11 I I J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHBBTON. REPAIRING! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. .J.R-Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1885. REFLECTIONS. The Agricultural Editor's thoughts have' been shaping themselves into some practical channels since the last ic of THE ADVANCE. He puts tlnse thoughts under the somewhat common heading, "Reflections." They may not possess tli i virtue of originality but certainly ( they are practical, and cotomend tficuisilvm to the intelligent reader. The first thought that occurs to hi? mind is the feasibility and nect-ssiky of building an elevator at the Station. While no one doubts the feasibility quite a number question the necessity for an elevator at the Station. With our increased railway facilities for shipping produce , it is argued, that the neceasity for the erection of a costly elevator no longer exists. Our citizens can discuss this at their lei- sure, but tiro A. E. is of opinion that the elevator is a necessity. He has oflcii ventilated the matter through THK Armwcrf and the people hare talked it over without any jumctical results. Again he dran H attention to it with the hope that the qnextion may forever be Fettled, one way or iiHitli. r. Witii these few remark* he passes on to Tlie second thought, which relates to the road between this place and the Station aforementioned. Can this road be strath touod or improved ir some way ? A'w pattnnt, tin? Agrictil tural Editor gives it as hi< opinion that the individual who sun-eyed our CouiUy (iravd lioads had a tpecia liking fof hills Meing that tin- ait i .ads never fail to run over tbc big ,'i-st hills in the country from begin, ning to end. Just when thu traveller tlie road lie is on is about to through a nice level tra-:t 01 country, lie is suddenly nurpnsed to tiiid IIJF jadrd hcast climbing a liill- vcs, Hud the very roughest and steep t-st hill in tlie neighborhood at that the iilen of running the road over ai: iliimry hill or along a lr\< 1 place i vidcntly never occnrrpd to UK- intelli ,'i'iit surveyor. Hence the present ^Deration must see to it that the Imngling of a past generation of incap- ilil surveyors is, to a certain extent lit le ist, improved or remedied. So v i:h the road to Flesberton Station : I- must, lie imiu-oved. How and by v.lioin \vc will not presume to say. Auother thought may lie "thrown in" with those referred to ulmvc s|mce will not jK-rmit reference to the Multitude of other thoughts teeming in the cranium of the A. K. The i n. ru thought J8 tlie gidewtilkiquestion. U'iiy not aj*H<t>i>riatp nil tJita village >tnintc labor U huilding uuw Hide- walks and repairing o)j ones* Sure- ly tin- people of this place pay enough into tin- Township Treasury to war- unit the cxpeiulitniT of n fail' propor- tion of tlnir ov/ii funds within the vi!la;:< liinils in sidewalk aud uther jiinri>veuu > Ht<i ? We think so. Our Brave Boys. THE MIDLANDS AND VOLTI- GEUBS RECEIVED WlTli A GENUINE OVATION. The receptions tendered the Mid- land*rs and the Voltigonra de Quebec 1 WliTfatlalion) by the citizens yeoter- day afternoon and last night was nothing short of a genuine ovation. If the event can be taken us a criter- ion, the entrance to the city of our own volunteers will be the greatest military spectacle e/er witnessed in Toronto, as far as enthusiasm it con- cerned at least. Although the vast crowds that thronged the streets all aftomoou and until midnight were subjected to several tedious waits and delays it only had the effect of making them more demonstrative when the prairie-tanned aud half-ragged heroes Dually did arrive. The Midlanders, every one of them, left the city last night with the very highest opinion of Toronto hospitality. It was announ- ced by bulletins in various parts of the city that the Midlanders would pro- bably reach Union station about 3 p. in., bat it was 6.45 exactly before* the Toronto, Grey and Bruce train, made up of eight passenger coaches, drew up ouuide the depot on the south side. The tumults of applause and waving of handkerchief that greeted the sunburnt boys from the central counties of Ontario were wild and al- most beggar description. About 9.15 yesterday morning the noble steamship Alberta steamed up to her dock in Owen Sound's pretty harbor. The town was active long before that hour, and great crowds assembled on the dock and its ap- proaches awaiting the arrival of the steamship. Flags, bunting, flower* and evergreens were profusely display- ed. Besides these emblems of joy, the citizens had erected a real hand- some arch. It was a tedious task to transfer the military baggage from the steamship to the trains. The bag- gags liad all been stowed away in the nteamer's hold, and had to be handed out pieee by piece. It was 11. SO o'- dick before the first special military train wan ready to start. The regu- lar steamboat express had gone on be- fore and reached Toronto at 12.80 p. m. Half a dozen or so of the volun- teers came down on this train, among them being Major Gen. Ht range. The train with the Midlauders on board pulled out of the depot at 11.30, and the iin n on hoard were loudly cheer- ed. She made seven or eight stops between Owen Sound and Toronto, and it took sis and a quarter hours to make the journey. Omit crowds were gathered at all the stations on jl road. Orangfville, Slielbunie, Markdalc, Pundalk, Flesherton, \Vix>'iU nl_;r, etc., were in their glory. The largest crowd at any of the stations was at Orangcville. At Farkdale there was a regular jam, but the height of the ovation was reached when the train slacked up at Union station. Lieut. Col. R. D. Dunisou, deputy adjutant of this military dis- trict ; liiigade Major Milsome, His Worship Mayor Manning, Aid Suun- dsrs (chairman of the luncheon com- m ttee), City Clerk Blcvins, Aid Mitchell, Aid. John Woods, Aid Khcppard, Walter Darling, George M*Haan, John Armstrong and others were among those who managed to secure a place in thu open space oppo- site the train, which the police man aged with the greatest difficulty to keep clear. AH the train slowed up every window in the cars was occu- pied by two or three heads, on which rested a miscellaneous array of cover- ings. A number nf the boys wore what might be called a skull cap, inado up of bagging, some had on broad -brimmed slouch hats, others Scotch <-.-i|> r . a couple of straw hats, Md One or two with no hats at all. The uniforms were about as varied as the In a<ii;< .". The men wore pants of various colors aud make, and of theii- tunics, or nt leant those of them who had tunics left, it was not at all easy to distinguish the original color. However, the battered, hardy appearance of the heroes made the itizeus more enthusiastic, the men shouted themselves hoatse and threw their hats in the air while the ladies twirled their spotless handkerchiefs in just fhe loveliest manner possible. Among the first to ajtght from the train was Major Henry R. Smith, who succeeded to the command of the Midland battalion after the death of the late Lieut. Col. A. T. H. Will- iams. Major Smith is a dashing young officer, and looks every inch of him a soldier. He is a won of the lair Sir Henry Smith, of Kingston, aud is an officer of the house of com- mons at Ottawa. The Midland bat- talion, as it was sent to the front, is a provisional corps, and is composed of companies from the 15th, 40th, 45th, 49th and 67th battalions. They are a real fine body of young fellows, and among their numbers' are some of the bravest of Ontario's sens. The total strength of the battalion, as it reach- ed the city yesterday, was 846 all told. There were 80 officers and 316 men. Both the officers and men were com- pletely overwhelmed by the magnitude and enthusiasm of the reception they received. Some of them were nearly dumbfounded. The battalion was formed into companies beside the train and when they were ready to march they were headed by no less than four bands. First was the mounted band of the Governor-gener- al's Body Guard, then the band of the Queen's Own Rifles, then the Royal Grenadier*, and just in front of the battalion was the regimental baud, the Dominion Organ company's band of BowmanTille. The line of march was up York to King, down King to East Market street, to the Albion ho- tel, where a very excellent tinner, gotten op at the expense of the citi- zens' committee, was in waiting for them. The crowd along the gaily-de- corated line of march was dense be- yund comparison. -H hat Sav 1 ou lo n We** of K..HM Beef and Mii-lnrd r" Well, thar* li much to kr/aaid. Th* qoa- tUn I-IUK aakd of th* *jan.;netr at th average hoarding hoOM, call* up reminiacpn oe* of olnM eontiguilr to tua born*, aud beefiteak IDIM cuU taut), thereof lie, nf c.iurnr, v ill paH, uoleae it urrnr* to aim that he need* a binge lor aiitrnnk. Should there l>e anj infforiBf , the efffcle of mi in dalgonoe in noon iuou Ur, UM MrUrrc or'i Speedy Care, it wire and effectual re- medy lor Dyipepait, C*n*tipation and all affliction* of the utoinaeli toil liver. Sold by Win. Kiohardaon. TUMI. IIOTTIJCH mr.r T* Ike I a mi. r^. Mr. Wm. Strain will hare repair* for Ml Machines and implement! manufactur- ed by tin- Ni.rth AmericMl 31 /if. Co., London, at hid hardware itore, Fleaher- ton. I had for yer been a mUorable inffurer fruui Pyipepaia. and tried all known rein.- dieii .in<l tlir bent inedtaal nklll ot my ae- qaaiutane*. bat utill grew won*, until nimble to rat anything witbont (treat miflering, or Jo any kind of work. I began to think t li.-i . .:i. u bdjM for me, and that I mnst in rely die ; when, like a drowning man catch- ing at a draw. I determined to giro Mirfireg- or'* Speedy Cure a trial. I at once begun to i in I ii i n-> no ramdly that in two mouth* I wan UM well a* I had over len m my life. WM. KVKUS /.KAMIMITIIN. Sold by Wm. Ricliardaou, Druggitt. Free trial botlln. KuWribe for THE ADVA.VCK. CATARKH CrKKP, health and *wt*t breath Mcurod, by Shiloh'i Catarrh Bemedy. I'm-., 60 eenta. Nanal Injector free. Sold by D. 8. Hnnro. MAIL CONTRACT. Sl.M.KI) TI.SDKHS. n<l,lre,..| to the Prwt- ruaxlur Ueueral, will be recelrad *t Ottawa until nixjii, on 17th JULY, for the oonvcyn ; f II, r Mijtmtv'i MalU, on a propoeed fnutrnct ThiiwYeani nml Klen-n Monthn, nil Union weak ach wy, Imtween KK.V'KKHHAM AND H.KSII KHTON from the lut Aufrnstnext. The iv.nvi vn-ii-,. to bo nm. If in a viihlclu or otherwise, via Maxwell. The Mallnto leave Pevenham dallr, Rundi exoepted.at 700 a.m. and arrive at F!enhrtmi at 10 3D a. in., or In time for toapatobnf ,., n .\* by murnlnR mall train pamlnfi north. To leave Klenlinrton daily, Hundayt exc|itixl, fin noon aa pimnlhle after arrival and receipt of malli by mornirm umll train from Toronto and arrivn al Feveriham within three hour* and thirty uiln uteH afterward*. Printed notice* containing further Informa- tion a* to condition* of prono*ed Contract may be xeen, and blank fiirnn of Tender may be i il> talnedatthnPont-Ofnoeeof PeTortham, Mnxwi-11 aud Fleiherton. DANIEL 8PRY, P. O. Itupettor. I'ont Offlca Intnoctor'i Office I 1 arrie. mh May, 18S*. / Auction Sale VJLUBALI FAKM! J. 0. RUSSELL, The Noted r i,~Tr, i JeweUery Man, Township of Artemesta. J 'FLESHERTON, KNDKR and by virtue of the iiower of ul>- In a certain Mortgage from William Barn* to Vendors, which will be produced at the time if Kale, and on default of payment of the money* hereby necnred, there will be offered for ialu by Public Auction at Atwahatp't Hotel, in the ViUagt of WawV-l Jewell]! ertoti, on Friday, Ou Sid day of July, 1836, at 1 o'clock >.m., by A. 8. VANDUBKN, aiietionour, LuU Number* IV and IIP In the Himt Concewlon S.-W T. A H. toail. In the Townihlpof Arteineela, containing otlicre* more or lea*, excepting part occmilud by T O. * B. Hallway. About 60 aer are eaid to be cleared and on le premlM* are Mid to be a Frame HouM and turn : the lot U alao In the belt farming dlttrlct of the Townihiu TKUMS: lOper cent, at time of tale. 15 per }nt. within one month thereafter and the bal- ance to be aaenred by a mortgage of the premlMw* or five yean with Interest at T per cent yearly, or ituch other term* ON may be arranged at time of sale. For further particular* apply to W.J. Bellamy, KMJ., Flaaberton. or to MOSS. FALCONUKIDGE & BARWICK. Toronto. JulyMb. 1SSS. Watches, docks. Cheaper Than Ever I James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. Repairing. K>vetroubinft. and in favt *rer\ thiiiu iii the buiineea will revuive luy prompt and careful utteutiou at reMonable pricuii. Stow i Eilovui it Stoi. Auction Sale Bills GORDOBTS Printed on short notice at reasonable HARNESS SHOI' prices free notice of same in THE ADVANCX. A book of 100 page*. The bet book for an advartUer to eon- ult. be be rzperl- . - enoed or otherwlM. It contain* luu of neweptuien and ettlmalc* oftheoortofadTerU*ina!.Tbeadreitt*erwbo wanU to *pen<1 one dollar, fln.l* In It the In- formation be reqnlreav while forbln* wffc will InveM one h .indrod ihouaaod dollar* toad- vertlln. a wbeme U Indicat mft hi* ererv reqnlrement. ouaao oar* a- ,,, --..- w . ^ . ^ r ., y ^ Indicated which will LI I . V II I , I ? I f ) \ ement. or nm towate | T Ljt Hr kJ II \, I \ 1. \J ll eaJ<ViirH*la<6>Mr '...._ . let edftlon* hae been liinil. gent, pont-pald. to any addrrje for 10 rent*. Write to UEU. P. KOWK1.L * CO, HRW8PAPKR ADTKBTlSDie BCUAU, (10SpruoeSt.Prtutlngnoae8q.), New York! W. H. Johnstoii's Thoroagh-Bred Short Horn DI l* Will be for service this season at his own stand near Flesherton. Terms 81.00, payabl.- Jan. 1st, 1880 Framing and House- Joining. The nndenianed ! prepared to execute al order* entrunted to him for the erection of DtoMutgt and frame IruiMtny*, during the eeaaoa of 1NU. All material f urniibed if M de<ird. None bat competent wvrkmea emplored The utlirfaotlon my work hai given In the pait In a KUKran !< for the future. Apply to A. McLKOD. rieeherton Htatloa. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, "CLARENDON," I ' itanding at l.ittlr Mitttfor Strritt. Advance Balance of year 40 cents. I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitable for the Season, having just received a large addition to iu) Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTOJS. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FARMERS AND THRESHERS! Ask your Merchants for McCo!lBros.Lardine MACHINE OIL i $ r * ' I " * 3*4 .4 5* : "I j^a, .. < 1 T. - 4. *i *