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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1885, p. 4

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J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING ! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1885. THE SCOTT ACT. And so that expensive "fifth wheel ou the Government coach" the Sen- ate which ordinary mortals supposed was allowed to exist merely to check hasty legislation , has exceeded its duties, and suggested some amend- ments to the Bcott Act, which if carried in the Commons would utter- ly destroy the effective working of that at present excellent Temperance act. Beer and light wines are to be hllowed in Scott Act counties say tliesc old grandmothers, who compose tie Senate of Canada. We protest against the amendment suggested, and have uo lusitatiou in saying, that it would be far better to blot the Scott Act off our statute books altogether, rather than add such an unwhole- some feature as that named. Beer and light wines faugh ! Temper ancc people want Temperance Legit latlon, and nothing short of that will meet with their approval. Dr. Sproule, M. P. for East Grey, presented a petition recently from Mr. Chiaholra, of Meaford, containing some HOO names, in favor of the amendment. But were not petitions sent in from this County containing more than 4000 names, protesting against any changes in the Scott Act ? Docs not this show that the Count} of Grey backward as it lias been ii the Temperance question in other res pects is five to one against the am cudment carried by the venerable ol< fogies conftitnting the Senate of Can adu ? I .- 1 us have the Crooks Ac "ten times over" rather than a Tern ].. i.iin 1 . Act .' i so mutilated as to be Luge farce and imposition upon two- tliirds of the ratepayers of this coun try. A votfc will shortly be taken in th House of Commons on the proposci amendment, and it will then be Met who of our M. P's will endorse, o ni v rvii-e, the impertinent amend jut nt of the Senate to an act, whicl has been carried by largo majoritic in scores of constituencies throughou the Dominion, in its present form \Ve will then see whether the M. P' of Grey are truly representing th people's interests at Ottawa or not ni:d will be prepared to act according ly. The tinit! has conic win n T in Iterance pt.-ople must awake to the foe that tlieie are rocks ahead upot which the Scott Act vessel may b stranded, unless they are more koenl alive to their position. Tin time fo i if t ion has arrived, and not for empt talk ; and if you arc misreprescntc in parliament, you must sec to it Urn men of a different stamp arc clccte when next yon cast your ballots a the polls. Politics are alright in thei place, but something of more imporl ancc than politics must now oconp the public mind. "A long pull, strong pull, and a pull together, m lads," is now in order. NATIONAL MLL8 ar sugar coated rn.lii but thorough, and are the best 41 u-li oud Liver. I'ill iy uie. REV. D. c. MCDOWELL. It is with unfeigned pleasure, that wo learn of the election of the gentle- nan, who for the past three years has ieen pastor of the Fleshertou Circuit, as well as chairman of Owen Sound )istrict Rev. D. C. McDowell to he highly important position of Presi- tent of the Gtielph Conference of the iTethodist Church. All who know Ir. McDowell cannot but acknow- ledge, that that gentleman is eminent- y fitted, by experience and ability for he position to which he has been looted. In a few weeks Mr. McDowell re- noves to another circuit Listowcl, if he first location by the Stationing Committee be not changed and a icw face and form will shortly greet is from the pulpit. Being somewhat conservative in this particular, and laving learned to esteem Mr. McDow- II liii'iily for his consistent Christian :haracter, gentlemanly deportment, and sociability, we feel somewhat like resenting the discipline which renders us removal to another place necess- ary. However, we must bow to the tievitablt', with the hope that, in lis position as Superintendent of the Guelph Conference, Mr. McDowell nay often be called upon to fill our mlpit and renew his acquaintance with the many warm and sincere Wends he has made in this locality. Success go with him. We could not close this brief tribute to our pastor, without referring in wannest terms to his wile, whose {indues on trying occasions will ever M> a green spot in our memory. In visiting the sick, in entertaining visit- ors at the parsonage, in the social circle, in the family circle, and in church affairs, she has ever been assiduous in performing duties, often self-imposed. The family generally lave our best wishes. The inre effect* of Ayer'i Samripiirilln are lion r.^li itii'l permanent. If there IK a lurk- ng taint of scrofula about 700. Ayi-r'n Sir saparilla will diiloge it tod expel it from "PEN AND INK SKETCHES." Want of space forbade us icferring to the initial number of our esteemed correspondent, "Valentine Muggins" I'm and Ink Sketches." \\liili- we arc quite willing that our correspond- ents should use the columns of our paper for the promulgation of their views so long as they are of public interest we reserve the right, of course, to criticise any sentiment ad- vanced which may be contrary to our ov. n views. Puling over the "soft sawder," the Average Newspaix-r's Report of a Con- cert in which Local Talent plays a iifiit Pan." and Valentine Mug ' criticism Utcrton, wo "rise" to iviiiarli. th:it it is slightly presumpt noun on the part of onr correspond, nt to insinuate that the "Average Coun- try Editor" gives credit where credit is nut due. Opinions differ, and whnl Vuleniiiie Muggins considers <lilineit criticism, the "Average Country Hdi lor" probably regards in quite a differ ent lii,'ht. When, for instance, at "Average Country Editor" said '-Miss Topnoodle sang "The Harp than Once Through Tara's Halls" in her most charming manner, being londh and deservedly applauded." lie was no doubt criticising from un amateur's standpoint, and gave no more credit than was the young lady's duo. So with the other performers. Indeed we arc rather inclined to think oin friend Muggins has been stretching few points, but we hope for better things in future from him. A win.- her il}'i' must be convenient to use easy to apply, impossible to rub off, rliy in apjxiuaucv, aud cheap in price. Itnck ingham's I>vn fur the Whinkeni unites in it M If nil these merits. Try it. Grip is rapidly degenerating into Grit ciirtnon sheet. Thus says the Fleshert6~n ADVANCE Rut we would respectfully inforn brother Fawcett that he is entirely mistaken. The caricatures iu tha independent sheet arc "true to Me, nd that's where "the shoe pinches" Dory editors. If the Government fail to do what is right and play "fast and oose," Grip has a right to "show them up," Mt. Forett Confederate. We repeat it : Grip is most emphatic- ally one-sided as far as its political cartoons are concerned. We can ap- preciate a good, square "hit" as well as any one, but, during the past three or four months, Grip has been lean- ug very strongly in one direction. We are not alone in this opinion either, brother Benner, and good Re- formers, as well as Conservatives, liavc noticed the change which has come over the spirit of Mr. Grip't views. BETTKR THAN Unu>. A good name, good ii'ultli. a good companion and a bottle of Harvard's Yellow Oil are among the first re- quisite? for human iiappiiiPKH. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Sprnins, Lameness, Itruises, Burns, Frost liitos, Croup, Sore Throat, and all Pain and Inflammation. TUB GOSPKL ARMY. The Gospel Arnff open fire on Flesherton this week in the Town Hall. Following is what the Durham ChronicU says of Major Sutherland, the leader : "We regret to have to announce that Major Sutherland has decided on leaving Durham for Flesh- erton. Special farewell services will be conducted on Sabbath afternoon and evening next, and Major Suther- land kindly invites as many as pos- sible, to attend them. Since his ad- vent in Durham, he Las made fiieud*, of all with whom he camo in contact and we do not exaggerate when we assure our readers that we do not know of a single enemy he has made in Durham. The people of Fisher- ton are noted for their courteous treat- ment of strangers and we sincerely hope that a kind, generous reception may be extended to Major Suther- land. He is an unpretentious, intelli- gent young man and labors earnestly, For that he believes to be right." CREDIT TO WJIOif CREDIT IS DUE. While we do not take back one word of our remarks relative to Grip't political leanings, we must give all credit to thai paper f fur the noble stand it has taken in the cause of Ti nijierauce. Its cartoons in this respect have done an almost incalcu- lable amount of good in placing the liquor business in its true light be- fore the public, and it deserves not only the thanks, but the hearty sup- port, of every teetotaller in the DoJ minimi if for nothing else but its niiinly. fearless, and decided stand in the burning question of the hour. rsi: i-HiiK. LOWS si i.i'wu SOAP f..r 1'rickly Meat. Settle, Scaley Krup- ti"ii, Iti-li. and all diseased conditions of the skin. A Hi .11- Hunt. One evening last week the usual quiet iiei/hlioorhiMHl in the immediate vicinity i.f Mrs. Mutliews. 2nd con Holland, was thrown into great excitement l>y the ap- IM .-iniii.'e of a hugu Mack I 'ear, who souin- i'il to xi-i/.e tlie op|M>rtumty while the mem were busily engaged seeding, to cross the fields and take stock of the sheep, MI _., Kids, etc., but this was too Uc.ixcil a lot for Itruin to long on joy. Tin' itlnrm iK'ing given Hrnin had to s|,,pe. He ran down the rutul towards the school house sotting a number of cattle In rout, crossed Mr. Hogg's farm followed by Mr. Kid. Mcssrn Young andJ. Cook w ere the next to take up the chase, empt v handed of course, or nearly so, the only thing noticed in the IMISHOHSUIII wan a piece of lirend which Mr. V. in his haste had snatched oft* the table as he had not quite completed his tea and expecting, we su]i|M>se, the chase would be prolonged. Ere long Mr. R. Cook arrived on the field of liattle with two old guns loaded with snipu shot but no ca|* ! It was now evi- dent to the whole party that t he bunt was i mil il, |o they resolved to return home, but not at all satisfied. The one who seemed moat tired was Mr. J., for after the excitement was over it was noticed that he had only taken timu to put on one iMiot and on the other nothing but a grey sock, which rnused him to have a sort of three cornered hobblo that would put one in mind of a Chinese woman when trying to escape from a battle field. Mr. J. C. vows that he will never gq bear hunting agaia. (ftatarortA JVrtfj, J. G. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. DOMINION DAY *>,,* ******. **. JeweLi ij, $c- Will be celebrat-., n f , * J j y-. TJ11 \r* V* ^Yl4"/~*T"l *^ '' Cu//C/ / I VGI i tJU. Ill I* AtJOi-ltJi l/vjl-l| this year in grand < * style. Horse Rac- James Sullivan, ing, AthletlCS, &C.| The Tm8mitti, - Flesheiton. fT-(^Ori r^T*l 7i^R 3jTl fl KolairinK, Knvvtrouxhllig.ftna in fart uvorj- \*A \J\~J\JL J- X AZJv-'k? CUJLVA tutiiK in tin- IniBiiifHM will roci-ivt- my fair dealing are 'jaaBTpCr 1 promised ; fuller J^gs J JfltoWfi 1& I 1 ,:;!;. particulars soon. 'Merles M|6 7,';:,::! For Sale. M/lburn & Gadd, 900 White Ali Mutter Tub*. JOS. McCORMACK. Cooper, Fleaherton. pltol'KlKTOlis of the above works, at* _^__^__^____________ * pareil to attorn) to wrr) tlnni: m the CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP ) tlnni: m Can iage Making & BlacksmithiLg ! UDM promptly and well. Repairing in both Branch ft Promptly tt. n.l.-.l to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. FLESHERTON. To Rent. The niackdnitli Kliop ou the 4th Hue. Arteme- la. formerly occupied by Mr. Tlmn AddUon, U to ri-iit ou > k-ruu. 1'ououiuu given at once Ifneoewary. Apply to DUNCAN CAMl'l.r:!.!.. Eugenia P.O. Framing and House-Joining. The unilurnigniHl In prepared to execute al orders uutruitud to blui for th.i erectiou of /. /'i ./ .on/ A 1 V.i HI. /.''/i/<(in'/.<, duriiiu tlio aeMon of 1HHS. All niatnrial furnished If MM iloftiruil Nouu hut coni|Hjl4.|it wiirkiut'li euiployetl. The atiafaction my wurk haH |{lveti In tin. iiaot in a Kuarauu< f<ir tliu (uturu. Apply to A M.I. mi- VlMhertoo Station. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, "CLAHKNDON," Ii ituniliiui at Little Mill* for Krrrirt. mm R. R. LANDS! In Minnelots. Nerlh nkotl. Mi.n Blj jtsaa, Idaho. Washington and Oregon ^^ , Ik. -.>H.. i lur 10 runt I ........l. Al trletl ringrng chltlly Irani 12 to (6 per on 5 to Id ri'l*. This ll tht Bust C( Icsecwlnq Coed FREE - <!. OH D IO 1 U urnr. i m i i- WB< COUftfty Itf ecKflrK) Gnod Homt now pfn lor lcttltmiL :i i o KIT,-- <f (...' . MM" in -... HALF "t . H I'nMk I itl ..r.iu .1.- N ..... "i I'., it" T'n'. 1 ^' m"'".' i-'. ""NOTE ,||. ,,..,!..( ' IW. *itrv. PfMkitnii'l JkurUirra ..r.iu .1.- "i ., " .... Mni " . Mtr.E. ilrM-nl.iTiir ll* Jtu Parldr iitry .!. K.II-. . I 1 .'nf- !' -! J Hi. tlll.l: >..ii.mmt Unilfc Art.ll.l MA^ H. l.A M Will *. L.I.J Cuni'r. N. T. K. U.. St. '.ul. Uia>- I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitable for the Season, having just received a largo addition to my Stock und will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FAHMEES AND THRESHERS! -Ask your Merchants joi McCollBros.Lardine MACHINE OIL. . . \

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