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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1885, p. 1

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li ^ . Flesherton Advance. r "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. VOL. V., NO. 213. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JULY 16, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. 1 I f . - i k ' THE ADVANCE, out* of the leading Local tad Family Newii>per in Northern Oitario. Publlabod Every Thursday, KnuM rm Orvicz, 1 UoUmgteoed Htrett, . ^ jrUthfrton, Oni. TKKMH OK SDB8CKIPTIOS 1 00 pur aiiunin In advance; 1 SO it not paid at theondof U ya Ko paper coutinued until all arrwiriiiMarvpaidup; and'noiubscrip- n mi. ukcn f ! IcM than on* year, *xei>t wbrr special trrau4piiunts far tiorw |>n xH JTL AnVKRTltUNO KATKB. *c Canal a<lvertletn*ntn.8<5enUper litlavartlon and 3 oenU per Mae each Mitwuiirn TranaUnt a<lTrtieiiienU too* paid tor when ordered. AdrertitemenU without ipertal direc tiou will he Inurted till forbid and ' accordingly Liberal luducementi to regular a<tvrtior Notice* among readfag mar.ur, 1* tttnt* per Hue each Insertion. No adTrSliinent discontinued until 11 ar r*arage> are paid up. Copy (or advertiimnanti should reaer toll office not later than aoon on Tuesday to ensure uiMirtiou in current Issue. A. R. FAWCETT, Etlitor and Proprietor. Tit - Hits. of Local and Other Intenttiiuj /fern* gathered by Tin Advance Miu MeGill, of ChaUworth, if visit- ing at Mr. A. S. Vandusen's. Everybody got their clothe* made at Leitch'i. Why I Because he ii the beet. By good work at reasonable price*, we rank fint in the Tailoring business. Hn. Watt and Mrs. Dowdell, of Toronto, are vmuug their friend, Mn. D. E. Wright, this week. Another case received at Of Boneless Dacon R. Trimble's. Mr. Sypes, who lives near this village was arrested and brought't-i Owen Bound gaol yesterday by detective Vandusen. ^-Splendid first quality new Orgsmt fur-srde for <abolit a third of catalogue prises at C. Trvadgold's, Flesherton. A oar load of -Pine Goderich Salt jittt rseeivad at R. Trimble's. Mr. Chan. Uilby, 6th concession of Brant, had his leg btoken just below the knee while logging recently. Luther village is agitating a change of name. It is purposed to re-ohristeu it (irand Valley or Orandvale. All of Mt. Forest's representatives at tlio Toronto Normal School, frve in num- ber, siuxeeoVil in passing the thirl exam- ination. K<1- iff. A large consignment of Ready Made Clothing just received and sell- ing verychrap at R. Trimble's. K.'l't Unify, of Melaucthon, almost s. vcroil tin- groat t"r from his luft f..t one day last wuek, while assisting Mr. I; F. \Vt-t, 1'. L. S-.tomakesomestakw. Frrr Prim. you --The Flesherton barber can give a good shave, hair cut or shaupoo. \\ , recommend him to the public AS an excel- lent tonsorial artist. Tlio sidewalks are in a beastly condi- tion yet. Hardly one of them is in a safe condition to walk upon. It is a shainu tliatsomeliodv can't scrape together eiu >ugh spunk to eml.-avor to bring about a bet- ter state of tiling. Any quantity of Haying Tools, such as Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and Forks, at R. Trimble's. It wouldn't bo a bad idea to (rive Norman Boyles a job at cutting the thist- les, burs and other obnoxious weeds which are so plentiful on some of th baek streets in this village. Qive Norman a sickle, boy road and there will be a scarcity of bad reeds in a short time. We don't charge anything for this "happy suggestion. " The new pastor of Flosherton Metho- dist Church, Rev. \V. Ayers, has taken a most active |>art in the great revival now in progress here.ever since his arrival. The Rev. gentleman has a strong voice, is a good singer, good speaker, and has infus- ed a wonderful amount of enthusiasm in- to the meetings by his untiring energy .uul /.eal. We predict for him a success- ful pastorate. A ladyy writes ; "I have used Avar's Bar- saparilla in my family for many jears, and could not keep bouse without it. For ths relief of the pains eonseqnent upon female weaknesses and Irregularitisj, I ooniuier it .without an equal." KKTTHWS. Township of Pryton f ur the half year ending 30th of June 18% : BirUia, 60 ; Marriagta. 11 : Deaths, M. J. CVvaflfcgh, District Re- gistar. Diuutulk Jleraid. A good All Wool Tweed Buit for $6.50 at U. Trimble's. DI-MIAI.K Zoo. Mr. W- T. Rnndle has purchased ft tiuuu bear, aud fur tho pas* week all ttWknsstt bnyw tori flie adults nlso) have taken advantage of free exhi- bitions daily. The bear was cauifht hi Proton whun very young. Uunduik Her- ald. The Picnic at Meaford Road, undr the auspices 'f>( the Sabbath School there was a very pleasant affair and a great suc- cess. A number went from this place a- mongst whom were the members f the Gospel Army, who held a rousing meet- ing. - Flesherton now rejoices in a Barber, young Oardiner of this place. The Edi- tor of the AHVAXCL sold his raxor to a tramp. Thiindtury Standard. Yes, it's a fact ; we sold the razor to another coun- try Editor ndt brother Farewell, of course ! "It must be very trying to one's re- ligion to walk on your sidewalks after dark," remarked a stranger recently. "Its trying enough in broad daylight,", growled the Agricultural Editor, examin- ing a scar ou his shin which "could a tale unfold," were it sndowed with the, pow- ers of speech. A St Thomas merchant 'intended going fishing tho other day, and procuring his bait pUt it in the can, whWi he neat- ly tied uu and hud on the counter. A woman came in shortly afterwards to make a purchase, and pocketed the can of bait, thinking it was a can of fruit. The mer- chant saw her take it but said nothing te her and enjoyed the joke. Port Slym 9rm Prem. "John," said the grocer to his new assistant, "to succeed in the retail grocery line, it is necceassry to practice a reason- able amount of economy ! 'Wilful waste makes woeful want,' isatruismyoushould always bear hi mind." "Yes, sir." "Now, I was surprised," tho grocer went on, "win N you picked the flies out of the sugar barrel this morning, that you didn't Don't let Mr. Mortimer, of the Sbelburne Free Preu, gave us a pleasant call on Monday. Andrew McGirr, Esq., ex-reeve ol Osprey, is the subject a: a pen and ink sketch in the Fltwhertou AUVAX.B last wwnit... Uvs akeiirl is written in a fair, kindly mauu*i, . '.*,< rith Mr. Mr Gtir only in his "~Jy^.. 'tj * a publio ser- vant. Mmf.ird The ladies of r*ric*ville and vicintty will give a grand "Honey Festival" in Mr. Wm. Watson's new brick hall, Price- ville, under the auspices of the Method- ist Church, on Friday evening (to-morrow] the 17th inst. Rev. Walter Ayers, of Flesherton, McLeod, of Price ville, and others will deliver addresses. Good mus- ic will be furnished for the occasion. Doors open at 7, ' served at 8 o'clock p. m. Admission 26 onnts, children under 12 years of age, 10 cents. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Beoswer never fails in restoring gray hair ronthful color, Vtrjr. aad vitality. to Dr. A. Hares, Btato Assa/ of IfassaebnseUs ndorses it. and al) win give it a fair trial entte iu grateful UVHocnT to ill mauy vie- The following u strictly confidential and we hope it will sot be abused : You the sign of dialssjss to any menber in good standing, jmsjnd threw times on the outer door, give two hard kicks and one soft one on the inner door, giv the password, "Little CD," torn to the left, through a dark passage, turn the thumb- screw of f ystanuM pipe fixture 90 de- grees t > % right, holding the goblet of the encampment then reverse the eyes, stimulate said pipe fixture, shut your JfDW digestion, leave the sugar off their legs. it happen again, John.'' -The singing of Miss Klherby, of Ike Gospel Army now doing such a grvat u rk in Flesherton forms one of the moat important factors in tho revival ser- vices. She possesses a remarkably sweet astd well cultivated %-oire, of great com- pass and power. Her aoventvation is vsry clear and distinct -every word she sings being hoard and understood in every part of the large lecture room of the Me- thodist Church. The Major, his wife.and Miss Klhi'H'V have won the esteem and respect of everybody in this locality, More is a hint for farmers. L*st fall a man at Clyde, N. V , had a number of stumps which ho wished to remove. He holes in them, inserted saltpetre, tilled up with water and then plugged the 'inli-s. About a month ago he took out the plugs, poured in kursosenu oil and set Hi fire. Tho stumps have smouldered a- way without blazing, and now there is nothing left of them but ashes.- Mt. Fur- M( /;.,.. Our Sporting Editor started out to . , write up tho races on Dominion Dy. s, a few plugs of chewing tobacco anu u . . . .. . ., His report canio not in time for the cur- those mischievous boys out of the rent issue, nor yet did it appear in time for last week's ADVANCE. We have smou teamed that ho was set on by a number of roughs, who took his notes from him and tore them t_ pieces. Wt- paid for the report and this is the re- sult. We understand, however, that the races were fairly conducted throughout. "Puzxler" won first money in the open trot in his usual brilliant style. FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR ! Victor Roller Mills Flour, made by A. Plewes, Markdale, for sale at R. Trimble's. PBOHT MF-HCBBS. Prompt means shonM be nued to brne.k up sudden golds, and eure ip their nrly stages. Halyard's twenty-five oents ncsr the pipe fixture, and hunt up the nearest cemeUry, so that you will not hae to be carried vsry fir. This is the way to ,. Blue Ribbon beer in Seutt At ovui ' , say* tuo C'haton News-Record. " No MAD ever smoked "Myrtle Navy" tobsje co for a fortnight an! .ben took to any oth or brand in prdvftnor to it. U bears Its own trrthnony of iu qualiti**, and it is torti mony which is al**ys couvmeicK. The aujukcr who asM it u never annoyed by get ting it sometimes of b <ood quality and some is of bad. Tfee arran^uirnt ol thi lOfarturen foe keying its quality qua are very elaborate ao.l eusiplete. and are the Party. The Ladies Aid Society ol the Metho- dist church, Flesherton, por\Me holding a grand Garden Party on the grounds . f Mr. James iWecruft on Tuesday after- noon next, the 21st in.<t. Tsa> served from 4 to 7 o'clock. Adwiesfas IS cents. results of many jeais elose ol*enrl'ii. sf *xperinee am T* i h r tmrmrn. Mr. Wm. Strain ill have repairs for all Machines and implements manufactur ed by the North American Mfg. Co. Indon, at his hardware store, FleshtT ton. '/' tkf Editor of T\* ^t'xiiM*. Sir, I noticed ;. nsimber of ynung men bathing in a very exposed plsce in Flesh er's pond, in broad daylight, not lon_ since. Is this sort of thing encouraged or permitted in your village, or is there any body in your town to atu-nd to such mat- ters ? If t lie pond lml'>iiL.vl to me and young men were so indecent as to expose themselves in the manner named, I would horsewhip thum sure. DBCSHCY. Priceville, July 10th, 188A. Strnllnic Flowrrs from thr < m peo ..-!, -!-- *.n... . U tow, UlRt t<)m( , are in tho habit of gniu^ M,,.. ton cemetery for the solo purpose m uar rying away flowers, &c. used on the graves. It is the intention to prosecute any one guilty of neh miserable tricks in future. It is surprising to think there are so many thoughtless people in the i M A little vifilance on the part of the thoughtful will possibly produov beno ticial effects in the direction indicated a bove. . Pectoral nalsaiu dqas this muit spoiHliiy aud efleetusjlv, Fluid Lightning. Is simply a marvellous Rbevmatie Kvmeoy. I was for two months a cripple, unable to gst ont of the house from Sciatiea. (>n bottle gave me instant relief, and placed! me on my test again. I have driven fourteen miles tu-dsy (something I could not possibly hav don* were it not for Fluid Lightning) for the express purpose of Procuring another bottle. 80 says Wm. 'ixoa, Uansnoqae. Only 16 *ats Pf bottle at Rieoardson's. A Well SIM-HI Sunday. (o the Oran.j4mrn.-The Qotpel Army at Meafvrd Road. Sunday last will be long remembered by the people of Flesherton and neigh- borhood and Muaford Road. Limited waM **y ^veuMte e to barely ^s^SAiwo the leading events ! tiiat uuly "i J bttwdsy." Ficst oame the "hallelsjah breakfast" in the lecture room of the Methodist Church at 8 o'clock a. m., which was a grand affair. The breakfast consisted of a full supply of the bread of eternal life and was heartily partaken of by Chris- tians of various names. Next came the fellowship meeting in the basement of the same church. The room was filled with people. It certainly was one sf the nn at remarkable meetings ever held in this place. The pastor, Rer. W. Ay ass, conducted it with his char- acteristic energy and earnestness. Then came a powerful sermon by Rev. Mr. Ayon, in the lecture room of the same church, in commemoration of King Wm. Ill's victory over James II. Flesherton Orange lodge attended in a bedy and occupied front seats in the C ^g^ wm me*uhiu m a fmndly , , match. Our boys are nt likely t<. dis- appoint these clubs and will no doubt give After dinner the Orangemen marched a good account of thorns*.-! ves when the in procession to the Presbyterian Church watches come uaT. CvUmgMiwd EnUr- here, where they were treated to another prut grand intellectual feast by the Rev. Mr. | * Ion *" *"* 8inghmpton B. B. Wilson. The churches were crowded st 2' pl * T * <1 **** * b T * <Jub * J *"** th<!m - both stoyiiJ Trm|,Iars. Tlss IrJlowiug officers were installed f r the current <|uart*s in Fountain Council, No. 1*6 R T. of T. on the evening of the "th inst by J. (ionlnn IV S. C. Bro J. O. Russell, S C. Sister, G. Saul, V. C. Bro, Joe. South, P. C. " Wm. Strain, Chap. " J. Uordon, R 8. " J. G. Anderson, A. 8. " D. Blair, F. 8. " J. H Heard, Treas. " Geo. Saul, Herald. " T. McArthsv, D. W. A. Milburn, Guard. " F. Bunt, Sent. Carter, Med. Examiner. Dr < olllnrwood Base Ball Hub. Tho Secretary of the BSJM Ball The has received communications fr in Club Allis- smCookstowj and Starner, asking when Then came tbeflssysl Army's stirring Contrary to the usual custom the Cullmg- wood team left the field after the game serrioss in the Wesley Chun*, Meaford | w " T-T witkout "tending an inritation RosA Major Sutherland, Mrs, Suthsr- 1* ****** or iu PP* r " r 7 tkin el w land, Rev. Mr. Ayess, Mr. J. B. Moore, . tholl l** ** w-rB <* * tw o gentlemm Mr. J. W. Armstrong and others madsii > Colliafwood team, but now confuse eUjnentao* thrilling addresses. As ss- ' "* K"voasly disappointed. If they .-i v- is i rejieat such an act of duoourtesy as that ual the Major's scapture reading lesson ^rd,^ we fancy oth.r clubs will unito and the sxpusttujna thereosv stsatsd a in givusy thess a mighty wuie berth. ;T.. found impression. The serries! as condueUd with great TSgw sad earnest- ness and the altar was soon filled with penitents, and although it lasted two heun it seemed difficult to bring the meeting to a close. A largo number were present from this filings. cufratc's Court <jl ISS VS. JOD BSXL AXD ABOH BOT.TTOX. Messrs. John Bell and Aaron Boy n ton, of SinghampUm wen up before Squire In the evening the people were treated Armstrong on Saturday last, charged with te another powerful discourse by Rev. having feloniously taken f Ii5 out of the Mr. Ayers, who never seems to "weary pocket of one Dugald Campbull, who, it of wull-duing." After this came tho sppo<u had been Uriuking cunsiduraMy "Salvation Meeting," which w*t specially the previous day. Complainant prixlutrd interesting. two buys who, it apfiuars he afterwarUs Thus closed what we have very proper- *"' **> W ' ** money, to whom the ly designated in our heading "A Weil *''<' stated he would uoc give it until Spent Ssstday. " The impressions crest- the compUiaant "sobered up." Bell de- ed on the minds of the people at all the Alined to put in any evidence in rebuttil services uanietl will be lasting and ben- "J *k refused to uiako luiy statement, eficial in their effects. which, of course loft J. P. no option but _ to commit for trial, which was accordingly Fluid Lightning does net take a day or Jt ' 1 "'- We understand, however, that an hour to remove Neuralgia. Headache, rvspuctable bail acconi|iaiut>d the prisou- Tnothaohe. Lumbago or Kheunstism but en) do it inntamlr. and without carrying your head in a puultiee for a Jay or u.iog greasy linmirnts. Try a Me. bottle (rum nishing bail to the extent Wm. Richardson. Owen Sound. ,, LsMsV Mr. Bell was released on fur- f 920UO but | n,,ynton w ntill in . THE REBELLION! In the North-West is practically ended, bat tho Immense Bargaias in every department of E. J. Grier's Store. Primille, Still continue. 20 pur coin. U< tluction to Cash Customers fur ucxt SO Jars. Just Notice! SOME OF OUB PRICES Apd you will be convinced that we arc amply prepared to back up cv.rv statement we make : Factory, 30 yards for $1.00 Ottoman Corded All- Wool Tweeds, Carpet, Ac. at Bottom Trices. Teas at 8 Cents per Ib. Soap, 50 bars for $1.00. 26lbs. Kice for $1.00. Prints, from 5 CentM per yard up. Heady-Made Clothing, full site, from $5 per Suit up. B. J. ORIBE, v rico psjj for Butler

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