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Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1885, p. 4

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Obituary Death of Alexander Weir An esteemed subscriber asks us to publish the following: On the 13th inst., Alexander Weir, of the Township of Nottawasaga, died at the early age of 21 years and five months. Inflammation of the stomach was the cause. During the short illness preceding his death - only 9 days - he was faithfully attended by Dr. Kirkland. His remains were interred in the Singhampton Union Church Yard, whither they were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. Rev. Mr. Flint, Mthodist minister, Singhampton, preached a very affectionate sermon from a part of the 119th Psalm. J. G. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING! Jn all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. It- Fawcett. Editor, FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1885. EDITORIAL NOTES. Victor Hugo, the great French novelist and statesman, is dead. The I Mil-ham Review says Flesher- tou "can now boast of a base hall club ?" As if we never had one be- fore ! The idea I Grip is rapidly degenerating into a Grit cartoon sheet. Tho fact is too l&apos;.i;< ut, t&apos;Vi&apos;ii to those who take no in- U rest in politics. We are sorry for this, for there ws a time when Grip was u vny independent and consist- i nt bird when he was controlled by the universally respected Dengough Bros. The sidewalk question is one which must occupy tin serious attention of our villagt rs >>.t once, as it is bard to say how soon we may have to chron- icle a stiioiir! accident on account of the dangerous slate iu which they arc in at present ; and then, no doubt, t&apos;.io corporation will have to "pay the piper" lo a pretty tune. The Rebellion in the North-West is virtually over. Kiel a captive ; Du- niont a fugitive ; tlic half-breeds scattered or taken prisoners ; White Cap and his band captured ; Pound- r.utker snino; for peace ; and the In- dians generally panic stricken at the unexpected turn affairs have taken. Kio; lieur alone keeps aloof. All hon or to our citizcn-soldiors ; all honor to (KM. Middletou ; all honor to our Government for its promptitude in put&apos;ing down f:c uprising- Yuan "i experience and mcceaifnl trial have proved Mulirc^ur & 1&apos;arkii&apos;l Carbolic i .i.ite tbe moat complete ami wUufactorv i . M|n fur lieulinu Old .Sores, Fe*teringi, I Item, Cut*. Wimnds, liuni. Frost Bites IT r.-i. uJ lor koepuiK out tiiu cold mul to < liin.<> or prevent proud Hi-xli. Monghing or decay, lumiit on having McGregor <t 1&apos;arke * "&apos;.uiionc Ceruti , sold at 26c. by Wm. Rich- ard sou. KKK.H Wanted. Iiiiiiiediutely : 1 car load of good, K"i&apos;S, for which the highest market price* will be given at R. Trimble&apos;s. A SBCRET. The secret of beauty lie in (in&apos; blood and ROCK! health. Bnnlock > Hitter" 1.1 the grand key that unlocks .1.1 , i. nccrrti..iii. It ciireit all Scrofulous i>iKi:u i*. IK-IS on the Uli-od, Ijvrr, Kidneys, Si.. n nnd l..,els. and I. &apos;ings the bloom of health t<> the paliil chmk. IManfK, &c. for Hale. The uudernigued hai a quantity of Hou> riauls, I&apos;ereimii.U, l;>.l,l;ng Plants, Tuina- t.M&apos;is, Cauliflowers, Celery and Cabbage Hunt* fur Hiile. JAS. BEECHOFT, near t&apos;l. : hrrinU. Lemons 25c. doz., Oranges 40c. iloz. at It. Trimble&apos;s. AN EX-AUJKRMAH TKIED IT. -Ex-AMer- in, ui l.nlur, nl Toruuto, tried Hngyard&apos;<< Yellow Oil for KhtiuuiHtiMii It cuie.i him after all other icmediea hod failed. I, . ! DIES, A TTENTION. .* 1 .-:i -itiful nil silk Jacket only $1 it ;. Tiimblc&apos;.s. I KVKR odic, unnatural A]inetite, fretful- i,.&apos; - u * akin KK. itud oouTiilHions, are gome if tlic . iIi:Cts of Worms in Children ; destroy &apos;he wuruiB witb Dr. Low&apos;s Wotin Syrup. A beautiful assortment of Gents Felt and Straw Hats opened out to day at It. Trimbles. The above illustration represents our own and only "Poundmakcr" Hcndricks on the war- path after the soldiers under command of Capt Campbell and Lieut. Field on Monday afternoon last ; taken by our special artist just before the fall of Batoche. UPON IT. You can depend upon IUgyahl&apos;1 Yellow Oil as pain reliever in rheumatism, neuralgia and all painful and inflammatory complaints. It not only re- lieve* but cures. Captured at Last. The cheapest stock of Ladies, Gents, and Childrens Coarse and Fine Boots ever brought iuto Flesher- ton, at R. Trimble&apos;s. MrVr&apos;Kor & Parke, of Hamilton, Out., are tbe manufacturers of tbe greateet healing and purifying compound known for Sores, Hum*, Cutt, Scaldn, Salt Uheurn, FroBt Bites, etc. It ii called Mc- Gregor & 1&apos;arke&apos;* Carbolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine Mcliregur A I&apos;arku&apos;i Carbolic Cerate *uld by \\w. Uichardaoc at Me. a box. XARKDALE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. By a Special Contributor. Last Thursday an inspection of our School took place. The senior de- partment, under the very capable management of Mr. Porter, was first visited. It must be mentally appar- ent to all, thai an English student is heavily handicapped in the race of learning ; that our multitude of verbs and nouns might be bimplified with- out any loss of forcible expression. However, it was pleasing to observe iu Mr. Porter&apos;s mode of inducting the youthful mind iu tho intricacies above referred to, there was au intellectual ease, conveying the mind from point to point, rendering comparatively smooth that to which tho writer found "a hard road to travel" in his Scholastic days. The second department, under the efficient tuition of IVliss Ford, was next examined. Owing to tho late hour a thorough examination of the classes under her control could not be entered into ; but, suffice to say, the < &apos;i n rt umiuciuUon of Her Majesty&apos;s English language by Miss Ford&apos;s pupils, indicuttM that sbo )ms been on the alert to inculcate those principles which produce talented women and noble orators, of the male sex. On another occasion the same self- constituted deputation will visit the Third depaitmont, under the care of Miss Davis. M i>retervita."- It&apos;ll not of the snow, Not that, you oet, no I Hut KoiauthitiK far uohler, far sweeter, I slug. When my labor U o&apos;ur, As I sit by my door, [ listen to huar a most musical thing. You may talk of the harp, Of A flat, or Ii sharp. But I toll you Uierc-n oetUiug.-I livu near a bof, Bo -iweet aaffce noise, Not of girls, nor of boys, lint of that dear darl!|filucky,the<1a!sy old frog. hark to his whlntle I Don t pick np that lulskllel O, I see, throw it hard at that discordant dog ; Hut whatever you hit, Never worry a bit, (or stop the sweet Uiiien of the ail ver-tongod frog, Then ginule away, Your sweet roun delay, Ensconced there in safety beside that old log ; You ravish my heart, With your music HO mnart, That, Oh I I could hug you, you freckled old frog- Hut Tin K&apos;-ttinx too long. So I&apos;ll clip off my song, As is cli|ipml off the tall of tho nice poll>wog; Hut all through the li^ht. 1 shall with for the night, Vhen my joy ia made full by the eloquent frog. A MAXWBLL CRAKK. Anotbor lot of choice Clover, Tiiu- tliy anil Cmrden Seeds just arrived at. .. Trimble&apos;s. QUESTION A BL E QUA 1. 1 MKS. Tu the Klittrr uf The The Toronto Globe is the owner ol a reputation in its way. The chiei editor can lay claim to the undis- puted title of being the greatest cala mity-monger and literary ignoramus of the day. His qualities of maudlin nonsense would qualify him for a high position amongst the SANS CITLLOTTEH of tho French Revolution of 17&apos;J3, and would entitle him to an elevated scat in the delectable society of the notor ious Ku-Klux-Klan of the Southern portion of the American Union. This model of journalistic exoell ence has brought the art of lyinfj down to a scientific point : so mud for Free Trade in the commodity of slander. That which was truth yes- terday, becomes a vile falsehood to- day. The changeable colors of virtue is a mystery to all bat the unlettered editor of the Globe. His powers sur- pass Chinese or Japanese Jugglery, and according to the barometer of the Globe, he has taken the agreeable duty of educating Grit readers to be- lieve that, instead of Blake and Mac- kenzie being the parties who pardoned the red-handed Kiel for his cowardly butchery of the lamented Scott, it was the present Government ! Yet Mackenzie & Co. were the men. Let measure for measure" be the watch- word until the supremacy of British Law is ngcognized and obeyed by the evil-doers of the North-West. It must be irritating, in the highest degree, to a journal like the Globe, that the Satanic fire it raised amongst the half-breeds should be so ignomin- iously smothered, stifled, trampled and everlastingly extinguished, by the prompt action of our Minister of Militia, Hon. Mr. Caron, as well as the indominitablc spirit and resolut- ion of our brother citizen soldiers. Yet, tho Grit of to-day forgets that, to a grit Government, the murder of owes his present license to do mischief : that the brave bnys who lave fallen victims to Indian and Half-Breed&apos;s bullets : that the secret rpoRM of the Grit, party in 1874 was then moulding tho missilos which sent misery to many and many a iappy family. It is a disagreeable task to dissect a putrid carcass : wo feel, then, some repugnance to handling the Globe. The animus of the Globe, as tlic re- >resentative of the Party, my be ilaiuly seen in tho hand of the "blaw- sted Englishman," whose virtues in Iways telling the truth places Grit- loin in an unenviable position. The u it calendar says that we want men who ciin think for themselves, that he greater the ignorance the higher will be the preferment in the social settle of life t J. U. STICE. OBITUARY. DEATH or ALEXANDER WEIR. An cBtcoined subscriber asks us to mblisli the following : On HIP 13th inst., Alexander Weir, of the Township of Nottnwnsaga, died at the early age of 21 years and live nonths. Intliiiniimiion of the stom- ach was the cause. Durino; the short llness preceding his death only 9 lays he was faithfully attended by >r. Kirkland. His rcmainn were in- erred in the Binghnnipton Union ,&apos;hnrcli Yard, whither they were fol- <j\vcd by a large concourse of sorrow- ng friends and relatives. Rev. Mr. &apos;lint , Methodist minister, Singhamp- ton, preached a very aficcting sermon from a part of the 119th Psalm. Another fond tie unvered, Anuthur heart at rest, Two waxen hands MOW folded, > POM that Icy breast; Another journey emleo, A weary conflict won, In faith and love, and duty, A mortal race now run. A vacant neat must ever, ho lono iind drearv stand, Our loving, youthful brother Hie- sought a fairer land ; &apos;I hoiiKh we will mlrtK him sadly, When &apos;neath the cold, damp sod, \Vu know his ransomed uplrlt, Khali ii..e,l f u r aye with Uod. Ureat Father in Thy meiey, &apos;! i.y jM&apos;rf.-ct. inntchlesrt love, (Iriint that we all in glory May meet the lost alHive; \\heii death shall send a message, To suiuuionii UH away. Oh ! may our ransomed spirits Loud swell that angoli lay. Auction Sail i- OK Valuable Property, Under aiM by virtue of the power of nmle con- Lainoil iu a certain Mortgage which wil LMJ pro* .lut&apos;uil at thu turn- of halt- thorn will be Hold oil Tuesday, 2nd Day of June, 1885, At Tivo O&apos;clock iu the Afternoon, -BY- John \\ . Morrow, Auctioneer, MUNSHAW&apos;S HOTEL, Village of Lot No. 04 In tlie nth concession of the Township of Artemisia ill tin County of Orey, contain iu 100 acres, uiore or lens. TEKM8 -One-tenth nf the inn-chase money to be paid down at the tiin of Hale, two other tenths within 90 davit thureaftvr, and the bal- ance, thereof to remain for a tvrtu of yuan, secu- red by a first mortgage on the property, bearing interest at the rate of 7 pur cent per an&apos;iiuni from date of sale Conditions will bv niaxle known at tune of sale. For further particulars apply to KOBINBON, O&apos;HKIKN A CO.. Vendors&apos; Solicitors, No. H Church Ktreet. Toronto. J. G. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Selling Watches* Clocks- Jewel? y, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF ARTEIESIA. THK first slttinK of tbe Court of Keviiiion for thu> of Arteuiusia on the aseeee- inent of INKS, will be held in tlie TOWN HALL, FLKRHKKTON.on Monday, the lit Ikiy uf Junt, lititi, All iwntons Interested will govern themselves accordingly. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Dated May Out. IBM. Victoria Hotel, O\VKN BOUND. This house has been refltted and placer] under | the iiiaimKemeiit of Mi U. H Middaugb. To thoKe desiring all the comforts of a <i .1- >. when vixitinK Owen Hound, on biisinesii or plea*- &apos; ure, will IU..1 th "Victoria" e<|ual to tbe best in tuwn. Carufu) hostlers. R H. MIDDAUCH. Proprietor. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. Ktmairiiig, Kavftroughlng, and in fact every- thing iii the tmsineas will receive oiy prutiipt and careful attention at rt*ajoiiable pric* . .&apos;,:T & lolmri ;: U. I 1 !.::,:,",::, Carriage ffcrh! Milburn & Gadd, pKOI-KIKTOKK of the ahote worax are pr- * pared to attend to everything in tbe Can iage Making & BJacksmithtag I llna promptly and well. Repairing in botli Branch&apos;s Promptly attended to HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. To Rent. The lUacksmitb Shop on the 4tb line. Arteme- sla, formerly occupied by Mr. Tbos. Addition, is to rent on easy terms. Fosseaaion Kiven at once if necessary. Apply to DUNCAN CAMIMIK.M.. Kuguuia P.O. Framing and House-Joining. Tbe undersigned is prepared to execute al orders entrusted to hiui for th* erection of ]>welltiuj* and Frame during the aeason of 1MU All material furnished if so dtMired Mono but roiiijHjtent workmen employed The satisfaction my work bat Riven in the liaift is a guarantee for the future. Apply to A. McLKOD. Floshurton Station. IORMnll PtClflP R. R. LANDS! In Mlnnitota. North pikoll. Mon I (ana, luino, Washington and Oregon ^J| THE Thoro&apos; Bred Bull, " CLARENDON," 7* ftunding at Little AfilUfiir tirrvict. I ,.,,,, I ,,k r -,.. |.. r lor lo l&apos;< I Vmuil. 1 prtcet ranejni) ehif fly from 2 t* 18 pr arr*. on 5 to 10 tcart* llmt. His l tke E&apos;t Couairr for securing Good Horn new OMH &apos;or vttltmt. 3to !, ,,f &apos;:>%< i IMII.TMI Kri i,.i..i ii.. Hi. "i. .1*111! mi.t &apos;l ii,ili ("nli&apos;i&apos;* l.*w*. NOTK 10. Ml*. 433 Acre. OH HOKF 1MASI H4I.F al nil lh- Piil.ll. lil.di.p -..I "I i&apos;> l r|titl"- S&apos;t&apos;O.rrii 1&apos;aclH* 1 country. PoKii&apos;I Map* >.ia VIIKK .ICT.M. ii i." N.irbrn PaelOr ounlrr.H &apos; allrns.l U lid- <nr MM alitf Ih. ri:..o..ri, Un.1.. A.Mr.s..rHAI. B Und Coai&apos;r, . I 1 . K. II.. Ik. P> I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitable for t!>e Season, having just received a large addition to my Stuck and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, FAEMEHS AUD THRESHERS ! Ask your Merchants for MACHINE OIL.

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