',.' ' I oi it I II COUSINS. iKy Qordon Kubles, U. D. K N.) In the early summer o( 1860 I wool upon a VIBII to a dutaut relauve u( mine, wbo lived ID oue ol the Suetiaud 'lalauda. Il wae early summer with myself then ; I wan a medical studeut, with life ail btfure me. The steamboat lauded me al Ltrwiok, and I completed my journey with ay boxes next day in au o(.eu boat. It waa- ft very ouid morning, with a gray, oold, choppy tea on, tbe apray from w Lion daubed over (lie bu(, wetting me thoroughly, and mftkiug me (eel piuoued, blear eyed, and miMrftble. AD opening ID a wall o( rook took uu at length lulo a long, winding tiurd or ftiui o( the ata, wub green, bare nolda on every tide, ftud wild, weird-like aheep, tbftt Ks/.ed uu a* lor ft moment, tbeu bleftted aud fled. Kight at ibe end of tbw ruok atooo. ujy Irieud'H houe, comfortable and aoiiil looking, but unnbeiiereu-fcy Dingle ttee. " I shan't alay long hen." I aaid to my- lelf , u I lauded. Ao bour or two afterward I bad changed my rniud euiliely. 1 WM seated iu ft charmingly and oozily furuiahed drawing- room, uj maim. Tue wiuduwa looked out to and away aeroaa the. broad Atlantic. How ttracge it wan ! (or ih luob tbftt bad led me to tue dout ol tbe nouee, and the waters of wl i :h rippled up to tbe very lawn, wae part of tbe German Ocean, and here at tbe back, and not a stone's throw dintaiit, waa Ilia Atlantic. Bemde the fire, in an eaey obair, tat my gray-haired old relation ana boat, and, not far tff, bin wile. Preeeully Coumu Maggie entered, smiling to we ai he did MI ; ber left baud lingered loudly fur a moment on her latber'ii gray lock*, men nue wt down unbidden to the piano. Uu tbe iitrenglb of my blood-relationship, distant thounU it WB*. lor we were really only tbird or Iturib ooumns, 1 waa made a member if tbi* family Irom tbe nral, and Maggie treated me an a brother. I wan Dot entirety pleauted with tbe latter arraugamaul, beoauae luaiiy days bad not paated era 1 aouoluded it would be a pleaaaiit paaiime for me to make love to Couaiu Maggie. Bui weeks went by aud my love-making wan mill poetpoued ; it became a nine die kiuj of a probability. Maggie wa* constantly witb me when out ol doore my oomiauiou lu ftll my tinning and shooting tri(n. Hat ebe oftrried not only a rod but tveu ft ride bei- bl( ; the could give uia leaaont in oattiug th fly and did ; be often ebot dead the alii tbat 1 bad merely wounded, and ber proweaa in lowing aaiomabtd me, aud her daring iu venturing no far out to BOH iu our broad, open boat often made me tremble lor our safety. One day Maggie and I were together in a cave clone by me ocean a lavurite bauui ol ouri on hot f:ernojns. Our boat wae drawn up clone by. 1'tie day wat bright, and the Hea waa calm, in tiny wavelets making drowsy, dreamy mueio ou the yel- low Bauds. She bad beeu reading aloud, and I wae gazing at ber face. " I begin to think you are beautiful," I laid. Sbe looked down at me where I lay witb those innocent eye* ot ben, that alwayn looked into mine as traukly a* a child'* would. I'm act rare," I continued, " tbat I shan't oommeuoe making lovj to you, and perbtpe I might marry you. What would yon think of that? " ' Level " ebe laughed, ai muiioally an a sea- nymph, " love ? Love betwixl a oousm and a ooutin .' Prepovteroua I " " I dare ay, ' I renumed, pretending to pont, " you wouldn't marry me beoaoee I'm poor." 1 Poor ! " ahe repeated, looking very firm and earneit now ; if tbe man 1 loved were poor I'd carry a creel for him ; I'd gather Hhelle for bin Bake ; but I don't love any- body, and don't mean to. Come ! " Bo thai wae the beginning and end o( my love- making with COUMD Maggie. And Maggie bad aald ibe never meant to love any oue. Well, we can never tell what may be ID our immediate future. Ilaidly bad wo lelt tbe cave that day and put off from tbe kbore ere eata'-pa H began to rvtlle tbe water. They came in from the west, nod before we bad got half-way to the distant bt ad laud a alaadv breeaa wnf blow- lug. We bad bom ted our nail aud were running befere it witb ibe apeed ot a gull on Ibe *iug. Ouoe round the point, we bad a beam wind till we entered tbe Qord, tneu we bad to beat to windward all tbe way borne, by wbiob time it wan blowing quite a gale. It went round more to toe uortb about Buueet, aud tben (or tbe firm time we notioed a yaoht of email dimeueiona on the distant n in/, m. iltr intention appeared to be tbat ot rounding the iilaud and pro bably aLcboriug on tbe lee bide ol it. Bbe wan in au ugly poeiuoc, however, aud we all watcbed ber a xioualy till uinbllall bid her from view. I retired early, tut bleep wae out ot the . .itHtiou, lor tbe wind raged and bowled urouud tbe bouae like wild wolvea. About 12 o'clock tbe aouud ol a gun fell on my eare. 1 aould not be mistaken, for tbe window rattled in abarp response. I aprang (rom my couch and began to dree*, aud immediately alter uiy aged relative entered tbe room, lie looked very eel ioua. Tbe yaoht ia on tbe Ba," be eaid, aolemnly. They were worda to me of fearful aignifl nanoe. Tbe yacht, I knew, uiu>t HOOD break up and nctbing could aave tbe orew. I quickly followed my relative into tbe back drawing-room, where Maggie wae witb he r mother. We gazed out into tbe night, out and toroaa tbe aea. At tbe eame moment, out there on tbe terrible Ba, a blue light * prang up, revealing tbe yacht and even ue people on board. She waa leaning well over to oue aide, ber maata gone, and tbe tpray daahing over her. " Gome," oned Maggie, " (here ia no time to loee. We can guide their boat to the cave. Comr. cousin !" I felt dazed, thunderstruck. Wae I to take an active pirt in a forlorn hope ? Waa Maggie how beautiful and daring abe looked now t toaaeumetherofcofamoderu Once Darling ? 80 it appeared. We pulled out ot tbe fiord, Maggie and I, and op under lee ot tbe ialand, tben, on rounding tbe point, we encountered tbe whole force of tbe aea and wind. Tbere wae a glimmering light on tbe wrecked yaebl, and 'for tbat we rowed, or rather were roroe along on tbe gale. No boat nave a Shetland akiff could have been trueted in aneh a eea. An we ueared the Ba. atcadying beraelf by leaning on my ihculder, Maggie atood up and waved tbe lantern, and it WM Miawered from tbe wreck. Next moment it teemed to me we were on tbe lee t ide, and Haggle beraelf bailed tbe abipwreoktd peo- ple. " We cannot come nearer," the cried ; lower your boat and follow our lignt otoeely . Take the tiller, nt w," ahe oouuuued, addre*aing me, " and ater for Ibe light you see on tbe ol if Kep ber well up, though, or all will be loat." We wailed and tbat witb difficulty- fur a few miuntea, till we Haw by tbe etarligbt tbat ne yaobt'a boat wat lowered, then away we went. The light on tbe o'iff-top moved slowly down tbe wind. I kept tbe boal'a head a point or two above it and ou ehe daubed. Ibe rooks loomed black and high aa we u eared them, tbe wave* breaking in leirible i urmoil beneath. Suddenly the light wts lowered over the cliff down to the very water'a edge. " Steady, now," cried my trave couiio, and next moment we were round a point and into amootb water, with the yaoht'a boat oloee beaide us. Tbe place wae partly cave, partly " poee." We beaobed our boate, tod here we remained all night, and were reaeued next morning by a flaberman'a yaoht. Tbe yaoht'a people were the captain, bit wile andfene toy Norwegiana all, Brinater by name. What need to tell ot the gratitude of tboae whom Maggie'a heroUm had aaved from a watery grave ? But it eame to pace tbat when, a lew monthe afterward, a beautiful new yacht came round to tbe nord to take tboee ahip- wrecked marinere away, Conain Maggie went witb them en a oiuiae. It came to paaa alao that when I paid my next vi.it to R , in tbe following aurniner, I toaLd living at my relative'* houae a M .j Brin- ater and a Mm. Brinater. Mr. itrioater waa my oouain Maggie, and Maj Brinater * my oouHin Mag^ie'a " late." Mra. Oladatone ia tbe elderly inoarLatiin ot KUileleta uaiveie, the matronly eneuoe ot iuj( ulniru aiujplioity. She ia to a[pear- auoe all ariltwHLerh. I have beard peiaoua wbo, I think, i.Ukht to know belter, apeak dupaiagiugly of Mra. Oladitone'a aagaoity oeoaue of tuone little peouliarilieii. Be- lieve me, they maka a great miatake or they commit a great injuatioe. Mra. Glad atone ia, in ber way, one of the olevereat women living. ' At the very wortt be can be oiediled only with a tew amall ineptltudea wbiob, if they really deotrve tint Lame, are lu perfectly artiiiio keeping with ber character. * * * I iuve heard ol laoiea aid gentlemen, very aoiute io their owu eaumate ol theiu- atlvee, wbo have endeavored to extract early kuoaledgu of (ublio matters from Mr*. Uiadatuue ; 1 have utver beard <it oue wbo (ucoeeded ; aud ber aplcmb ie ae remarkable aa ber discretion. Here ia an iuataEoe : Two yeare ago, wueo Mr. W. E. Former had remgned hie portfolio in Mr. Oladatooe'e Oabiuet, be waa naturally anxioua to bear how tbe Prime Minuter would apeak ot the incident in tbe liouee ot Common*, and not leet naturally anxioua to liaten without being himself observed, lie therefore did not lake bia ordinary place in tbe body of that aaaembUge, but made bit way into tbe ladie*' cage, or raiher thai portion of it which leaet apart tor the lady frirnda of the wife ol tbe Speaker. Directly he bad entered be perceived thai the aole occupant of tbe department waa no leaa a peraon tban Mra. Oladatone beraelf. Bbe waa the one person whom he would have avoided set ing. Be felt a little diaoompoeed, and waa proceeding to evince bi* diacomposure in the rugged, spaamodio way peculiar to tbat dower ot Quaker aubtlety. But Mra. Oladatone waa perfectly at eaae. Hke held up ber tiuger at him, and abaking ber head with an air of gentle reproval, muttered iu a low voice, Naughty ! naughty .'" Web, Prince Albert Viator, BOO of the Prince of Waie>, u io be called Iu tbe D.r iu LoLdou ou June lO.b. Tbe PiiLoeta Beatrice u a tall, light bkirnd, klnuder girl, not at all like uer tuotber, and muon prettier than the other Uujal ohiilreu. Hue hae ( luauy people have eaid) " an Ameiioau look,' small, delicate leaturer, a uuee a trifle " tip-ultea, like a dower," aua very tiae orowu eyt. w*eel rtd li|<r, aud mxurioua browo hair. Altogether 1 tbJugot uer adorable. Cor, liwtvn Truvtlltr. Tbe Pciuoeai ot Walev. by accepting tbe degree ol Doctor of Muaio otiiferred upuu her by tbe Koyai L'uiverkity ol Irelaud, aud wearing tue aoademioal ooetume OL tue oooaiiou, baa aaucnuned, oucw tor all, the oiuoli duouaeed ijueaiiuu ol the pro- priety tf lady graauatee appeariug in oadau ioal rouea at tbeir pre>eutatiou to tne Chancellor. II- .... KI, Mia II. i.l. NH.I I . ,,,,.1 II. , A Cleveland deapatoh taya : William Skaley, a baudaome young Bailor, wrote Nellie III ffman, bit intended, that be would be iu Cleveland ou May 2'Jlh to clam ber aa bit bride and take ber lo tbe little oottage be bad rented. ' Where a Nellie I " aaked Skaley, at he entered tbe bouae of Mr. Carpenter on Oanal ttree I, where Nellie boarded. " 1 came a day aooner than 1 wrote ber I would but" "Why, didn't you know?" eaid Mite Carpenter, turning pale. Nellie ia dead Bbe waa found drowned laat Sunday iu tbe foul water ol the river." Wben be learned thai tbe girl had already been buried at the oity'e expenae Skaley sauk down overcome witb grief, lie learned that ahe went on Saturday after the expected letter from him, but it had Dot oome. It wae at drat feared that diaap- poiutmeut oauaed ber to commit suicide, out even that would have been leaa terrible newt to tbe lover tban tbe story that the bad atarted home under eeoort of an old captain, tnd wae never again teen alive, aud that tout play it auapecled. Sitting Bull's new hat ie 13 tizee larger than tbe average hat. It it V , iuoheidee p and hae a brim of 10 icohei aud ite greatest outeide measurement ia <0 inches, or larger than an on luary umbrella. It wae made ol green porcupine straw, and is to be worn by Sitting Bull on hie visit to tbe Oreat Father at Watkingtor. TOMN*,I>*> >( A I nnxll^a l.r,u fi.ph.i . ih. \ . lfc-r ol Next ri.nik Mr Walter H. Smith, of Montreal, Pre- aident o( tbe Aalro-Mteorolofciol Aeooia- tion, baa itsoad a tornado and atorm warning for ttae laet eujbt or teo daye ot Juoe. Hia principal reaaona lor expecting duturbed oouditione of tbe atmophere at ibe above datee are primarily tbe peri- leliou paaaagee of tbe plkneta Mercury and Venua on June -'liu and 26tb retpeclively. Paal reoorda have tanxbi tbe Montreal aalronorrer wbo, it will be remembered, euooeeded tbe late Mr. Yenuor, pub- iibing tbe Vennor'a Almanac for this rear that tome of tha worel tornadoes tod cyclonic atorme have occurred iu sum- mer teanon*, even when but one of the .uferior planeta wae nearer t to the enn. These position*, be tu-yn, electrically u lla ence tbe eartb'a atmorpnere. Wiin Mer- cury at perihelion ou Auguat 3rd, 1883, a cyclone wrecked Suollke, liu , adam- agicg waterspout fall ai Bbeloy, Ubio, on the 3rd, aud t beated term, with auroral liaplay*, lasted from 4th to 7th, followed by high winds and a ecol reaction. On July aiat, 1883, witb Mercury again at Bummer peribeliou, a terrible tornado wrecked Miuneeola, doing 91:tOOOO worth of damage in Dodge County alone, witb tornadoee ae far north as Sorel, Cjoe., boua*a being wrecked near tbere on Ibe 22od. O 4uUHt >2ud, leW3 (one month latei), V'eou* came to ber perihelion pout, and great beat waa (elt over tbe Etatern States and Canada; sunstroke* were numerous on the 20tb and 21at, with heavy storms weal ; great tornado on 21st at Rochester, Minn., which tore up 135 dwelling boaoea and killed twenty sii peraona ; 22u<i, burrieani al Ottawa, Oat. July 7tb,lMMI, saw Mercury al perihelion, with inlcnre beat p'rt vailing on 5ih and ' .b ; heavy storma broke over Iowa, Wisconsin and New York Slate ; ou the 7lb a waterepoul fell ou Madiaon county, Ark., twecping away hcuse* ai.d crop*. Mr. Smitb'e " general foreoaat " for the lent eight or ten daya of June, 1 *>',, read* aa follow*: Oppreaaive heal, l>un wind*, thunder abowere and unsettled weather io Canada and tbe Nortneaaleru I'uited Slates ; tornadoes probable in tor- nado aeotious, notably tbe Western aud Soutbweatern State, near tbe Minsiat-ippi Vulley, followedby areaotir.tiery cool to very cool | enod of high barometric preaenre, with local Croats iu uortheru aud middle aectlona, Juoe ending oiol. Torualoe* occur moat frequently btlween the li >ura. f 2 aud 6 p. m." Tbia n> rri oudeui'a p>e- diotioua bave been aiugularly oo*rect thus fur, be havicg told to a day the lowed thermometer reading ol the winter two mouth* beforehand ; forfcaxt tbe great atoroua of January ani February jual a* accurately, as well aa ttae cclj weather of April and ibe back ward neaa of tbe lore part of May. THIC < I ! - l"l- HUH tboua.lln* with I la.. I, < II.IOIB. | fee > , ra|i. Tbe Cyoladea are the itlee where every van t) of bumau ate baa left its ui.rk aud Ita dveoeudauM. From ihe prebutorio village*, under the pumice aud lava ol Tbera, to Ibe hl.torio Qraek aeltlaiueuta, t j Ibe Vdueuau, Peraiau, Turkish and Freuou settlers, all tne various oouohe* ol huinauity bave dnpoaiied their tradltloua, tuaierial relic* ana auperatitioua lauoiea iu Cycladeao aoil or Cvdadeau ouatom, Bays ibe Saturday lie i inc. The anoiaul Oretk religion u uul exiiucl. Ibe Nereids are iu lull (ores, aud au extaut Mra. Oamp " IB known to have praotioed on an lulereatlug O03aalou lu Nereid doiueatlo llle. Tue voioauo ia oauled the Uepl a it us. Biru> aud goat* are sagxitiocd wueu a uew buuae u built. 1'be old popular nee are played, tue old popular aouga re ohantcu. The voloauio forces al 1'uera bave raiaed a rook iu the abape ot a tbip out of tbe a* a ; precisely what must bave occurred iu the harbor ot richer ia, whre toe Pttttoiana expUiued tbe eveut by feigning lual Poeeidou turned oue ol tbeir veaaeia into a atone. 1'he tmjet of me ouurob to onve out mice a., j rat*, iuatead of truatiog M Aypoliu Boiiuiheu*. Al Beripboa lua old Oulua witu Aicduaa a head are ami dug up, and ib* people txplaiu Meduaa aa tue nral jieeu wuo dwelt in tne ruined oaalle. It ,* a more moderu (alia lual a Da*ketful uf goud Ibiuga la lei aowu cut ol UeVeu ou tnc day of our Lord'a tranbnguraiiou. S.ili, wbau yon taorinoo io in, N. rid, you must leave the cflariug anj uuiry away wiiucut looking back, aa lu the Theooriteau id)l on Ibe hrai n^uii of Uer- ouleie. htm. tue N TLIUO kidnap ouil- dren.flyiu the uuareuiB ol wiud ihjugb not to i lie cry of borw and bailcoa" still, likePeleua, a mau may win a Nereid bride if fie n. H *k 11 aud courage to hold her turuuKh all nn tranforuatious. Iu ehorl, the HeawMe re-am all the jUal.Ue* poa- aaaaed by in. u kmdred, tbe bootob fairies, the Apaorao ol luoi, me iky luaideoa of Maun uuo Ked ludiau fancy. Tbe Siph- uiol rpolteia yet Kill al tbeir wbeel lu the very altitude ol the urafl a* re presented ou Oreek vaata. lue width ot tbe peotle lakae tbe ola>*iukl |..rm of nddlee. " WUal sort of chicken i. tuat whioM they scraj e and out, aud tneu IDA shoemaker uei> LU feather* in hi* art?' Anawer, no oue need give U up ; "A pig !" The ruatioa out tbeir owu suooo out of rough pig's bide, like Kuu > j* whom OJyaaeua found ttaua employed ; " Now ha waa lining aan- daia lo ma teet ; cutting a rougb brown oiuide." KIIIII loit a/OKI 1 IMHI u- Airerlaua >lura-> i ! >i K hi flrrk iu a Fttm \..iu l>i u -,,,i,. A New Vork telegram aaya : When Ibe day oierk entered Crawford'* drug atore, Uue>ou atreet, tbie morning, be found tbe door open aud the dead body of tbe night clerk, Uiobard Uanda, ID a sitting poature ou tbe tljor of the ailting-room. tie anm moned ibe paline aud II waa fouud tbat tlaud'l akuil bad been oruabed with a heavy iron peatle which lay near by, bis throat out from ear to ear, aud other marks ot violtuoe on hia faoe. Thirty- live or forty dollar* bad been taken from tbe nil. Tha crowd, attracted by tbe newe of tbe mur- der, beuame so great in tbe vicinity that tbe entire police reaervecl the prcoiuot bad to be called out to realram tbe people until tbe oorcner arrived . Tbe doctor found three great gaebea on Ibe back of tbe bead. Tbe entire right aide ol tbe skull waa oruataed in. Tbe gash iu bia throat presented a sickening eight. Tbert la no clue to the murderer. Mow T1ai~f II W. *!. Tbe cablegram reoantly aeul m pursuit of tbe alleged murderer Maxwell, Irom Bi. Luuia to Auckland, New /ialand, which coat over 13 per word toaeoa, was nent first tiom St. Louia lo New York, and Now Yurk to North clydney, Cape Breton, by laud lints , cable io VaJeutia, Ireland tbouoe by laud aorosa Irelaud aud cable under uealb St. George'* Channel to London ; by anotber cable, London to Lisbon, Portugal tbenoe by cable to the lalaud ot Malta, wbereit WSH repeat ad through another cable to Alexandria, Egypt. Land lines ouoveyed It to Buez, whence it went by ctble beneath tbe lied bea to Aden, Arabia, ou tbe Oulf of Aden , by cable again under tbe Arabian Sea to Bombay, India, aud land wirea from Bomtay to I'eua f, ou abe Malay Panic- aula ; cable again to tbe Inland of Java, where it wae repeated through another oatla to Port Barwin, North Australia. Laud liuee tben took u to bydnev, wheuoe u again took to tbe water by the South I'aciDO cable to reaob Wellington, New /ealaud. From Wellington it went by land to Auckland. I U.I I ak. III. ( hHIM - During a revival effort ot " tbe boy preacher "in Chicago laal week an invit* tion waa extended to all in the oongregat on who wanted special prayere rfPered up tor them to ariae. Au old chap atood op, at d tbe revivalitt aaked : " What ehall we pray for, brother ? ' " Well, Va out V-'O 000 on wheat." ' Yea, but we oau't pray for the price cf wheat to go up." " I don t want yon to, I'm into boge jut now, and it's poik I want to ace boomed !" Tbe revivalist pasted on to " next." The Palmetta regiment cornea by Gen. Jaokaon'a ailver pitcher, on exbibiliou al New Orleans, through the terms of the Oeneral'a direction* to hie executor. He left the pitober to tbe bravest man in tbe next war in which thit cjuntry should engage, and tbat war being witb Mexico, tbe pitcher wat given to tbe Palmetto regi- ment, which hold it collectively, beiug unable to decide which wae the braveil of ite membera. Tbe extraordinary attendance at the Queen'e drawing-room on tbe l.'Uh givet point to tbe complaints of London tradee men that ber absenting beraelf IB ruinoua to trade. Tbe crowd at tbe drawing-room waa due to her jtereonal preeenoe. Tbe opera baa suffered very M vert ly in ocmte ijoenoe ot her retirement. A larama 'Ian lui.l.,. ,1 lo Trxaa. Tbe Par H (Texan Tnbunf printe the ttory of tue murder of Prof. J. W Voumaua at a bjardiug bouae in that place. Tbe murder is alleged by Ibe Trtl.unf to be the act ol jealous buabaud uamed S. P. Uomer, wbo wan aeparaled from bit wile aud waa jealous of Yuutuana. Uomea alao atabbed hia sister fatally aud wounded hia wife at tbe eamt time. Prof. Youmana was <,', years old, was a native ol Toronto, aud waa a clever mueioian. For a Dumber ot years be lived in Belleville, lie wat born in Prince KJward county, Oot. lla .. tot- .i i Hi ih, I ui . In tbe ordinary healthy lungs, perbape even iu peraona wbo have a consumptive heredity, tbe germ which oausea tbe break down of tbe lung may not be able to make an impreetion , but if tbe physical integrity it deatroyed by pcor food, or any debili latiog influence, or by a cold, tben the germ ia able to get io its work, and to multiply and produce ite kind, and till the luage with taberolee. Dr. c'urru. Ha rat la I bur. kj . M%rie Fililranll, while making her first communion in tbe Church ol Sle. Cune gonde, near Montreal on Saturday, bad ber light ololbee eel on tire by aome one drop ping a candle, ller whole pertoo wae al ouoe in a bls/, and before aeaiatacoa could be rendered >be wae badly burned about the face and bodv. A panic occurred in Ibe churon, ootb men aud women running out abriekiog Tbe girl ie expected to die A mioio-membranoua filter hat been ocn struoted by a German, eugiueer, tbe pores of wbiob are > tiue tbat certain of the taoilli tupponed to be a cause of zymotic diseate* cannot paea him. Tbe construction n' tbe niter ia baicd on tbe extreme tiuruesx ot aabestoe nbrea, which are (reci[itaud upon a very tiae brae* wire aieve m auob a way as to form a miorolitbic membrane. Tbe number of pore* par square millimetre it given at 2,500 000. The Irish Artiaaoa' Inhibition ia to be opened in Dublin ou Juue 24lb. Tbere ia a Justice of the Peace in 1 i trl ville wbo will make his mark in tbe world some day. A couple of over-zealona law yere in h H court got mt > an argument tbe other day. Oje tff.rad lo bet tbe other $00 to 910 on a point of law, and tbe bel wae quickly taken. Toe Justice beoama tbe Btakebolder, and when tbe mocey waa put up Be promptly tiud both lawyera for contempt of court, and appropriated tbe fund to pay the fluee. YorkvilU i/i(. Ktcord. Powdered rice ia said to bave a great (Seel in alop(i3g bleeding from fresh wounds. Tbe rioe powder ie sprinkled upon lint, wbioh ia tben applied ae a com. preae. Tbe death rate ol Dublin baa jumped to H'.l 8 per 1.000, the bigheat ainoe 1--; Tbe report ot tive oases of typhus fever eeerus lo ahow thai tbe oily ia iu au unnaui ary condition. A clergyman of Deptford, Kugland. bad for several yeara had hie aermoos written by the wife ol a foreman In a manufactory of the place, for which service he paid nothing, simply promiaiug that be would remember hia sermon-writer iu hie Wll'. Tbe 01 liar day be died, leaving no will, and now tbe foreman'* olever wife auet for 9500, tftirming in her charge that ahe " had to aeleol tbe anbjecta and text*, aud tben ont of live Biblee by different author* ahe col- lected tbe nolea, referenoes, and authorities, aud eel them in order." The English walnut ia aaid to be tbe moat profitable ot all tbe nut-bearing treee. Wben in full bearing, aya a California paper, they will yield about 300 pouoda of nuts to the tree. The uula eell at H oente a pound, or J to tbe tree. It only 2 r treee are planted ; on an tore, the income would be 1549 per ore, or from 20 aoree, 110 rtOO per year. A -. i BxwHPNTAfM. l>i.....r. Krcraiil* Arar < >!. Oka*. i . . Tbe moat aatouodinf , if not Ibe moet mpcrtaut dieoovery ot me agr, writae a /oruluy wirrer^oLileut of Ibe CiuoiDnati :T imrrr, baa ju-t been verin'ed here within Ue laat few days. Tbe loc-ation (.( tbia ;reat find ia in tbe " Big Wooda," OOOBM ting if acme 3 000 acres tf virgin forest ekbont li ujilea koulbeaal of Cornirgand on tbe me joining tbe oonouti 01 Periy acd lorgan. Tbeee big wot d< bave bten tbe r'|ueut reaort ol Ibe rabbit buutere ol ui> vicinity foratvtral )eara, but more ispeoialiy duriug tbe paal winter of a certain party of bunUmen from tbe town of Coruug, ibe mist of whom are OOL netted u aome capacity witb the Ohio Central iailroad Company. Il baa Dcen noticed or aome time that tbeir visit* lo this uaipy buulag ground " wire made with grtat oircumspeoiion and aeoreey. Il now lurnaout that on aoertaiu xcurtonto he foreat aforeaaid, in tbe early part of tbe )ael winter, tbe buuur* became very bun- it y and tat down at tb*> foot of me of tbe mmeuaely high and rooky billa with which be big wcoda track i* blled to eat lanob, laving killed aevural rabbita and other Bin- 1 1 game on Ibe bunt. They built a fire and piepared 10 roaat Ibeuj tbe beat from tbe tl.n ea Waa ao kreal ae to disi-cl ve or plit iff a large fragment from tbe ilid tone, when a moat a>tonndirg tbing iccurred. Immediately tbere bviian from ne little perloratione on Ibe faoe of the rock Ibe exudation of a slippery aid dirty ,-eilowiab colored tubetanoe of about tbe oonritiecoy ct O leana molaatee It J>nuary. Inaltwmante* eeverel pouuda ot tte ULOIUOU* rnaaa bad loini ite way to tbe outer world, aud many tcna would bave >een waaled in tbe ravine below bad net he thunder btrucK dieocvereiri, buorer inman exertionn, managed to roll bRk tbe detached bowlder and atcure it in ita origiual pOMiiou. Tbeo, litr gatberinfinp a quantity ot tbe jueer-lo. kioK atufi, they made their way back to towo, keeping tbeir moutha firmly cloned iu fear of being ridi culed to death. Forthwith, however, they dop'chtd Bailees of 'h* find to tbe lead- lug ohemiata ol tbe T'uited State", and ml) awaited remit*. Tbeee have been beyond all upooUliona or aveu belief and dwarf tbe ducovery of (etrola-um to ineig- nidoance. A critical analyaie or aaeay ot tne i]u>er aubstacce) found in tbe big woods shows u to be nc- tbing uore or Iraa tban a nearly pure article of soap. Tnelearo'd prof 1 1 ton, wuoae otruneates were tiled enb tbe several analysts, >ugxe*l tlat Ibis wonder ful and aimot miraoulcus ouaituation if widevprcad.it not illimitable, lake* of pot- ab, aud river* cf e-aeutial oile wittiatbe subterranean oaverua nndtr tbe great ootl measures of Soulbero Olio. A tan) rale, a eoap mine of tbie variety baa beeo hitherto nnknowr aod will no drubt create juite a aeoaation tbrtngboct the seietitidc world at large. The fortunate Icoatori i*JI poor met) bave already leoured hundred year loaaea of tbe whole 3'O) acres of tbe big woods tract, aud taken upa lor moorporai ing a company with K' 1 " 1 UOO capital, partly paid op. Il is calculated tbat the nine, wbiob n only a abort mile Irom the Ohio Central Railioid, could easily furuiab JOO care of eoap per day ae soon ae tbe proper we rka have been constructed for rectify IB K tbe crude product. An eaalcrn syndicate backed by Gould aud Vanderbili, bave an option on the property at 55,000,000 any time between tbia date aud April 1st, r. Mr Gladstone is auUering from ne uralgit. Sir Peter Lnmaden baa arrived at Con atautioople en r <tt for Lindoc. SH Stafford Northoote ia ill and ia about to atari on a aea voyage tor hia healtb. Prince K>beil i raneois Louie 1'billipr*. el deal a in of tbe Uuo De Char tret it dead, aged 1.' Preaident Cleveland made bia firet vmt to New York ticoe bis inauguration on Saturday aud wa* tendered a g -and ovation by 2UO UOO people. Oeo Orant was much depressed after reviewing hie old oompauioue on Saturday, but briubteued up towarda evening. Ue continues very weak. A complimentary bai<juet wae tendered Kdmund Yale*, editor of tbe London World, al tbe Criterion on Saturday night. Lord Brabourue preaided. Tbe- re were) 300 gueala, inclndicg Uenry M. Stanley, Uenry Irviig, J. L. Toil. Tbe election ol Mr. Sinclair, a Preaby- terian Liberal, lor Antrim county, Ireland. hae exalted universal aorpriae. Tbe idea of bis being elected waa specially acouted by the Parnellite partv. lie i* the) first Liberal returned for tint ooULty for a number of yeara, aud defeated Ibe eldest eou of Lord O Neill, a great Tory magnate ot the North. Paul, Duo de Nnallea, died at Paris on Saturday, aged *<. Ue wae Freccn academician *nd author of " Hisioire d. Madame de Maiutenon." lie will be) nc eded by hie aou, Kmruaoeul \ictunian Henri, wbo ia ''< >eara of anv. ie tb* aatbor ot e*veral works and waa French Minister a- Waabinglon July, 1*71. to February, 1^7 I, when be waa transferred to Rome. A Bordeaux newapaper (ublnlal tbia account i. ( the recent wedding of Lord de Orey and IheCounteee of Lonedale : Yea- terday, al the cburob of Si. Martin, in tbe environs <f Lnodor, took place the) mar- riage of Mine. Oladye, Duobeae Djwager of Loudeaal, to Milor Kobmaon, Count de Orey. Tbe bride belongs to the bi*>bet and most ancient nobility of Kuitland, and is tbe sister of tbe Count of Pembroke- Wilton. Tbe bridegroom, ou tbe oontrarv. ia the eldest eou ol thai Marijuoea de I'ipoy who wat Ibe firm of the Nabcba to be ennobled by Uer Britacnio Majesty. ' Dr. C. II. Bugbea. tbe aheniel, aaye tbat cholera i* eaaeulially dieeace of tbe uervout system. Chicago hae time for little elae tban to brag of her maguitioent temple for tee Hoard of Trade. The building, witb tbe land, coal about ^1 MOO 000. Ite length ie 2'Jo feet, ite breadth 170 feet, ita height 160 teet, the height of ite tower 30t feet. Tbe room in which tbe cpsrationa of the Board are to be carried on it 161 feet loan, 141 wide, and so feet high. Around it are many elaborately Ojntebtd office*, witb every convenience known to ecienoe for tbe facilitating of trade.