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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1885, p. 4

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t J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. 11- Fawcctt. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1885. I Dominion Day! THE KHAM FIGHT. -GARDEN I'AIITY, TEA-MKKTING, &C. Dominion Day opened up bright and cl' ii r and at an early hour large crowds of I'ooplc canu pouring into Fh-sher- ton from the four points of the com- pass. An occasional red-coat, an Indian in full war paint and feathers, and a Half-Breed, passed along the streets and caused some excitement on the part of the large crowd of spec- tators, who were eagerly awaiting the commeuccuei.t of -II. M FIGHT. Shortly after 10 o'clock, the loyal Volunteers, under command of Lieut. Field and beaded by Flcshertoti Brass I!:inil under the able leadership of Mr. E. Vanzant marched from the Iirill Shed to the square, thence down Syilcnham street and over the Boyne; and then crossing into the fields, took up a strong position behind the big hill on the north side of the village. In the monutirne the rebels, under miand of Kiel, Pumont, Pound- maker and White Cap, occupied a strong twsition on the southern bun of the Boync. Between the rival for- ces, through a deep gorge, meandered the waters of the Iloyne liver. For a time " There wa ulloncp <!)> an iloli Aud tin* Uililfst lit'M their breath." Then the gat!i:ig gun, manned bj 'Mill Howard Armstrong and gun nor Yokes, opened a tremendous fire on the loft of the Volunteer? c .not ali <1 behind trees and overhang I 'lulls. At the same instant the n'1'i'In poured in a deadly volley of ritk i-liots all along the line. This was answered by a furious fusiladc of well iirectcd sliots from the Volunteer.? who kept up a terrific and inccpsan firing from every gun that could lw 'Hi-ought to bear. The fighting no\\ 1'icanie general, the thundering of the artillery shaking the ground, whilt '.lino and smoke belched forth fiom almost every tree and ridge on botl ! ; of the Iloyne. At this junctim 1 1 I.. !-; were <>\i\i:'t (1 to fall hack be hind a bluff a few hundred feet to tin r, when ll.e firing reconnnrTirri i was kept up hotly until the aui I'limr.ion ran out, wh-n Dumont an< o:u> of his lieutenants, bearing n llaj, of truce, approached the Volunteers and terms of capitulation wnro uiran- I. Headed by the Hand, the Vol- nteers, Half -15rei ds and Indians then formed in procession and marched through the village the band playing stirring airs in the most creditable niiiiiiii r. At llic Drill Shed three cheers were given for the (jueen. our Dominion Mid the 1'and, after which nil (lisp !"-; il I'm- ilinuer. THE r. vi:i'i:x I'.VETT held on wj.ure Annstrnng'g beautiful ^ron 1 : ' v. ,1 very successful nffair. The attendance was largo, the games ,nit and healthful, and the iv Veshments all that could be dc sired, ivtrything in connection with the mrty was exceedingly well manage d. Towards the close, Miss Jennie Mc- Dowell was presented with a purse, as a slight recognition of her faithful and efficient services as Organist in the Methodist Church during the past three years. The address was read by A. R. Fawcett, of THE APVANCK, and the presentation made by Mr. C. J. Sproulc, on behalf of the members of the Choir and others. Rev. Mr. Mc- Dowell briefly and feelingly replied on behalf of Miss McDowell, after which good-byes were exchanged, with many a fervent "God bliss you," and the good pastor and his esteemed family took their departure by stage to Dur- ham, en route for Wingham. The Garden Party broke up before 8 o'- clock, as announced. THE TEA-MEETINO AND LECTURE held iii the Presbyterian Church was fairly attended and passed off pleas- antly. Revs. McAlpin, McLeod, and others addressed the audience. Some i xcellent songs were given by Mr. J. R. Anderson and others. The whole closed about 10:30 with the singing of the National Anthem. THE SPORTS. A full report of the Horse Racing, &c. will be published in our next issue. Our Sporting Editor did not bring in his budget until it was too late for publication. TI1E "MONITOR' AND DR. T'NPRECKDKNTKU SnccFKs. For all pur- poses of a family medicine, Ha^vard'a Yel- low Oil in alu>atl of the list. It in UMK| with unprecedented success, Loth internally and utt rimlly. It cures hore Tbrout, Unriin, Scalds, Frost llites ; relieves and of'-cn cares Aithnia. Look out for Mr. W. A. Brown's new advt. next week. There's money in it for those desiring big bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., or Re- pairing of any kind. - (Jooi. TIIK YK.AH Ilocxi>. At all wasonR. win 11 th system is foul and the die powr feoUe, or the liver ind kidneys in- active, liurdock Blood Kilters are required. For a Scott Act organizer, we think Mr. Jas. McMillan is meddling a little too much with politics. Hither let him mind his business, or give ns n more liberal minded County Organ- izer. If the policy of the new Imperial Government, as indicated by Mr. Arthur James Balfour son-in-law of the Manmis of Salisbury, and Chief Secretary for Ireland be carried out, it will not be long ere Ireland has home rule. Mr. Balfour's speech has created a profound impression. AS S\VI:F.T AS IIOM.V is Dr. Pleasant Worm Syrnp, yet sure to destroy and < x|>t 1 worms. The (lo-;|)el Army's special meetings have been and are doing a great deal of good in this locality. The fruits are to be seen, not only in the con- verts who have allied themselves in the (ireat Cause, but in the increased earnestness and more progressive Christianity exhibited by the mem- bers of our churchco. All theno things combined give evidence of a healthy state of things in that grnixl doctrine which teaches of "peace and good-will towards man." rnop. I.GW& sun inn SOAP k .. dli(.'htfnl toilut rnxnry u \v. 11 u* a ODtatire /..r skin disease. The Agricultural Editor doesn't bo- in driving sevcnti < n nr eighteen miles for the sake of playing a base ball match, or taking the less active, though, perhaps, none the less ex- citingpart of spectator. He had some experience on Monday, and now sports two red nnd watery looking eyes and speaks in a thundering bass, lie also foil pretty generally "broken up," but, nevertheless, drove over to IVieeville the next day mid ran the risk of fretting a couple of black eyes, in addition to his other "facial orna- ini iit,-\" al the. hiiiuls i,( Mr. Heilly. Tut iliriToiiv or IlfNiniKi s . Mr. .lohn Mm i isnii. of M. AIIIIH. N. S., w* so n .ly tl!ii'td with a di*.ie.o . 1 11 Ulnr -.ilmt '! M'|II].III .1.1 I | IM lif,. v.-iis do- liird of. TtrobotUMof Hnrdiwk 1:'.... I Hitters cured him aft,- ],liy^i,'i:ii,s had f.i:! What object the Meaford Monitor has in view in misrepresenting Dr. Bproule, it is not difficult to conject- ure. The very fact that the Dr. is a Conservative is qnite sufficient. Poli- tics every time. The Dr. supports Sir John's government ; ergo, the Dr. must be lashed however unreason- ably by the Monitorial whip. Os- tensibly the Monitor is an Independ- ent Reform paper ; but in reality it is an extreme Reform journal. When has it ever said one word in favor of< Dr. Sproule ? If such an unlikely thing crer occurred, we would like to be informed of the fact, so that we might frame and send it to Itanium as one of the greatest curiosities of the age. - THI aroma of the tobacco leaf is so co pletely conserved in the manufacture Myrtle Navy." that age has no effect in diminishing it ; even after th ping lias been kept for years it gives ont its full flav- or under the combustion in the pipe, rnel- vil in tone by its age itnd making the mist exquisite tmoke which tobacco cnn be maclo to give. Age too hardens tlin surface of the plug and pves the tobacco whru cut hat almost granular appearance in which ill couuoisficurB delight. Tlie salvation nrniy is, beyond all question ioul from every point of view, the most extraordinary religious movement of our time. Not tin- least so is it from the nninerical point ol'view and ilir manner of gathering strength. At the annual meeting in Exeter hall recently, Gen. Booth i 1 A comparison between the army its u is now and us it was Bcteu years ago. Then "ilic-ir colors were only flying" in two countries ; mow they are to be seen in 17. Then there e but 81 corps and 127 paid offi- 1 fre ; but uow he coi-ps art 1050 and ] e paid officers 2650. Seven years I ago the salvation army possessed only one Hiniill niiinilily print. To-day it . has "22 separate publications, 1U of which arc newspapers with a 111111*4 circulation of something like half a ' million a week." Toronto World. Our readers will regret to learn that the Rev. Mr. Hill leaven this circuit and goes to Osliawa. The Rev. gen- tleman will preach his farewell ser- mon on Sunday next. We are glad lie has such an excellent station as Osliawa. It is a Town somewhat larger than Owen Sound . and has one of the finest Methodist churches in the province. The Rev. Mr. Sander- son succeeds Mr. Hill here. There never was a minister more universally esteemed here than the lit v. Mr. Hill. Tfu>rnb*ry Standard. uty. The on road (Way almost 'come rather In no other medicinal prcparatini have the results of th most intelligi nt study and scientific inquiry been so steadily and pro- s TPsniTely utilized as iu Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scientific prepar- ation for all blood diseases. Now that the statute labor is being done in different parts of the country, t might be suggested tlat path- masters see to it tha'^R -h ratepayer faithfully pcrfonr practice of lilli work any way and e but the right way, monotonous. Plain speaking this, but isn't it true ? Who ever heard of a man putting iu as good a days work on the roads as lie vrould at home ? There may be a few isolated instances, but they arc very few indeed. High time we had a change, and no doubt our roads would bo much benefitted tin ri'by. No injuriniiH effects can follow the ate of Aycr'n Ague Curt- in the treatment of mal- arial diseases. It contains, besides a t citic innl unfailing ajiti.lnti 1 fu miasmatic poison, other ri'lu'-ilial m,'t UN u Inch unit* to rspfl tin' i>ii, nuns hnni,>r. jmrifv the system, anil leave it in a'healtby and rt-iiiTigorated condition. Rev. Mr. McDowell, die newly ap- pointed pastor of the Methodist church of this town, lias for some years filjcd important positions and has had a successful ministerial career. The towns of 1'ertli, Prrscott, l.owman- ville, Ban-it', Owen Sound, &c., have srU'ially enjoyed his ministrations, and in etch place he has fulfilled his full ministerial term of throe years. For several years lie 1m > had the honor ot being the chairman of districts on which he has Wn stationed, arid this year has been promoted to the high- est position liis brethren could give him i'\/. : thfit of the president of the (iuelph CiuiffruiU'i!. \Ve predict for him a sucoeBsfnl terra in this town. T IT CAN DO NO H.MiM to try Frwiuan'B Worm 1'owdcrs when your child is ailiug, feverish or fretful. The Grange Picnic held on the 19th inst. at Mr. Harris' place near hanks 1'. (). was u very successful and pleas- ant afTair. There was a very large at- tendance , Mr. \Vni. Hcwgill was elected CliairiiKin, and several gentle- UK n nddressrd the meeting, among v.liom we-lfMm. t-ioulfl*. A. Shore, I). J. JItihtcr and others. Mr. Soulcs spoke largely on the bursting of the great salt ring, which has bincfitted almost every one. The Grange in this deserves the gratitude of all. Mr. Shore, Mr. Hunter and other gentle- men spoke. There was also music, dancing, swinging, and other amuse- ments. The eatables were plenty and luxurious, and came from every clime. Tlwrnbury Standard. J. 6. RUSSELL. The Noted Jewellery Man, FLBSHBRTON.. Selling Watches- Clocks,. Jewelry, fa Cheaper Than' Ever r ' James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing. EavetroiiKhing, and ill (act every- thing In the hunuirsi* will reouive uoy pi ,.ini. t and careful alluutmu at reasonable prlcei. Stow i lolmn in l\ GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP \ NATIONAL PII.LS will not grip* or sicken, yet arc a thorough cathartic. A book r ino ?** Tn o urst book Van ailvertlsor to con- ault. bo ho expert- tttnol nrw*p:ipor8 and **( c.flhi-ooatofailVfitlslntr-Tliciiilvrrli i wlm in, 1 in KiK'ii.l (.in 1 dollar, flu, la In Ittlie in fonunllon nerontiln's, while for hi in wlrl) will Invent one huniln 1 , 1 tbousan<l dollars in ad- verllslng, a scheme Is inillcated which will meet his ever)- ri'ciulrrmont, or eon tern to Jo to by tlijht chnmiet nitily iirriftdat tf rrtjxni ienet. 149 eduom Imvc bucn lanutHl. Kent, po!-i>al<l. to any uddrc'i" for Mcenti. Wrln- to UEO. P. l:i\\i I I. A CO., NK.WSPAPEll ADVKRTIMINU IIUBKAU, (lOSpniceSt.l'rinUDgllouaeSq.), Kew York. .< i FLE8HERTON. For Sale. 500 Wliiti! Ash Ilnttiir Tub*. JOS. Met 11KMACK, ('.KIIMT. rMenhertnn To Rent. Tue Ulackitmtli Sliop ou the 4th line. Arteme- iila, fornii'i ly occn|ie<l !>>' Mr. Tho*. Addioon. in to runt ou eaiy tvrnn. 1'oMeulon giveu at if oaoaesary. Apply to DUNCAN CAMPllFl.!,. Kii!-iil P.O. Framing and House- Joining. The underiiKOod li jin i rnl to execute al orders entrusted to him for tlie erection of FniiHf. luring tlw .ruon of UBS \Umilsilills1i<l if no d<wli,i NOII.' \mt competent workman mployed. The satlsfaetloB my work linn i;n , n tin- past 1> a guaranU'c (r tin- future. R. R. LANDS la WsMMaO. N*rHl Dstota. tana. Idaho, WashUftw utt Hon- Apply to A. McI.KOD. Klenherton Station. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, " CLARENDON," I> utanding nt Little Mill < i ^ Al p'lcu rsnglnn chiefly from (2 to *6 p*r sera. onKto 10 iMri'llme. This II 1h But Country lor itcwinq Cnnd Hontl now oocr. lor ssltlininl. : o nrro f <-o : mum* .nnil Fr-iii"ii- KI.MIK 1:1:1 HAl.f f . : ..,. t . in i M.I.. .. , rili:K, A<T.- OK Pul.llr Und dlp PaenKfMMrr. B .i~crlNnir Ih- 1 Il IUU1 L. llolltnura.t .. >-TK THASI d of I" , ooki.l , ., mf.K. ...... nn^Ml 1^4. *.11r'W.<-U* h l.AU I^K.N. UuJ Com 1 r. . r. . M., M. P.ul, SUU>- I have a Full Supply of Boots &: Shoes ! On hand suitable for the Roason, having jtist received a large addition to m\ Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FAUMEHS AUD THRESHERS! Ask your Merchants foi McCollBroSsLardine MACHINE OIL i

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