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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1885, p. 8

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A MARVELOUS STORY THB a TWO tirnu. - f J. W. BATES, and Furniture Dealer Undertaker, IT.KSHKRTON, OUT. Honey to Loan. At 6\ Per Ctnt. /nitres; on Straight Loan. TIT ITH Interest paid yearly, not in advaiuu. No * ciiiniulsaiou charged. Apply to IK 1C. - TB'RNBVBY. CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OP THE MYRTLE NAVY My father resides at Olover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the Inclosed letter will tsU JOB whs* a marvelous efleot Ayer's Sarsaparilla' has had IB his ease. I think his blood most bare iri*nta'"r* tbe humor for at least ten years; but It did not show, except la the form of a aarofolous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. Prom a few spots which ap- peared at that tune. It gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I aware you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when fce began using your medicine. Mow, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty person* who would testify to the facts la his case. Toon truly, W. IS MARKED T.&B. In Bronte HONE OTHER GEKUIHE. a duty for me to state to yon the bare derived from Uie ute of Ayer's Sarsaparilk Biz month* ago I was oompleUly eornd with a terrible humor and acrofnloos sores. The bamor eaused an luoessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to eausa the blood to flow In many places whenerer I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a bnrdei. I commenced the use; of the SABSir ABILLA In April last, and haw* used It regalarly since that time. My condition begaa to Improre at once. The sores bars all healed, and I feel perfectly well In erery respect being now able to do a good day'* work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what bas wrought such a cure la my ease, aud I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Aria's SAUAnitiLLA. Olorer, VI, Oct. 21, UO. Toon gratefully, Fur The I./ i>i i, (.] DR. SPROULE, M. P. lAMArABILLA etDW Bn-ofUJa an, I all S<Tofuloua Complaints, Xryslp- *!. KcMma, Klt-jworru, Blotchea. Sons, Bolls, Tumors, and Kraptloaa of the ftkla. It clear* the blood of all Impa- rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of (be bowels, aad thai restores vUaJltJ Md, ausngtisaa Uie whole system. . rmcTAMsa a T Dr. J.O.Ayer&Co., Lowell, MIM. toldbyall inugguts, l,u butties for W. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- Cunt Cholem,Cholera Horbus, Dy- ie*tery, Crampi, Colic, Sea Sick- mu and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum. and all Com- plain ti peculiar to children teeth- ing, atJ will be found equally beneficial for adult* or children. \ HI SALE IT AIL DRUCCI8T1 T. MILBURN * CO., _ Proprietor*. Toronto. ertoii Poioh dfe Mitchell. PROPRIETORS. (TUB nndnrsicnMl respectfully Uketbls nppor- * tunlty to announce to the people of rl*h- crton andiurronsxllus country, that they have started a Butcher Shop In the stand next door to the Marble Work*. PLEBHUHTON, where they will be pleased to meet with all who favor them with their patronage. Fresh Meats of all kiads, and Klab, Ac In their sVespectfullr yoars, rercH A MITCHELL. .PLESHRETON. MARBLE WORKS ! E, VANZANT, UMDS OF Me ui Momi08flt&l Works, Snob r noonments, Tomb Tables, HeadBtonns Coot nr and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on nhort notioe. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbieized Slate, &c., Ac. Fleiherton, Aug. 30, 1883. Cwcs Dizniuns, Loss of Appetite, Indi/jettion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Shevm, Scrofula, Srysipflu, and all diseaset arising from Impure Blood* | Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIHTMENT THE PILLS Parity the lllood. correct all Disorder* of the Stomach, Kidn'yH, and They Invigorate and rertore to health Debilitated Constitution*, and are Invaluable In all Com ptalaM Incidental to Female* of all ages. For Children and the aged they an) priceless. THE OINTMENT I* an infallible remedy for lied I- R. Bad IlreuU. Old Wound*. Roree and Uloers. It is famous for Oont and Rheamatimu. For disorder* of the Chest it-has no equal. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Oiaadalar Swellings, and ail Skin T>l*mun* It bas no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joint* It acts like a charm. Kanofactured only at Professor Houx>wiT's Kstabllshinent, 7*. New Oxford Htreet < lat* 533, Oxford Street ), London , and ate sold at Is. ijd., k. ad.. 4* M., u, , ,.. and a),, each Hoi or Pot, and may be had of all If ed clns Vendor* throughout the World. /wre*oWJ aWW loJt k Ou IsiM on tiu Pott <nut B+xm. 516. Oxford Hint t, Loi^M, ftry are I/ tktaMrttt it not I have not, nor will I attempt in these "Pen and Ink Sketches" to imitate the -Flattering painter who made It lit* care To draw men as they ought to be, not aathey are." I shall endeavor, instead, to place my subjects on the "canvass" <u (Aey are. I have to thank the Meaford Mirror, for the correct estimate it has made of my 'sketches." It is pleasant to know that ones labor* however little appreciated elsewhere merit the approval of prog -ev sive and well conducted newspaper*. But I dign* : Dr. Sprcule, M. P. for East Grey in the Canadian House of Commons, was born, if I mistake not, in the Township of Us- prey, where his aged parents still reside and U a brother of the Fleshei ton post- master, Mr. R. J. Sproule. The Dr. lives in the village of Markdale, his house being possibly the largest private resi- dence in Gssy county. The grounds sur- rounding it are very extensive and well laid out. Dr. Spromle has represented East Grey ir, the Dominion parliament for a number of years, and is one of the most fluent speaker* in the Province. When he first stumped the riding he represent*, Mid- dleton thp irrespressible "J. J.," I mean and other funny Reform politi- cians, made great game of the Dr's. pro- nunciation of the word "but," which sounded to setae like "bood." All the same, very few of those funny gentlemen cared to take platform against the Dr, ex- cepting, perhaps, Middleton, who would "sasa" Sir. John A. Macdonald or Sir. Leonard Tilly with equal coolness and presumption. "Hi* grammar is awful," said some of those very precise critic* who are to be found everywhere. All the same, the sturdy electors of East Grey added the handle of "M. IV" U- his name, and have repeated the operation several times sine*. I think I am safe in aaying, Mr. Editor that Dr. Sproule ha* done more for his constituents than all the other M. P's and M. P. l"s East Grey ha* ever had put together 1 This seems like a strong laUment. if not, indeed, an exaggerated one ; but it is nothing but the plain truth. What would the Meaford or Thornbury larbors ev .r have amounted to had it not teen for Dr. Bpruule'* untiring energy in placing ssslliis clearly and honestly be- the Government and by persistent adrocaaev of ;he claims of these places to Government patronage 1 How else ha* ie served the interests of hi* constituent* ? ly being as efseti as at all possible in his >lace in the House when important mea- sure* were up for the consideration of parliament and by nut deserting his post when those important measure* were being voted pon. Hi* course in this particular has always been manly and icnest. He possesses superior abilities as a speaker, but is rather apt at time* to ndulge in lofty flights of oratory some- what foreign to his subject He i* also nclined tu be prosy and indulges in long speeches, sometimes, which are rather suggestive of those made by the obstruc- tionists daring the recent protracted dis- cussion in the House on the Franchise Bill. He possesses plenty of fire and en- rgy and at times came* his audience "by storm," if I may be permitted to use the expression. In debate he used to ,ose his temper too easily to be very suc- cesRful in that important phase of public speaking. Of late years, however, he bas overcome thU difficulty to a great ex- tent and the politician who attempts the Teat of crosaingiworda with East Grey * M. P. now usually retires in discomfiture f n m the ' -battle field. " As the Dr. deals exclusively in /acts something new to the average political! opponents are obliged to deal almost exclusively hi empty sar- casms, which may or may not create a laugh, but which certainly do not carry conviction to the intelligent and reason- ing mind. As the msnos become more and more enlightened they become cor- respondingly critical and the empty no. thingisms ao popular and common a de- cate ago have no more affect now than 'water poured on a duck's back." The diffusion of genera] knowlgjsjge through the medium of newspapers and stan- dard works of great merit, published in such cheap form as to be within the grasp of all, have revo); tionivud ideas of the tolling masses who rule this as well as every other country where blind des- potism i* at a discount ; and the public man who hopes to achieve success and stand highly in the estimation of the peo- pie, must nut only posse** a through knowledge of the politics of his country, but he otust uls rank with the men de- signated by thu poet a* "Men, high-minded men. Who their duty know And knowing, dara maintain." Whatever Inn faults, 1 believe Dr. Bproule belong* to this class. I am aware that the subject of this sketch hai expressed himself as opposed to the Scott Act and similar compulsory legislation. He has expressed himself very candidly on this point some saidhe wa* currying favor with the licensed vic- tualler*. I don't believe it, fur Temper- ance sentiment in East Grey is so strong- ly in favor of the Scott Act, that a man must "possess the courage of his honest convictions" to a very great degree if he venture an opinion Contrary to that of the majority of his cuiMtituents or political supporters. The Dr. is honest in his op- inion concerning.coinpulsory legi^i'ation and advances, I am compelled to admit, (teetotaller though I be) some strong ar- guments in defence of his position. I am one of those who believe, Mr. Editor, that an individual, who act* strictly in accord- ance with th dictate of Ms own con- science, deserves to ue tn tied as a citizen, a brother and an honest man ; to call him a fanatic, a mugwump, or even a foul, does not imply that he Jeaerves any or all of these epithet*. Professionally, the Dr. is highly esteem- ed and possesses the confidence of his pa- tient* in a marked degree. Politically, he is possibly the most popular man in the County of Grey if there be a more popular man, the M. P. P. for North Grey is that man. Socially, he (the) Dr) is a gentleman of most engaging matter*, courteous, unaffected, dignified and em- phatically "a man of the people. " His ipeech on the Franchis* Bill dur- ing the remarkably long session of parlia- ment now drawing to a doss), ha* given him a decided prominence amongst tk orator* in tnat critical assembly, whilst hi* vote against the Senate's amendment to the Scott Act has decidedly increased his prestige amongst the Ti mpenne* rate- payer* of East Grey. Dy his untmug perseverance; by his herculean efforts in mastering Domi. .on as well a* Provincial politics in their every detail by his close application to the many du- ties connected with his professional auc public career ; by his earnestness and un- conquerable zeal in guarding the inter- ests of his constituent* ; and by hi* lib- erality and generous dealings with friend and foe, he to-day occupies a proud and AYER'S * Hair Vigor restores, with the floe* and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep Mack, as may b desired. By its ose light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not al way i, cured. It cheeks falling of the balr, aud stimo- lates a weak aad sickly growth to vigor. It prevent* and cares scarf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR li unequalled; It contains neither o. I nor dye, renders the hair soft, flossy, sad silkxn In appearance, and Imparts a delicate, agreeable, aad lasting perfume. MR C. P. HHIC-HIK writes from JTir*y, . Jtilg 3, 1882 : " Last fall ray hair oumuienct J falling ooi. and In a abort tima I became n.-nr'.y bald. I used part of a bottle of A\ t.K' HAIR Vioou. which ttupped the fall- ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a fall bead of balr growing vigor- ously, and am convinced that bnt lor tbe u*e of your preparation I should have becu entirely bald." J. W. Howcv, proprietor of the Me Arthur (Oio) gayuirer say* : " AYKB'S II A HI Vmou i* a most excellent preparation fur the hair. 1 peak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and uiakd* It glossy and soft. The VIOOR i* U* a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge bas the preparation ever falltj tu give entire. aaUafaeiiou." Ms, Aaocs FAIKBAIBX, leader of the celebrated " Fairbalrn Family" <>f ScotlUh Vocaliiu, writes from /kufcm, .U-i*i.. f'tb. 6, lHa* : " Ever lince my hair began U> give lil- *ery evidence of the change winch nVetii < time prueoretk. I have used AVKB'S HAIU Viuuu, aad so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthf ulnass a matter uf cn*ldnral>la consequence to minister*, ora- tors, actur*. and In fact every one who lifts In the eyes of the public." Mas. O. A. PaafCOTT, writing from 18 Mlm St fkartutotr*, Mau.. April ft, IM2, tap : Two year* ago about two-third* of my hair eain* off. It thinned very rapidly, aud I was fast growing bald. On uilng Aim's HAIS VlUUM the falling (topped and a tew growth commenced, and In about a Diouth niv head was completely eovered with ihort balr. It ha* continued tu grow, and Is now as good ss before It fell. I regular 1 y used bat nno bottle of Uie VIOOB, bat now ase H eecasionalir a* a dressing." W* save smndieej of similar testimonial** 'to the efficacy of Arut'i HimViooa. II needs hat a trial stsoBvmes the most akeptt- c*J of lu value. vr I ' *i ' ^*p " lfr...C.Ay.r4iO. M Lowell . M..*. Advertise in The Advance. Victoria Hotel, OWEN BOUND. This house bae been restted au<l aiaeed nodwr the management of Mr. K. II MuteJenrh. Te tboae rieafriag all the comfort I a eulet home, whan vlalUay Owen Sooodt or ,i tineas or pleae ore. will find the "VletorisV . .< \' to the best In Caracul hostlers K H MIDDAUCH. Proprietor Kfotic* t Wright * Bros., or , a worklnc partnor. OBO. WaUOHT * BlOtt Wanbam, Jane 1st, IBM. Take That the firm of . enriablo ix>eit : on in the heart* of thepo- W_reham, will not he. reMsjaeibu inr _...._. t uiasls i uted by Albert B. Wrfjjfct. ee he plsx He is to-day a BM* popular mm en hli iagreeneat with the nrw and o. than he was five yean ago. V AW..NTIJJ1 MCdOIMS. P. 8. Not haTing aooeai to the family register, I am unably to give your read- en the exact ago of the subject of this) ketch. I would suppoae him to beabout thirty-five yean of age perhaps) more. Perchance aome of your reader* can cor- rect me if I am in error. Although not a phrenologist, I would say Dr. Sproule was a man who possuesud a wonderful a- mount of vital energy. It require* an iron constitution almost to withstand auc- cesfully the wear and tear, the toils and anxietiet of the average public man par- ticularly a man possessed with inch ener- gy a* Dr. Sproule, M. P. VALBKTIlfB Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Kin loan, tounty of Bruco, in a letter, nays : "I hate been troubled with Dyspepsia and Lit*? Com- plaints lor a number of yean, and am glad to say to the public at well M friends that McGregor* Spedy Core brought iuf around, and I am now all right, thanks to MeOreg- or'i Sueedv Cure. Hundreds of like testi- monials are frequently received, and are daily proving that this is truly a wondarful remedy, curing Sluggish Lifer, Bilious Headache and CoetiTeneai, when all elan (ails. Sold at Biehardson'i Drug SUie. Trial bottle* given free. any < baebraav FRED. RYDER, Brick an^ Stone FLE8HEBTON. Orden In Town and Country rrompily ted carefully executed Tbe Well Bred Bsurbain Bull. " GRAY CHAMPIOH," Will be for serriee the season of INK* at Lot us. 1st Kance Weet, T. ie R Boad, Artuiuuela, near Floeherton. TER.MS $1.00, Payable 1st January, WHS. 4^.' ROGER LEVBR. l*ropri*Moi H AC Y AIR D'S YELLOW OIL C'JRFf, PHE!.'MATI C M IK-MS. front our Corretpondtnt, Haying has commenced with many of the farmers and if fine weather eaattnua* another week, the greater part of the crop will be housed. A base ball match was played between the Singhampton and Maxwell juvenile clubs, and renulted in a victory for. the Maxwell boys the latter scoring 36 run* and the former 16 runs. The match was played with great resolution on both sides. [We deem it bast not to publish the item about the married man and woman who have been acting in such a suspicious manner. If the affair continues, however, we will do so. ED.] SHOULD BB ATTKNDIH TO. Uncb rnfforing is the result of neglected constipation. There is no better regulator el the bowels than Burdock Blood Bitter* by Its frompt action on the Liver all tsodenoy to irregular- ity i* removed, and one chief sowes of ill- health prevented. WORM POWDER s . Coatela their ew I* a tala, enre, aad rr<-r./ In Ch.ldrenoe-i EUGENIA Grist Mill, U1 Hi let. NHL HaTinR Bide MtensiTo impr^vi ments la my l ) r ist Mill, I am eonndpct I can py goa4 CHOPPING DONE ART DAT. Good Flour always on baud. Custom Sawing, .. . torn and Bills filled on tb* shortest netiee. bar an |f Lath always on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT ft OATS,

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