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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1885, p. 3

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Hod our l.r.rl You can ba a fishing ahalli/p If you cauuot be a " ahlp, It you oannol L>* a lighthouse bait least a Ullow dip . You can be a valiant soldier though yon may not ba a boat, You cau watch a single headlanu if you osuuot guard aeoast ; Tbsre is*varythiug that's noble In the i lorn and tlio grace Ot fulfilling every dnty, whatsoever be your place. If you upend the Jay In pining aud Iu staring at tbe sun, Yon will nod that you are blinded luag before the day u done. Better be thebunibla limpet that i> safe where'er It chugs, Thau attempt an eagle'a soarings wben you lack the eagle's wings. There are some aa .vif t aa swallow*, there Arc others who must creep, And you never taw a turtle try to take a tiger's leap. If you cannot ba a Paixnan with Ita tbun.loroui report, Be content to carry powder in a corner of the 1 01 1. If you cannot rule ail army with a great coin niander'a skill, You can Are a common musket iu obmlieuce t. bis will; There ia but a alngle compaas in tbe ship, how- ever great. Bu: each met and sail-fibre holds a portion of Ita fata. Never try to hold a bushel if designed to hold a peak, Or outreach the eranea an<l camels with your bait an inch of neck ; Never try to race with dolphins If you cauuot even swim, Or to challenge hawks for vision If your eye* be old an 1 dim ; N**ter*|>reaJgra.:i of butter ovw fifty jardiof bread, Or attempt with penny trumpet to awaken ti| the dead. Not every atick of timber ibat is fit to make a iuut, Not every structure bnilded is a pyramid to last. Hot every place of music is an aotheoi or a pealui, Not every growing sapling tbat is pine or lofty palm ; Yet every mossy atom lias iu own peculiar grace And each its perfect usafulneas or beauty In Its ]>lace. These truths ar* old and hoary, yet we Dead them every day, To reconcile our longing* to the llmitu of our way ; Tbe only true philosopher Is be who learns con tent. Though quartered in ja palace or but sheltered in In. tent ; Whose cheerful soul ia ready to ancompaii what ha can. Nor vex itself in criticizing Qod'l eternal plan. Tbe secret of the journey is to know and bear ita length. The key of every eBort is to rightly gauge year suength , Accepting what is given you with the patience tbat but asks The knowledge for ita pvpoe* and the courage Cor Its tasks ; Content to struggle bravely and with honor iu tbe strife. Whether called to lead or follow on ths battlo nelds el life. We ne*d no higher mission than auccesatully to loach The vanity of grasping for tbe Ibiugfc beyou< our reach ; Of wasting modest talent in ambition'* uialeas fret. To reap but bitter failure and the asoes of regret Go, etU'ly what is iu the*, and be a noble man ; Kaow arm; then d . thy duty In th* Orea Eternal's plan. fio shalt tbou know contentment aud content ment's rich Increase, A life endowed with blewingi and a spirit filled with peace; A dearth uf disappointment* an J of hours with pride perplexed. Of jealousiet, heartburnings that so many II re have vexed. Wheu dea<l, ib'mgb Prince or peasant, enough that they should tell, " Be kuewhu place ami purpose, aad perform* each duty well." on.*lniln l*r niupld 4 hlldi m. Evidently tbe teachers ODD blander as wall M tbe scholars. Her* are eomo specimens from examination papers recently nubmitted by papil-tsaobers to Her Majesty' inspectors of Mbooli. " My favorite) walk," says on* in aeompoeition paper, " It when I do not have far to KO to it." Tbe favorite walk of another is & drive iu tbe oountry ; and a third like* it beet wheu be stayi at borne. Tbe game of cricket.' foreigner* especially will be glad to know, consists of lix wickets, two bate and a ball." " Nor moat we," adds tbil writer thoughtfully, " omit tbe bails, which are four in number." " Joan of Arc." one is glad to learn, " *as very piooi and rather genteel." On tbe margin of tbia paper a waggiah examiner uotes, ' Bbe also burned well. Par-* tbe worda iu italic*. ' tbe inspector laid, in the following passage, beginning " Fierce Roderick felt tbe fatal drain. ' " Drain, "explains a trainer of tbe young idea, " that is, sewer or sire." "Man is mortal," a Scotch girl tells us, means " he is awfully drunk." What strikes most of tbe students who have made a etndy of the life of Samson is tbat he " tooled" with the jaw-bone of a dead aaa. Had he animal lived, Samson'* reputation would have anflered. The author of " Samson's Agon- ittiee" (or Samson in Agony), it may not be generally known, also wiotc " The Deserted Village ; or, tbe Hamlet." Thai* IlilD- Ihr \ 01 M .. . Nona to faahionabls mother Tbe baby is very restlees, ma'am. I can't do any- thing with her. F. M. She' s teething, I suppose ? N. Tea'm. I think if yon was to take bar in your arms a little while it might soothe her. F. M. I ? Impossible. I haven't the time to spare. I am just making ready to attend a meeting of tbe Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Give baby some paregoric. Botttm Comrter. HI.- i ..n,. " What do you suppose I'll look like when I get out of this ?" snapped a young lady at the conductor of an overcrowded cable Oar. " A good deal like crushed sugar, mist," said the bellringer. And the lady hang on to a strap and rode four miles further, with tbe smile of to angel. San f'raneucan. Fogg says anybody who wants a hand- come wife can have her, for all be caret. Bhe is no better to her husband than are the groanda about a oountry residence. Anybody can admire tbs wife or tbe grounds as freely as ths ppaaensor, and without tbe expense of earing for bar or them. The Mormon* havs made a settlement and are doing missionary work in North Carolina. At a recent conference in Surrey oouaty fifteen in in inters were present. Tbe President of the Council, a young man of 19, ia said to be a very eloquent preacher. A PAKABLE OF CHARLEY. Now it oama to pats tbat in th* third ar of tbe reigu of Catharine, Queen of the Ear tb, 1 beoame acquainted with Charley. Cnsrley was the brother of Catharine, iud was a good-looking, solid, rstpeotable tind ot a fallow, with square shoulders, ruddy face, blonde beard, and a fall blue iye, whose glaaee fell upon yon like a shaft. u all hit social and basinets relations be an eminently correct young man, against whom the feweat of mistakes or allures ooold be urged. Thit, combined with the faot that ha wat Catbarine'a irother, wat tbe reason for tbe deep and undying hatred which I bore him a hatred blob tor a long time seemed capable of ning appealed only by gore. In tbt drat place he waa always punctual. Tha unfailing regularity with which he every morning appeared at his detk in the pork-boose (be was mauager of the estab- labment) was only equalled by the exceed- lug preoiBiou with which he discharged the minutest details ot bis daily appointments. Now I am fond of the mormug hour for sleep, myself, and have a theory that one will live longer i( be employ it in sleep. Therefore I pity a man who will contin- uously peril bit health ai Charley does. In ths next place be wat always method- ical. Be was ntver known to vary from bit established daily routine of business, any more than a responsible olook is observed to deviate from its accustomed method ot besting seconds. Being dis- posed, myself, to think that all ia well that ends well, I can feel nothing bat contempt for a man who is snob a mere machine. In the next plaoe, ba was stable and permanent. H* bad at onoe decided upon hia line ot life, and bad never after wavered in it. Ce bad been twelve years in tbe establishment cf which ha waa mauager, and which be bad first entered in the capacity of fourth bookkeeper wben he waa /at a mare lad. I, myself, having tried in turn a half dozan different occupations, all of which proved uuoougenial. am by nature in deadly feud with the man who has no spice in hii life. (Though I have often suspected that it was my own cake which waa all dough). And then again, ha WM contented at home. He aad repeatedly received tbe kindest invitations to join parties tonnng to Europe, ta Cuba, to California, or to tha National Park; bat, although abundantly able to travel, be alar ays declined these propositions, saying he ooold not tparelbe time from butineai. Now I am passionately fond of travel, change and excitement, and have visited most of the leading places of interest to tourists although myself a poor man. Bo I have no patience with an unambitious stay-at-home. When I add to all these thingi tbs dia gusting prosperity of the man , bis home and lot ; bis money in tbe bank . bis ever laaiintfly increasing salary I havs said enough to explain to any rational mind th* ill will I bore for Charley. Bat that wbioh nrt fanned tbe slumber- ing bras of my wrath, and well-nigh caused me to imbrue my hands in ths heart's blood of a fellow-being, happened in Ibis wise. I bad just returned from a y*ar'* residence in California (and was searchini for employment), wben, as a matter ol course, I called upon Catharine. For Catharine is long-suffering and kind and no I am always privileged to eall upon her. As I entered the drawing, room Catharine extended her band to me and permitted me to salute the tips of her fingers. (lotteu wondered whether, if 1 had 150.000, she would not but no mat Mr!) Than I sat down, and proposed to .ell her all about my experiences in tbe West. Catharine listened politely for a time she is tbe politest parson ! and then gently.told me tbat tbs did not care to bear aboat my Western life. Aa awk ward pause outued, and at length Catharine remarked : " Did I ever tell yon ot tha offer Chsrlay bad to go in charge ol an excursion to California? " I remarked that she never bad. " Yea ; he could have gone for nothing, and have remained a month. Tbe firm wuhei him to go, and told him be needed reet Bat be would not go. Charley ta tucH band tootay athome end-stick to busineae!' I plaeantly changed tha topic, and gan to apeak ot aome of tha young lady acquaintance* I bad seen since my return remarking how glad they seemed to see me l.'id you see Hattie Coswell .'" asked Catharine. Oh t yea , and They say that the it quite will plains:! with Charley. But Charley it a general favorite with the ladies, although I believ he hardly understand! why they flock abou him so or perhaps, indeed, never luspeo that they do at all." Ha baa no heart, perhaps," said somewhat acidly. " Indeed, au, you quite mistak* ! lam very sure be has a heart, and a manly one at that. I think he will pay little attention to thi ladies until he has attained bit its tion in lif ?, and made a home for himsell then, I think, he will not make much sti about it, but will just get married." Catharine sighed a little sigh, wbioh the checked at onos. I changed the subject. 1 talked ol my buaiooHs plans. Hhe listenei for a time, and then said suddenly, aa i the bad just thought of it : "Charley never talks of business t as women, although be manages tbe bus! ness of the whole family. He thinks th men ooght to attend to tbe business." ("Hay the foul fiend fly away with Charley!" thought I.) I gay ly tell upon auotb T theme and atkei Catharine to admire m> ntw coat. " Tea it is vary pretty," said she. Then, after i moment, " I do think Charley has ths ftvtt soils, to look so wsll a* be does. Bat then he ie economical in everything. He wil make a good husband, Charley will ! " I resolved, for tbe twentieth time, ta murder Charley, and soon after excutai myself and retired. It was not long after this I fell danger ously ill. being confined to my bed for som weeks. My oondition beoame so larmini that I waa visited and constantly attendee by Catharine, who proved herself a nine devoted and efficient nurse, ao tha (although during my convalescence remember once to have heard bar murme to herself that " Charley was to strong '. I nould cot on the whole find any fanl with her ministrations. Indeed, I ai inclined to think that my sick neaa WM a dispensation of, Provi denoe, for daring tb* daye of m sjow recovery I bad ample time to revie* my life, and review it I did. And a very poor and miserable kind of lite I found it, with no purpose and no success at ill attached to it. It wat not the kind of a life whioh I admired, though anj^uUrly enough I bad never thought of that before, and probably never would have dcce so had it not been for that convenient Charley. And then and there I resolved to rjfcrx. to make the most of myself, and go teadily to work with a purpose. When I ^rew better I called upoc. C*tt- arine again. I took bar whole hacd tn mine and told her tbat I bad been a foci and tbat I loved her. I told bar I w* going west again, but that I was going to stick to my business and make a boms and tbat I loved her. Quite noon itlar that I rose to go. Catharine tote aio. She leaned toward me quite imperceptibly. and all at onoe I saw that, .! I wished, it might all bs ai it wat five yert efore. With the greatest straggle it xy fe, I saluted only thi tip* of her Sajert, nd aaid to her : Catharine, my daar girl, I am uot worthy to kisi your lipa now. Whec I rams back I will ba, sal tbsj I *>ill kite hem." From tbt other eiie of ai/ it. uMer 3atbarme tabbtd : "I am q-qail* ture hat Co-Charley wiuld, rl rignt now : " " God bleu you, ChuUy I " thouxat I. E. HOC.-H. H'rolT. SMeW *>l The beautiful Doohes of Kiobraoui aad jiven a grsat ball or. tha night preoediuj be battle ot Waterloo, in Jane, 1 *!<. over of poetry will remember tbe spUndia 1 letcription of this ball and of tbe iasnt battle, which occurs in *bs third ito ot Byron's " Ohilde Harold. ' Tbe lassage is unsurpassed in any language for be viyor. tbe piotureaqueueii and tbe magmtioenoe ol its thought and diction and its relation to one ol the moil ttu- pendont events in modern history. 'here WM a sound of revelry by night. And Halgiuui'a capital ha-1 gatueri*l in - Her beauty and bar obi /airy, and br.Kbt The lamps shone o'er (air women - . i/r.?t men . A thousand hearts beat happily , a>l wuea liusic rose with lie vulnptuuus swei'. Soft eye* look'd love to eyes which |>*-j jujs.e knd all went merry as marriage bell ' tut bush! hark! a dtp sound strike* lus i rising knell. It baa been generally asserted an: eheved that the ball was given by tb Ducbeea in tha grand ball of the itately Hotel de Villa in the Grande FtVe, anc wben in Brussels I beard th* aaaertion repeated by many people, though denied b; other*. One old citnan, who remeoiberex .he battle well, affirmed it to have been ai tbe Hotel de Ville, whioh he saw bril ianlly lighted up for tb* oooasuo, and paesed among the crowd of oquipagea tha tilled the Grande Place, wben setting dowi and taking ip tbe ladies who graced tbi ie". / with their presence At tue equally old and trustworthy inhabits:/ declared tbat to hia personal knowledge the tall was given in the PaJais J'Ate. a Urx* building tbat adjoins the palace of the Kit| ol tbe Belgians, and i* now used ae a bar rack , while a third -ifhrmei it to nave been held ic the hand tome hotel adjoining tne Cbamoer ol Deputies, which we* formally ooouineib; sir Charles Bagol, tbe British Ambasadi M Bruwelaand The Hague in lt:W. Tntck ing there could be no belter authority than one who was present on the occasion one moreover, who waa narvly allied to tbe give of the ent*rtaintuanl>i aaked Lori W. U:\rn Lennox to decide ths poiat. H* replied a onoe tbat all tbeee assertions were on Founded. Hia father, the Doke. look a large loose in a back street called tb Rue de la Blanohiseerie " 'street ot th laundry), abutting on the boulevard oppoail the present Botanic Qarden, and that tb ball look plaoe in tbe not extraordicaril; spacious drawing-room of that mansion He said, moreover, tbat the linee. Within the wmdow'd nlene M thai bi^b .. Hal Brunswick fated chief iaiu. conveyed an idea of magnitude WUIOL ;be so-called " high ball " did not in reality possess. CkarU$ Mackay. Tkr f ... m U lr ! There is no sympathy iu high with the Jingo epidemic whiou is DOW raging with such fury. Tba loosen faverinbly eager for tb* preeervatlou o peace, and ban written privately to th Emperor William, begging him to axer bis influence with tbe C/tr in order to obtain satisfactory explanations of tb reeant lamentable occurrence at I'eojdeb Tha Czar and M. de Oiert are honest! anxiout to avert a war, but at they ma find it difficult to hold tbtir own againt the war party, strong hint from tb Emperor William rnigbt produce a grea and decisive efJeot at this moment. Alts nearly fifty years' experience of affairs ths Qaeen naturally enjoyn a aons'.dfrsble share of common sense, and be Joes not view the project of a war between 1. ngland and Rateia with the equanimity at the great company of the reckless and ignorant. Tbe bare-brained gabble one bears jost at present reminds one of tbe distempered enthunas-n lor the Spanish wear, wben Sir Robert Walpole, hearing thi bells ring out, agsciously remarked: "They r LU the bells now ; their hearts will be wrong before long." London TiutH. t KKI.M TOPICS. THE Sacramento Medical Society recently itcuased the question bow tar ths linking of tbe river water of lat city by its inhabitants was reepon- ble for the constant presence of malaria among them. A member stated iat tbe Chinamen of Sacramento were Iways tree from the disease. Upon inquiry e found that they never drank the water xoept when it wat made into tea, and had lerefore beer, billed. One Cbioaman r*uk of tbe water and contracted malaria, and he was so little of a " heathen " that be ttritauted his illness to that indulgence. IN almost all European countries aiylumt ave been founded in which tbe bliid ar* aught to work. France is one ot tbe oiun- ries, however, in wbioh suob institutions are least numerous. Tlnre are 36,000 blind arsons who are without o'.bsr maans of upport than begging. They wander abjut ragging after them children, whom this mods of life lead* tavici. M.Livanoht Jiarke bat become the protector of tbeee utcattt He has established the first work- hop of tb* projipttd enterprise, where birly or forty blind person* are already irotactsd from the suft wrings to whioh they ould havd been expoeed if left to outside ebatity. No the bead psrtectly clean, aaya A writer in the Salem (Halt.) O/uttte, ia a great aid to health. A diatingaiabed )hyiioian,'who has spent much of bis tims it quarantine, said that a person whoss lead wat thoroughly watbed every day rarely ever took ontagioui dittsws, but whin tbe hair was allowed to becitne dirty and malted it was hardly possible to esc ipe nfeotion. Many pertont Had speedy relief 'or nervoat headache by washing the head iboroughly in weak loda water. Ws have mown oases almost wholly cured in ten minutes by this simple remedy. A friend flndt it tbe greatest relief in pass of " rose cold," the O3ld tymptomt entirely leaving the eyet after one thorough washing of tbe lair. Tbe bead should be thoroughly dried afterward, and draughts of air tbonld be avoided for a little while. IN reference to tbe recent improvements n coking, or ths science ot coke manufac- ture, great advancement, remarks Sir J. W. 1'eaae, baa been made in every feature. Mr. bimielf, one of ths moat extensive manufaotureri in this line in Kngland, aays that a comparison of ths ovena put up ten or twelve years ago with tboee of tbe pre- sent day shows a contrast most alriking. o )me ovens, he says, which have been put op in connection with hit own works, of tbs improvsd process, bavt been a very great incases ; tbsre ie, in fact, scarcely any waste now involved in the ininnfaelur- ing operation in question, wbioh is indeed a most important advance, consider- icg tbe thousands, and even millions, of piunda tbat have been waited and blown into tbs air by ths old process daring ths last twenty or thirty years. Tur Christian seisntitts of Boston are claiming tbat there ia DO longer any doubt as to Gsn. Grant's recovery, aud that the oauae of the healing is tbs mind care. Eighteen persons united their efforts, and he is, they assart, unconsciously being cured by their occult power. These people are not praying for him, or seeking divine help in bis behalf, bat are silently thinking ot him, and ths influence ol their minda nnoontoionely upon bia mind is bringing him into ths " understanding of God," aud this understanding barmonuee bit being, and ao emancipates him from a false belief as to tbe dissasa. Ha aimply needs mental treatment, and tbe mild healers claim to work through space and at a distance ; physical presence is not essential. They claim that there is no peradventurs in his case now ; they know tbat be will be restored to health. TUE utility of fores**, aaide from their marketable valuable, remarks a writer ic the AtUnt.e Monthly, has in their power uot to cause the rainfall, but to rsgulate itt distribution. In this thsy are of incalcul- able benefit. Wbsn they cover tbe ground about tbe sources of great rivers and their tributaries, the porous soil, with Its moeeea and it* accumulations of fallen leaves, acts aa a vast spong* to retain and slowly deliver ths water tbat falls from tbs clouds in tbe form of rain or mow. When the sheltering treesare destroyed and tha land i* laid bare, all the water rant off at onoe ; the broeks that bad before flowed oontiunoutly an<! with comparative regularity become roam:, torrents in spring and dry channels in summer, while the riven that depend on theee sources of supply swell into freebett in "All your own fanlt If yon remain nek when you ean (iet hop bitters tbat never- Fail. The weaavU woman, smallest child and aiokest invalid can us* bop bitters with safsty and great good. Oid men tottering around from Rheu- matism, kidney trouble or any weeklies* will n* made almost new by us ILK bop bitten. tat- My wife and daughter were mkde healthy by tbs use of bop bitten, and I recommend them to my people. Meahtt- dit Clergyman. Atk any good doctor if bop l*itteraare uul the beat family medicine On earth Malarial fever, Ague and Biliousness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hoc; bitters arrive. My mother drove tbe paralysis and neuralgia all oat of her i) item with bop bitters." Ed. titter j.i Sun. btrKteptbe kidney* healthy with bos) bitters and you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with bop bitter* in each draught. Tbe vigor of youtb for tbe aged and in- firm in hop bitten 1 1 1 ( " At toe abanga of life nothing equals i Bop Bitten to allay all trouble* Incident \ Thereto." " Ths best periodioal for ladies 13 take) monthly, and from which they will reeawsf) th* greatest benefit U hop bitten." Mother* wUhsickJy. fretful, najtety children, wili cure the children and benefit bemaelvet by taking bop bitten daily. Thousand i die annually from aome orm of kidney diseaae that might bavt) Men prevented by a timely use of bop bitters. Indigestion, weak stomach, irregnlaxi- iiee of tb* bo wele, cannot exist wben bop utters are used. A timely ate of bop Kitten will keep a whole fatally In robnet braltti a v*>r at little cost To produce real Ktnume sleep and child-like repose all night, take a little bop bitters on retiring. ST* Nona genuine without a bunch of Hope on tb* whiu laKal. bhun all to. nl*. >ot*onout stuff with "Hop " or' Hops * la 1" One sultry Sunday a mrmitar noticed many o' bis congregation noddiou from drowsiness. He effectually wakened them by saying : " 1 saw an advertiiement last week for 500 slsepers for a railroad. I think I could supply at least ."0, aad recomuieni them aa good and sound." M. da Lesiepi relates that on the occa- sion of his marriage, the day of tbe opening of tbe Suez Canal, November, l#>< . his father-in-law banded him 100.000 f rane* ia a present to bis wife. At tbat time, be adds, Suez Canal shares warn telling at J'<0 francs, or 60 psr cent. discount. lie invested tbe present in tbaee share*, on which he realized 1,600,000 franca. Public opinion is a weak tyrant com* pared with our own private opinion . what a man thinks of himself, tbat it : which determinee, or, rather, indicate! ui fatt. Thortau. A man in Lyon county, Kannan, fourteen years ago married a widow with a little daughter by a former husband. After twelve years be obtained a divorce fr.mi bia wife and eoon after married her .laughter. The moet novel feature of tbe matter it tbe faot that tbe divorced wife, now hit mother- in law, lives with bar daughter aad baa- band, and allare happy. at one Heason and tbrink into inaigoinoanoe at another. Tbe recent destructive floods in tbe north ol Italy, and notably along thi Rtver I'o. with all tha misery tosy have brought, are aaonbed, and no doubt with truth, to tbe partial denudation of the mountainous country about tbs sooroee ol streams. Tbe arid and comparative I) valueless oondition of oertsin parts of Spain is due to nmilar causes. It is for as to see while thsrs is yst time, ttast similar evilt do not fall open ui. All " n,. ., .1 in, " Don't know what ails me lately. Can.t eat well can't sleep well. Can't work and don't enjoy doing anything. Ain't really Hick, and I really ain't well. Keel al kind o' played oat, someway." Tbat is what scoaes of men say every day. If tbej would take Dr. Pieroe's " Golden Medical Discovery" they would soon bave no ocoai ion to tay it. It purifies the blood, tonee up ths system and fortifies it against dis sate. It it a great anti-bilious remedy as wsll. In India the barbers charge twelve cents for thirty shave*. Tbat it two and a half shaves for a cent. I Vrrl >.. Writ." " I want to thank you for telling ma o I >.-. Piaroe'a " Favorite Prescription,' writes a lady to hei friend. " For a loni time I was unfit to attend to the work o my household. I kept about, bat I fel thoroughly miserable. I bad terrible back aches, and bearing-down sensationi aor ms, and was quite, weak and discouraged I ssnl and got some of ths medicine after receiving your' letter, and it baa eared me I hardly know myself. 1 feel so will." Oat cf a pailfol of water from the) iiver Nile they got two lablespooofuls ot sand. Tbis sbowa bow macy oectunee old t;ypt ia behind tbe time*. There itnt another plaoe in th* world where people would put so little sand in thing*. L)>n't digutt ivtrybady by hawking, blowing acd apilting, but use Dr. BageTa atarrh Remedy and be cared There is something wrong within amotg all tboee who are afraid to look within. Seeker. WEBSTER InShxp i in J Turkey Binding! . 1)1 M-UN-S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. T !it-.t . . , . .IIMKM \v IT lie ,lr)' I' >''' ''"' I" ' 'T fcn.l it, arl An loval . BkouMt ('...-;/ i ' I .' '. n .n. -n. '.. THE STANDARD. * . I, -i, , IIH.lMMMVr<U. '""" >Briiiins;. > . N. w Hl.'L-T II' 1 "' ' I'll t!"li ll fltATI'U- I f ' TT>~*. .I .' CMI Ir SO! 1 . f , I!.. I I t t'.lllill< I l-Tlt. n. ,1 i.. i,. i..- -nun MM, TKACIII K* . i HIXII-H. \ . .. I . . Ml|.r. i,, Mt- Knp'tm nt ." t .-.ill <>llrt; rrrt'ta. C AC MERRUM ACO I : BEST; .- ,- i Ti-url TO DEALER AND CONSUMER. \\V ini|Mirt only tin- Uncut qualiti" ''' 1'olFrc and Siii<-i-. < Mil >..rM>r.I> C''KFKK,m>ld noond and uixflToond in lllx tin-, in a jM-rtVrt luxury. Our Ic .-. tins of I'i in: STICK nre pert' ''. n : ;.'' cur L'<KxlR hraml.i 1 ' M-" uaranteed 1'rt-t- fruiii adnl tioii. Pt B A K I NO POW DKR, i--7V/ - -tFriea-r' Tl . ..1- mlied with wliolo iuj.i.-t. . Coffeettln An Ja Ib.tiiiH. Pi 1:1: (ii.nrxD ail r-i/iril |>ark;ii.'fs. W. G. DUNN & CO. CANADA MILLS. HAMILTON. . ACKS. or SPICKS in : N. I.. - R. U. AWARE Nnvr I lllnj n.l tha! IxirllUnll *. i Uw be*l an4 cheiprel. |Ollt j cotuhterwi I ClNOsnr III. OR. T <'' ri.A M M saw* a Hn'inia* T doeano*) or a*mertan Pta ,A manshlr ai tbs KPKI;I 7* IAH BUBUIVM OOtl*!'*) > Otraalar. -

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