Died. -In Hamilton, on the 14th inst., at 9 Cannon street east, Agnes Aikman, infant daughter of James G. and Josephine Russell, aged 3 months and 12 days. -f- - --...- .- ' J. 6. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellei7 Man, PLESHEETON. Selling Watches- Clocks, Jewelry, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! Canadian Paciflc Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME ~1\AIJL,E. Kjfecf, Afoi<iay, Jly inx North. 1886. STATIONS. ,_ Loan, "7 ttam 4S|>ui I JuliL-tK.ll 'JUT" 830" b CliarlMtou |J" . ** " Orange- I Arrfr. - I TO* " a, cWs'tvi,!~^ioo :-ilSS- '!S-| I Rhelburue HI 45 " 804 " Uumlslk .11 W " , 838 rx^snsnroii ,11* " bM " Ma.rk.tale 1151" 910" Williatnaford liiltyur 038 " ChaUvnrth 12" OW" OwenBoiuid arrite 100" 10 " Celitf South. STATIONS Souu.l Leave a worth ... 6 miKford i-i. * Mail. Mlxod. CtiaUvorth ...j SM " IM Wllllainford 606- i S " Mark 1*1,' ; " SM " Fi.anHK.uTnM 6i" 408 " Dumlalk > TO*" 431 "I Hbellmrno , 7 31 " 4 ST " Oraujfevilli) Junction .. 800'* 593 " Orange- i Arrivo HH" S " ! vllle. f Leave M36 " 4iS " CharleotoD " 6 ri <:ardwell Junction. OOT " ! BJO " ; Toronto Arrive 1045 " 8 " r.vruYTB. ' H MM. .M 1. <i* L rim. ACIT. DK- CARTER, M.C.P. Jt8.,OT. P1I1MHV \. Nl K.l.0>. FL.E8HKKTON. Knitience, ntjrt lo Di'mfcw CtwTf l>i-. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIER, PIUCKVILLK, - ONTARIO. t^_Offlc and B<*t Churchei, Pricevillf J.T. MARSHALL. L.V.M DENTIST, OUADCATE of Toronto Rcriool of Dontlftry, wilt bo at Marklalo tlir tut ami It.l VVnliiea dv of .'i.-U iu"iit h ami at Kli-li"i ton on the lat and HrdTlauivday lu oshch mouth for tbe practice of liio prnfMloD. FIMST & FROS T. BARRISTKIIS. S01.U-ITOKS I i IN VKYASC'M. Ac ' Ml ..... I'll ili-ll Street. OWKN SOCNK. and rary rii.n.ln) Kt FJ.l'.bHKKTCN. J. W. KRO8T, L.MI. ALFUKD FBO8T, Crown County Attornev. . BALDWIM KiVI-s. R P r. III.I-. KIlKTi W KJSVIN HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIH, Nurrruiirs lo Louder i(- BAIIUISTKIIH, SOLICITOUS. NOTARIKt, CON VKTANCKItS, ,(c Mmiltv tn Loan at LewMtHatetof lulern.t. Offlcea. II King Htra.t at. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, Rirruitrtt, .S Jk'itoci, A'oturiet I'tiUtc, C'ontryiiiieerf, <tc. Orrici, Over If cFar)ano' Drug Store, DURHAM, ONT. John W. Armstrong. Co. OIIK.T. DIVISION COL'HT CI.BKK. COMMIHH1ONER in II U.. r.>iiY)ajicr. *o. At;Dtf.>r inircliaa* aad ml of landi. Appralner f or 0. L. C. Com- and K ! II * s Hnctaty. Money to U..n on tb* mot nn>L>le torun luiKa or MAUHI A(IR LICK.NKKS Jas. K. Sloan, AQKXT, EUUSHJA. Rpn aiiiK that wliJ old Fir Innurano* Co. .tho Nuiiwicn UNIOK. of Norwich, Koeland lmurftilrn clTM-t-i1 on n.niMe*. nntbulldfnga, Ac.. at low rattl. liMiinm a*tnl nfct llf.'htnlii|f. W. J. BELLAMY. COW MY. 1 SCKli, COJfMfS8IO\KR, AfOM MfT, J.C. DRKD8, MORTI1AOKB. LKASKH. .*. pre-nar- .l aii-l propnrl y uii b oiltwl. IiiKuranco anec- t*d In flrnt-claMcoinpauloi. Uonev to lendat loweit ratta. Victoria Hotel, OWKN BOUND. This nouns bi< been r.-fl ttr.l ami ulacexl un.ler tht iintiimjnment of Mr It II Mlddangti. To th.i fliMinnK all tbat-oiiifurUi of s '(tii.-t home, whdu vliitniK Uwea Hound, us builneaaor |>las- are, will rm.l th< "Victoria" . niial to the boat lu town ( M- f ill hostler*. R. H. MlDOAUrH. Proprietor FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason. FLESHEIITON. Or<In la Town and Country promptly sad Money to Loan. At (i J Per Cent. Interest * Htniiyht Iain. miTII I,, t .. ,t paid rrly. not In sdvanoe. No oomuiliilon eharicd. Apply to ^ _ TalORMU BY. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- Fetch & Mitchell. I'itnl'UrKTQRS. Tlf K im-leMlKiie,! r<v|Mu-t(nlljr take thin oppor- tunity toaunnimc* to tbe iwnple of Fleuli ertonand anrrniin IIIIK rnuntry. tliat they liaVo t*rt.-ii RoMhorShop In the utantt nextdoor In tht Marbla \V .rk. FI.KHIIUKTON. wbnrn they will l>eplean.l to iiin-t wlt'i all who favor thmn with lii..ir inlr, ,11^,, Frtwh Meat* of all kin. It., mi.t KI.II . r. In thru ieawni*. Itmporlfnlly ynuii, J'KTC'II i MJTCIIKM.. Flesherlon Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" I'RIJfClPLES, JTOT MJV." VOL. V., NO. 222. FLESHERTON, ONTAJUO, SEPTEMBER 17, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Mam ! REPAIRING ! AVER'S PILLS. A Isrf* proportion of the discuoe wLlck auM buiinn suStrlng rwult from Octaug*. SBCUI of Hie sumach, bowel*, uij UTW. sVvKi's CITBAIITIC PILLS act dlnetl/ upoa UMM tirfsm, and ar sspecUlljr dotgned to enra UM> dlMMSt caiued by tbeir der*ng*- at, Including C<>u>ii|>tlun, ludls^s- Uun, 1).T.[~-|.I. II.-u.lu.lM-, Ujtriitrrj. as>d s liotl oJ vllier alluituts, (or sll ol wtuch UMJT are s uf*, lura, pouupt, sod ItleMunt ii-nutly, *l~Uc iiu uairo uw ol OMM tti.it by emiuuiil i li>. i.:.u m rrgular piao- tic, ili.ji uiuiiii.ik>l>iy IU culuiaUou lu which tUcj ars kcU tj luo medical pioluc- Thsse TILLS ira r ompo-.u It.l of vcjf tbl BuUiaiicM unly. ..! arc aUulutcly (r Iroea ealuucl u( au> ullutr isjurioiu liigrcUit u(. THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bit*. Ct<iu<irt<; of Ijutai and Other Itenu yatbtrtd by Tkt Admutc* Rejtorlnn. t .. an Mr. D. P. Macrae, of Collingwood Township, gnve us a call on Monday. Mr. '" Adams, of Gleneoe, is visiting Mr. Tho*. Leitch of this place. The Ooapel Army are holding very Ihimialk Oimnd to me, and are my constant companion. I have beea a wrcro luifuier from II. n.l.ch* aud j.-ur FILLS Mr* tbe only tiling I ei.uM ir-.V to for n.li.1. (in, d.e will .,ulckly more m buweli and fr.-r my Lt.ul lium pain. 'I bey ar lue iiiual eiltl\<- ami ike CUHI-I-I ikv.io I lute et.-r louuJ. It Ii n I Vmure lo SM to iwak in Ilieir iiraiee, and 1 altaji do 10 wLtu occailon "fieri. W. L. l-v.r., o( W. I.. Page & Dro." Franklin St., l.:cLiuoLil,T., Juue , l^J. "I la ua.il AM R'I TiLiJ In number. teat liisunc.- r*v..uimei. M \ij jou. i..| bae nerr kuown tli. MI I., fall to n<v< mVliaU Uie.lemira.1 re.ult. vt'eenuiiaiill) keep ibcm OB h.inj n uut liome ai.-l nriie tljeni a> a pleuant uf, >ud rellabk- faiiillj nmliciue. FOU impEPtU. the, are Invaluable. J. T. HAIIS." sltxia. T*xa*, June IT, 1S. neetingsj at reports loach us daily. Mr. .las. BriM>k's Mrs. Hiilmer, our esteemed Photo- grapher, U turning out, .laily, some very Bne spedmens of the photographic art. From personal knowledge we can safely affirm, thst her work is tupwior to any- thing in the same line turned uut of the Flusherton trailer?- ^ e busipeak for Mrs. Bulmer a liberal patronage. Call anl get your children vaci Small pox ia increasing. A "siitch in time saves nine." Only (nre viniH used. Dm. CUISTOK. Arteiuoala Agricultural Society's Prise List* art in press) aad will be dis- tributed tins week by th* worthy secre tan, Mr. Jas. Brodie The Fall 8how will be held in PriosviOv Strain this year, house i* almost ! on Tuesday, October 6tk- Intending ex - completed, and adds greatly to that us- nitotoi. .hould send in their entries as ually good l<K>kiilg part of our village. oon P"-ibe. Sotue changes in the Tk* ltr. KIM u B. IfAHiowr. vrltlnw roui X/MMM Go,, u>> -For L>I,I. >r.,r* ).ut 1 kSM beau aubject to cui.t tiiMmii. 'rom wblch, In a|.ite of tba UM c,( n.^lil froi from wlilfb, lu split eliwt of rarloiu kmdt, I autlerr.1 Incnatin toeoiviilee, until tunic inatulu uo I bwan takiug AVLS' pn.ui. 'Jb CRTS entirely corrected the cuttlte l.nl. t, .i.J kaT* T.nl, ImpfOfed 017 general bcaiUi." Arr.n'i CATIUBTIC PILUI correct IrrejTv larltica of tbo boit.-li, ttl>uUti- llio a|p*. tlte and dlgrition, and by U.ir proii-pt an4 UKTonjk action (Ire lou* aud Tlgur to tits bule pLjiical eeoiiouiy. ri. i r .i.: : nr Dr.J.C.Ayep4Co.,Lowell,Mit. Soli) by all Dru^itta. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All eiperlrnee tbe wondcrfal bem-Uciil effccu ut Ayer's Sarsaparilla. lill. Irr n with Sore Kyra, Sort I'lar*, or anv <-ifuloui or i>pa* Illtle t.i.ut, uiai Ui SMM I-' alikv aul ItriMM by its UM. old by all Ura^jUU, (I, tls bottlsi foe *. Canlt \nultr tliii fret of rhnrye. I'KKSJI YTERIA N CHUKCU. OKKVICK every Hun. lay attWo clock p a* Hou ' day Hchu.-: ,.t 1 |, m I'ruver meeting every ThtinxUv nvt-iiuiK at730. KKV.A. WILJM.B. u tor. ILadioa- AM Society in connection , CMOMCM. SKHVir.KS. -\.,rv Huo.layat II a in., Snn.lay S<-li.j| at t |i in VOIIIIR PeOpU'l naver inoetint: "-very Hotnlav svenlOf at T.V) Ornorml Pmyui uie>vtlni!eY.-r\ Tlim *<lay evanlii* att-.-W HKV. Wti.TKS Avr.a . palter r Aid Society iucuauecllon.) Important ITotice ! Tbe subMrlber rwjn to Inform the p*o|>U of KI~.hniU.ii andturroiiiidliigcnuiitry.lhat liebas 9 inlloa from Hi herton, ami In now prepared to uruiab L>l IU "I any lungtli oriiteuf Lumber LUMBER LATH. &, SHINGLES. Alwayunn haul on band. Hlabwnodcut toitnve lcii([thi Cnatoin Sawing tlone by the tbouaand. REASONS Why you ehoulil got your LuuUor cut by S|" IIL.T III Every Saw in tlio Mill ia New and Ujo mill U In porfwt oitlur. (8 Itoeauae lio In a practical aaw^iT andkeepa hli aawiand inacliltiury In perfuct onlar. (1> Beoaiiw Ii* cnU all ScantlinR Juice rsact lyUi tln< lull f ii uMinl. (II Re ha put lu a Lnir.lx-r Kdger and all boaMi are name wlJtbi froui one end lo the other . (5) RecanM yon can iake a load of loea to the mill and a load of luinlwr homu aam* day. iiii ncau*i> ho cuaranteea to cut all cuttoui work In a workuisnllke manner an. I naMKfwUou (narantofld. ID Beoaue all uwlnR I* done st rock bottom prices. Lumbtr iJcliterttl i i. dou't forget D. 8. Mini- m's gi-and Millinery Opening next \Vcduesdiiy. If business is dull advertise in the AD- VANCE. You cannot expect people to go whuru they are not invited. Save money by buying yonr new Winter Oerreiml at Itichardsou's. Mr. (iurdiner, can give you as good a hair cut or shave as you can get any- where outside the citiea. For a good Magazine Repeating sixteen round*, go to Itirhard- son's New Hardware Htoro. --The Mark<lal> SUmdard is five yean old. The St.t win id ia a first-rate local paper and we wish It nnriouuded *uoc 4. Salt I Pure Godeiich Salt only 73 cents por barrel at Hicliardson's. Mr. P. Ilolinan, of Flesherton. wants to obtain a suckling mate colt. Mesam. Will and J. H. Campaigne inaugurated the bear-slnying cainpstgn in tins neighborhood one day this week. 1'ure Machine O\l at bottom prices at Richardson's. Clay tun's, Kleaherton, is the place to get a |ir of D<H>ts thst will keep your feet dry. Fur quality and price, second to in .in-. A full line of Black mnd Colored V'liitein*. iu fiftccu leading shades, all at right price*, at KicLanlHon's. - Lt Tuesday, the 16th, ia the last dsy for trout fishing according to law. The cr.|i of fish yarns were fully up to the average. Boot* It Skoct, all slyli M, and at [n ices to suit tin' tinieu at Richard- son's. - Exhibitors st the Kail Exhibiton call and subscribe for the AUVANCB, and get a /nil report of your prise* V'.V pay* for it till Jsn 1st, 1H.HC. Clsy toni ia thu place t<i get the bar- gains in Hoots, Shoes, Ac. A fine stock always on hand to select from -of the boat make ready made or made to order. IU. ...1 f. ...1" it the ras^estive name of ten tfiven to Ayer's Saiupnrilla, bresnm it* blood enriching quslitie*. Rev. Dsvid Auld. of Eugenie, and Rev. A. J. 1'arkur, of I'riceville, dropped in to see yo editor yesterday morning. The Rev'd. gentlemen aro attending th* district Hirelings. A l:u ;' and M In-t stock of A'cir Fall nn<l Winter Drut Goodi, in all the leatling Hliadus, uow open for in- spection at Richardson's. East Cirey's annual fall exhibition takes place on the 29th &. 30th mat. If you want to make yi.ur buainesa boom, get out hsiid lulls nd invitu the people to your placo of business. For \ru< TieefJi fine goods, choicest designs and cheap, go to Richardson's. The Volunteer* left for Niagara prize lists this year, and, as usual, there are a number of good special prizes by enterprising jistrons of thu show. There is no getting out of it : Unwell, Flesbertou, if the man to re- pair your Watch or Clock. lie gives satisfaction ever* time or no pay. A Urge number of people wi-ut to the Toronto exhibition last *-k via the popular T. O. * B. branch of the 0. P. K., quite a number of whom cam. from near Thornbury and other points along the N. & N. W. railway*. Our railway ta he-- coining iuor aud more popular every day. The rates are low and U>e comfoft <if passenger* i* can-fully looked after in oresy iarUcular from the courteous con- ductori to the fnmvwrfTTTo sjfftf nsjuA>itar^rf coaches, everythiug U exactly as it should be. Russ-:ll, Flpsherton, bnjs his goods from hist brother who is in tin- wholesale business, thervfore lie can sell from 16 to 26 per cent, cheaper than any other dealer. We direct ipecisl attention to the card of Mr. John J. Dalton, Ii.. 111:111-11 topographical surveyor, Provincial land surveyor, civil engineer, Ac., uf Chats- worth. There are only six gntlemen practicing in UM Doinmiuii at the present time of Mr. DaJton'a standing, and our Dominion Government employed him t.. prepare the instruct!.. ua for their survey- ors in the Korthwesi. This latt-r fact will alone serre to show that Mr. iMlton is a thorouKlily cumpeUint man, w 1 . m we kaVH no h mils tun {a^nwommeiKlai t<> all re^juirini; his wryiees. Ru.sell, Fk'sh'crton, lias the toul and material Ui repair \\'atcli.-.-i Clocks and Jewelry properly. EUFHRAS1A CHIT-CHAT. From u*r oien CWretjxnusViif, In my last I (truck rJt at VN'alt- r i Falls. I found whu there that buaineas was flat as el*ewhere, Hull, both Morea are doing well, that is, Boonel Brrw. and th. Doctor. In the luinU-r trad, Mr. H. Olmstead is pushing a lively DUSIUVM, while the Roller Mill is turning oat s Duality of bonr that is A No. 1, as we can testify from tae bread eaten by us ami baked by the fair lady of Campbell'* h. tel, from aforesaid flour. . Th. ianncn can here get all their wants supplied by millers, aierchaaU, blacksmiths, waggon- 1 makers, shoeiuakers, doctwrs, hutels, mil- liners, (IrrssmakeM- in fact all want* sup- plied at tori prices : whether there u anf l..tt..ni to it or not. this depontnt not. 'JHE MiNlSTKKg. Sabbath School ( 'on i-ention Lttst * AN IM I IU sl IM. Through eoiDe miaapprhntion no the part of the public, there wu a Inn at teudanee at the Sabbeth KruK-l ennven in the Meth.xjitt church, Uat vniB){. Notwithstanding ihn ratli.-r unUiward ereut, howxver, lira proceed- iiigi wr of an -"; inU-rwitm- cliaractcr. At e^ht ,.|,<k R^v Mr. Arf. ROT out tlit hymo, "Sun of my toul, ' thr logmu being lud hy tU church choir Rev Mr. SU-TII,,II ,,f Henthcote, thrti delivertd a beautiful and unprveaive prayer, after which the choir sang " The I>-rd is king." Kev. Mr. HoWrll f..| We next wended our way to the hamlet j l,,wed in a brief but pointed aud coiuprc usually called Markdale. but the U.ngit- I lumam- review . f Sal.liath scrn..! w.wk, agus of business men generally (.-n aco.uiit of dull times) ratned us Lo taku a (* i-dy departure fnr that e>ver plrasaiit and ha|>- In nil iff Branches S nttrnrfcd ff>- i-oi.t i ... -. Tktf largest wul best potatoes tha Agri- cultural KJitor \cr taw in hto Kfe fe>re> left in nor 'ifBco the other sy. TaerW win a lat; full of them and then* W*M IM* tmaJI pntatoe in tke 14 ; more, tfcry wer* ajtrumf to th<> Azrie<aral Edifc^ from our esteemed friend -mtvi ern*U>* rea/lrr if tlm Al.'. >. T.. Mrs. Jas.' fi'rn.a Potat-ie at*ik. corn Ulk, sJwl puff balls nowhere after this. Vn Tieieoa will kind!; *ivi-j>t .>tir warmest thanks A|)\KRTIS>:MKNTS. PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMBR. out the great necessity for rtl- HIIMAIJTV In prrsentiug Scriptural trutha to pupils. Rev. Mr. HoWeH'a delivery place, Flesherton. H ishiug U> arrive ( rtmuiUed ua very forcibly of Dr. Carman*, home before the " una wee huurs," we | with a aiiuilar vriu of dry but irrcaisuUc did not do th, town but |seed on u. that . humor running thr.ugh hia remarks. Favorite resort of picnicker*, Eugenia, j Rev. Mr. Ayer's paper ..n "Th.: Field, We would very much have enjoyed a its Eatout, was clear, ontciae and orig- lance through the " Curinaity Sh.>p," inal, and delivered m thst forcible sod but lively anticipations <>f what we w.uld | vigorous inaniu-r f..r whicli the rev receive from our better hajf U late, oj I tleman M notrd. Mr. Aver said that, :l, fsu-ed us t foregr, said pleasure j figuratively speaking, lie had rlioj.ped make MVwsJi. iOilrs- fof our humble , down th trees, burned op the lojpi sad home in the bosom of tbe Valley, known brushwood, and removed the stoue* and :<. thu w.-rld as Kimberley. Next oiom- ng found us about, viewing with pleasure the change* since our departure, and *x- j claiming with the poet, "There'* no plsre ike h.'inr." Well, Sir, the Ust of all ia this, that through all the country we tra- verscd, we did not see anything to induce ua -> move our duuiicile frmn bluuberlry, nor did we discover any tract of country as prolific in cereals, rnot cmpe, or fruit to equal those of our celebrated valley. NOTES Arrxa OBTTIMO losir We mtut congratulate our teacher on i* obtaining a certificate at Thf Temperance House U completi.'ii, and will our village. be an omanwrnt to Stumps, plughe<l the grnunri, an. I "Tlie Field ' was ready for th a. wer. Kev. Mr. Anld tlivn delivered an n cellent address <m "The Field, its l',*si bilitie*. " It was nhort, ornjinal aud prac- tical, and was listened to with great interest The eptiuthe* Ui-u' intyrspersrtl l.v singing of well *el*ct<l anthems by the choir, the rendering of which was very favorabl/ comnwinU;d u|>ii by several pemkere- one of the solus r.y Mies Kdith KichanUon receiving marked attention At the does an experienced babbath school teacher and superintendent made s few remarks aj.rorM of tlw subject. | Dr. Christ.* followed in a brief but mas- at 9 i, in In Hamilton, on tho 14th Cannon itreet east, Agnes Aik fant daughter of James O. and Josephine Russell, aged 3 months and IS day*. FKRKMAN'S VYGHM I'uW I'KI.s are ( | isle, lure sod iipeedT to remove norm* front ' or adults. On Katurday, 5th mat., between Flesh erton and Dundalk, a ralise^ Miased Bear Proton flsg atstion, C. P.R. Finder leav- ing (ante st AbvAMri office will be re wrrded. Mas. JAMB ALWAYS HEQITRED-A food esthsrtie uediein. National I* ills will nut diasppoint you. tln-ir annual drill. G. H. SPENCER 8e>pt. 10th. 1*K3. Tuesday to The boys were all in good spirits, and set out frin the drill shed to the station on a lively march. We wish the boys a pleasant time. An iinmrnsc stock of Pipes at Russell's, Flrgherton. - The Thamkury .Stamford is now thir- teen yean old. The Editor and Proprie- tor, Mr. J. Farewell has had, and has now, our beat wiahes fur the continued success of his apiey paper. May the .%in/.ii-,fi "shadow never grow less." Do not purchase yonr Silverware till 3011 sco Kustwll's stock winch will bo on lnunl iu a few weeks now. - Subscriber* in arrears for the Toronto M .,,;./ are roqueated to call at TH* An- VSNCB oflce, FleahertoB, aad *eUl* saw* What Tk?y are Some influential person should take up a subscription and buy the proprietor ol the Durham *tage line a new outfit. Bitch another dilapidated affair I have not seen in all my travel*. TKAVBLUB. Xoxr BitTii. There I* sx> mot* whole- some or dflicioni fruit on earth tUao the Wild Strawberry , sod th<ve in no more ef- fectual retn*Jy for Cholera, Pyseatsry, Cramp* sod other laramsr onmplaints of m faut< or aJulti, than Dr. Fowler 1 * Ritract of Wild Strawberrr. J. W. BATES, and Furniture Undertaker, FI.RHIIKRTON, ONT. THE MAMETS. FLEB1IEUTON. FJonr 3 75 to 4 00 Fall WliesU fO 85 to 88 Spring Wheat Hfi Barley..... Oats llonir Mr. John Ilaasard retunied hnme lo Artemeals on Tuesday night, after s very pleasant viait to the lanst of his birth, England. The return trip aoruas the At- lantic wu a boisterous one, otherwise his trip was an enjoyable one. A brother of Mr. Wm. Ward, of IHesherton, came with Mr. Hauard to this country. Mr. M Keniic is enlanriiiK lii* ahp to . t-rly a.ldrea< which aU.nnded in practical provide his customers with better aoc/ui- c.4uuiuu saiise -imyBhrp*, Two oibcr monatfnn. (resjtli-rnea, wh Mr. R Howell i* hsmineriiiK awsy ' thu convviiti.ii Mint* we oW not laarn on J also made some (., intcd and senaible re- the anvil iu if he had not a moment to marks. At 10 spare. Another store. No less than three now, any one of which might he termed, Pantechnetheca. <hir friend J. R. Kawoett, informed us that he never was keptaa busy iinre>m- was closed by the singing < To-day an interestinit program ,|| gone through with, and Una uteiiuiK four o'clock there will in. cling of children, bnainea*. Msy he always bo au. The nulls are doing their ihare of bus mesa. We are informed, but dunt arty <iny- i'>uf if, that a wedding is on the tapi* between one of our fair ..nes and s ntee young wan on the 4th. come short add .(iwiit t^-ntleawMI. be a grantl mass sft,-r lm.h will by .1 number of elo l H> n 1 1 .1 mi ? Not long inceiui advertisement *ettin> merits. >f a " Stuni|i Destroyer," in thu column.. .f THB Ai.\ >, r for two wevki. Puaring thst cventlunK Flesherton, - Ont. Hartns >p< at tin tii> m IBM tm 10 rf ib buu. I !( aUirsoUaa '*' . 1 1 eslu a*t. Btttal " JOHN J. HUM, ITulliu sad ArvhlUitoj-al Dra fHAihVtukni. (ot.imruruasT.Owr Farms For Sale and To Rtnt. k coB . O*ary T~ri' mr 1 . far *alu e eaii a U - on.Oe f r. i>eki| cneap. Lot a umuba to ion; i* to ltrt I; SH peiineSnr. ua tliesasiiilii Stray Cell. tbe pnsnife* el dark l*> F^flv. iitmn oM * tar on fnrvMes eM*4 uu 8THAYK.D I- B. . V tbe r'l- ber L..W Kil. Art. i i with a Mu.ll WDjH wtiiu hltMt f<< Any tboatbarri oa* glttu iilcim D*VII> Mortgag: Sale i VILLAGE PROPERTY. NDl.l. i f rVweT ! .,. , B , veawwr.w al :. tbe uced at . i -, . fublle oa'* Hotel. In tLe bf D>*1 I i. at Village cf Price^ille, be aii ac<|ui*ition. There ii somo a court (>i r.-ry toll v*r) boitig erect- e4 fur hi* honor. More power U> him Fiaa. Not being jii tune U> report llw , fire at Rocklyn, we would just say rumor I letter encl<ing f 1 f,, r a trial bottle of atuff, addressed to the man h> wai posed aru full. have tlie *! right for its sale in /' " Tlii* wu a month a' l.ut luoials, through negligence, m m v n . t to no* get their m.urance , **+******* tJESfti+t Tins, .only rumor ne addiw. ah,*t!y .ft. rwanla. Wo *> I* Nil 'II* A L, IS i 't fillip of (III V* IX'flAi!* ' 1 1 L i jutnc* in the horiz<n n.uriicij*r\l inco my 1 *k- fi..* .. -.. i ast, except that the Erskmes sr sg.Ut- , IRVO mfjagiln .""h", he^elu*! r 'w,.r ng matter, for reeveship and deputy- lt not that a ., Inl Ur " ,mp destroyer " reeveship. W, would just her. add . .ws, eWerrwd *o at c,,n.ider.ble ler-ti ,n word of cat,on to the .lector, of the Uh e *,-. ., ftm ^.^ JfT t, or they will be euchred by the weal _ .,,,.1,1 ,, , i... i w would not have inserted theadvertiae- Llon. The old sawin X |.,.lie*. j Im , nt How^vrr, we Uk nity to caution thu puMic On 1 Ml I.MiA Y Uiv Ijli. U*;. al the hour of Three Ot'lo.fe p tf- lan^ and ***** in Ike till*** oil in UieCenaSyof '. |.| \i!!4.>- ' I U foitu* t 1 ir*.'. -11 f--. i WwSeiely tri ui t:..- -N..UIM I - -tt~l tl..n.- N.*Ui< IT S allal witii the liiie t*t - r.-a* -if **! ta rate to ts | >ar> al . ojulaiLiM two UMruMmi u-.ae b*' f nie more i 1'4 ri. So a him '. Hri-- 1 maws* luur ea tl * Xt-rtti iiO* el sss LI Msf L0 . ftt the r*^i tb Svavt r.-tnrr <-f :! M rn-le f^r and iMmi *rtel Uiln en f. iiMi>cesoiO>- r-l>wa rxfc *>!>.. rear .4 ^i I vl aeMS MreJWf .,!!. I ,,.,..-. . , i . '. . I .,' feet to the I. -iin-lar > t/ !.> kenibe?' Houlhetry iMraHel with l**tae*s kea ' > tlw pUM c f eMt. WM>. inc. < t.iuim a h-*lf neavoeiae vt a-n ci< . i. tt M n*. t.-fi"-' - Tx-txl Ulereae. * r r.\i.i rbaee BeneMV U u e pi.1 al IW t Bart of lae i <nhe> nx n a*s> reiSDaln ee further 1. u - .!. will th, .. l A RAMCAI GUANOS. The best ersdirstor of foal Immoii of the Blootl i* I)un1ek Hluod Bitten. A few bottle* produe** s 9tMOp for m. hetUr m health and Fi* Trry f.. the lUHor of On .fii.i., The magnanimity uf this vilUge is. I >elierr, uoprecedeuted in the hutory ..f Canada. They hare actually mad* a | . n.l ppoaite Sprnnle's store fur the accommo- dation of William lUchar dson ' ducks. No doubt w shall hate tho Canadian ongsters if W. R. kills his duck*. SaJIITAkJl-M. Wilhsin., and aak our Collmgwood on- temp.>rs,rie< the Knifr^rnf slid ftn!!rt\n ' "pass him on, "and shed toiuo more light on tho subject if possible. country. at once. Of course we mean only tk.iee I bsaaty. It removes tb* stood taint of Hero- who BubscriNMl for the H'orWthrouh the I lul ' tb *' * ml)l * dUaM * f""'"' " * H> Flenherton agency. Call an 1 scuro a pair of R. I.aurance'H Spectacles to be had only at HuBffoH'ft, Flesherton. A traveller remarked tho other dsy Taken from K. J. Sproulu's pew in the M. . .1 r . i. A I Hr Carhnlir Cerate ia invaluable for WtwtuU, S..r.-. Salt Khrua. Cot*. Burnt. Hoal.U and KeiUrt, as s heal, ing n I purifying drtisiat;. Iv not be im- posed on with other uteltse preparation*. reeommrndM) In W a* go<vl. I'M <<nly Mi- Oresjor A Parks'* OarboKc Cerate, s. 11 by Riebardson*. r. iior n.-' Md.- ,. i i in- Htory. Mr. Thos. Osburno inform* is* that he* Mslhrxlist Church, aboat tho last of June did not know who the psrtiea were that a Canada Methodist Hymn Ilook, with , be had tho altercation with tho time Mr. thst he wan urpried to find such a j Mr*. H. J. Hpruule'a name written on fly | Th Strain alleged thst he called him marked improvement in business, &c., in 1>K U)\V S 1'I.KASANT WdUM SYIII'P l_* iaf and rrllsblo worm mm JT (<.* all Worm* itflieting rlulJrrn or adoJta. Markdnlr Urns*. Mr. Jas. Hnry, has. we think. uisd tho fa*tet tiro.* ,.ri rt-eonl, haring driteii to Fleahirton with hi team in 2| nun t. rvtununu m XH. The dilfrrence wae cauaed by the up grade, and hsvi, .'(. to ive a youiiij lady a rid*. Thirteen horse* have left Mark.laJr fi., the Toronto exhibition. We think our village can boast ..f m,.n- !, .r.-s for the six* of it than any uih*r in tht 1'iMvimt-, nd aa to they arti miatirpamx . I T.*.irtxa fur or tl.e un.leowu*. be told *utije.l to a - ! :?i o*.ti Hh .u. .- ..t . wr .:l:a!il GRAND ia IK.:., rim- THr*.(Xi> IIKST ROi IVIIIKI n SIN* i Bntter 5O 80 58 fresih Hay, per ton ............. " ldr ." ..................... Wo "l ...................... .SIiej>Hl<im ............ ii 25 n 80 7 (K) Ifl 8 f>0 80 60 O 12 11 o :to 5 70 7 IK 6 00 20 CO IVicevillo since his last visit about two years ago. Th pr)rresa of Fleshtfrton so far a* building ia eoneemed is aho remarksble. turn UIH aaine as it is a present from her ma to Ada M. Haruule. day. Call and R J. , our ^Ju"^ w ba eomplleaiH .-th fin o Kiiint- i>f llio bargains hu is offer- 1 4iseass* <J U* Llfsr sad Kidney* i* the leaf. The party having 1t wdl please re- j (Strain) a" thief. Mr. (lahnrne says was after nine o'clock w hen thry came opixiarte hi* orchard, and they itood so esnee t* the fence, he fsncied thoy m.ght ' ' ' *' K " J ^'"H* be on a aimilar ox|iditiuu to the parties) ' " who at'-lo fruit from his nixkarxi the night previous. He could not make i-tit who they were, and might have said ng. Our esteemed young former foreman .,f the AnvASoi office, Mr. J. (1. K. ,-fer, i vixititiK fnend. in I eanse of notold misery. Kuril. x-k Plood Blttor* will alinot luvariably corn friend, nnd , wor ,t case known. the ^OI'T M ; l)cviti..---Beware ff sny dr.. gist wk.> will try lo indac* you to take any- ' any in thu Dominion, which, u.. d.'jl.t, result of the tihibition will tl.. -f .-iir rillacrra i* an confident of |( tins that ho lias bet a keg uf U,t-r that they will bring hMnc three Ant |>na*a. H V Whitby itarts for Niagara aaortly J wek. Tho tnj>, will, under th* rir- cuni*taiK-es, we think, be rath, r tir. ..* On Saturday night th* village lud diaooiir*e<i e,-i IIIUSK- to tho "thieves" or anuM'thing tc> thst rT(<ot, but denies un<st einphatirUy thst they w.-i, addressed personally tnMi. btitin. They are inipMi-Jng. We hope Uiey will receic* the *upp>.rt they ment. tlii. sMsstttj. At pruMiut Jake as lie, J^gi",, piiw of McOrego.-"* ^ Park*'* Car- I fall," iav> th* poet. i familiarly known here is connected ! bdlie Cerate. It i* a marvel of liMling for ' leavn* an- on th* rlMi with the Bluff. >f the K..r,t frrr, frft. Jiwt now. l*>m <ili a mart country paper piibli*hcd in tin- town of that itainu in Western Ontario. Sores, I'uti, liurun, eto. No family *hoiild j lited in neb ettonatm* <IIKIIIIU.M m ^ Wl- |hutrMrriiix llnr m,, . U J F.U ,M P I, ar, li.1.1, u, On THI HI** .-!* liav* Ihnr tim U% I taoki ,4 <nel eomnlainti an,l > Imt wi).| .trav. Urr, iprmn,,| rssn..!* ,. r s.e^ie.l ,,4 , ha* ' ir l m danger. Th..a r Kuni be with. ml it. U ha* no eqnal. Ol t M IBM Dr. Fowler Kxtraet nf Wild Slral.rr> (in KOI it I'aike'n, Bii.l l.a\r no tic. prr l-.t st HirlinriUoii*. ntlM-r. Only ! - the infallible rrnn-.ly f,. r Ch..l. 1'innli.n 1 1,. I otlu r S.'imn,, r C,> Moraj !,. live,, thsia .i.4om. Eitrset of WIM fot pi..n,,.| r ,.|,f. at,! iii r< \uir\^, ;,, a I'', ..-: .rt i. llK- -- . \s lesstSMlttln I.OSrxiN ..- f !io.1. c MAY !. 1-eM. i> inln Ir-l t, !. v u ace>:> >-f at'ua* iitutln b. -;r k. m+l* aa esvesi In uw relAtt-u* vf all (At i-*iu u| th BriiUb bniilre wfth . ^ck -eh-r In tirder -r- I -r. >,. f -MmiAroBc* to ..,-nt . I. ...1 1 -n in |n I laniJimsus The e lar . USI* *lf~m frfare s4 R ko Her (US* The wliat liaasi taejl he if Caa*la B-T - >, C Jsatal aa< via a* Onltexl si aaliiBsasnU b v-mu >'iiMtlo tbe world at nriislty i-w t*TieS sa La . I !o .!>.. tit* UUUBKUI W4 I ,a> h* ""!. l>) tbr ynes-cM * Ne i RS-.IO HoswTirvviriia Inth* >i>t. ai4l rue AST*. ladaeklixratTvik- tl Nr*aT ln..st. , MK , v .-I i. ii-|la* f :<ee -t leMsaVWa. a>D.| Va foHT ant n. Jt alto u siura-t> .-* ere In S> put *> l-^. .r,... r tlb Minaiuu. weaktli All t'*u*.lt*i - vtswdM In ee>l.-aeaiBs: Cant U -i ' it t t Uiiii.li Kn.| in.. i ,t ivn\ l. |..ttlrui hea\r IrrewerM. Kvy r>..... f .^.r, ,.,.' ur a>nelewery me* rer !)% titV'rw-*! tii awitttiia M Kir>< sJrM.lr IVIIK.U v*v llMt ctumi.-n nl tra>U- alira,Tt Tll..w tiu-h i ttA i, *t;aSx, Otl. wa.b *