Killed by Lightning DURHAM - July 21 - During a thunderstorm last night the house of Neil McKinnon, Bentinck, about ten miles from here was struck by lightning and Mr. McKinnon instantly killed. His wife, who was in bed with him, was seriously injured by the electric fluid, her face, head and both arms being bruised and blistered. She was insensible for some hours but she is likely to recover. It is only about three weeks since McKinnon had five head of cattle killed by lightning while they were lying under a tree about fifty yards from the house. ,s 2 1 > I . '* tv '. Flesherton Advance. BEFORE ."-' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEJV.' VOL. V., NO. 214. FLESHERTON, OMTARIO, JULY 28, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Qua of UIB laliiislx>eal and Family Newtpapen In Northern Ontario. 1'iiblUbwl Every Tliunnlay, KKOM VHK OrricK, CvUtiijiicuui .Stcerf, - - /'/< Jirtoii, 0*4. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : ai ou per annum in advaiu^' ; 41 JO If not paid at ilir ui. il of 1^ yuan. No |>apr discotittnuBd until all arrearage* are paiil up. auJ no ubi.crlp- tinni taken (or ! than ona year, xcV' whn ii-.-il arraniiomeiiU for hortr paruxli are ..:Ue with the imbliahor. ADVERTISING HATES, Ac. Casual a*lverti*uimla,Hci*ntii per lat iniwrtiou and a cn pr Hue each ul.-<| nut luMitlon. TraMtont ailvtatieenienU to I. ..paid for when onlored. Advrtiaeiinnt without .peclal direc- tion* will be iuMrted till turbid and charged *T.'i'l>.'ral Inducements to regular advertliwn. N.iticen amonn roodinn matter, 10 couU per liu uaob iunortioii. No dvertifiii"T:t ducoutluuod until all ar- rearaci'ii are paid up. foiiy tot a-lvertiaeiuenu nliuuM roach thu office not later than noon on Tueaday to enaore utertiou in current laaue. A. B- FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Tit - Bits. < lirijijif in.; of laical and < Ukrr Itrmt gathered by The Advance _ Reporiert. Master Will Clayton, of Owen Sound WM home on a visit last weak. The r=Vm-r' 4<i-<itf f.if July i tJie bust number yet issued thm yer. Mr. Austin Shackelford u home on a visit. Big eicurtiom from Mount FoMst to Owen Bound laat Friday. A good All Wool Tweed Bait tor $6.50 at R. Trimble's. Mrs. SsAjurland, of the Gospel Army here, a ipeudm^ a few day* in Dvham -Qiato a number of cattle changed hand* at the Pricevi'Ue fair on Monday last. Any quantity of Haying Tooli. such M Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and Fork*, at B. Trimble's. -With one exception, the entire staff f the Orange vi lie Adaertiter were off on a holiday toar hut week. Never fonjet to pay the printer and your tleep will in nine aunt out of tii be "like that of the jtut." A largo consignment of Beady Made Clothing juot received and sell- ing very cheap at R. Trimble's. Oiprey Agricultural Society will hold their Fall Show in Maxwell on the 8th ef October. Master Eddie Hurd, of Thombury, wai visiting at Mr. W. P. Crossley's bit week. Mr. Ohislett, public school teacher, CollUsJwood, called on u* last Thursday. He it rusticating in thfo Ideality. A car load of Fine (taderieh Salt just received at R. Trimble**. Tender* will be received uptothe 12th day of August next, for the erection of Stone School Houae for 8. 8. No. 6, A r temesia. Sv bill*. A T. O. & B. R. train collided with a H. A N. W. one yesterday, at Cardwell junction. One man injured. We hare Hut heard full particulars. Another case of Boneless Bacon received at R. Trimble's. TMK ADVANCB will make its appear- ance in the new furm next Thunday and will then be the same * ai the iraiiKi'villc Pott. Dr. Hixon has removed hi* office to his residence, 1'rioevillc, where he wUl b found in future by those requiring his stTvices. FLOUR. FLOUR, FLOUR ! Victor Roller Mills Flour, mad \ Pkwcs, Mark-dale, for sale at R. Trimble's. Oar good friend, Mr. Tho* A. Blsjcely, is in town again. His many friends are glad to biia once more in their, midst. -MoHrs. Bassel! and Leitch were in Pnceville as usual with their different ap- pliances and coatributod to the happiness i sewn! partitM who entrusted orders iwith them. (.'-orris extracted without pain. link for 'mediesll Hall Corn Plaster," >i Medical Hull, Flesherton. Price JO cents per aftum inch. by TH K .VPN \ M -K until the first of Jaii- uary next for 40 cents. The midsummer number of the Trip Hammer contains some splendid original article*, and is by far the best number of that well edited journal yet issued. Cherry Pectoral and Lung Bal- sam, improved, at Medical Hall, Flesherton. Price 30 cents per bot- tle. A friendly game was played between Prieeville and Fleahertou base ball clubs last Friday afternoon on the grounds of the former. The Flesherton team won. The Garden Party on the grouudi of Mr. James Beecmft, near this Tillage, on Tuesday afternoon last, WM quite a suc- cessful affair. The extraordinary demand for grass scythes cleaned out the fine stock opened at Richardsona. An- other lot is to hand this week. Mr. Samuel Cunningham, of Artem- isia, showed us * stalk of timothy this week, taken out of one of his meadows, which wan five feet ten iuches in length. Mrs. J. D. Clarke, of Hamilton, Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, of Port Arthur and Mrs. of Toronto, are visiting at Armstrong's. Ten cents a quart for raspberries U rather high. Sugars are up a shave but all other groceries are still low at Richardaon'g aud may be had in ex- change for batter and Eggs. The Sidewalks are being repaired. This is the best news that has struck this town for a long time. We don't like the of making the sidewalks (in aomo places) narrower than formerly however- Mr. John T. Middlemore was in Fleshsrtou last Thunday with children from the Outhhe Home, of Birmingham, England. Quite a number of thu little folks got good homes. Over one thousand doirn Eggs were packed at Richardson's store this week. Their receipt* in this line are very large. Eggs are taken as readily M cash andgoods sold at low est mark. We had a letter from our old friend, Tom Kewen, who is now on the HVJUv Jfetu pnbliahed in Fairmouiit, Ind., U'8. recently. He says times are very dull in the Weetern States, and in fact all over. A particular friend of Mr. Michael Reilly remarked, that if the Agricultural Editor would not visit Priceville, the re Itgiom minded people of this section would only hare a two-fold enemy to contend with, ris., the World and Flesh ! A* well . i|>l life without air, si health without pur* bfeod. Cleanse the blood with AJBW Ssraaparilla, lie. 0. W. Rut ;,.de, of the Mark dale Standard, and the Editor of this pa- per were ps asnugers on the southern bound T. G. & B. train last Friday morning. They were quito peaceably disposed to- wards each other. New sidewalk* have been construct- ed at the Station this year which gives the place an air of some importance. The "Artful Dodger" must surely be away not to make a note of thia and some other im- provements. The opinion of the general pnblio in re- gard to Ayer'a Cherry Psetnral i> eonfirmetl by clergymen, lawyers, public speaktn, and setors. All say it is the best remedy that eau be procured for all affections of the voeal organs, throat, and longs. In his interesting letter, published in another column, Hew. Mr. McDowell pays s high tribute to the splendid acooiuoda- tion furnished travellers by the (xipular Middaugh hotel, Durham. The compli- ment is certainly well deserved, coming, as it does, from that esteemed Christian It'entleman, the President of the Guelph Conference of the Methodist Chureh. A Flesherton boy was present at the battle of Datoohe. George Arm- strong, Son of Mr. Fred Armstrong, of this place, was engaged in the transport service aud was an Eye wit- neaa of the battle ; itemi like this are much more interesting than reading those everlasting stale stories of cheap dry goods and groceries, though it is a fact that very cheap lota were sold at Richardson's this week, especially in dress goods and iniUnury. whitfh art' being Cleared oat ut any price. A public meeting will be hold in the Orange Hall, Markdale, cm Tuesday, Au- gust 4th next, for the purpose of organ- izing a Farmer t /Mfitufe for the Centre Hiding of Drey. .See advt. in another column. Hi -member B.ussell, Flesherton, visits Priceville every Tuesday, and Maxwell the fir** and third Wcdnes- j day iu each mo. nth. . The KlcannrVii Olea Cliibarw .getting up some iiic-f mu* for entertainments, Ac., under tin efficient iu[>crntend- Ance uf our popular young merchant, Mr. D. 8, Munroe, who has no superior as a vocal music teacher in Grey. Mi-liars. Campbell & Cross, publish- ers of tint Wiau>n ErJut, have dissolved lrtnrship and in future thu Wrineei will be conducted by Mr. Cross. Mr Campbell gow to take a position on a city daily, we believe. Do not take your Watch for repa in to anybody baHlusswU, of FlesheV- ton, as be always gives satisfaction. If you know ef say penoa visiting fronds in the town or country make las Editor acquiisssd with the fact and thers- by assist in makinsj your local paper smore and more interests**. Thr sssae be said oosteanuaf swws itcesa. Rnssell, Plesiterton, run At any one with Bper.tsalss Call and see his immense Mock. Picnics to KUK'SBB Tails areofomaniuo occuruDoe skis year. A merry party from Durham visited thie romantic place day last week, and on the 13th inei. notwithstanding the ssaoy the majority of our tows* and vi no less than three picnssksasj pss*ies spent the day there. RoMell, Fleaberton, LMM the fin- est stock of Spectacle* north of To- ronto. Mr. Thomas De* we, formerly in Mr R J. Sproule't .t, M kese, bul BOW rnaa agcr uf a store n. called at our offieu yesterday. Helooks u though the climate in Uncle Sam's ter- ritory agreed with Bisa. Bo has an ex oellent poaition sad gts a very handsome salary. SUILOH'8 CATiBBH K1MEPY s pois tive mu-e for Catanti, Diptbtria, and Canker Month. Sold kjr D. 8 Miuro. The new M, thixliit Church at Kim berly will be dsdieated on Babbath, Aug 2nd, 1886. Sermooe wtll be preached by the Rev. Jacob E. Howell, M. A., Super inteiidant <>f tk Owen Sound District, at 11 o'clock a. nuAui at 6 p. in. Collec- tions at the dost <t earh service in aid o the truit fond. Ber. David Auld is pas tor. THK KK V. OK) ^. THA V KK, of Boar boii, lad., aays : '' oth mywil and wife owe ottr UTSS * AILUOm CONHUUPTION CCRI. Bold by D 8. Wonro. Mr. John Baxxavd, an nld and well known resident uf AMemeaia, arrived safely in Englaad on the tirst of this month, where ke has <on to visit rela tivea after an absenes of thirty-three yean. That he may have a pleasant time and a safe return in the with of his friends in this Township. The retnrnirg Soldiers, who came down the line on Sunday, did not ap- pear in holiday attire ; their clothing was dirty, ragged and badly ptohe< with bagging. They will not long be in such plight if they can only fine some cheap eloti.iug store like Rich ardson's wuen .. complete all woxtl t we rd rait can h had for five dollars Boys suits* as V>w as 11.10. A number of <mr contemporaries en durae our remarki relative tu the siae of country newapapen. The Owen 8oun< papers do not contain any more readinf matter than* Tin ADVAWOI and many oth er local papers, yet they charge 81.60 a year per copy issued. The Thombury Standard, Meaford VoMstor, Meaford Mir- ror, and Dundalk UiraU, advance some very timely and sensible ideas. The Mir- ror reduced its sis* lome thm ago and ii now a better paper thast ever it was. A WAMT or Aorivm. 4fttch of the 111 con- dition of chronic i<rV\lUs is das to an ol sotivity In s klngjasb Hver. Bardoek pl< Bitten arouees sbeslthv action of tlu Iner to s*ert pars bile, sDa th make COM blood whlsh KITS* usrlNt health. Wu omitfed to mention, in our ro- ' - A party of ( twen Sounder* caaapeil lortofthe grange clebration here Ust out at Eugenia but week, intunding week, that the people of this village-- OB, stay there a couple of weeks. Two young rather, the members of Orange Lodge- mvn of the party passed through Flesh, r erected a handsome double arch ou tin ton on 1 uesday atoning and smuaeii square, through which the processor! pas-, n-lve" tiring shots frmu then revolvers .. sed. It was a very creditable structure Mr* Win. KicliaTtbw>n'i AK and other BHILOH'H CURE will imaaediateiy reu>v. thing*, animate and raauimate. They dough ana Brooshiti.. ^^acted themsekfes like a couple nf , , oapvd luiiitii-s. What lia^i-n >y retimed to the raiiifKa* aW> n ing-Ui e^y departaeat of thu well '-^ *> but * *<'* "" __ the sane portion uf tli party weru - conducted printing "Ssoe. Trie bossinesA . _ Sold hy D. S. Mfenro. , __ ... _.__ . We eal led at the one* of the DuUenn , . . . _ . , Ltfcey ttt last rndayana found business "bourn- r. (know manager, Mr. Klaney McCuire, is tirst- rlass practical man, having no superior a* a typo in any pruning office north of Tor- onto. As for the Editor. Mr. 8. G. Ket- chum, m it not a well-known fact that he ' . miking their way to Hie ' fur home, and from (he black and lacerated faces of a couple ol tSM dies it is evident the aforementioned 'lu:i- atics" itrufJf the camp with a vengeance . . ^ WHY WILL YOr eoo^li r .n Sh: stanes brat amoagat the country Curi) wij j givi . ljnlne ai^ r ,.h.(. prfe. l per paragraphisoi in this Province. . *> cts.. ana II. 8olJ hy D. S. Uaaro. A NAsWLL IMJBCT^K frae with each bot- l Me of BBftoh's CaURB sUmedy. W*e6Oi BAKWI-ET. Abnot t>rty sat down U a Ntfs. BoJdbyD.8.JU-ro. J. Bni ,,,u,,, u,,tkas>e ^^tUie MaA- Yesterday monirav Nrinan Boylea dale Housv on Wednesday evening to A.I threw a stone with great vicioosnesa at huuort.. Mr. W L. Y ,un on the < , the residence of a prominent FleshetUm- i, m ,,f his departure on a trip to Scotland ian. Re then walked very cool/- a*re> 'After the wants of the inner van wer-j Being asked why he did a, Normaa i> ! rei.Umished, Mr A. Tamer teok the plied very emphatically, "WeM 1 jost iil , | iur j lta ji peaittou heolM with crvdit bsesass a<r. (naaiag the ^ * i'i- .to hias*|f and satMtaHm. iu all. ... i i) siasle a psss big lool d fsktMeV 4>, the iisnaJ tnsss were s!raiia,isios*ii rttr, me. ting hst asfka T Ae a srsre f and <i^ii<la with incf* taaai critic Norman deserves to taste u-xnd Ulity, sissmsi ttk a ttfperabandamw plaoeto m ne~ not even to the great Car- ,,f wit st*d aamos, 4Wing whtch the guest ' the -veaiag was fSMseated by R. S MADE rtsemMs Vy IsmVa- tioo, Constipestea. Diaalneas, Lees st Appe- tite, Yall'.w SJUuf Bhikih'i ViktliWr it a positive cure. IsM by D. B. Maaro. A couple of aay fork shsOan have been flayiaf that stale oil "joke ' erf style ,.( swindling unwary farmen ! ship of Epvinont in the IU EM*,, e the partof Markdale C Sscmber, wifk a kswrtiful leal. ThM and syao jat oe in ear repast, st was kaenivVr grand throughput, isiiej. to detn .t ratio* (Jse high respeet of tk* coarse. Two sknners sigaed "orden" for u/ " $100 and 300 reepeoMvely, thinkiaf j^'" they were patting their siguetaias to in t little J "-"V for Mr. ii. ^otdffd. eojurw '.) tiiew was *"4*iinf of a character In i h otwt esse the gothislitUe "aijTeement" cancellei >>y paying $60 ; tae latter will have to py lalllrel ky Llffhtniac. the full 9300, aud it serves him hht,too, i DfsJiui. July 21. --Durinu a tU'im:, : for not being more wido -awake. iturm last night the house of Neil Mi K Mrsum Toenrr & flow are often asked to . Kentinck, about ten miles from sail their "Myrtle Navy" tobeceo to retail was struck by lightning and Mr. M< > ^!^\.^y D ' Ter ln "^ "? , d T*-. "i d '">" intantlv killed- Hi. wife, who was for the bpst of reasons. The wholrsal* trade of the country have * dUtribntlng machinery "> bed witli hlsft, wss serioualy injured y which handlea the "Myrtle Navy" without the rlectriil fluid, her face, head sad i : - say addition to its permanent expensei. It -_,,.. bruised aut blistered, ^hr the mannfaetnren were to neVrtake that * work they wooM be wiling to the retail ws insensible for oui h-.urs but ehi .1 trade, it would require an independent ma- likely to recover. It is only about thr>- ^'^TZ' lhe l * b 1 * C ji wh , ,r ><1 ! < '^* T * o*' 11 " McKinnon had nve head . l to b borne by tun iirnovmi of the tobaceo sales, sad of eonres it would fall npoo th. killed by lifrhtiung while they w. , consumer. Helling to the wholesale trade Ivini; andr a tree aN>ut ti/ty yards alom . in, therefore, (er the ooasjsmer's beaent ' ,"t i..... sad is s oonvenwec* to the retail trad*, be cause every traveler who eslls ja tb irro line fan take orders fsr -Jlyrtli- AM ou> FAVOBT**.- An old fsvorlu. thut crry Navy." Osprey Agricultural Society, will there Fall Show ID Matwell, on the 8th October 1M3. hss been popular with tac people for nearlt Myeart, i* Dr. Fowler's Extract of W..J hold Htrawberry for all varieties of 8vmmr (V i. vlsiolii of children soil sxhilts. It seldom - ever fail* to core Cbulers Morbai, Ptsrrs*' I uiicl I>vMntry. i( THE REBELLION! s In the North-West is practically ended, but the Immense Bargains in every department of K. J. trier's MOIT, Primille, Still continue. 20 per cent. Reduction to Cash Customers for next 30 davs. Just Notice! SOME OF OUE PRICES And yon will be convinced that wo are amply prepared to back up every . statement we make : Factory, 30 yards for $1.00 Ottoman Corded Ail-Wool Tweeds, Carpet, Ac. at Bottom Prices. Teas at 8 Cents per Ib. ' Soap, 50 ban for $1.00. 2lbs. Bice for $1.00. Prints, from 6 Cents per yard tip. Beady-Made Clothing, rail sij;c v from |S per Suit up. B. J. QRIBR. 13-Higheit Market Price paid for Butter and Kggt. - I