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Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1885, p. 1

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[Accident] Mr. McCurdy, of Arran, who was severely kicked in the stomach by one of his father's horses some weeks ago, died on Sunday morning Aug. 2nd. From the injuries he received by the blow his recovery was not possible, although strong hopes were entertained for him for a considerable time after the accident. -[from the]Bruce Herald. Born. -In Euphrasia, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. Sylvester Rowe, of a son. Birth. -In Artemesia, on the 19th inst., the wife of Jas. Beecroft, Esq., of a daughter. Died. -In Artemesia, on the 20th inst., Laurel, infant daughter of James and Annie Beecroft. I G. RUSSELL, , - The Noted v &apos; Jl-wellery Man, FLESHEKTON. Selling Watcfws. Clocks, Cheaper Than Ever ! ADVEUTISE IN THE ADVANCE. IT WILL PAY YOU. - v DR. CARTEK, M.c.r. jtK..asT. PHitiK&apos;lAV xi IM.IOV &c. FLKSHKKTON. Retidrutr, tiut /. /&apos;.. >ivn Cuvrt n . II ixoii. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUC11ER, PRICE VILLE, ONTARIO. tJ^Offlco and Itwidenca near PruBb) terian Chnrche*. Pricnvlllo Jcutistry. J.IMNAKSIIALL. L.U.N DKNT18T, Oll.\nr\rr. of Toronto S.II.KI! of ncntintry, will lx>at Markaalv tlif ut ami ir.l \\. ,hi. day of each ntniith. mid at KltMhvrtou on the Ut and 3rd Thurftuay in i-a<-h month tor the practice of hi |irofoniiiii FltOST & h&apos;UOST. BAKKIKTKIIS. HOUCITOUS. CON VF.YANr KR. Ac. Oib>e 1&apos;oulott Htroot. UWKN SUUKD, aud eTery Tbunday at KU&apos;.SHKliTCN. J. W KBOST, L.L.U. AI.FltEI) ntOST, (&apos;rowii County Attoniey. . AI.IIKIS HAM&apos;S. R. r. KCIII.IN. ritKivw. OAKVIN HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, S&apos;lliri-M>i|-x In I.n<l--r <( H&apos;llliU, BARIltKTKHS. SOI H&apos;lTOHS. NUT.AHIKH. l&apos;(i\\KN \M M;s, 4c Mouev tu Ixian at I..IWOKI KahM of inUrc.l. Olln. .. Hut. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, Jiurrulrr.i, .S&apos;<-i(or, Xnbtrtrt PMif, < &apos;./!! V" &apos;"", it&apos;C. Ornci, Over McFarlane&apos;i Drug Store, DURHAM, OUT. Ct-anla. Kl.l &apos; <: , DIVISION rnfKT <-|,KKK. COMMISSIONEIl ** In H. H, C.iMV.-vniii&apos;.ir. ,v<-. Am-ut |Mirch and Ml,. &apos;,( litn. IK. Ap|ir:er furl 1. l i and K. IV li nmt re:iHi,iiikhl,i term, I*,i i u , K .M Altltl V(i II, I NSKS. Jas. K. Sloan, &apos;li.l.\<&apos;j: .\tiK\T, 1:1 t;b Rnprewntlnu tint n.ili.l old Kir.- InMimnrc Co.. the NouwtTB UNION <>f s<n\n.h.<land laearanee effected . n lloiiv, . ..ntiiuilitiiitfM.Ae. at lw rat. laMare* afalaeit llgUBlBgj. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.KUK AliTEMKSIA.; .in T, .1-1 &apos;. TJKKDH. MOUTH M.KH. I.KAKKS, *e.. |.rm)r * <vl ml |,ri&apos;|,..i ]> , x., ut.&apos;.l luminance affec- til In flnt-clun compute*. Monty to li-n.i nt lOWt.Ht nitr. Victoria Hotel, o\vi:x soi&apos;ND. Tliii I:.. MX, ha* lioini refitted ami iilacexl iinih.r the iiinin*, iii.&apos;iif of Mr. K H. MIlManffll To lh<i- ,h-Milii s &apos; i. ,. .&apos;.inifi.rt of n t In, MI,. wlinn veiling Owmi Sii.nnl. ..M liii-itn.-s .,r |.|i-> lire, will Hurt thn "Vlntrwla" e&apos;|:i&apos;il t . tin. hrat in town. ( nn-iiil li.mtlen. It II MIIHiAl I II I&apos; FRED. RYDEK, Jlrick anil Sloiic .J/./.vo/i, PLE8HERTON. Or,lor In TIIWII anil Country I&apos;l.nnptlv and ran-fullv ,-v Money to Loan. At H\ !&apos;! I&apos;, / W A.UMIKK. . - TIIOItMIIRY. ITH lull i. t i>nlil ycorly. tint In K.lvniicu. No conmiliMun chargix! Apply to New Butcher Shop in Flesli- Pcich S Mitchell. I&apos;KMU&apos;HIK&apos;I&apos;i >|{S. Till: iiinKinii; .ml r,",|... tfullv tak.&apos;tliM niipor- tunltv to announce to the p..,.|iii- ,.f i-rtoii an.) >nrrcinii .^ n, t n,,. % h.i\,. i.trl.-,l M Hlltchor Simp in tli.- nUn.! n.-vt .|..r to Hi.- M.n-lil,. \\..ik n.rsllKUTclS li,-r,&apos; they will li i ii I tntm.i.t with nil who favor them .t ; i i ,[,.ts ( B n kiuil, iinil Ki.h. c. in i ii.&apos;ir M it-.i,ii-. H- -p. . t f ull&apos;, your*, I&apos;UTCII ,(. MITCHKI.I,. (/.madia.) Pacific Kailuay. ONTARIO~DIVISIOIT. Change of Time. Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" OtHVCIPLES. WOT MEJV." VOL. V., NO. 219. WARREN LELAND, vbora ereobod; koowi u tba inccMifil Buuutgar of Uu Largest Hotel Enterprises at America, uy* that whll* a poucncer from New York on boanl ablp (olng around C*| Horn, In tho early <Uy c( wuigration tu Ul- Uuriiim, be l-ni&apos;-J tbut one ol Uie offimri o( til* nuol li:ul cured UiuiMlf, Uunuj; tbu TOJ> a; , o( ao otxtiuttto dlocue tij Uie lue o< Ayer s Sarsapariila. Since then Mr. LELAND au raeommrn.led Av&apos;l SAMirABll.l.A la tnanj- nu.ilu CUM, and be hat noTr ;<t atard or Iu (all- n to affect a radical catt, fame jrean ago one of Mr. I.n.Arri&apos; (km ^Uboreri bruited hi* leu O Ing to the bad Itite of hi* blood, an ugl; KrotiUou* ivelllof cr lump appeared on th4jar*d HBI&apos;V llur- rible Itching of tlie &apos;-m, !th barnlnj ud ditting pain* through II* lump, niaile life almott Intolerable. &apos;11i leg became BOC- BHWly an lar^od, anl rnuatrit ulcera formed, dlKliarglng great quantttlc* of extremely offenilra matter. No treatment waa of my aril! until the man, by Mr. I.ELAXD&apos;* direc- tion *aa inp|i&apos;.lil with AVKU&apos;a BAUATA- CILLA. which allayeil ihe palu and Irrlutlea, healed tba eorr*, i emoired the *u lliug, aad completely rritnn-d tlir limb to n*e. Mr, LXLAXU ha* pxraoaally u*od Ayer s Sarsaparilla for Rheiimatlem, with eatira tncrfa ; and, alter careful otwerralion, duclar>, Iu bii belief, them I* no ineilclue Iu tho vorld qtul to It for Ihe euro of Liver Dicordrn, tiout, Uio ffi.ila of algh lit !;, (alt ]th> urn, s.. r . 4, Ernptton*, :m<l all Ihe varlou* furin* of blood dltrncra. We hare Mr. LELA* u&apos;a atnu.uion to intlte all who may detlre further etljcncc in n-gard to the eztraordinary caniire power* of AVEK&apos;4 .S.tni.ii&apos;AJtiLLA U *ee blui ptnon- ally either at hi* inammota Ocean Hotel, Loaf Branch, or at thrpoyalar Lcl.iiul II /le 1 , BroaJwny. 2Ttb and Mth Strreti, New York. Ir. LEI_V.M)&apos; eitenalre anowlodge of the (ood done by thl* unvquajlrd rnuticatoref blood poison* enable* lUm to giro liiquiiw much raluable luformatiga. ^_ mzr AJIKD rr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lt>well,Maii. Bold by all UmoHU, ! Aa bowlee cr IS. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO AQQU8T 27, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. Framing and Hofce-Joinmg. The underaiimed U pro| orderi untruatvd to him f lll;M "III"&apos; A&apos;l Ill if ao Ulliloyed. In the pant la a . to exocute >l ervctiou uf POETRY. The. Fcrneveranre. "Not now I" aald Pate : but did tbe hero Hand With Ml v folded arui*, and calmly wait TlllChauceibouUUwejepblinouineoweaofllmx Tu Fortuuo&apos;i gate &apos;! "Not now!" Hut proudly rained bit bead "Home time, I kaow aouta tlm*,"waa all be *ald. And tie tolled on. And wheu thu n** uf hi* life aoeiued dead, "Home time, I know wMarraa, wu all h* *ald. "Not now!" aidKat. 1 and, oh. tbe way waadark An,! obstacle* like giant rock* oppoeid lint n. &apos;t one trea*h of lanio from tliu nay world, flaeote* Jitcloaed. No breath of fame thcvolreof Pralaewaadead SuiTMtniie. 1 know aouietlme," waa all be *atd. An.l rtlll lie toiled. While Unix. Sweet Hope, hUdyiui? iplrlu flwl . &apos;Boineiiuie, I lull* enejIIIMS" waeallbaaai&apos;l "Now, now ("cried Fa t< : and the proud rlelorcaw And knew and felt that linbxiKalnwlthenoal. And tbu wide wnrl,l went ringing with tho fauio Of his {/THAI *oul. Au,lniuofknowl?U:el>owodandown&apos;dhl>pow > r, While the loud cry "Huooeu I" waa beard each hour. And he had tolled When all the rnwi of lil* lifeneeni-l dead Sometime, 1 knew aoMtTlME. tUank God," b aid. FD1TH B. VANDUBBH. Fleaberton, Aug. 14, 1MK5. Mian Kinina PainuJe ri-turiu-d from an extended holiday trip a)utli laat week. lUc-os. Another teftaignmcnt of Long Clear Bacon reared and soil- ing for 8 cent* per Ib. at R. Trimble&apos;s. Uie side, net That penxm who tof away the little brown dog belonging to Chriatoe will next It,in.i Tit - Bits. nf l,ur,il ntul <Mhtr Inttmtnvj l by TV AJmnrt Mr. S.H.Clark, of Potrolia, gave ut a plc.vant call one day laat week. MatUtr Fred. 1^ itch left for Winni- peg on Saturday morning laat. -Miaa itrown, uf Collingwood, it riait- ing at Mr. Fred. Arnittrong&apos;s. Mr. Enoch J. the popular f Ji:SHEBT(>\ Churches and Societies, Curdt uiw/rr Mu Imnliiuj are ituerfai frrr ii/iA-ii-.;. . .V KllVICK even y Sunday elMOo&apos;clock p.ui Hiin- ** day Sebool at 1 p m Prayer meet***; even 1 lutrnlrn rv.&apos;iiiiik&apos; i ; m |i t v A. WIUMIX, i>u- tor. < 1 Aid Society In eonneeUon.) SEBVK&apos;KH rv. rv Siimlay at II a.m. A:3nn in. . S.&apos;t.i.&apos;l t -2 |. in Yulllltf lV,.|.i,&apos;-< rrajirtaettlBc every llo:id; . \. ,,,^ , < &apos; . II ,i Ui . , at 7:.&apos;i in v \\ ,, TI ii Avr.n, |>a*tor. (Ladle* Aid Hocitly In coum-otlou ) PRIXi&apos;K MlTliri; f.nlMlK, .1. ( f. MASONS, Turrrrin tin-ir t,r~ie ijr^n. str.iir. niock ** on p\ry Kr!.|v "li ..r !.,(., rn tin- full moon Vinitini; tin. tli n ii .-..r.llnll v el. H nri.K. &apos;W M. \\ . j. IIKLI.AMT. 8ec>. MKIITS rvi-rv -&apos;n.Un.l Ith Tn,.,l\ l:venlnaln >)<-li i nil t M.M-lix-k. l,..( k , K.KIIII in " &apos; 1&apos;1&apos;,-k. IV, .In piu-h Month. \ i.itniK luitii. linllv unit,- 1. &apos;HCIIICa*. X.O. W. H. fAMPAICi \V H.tA A. 0. I&apos;, ir. FI.KSHKKTON l-~lw l-vU!lc,i.,iii Slrnin s,. 11.&apos;. inm-t In their - hi - ,.tr,t. "ii the lt ii<l :u i i ., ,.,i,, |, tuonti, ,, r:aY>p.ra.*harp vinitinu breAhronwi I...HIK \\ <i Pi, KM :.. M \\- u g \(,, NK ,, g , L. n. /.. ; JJfi KT In their Ixxlg!. -mlrr* Work "* .-i. TV Kuilm , x.&apos;iiint , i;er the full ..f il u - II- ..III 111 I K< )l Illnlltll VlHltltiu liri-thri-n welcome I.AV. HATM.W.M. W I- - Cn..,ai.rT. S.T y ft. T. ii T. .L N"., i ii- l;..\n! T. ii. i&apos; 1 it-- nf Toiii|i,.rRin-i>. nv.-t in llirir hull. Strain&apos;* . lnan>l:ir>l Tm-Mla> even Bio . . I, month KI,,,l,i,V \ inventor, was in town laat week. Miss Sonley (not SnJne aa the P. D. had it laat week) wnt homo on Saturday. Mia* RuMwII, of Hamilton, it visiting at our note,! jeweller&apos;*, Mr. Jaa. G. Roa- aeJl. Rev. Mr. Ark ell*, Mcthodiat roinia- ter, Maxwell, gavo ut a call laat Thurs- day. Mr. W. H. EKk-r&apos;t residence it to be vc-neered with brick thit toaton by oon- tract<>r Fred Ryder. Long Clear I? aeon 8 cents per Ih. , whole tide, at Hichardsons. For artistic printing at reasonable ;>ricct, try the Fleeherton Ai>v*Nr of- fice. P.;<hncc of Dress Goods stock, 15 , cents f* r yard, at Richardaons. Mr. i&apos;rv!. Ryder, vh" is an wtcall- ent brick maton, fiti.U thi ,ioni:.i..l j. r i, avrvices increasing every teaaon. Grand vnlne in New Twvcds anrl snitmgs nt l!u < haril*Q!.-. S them. Miss .luU 1&apos;ickfll Ux>k train for St. Louin, U. S., on r i n lay nmriMtix laat, to attend a young ladies&apos; K&apos;liiinary, we be- lieve. Another caw of fine Turkish Cof- fee jnst received at Ricliardwns. Rvnienibcr thp f(n\nd (io.<|M-l Army Jill, lie,- in hlealiiTton next \\mlneaday. A cordial invilitrntl it extumh^l to every. U>dy. Set) bill* for (mrticuliirs. Pure Gold Making Power.the best iu the world, at Iticliardsons. Clayton&apos;s it the place to get the bar- gain* in Hoota, SliiK-n, Ax. A fine ttnck always on hand to sslsti from, of tin- beat make -ready made or made to or- der. Pure Pickling Spices, fresh, at Iticliaid.sona. Tho popular he.-ul maitsr of Fleaher- n Publir Si&apos;li.xiU, Mr. C. J. Sprnule, returned fnmi hi* holiday trip on Friday laat. He returned hit dutioa <>n Mon- day. A bfautiful at<x:k of front&apos;s Ties an<l Scarfs just no< ivrd atlSiclianlsons. Mr. Roht. MoCSrutficr, Artemesia. lft n corn (talk at thin oltice laat week which ineiuiiired eiht feet in length ! Tin- Agricultural K.litor thinks theru aru more "Krowi&apos;^niiuhinea" than Cani|>aixiiv&apos;* in Artemeaia. rijtiin* in Prints, clearinjf oat r stock al 5 ct-iitB \>ci- yunl at tticlmnlsnn. . I&apos;roton farmura aay the heavy fmtt ast wet-k ilnl no damage owing to tho f, &apos;.&apos; in tin inoi-niiuj. Tho bent har- do well to return him a once and save trouble. Tbe repairing and lipvating U still goiug or. in fltwhertoa Wo<illen millt. Look out for tpecial week in the ADVAM-B. Mr. Jnteph Kmith, er, Flt.thrtou, hat boott and thoos, of his be is selling at greatly n^k-ed caah cos. at the Noted Ml story when yon are in Flesh Ion Mid exam- inc RusfK&apos;ll&apos;s select iu cunaidera quantities dit- appeard from Mr John hnwoody&apos;t c Applet were itoleti from tho orchard of Mr. Tin*. Oabornc recently by Kjinenf our aiuart village boyt. Aa the boyt are known to Mr. Onl-mie, wat not to much fun "hook- ing" tho applet u th boyt probably thought when they were taking them. Oua of the hoytj implicated ha* done more in the within a nwiiut w.. n .. iii, any f twcnry ntlM. b.. ot boy in. folk* will no.-d to l<k sharply after the young icoundrel or ho&apos;ll be "jugged" one of thuae days. The belt nindieal anthoritie* arknom l^lpr- the value of Ayer&apos;n Cathartic I&apos;illi. and fr- qnently prescribe their KM- with the nuri"t -rly x, ,,,,,,,, / " In* fMitur nf Thr A &apos;(nine*. Dear Sir, -To what depth do tbe wat- ers of Beaver River piung,. over tbe per pendicular cliff at Eugenia, htrfore rushing on down thetteepand, in some placm, almt pcrpendicalar decliritiet below the | Falla proper t iuc anil SUIHMKT. I&apos;rrpare OK bod* for health and rlpi.r by taking Dr. Chaae&apos; l.irr Ctin>. N.I Kf ring Medicine equal* it. It itimnlaU* the I.IT*T. aid* ilitr.-nti, n. and purifii id* blenl IATICV ii.l ItM-ip* Book. II Hold I--- U stock of j c&apos;onfidenc*. aa the niixt eflectnal remedy fur Kcrisrd*oi>. Hole Ageal make which i diaesrt eanacd l>j dersngetuenU of thu sto- mach, liver, and bowele. Robert Todd wit up bcfnro AJvi.C. chrane,.I.P. ,on Friday laat, and pb .:M ,i. n Party. The public are cordially 1nvitr<l to a Oarden Party which wiU be held *i the Kroundt of Mr. Geo. SUwart, Fleaiuwtoa, r*w (Friday) evwoinj. Amr Mia. r&apos;-mniencing a!.ut at-ven o&apos;clock, under chard not long tinco, bu kat gentleman knowt the thieves, anc will probably mako thing* exceedingly aim and inter- esting for them. If everybody else 1 failed to fix your Watch or Clock, \\e it to Rtw- sell, Fir sin rton ; he ca make a job of it. The person who took t tparcvlofiugar from Watt&apos;* rig, in Muni iw&apos;t thed, on Saturday evening, 16th istt., it knuwn. If tb aanie it left at TnAnvAXri ofh&apos;cr all will be allowed to patti-ffaiajnke. If not, look out for aqualU II The projier place to get your Watch repaired is Rnsfll&apos;s Fleshcr ton. A nunilwr of yoUHg ptnple aaacmUi-,1 at Mr. D. S. Munro&apos;s retijenoe here, <.n Wednuaday niijlit, and paMsd a delight- ful evening in varioua innpent game* and aniutcmontt. The party ^r-ke up at a iruilty of * teal ing a watch from Mrs. M, Mitchell, and wu committed to Owen Sound Jail to stand his trial. Thia U the same buy who wa* brought up for setting fire to the various itables etc., in Lower Town tbnut two ui.&apos;iitlia a:;<i. The sus- picion in connection with th, 1 fires waa *.. i a food turn-out, as the ._ strong that nu dnuU it ia well tliat a. . .. ciety la iu4vd for the excellent manner in i the auspice* of thu Ladiea&apos; Aid nf tho ! I&apos;rxtb) tenan Church. Fleabetion Rrmat Band will U- j.rctent. We expect to see> Ai.i meaturea should be ue*l. \Ve are gbul to statv tint Mr. Ovhrane took the bench and did the best f><r the community in thit case. (*rty /.&apos;.rv-i/- 1 >&apos;i yon with t Kantifnl complexii-&apos;n ? Then ate Ayer&apos;* Karuparills. It c!ran*e* and pnriflre tbe Mood, and th-rrhy removes which it manage garden partiea, Ac. A (inon Fu-rta. I&apos;ut.- watr w in4ispsi lie to health, the l>a->t imparity tbouiel b* rtta,ivl by a goud nlUrr. I&apos;ure lilowi u al o uidi&apos;p. usible ; there tan U> perfoei hll.r. ti. Idotcbr* and pimple* from tbe ikin, makinc it nuooth ana clear, and giving It a bright and heahuy appearance. "Enlire, abaoluU: consecration," wat the tubject of Rer. Mr. Ayer&apos;t st-nn.n. in the Meihodiit church, FIe*herin, Sabbath morning Istt. Tho tubject was very wll handled. The a<iri-r thowed le Liver Ulood BitUr< and make pan J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted - Jewellery ELKSI1KICTON. REPAIRING! In all it* llra*cl,i * la PRI:KULLK POINTERS. A Lot of Lively Little Locals QatA- ered Specially for Tho Mr " Xrtlmr aa back at tiu c44 pott in E. J. finer i store aeain. I -.kin* cahty. Ijcet Thursday .-renintr J:teeti*w Mc- Donald nt ,. &apos;it to M one MrNally who hvea a h.rt distance fnam Pro >.:!-. to ... .1 he couldn&apos;t induce him to to Owen Sownd Rnal fnr ix-n t*j avert el csrtain hoc. Mc5.IJy ncti UM V- teetiw *rry warmly snsti aa p*ift-l* mhia hand. Hi-&apos; IM arts*!/ rwtrente^.eftd the traitor waa siibasysaatly aettM tu the atUitfaction of ail MSOtaTned Tl>e mnaine of Mrs. Smiley. "f Ktrre- iii..nt. were interred in Uw Pnabyttwian burying gn.uiMi h*-r "Q To*day Laat. The rorfy WM a lar^onr The "diaput.-&apos;! territory" it Ving c*n fully Flammed muir the m-nnt t Jamil .,f Mr. Kamboug-h. C f I &apos;ue-ham aSJti >i John Sir, Who waa the fint white woman in KWicrtou ? Thia quuttion ha* baMSi the cause of considerable diarutalnn and that it wat jut a* posaible. tobc. entirf)y a* thi- Agricultural K-lit..r >f tV Ai >.- > conaocratod to the tervicu of the Lord, as u laid U. b able to uw.-r aliixt any it waa fur a soldier to bo cntiaecreated i quuation. I aend it for publication iuyow U> Ui service of king or the professional man, tho mechanic, and the farmer totheirvar- iout callings. A J..tcii r an publicly en- p Ilex! themac-lvoa at inenilivn of the church at theooncljaionuf the preliminary services. There wu s large eunirrevation. Ir the pablic are fairly nad faithfnllv dealt with tbe\ will eom to appreciate it itlua J. (I ISmsvi,!., H &apos; niton art- conhally ln\ it. .1 i . fa &apos;>r TK.MI&apos;J-:iiA\<&apos;E. CII.K.MII IMllN DIVISIUN. No J44. mr.-t III their new hall. Dr Clni-t,,, . 1,1,,, 1, ,M r \ ViHltlllf teatouablu hour, and all fut away well pleased. Ruiutt-11, the no 4 i&apos;l je*llor, attends personally to every Walrh or Clock brought in for repairs. "The editor of th* Altis, a baa) dit- covered a slight difference between a pins tree and a potato sUk.&apos;&apos;-lj(drUai( Man- &apos;/&apos;ir>/. Thi* i* an age of great discoveries, brother Rutludge ; it now remains f. i to "ducovvr wlu^h i,J uf ak*> stoo. -, rrw ,,n, and wfie*<-r pwn^T*? *5ff" &apos; sibte, altbe towe*t poaaible i kllingTow on: Applet rector not! U,. ... . J, u.and lo- tli,-,r t- ,,. .)>, p ;l i - - -A beautiful hn.- of goods expected lie bate mauifeatM ll.rir a| . i.ui ui 1 kim^i&apos;l 1 &apos; n T^li&apos;^1 1 ^ft/wi t Ji t uvi&apos;i 1 *> , TT&apos;i.1 .if \.Mtyof young newpls consisting of ladies OnM Watclicu, j at lllc ^fa tv i o Chains. Hairpins, Ac. Po not fail to pi^^,,,, " TlK<da y ^.j Thu cuctU werv very gracefully received and MMIII wen- busily engagnl enj-.yinp in varioua way*. Tina wn-- tnd country valmifcl.. j.. the mi-reliant [The aniwer to thit atl similar <|uas- ii.-n* will alwaye be found iu the hmwlint; of each. En.] it (abject for much animated eUiM Ala&apos; &apos; M- r r.-at OUej U. PricwnU*) via l>urfaaa tU<re on Batsjirlay Ut* 8ae aakeil the snail driver a* t. ibea he would arrive in PncevilU from Fleali- erton Stati-.n, a*heantd t" fo haofc to Durham in order to reach Ml Fores* the a* roe ettjasag as she had a irtyrm ticket. Tlie dn\er ttid 3 "&apos;clncfc, bwt kw- ft back thortly after otie. and wait for the |S*M ifer, Itoarnvedi ly t.-frre three ,>l,^k, the Unie i by the driver Th Mt. F.-reat la.!y wa* a rig it Atchia>n&apos; t<> take Durliam in orrftT that the might be ar.l aouaer or later. Thia fuct la well ed in tlir \ < i. n,v nf M. -nr. Son. itli : .. well kuv i wtakeiseo. &apos;luroagb,.ut tbo IIS.TU tUrtil AfBtty ajf U t ..- i.. ! I A nfler frnm dutirwioc *ica. b-aJa*liM en.l bib. .111 tttaeki of (n^m-nt nerumMe whieii a I- tUet-r tx.. <-i Hmr.l.k lileud Kill j,ltT act.- u &apos; to Hrr. them. - Mr. McCurdy, of Arrsn, who wu se- verely kicked In the stomach by one of i .. . hit father&apos;* horen *omu wrekt ao, died on Snnil.iy inoriiing, Aug. 2nd. Fr> .111 tlie injunoa he received l,y the blow hi* r- covery waa not |xeibl, although ttrung hopes were entertained fur him for a om- tiderable tune after thu acidviit. Unier gloek A.-lti.&apos;-lnv 1-velilliW It ... iii-thr.<nciirillallv Invited A. It. K.>. iii \v I&apos; \v. llrxnmi K. H.S. vot the townthip ban neon for years ia Hiked for and the pooplc feel liappy. Tools of nil kin, Is, al- Oil for sale at R. Trim- ble&apos;s. An enormon; stock of SpectaclcR, from tlie noted firm of li. I^turanre, to he haJ only at Russell&apos;s. SIHC-. tilled on the scientific principles, ami every person can get a p-rir to tuil tv- fry linn. Mr. Thou. Oaborno and Mr. Th.*. Strun (inJ onu> coiiveraation lat Friday uvciniiL&apos;, In ulii<)i thu f,.ro, t-r callotl tlie latter a "tin, f," .iml madu tome remark in which the words "cut jmir hi-ail off" , H&apos;. urreil. Tin 1 Utter gentleman didn&apos;t at all relmli Mr. (hiborne&apos;ii style ,&apos;f ad- dn-Min^ him, ninl .&apos; ntly hiiniint-.l Mr. I I&apos;s yray haira alono tsved him from M trouncini;. AI.I. \VKI.f. H.i;\si:ii, Th- rhil.lini like P. Low 1 * I&apos;leiui.-iiit W.:i, S.irnp sn.l parrnls KJ..H-I- ..TI^ its \irtut*. The \iii ii-ult.ii&apos;id KdiU&apos;i waa in Slul biirne lant Kml.iy fort&apos;iio* HM calleil on Ins ri.nfruKe.s of the /.&apos;<*,,, iinVaii.1 A&apos;,.. Prru, after which he \ iitU tho r<in* of the popular anil ta.lenU.-d nin^ leiitit, Mr .1. P. Marshall. Whas lure ) h.vl two teeth extra* t.-.l by (lit pain! vitalirrd air pri-esa. It i*tirt:unly olienf with the eicrptinn nf the tiaiu when re- freshment* were aerved uniiiterroj te.lly kept up until nmlni^ht, when the cm- , pan, 1 formed in a circl,-. a,,,."V,,M I Syne," and "God SHV.I tin- 1,1111*11," and VTIi-it wr flonli! &apos;alk*. ."O. A CommiMlious, well vmtilat.-.! public kail. x ! innnufiuturinij *4(ed t., locate in FK*lirrtn. and IWKB. indiutriet patnnized every time in ; r, utaule one*. llur liraM IUn.1 nx-.-iring (hat li.-arti neuOIUfvin&apos;-nt at thu h.-uide ,if tin ill. &apos; ra the i- &apos; &apos; ilnt>-r lymx In a ja-ie.--r in th y he ouylit t<- i...w wbm 1 wnultl arrne in I&apos;t 1 .- i:l>&apos;. aJnt,t tu iiiiniii.- ll>- is -&apos;ii-i -d t.i |pr here ; Certain 1. .ur i. ! t&apos;nt ia the time | ihould have &apos;i*.-i. tlie Udy and thsre coold have U rn n,< nuatai&apos; &apos; he waa beliin-l tinif, hi ait I iiiiin. n* Wrvv : ^iiiumer &apos; \ . . tlu i i.air ataud "U M ! -r aaid taflr.Muet ^U to mako r -&apos;in ..f tlat .-\wfid ehaaaf ** 1 1. at S:r) Hr 1 r. w. &apos; ft* \J^ .i.. i arr *Ae cautMt Every pT..|i |.rout tet-ni.-d ,., rrreman 1 . W,,r l>viit u|iii havini; a K&apos;"-<l time aiul Unite went away dinnpTKiintiil. May there be br many ninru similar | rtiea ! A< NVMIRI.K Ki-r. The) poianoou* &apos; f .h-.- arr Inrkiug m the air we brrailn autl in tin&apos; water < Jrink. Tbe *y>i. iu boulJ W kept carefully puritir<l *inl all tli- urgana tuni-.l t pr j*r action. Du- cau boat be done by tin ri-ini latin*: puiifying and totiic |iower< of llurdork l:i.-l llitte&apos;ra. n ran ..ri.i- Burn. In Euphsaain, on the I&apos;.ltli wifu of Mr. Sylvoalvl I&apos;.m,-. , f a toll, tl,. Birlh. In Artnnr*!*, >,n the l!th ml., tl.. wifoi.f.l.v. r..&apos;1-cr.&apos;ft, Ea.j., ,.f a daugh- ter. Hl.-d. In Ard IIII-KI.-I, en tin- &apos;JIHli mil , Lauri;!. infant daughter of Jamm and AMU-- I&apos;- 1 .&apos; cr.ift. Ik* frandtnt iiivuntiuns > I tliu aa jininh-M iw it n |armlcaa. Mandmll vmit.t Mi-ahcrtou |..r tin- John MrNaetr, li.-n lb.-,l. i i!. - : 1 \Vb. M, \. i I f. . 1 ..tit uf -..rt. biliuiu, . r my ami liv.-r imt w,.rking n^lit. .T r, >.! itb a li. it.Urlip. [ ink,- t Imiw&apos;ii Mnii&apos;lr.;.&apos; l>mi,lr linn I.iv.r run". 1&apos;hrie i* Bn>r>&apos; rral hem tit i-eiitiiry, [n. m mil&apos; .lure ..f \. ,&apos;n I.irer tun 1 tlian in &apos; uf )n* priift-sHinii the h&apos;LMHKHTn.Y HKM-IM! l;nn.V. they have a man, Join, \\illianison, ,.,, OIMMI ,&apos;v,,rv rven in,. (HniHiaM. I&apos;M-, pt.&apos;.h fnnn &apos; the old Durham Road, who recently 7 n clock 1* ]V| iititi 1 &apos;" l * xl L..- J. \V. Thursday in each inontl , KlIH NKTII.K 1IVSM | Knipttonii and /i-nemi toili nun. \\hite, , .f Priccvillc, says that , I^ow * Sulphui S,,p. - The Methnditt flin], I crowded with |>enplu who Rov. Mr. Ayer&apos;n M>rtnon i* i tw ,.i v( thl , TUB ADVANCE. of thi&apos;l*h.liiii;Ixx i nlRn,l Fnunlv N&apos;.-W-I>II|HT in Sorttoeru Ontaii... I&apos; .1 noxt T *riiio, tirry & Bruce I)ivlsie>n. T " H &apos;"Tr>,dpiirt, T an am ....................... 4.<np.m. " arrive, in t, a.m. T """XT,i ,,l,. |wrl M ,, ,,,, ........ .IOpm. v H &apos;.*> " i train 1, m 1&apos;arkdal. I a.m. ! Bl^to,; &apos;.,. r.i&apos; &apos;&apos; /- ".v -&apos;&apos;fp*^ . \rrl\-e II V a.m. WU,,-., ,. &apos; &apos;&apos; >)N STATION: Fu,m iin: drriei, Cottinyicood Mmt, - A7../,,,7,,,,. n,,i. TKIIMS <>K SfllKf KIPTION: #1 OOperiinnm iiia.lvnii< ,- : <<l :t\ if not paid t the cuilof l| yean. No |>n|wr ilint-nntluuMl pnMl a)ianeararMiae*BMap;aadno ni.M,i|> tlon- takrn for I>M> than one ynai, cxvoiit when porlal arraiiReiiieiiiv (, ^i, ;,-u, r peritxlM *r maflo with thr- jnmi MMpi-r in olio day. Pretty swift man that who can In-at it &apos; - &apos;/m/ aT&apos;All kinds of Siinnncr will be sold out at crou for tin- (it) <liiyn Bt I!. Triiiibh-&apos;s. hit; saw logii into his mill ThiiriMliiy, was niHtimi. tin- hnppv illustr painfully injure,!. A l-&apos;lt b,-,.ke, thu felicitous applications, in home* made a plunge forwanl, and the driver won drawn over tho logs. Hs rv- coived *oriun internal injiirivs. oiam" laat Sun, lav evetiini wa* a grand one, and at ti innrn wna inch, thnt on and inidnr any otht-r cifbuimitancoK, it roiildhnvu wilted itaulf b) re|K<atixl out Tin- ^&apos;"rnu* dvcla and tin tho *er ,&apos;t attontioi in. &apos;ii abounded, hel.I tho c of tin 1 l.iii;. 1 aildieliee tbrkKlioii&apos;. Uev II V I n I I i or,l- M.III-, a,-, 1 , >i .. I.i 1 1, -ml in, It &apos; SM.T.- .lust rcooivcd, n car of fine (iixli&apos;iicli Salt,, whirli I will srll fur Mil cents (HI- li.nri&apos;l, tut ,11 *h. N, Trim II i-d&apos;s new carria^u factory wnulil creilit Ui ;i Inriri-city. Mr llratrd&apos;trn , IIIIK in-, t.&apos;i 10 oent* Mr I j -..- trrpriao in tl.w diro-tluh in IHI-.I "iitil all ar no,,, TV ("i i i iiMMiD-ni&apos; &apos;It lui-.l tl.,. II M.M.U , . i n.ii in c,ari>, lioul.l rnarb . II . . |> in .* l . ii in.. & 11. 100 . i. n. FAWCETT, /. i ., ,i,< I / tlin-c sii>rayiii-i IUM -ht, will In tin- t t i"iiiinioili,iiM Mini bv*t tal>liliu,n,iit ,-f Mr. Ayi-ra is a (vxiralitt i that word. Mr m.iny l..>nli- of wmif m, .In ,_ A Mrrlun.% Kon in Owen Mound. int ami thiid &apos; <n tli, i\fti-ni.N.n ,,f Tliursday laat tw,. Summer ""&apos;" naim-d \Vm. (i;ulw&apos;~-l nnd Samuel |>urpor went aoniM the rivt-r to a hone of ,,f Mrs. l&apos;..i.\ter ,.n Stni-t, and .U mamloil iliiutfji:icr. llurat KIM \<i\ drunk, hut (linlwnnd waa irvn- aobrr.aixl land &apos; \V. V. wan trying at first to get biiu away, al \\MI. there Unnn-htn I..- M id. The. lion beiiiR tekud f Ihe liibnuetpr n* averaijo I&apos;.mnliiiK IIOIUP, call* up r, nu 8* ofrtos* euntlrnity to U t li,.rn-<. &apos;" &apos;-&apos;&apos; M "tb th,T,&apos;,.f. II. &apos;o&apos;iriH., "ill ) ,-_lt i.vnrs to ti., ri&apos; ti, ; . the i (In ,^f-li&apos; in . !i ^ 1 . ..iiif r, lieu- WAX came t,< here "True Her- The sonunn thowth he eventually joined in the i.m ,t lie efl thus- jwbirh .n-cum-.l. A ponjd.- "f i.enfhlior y other day i w , ,,,.,, ,.,. j,, t., 1,,-lj, Mr. r..i\.-r > Krt them nut, n hen Hunt attizvtl "lie tli. n. (Mr*, .lalli.-j I l>y tlie hair liiul ,lm&apos;,&apos;v&apos;el bur out t" the stre<-t, wli,&apos;r>- n Ttittti 1 Mra. Itiuter Mm. Met till, ami a Miss Sornni, ;ll went t,< her luunitance, anil m&apos;llle "f tin-Ill tuklrd (iinlwi-Hl Thr nsult w,\. a gKiienvl mel.e, in wl.i, h HHDtt bit Mr. .Ixlfrey tinyfr and inflict- eil a atab with a knift. ,.n Mias S, ram, the wound fiirtunaU-ly U-im{ a^ht one. an the knife w.\s it,.|.|s-il by a rili. Ib&apos;th the men vrorv iUTOnt.-tl, sn.l ,&apos;.ini<- Inf..].- the Poll, ,&apos; M II. l 1 ! &apos;I tl i.i! ,&apos;ll Tu. tin- l&apos;,,uii . Attoiin y PI-O-.I-I iiti%&apos;, Hi Mortiaon appi^tnii.; f&apos;-r ill, 1 d.-f Tin \ we|, ,-oiiM t.&apos;.l >iul i.u-li 1 totwfiit* tour hour* 111 KI ml : aawH on >u. lUxti r iil Mr* M. while fur (lie wouiiinuK ..: Mr*. J. .ilnl Mi>s >, IIMII, Hunt wn and CMpri Irmy Jabilrr. Tin I;,..|M! Army Jubilee, I.. t- 1>. !,1 m Flettierton . n We,l::.-*ln\ . {net SepU-inber, prinn.ea to be "lie ,-f the im*t atirnuu event* in the h - \ill.iii-. Prrparnti-&apos;in on a .r.u.&apos;l acaJc. for the evrnt, an; n,,w U-ingcarri,-.! . n tin*- who have the manage nicnl .,f th.- latrjiir. A* miijlit 1- In-.iit.-r (,ay>t.,r "f tl.- -. lias tlip&apos;wu and aotil int tin- w,.rk. oth - ,.|k in.- with c.|ual envrxy. Such , (T.-ru ar* auro to br cn.wn.-d withabutidat&apos;trarveea. "trr* aw4 J.-li-i&apos;rs for |u1 k ulars. Tn I - I 1 .-, i. 5 pnparatKMi &apos;" &apos;"i. llie (><>.. .end* . b- t- r H!, tlll.ll ,!. I&apos;l 1 . . i M: WiU StraoU-rry tin- iiifallitile rnnnl f..f all fmi..&apos; uf Sniuuor &apos; ..ui|4m. i What Hi. < rr*Mt>lnR. Tll*t C"ll ,-ll TiU-let ll.HIII&apos;,- 1 . *up|H>- w, try tin- idewalk ..tin XT. Yea, but bUme me if I |.tit tln-o>al "li the blan if<l C..HII.I N 1. Tin- \i;ri. nlt.iral E<lit..r ia t.. &apos; &apos;.ime as &apos; A.K. 1 II e.- \ "ii f..r another ice) cnmui if ytni d.-irr &apos; \\:1&apos; II \N h II put ..n i l i< yl.,tf till I whack at Kim t..i ike v&apos;b-ry When In EHit-T w, il.l i hrf, ! oaantlly lia an> i-t, not w , &apos; i %&apos; , * t. ^VaV fi" aw *ut a.!n itMwuiriit in /f<rU./ ,.f .ne \-v i i v vt Ha* the belsn wittac *" i*y &apos; ., Hat llrnry r.-fuacd t v.imal at uf his J.IWM-. .&apos; f $S i-iii-.natra Kat Ke weut tu DuodaJk tbrwa- tv In adtvrtiae her, but ciil i print- t - ar <!! ai v.-rybndy that it *>|u.i id .t*. | him ki.- his hatUu aii.l AJI . will &apos; hetitaU&apos;ine moment iu I- > \\R1CHT I . M \\ -\i>\i;i;iisi:\iKMN FARM FOR SALI N 0. attention &apos; IU team i"r(!iea drill. Liout Ki. &apos; I -\lway* n-a.1) TheV,,lun- ie very high th n &apos;! of [v HlT.&apos;i-fii i Win. jach MrUr, ^ nl mid all >v " \&apos;*rsHl &apos; I&apos;l,-.&apos;!, &apos; n tliu lii. , m, I v.,&apos;i sluUl shltiv a.i >Ura iti the tiriiiMn, nt i "i rt.-r in Ik*- life that u I. - .-..m. 1; - \\ \\rr K i- it II. > ... i. ,&apos;f K:ni. ... .-,.111,1) ,,( Hru,-.-. iu a l.-W. r. aay* : M litre brs-n tr..iibl,.l ith Pt>|T|.ia ami l.itrr Cue*, plaint* for a imu.l- i u 1 \, \i- t and am |b>4 I., tin- i>n|.|ir *_*4-U a* frkna* that M&apos;<tr, .&apos;.&apos;ii S- ( .-< .1\ i &apos;(^ rreufbi meanvutMl, mi. I I mi n ,- all riawC tbanka : M H&apos;.ii.ii, ,1- ..( like l. >u- - i fn-ij i l.nlv pr MIIJ; tl.ut Uiii is triilv r>-iii^vi&apos;. . -n in^ Sin , l.,< -, .In-rc ill tlae . . IM> remwiv kvMwn to &apos; . 1 : I .mlrr a - &apos; a a eure fur lirt*, riVMiiUry, ,r ;-l.iui! *ftV J. W. BATES3 an, I re Furniture / &apos;i.lcrtttk* I.KSM TIII; MMIXET& Kail \Vhat ... .sjHiii&apos;-r Wheat liarh- ........... Choi, r* M.iilni.. inv f,.i..i ../ MO l.&apos;l.lnu 01 i-lult-. IV.S *,- &apos; : Hnv,per ton... f llilrfl ......

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