* OLD WORLD liiatir Ikolfra Said tu have Bnlri Out ii liind.m. Ul MHIAN WAR PREPARATIONS. Volcanic eruptions of Muunl Vesuvius we increasing m activity. The Meiquis of Harliugton. wbo waa at Dublin during the past lew days, has returned to London. The Right Rev. Richard Gilmour, D. D , Bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese e<f Cleveland, arrived at Liverpool yesterday on the City of Kiabmond. II ill reported Mr. W. H. Vacderbill is tbe chief stockholder of the new Metropole Hotel on tbe Thames embankment, which i* the largest hotel iu London. France, supported by otber European powers, proposes tbat offences against tbe press laws in Egypt shall be tried by international tribunals. Turkey and Eng- land oppose ibis proposition. Borne of the Berlin paper* are very war- like in toneover the Zanzibar trouble, and hint tbat England and Italy must be punished for inciting the Sultan of Zaczibai against tbs German Trading Company. During practise witb a twenty-ton gnn in the harbor at Queeustewn Saturday a ball, by HOUIS unexplained rsam>n, went in dangereu-i proximity to tbe Roche's point lighthouse, which had a narrow escape from dealt action. A special say* tbat while il is probable member* of tbe Royal family will make tour* in Ireland during bexl autumn, the Queen will not visit tbe island, the osten- sible reason being that her health is uot Jtjbust enough to *tand the utrain. Lord Granville's Secretary ha* written 11 the \- u-i that its statement of tbe ktatus of the Auglo-Runsiau negotiations is in- correct, and thai neooiaiiocs are still pro- ceeding. The Xeici maintains tbat its statement is ubetautially correct. So immense bas been tbe demand for flower* by admirers ol the dead poet, Hugo, lor tribute* al hie funeral that there is a flower famine in Paris. Tennyson ha* ent a diadem composed ol Irish lilies. Politicians of all i-hades of opinion in I .'in- land are sending doral tribute* to tbe dea.' poel. Earl Spencer baa failed to convince Sir Charles Dilke that a renewal of the Crimes Act in Ireland is necessary, and tbe proba- bility is thai Ihe Government will be com- pelled to back duwu, and will get out of its dilemma by tbe introduction of a harm- less renewal bill to remain in foroe about a year. A letter bas been received from Dr. bohweiulurtb, tbe German traveller, stat- ing tbat a schooner which was pursued recently threw overboard a quantity of contraband destined for Oiuau Digna's rebels. Sobweiuf urtb urges tbe necessity of keeping strict watch on tbe African coast line to prevent the Mshdi aud bis followers from obtaining supplies. TbLusandi of laborer* are being for- warded to hasten the oempletion ot tbe Russian Central Asian Hallway. Tne Vitdomcati wants) Russia to insist tbat a limit be pal upon the Afghan armaments supplied by mean* of Kugliuh money. Il urges that a - rocg Russian fortrees be built opposite Herat. Tbe official bulletins announce thai ths Emperor William of Germany hss n c jv- ered from bis reoent indispotiticu. Wbtle he ha* taken a turn for tbe better, bis condition is far from authorizing snob hopeful bulletin*. He i* still confined to bed. It U true there i* no longer danger from hi* intestinal ocmplaiut, but the Emperor'e persistent ioaomma is causing his msdioal sttsudauts great alarm. A London cable says : Tbe report of tbe spread of obolera in Rpsin is enuring a feel- ing of alarm here. Sixty canes occurred within the pull week al Valencia and seve- ral oases are reported at Marseilles. Tbe disease ha* sppeared in this city in tbe neighborhood of tbe dock*, undoubtedly imported in Freneh and Spaut-h ship*, aud though u is slated to be only of a mild type tbere is reason to fear more than i ne death from genuine Asiatic obolera bas taken place. JOHNSTON OF BALLYKU.BEG. I he Chief Secretary for Ireland Demand! Hit Retignation. . i, HEAT EXCITEMENT IN I LBTKIt The Ulster papers of the last mail con- tain long accounts .of tbe case of Mr. William Johnston, ol Ballykilbeg, one of the Fisbery Inspector* lor Ireland, wbo bas been called upon to resign by tbe Oladstons Minn-try. Mr. Johnston, who was formerly M.P. for one of tbe Titter constituencies, visited Canada some year* ago, being at that time chief of tbe Orange Order in the Old Country. Some years ago be was appointed to a fishery inspectorship by tbe Disraeli Government, Shortly after tin-, complaint wa* made in Parliament of bis conduct in addressing public gatherings on Orangs questions ; and at length an order of the Treannry Board was passed expreesly prohibiting him from doing so. II appear* thai be broke through the regulation* once more, and tbe Chief Secretary, reminding him of bis obligation M abstain from participating in party demonstraliot s, asked him to resign Johnston denied that be bad done anytbn g wrong, and declined to resign, whereupon he bas been ditmiitned. Tar Tokocce Ulsil. A Lynohburg, V*., despatch say* tbe tobacco glut here is unprecedented. Wag gons stand in tbe street all night, being unable to get to the warehouse to unload. Tbe week closes witb a million and a ball of pounds on warehouse floors. Price*, however, have been maintained. NEW WOULD I 1 I I . A Persian psper state* tbat Russia is negotiating with Bokhara for tbe cession to tbe former ol all tbe town* on the left bank of the Amndaria River. hx President Arthur's French oook at the United State* Whit* House ha* been discharged. President Cleveland bae installed in bis place ft young Irishwoman named Katbetine Keenan. A Dime Novel H.-i > Bent to the) Reformatory. THE TYPHOID PI AGUE AT PLYMOUTH K'ngston ha* demanded a license fee trum the Book-room held a few dajs in connection with the Montreal Conference Donald Ross, ol Nairn, father of A. W Ross, M.P., ot Lisgar, died on Saturday He bad beeu areoidenlbf Middlesex county inoe 1---U. Baum, tbe Texas cotton swindler, wbo was awailiig exiradition in Chatham jai pending tbe decision of the Superior Court on a motion for his discharge, died on Saturday uf heart disease. Privates Showerofs and MoConagbey who left tbeir aentry poet* al Kingston Fort, bave been sentenced to HI and ssvsu months respectively. Sergeant Goodfello formerlv of Ganancqae, for being insolent to an iffioer, wa* reduced to a private. A boy named Hodgine, whose pareiu reside in Belleville, stole aoms money from his mother to purchase a revolver, and started on the road as a dime novel hero. He ws arrested at Trenton and eeuteuoed to three years in the Reformatory at Pene tanguitbent. Hon. Oliver Mowat and Mr*. Mowat arrived iu Ottawa on Saturday night. Il i understood that the Provincial Premier's visit ia for tbs purpose of obtaining infor mation as to tbe nature of the Dominion Government's claim upon Ontario territory in connection with tbe Indian title. Detective Cuddy, of Toronto, left [for Niagara Falls late on Saturday night in company with Government Detective R 'ger* to bring tbe pri< o jer arrested there fi r killing a Toronto policeman to Toronto. Yesterday morning a despatch wa* received at police ueadijuarten to the tSsot that tbe man arrested was not Little. Thepiisouer has beeu released. On Friday evening a \ mug man named Georgie Gerdis, aged about U, aud married about six months, wbo lived in tbe town- ship of IlerHobel, near Faraday town line road, Uf t bis home in the evening to visit a neighbor ou business, carrying with him bis riilu. He waa lound next morniug lying dead, baving been kbit through tbe body. Tbe accident was evidently oau'ed by oareleesueBS in oreuiiug tbe leuoe witb the gun. Itjteotive Traoey, acting as Slate agent, started Irom St. Louis, Mo , ou Saturday mgbt for Auckland, New Zealand, lu receive tbe murderer Maxwell, wbo killed Preller al tbe Southern Hotel. Decoration Day was observed on Satur- day iu a titling manner in toe Soutb, as wsll a* in other portioue ot tbe country. The Grand Army celebrations at tbe nation* I cemeteries were on an elaborate and impressive eeale. A Plymouth, Pa., telegram say* one death i* rtported tmoe last nigbl, sud many patients are daugrouly ill aud beyeud recovery. Tbe d< cvore believe Ibe danger of secondary infection is becoming greater every day by ooutamination of tbe well*. Tbe Grand Jury bas indicted ths Borough CouLcil for criminal neglect ol duty Icr uul keeping tbe town iu a good sanitary condition. I I \ II I I I I \ l-l llll - oM Wrrrbrd ml HU.H..I t.lil Klll.ri ! a teB Han I nrlklt SJSSMA A Philadelphia detpatoh says : Three explosions in rapid tucoetxion were beard this evening in a tive-story building occupied by H. Vebmsyer as a furniture wareroom, corner of Beoond and Market streets. Immediately after tbe wall on tbe Second streot side of tbe building Ml. Tbe sidewalks were crowded wi h pedeettians, who ran iflngbied in all directions. Mary Catboart, of I'alnjjra, N. J, was buried under a portion ol tbe fallen wall. Her bead wan. oiuibed in aud one ol her arm* nearly cut (IT. She died two hours later Her mster wae slightly in advance of hi r aud escaped uuu.jured. Alter the wall Ml flames bunt from tbe building, and s man suddenly sppeared at a third-story window on tbe Market street side with bit clothing aud bair on tire. He was recognized as Henry Vehmeyer, son of tbe proprietor, and was about to leap to tbs ground. A ladder was placed against tbe wall, but being to short to reach him a number of men held it at arms' length, and the half blinded man scoured a fc oibold and commenced to de>c.-ud. When half way down he swooned, but hi* limb* caught between the rout ds and he was safely lowered. His neck, head and aro.s were bajly burned. The flsmes made rspid headway aud communicated to tbs adjoining bunding, but at H o'clock were under control. The corner buildings ou Market and Second streets were badly demsgfd. Vebmeyer's loss on stock is estimated at S50.000 Tbe loues on tbs various buildings aggregate 130 000 and otber lubses M30CO. I H 'I !- -I I / . * .. 1<. R. I II , IV Hiding ! Drlrell fcr Ortmxlng lar III ill.. ,. II Wild It r !. I. A Detroit (Miob.) dstpttrh says : Last night at 10 o'clock, at Fort Gratiot, the sooth bom d Grand Trunk freight train was boarded by five armed men who kept PI - HHicui of tbe train until a short dis- tance tbis side of tbe Krs/.rr, when they left, ft n log the trainmen would receive reinforcements. At Mount Clemens two deputy sheriffs boarded the tram, but were juickly overpowered and disarmed. At Krszer the conductor managed to leave the train and telegraphed to Detroit for help. Early this morning an engine and caboose with a posse of officers started out and met ihe captured train at tbe Detroit and Mil- waukee Junction. No trsoeof tbe men has been discovered. Tbe tramps told tbe trainmen that th<y wanted to gel to Detroit in time to oatob tne circus. Il is commonly thought tbat Germany bas the largest consumption of tobacco, but the Hamburg Journal ibow* that this is an error, for both Turkey and dolland sur- pass, relatively to tbslr population, ths Herman consumption. Even in Switzer- land tbe consumption baa rissn to 2 8 kilogram* psr head, wbile in Germany it it only 1 8, and in Franc* 1 8. Ml It in It l A UKAVEl AKD <ih.ii.iiv Dioo very in H Cemetery Houee. AI.I o MAN m KIM. J;KL> KOH HIS MONEY ACharlottslowu, P.E I , despatch says Tbs oommuuity was marlled tbis atternoou by tbe uewsol tbe murder of the keeper ol Sberwood Cemetery, lour miles from this city. Tbe murder is the most atrocious ever committed in tbis Province, the victim being Patrick Callagban, aged 67 who lived alone at tbe cemetery, and was not mie*ed until bis dead body was discovered to-day by Brenton Longwortb, wbowtB vuiting bis lather's grave aud wanted to tee the keeper. Longwortb entered the keeper's bouse from the rear. Tbe stench Irom the decomposed remains was horritle. Entering the bedroom Lougwortb lound the corpse concealed under tbe matlree* and bed oloihes. Hs reported tbe matter immediately to tbe police. Coroner MoLeod summoned a jury and viewed Ibe body, and will hold an IE quest. Tbe body waa found lying lace downward in a pool of blood on the floor. One arm was around tbe leg of a table, the other twisted round on tbs book, and tbe body was stretobed towards tbe bed, Tbere waa a ghastly cut across the wind- pips, evidently iunwied by some blunt instrument. TbJwVyfe and face were oou- xiderably swollen. The bead bones were completely unaltered, rxpoeing the brain Tbe toelp was separated from the back of tbe bead to the extent ol three inobi s. On the left side ol tbe head wae a large wound There were no mark* on the body, tbe murdere'r having evidently only attacked a vital part of tbe head. Tbe appearance of tbe victim was shocking, and the jurors sickened wuen viewing ths body. Tbe walls ol the room were thickly bespattered wuh blood, and tbe entire surrounding* indicated a terrible struggle. Tbe instru- ment ui-ed beuidee a butcher's knife is tup- posed to be a large iron gate bur. Tbe victim wm a miserly old man, having lour thousand dollars in the bank. Il is be- lieved be bad moaoy in the home, aud that lhal wa* the object ol tbe brutal murder This is oue theory. Aoctber is that he wai murdered by two roughs wbom be bad aad imprisoned m tbe penitentiary lor breakiug luto ihe cemetery. Tbe murder iiau-t bave beeu oorxmilted four days ago, judging Irom tbe state of tbe body. 1 OK* A DO I l \- i.i mi i, .n u, u. >n ! I in i. .n. Kaln 4 Wind -IOIMI \ hoi. I iiinlli,. M M-ll. ,1 **.,.- Ml,,! MlMMIKll A Waoo, Texas, telegram say* : The fiercest storm ever known in Ibis vicinity raged ou Wednesday uigLt, almost with the 'ury ol a toruado. Rain tell in great abesta lor several hours, completely deluging tbis city. Daylight revealed a distressing pic- ture, lor, iu addition to great damage to properly, a number of livee bad been lost. By 'i o'clock yesterday morning Waoo Creek bad overflowed lie banks, the swift current sweeping away a number of houses along u course. A building ju>t south ol tbs city limits, cocupied by T. II. Demingbcff, German, with hie wife and three cbildraiL was overwhelmed and thseutire Hmily drowned. Anotber auilding a raw feet away, occupied By a family named Cameron, waa lifted from its foundation and completely de- molished. The family narrowly escaped, but lost everytbicg. Two dwellings were carried down tbe stream aoms distance aefore their occupant* eaoaped. Lower down, on Waoo Creek, over a dozen other nouses, were swept away. Five of eight Bridges spanning the ortek within the oily imits are washed away, Tbe wind blew with tremendous velocity, unrooting wire- louies and otber buildings. Tbe water "lest night was within two feel of tbe great MiKHimri Pacific iron bridge, aud tbe iu>- -> 'iiHinii bridge belonging to tbe city was .tireateued. BIX miles south ot Ibe city a 'amily of six negroes was waubed away and drowned. The damags to farina and crop* along the river and creeks i* enormous. Ail the railroads lending to tbe city are badly washed and traffic is suspended. UKMI still I VK i;i'i,e<niKKU .! Ill l.llt"' III >.., ,1,, M.I, I,, K Mil.*. 'ln. I', ,..,... I ,,IM||. IK!,!, . .1 An Atclimon, Kan., depatcb ssyi : yolones vioited Nuitonoville, 0< CFs sud Frankfort, Norlbeatern Kansas, yeeterday afternoon, doing great damage to property. At Norn tiHVille, the Atohison, Topeka t\ ianta Fe linilroad depot wan lifted from IB foundation and net Kjuerely soroes the track. A dwelling house was completely demolished aud it woman seriously hurt. At Oofls tbe Missouri Pacific depot was >adly wrecked, and a oar lifted up and urued over twenty-five leet away. Pieces >f wrecked barn were carried several miles, klany residences were levelled. No one was killed, but some wsre very seriouily njursd and will probably die. A Mae Cnnr. A 81. Louis, Mo , despatch sayx : Flora ujily Duwur, who claims to bsve worked i a newspaper writer in England and Toronto, deliberately broke tbe window of jewellery store bsre last nigbl and abstracted several valuable articles, making no attempt to esospe. When arresled she old a pitiful story of poverty and despera- tion. She went from Toronto to Chicago a short time ago, but Lot getting employ men! njBaa here and wae no more successful. Slaving exhausted her mean* she became dei | Tate and determined to commit a crime to obtain shelter tnd food. She first ttem-pted forgery by signing tbe name of ' prominent breker hereto a ohtque and iresenting it to the bank, but wa* not Trusted. She then determined to commit ibe sot above described. She appears to >e a woman ol education and culture. PRESS AND PULPIT. A Lay Sermon on Ihe Chief I nl ! Mil n SYMPATHY WITH THE SORROWFUL Good-will to Man trie to BUOIKBBSI. Tbe New York correspondent of tbe l'ir- ginia Medical Monthly relates tint on per onal inqnii y it forty i f tbe drug stores be earned of W) oases ot the opium habit. rhree-lonrths of tbe habitues were found to be wcinen, and many ot these were not if good character. Morphia was the form if opium most largely called for, and some if tbs victims used tixty grains a day nriugh to kill thirty people. A terntio tbnuder storm bas occurred in ioutbern Hindostan. Several casualties are reported. At Hyderabad two officers of tbe Hussar* wsre Killed by lightning. Bj A. B. Boweri. City Editor, Nsw York Tribune So far as the great masa of humanity IB oouoerued, tbeir ehief aim aud purpose are ibe tiuppurt ot slieir laujil:- . From oue end of tue world to the oiber tbe peoplea speud tbeir time, reok their braius, lire tueir muscle*, to make mousy euough to keep the well from tbs floor, so thai tbe bread aud butler m*u may bave Ires and unimpeded roues*. Tbe gieal uioee ot man kiud live tueir lives uke a tale that is tuld. Iu the moruuig tbey rise to labur. Through the day tney tuil and strive, and witu the uigbt tbey siuk to sleep, drawing tbe dr|jjsry of forget fulusse about tum aud thsirs, siokoes* avoided, murdy bsaltb en jo) eel, ibe doc tor a stranger aud police men atar uff. Wbat is tbe use of talking so them about purpose in lite ? As yon walk in rough jour street*, look at tbe delvere, the men who dig your treicbes, witb begrimed taoes aud dirty bauds and dirty ciotues, standing kuee-detp in tbe mud and water laying pipe*, packing stone oementlug tbu>, that aid the oiber, up at -" o'clock in the morning alter a seund sleep *.t niKUt. bastily dresniug, feverishly ea picking and shovelling by 6 o'clock in ibe ujoruiug. Now don't oeime any nonsense over yourselves aud say, " Wuy, tbe pur M uf auob men a* tbene should be to dig ibe beet treuobee, to lay tbeir pipe* iu the very beet manner, w see tbai tbeir uiurlar i* mixed built r than tbe mortar ot any- body else, to lafcu pride iu tbe regularity ol tne linen, ot stone." The tierce suu beat* down uuou their heads, literally tanning tbeir ekin until It turus to bide. Tamr **, OXCI WUUTHEIi WITU BABY 8MILIH, are rigid aud furrowed ana aeained. Tbeir ud>, once dimpled like tbuee of yuur obildreu tj-dsy, are like guarled kuois ol oak; their nail* suurieueU and etuuted, the kuuokles awolltn aud distorted, tutu everlaatlug ssusaliuu tbat horrible griti) 'esliug which make* you and me hurry tu he waebruum, wbere, wuh sosp aud water aud aoiuiuLia aud a good stifl brunt), we (el tveu tne little grime from our nkiu. Al uoou they rest, eauog a chunk uf bread i a buuk ot meal, waeued dowu witu oxtleeur with water or witb beer, tbeir ingle eulaoe tbe savory odor aud Ibe bcoaJmiug u riueuoe ul their blackjack, emuked iu a sbort clay pipe. Auutber ong stretch of dirty woik, whiob could be done junt a* well by a million otter ;eople a* by tbem, bring* tbsm to their iveuicg hour, wben they trudge horns, tbsir baoks fairly cracking wi'b wtariueas, and to what? Niue buudred and ninety- uiue in evei y thousand of tbem to du t, M qualor, to au atmosphere so vitiated ibat tveu a dog's stomach would be turued, to weary women and to crying babies, to an ll-luruiebsd apartmsnt, to a meagrely spread table, and tbeu, after auotber smoke, to bed, to Bleep, to wake, to repeat, and wbo are theae? Why, these are not the poor ; tbey are the happy, happy work- men. Tbty bave got something to do, tbey Have stead/ smploymsut. The years roll round, bringing tbem svery day 91 60. IIAI'l V, IH11 V WORH1VIXEN. But are they the great army ol tbe world s ubabiiani* ? Not much. Tbey are ibe aeieol lew wbo literally ride upon the borne of prosperity, looking dowu upon thtir ellowmen, milliou* upon millions wbo bave uowhere to lb) tbeir heads aud never gsl a piece of ored even, save Irom tbe aab barrel ot charity or the garbage box of accident. Wbat purpose oau tbee people lave lu life, nave a oitul. I wae standing n tbs peision omoeiuis afternoon WIIUMK or a obudies* widuw an >be drew a nllanoe paid her by tbe Government in leu of the slrung-uanded nupport ot a oving sou, one ul tbuee Oiaityr* wbo aught during tbe Ute war of Ibe ebslllon, to wuoiu Gcaut baa just ledioated bis memoir* uf the war. A man stepped up to me aud anked uiy attention for a moment. He said be lame bere from tbe West with a wile and wo children, tbiukiug to ttud work, aud wanted uomelhiug with wbiob to buy bread or bis family that uigbt. Now, there tood tbe widow, a woman 7 ' years of age, n tseble health, to wbom tue Ouverumeni ays t!2 a moufli. aud on the other baud bis mac, about !" years of age, WITHOUT A CBNT IX TUB WbRl.H, lUt with a wife and two children waiting at luiue lor the possible crust " Papa" was to bring. I wonder what they would bave aid to Bro. Bjwer* wbsn he asked what should be tbe chief eid of man. Do you uppose tbat il would be tbe immediate auswer of that bereaved mother, literally (uttering ou tbe edge of the grave, aud pro- >ably a pauper'e gravs at tbat, " to glorify >od." Ann what would be tbe reopouse I that man, strong, willing to work ? Would it be " to glorify God ?" Aud if il were, wbat would bey mean by the term glorify God? ?bs chief end of man, no matter what it ought to be, is to gtt enough to at and a place to sleep ia. Whose fault B it 7 Ah, that I don't know. Why are ot oar ends and aims and aepiratious and jurposse of a more elevated nature. That's , conundrum. I don't auswer it ; you lou't answer il. If we are willing to narrow the circle and say wbal should be tbe chief end of a young newspaper man, a starting physician, an aspiring lawyer, a budding artist, a boy in a store, or of a bank or in tbe employ of a corporation, u would be much easier. In my judgment journalism kfford* a wider field, a more fertile opportunity for the gloiifying ol God, as 1 understand it, than any other profession. Writer* are born, not made. Style may he termed, improved, but a man with juiuk perceptive faculties, a fair edu- cation, a facile hand, tbe whole leavened with true ejmpatby tor hi* race, oan do more in journalism TO EI.KVATB UAH KIND, to extend the horizon of human endeavor, to build up tbe got d, to poll down the svil, to eradicate corruption by tearing. away its covers and exixMiug il to the sunligbl ot publicity, to sow the tseds ot booetty, to brand diahouor.to inculcate a truly oatbolio ,-i'ini toward all, than all the euiniaten, dootors, lawyer*, relurmers bunched together. Journalism has Uiauy nib dm MODS. There are man in jouruailtm WHOVI! SOLE TUOUOHT IB MONEY. Wbsn Emma Nevada wa* leaving Nsw York the other day she said, I bave bees very fairly treated by the press, with one notable exception, that <>f the critic of a large morning paper, ho called upon me and raid tbat lur uionej be would take oare of me, tbat hi* orit>oii>eus >hould be favor- abls. I decln.etl to pay bleu, and tbe oou tqusLoe was be attacked me right straight aloug." Miss Nevada should bave mveo the fellow's name, for, although inuden are tolerably well informed as to wuom ahe rslsrred, ber assertion wae eent broad- cast through the country, and all tbe New York oritios must suffer in public opinion until ihe name u given. Tbeie are men in high places of jonrnalum wbo do nothing exoepl fur money. For mouey tbey will write on euber vide, or refrain from writing on any. There are editors, writer*, publishers wbo bave no more idea ef the true mission of jourtauam than tbey have of ihe doctrine ut inspiration. Ou tbe otber band, aoms of Qtbe noblest name* in literature bave been, and are, and always will be, identified itb thie particular form of popular edc ca- tion. A man whose thought is always in the interest ol hi* fellows, wbo is coura- geous and willing to brave contumely biding 1 1 1 time, wbo never writes a word be doesn't mean, and ho is bright enough to keep tbe words he means until the times ars ripe to sow the ssed tbe harvest from whiob will be lor the healing of tbe nation, iaotrtain to gain tbe reeptct, tbe good- will, the honor of his fsilows, and, a* a rule, to reap alao THI BI-B8TABTIAL BEWAIDH WHICH ATTBMl! 1NUCSTBY, diligence, sobriety, and faithfulness in all tbe relations ol lite. Il seem* to me thai (oud-will tu man i* the highway to success, ud that the purpe.se guiding ibe til* if every one ol us might very well be a dtaire aud deiermiuatiou to better ihe race, to eave .t a little higber tbau we louud it. If our ministers weie lea* solemn, it tbey knew mure about ibe meu to wbum they icb, it tbey uuderntoed tbe care* and l> and tribulations ul lite uol only, but the pleasures, the mcnemer, tbe ioye ot tie a* well, il they paid more attention to 10 da), and let the dim to-morrow look out or imelf. il they thought more ef the creature, aud kiud.y allowed the Creator to continue Uis suooe*f ul career unaided, tbey luigbt in time bupe, tor they are a powerful budy ol men, to ataud aboulder to boulder with tbe great juurualiat* of tbe time. I am certain Ibat in tbe pulpits of tbi country especially tbere are great and good meu who are doing II they oau to belter thtir race, although tbey are held dowu by conventionality, by prejudice, by disiuc inatiou to make talk, audooutent themselves too mtcu with (ood) goody advior, reserving what tbey are plsased to call ibe more ambitious ligLtsof tbcugbt torpo(p)oook considera- tion ol things ot which they knew no more ,han a babe unborn. Tbe faet ot the lustness i*, ws kiow nothing beyond the 'aoi tbat we live tbis particular teoood. E lie IT TO I INK FOB YEARS TO CCMB in tin beautiful earth ,and it would he a moet grateful laet if in some way u oould be buwu to be a fact thai hereafter we were to go ou through tbe countless agee of eternity, but all that is (peculation. It is very muob like a mau saying, " If I bad a million dollars I would do BO and so." H* barn'l gi t a million dollars. He may bave a buudred iu bis pocket, and be might Bay very properly, " With this hundred do; r 1 will do so and so." What under boavens le tbe use of saying, "II 1 bad a mil- lou dullara 1 wuuld do so aud so?" Ptiy- eioiaus bave beeu grepiug in tbs dark fur oeiaturies, and uutbiug inoie amply typifies their everyday action tbau that sigmno*,ut word praotioe. Tue great majority ol mciauB are praotic.ng all the time, and, uaeriuK buw liitie tbey really kuow, tbe aid aud ouiulort they are to the raoe s marvellous. A* a uialter ol fact, tbey are ot more oomlurt thn aid. A physician who understand* buiuau nature, wbu play* witb the bab), makes friends witb tbe children aud listeus to Ihe woes aud Ulbulatioue of tbe good wits aud mother, is be fellow to wboeu the master e>f tbe bouee mo*t CHXKRFCLLV I'AVK Till LABOE8T BILL*. t isii'l tbe medicine that's bottled up, but it s the oumluri, the consolation, that are uubottled, that marks the broad hue between au unsuccessful and a popular ibyuitian. But a doctor wbo studitt. wbo .eeps abreast ol the times, wbo is familiar litu all new discoveries, wbo applies teats ud educates bimcelf, uot that be may keep ix or eigbt hones, not thai be may live on bio, thai or Ibs otber avenue, not thai hi* amily may shine iu society, but that be may De a man marked by bis fellows by eaeou ol hie helpfulness to hi* kind, surely le may expect to stand hide by side witb be most advanced, tbe most useful of be children of the earth. What are THE OBXAI NAME* IN HIKTCEV ? What are tbey remembered for ? Which t them are taken by intelligent teachers as njodeln lor the youug meu and women of to-day? Not toe warrior*, but tbe lovers t tbtir kind. Go back aud hack as f ar aa eooid lafcee UP, penetrate even Ibe gloom f traditiou, bring out ibe tombstone* aud ead tbe names must indelibly out thereon. >ery on ot them rises before your memory in a moment, and coming down hrough the later ages when impennbabie rinl put* in never-fading record their ames and achievements, is il not a faol bat be wbo is courteous, thoughtful, considerate, helpful, standing up for tbe oppretsed, lighting the battles 01 tbe poor. grasping with a strong hand of love tbe infected body ol a fellow-man by the flow- in K hair of wailing distreet, i* most re- garded, nioet respected, most revered and really best known ? The phrase " Hear, hear" originally " Hear him," was lirsl used in Parliament to remind members of the doty ot attend- ing to tbe duonssioD. Il gradually became, bowtver, a "cry indicative, according to tone, of admiration, acquieioenoe, indigna-