk into tbe clay, and scoot it two stone tubes, one large perforated sea shell breast ornament, finely ronuded and polinhed, and a vi-ry tiny red earthenware cup or pot were exhumed. Tbe toil cur rounding each body was very care- fully examined aod sifted lor the porpoee of finding any artiolee which might be buried with tbe remain*, bat except in two or three oacee LOU* were found. Amongst the relic* recovered were river olsm shells, thin per (orated stone tubas supposed to bave been need by medicine men for tbe purpose of " sucking " evil spirits out of nick men, buBtlo and deer born*, baked clay lamps and a very peculiar red earthsowe>re, conical shaped lobe three inob*e in length and five inches in circumference at the largest end. Tbe perforation which hu been made through U length-ways is also larger at one end than tbe oilier. Tbs inside of the earthenware article is much decs) ed but tbe outside is firm and emoolb and appears to have been glsei. Tb* little cup frll iato email traxmeuu when taken from the earth. Tbe skull of ibis large skeleton was 'stained red aod yellow likely from the earthy painle which decorated hie bead when be wae buried, tbe color also being left on tbe earth which came in contaci witb the skull. All through the moand charred remains ol boose and wood were found, together witb email lumpa of baked red clay like fretmeuts of bright red buillicg brick. The cutting exposed a platform of email boulders, which likely extend* in a circle ot sixteen feet diameter nuder the centre ot tbe moand. From Ibe prevalence ol fragment* of bonee and char- coal in oloae proximity throughout ibe entire soil it would appear tbat fires bad been made, remains burned, and earth thrown over tbe whole wbile still burning. Large pieces of oak wood in eome eases bad been laid over tbe bodice, tbeas were found to be in such c etale of dry rol that though often ehowiog the linee of fibre aod growth they crumbled to piecee in tbe band, leaving a substance like saobete powder of a brilliant vermillion color. Tbe Dnited States Consul at Barcelona ha* forwarded a report to hi* Government which cave : " Bloc* August 1st cholera ha* slowly spread to all the oily districts, co tbat tbe Governor eould no longer deny its existence, and so officially declared on Auguet Kill. The community In general lakes tbe situation with reaerve and sur- prising otlmnees. Tbe Oily (' muoil bas voted 500,000 peretas, tbs County Com- missioners an equal amount, and by private subeeriptioo 100,000 has beeu raised lor tbe immediete wantc. Tbe poorer working class ec will bave their house rent paid during the time of tbe epidemic. Public kitchens are to be opened at once in each district, and two special hospitals are ready and complete lor tbe reception of cholera patients. At in all former epidemioa, tbe month of September hsu been the on* marking the largest number ol victims. The medical tneu pre- dial tbe same this year. Five oases of cholera were reported at Novarre yecterday. Tbey were among the troops rngaged in tbe maooenvree at that plaoe. Ten more sunpiolous oesee ot sick- net* occurred at Parma, Novarre, and Genoa. Later Information with regard to nick ness on board th* steamer Crindan is to tbe eOeot tbat the deceased only joined tbe crew after tbe arrival of tbe vessel al Ibie port. It ie now believed tbe dieease was not Aeiatio otaolera. Tbe doctors, after making an (lamina- tion into the death ol Ibe man on tbe stsamer Crindad, have decided be died of Asiatic cholera. Deceased drank water from a cask wbiob bad been filled at Barcelona and bie death occurred quickly alter. Tar Ulrl Wb Kiev**. Nothing good is ever beard of tbe girl tbat tlope*. Mow and then she figure* in tbe divorce court*, either as plaintiff or defendant, but ordinarily tbe world move* on and leave* her to her fat*. Occasionally the police record* give a frag- ment ol her life when Ibe hey-day of her youth and life bas fled, and tbe man with whom nbe eloped ban taken to beating ber in order to get op an appetite lor breakfast. Here and there the workhouse or chari- table home openc il* door* to receive ber, when she wearie* of the lit* *b* gladly assume*', ai. 1 ia too proud to beg for for givitnea* at bomr "omellmes tbe morgue officials find her . grave among tbs evioidee ot tbe town, bat ber experience bae no effect. Bbe live* and die* and another take* her place. PMfatsV/pMa rim.,. One ot the evidences ol lunacy offered in New Orleant contacted will caee wae that the man, while nhanging bis high mlU bate iwlo* a , oar, Invariably bad tbsm made in l-.lmlf I. . I- m. n . II. II. . One of tbe moat interesting oaaes in tb* great flaberiM exbibn in tbe National Museum at Washington is that tilled witb artificial bail* and lurec u*ed by primitive races, as wall aa ol modern manufacture Her* ar* score* of drails lor bass and blue fish ; crawfish, belgramilee, troga, inaeots, and minnow* mad* ol soft rubber, hard rubber, or metal, each cleverly concealing a book ; spoon bait* of divers* materials artificial fit** by tbe hundred, and the neatest ol books to keep tbem in, and queer little lures contrived by savage ti. lermen, wbo had never beard of our elaborate flies and artificial bail. A jnple of these ie tbe mjakkaljvjak of ll. ludaon'e Bay Eskimo, which is an Ivor t. j about four tnobee long. A line is passed through tbe middle ot the bsck, and fastened to tbe bellv ; here i* a email ivory hooK tbat reaches {rom an ioob to two ioebea io tbe flab. Tbe principal as* of tb* ajuk kaljujak is nol, however, to book fish, bul to lure them witbia reach of tbe ipear Tbe Eskimo take* hi* little ivory model aod bob* it op and down In th* water, g*o rally in a crack or through a bole In the ice mad* for tbe purpose, aod watches in quiet until b* *spi*e a fish coming toward bu lure. H* then begin* to haul gently OB bu line, if tb* fish follow*, until it hat approached within reach ol bie ipear Hometimee a greedy nth will make a nub aod (wallow the bait, but tbia i* oot tb* intention of lie maker. Tb* ingenious nalivee of tbe Alaskan and Ktmtoohatkan coasts bave invented a great variety ol these artificial lares, as well a* a revolving ipooo of ivory or bone, (pinning around ibe shall ol a bine book, precisely upon tb* principle of our *ilv*red trolling spoon*. Marti!**) a cxevalwilMs. I met a gentleman from Guatemala th* other day. " Ton must have a lively time down there with all the** revolution*," I laid. "Ob, Guatemala i* quiet, comparatively II yon want revolution* MonlevsVleo is tbe plaoe. They used to have a revolution there ivery other day. I remember an English couple, friend* of mine, were on day in a photographer's establishment The camera wa* set and fixed, tbe operate wa* taking a last look under tb* blaol cloth, whan there wa* a caddcu noi*e like th* discharge of musketry. He threw awa; th* cloth aud at oooe proceeded to cloe th* butter* and barricade tb* plan*. M; friend* raebed out, and as they mad* lor Ibeir hovel everybody along the street wa* barring up hi* boos* and faiteulug tbe butter*. Tb* hotel wae all closed n| when they reached it. They went to the! rooms and patiently awaited tbe eipeowi carnage. An hour pained, but QQ not< wm beard. Finally the hatband stole on an! f'lvnd everybody lo a boge etate o hilarity. Il seems tbst somebody had unloaded a cart of oobbiestooee lo Ibe plsxa, end everybody had taken II for tbe customary opening ol a revelation." San Franeiito Ckroniele Qotiip. COLUMN. A Forecast of the Fashions Wmt'. for BELLES OF BUMATBA DtiSCBlBED. en Picture of Lady Bratcey, the Ftmoui Yachtswoman Tbe faU sieev* U rather larger than 'onuerly, end closely tucked hori^utally, a* are nhoulder cape*. Ladie* of delicate Uyii'jOf may take hnart again, th* Jersey delve 1 1 doomed. Queen Victoria baa presented an auto- graph copy ot ber lato book, " More Leaves rom tbe Journal ol Oar Lite in tbe High- ands," handsomely bound, to the R*v. J. JUOM, vicar ot LUodiailio-Oogo," wher- ever thai may be. Tbia IB Ibe R*v. Mr. IUECS who some year* ago had the honor to translate into Walsh the former journal ol Her Majesty. Th* Princes* Louise doe* not monopolize tbe skilled crayon, a* in* Crown Prinaess }iphaiiie has drawn delightfully some sketches of tbe palace and grounde ot Lai euborg for tbe Grown Prince's great Illus- trated work, " Osstexrieh in Wort and Bud." In return lor this delicate contri- bution tbe Princess hews been given a cav- ings-bank book wilb a deposit eotered to tbe credit ol ber little daughter Prino*** Elisabeth. The rich women ot th* watid witb prac- tical ideas u to benevolence will be pleaued to learn that tbe Baronces Burdett-Coutls lately opened witb a tea aud crumpet* tb* thirty -aeventb " Cabman's Bbelter " erected In Locdou, in which noble action tbe Baroneks wan seconded by Mua Carl- ton and others wbo contributed. The last " Bbelter " is in Piccadilly, opposite th* town bouse of tbe baronea*. who, after tbe house-warming, partook ot the simple refreshments. Tba diaphanous lady bas raged thi* year al all watering places, especially M Long Branch. There ha* been a greater show ot plump arms tbroogb opec-worked sleeve* al summer r*aort* this *ea*on than for a long urns. Tbe end drawetb nigh. The ton become* too watery and adulterated al the seaside when tbe dogs shiver ou the plena and the plump pink iihouldere of the lace devotees are shrouded iu Nubia* aod th* handsome knitted triijes 'blob were menu; for any other us* than B> WABfHW* . . > . , - BJV1UY? B* 1 VBBM . Ill WeSJBfeBB^B J UeWU B)Bjajl4J UitVUd 1X1 la, or ot tbe Dak* oi Conn aught. In thus , hn { Mh io liable bap* of precisely ton year* 8 arry icg cat tbe PriBM OonMrfi policy 1 u , or ,, Lot us royeter witb Ibe oyiiter in the shorter days and moitter that are brought by brown September with Its roguish noa! K , for breakfast or lor supper, on Ih* under nhell or nppor, of diabe* bc'a Ibe daiey, and ot shell-aah he'* tb) star. We try him ae they fry him, and even a* they pie him ; we re partial M him locotaae in a roast; we boil him and w* broil him, we vinegar-and-oil him, aod oh, b* i* delicious slewed with toaat. We eat bim with Ionia- toes and the naiad with potatoes, nor look bim o'er with horror when he follow* th* cold (law ; and neither doae be (ret n* il h* marcbee after lettuce and abreeet of oayenn* pepper when bi* mtjeaty i* raw. So welcome with September, to th* koif* and glowing ember, juicy darling of cor Jain ties, diepoaeessor of the clam I To the oyster, then, a holster , with him, in royal royitar, w* shall whoop It through the land ot aeaUier jam. Old bachelor* wbo make tb* round of tb* varioo* r**ort* and an ae wary and bard Atcb a* Lamprey eels, Jiav* jotted down their fmpMnMBl of the different place* thua: Burlington Beach, liveliest. freest and joilie*! girls, bat a comparative near 01 ly of tbem ; Long Branch, to* moil whit* lace dree***, dog* and fortune- untcr* ; Cape May, gray satin mull fichus and maoimaa ; Atbury Park, tbe most U philosophy ; Newport, big din- litre aod drag* ; Nantasket Beach, col tore and check* Ilk* peaobe* and cream ; Mar- ,ba'i Vineyard, aebool maraw add verbs ; Mount Desert, dyipcpua and dogma; White Mountains, basilica*, brain* and >re<e* ; and the Whit* Sulphur Bprings, Virginia, more paint, powder, pretty girU, wild icve-makiog, trailing gowns, black eyes and uatcb-mskars tuan anywhere ou tbe glob*. Ladi** wbo begged, coaxed, cajoled aod Irightenad Ibeir contorts into buying seal- akin cloaks sixty inches long last Mason navs beeo plunged into tbe ilougb of despond by u*ani ctmmrr rumors to tb* tfltct that long etylUb wrap* areuottobelb* atyl* this tall, and that tbe short, song, waist- oliupiugcap* tuiUi bave taken a crab- like hold on women aud refuse to lei go. It U too early to declare poeit.vefy that tbe douioo cloak must pasa, but a vague suspicion i* rife thai shurl drecey wrap* have konereeded long one* al last. Tb* oapee now universally worn reach only to tbe wau; behind. Many of them extremely long tab front*. Il ia believed t ial these are tb* germe from wbioli ar* to pring the fall cloak*. Ib* Norfolk jacket, BO exclusively tb* prerogative of male aod female swell* that ounniag littls blouse with tbs box plaits aod leatber belt when affected by girls i* jwtM now, having given way to the Ualteuberg coat. Tue Baltenberg ie a lung in-lront, double-breasted aan'-wealer kiud ol wcollao thing, left open below tbe waul line, witb ebon back, coding in oattj pjstilion tail, a I* Lonfrjnmeau. Nol tbat tus BatMnberg ia ball so really swell as tb* Norfolk jack*!, bat it i* so cftic aud takes its name from tbe gwd looking fellow wbo lately married 30,01)0 a year pounds at that and. b Queen dauaiuer. ll is not likely, though, that tbe Pnuoets will make he tat U hideous in a bulky pea- jacket because ll U osMlcd tb* Battaubarg. Tba nrel importation* of tall dras* golds do not argue well lor a continuance o( Ib* ultra *lyle coming in. Tbe woollen* already in ar* accentuated bronze, brown and blue tone* ol rammer, witb Turkish border* in cashmere r*de, *bawl ends and cart drapene* coming in with plain, rather shorter skirta, it ou* ia to balasv* tbe picture-plate*, wber* all tb* botlinei stand out in bold rtliet. There ha* been a *w- ptniion ol breath leal demi-trains should return. Tba Basbec, bordered, spotted or Iriuged, are to be tied io a large, loo** way over tb* left hip or pillion, hanging down over th* turmted or box-plaired jope. Tbese pultons give a ituQed, well stt-end look to all figure*, and recall tbe early Louis', with sixteen inch waists and a hoop below as round as a barrel. Tbe new fssbion U, in tact, a ridiculously well- defined bustle. Heavy Algerians, blanket stuff*, diagonal sergee ol rough t wul and f ncsy surface ar* among th* n*west thing* brought in lor (all out of doora wear. Paris fa*bioa* ar* on* ilk, London another. Pariei*nn** arc returning to bouffant effect*, overskirte very high aod booeby, no natter bow clumsy ibe aash or bow thick tbe material in the nnderskirt. English wamsu cling M long panels, strait, long skirts, coal tail* and turban*. Bul imooth, flue cloths and tricots ar* worn in Pari*, according to touruta and buyers, with hats mad* of Ibe earn*, wbile io fall Mall aod Bag*nt itreet only tbe sbaggy, rough Algcriauv are worn lor going about. Iu both oitiee pointed batqu** ar* favored wilb abort tails behind. Tb* old Pt plum has reappeared very loug aud pointed- Tailor nit* ar* still worn with long battteuisuted apions, puffed back draperies and box plaited, low flounce. liuB*i]ue*atr glovtja, contrary to expecta- tion, reach lo tb* elbow* again, aod are lavoreil outeid* tbe ileeve. Little bonnetx are trimmed ia tower eh*f>a, very high. Lady licei>> i* Ib* author of a work detailing tbe vo)ages ol Ibe buubeaui around tb* world, which be* somehow obtained a mo*t xtraordioary popuUrrlv, and has circulated to the number of 300 OUO copiea. Bb* will write tbe etory of Mr. Uladaton*'* reoeuttrip to Norway. A* seen tbe other day, Mrs Brae**y I* thus described : If any one bad been searching tbe nooks of Uow*s for a person likely to answer to a preconceived notion ol a eueoeeufnl author; n of Lady Braaaiy'i standing, he would, I venture to say, have completely tailed to identify Ibat lady. Of all the load, startling, eccentric, vubaic yes, vulgar costumes Ihe lair rex of faatioal instiucto are privileged to don, Lady Braasey'a attire was tb* acme Ib* extremity ol sneoeee. Imag'n* 'all and rather maeonlinc woman, wilb a complexion tanned and freckled to the color ol a copper *t*wpu. Clothe ber in trook ol bright ted. Hhook tbe artistic eye by loading the dreee with yellow trimmings, yellow glcvea and yellow roecc, and you at once discern tbat Lady Braaaay enjoy* primary la rude Mtbfooiaa. to tbat tl.s aoiuuwhM reemble* the Uaroneb* Bardeit Gootte, whose ooitumes cuggest s rsuubow on apree. Lady Brajcey'i cbiel garment, however, was ot blue cloth, oat like an admiral's coal, bat continued, ulster fashion, to the heels of ber shoes, and liberally embroidered witb gold braiding and provided witb bra** button*. Suoh a coat ha* never been ***n, ev*n in a burl*<jue. Lidy Braasey i* followed by two Meek Preach poodle*, trimujed after tbe taUx>o of tbe Parisians, and a oonpla of iauieU bring up the r*ar. Utrapge enough, tb* two little Mta> Brnsseys, V and 11 yearw old respectively, were dressed obaraeterutioally.but io good taste. Tbey wore abort frocks of white s*rgs, out a 1* pirate king, aud t*ke>* known bsre a* tou jack*!* i. t., coats without taila. Tbeae ooa>te, however, were proviasd with th* not ouctom*ry wids sailor collar, and tb* etraw bats bad tbs word " Honbeauj " oo tb* ribbons. Tbeae little girU, uotwitbilanding tb* unwonted freedom Of their life, are very ladylike. In several parts of Sumatra tbe marga U tb* slate oooaeton of tbe tribe, cad at it are gathered all the netablee ol tb* neighbor hood. There eeemc to b* no cielaatoo of the ladies on tbese occasions, however, and tbe appearance of a portion of tbe audience iilbuadMCubec: "The oenlracf aitrMtien is tb* lotg Un* of anailcabood. ghiteritK in liver suid gold of native workmansn.p. The hau of each girl, neatly arranewd and odoriferous from an abundance of eoeoanui oil, is tied 10 a knot behind and trajntoxed by a high baoked comb overlaid with gold platen , ber bead i* crowned with a coronet of gold, ol form and magninoenoe suited to her rank ; a shawl worn laata-wtee bangs from tbe shoulder to Ibe ground, while from above tbe middle bangs a riob petticoat of homespun silk, interwoven with gold thread and decorated nitb hundreds ot coin* ol tbe Patch mint, which jingle (lea*iugly aa she dacoes. Above this the body ie girt with a silk toart, half eocoaaliug tbe bosom. Th* arms, shoulders aud cheat are bare, except tor tbe numeron* collar* and necklet* and braoelete and other ornaments of gold and ilver which the wears, or rather with wbiob, aheia loaded. Ufun then collar* are oompoeed entirely ol the large dollar piece* ot Spain, Holland and Mexico, or of Eughen hall orowns. Ol tbe highest born maidens tbe arm* from tbe wrist to Ibs shoulders ar* almost covered witb tbe die- play ot the pure barbaric gold, tor they may wear a* many braoelete a* they chooea, while Ibeir enten lese fortunate in the matter ot blood aod rank must cao- form to tbe regulation number cor ree pood- ing to their degree*. Tbe kreaal ia overlaid wilb orcBOeut shaped gold plates mipended ia tier* , tt>*. waiit i* circled by a belt ot precioci metal - .-red by ae elaborate- 4>rved buckle of (ne siriCe material. Tbe ficgera are encircled with many ring*, and even tb* nails are lengthened by additions ol Mlver made into talon -like claw*, eo thai altogether tbe Lampoos> maiden present* a dauliog appearance. Tbe coal of such a costume represents co mean sum ; il IP nol uncommon tor a girl to bavs as much a* 1.100 sterling of ornaments about her per- son at a festival." PENC'ILLINUS IN I.OMOV A VlsUt to the M oet .Extraordinary Preiaorier of MoUerii Tnuae. IU CLUilMa IllUSrtl. Ttrr I Sn lllf Ihr Trark lf-Wt t.mtm Hmmtrm ml tttr Btssaien Tbr I r. L. I* Sir J.lo.4 la O. ....,!,., I ... J ,. ,, .1... Hisk iBc C. P. M. The contractors for building IbsNorlhero . Pacing Junction Railway are proceeding with the work at a rate which u really astonishing. Tbe work waa eommeno-d exactly a year ago, aod nearly tb* whole ot Ibe grading oo the 111 j milee of road bae been completed, a very Urge part of tbe heavy rock work hae been done, all th* onlveru and moat cf the bridges have been built, aud more than half of tbe track ha* beeu laid. Binee tbs publioatioa of ths last statement u tbs Tux*, twenty mile* have been ballaeted and passed by tb* Government engineer as being in all respects ready for traffic and built in accordance wilb tbe requirements ol tbe Department. All tbe bridges, viaducts, and culvert* on tbe line, sooth of HooUa, liJ milee north of GraveLbural, bav* been buill, and tbe track ban been laid a short distance pact tbat plaoe. Th* Big East River bridge and the Little East River viaduct bave been completed, and b*n visited by Mr. J. C. Bulav, tbe Coiel Eniiiuecr, a few days ago, were found to be tint cla** structure*, strong and durable. All the masonry lor Ik* big viaduct, eighty- two milee from Qravennarii and live and a .(darter miles from Duobar's Fall* oo tb* booth River, ba* been completed and tb* foundation* and matou work generally are pronoaneed by judge* to be exceptionally good work. From La Vaae, where tbe junction with the Canadian Pacific Kil way will be made, tbe track bae beeo U<d to the Wistawasing bridge, a distance ol even rmlea south, end when thai bridge u finished the track can be laid lor fifteen mile* farther at once. All tb* material is on the ground for tbi* bridge, aod there in DO doebt it will b* completed by Tours- day next at Ike Uteet. There will then remain only three bridges to be aoiehed be*idee tbe bl viadoot. Uce of tbeae i* over tb* Sooth River, and tb* other two will arose the Maganettawan. Tb* work on three 1s proceeding al snob a rate, however, tbai they will be flmab*d vary shortly. Tbe iron for tb* big viaduct is all finished and ready to *ez.i on to the pot Oo this via/uot, wbtoh i* 7M feel long and UO feet high, tb* track will be united from both cod*. Tb* heaviest work yet to b* done IB in the neighborhood ol Borke'e Falls, where *ome very heavy reek work remain* to be flc-.sbad, wbiob, however, is being proceeded witb rapidry, Mr. Bailey stat tbat there ia nol the. ligbleMdaBbt bat tbe tracki will meet Irom tbe north and south by th* middle ol December, though tbe contractor* claim they will have it nuttaed much earlisr. By tbat time a great portion of tb* read will bave been ballaated, and the ballast pit* being very eoavenient, il will not be long after that b*lora tb* road ia io good run ning condition. The elation* along Ibe hoe have beeo placed a* near to tbe poet rfBoee in tbe district aa posaibls, and bear tb* uamee.of Ibeee poet offices. The fol- lowing ie the list ot station*, with their dis- tance from Gravenborat Miles N'aoi*. (irkveohont ,',? 1 31 Cyprus.. . Hoot*.. 48| U MUM riuiu ()ra>ru bant. M . . Ctlliou Allan vita,, llunl.viil,... . . Graven hunt. Sune. fclatrts* ._ Hnrle . Fells Itundale M DuurlUe __. OT _ "J UunlWi K.::- (Huatb Klvr 7*1 Harrott Httleu>rDt. 9t BOW BJC BUILDS BIB BRBMONB Lett balurday afternoon I drove down into the southeastern end of London to lake tapper witb my old Mead, Mr. Spur- geon. My hospitable bo*l, B*v. Newman Ball, and ksl good will, acoompanUd m*. It 1*1 twelve-mile drive and more from Ibis pleasant summit of Hampetead Hill clear aero** London to Norwood -near tb* Crystal Palace- where Mr. Bpwgcoa reeidee. He bat a lovely villa, called " YVtetwood,' surrounded by about twsoty acres of lawn, garden, grove' aod m**dow. n would attract attcotion by lie beauty even M Tarrytown or Irvingtou. Mr. tit uriieon puroBaaed it al a great bargain, and Lie on* earthly luxury 1* this charming horns. -Us ba* well earned il, aad long may ba> enjoy it. B* met us in bis hearty, Keniil'vrsy, and we were soon out on tb* ia>WD, eLjjjing the view* end Listening te bis mexbtustible flow of racy talk. A* he wa* picking rupberriee with na lo hi* garden, k* (topped to tall a good tory, or to giv* a fresh Scripture inter prelttton, or to 1*1 off a pun. Carteuily with but sallow oompuxioo, and short, >qua!ty figure, bie pbysi.|oe is anything but imposing . but when hi* rich voice bexiui to poor forth rich thing* out of hi* big, sympathetic heart, then hi* plain lac* beooinaa positively handsome. The longer I know him, the more I love him. He tells m* thai be bae abandoned a meal diet, aad live* entirely oo flab, vegetables and fariDioeou* food, and b* doe* not suffer from gout aod neuralgia a* badly as b* one* did. lie and hu noble wife ar* boib ealoua tattotajler*. Alter eupf er, w* bad family worship together ; aod w* ael off for borne, aad Bruthar B[urg*on went into hi* library to select bie two tute, aod to pre- pare bu diaoource* for tbe next day ! Brethren, suve m* two wxla for to-mor- row," be said to n* ; and from Ib* on* rag- geeted by Brother Hall ha actually preached , lor the flret urn*, on the n*xt evening ! This ia bu invanabil* custom M leave the ohoiee of hi* topic* until 6 o'clock Balurday vuiut, aod than b* preparec the outline of bis Sunday morning asrmoo in half as boor. The evening carmen be doe* nol prepare until Sunday afternoon, in hi* ludjr at hi* tabsmacl*. H* n*v*r write* out a *ingla hue , bat revise* bu ixwm- porued diaooune* on Monday lor publica- tion. While (peaking be net* a brief written often on tbe bacx ot an envelop*. A* 1 parted from him, and. b* stood in hi* doorway cracking jokee anl shouting hi* hearty (ood-nigbl, ' I eeid to mya*U, tb* Lord never mad* but OLI Bpurgeon, aad when lie mad* him, H* gave tb world tae most extraordinary preacher of the simpU, living Gospel whom our modern times have heard. He aod Brcther Moody have reached more tool* than any saed-eower iocs Martin Luther. 1 nod the day* too short to tee all tb* ajgtta. meet all tk* friend*, aod to answer ail the kind letters of invitation. Ii u very pleasant to fact so much al hem* in this great roaring hue ol humanity Yeeierdty, wbeo I want M tbe House ol ^aiLDaons, ooe of tbe pouesmeu al tbe door Bald to me : " Ah, sir, I remembei that aerr&od I beard from you on Tb. Little Coat' a doxan year* ago." Tb* order for aduiaaion was to tb* Pai gallery," on tbe strength, I soppos*. ol my being a Yankee. Lit oo American when abroad, be ever aaaamed cf bis birth- right. Tbe attendance ia tb* House was very email, aod th* proceeding* of BO in wrest. I bad juet been pending a Jelihtful half boor witb John Bright, wbo was nol coming to Ibe lion**, aad Glad tons (wbo u " out of bemns** " for a little while) wa* nol present. Witbia b year I venture to predict that b* will again b* Premier. Bung uear ta* grand oU Westminster Abbey. I looked in for a few moment*. Tbe boil of Mr. L9L|tt*lkiw is a very fair like- ncci; il is placed in the "Poet's Comer." against on* cf tb* columns. I wa* greatly touched by tbe beautiful new monument to my dear friend D*au Stanley. It i* a recunbeul marble figure oe a richly carved altar-tomb . and tbe resemblance to the original u almost perfect. A bappy atlec- liou i* this Scripture peaaage inscribed oo tb* tablet- We know last w* have rumj from death auto life, beceaec w* lor* th* brethren." Stanley was an ardent lover, bat t poor hater. Among all tb* mono ru*ul* in tb* Abbey, there ar* two that 1 Iwsya go to see -Wilberlorae acd Jcbn We*lty; and 1 alwayc halt in admiring tcraiitude at tbe grave of Lord Maoaulay . tin. Tktotorf L. Cvltr, 1). D. A iW **** I Brt*ff Canadiana wbo bav* waited more or l*t* valuable time in oroning tbe oerorowded tiOcdon Bridge will be glad to know tbat this bridge will eoon be relieved of part ol it* immense trsfflo by tb* construction of a tower bridge. A Bill allowing tb* oouitrue- Uon of this n*w bridge i* already well on it* way through I'arlissmtal. and the plaoa for its ocottrncuon ar* flni*n*d. Tb* new bridge will be ball a mil* from Licdoo Bridge, on th* east side of tb* Tower, and will be built by tb* Bridge bouac estate fund* at a cost of 1400.000.000. and finished withio tour year*. Th* lindg* boo** edete. which suppli** fund* for its coo- aiructton, is th* result ot s charitable foun- dation in early days lor tk* repair of Tbautea bridges, aad by a vast menace in the value of lands held u now esauly able to afford this Urge outlay for a uo*l bnde:*. The bridge will, there fort be Jfee. The bridge will be a sospen- ion bridge, witb two castellated tower* each MOO feet high, in ths river, at tbe *nd ot two anchorage tower* oo tk* nvM benda. Tb* central roadway span of WO f eel width, will ba in two parts, each of which will, oo a lever being touched, fold upward tgaiosl lie tower, leaving clear apace 900 fa*l wide and 136 feel high for tbe paeaage of veaaals. Hydraulic machin- ery operating tbeee draw* will be under the control of oo* man, aad so powerful thai each of tbeee great iron draw*, 100 feet wids and 100 feel loog, will b* raised or lowered juiokly witbool jarring or jirking. A tool bridge over the central cable*, end approached by elevator* in river tower*, will be alwaye ready for us* without regard to th* condiUoo ot tbe drawbridge below. Tbe bridge will b* WOO f Ml loog, aad even during it* construction of v*asls will not be stopped Taai* -a -Take all tbe Kidney* cod LJvct Jfeiifia**. -Take all tb* blood purifier*, Take all tbe Dyiptpna and Indigectioej *rs, lake all tbe Ague, Fv*r and oiliow Take all tbe Bni and Nerve fore*) -Take all tb* Great health iccioiete. In ifiart, take all the beet qualitiee of all these and the cert. VuaUlt/* of all tb* beet medieioce ia the world, and yon will find that flow -J.tttfri bav* tb* beet curative aoahtlee aod power* of all eoncfatraltd ia tbem, -Aad thai they will core when any or all of these, singly or combined. Fail I ! II -A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. Live*. Five year* ago I broke OOWB with aod liver complaint acd rheumatism. Hioee then I bave been onaole to be about at alt My liver baeaa* bard oka wood ; my limbs were puffed op and fill**! with water. All to* beet pbyweiane agreed the* noth- mg eould our* m*. I received to try Bap Bitter* . I bave uardnau ha* all goo* from mv liver, bae wslliog from my hmba, aad it baa oriasf a mirmcU la my oace; utksi su I woakd iav* been now ia my grave. J. W. MOUT. Buffalo, Oat. 1, 1M1. f t,n mm* SVrta. " I was IracfsJ down with dab*, poverty aad soS.n for fsw*. aaoMd by c tlah tacairy seal *WT(e| Lllll fc*C klO*9ttOrlaU* 1 was eotBDlctoly Aisaoeracisd, ao, by lb adite* of my castor, 1 _ usicf Hop butera. and ia oa* Booth wa were wll, aa<I ooa* of ua bav* **aa aeeak aaf an 1 1 want io say lo all ior mae, vuel eat jutu (amiiiM !) a jr wiib Bopbteai e*s than ooa iloatBi'e vuli will eoaa, I hae arKoa* graalo* wttbeat a haaea at Hop* en the wtate latwt. aba a all taa vffja pouonoiu natt with Hap " at " Hope * la It u remarkable bow certain gel located in certain neighborhood* osoat Leeds, atofls to BraeMord, eatlary la aid, elastic webs in .a Keel, Surrey and South Beeta.1 and abo*c in Nortbampeonahite, and lac* in Wjoombe. Nottingham and t**Alma Ladie* Colle**, B*. Dot, will IU open Sept. lOak, laSo. Full fl of Ie) Teachers to Macs*. Literaav*, Tins Are* and ^- IIIBII nal Addrees Principal Austin. B. D. ?>><> war*. Th* former proprietor of Dr. Catarrh Remedy for yean mad* a I mg public offer in all American paper* ot 1600 reward tor a aac* of thai b* could not cor*. The precast pro- rneton bave renewed this offer. All tbe dnggMH sell thic Kemedy. i tbe Ooaaoe," and all otto advised lo k* need in coencOieo wHk it. Mo oatarrb patunl M longer aal* to cay " I oonoot be cured." You get 1500 in aae* o* tailnre. An old Ihaisnaal raana^r u eutkonry for Baying tbat pantomimic parts tax tbe mental faculties more than oral partc. Tb* work required to fit the action to tbe thought designed to be expressed is severer than M follow spoken idea* with appro- priate gestures. Insanity is almost certain M follow long -continued effort in thkf direction. Mtown I nil. Jkr " Why, Browu, bow short your coat is," aiJ Jiwea one day to bis friend Brown, wbo wittily replied : " Tec ; bul II will be long enough before I gel anolbM." Boo* meu spend eo much for medicine that neither heal nor help them tbat new oloibee is with tbem like angela' visits- few and far between. Internal levere, weaJLnee* ot tbe lunge, ehortn*** of breath and lingering coughs, soon yield lo tbe macio influence of that royal remedy. Dr. B. V. Pierce i "Golden Medical Discovery." Al tb* pr***nl rat* of subeenptioo to the Grant monumental fund in New York it will take two thousand day* to 11.000.000. That is, nearly eix y* II. ll is a fact that NISTTLTSI eurf aseed by any combination for th* relief el pain. Tbe reason i* a good oo*. Ner- vuioe nocjtaioe tbe beet, moct powerful, and the latest discovered remedies. It H a magic pain cure. Rheumaaum. stiff neck cramps, neuralgia, eolie, lo tact all pain, internal, external, aod local, are eabdoed in a lew minutes. Go al one* to any dreg tore and gel a trial bottle. It will only cost yon 10 cent*, and you can al a small cost test tb* great pain cure. Possoo's N*r- vUio*. Larr* bottle* ocUy W acute. Profeesiooal baanty oo the Paeia* fladc toeralive employment a* a pre tended illustration of the men** ot a pataal madi- cue. A wonderfully lovely yeoog woman travels in Ibe shariol of a vendee of medi- cine, which, be declare*, ecoecd tb* per- fection of bar eompUxioo. H* aallr a tonic, too, to which b* attribute* tb* of bar hair, aod drag* tor tbe reduction of fleah to ber standard. TO DEALER AND CONSUMER \V import only th. finent ('. tf. ;inl Spice. Or.I n.,.?N ! vn CVFFKK, Hold and onaroand ia lib, tins, id a p-rfift luxury. OurHV. tins -f l*i KKSpir* arv jeri * :. : -'U our good* ' " 71 nij The Canadian Paeifla Rsjlway bavcma-le propoatuona to tk* Northern A Paoifi* Juuotton (Company to bave the road built oo to North Bay, about three or four miles farther. North Bay is adiviaicual station on the Canadian Pacific Railway, and there are < Soellect bulliliuge tberr, snob as round bonaa sod tlauon, wbi*b it would b* an advantage lo ose. It ic, however, uocertaiu whether tb* Northern A Pacific Junction mauajiari will coold*r tbsea ae of tuftcient importaco* to warrant them In bnildiDg tbe additionil piece ot road, peoially a> ibe Government snbeidy will probably nol be given to the increased portion. A large part ot Ibe freight rolling etook for tbe road hat h**n built aod de- livered, bat so far no order* bav* bean given tor either engine* or passenger care, although tb* probability I* thai they will be oeedtd io lee* than BIX montba from Ib* present lime. Tbalaoiily of Lord CoUridg*'* wile bet beeu lor many yean in th* Bengal service. Utnoeforth be will regard his n*w mother- iu -law at a tort ut tigtt. tioii. PowmtK. .I'Jh. . Come back laden with tbs joy* and plea, art* of that dream time of life when sweet anuotpatlon garnished witb brightest hue* the tutor* aa il stretched out before us. Only th* pleasures toped for us entered the heart thai. Bat M we trow elder, M one and other eomee tbe awakening. II yea eboald be troubled, not ia heart, bat io feel, with oorne, aod th*y make life miser- able, go to the oeareet drag etore aod boy a bottle ol rutoam's Corn Extractor, U "sura, sate aod painless corn ear*," asa yon will b* quickly relieved, aod happints* will ever after brighten jour path. N.C. Pokoo ,V Oo., Kingston, prop's. Mrs. Hoovtlls, tbe eieur of Ooitean, tb* murderer of President Uarfleld, i* located in I)ea Maine*, where eh* ie engaged in the dresamaking bae i oee*. Bbe i* said to have Bought refuge from tb* public notoriety gained by b*r brother's act aod ber own more reeeot domailie trouble* by changing ber name to Bcbofield. ' * Stricture of tb* urethra in it* wont formt ipeadily cored by our new and Improved method*. Pamphlet, refer- ence and terms, two three. cent stamp*. World's Dispensary Medical ' 66} Mala street, Uuttajo, N, I, frtv fntin :ulul '?' i- " /'' Tl" i -1 -plied wit* \riM>K lUxi.-!'' ^ 1-tround ( .'iTi-cs in An: .vCKa. or :'.'. llv tins. PI KK (i . NT> Snoto in ^V. G. DUNN & CO., CANADA MILLS. HAMILTON. V 7 HAMILTON. CANADA. E DEBT AND TUB MOST i ju- rsslscii ia the i'U , bsacnw t*)*) cndaa***; baa ea* rr **)> Toon* ladle* has ovwr laV*> and Tr onnnwoe* tor i*aer mmH I'naaaal ilm >sgs la Meat* aari an A.I \rmrn the PrtatBal. *. iMwtlea thl* paperj *aM *. las. IM MM- i. i. n.