\ J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. E- Fajvcett. Editor. FLESHBRTON : THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1885. These "Horrid" Sidewalks. The trial of Biel is to commence on Monday uext, the 20th iust. It is currently reported that the False Prophet, El Mahdi, is dead : also that his followers are fighting among themselves. Over two thousand Orangemen cele- brated the 19fith anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne in Toronto on Saturday last. There was no speech- making. The Pall Mall Gazette eiposnres of London's secret vice shows a ter- rible state of affairs in the aristocratic circles of that great city. The Agricultural Editor is now out of all patience as regards the Fleslier- ton sidewalks. Not only has his own pU'cious neck been endangered time and again, but the necks and other parts of the bodies of some of his frionds. For instance : no longer ago than Tuesday his Scotch friend, Mr. Donald Mackenzie, "stubbed his toes" against a loose plank, and while trying to maintain an equilibrium necessary to health and temper, the other end of the said plauk "flopped" skyward and well yon had better ask Mr. Mackenzie what it felt like and if he would care to have the experiment repeated. The wonder to the A. E. is that there are not any serious accidents. In some places the sidewalks look as though they had come through an earthquake. Accidents not serious ones, to bo sore happen on some of them every day. You step on one i nd of a shaky looking plank and in- stantly the other end flies up and "whacks" you on the side of the head nearest to it. You step, as you think, upon another plank and when yon have regained consciousness find one leg has disappeared, you scarce know whither, while the balance nf yon is suspended on the "ragged edges" of some very ragged boards. You enjoy the situation, especially if a number of ladies or other critical persons chance to be passing at the time. You don't get mad and make use of wicked langrmge : yon merely stare vacantly into space and quote choice <\ti-acts from Shakespeare, Byron, Scott and other great men. It has quite a soothing effect particularly if a scarcely suppressed and sarcastic burst of laughter reaches your oars. After you have found your other leg which had evidently been on an ex- ploring expedition in the meanwhile you gather yourself together and walk off as calmly as a slumbering volcano. If the sidewalks are not repaired soon it would perhaps be a good idea to remove what's left of them to some convenient place, pile them in a heap and set fire to them. If they can't be u -nl safely for pedestrian exercises, perhaps they can be advantageously us-cd in keeping off the peskcj mos- quitoes. One word more : In the repairs now being made a four foot wide side- walk IK being substituted for one six foot wide. What does this mean ? Another question might be asked : Why is so much attention being paid to the filling up of little holes on the roads by pathuiastcrs to the neglect ol the sidewalks, the repairing of which latter is of tlie first importance ? Is it because some of. our pathmatiers have a few little axaa of, their own to grind * These questions are asked in the interests of the people, The capture of Big Bear pufs a com- plete finish to the Rebellion, and the country is much to be congratulated. In Gen. Middleton our volunteers had probably the best man in the world to command them. England always sends her very best men to Canada. When we say always we mean that this has been England's aim for many years. In Middleton we have a thoroughly skilled cosmopolitan leader so to speak, one who is thor- oughly at home in the jungles of In- dia, the steppes of Russia or the wilds of America. His letters to Pound Maker, his pow wows with the Indians, Ac., Ac., show him to possess a splen- did knowledge of the human mind in all its phases. Such a man could not fail to make an excellent chieftain on the field. The importance of this N. \V. Rebellion can be judged by comparing it with similar risings in the U. S. As to magnitude in its in- cipient stages our southern neighbors were never confronted with a greater, but they never succeeded in quelling the least of theirs with as much ease, rapidly and with BO little expense as Middleton has this. This speaks vol- umes for onr Canadian volunteers, and shows that this part of the Empire will soon have defenders that England can not only trust but be proud of. Thornlniry Standard. The Agricultural Editor finds it im- possible to be in every place at the same time, although some of his es- teemed friends seem to think other- wise, and blame him because this so- ial or that entertainment has not been noticed in the ADVANCE. If they would send him the particulars in connection with these local events which circumstances prevents him re- porting there would be no need for jawing." Maxwell linn*. (From our men Corretpvndent.) Mr. G. Palister intends raising his barn eight feet from the ground and building a stone wall nnder it. Mr. John Graham of the spotted fence and gate, also intends raising his barn few feet higher. Mr. T. Phillips raised a new frame barn on Saturday, when the boys had the usual strife as to which side would !> first done. Our enterprising Villager, Mr. W. G uy lias lately invented and brought to perfection a new invalid chair which reflects much credit on the Genius of our Village. We expect shortly to have better mail accommodation, when a mail route will be established between Feversham and Fleshcrton, via. Max- well and also a mail route from Max- well to Dnntroon, when we expect to receive our mails about four hours earlier than at present. The refreshing showers of Rain, followed by wairn weather has had a good influence on the crops, and vege tation has been very rapid. Farmers crops arc now looking well, and ( pro nnsi an' abundant harvest and at pros cut it looks as though the Predictions of our Village Prophet will be reali s ed. The Orangemen of the different Lodges from Fevcrsliam, Wareham and Third line met at the Lodge room of the Maxwell Lodge on Hunday morning, and marched in procession to St. Mary's Church when a very in teresting discourse was given by the Rev. J. Ward. On Monday the differ ent Lodges went to Binghampton to spend the day in Celebration. Our Village being left in quietness am peace. PRICEVILLE POINTERS. A Lot of Lively Little Locals Gath- ered Specially for The Advance. By the Agricultural Editor. The frame work of Mr. Brown's new steam saw mill was raised on Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Brander attended di- vine service in the Methodist church, Pleshcrton, last Sabbath evening. If you haven't read E. J. Order's advt. in THE ADVANCB yet, don't neg- lect to do so now. Everything adver- tised is faithfully carried out. Miss. Brown, the courteous post office assistant, was away on a brief visit last week. She is at her post again. Some talk of a match between Priceville and Flcsherton base ball teams to-morrow, Friday, on the grounds of the former. Remember the sale of Francis Waite's farm stock, Ac. at Priceville on Monday next, the 20th inst. Dug- aid McCormick, auctioneer. Honey Festival in Watson's new hall to-morrow (Friday) evening, un- der the auspices of the Methodist church. A more extended notice will be found in onr "Tit-Bit" column, first page. In the absence of the proprietor at Owen Sound, Mr. Head's store here was broken into by burglars cither late on Saturday night or early on Sun- day morning and some articles in the store made away with. We did not ascertain the extent of the IDS--, but think it did not amount to much. The Queen of Italy ),;> been visit- ing at our good friend Wttsons. She will prolong her stay for some time. This startling bit of information was furnished us by Mr. George Tryon, and had it not been for that geutle- maiis better half, the A. E. would have been ignorant of the fact that it was an Italian queen bet that was re- ferred to. The Agricultural Editor's Price- ville office will be found in the Crown Hotel block jnst opposite E. J. Grier's store. Those wishing to consult him on matters pertaining to the news- paper business will find him here be- tween 11 o'clock a. M. and 3 o'clock p. m. every Tuesday. If you know of any news item bring it right along even if it be nothing but a wee bit ab- out horse shoes or Misther Michael Roilly. Monday next is Cattle Fair day in Priceville and it is expected there will be a good attendance of visitors at least, although the grass fed cattle are not in good enough condition to war- rant us in predicting many sales. The Agricultural Editor will not, he regrets to say, be alile to attend the fair and exchange courtesies with Mr. Keilly and his numerous friends in Priceville and in ighborhood. Our friend Russell, the noted jeweller, will take our place, and any news items or job work handed in to him will re- ceive the best care and attention of the A. E. and the whole ADVANCE staff. Valentine Muggins 1 "Pen and Ink Sketches" continued next week. Subject .-Dr. Sproulc, M. P. MAIL CONTRACT. 8F.ALKD TF.NDF.HH, addressed to the Post master (ienoral, will be receivt-il at Ottawa until ni HIII, on 17th JULY, for the nmvryaiic" "' H-T MitjnKty's Malls, on a proposed Contract for Thrno Yean and Kleven Month*, nix tlme I.IT week each way, between FEVKH6IIAM AND rl.KSIIKKTOX from the 1st August next. The conveyance to be made in a vehicle or otherwise, via Maxwell. The Malls to leave Keversham dally, Rnndays nxcnpted.at 7.00 a.m. and nrrfvu at Flefthcrton al Hi .i a.m., or in time for despatch of mails by morning mall train pausing north. To leave FleMherton dally, Sundays excepted, as soon as possible after arrival and receipt of mails by morning mall train from Toronto and arrive at Fevershsui within three hour* and thirty n.in tit.-s afterwards. Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proiHxwd Contract may be seen, and blank forms of Tender may bo < il> talnod at the Pout OfBwi of Frversham, Maxwell and Hesherton. DANIEL 8PRY, P. O.^ntpettor. Post Office Inspector's Office. I BlfrU, Ktb My, 1889. i Auction Sale -or- mume FARM i IN THE Township ofArtemesia, UNDER ami by virtue of the power of sale in a c.-rtain Mortgage from William Burn* to HID Vendors, which will be produced at the time of sali.. and un default of payment of the moneys thereby secured, there will Do offered for sale by Public Auction at fwuhaw'i lintel, in the ViUage of Fleth- ertwi, on Friday, At Slit day of July, 1885, at 1 o'clock p.m., by A.B. VANDU8F.N, auctioneer. Lots Numbers 119 and Id) in the First Concession S.-W. T. A R. Koad. in thu Township of Artouiaeia, containing 100 acres more or less, excepting part occupied by T. O. & B. Railway. About 50 acres are said to b* cleared and on the premises are said to be a Frame House and liarn : the lot Is also In the best farming district of the Township. THUMB: 10 per cent, at time of sale, 15 per jeut. within one month thereafter and the bal- ance to be secured by a mortgagv of the prumixas for flve years with tnteret st 7 per cent, yearly, or biich other term* us may be arranged at Urns of sal e. For further particulars apply to W J. Bellamy, Esq., Floshertou, or to MOSS, FALCON JUUDGE A BARWICK. Toronto. July 9th, 1885. J. 6. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, PLBSHBRTON. Selling Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, $c- Cheaper Than Ever [ 1 Auction Sale Bills Printed on short notice at reasonable prices free notice of same in THE ADVANCE. ft FWff PAPFIF J X' " l\ James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton, Ht-pftlrinc, KavetrotxghlDK, fttul in fact every- tian^ in the l>un.na will rvcaive my prompt an*. c ireful btleutiou at prices. Km & SctaiN IB Stoi GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP . ipapen of the coat of advert lalni. Tho ml vertUpr who wanU to Bi>ond onr dollar, flmls In it th> In- formation he requires, while for him w no will Invent one hundred thiiuwinil dollars ID ud- vortlsInK, a scheme Is Indicated which will meet his every requirement, or tan br wjd todotoby tlit/htdtanilttmnl* nrrirtdal bycor- mpomtmrt. 148 editions have been l-wui .1. Sent, pout-pal. 1. to any addreiw for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. I!"U I I.I. ft CO.. XKWSPAPEK ADVERTISING BUKKAl'. (lOSpruoeSt. Printing Hoove 8q.>, Mew York. . W. E. Johnston's Thorough-Bred Short Horn DUWMAM DULL! Will be for service this season at his own stand near Fleshertou. Terms $1.00, payable Jan. 1st, 1686 Framing and House-Joining. The undersigned is prepared to execute al orders entrusted to him for tha erection of DwMingi and Frame Building*, during th season of 1MM. All matotUlfarnlihftd If so desired. None but oomjtetent workmen employed. The satisfaction uiy work !> Klven In tin. past is a guarantee fir the future. Apply to A. M< I.EOD. Klesherton Station. FLESHERTON. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, " CLARENDON." / ttamlina tit l.tttlf Mill* fur tirrmcr. Advance Balance of year 40 cents. I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! Ou hand suitable for t!.c Reason, having just received a large addition to my Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. . WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, VX.B0H EJtTOIV. FARMERS AND THRESHERS! -Ask your Merchants for McCollBroslardine , MACHINE OIL S. ' - . I . ;.*, - <-. ..-.