. WHLTRAM WATCHES A'/y/n Walckef, Springfield Walehet, Strut Walehet, Gold and Silver Ca$e. ["TRADE AND GET RICH.'! ( I On the principle of an honest equivalent in goods and work for every dollar received. This lias been n>y| adiet GoM Watchoi, Ladiet Gold LoeJuU, t'tnt Roll rial' NtcUtU, Colored Oold Silt, Long Gold Chain*, Rtll Plate Brarelttt. method of founding a good business standing, and in the last 21 months* it has been successful. I keep a large stock of Fine Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Ac.; Mil every article for just what it is, and at such prices that customers get value for their money. I deal almost exclusively with the large firm of Smith ft Fndger, Toronto, and J. H. Jones & Co., Montreal, And these firms I can rely on, for they handle A 1 goods. It will pay to come 16 miles to get a Urge suck to select from and prices that ensure satisfaction. I have booked for liepaira since Oct. 25th, '83, {5OH Watches and Clocks. Repairing catefully attained to and folly warranted. Wedding Rings. Engagement Gemi, Silver Itinyi. Sil- ver TkimbU, Collar and ('/ H*ttm. Ac. w. JEWELLER, A. BROWN, MARKDALE, 0\T. SILVERWARE. BmUeri, CaXeri, C\ke Di,he,. Fruit Ayt. .tfr ../.,., Plate Co. Wekwtwe YalMUwrs t Welcome father*, lorer*. brother*! Heroee not afraid to die. Ijoring wive*, iwaetheart* and mother* Laughing, weeping, Weleome cry Nobly hare you served four nation .Nobly have TOO born* the strain , Listen to the acclamation . Welcome patriot* bom* again I Bravely have yon fonght each battle, Never once did courage fall ; Steady, cool, amid the rattle And the ping of deadly hail. Onward marching, forward ruining, Charging with reeUtleu might , tttroog poeltlon* taking peabiag Out the foe 'mid fierce*! agbt Cool, when comrade* fought no longer, But lay wounded on the fteld ; lira re, when death, eomelimee the rtrotiger. Forced the dauntlee* heart to yield. Hrave were ye. who fated the f oeman I Not lea* brave the nobl* eorpe, With a tottch like that of woman. From the field the wounded bore. Having life by qulei appliance. Of the mean, by .kill devised; Bidding death meanwhile deflane*. Danger aoaroely reallns. Honored hero**, worn *r march**. Long and arduous o'sr Ike plain. Weleom*! with triumphal arena*. " yveleomu to oar heart* again I Weleome I I*t the joy ball, tell it. Weloonie let cannons roar : Let the flag* and banner* wsv* It From each flagilafl, hooj* and itore. Weleomel Let the trumpet* blow It . Wulcuiue I To the brave and true Weleome I Let each bright face abow It, Thank Ood mourner* an but f*w. Bat of those to-day la SSBSISS. W* have feeling* llep, uaeeen ; And in all thl. Joy and glaone** Keep tbelr loved one'* memory green. Aad we pray, Ood blee* tb* weeplnj. Wer-Uuref t fond b*arla to-day ; Thinking of her dear one* aleeplng, Crowned with laurel wreath* and bar. They have Deseed beyond the portal. Leaving *omeS)iing mor* ** name. Heroiim I* mimeital. They havu weeT a detathlss* fame. Welcome father*, lover*, brother. I Beree* not afraid to die Living wivee, .weethearte and mothers, Laughing, weeping, welcome cry Root. Awd*. Toronto, July Id. MS. two churches here, two in mister* ami Catarrh A MW TrfMatseKal- maay earneat, work ing people. I had the 1 Perhaps the most extraoniiaarv lueewes pleasure of meeting with Mrrn, Dr. Stew-Uhat has been achieved in modern medicine art a daughter of the late Rev. James ' * attained by theDUan treatment Spencer, whom I had not seen since she;' ' <** OHel ,000 patfcnU treated was a little girl. Her father wat then! darin K lhe P** "' nx>nth,, faiy ninety per Editor of the Guardian and I boarded with the family, a junior preacher. elder suiter of Mrs. Stewart has been aent out by the Missionary authorities of the Church to labor in the miasion fteld in Japan. Taking the train on its arrival from To- claim now generally believed by tie most ronto, we }>assed through a beautiful part scientific men that the dUease It do* to the of the country, with rich, flourishing presence of living parasites ia tb* tissne, farms, farm mansions and small towns, Mr. Diion at onee adapted his ear* to their and arrived at Wingham about 4 o'clock, extermination this accomplished, be claims On the platform, at the depot, were the " Catarrh is prsetieally enred, and tbs per- members of the Official Board, who oon- maneaejr I. anquestiooed. u oaree .fleeted ducted us U) the panonsge, where the L e^ hw ^7r"a^mpCj toTue?Ur^h good sister* belonging to the church had j n this manner, and m> other treatment has a sumptuous repast prepared for us. j *vwr enred Catarrh. The application of tb*) To Rent. The BlackauilUi Shop on the Mb line. Arteme- la, f<mierly occupied by Mr.Thoe. Addtion. is to rant on ea*y term. 1'oenae.lon given *t once | If Deeeeaarr. Apply to DUNCAN OAMPBRIX, Kikxeaia P.O. eured . * ** " ubb " rD An, VT*. ***? """ when it is remembered that not 6 T.I.CT rent. of ^^ prMM>ting titem ^, n to th . nfglu |t . Mili||tr be nefit-i whila th . patent mewJeines *! other ad>ertisd caret oarer record a eon at all. Starting with the Tha- Thorough-Bred Durham Bull. PRINCE ARTHUR, Will be for service this year (18864 at Lot 162, 2nd Con. West, T. * S. Road, Arteniesia. Terms, 75 cents, payable Jan. 1st 1886. WM. CABB PARKER. 5w. After spending a pleasant time there, remedy u simple, sad can lie done at home, and th pr**ent season of th* year it the we were taken by a couple of the friends mout favourable for a epedy tod permanent to their homes for the night. ' arw, th* majority of earn* being enred at TI ^r^l. , _;__j <>n* treatment. Suflerars should eorreapond Th,oar C..DOVIIUIK our goods am red ^ ^^ R A DUoo ^ HOB MS gj shor-Jy after and th* greater part of the (tract w*st. Toronto, Canada, aud eneloa> time since has beea otnployed in getting tamp for th*ir trsatia* OD Calarrb.-Mon. settled for w*k. We kav. i with "~ l **' No '' aothing but kindnee* since our srrival CLAYTON'S II 1 K\ HNS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, 1$ the place to get your Harnru Cullart, 4e, made up in good 4ylt. in W. Clayton's Boot <t SUK Start, aere, and I trust wu are determined upon entir. devotion for the promotion of the Master's work and glory. D. c. MCDOWELL. A BnuiHi. Dnusx. There is seareely symptom belonging to chronic complaints but that is common to the poor dyspeptic, sad he often feels as H he had *Tary ai**s>M U th* catalogue. Bnrdock Blood Bittors cures tb* worst form of Chronic Dyipepaia. For Sals. 600 While Ash Hotter Tab*. JO*. MeOOBMACB, Cooper, P1**herton AUCTION SALE Ohaaye in form of the ADTAMCI nxt week. KsBr a*M;a Hoeg GrjiaMD. Keep your boas* guarded .gainst sadden attacks of .Colic, Cramps, Diarrbcaa, I>ynent*rv muter*. In fan turn ' They art lie hi* to when least expected. The lalsel, her! mo*t reliable remedy U Dr. Fowler's Eitraet of Wild ilrewkerrv. Adrertiae in the ADVAHC*. I"nr. CHOLU. -Po*eiblvthc ChoUra may not reach oar locality this seaaun. Neva*. tb*le*a, w* should take every nreeantioa fttfainst It. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 8trawb*rry is a sure car* for Gholera Mor bu*. Colie, Cramp, Diarrhoea aiid I)T*mt*ry I rtt<T from Ro*. Mr. s>WCll. DaMOEBOUS PITS ar* oftra canted by worms. Freemau ' Worm Powders dsstroy Sabacrtbe for the ADV.RCB. TH Olf RiM-ir of Tkr Adrutrr. iin- MR. K nm IK, -I have thought yoa and our friend* there might be pleased to hear , how we succeeded, after leaving Flu*b*r tvn, in reaching out destination. You will remember wa left on th* evea- lag of Dominion Day, about 7 o'clock, and as the weather was fair and cool, we had a pleasant drive to Durham It will be a t;anuitee that we did not spend unnecess- ary time on the way, when I inform you that the gentleman who had charge of th uutdeof travel wu our friend, Mr. Thorpe Wright, who oonvgyed us in hia cornmod' ioxu family carriage, drawn by a dashing span of horsee, which seemed to increase in speed and spirit until we reached the , town of Durham, a little after 9 o'clock, j We stopped at Mr. Middaugh's hoiel, which is a magnificent edifice, affording every accommodation necessary for trav- ellers and which i* kept in each style by the prnUeiiianly proprietor, that it would do credit to one of our cities. Having arranged matters for the night and bidden farewell to our friend, who returned to his home, we repaired to our rooms to snck rest, not at all unnecessary on the occasion. Next morning, thankful for the care of Providence, we were up and - >n ready for the mad again ; and after settling bills, &c. having arrived sit the station and purchased through tick- ets to Wingham, we were soon on board the train, which started about 7 o'clock, l In about two hours travel we arrived at the towfe of Palmerston : here we met the Rev Mr. Stafford, one of the resident minuter*, and as we had to wait for the Toronto train at 1:30 in the aftei noon, he constrained us to go with him to the par nonage. Having, therefore, anme time, 1 thought I would like to see the church and what of the town I could We have ABOC81 TUB LIVKR when torpJ with National Pills, a good anti-btlioas cathartic, sogar-eqated. Pay the AIM v r man what you owe _or- Valuable Farm Property In i sw To * n*h Ip af Cleaelf . Under and by virtu* of the power of aale eon Isleed to) a certain mortgage from Kmlejr UaeHej* to th* Vendor*, which will be i>r !uro-l at the Ueoeof *ale. and no default of p*>uient of the aaeaxyi thereby mored. then will Uofler- ed for aale 1) I*uollc Auction At A/.irwVi HotW, in O* rOsay. of Stnri- dab, on rFedMSwoy, Vu (feet .tiy of July, A.D. ISM, ait o'clock p.m. By A. 8. VAN1H HKN. Auctioneer. Lot Number Twenty-Two in tb* Ninth ConceMloo of thoaaid Townablp of (Uenelg, containing 100 aero, more or lane, about Oft of which ar* tail to be cleared and about IU free from tump*. . On th* premiaee ar* .aid to be t frame bmiee. Tbv lot 1* .pectally adapted for a Dairy Kami. TKRM8 -Ten percent at tin,, of *alc. Fif- teen per cent, within one month, an. I tb bal- ance to b epcurwd by a mortgage of th* |>r*m- le* payable In five year* with latereel at .evea per cent yearly, or inch other tenn* a* mav be arranged at time of *al*. For (artbor particular* apply to M088. r A LCON BRIDGE A IIAliU ICK. JHB* Mth, isas. Toronto House & Carriage ' " Xmtly, Erpttiitiotulf, and Cktiflj per- formed fcy G-BOHGB SAUL 1 '!!- h<- 1-1 <n. in,., inU ktf,*nd in tkr old itand, abott HMurn't tarriaye atop. Orders by mail or nthfnntt irtlt recnsc eartf'J attention. JOHI WHITTEN. Bulkier and Contractor* IS now reailr to take building contract* fr* tb* .eeaon of DMA All order* will W promptly ! attended to an u.ual by a large and efficient Mat) of workmen Alaotakee thl. *pprtauity toheartllv thank the public for|aH patronage. FOR NETTLE RASH. Summer Heat Eruptions and general toilet parpe*ei na*> Low's snlr-bug Soap. certain family ui the town needa "overhauling badly." ALL WELL PLEASGD.-The children like Dr. Low's Pleaunt Worm Syrup ao<l parrots rejoice ovc Its virtaes. NOTICE! N OT1CK I* hereby siren, that a By-Law wa* paaatKi l.y the HunirlpeJ Council of th.Cor poratinn of tb* Town.hip of Artomeela, on the Blith day of July A. D. 1MHS, providing; for tb* le.ue of I>-lN-Mtnrt' to the amount of Kleren Hundred Dollar* (IHW.UOI for purpoee* of public School Hertlon Nomber Six of aald Townihip. and Unit Hurh ny-I,*w wan rtUtrod In the rtaft- l.lry lifBne fir the Koutli Kldlni of the County of Grey, on tlie Eleventh day of July A.D. 1M. toqiianh orent aald* the lame or of Jul v IW \V. J. lll:l.l. \MT Twp. Olerk. Exeeotors 9 \otice. In |iur>uano<> of aect 1. chap 9 M Vlr noticu I. hereby Klvi'0. that all Cmliioi* and other* having claim, agaln.t the Kitate f 1AMK8 BRATY, lat* of the Tuwnehip of ArVenieila. In the Cotinty of Orey anil Provioc.o' Ontario, who tiled o*t or about the Twenty-FiK'hth <lv of March. A 1J InW, ar* to be cent T pot prepaid or ilvhvore.1 to Thotua* Kelt, of Lot* H U. oon. 13. Tciwn*bl|i of ArU'Mi..m iSnd. M nr_r o ,.n, of the Kcecutor* of tbe laet will and tentauieut of the aald deoeaeed. on or befoi* tbe Plr.1 day Heptember. A.D. lew. a ete>l*n*nt oontalnlnn tbelr name, and r1i1ree.ee and full |>e>rt irulare of tbeir claim, and of the eecurlttea i if anvt held by them, anil that after theealdl.it mentlonxd date, the Kiecutor* of the personal eetate ami nffoct*. riahu and tredlt* of tbetalil lat* -lime* Heaty, will proceed to dletributv tbe .*., u of the .aid ,lcea1 aniong*t th* partle* entitled thereto, regard beiag had only to the clamm of whicli notice ba* h*en given a* above reiiulred. and that the laid Kiecutor* will not be liable for the aid a**et* or any part tlmreof to any nenon or peraon* of whoee claim. m>tir .ball not have btum roouiri'il V>y tbe *ai<l Tlioina. Kell.. And further: all pareiee wboar* Indebted to tbe aald Katate of the aald Jama* Heaty. .!. r*. eil.are to pay, ae the aacne began'*, due, to the I .aid Thoina. Kell. lone of the liecutor.i at bl* r**ld*noe. Lot 14. 1.1. Artetneela. inns KKI.IJ*. i K.- JOHN n iiiu.ANn i | Dated at Artemeela. Mile (Ml *> of June iAOJ. Farmer's Institutes, Public Meeting, THE MAMETS. FLESHERTON. Flour 18 75 to 4 00 Fall Wheat |0 85 to 88 Spring Wheat 085 l> HH Barley 5O 060 Oats 8O 80 |lean &8 060 ] Butter 12 la lEgg., fresh Oil 11 {Potatoes 025 030 Pork 880 R 75 Hay, per ton 700 7 00 Hides 5 50 C JIO Wool 16 20 Tuesda y, dugust 4th, 1885, Sheepskin* 045 o eo At 1 o'clock p.m. A. the matter I. on* ot great Importance to farmer*, a full attendant* ft. requested. Trie uintarelfrned having been appointed by tbo Count v < 'on mil a* convener to organist* a Farmer'* fmttltuto fur tli<- i .-iiui- r tiling of (trwy. a Public Moating fat that purpo** will be befit in tbe Orange Hall. Markdale, ON TlloMAS 1,11 11 M ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE IT WILL P\\ YOU. FLE.HHEBTOX Churches and Societies. Curtis un-lrr (Ail heading are interltd frte o 8RBVICK every Sunday attJDo'clock p.m. Bun- dav Hchuol at 1 p in Prayer meeting every Thnnday evening at 7 . BJIV. A. Wii.eon. pea- tor (LeMHe*' Aid rVwIety In connection I METHODIST SKRVICRHevery Similar at 11 a. m 4 30 p m Bunilav SC|UH>| at 8 p m. Young I'eoptn'ii Pnivr iui>tlng rvory Monday evi.nln at TJO General Vrayer meeting every Tbureday evealng at : .*i HKT WAI. IBB Avsa, pa*tor (Ladl*r Aid Houinty In connection > ARTHUR LOUGH, A. d- F. MKETln their Lodg* Rnnm. Strain Block on every Krldav in or before the full moon. Viiiting brethren cordially welcomed. H. l> i M i.. W M W J. IlBLLtirr, Soc'y. X LolHS E, l.n.it.r. MKKTS evrrv tail ami 4th Tuueday Kvenlniln each month at H o'clock. IjoJge Hoom, In Htralu block, Toronto utrert. Degnw Ixxlii. lit n each uiouth Vlitlng brethvuoor- dlally invited. Jon. III. u Kill v. NO. W H. CAMTAIONIt R.8. A. O. V. ". rKSIIKHTOS I^xlge No US. mert In their I'Htge Koiim. Strum < Mnek. Turontn treet, oa (lie let anil tnl Monitay in each month, *> T:*'p m eharp Vliiltlng brethren WBlrutn, \V (. |'H-I i M \\ 1> H. UUMUIB. Kee'r FLKtillKi;T<>\ L. <>. I.. .Yd. A. MKKT in their lxxli- Koniu In Strain Mock every Friday evening after th* full uf the ninon In narh month. Vlftitfhg brethren welcome. .1. \V IUTEK. W.M. \V P. Tluwn-lT, Sec'y. R. T. 0. T. WOrVTAIN COUNCIL No. l*fl. Royal Templar. * of Tein|H<rano. meet In their hall, strain'* hlock, let anil 3nl Tuesday even'ff In each month at 7 :<0 o'uliK'k. Vltiitor* ar* cordially ln\ Ited. J. O. Raaaaxt, B.C. J. OOSDON.KH nrnmtaf RSAIUNG ROOM. Open every evenlnR iRondaya eicepteil) from 7 o'clock I' M until W I'M Hlrangnr* ar* Cordially Invited to vlelt J. W. V>TIWKO, rYeet iHedual. DR. CARTER:. M.C.P. AH, Our. .iH ll.V M t.r.0> \c. FLESHKBTON. , *ntt U DvMsion Cwwrt off i I pr. llixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCBER, PRICKVILLK, . ONTARIO. t&'AU eotU prvmptly otifivlfd to. J.K MAIM! ALL, L.J| DEMTIiT, . of Toronto aehoul of DeokeMrt . .If b* at Markdale th* let eatf Ird W* 7 dayet eaeh month, sad at rieehortoei on sum*, a p. aoLBi. raxu w **sm> HANDS, BCHLIH & GARVIH, to Lavdtr A Ha*dt, FROST & FROST. 1UKRUTKM, aoUriTOBB, TONVKTANCTIS *_0""l'o!*l atreet, Owm 8oiifi> tut very Thonday at FLKBHlHTr.s J. W. FBO0T, 1. 1 . i- ALwTtKD FBOgT. Crow. County Attstavy JtlM W. KLMHISTOK. Co. OBIT. . ISIUN COUaTf CLCRK. OOMstlSUONKB Vto u K. ConvevaaMr. ew. Agawt fer pmrehaea ^ rt? . _&&** ifSo Jas. E. Sloan, INSURANCE Bepreeentlnf that solid eld Fir* Inemraace Co . the Noawio UHIOH, of Norwich. Ingleuid Iniuraae* effected on BOOMS, oatbaildlng*. a* at low rate*. lBum againit lightning. W. J. BELLAMY. Twr. cuaa AUTIMIIU , IffSURAJfCM AO-T, R'. DEEM. MOBTQAOES, LKABXB. eta . premmr ed n I pruperly oseented. In.nranc. aJIx ted in fmt-clae* compaoiee. Honey to lend a% rate*. Pacific Railway. OFTARirYlYISION. Change of Time. Taking tffrtl Monday, Xot. *4&, 1SS4 I ..ronto. .rr .V Itnu , ili'part. T W a m . do. arrive, 10.16 a.m. 4.Wp m SMp.m CRRDIT VALLEY DIVISION. Toaoirro. depart. MO am 110 arrive, die " SJt Non. -Mixed train leave* Parkdale 1 a iu VSTAR10 d- QVXBBC J)f P/.S/OA". llOpm.Oepart Toronto Arrive SiSatn 4puj Parkdale (.tfp.ss W.WHTTK. Ii. Mi Mi 01 I.. OnWL St-r r O i Ptw. A*T. TRAINS LKATB FLESHBRTON STATION doing North, .at II a.m. MB p.m., A 401 i- m OolagBovth. at fctt an.. 441 p m . * M> < w. I lesherton Meat Market. SEPT.OOOP, .V.S OF TEMPBKANCE. PLRBHKHTON DIVISION, No. 144. meet la their new hall. Dr. Chrl.toe'* Mock, evny Wedneadav *T*nlng at 730 o'clock. VUttinji brethren cordially invited. A B. r*wrBTT. W.P W. IlrvKBti-x*. R.8. Caab paid for fat Cattle aud kFrch kfeati eonitantly ou liand fort Cash. Orders promptly filled. .