Written Mr. U. McLaren, Princeton, M. J. Aye, pluck freb flower*, Kt-utle girl*, rrom off their fairy BU-IIII. And pltc* among your glow; curl* Tbe garaeu'* brilliant genii , Ami Kklher there ibe lily fair, Tbv roae of blooming hue; Tbu Uatfmlil. tbe tweet juuqiiil, Tbu rnodeet violet blue ; Tho' with regret, tbe ujiguonette You pluck fr .m lt lovely bed, Tbia iii.Hient flower lu evening bour Will tweeteit fragrance tbed. Tbon wander iu tno forest ebatle Where, tbo' lu tiuiple cireee, A thouwiDd bta'iteout fluw'ren fade HUM. 11 tbeir loveliu***; But turn from tbete Iby loving bearl To tiiin wbo bidi tbeui bloom, Bo iu that grace tbon'lt bear a part Wbiob gil'l* tbe spirit * glouui. Admire tUe rudtly tnaron root', Tbe lily of tbe Tale; Bla lore to tbee tball aweeU dlicloe* Wbuu ariblv juyi skill lail ; And linn adore wbo clothe* tbe flower* With tiuta to ncii and rare, Whute odor* BWee; at eveuiuc boor loat oo tbe balmy air Tin ii let jour yuuug heart* firmly trutt lu Him wboae love to tbee Shall tlouriab null when in tbe dn*t Tby periibu i baart shall lie. 80 may y. u uiet-t de*I>ite it* train, With BOOKS of triumph, death , And B .uutl and king Tour tweeteit > train* With your expiring breath. ' " OM i .. . . . -H u . . Tby way. he aald. I* smooth and green and fair, There are no thoroi to wonnd and brulae thy feet; Where tuuimtr reisja* and ttarllke Mimnnn tweet Deed to tbe wind 1 * low call . thy path i* then I And unue .' Ala* ! no dewy uiorulug* break ACTUM the valley wbrre uiy path bath lain. And yet, though youih be dead *ud faith be lain. keep thin token for ib* old love'* *ak. Above the urn that hold* uo hidden flame Of alur nm* thai long have paled away, I yrtniay paute. and in the a*he> gray Mm<l with Uiiu eye* Uie old Uuiiliar name. And if m>me tbadowy uieiiiury ihould awake, If oucea,aiu my rye* with tear* grow wet, If in uiy heart should *|<i ing eotue vain ref rut, May, do not ucoru tue for tbe old love'* take. A* one wbo aee* in old remembered nook*, With eye* that have growu aad with coaaales* t*ar, The uuie xlad beauty of tbe long-lo*t yean. And hearnatc iu the Bong of sumiiier brook* ; bei if from troubled Ureaui* I could awake And feel Iby warm aoft ku*e* on my face. I tbu k the iweetiiex of thy wiUBOiue griuie Would touch uie only for the old love'* take. II -I MOI K- . Ill D- ar AdranliigrB.f ibr Kami! 4m........ -I" I'll, a 1 t.1 , .ll. k . II, . ,, . Bed* are oooupied uicht after night, year after year, by divert parties ID tlcknexs and in health, in riuiuiuer'a beat i.d wiu ter's oold, and MI to when Ibe bedding la rernat'.e aud punn J, each one on ju itc by hi* OWL. experience, ray a a traveller 10 thu La.net i Compare Ibi* with the uee ol tbe BoutU Auieiioao baiunjuok, wbiOb requir** ooly a BKJUI blanket iuride. aid ia wn.tr a wto. leu Bleeping diets* a* well of loiuble make, i. r , Jrawetp. kook* aud a loose jacket, all periodically washable. Tbe san- itary difference become* at onou startling to tboee who bave never considered tbe tab jeat before. Xbe S.uili American bam mook u made of toe uom uf tbe young leaven 1 1 tbe u. ( alu,, Mumit flixoruii, o woven that it yit idi i.. every movement Mid projtotlou uf tbe b-idy in every direc- tion, txoept It-uKthwaya, iu whieu direction the wriKht of the bo.iy Bsiablirbe* it* own support, the lame a* la cbaif* with ibe loose O.UVM back*. Hammock*: very My to gel into and oat of. and oue oaunoi fail out of tbeui wheu asleep. Tbey abould be swung ibe lame diatance from tbe ground a* tbe teat of a oh iir. Tuey form an exeelleut eat. Biltioh down, one drawn tbe back of tbe haujinook U| a* bi|(b a* ou may dehire. Tbe proper way to get into a bammoek for tbere U a proper way u firat to -.t do*u oo It and tbeu tbruw tbe Irg* up and tbe baoK JOWL, wrapping youraolt up m it* oft, elaetio and ample r.ld.. Tbe beet way to he in oroe>way*. Tde |<oilioD can be variitd m tbree or four wya. Tbe writer ba pMaed nevrral nibble ia iaah a kaujmock aud blauki-t, (-zpoi>ed to Ibe damps of a boatb Amerieaa fcrett, aod riieu perbape more refrenbed than if be had alepl io a bed. For bed-ridden people tbeir u*e would be invaluable. Tboee wbo have been cm. lined to a bed or water-bed for tbree or lour moo tbe know bow fatiguing and diKuetiog they become. Iu many MM ia hospitals tuob hammock* would be real sauitary appliacofl*. Tbe bammook I have comes from tbe Eeecquibo Indian* in Brilinb Ouiaoa. I do not know why a umilar mode of open weaving more like weaving wilboul tbe knot of eome material having tbe mellow feeling of tbe ruib nied in roeb-bottomed chair* oould not be managed in thu country. I h, <.,! r|... It U too roon to get a full unrvey of tbe proopioU of tbe grain crop*. Aco.iuutH from Northern Ontario are exoelleut ; from ibe Sontbweet not quite eo good. A ri ie through thin section, aayi tbe Qall Importer, diioloneR tbe fact tbat ou all roll- iug or light soil, or where fields lay with- out shelter, the wheat plant is badly killed. Level field* at all ibelured are not bad in fact, here and there a very good field can be *een ; but wherever rolling or much expoted tbe plant is badly killed. Many fields have been ploughed up entirely in part, reports. From Blenheim We hear tbe same Jone* and Jaokion were going home tbe other evening and tbe newsboys were yelling about the Kuiwia-EuKlaDd war, and all that sort of staff. Do you think there's going to be war ?" asked Jones. " Ugh 7 What?" answered Jackson, roueiog M if from a reverie. " Do you think there's going to be war 7" " Ye*," he replied in a thoughtful voioe. " Wby do you think so ?" " Beoauee my wife told me this morning tbat tbere watn't a lump of coal in tbe cellar and I must order some, and I f jriiot all abonl it." it" Frier \* . m I p In Klihrr l.inu Ohieigo Netfi : " Push tbe prioe of flour up another notch," said tbe Minneapolis njiller to his manager. " I SM Ruuia and Kugland arc likely to have war." "But tbe latest news indicates an amicable Mttlsrnrot at the difficulty." " Is that so 1 Well, tben, pub tbe prioe up two notched. Of Boars*, tbe fewer per- ons kill, d in war, tbe more will live to want flour." Cod tilth I* 40 cent* per pound in Guate- mala, and is considered a great delicacy . FARM AMD GARDEN. Profeasor Cook says thai a carbolic noap waah Unm witb him proved a very effectual preveotiv* of radiab maijgote aod apple tree borers His formula u a* follows To two quart* of soft aoap I added two Callous of water ; tola was tbeu heated to a boiling temperature, when on* pint o! earoolio aoid (in a crude, state) was added Tbu mixture is tbeu set away in a bairal or other vestel, aud i* ready far use - ocoaBiou may require. One part of 11.1 liquid ia tbeu mixed witb fifty part* o water and tbe plant* sprinkled or trees waebed with ii. This is worth remembering "niiiim io. u It pays to salt stock regularly, but it n not always convenient to do so. A simple aud obefep devioe to keep an ample supply always within tbe reach of stock oonauia ol a tux which may be four feet loug, oue foot wide and HI iuone* deep. Tbi i-hould be nailed at each end to upright plank* a foot wide, set firmly into tbe ground. Tbene nprigbUmupport a roof tbal serves to keep out tbe rain. After tbe stcck ban been i-nlttd otteu aod freely suougb to natiafy their appetites, tbe bjx may be filled and all tbe animals giveu free aoots 10 u. Tney will help tbeuihelvn* whenever they wmb, and tbe most timid, as well a* Ibe BtroiiKeal, will gel all they want. I !. II ! -..ill I I Ul, In an*wer to an inquiry, th unmber of yeare which small tiuite will continue to bear before renewal depends greatly on soil, treatment and kluda. Blrawberriee, under ordinary management, last two or tbree years and tben fail ; bat oa strong and rich soil, with the runner* kept out, they often do well for twice that length of time ; and fouie varietlef, a* tbe Cumberland, nimun longer than the Wilson and others. Kaepberries, not euriobed, ruu out in a few year* ; but witu repeated maouriug, good culture and careful pcuu i'X, they will laat from six to ten years U . J-jf similar mauagemeol, there are cur r.ut aud gooseberries which have borne well lor more than twenty yean. O turn, aaudy aotl, uoue cf theuu will bear so loug as ou a stroug loam. Illll. . . i.. . Id If It i* k faol.tayt tbe Minuoap jlu Tr-.bunt, that a poor milker will spoil aJmoat any oow, and tbere are bat few people who are aware of tbe fact that in tbe mere prooea* of milkiug a great difference la made in tbe yield of a dairy oow. Tbe ability to " oow to her large*! yi*ld of milk varies with different milker*, bout* art in reality very poorou**. Owing to tbsfto; that a large proportion c f what a oow gives al i inukii.g i* accreted during tbe prooea* ol milking, it muat naturally follow that uuieea tbe oow ia in a quiet, uou tented itate of mind, and latitfled with ih* rniiktr, Ibat Ib* naual ceorelion of new supplies during milking will not take plaee. Il is generally owiug to this cause that oow. oftent.iue* " bold op their milk," a* it i* termed, and this eanool b* obviated ao longM tb* c iw i* iu a resile** state of mind and ulaaatitund with her milker. Tk>r *IIIIIIM .1 s\ i A deoiduon* tree, Ibe bod* of whiob have started, is always a risky thing to handle With evergreen* il i* diflereul. Th*y Iran-plant be ter after vegetation ha* Htarted and the terminal bads begin to >well. Tuts it one reason why evergreen* furutabed by nuritery men with other stuck eariy in the reason often fail. Tbey have ueoeaearily been dug too early, exponec* perbkp* to chilling or drying winds during tb* packing, and, though fre*b and iireen in a; paarauee wbeu received by tb* planter make no atari alter setting oat, and grade lly turu brown aud die. It is muota Miter 1 1 older *vergre*u* to b* tent separately from other tree* aud later in Ib* season -ay during May, or even Jane, if tbe *aon i oaokward aud tb* new shoot* bav* not mad* mueh growth. Tbey should b* freah dug, quick packed and soon reoeived. The tender point about an evergreen u Ite root If ones dried it aeldom recover*. It it very important, therefore, tbal tbe root* should be carefully | rotected from tun and wind. If poMible, tek* a cloudy or tbowery day for baud ling *v*rgr*eu*. It tb* right con ditions do not *xi*t, keep tb* root* eon tanily wet and rolled np in matting, there are a great many to be handled, M for hedging, keep them trenched in moist oil, removing only a few at a tim*. Immrti.r l.rlalll, Amongst bees nol often ha* .here been so duutrons a winter in Canada. Reports from all ov*r indicate extremely heavy loises in some plaoes a complete " sweep- oat I" In many mstanoM over half perished ; while, however, a few bave com* through all right. Now ought to be a good time to make the desirable discovery of tb* proper condition* of safety, eepeoially afely in extra oold seaaoni. The mod* of wintering wbiob has brought be** oat thi* spring ia good condition ought to be surely accounted worth knowing aud worth telling about. It might aUo be worthy of record, too if only properly ascertained the true cause of death. Il U nol luflioieut to say tbe extremely oold winter, for ttai* ba*i been equally intense where Ib* bee* are yet alive. I'rotectioo, luallty of *tore, condition of atmosphere u bee-boo*** and oellan, no doubt, eaoh and all have bad influence. Has nol tb* strength, i. t., the bulk of cluster, and so tbe ability to keep warmth, the most of all to do with it? But not only a few hives of Me have come through all right. Several bee-ke*por* report all safe or very nearly no, with only a loa* ol two or tbree out of 20. Now inrely these really good man- agers are also good-natured enough (at MI tome of them are) to amply enlighten UH allou this all-important point. Theory and practice. W* moil accept the axiom, ffaoti alwayi have oause*. Bee* bave peruhed. Bee* bave survived. Bow, why and wherefore. Itural Canadian Laat fall a imall boy al White Plains, MY, had hit ear* filled with oats by same x>ys witb whom be WM akylarking in a larn. He aoratohed and cleaned out, M ie thought, all of tbe hone-feed, and went home. About six weeks ago be WM taken with a Mvere pain in hi* ear. Hi* bead welled np and he WM in gr*at agony. All remedie* tailed and bis mother took him o a New York doctor, wbo removed two kernel* of oats that hid sptouted and taken root in hi* ear. Tb* boy IB now entirely well. Kl Ifl TMK TttWTlJ. I " . I.I.- I -o II. I, Owl ol I ~.al. t-uu, K III. .1 U ... . " Murder I Murder I" I heard tb* word ring out laat night from tb* orduaoo* oatup, and tbn oaui a cry tbe bitter cry of a man suddenly overtaken by ibe agony of death, write* a buatim correspondent. A ebot and tbeu another, and another. Tneu a oonfukiou of oufiUd sound*. Tueu alienee. I wa* only 100 yards away. Tbe night bad been so sull thai the water lap. piug ou tb* quay wa* plainly audible where I lay. Preaeutly ua.au thm brief uproar of alarm, subsiding M suddenly M it bad arisen. Signal* were flashing overhead. A party of fledendow* bad either crept straighlaoroit* tb* oatop, or, passing along tb* rear, bad traversed it* complete length, eroasicg twice, ou tb*ir way, the eUo.no light throwu by the Djlpbin ; aod reached, without being observed tbe farthest batch of tent* from tbeir starting ujmt, the nearest to the town. Behind tbem, only a hundred yard* off, wa* Quarantine Island, witb It* oamp , nearer mil lay oar ibippmg, with tb* gun- boate close iu *bore, commanding oue line of their retreat, the whole of tbe Brilikb troop* intercepting the other. Behind them was iho sea ; ou their left tbe town ; yet *uon in tbe confidence inspired by nightly bUcoeoBi and impunity, tbat tbe aaaaoaiu* did not hesitate to creep uveu into *uoh a desperate poeition M tni*. And their work wa* deaperale and terribly complete. Of the whole of the ooenpante of tbe tent* twenty-four in all only two escaped their gpeare and sword*, while tb* murderers retreated apparently aubarmed. Aa they weut back ride* were wildly emptied after tbem, and th* Carys-fori fired volley* into tbe dark. But tbere wa* uo trace of blood, the lent* th* *ighl WM dreadful blood everywhere, and men lying aboat in all direction*, wounded and groaning. Now, should mob a tragedy M tbia have been poMible ? The authorities, wbeu I venture to My it ibould not be p > no!e. bav* but on* reply thai absolute asonrity from *uob aooutn. liahed aaaaaiici cannot b* expected. We bave had daily warning of the deeperate courage and oratt uf tbeee apearmen, and yet we bave nightly thown that we will not learn by experience. If no other mean* *au be devued, tb* timple mean* of makiog half a regiment Bland to i;* arm*, rifle* loaded, lutide tb* tent, to guard tb* otter half lor tbe six dangeron* hours of tbe night (taking tune hour* alternately) would make maaaacr* impossible and retnbuUou certain ? Or la not the example of tb* Indian contingent worth imitation ? They refuted to lay lu their tenu aud be (tabbed and backed about, ao they bav* traced a ditch along their front, and wbet th* Had*ndowaa came up IMI night to as>at*mate tbem they fouud the b jle line minned, and got well peppered for their paiu, leaving, at any rate, oue oorpM in ackiow lea^meu I of tb* reception they got. "Being *onpp*red " i* tureiy a vary disgraceful experience for a Uritiab army. In Afghanistan tb* Gbajua soon fouud that " running amnek " did nol pay. In /ulalaod Ib* laager WM a complete and efltolve defence. But here, with an enemy tempered tj whom Afghans and Zulu* an oiviiizod soldier*, and i a a oouutry thai k) M murdcrou* M tbe Kbyber and infinitely more dangeron* than tb* Donga Kivcr pains of / jluland, w* bave oar soidKr* "*oappv*d " nigfal after night. Tbe feeing here i* very bitter on Ibe i_iut, aud latnrally ao. Il la no qo**tion of being " rushed." bat of being *n*aked." Tbu i* qoite an excep- tional form of danger, aid should bav* been met a week ago by exoettional precaution*. Tbeir i ,.u, . i ... i, *. Touohiog tbi* mooh overwritten upon visit of tb* I'rmoe and Prince** of Wales to Ireland, I am not indued t j altaoh quite snob great weight M thi dear old SptcUtor doe* to Ib* oatual expreaaion* of Dublin beggars and mateb-eeller*. My experience of these people is fiat tbeir toogoes, whether iu blowing or oursiug, are rather looaelv bung. I have been placed very high up indeed in heaven it return for a very trifling donation. On tb* other hand, I have a painful recollect*. n of a vendor of futee* with whom I. perhaps somewhat inconsiderately, refused t> deal. Th* man, taking cff hi* bat, knelt down in tb* road and implored tb* Bleeaed Virgin to atrliol m* witb tb* " falling liokn***." Now, 1 do not suppose this pious man really bated me >f i.e. A i H .,,.. Thrive 1st K Tbe first *aaential to a wbolcvom* pre para. ion of food i* a oleao, annoy and well-aired kitchen, aayi tbe Cinoiuuai Koquirtr. Tbe latter condition depend* ou tbu mean* al band of ventiltiou. All kuchma should have at least two windows, and thu on oppoaite rides of the room. Ibe i-a-n eboulu bv lowered ai.d raised by means of pulleys, fo tbal without any trou bin they may be lit .d or drawu down from tbe top ai a momeul'a notice. Wltbcot tbe proper rueaue of them, ib* of ventilation, and tbe u*e imprisoned odor* of tbe kitchen will penetrate and pollntt Ib* air of the whole bouse. Among tne r ol these is Kreaae spilled ou tbe stove, wbiob, instead of oeintt iped off immediately, is left to burn off ; egg shells, and sven bad egxs, thrown by oarelecs cock* into tb* eab pan underneath ibe fire ; cooking onions, beans, turnip* and cabbage, all combine to send tbeir reeking odors throagh the bouse, to be absorbed by oarpeta. beading, curtain* and clothing. Every b mtakaepcr i* aware of the vile odor wbiob is given ofl by Mrtaio vegetable* while cooling. Special effort should be made, particularly during tb* flnl *tage* of tbtir boiling, to keep tbe kitobeo well aired ; otbervjue on* may KO into tbe (pare chamber or parlor, if it baa uot happened to be open, and inhale Ibe Hale odor of days befor*. a dinner prepared three " It I* a (ao loo little understood," *ay* ao authority on tbe anbjeot, " tbal water aud otbtr liquids and even oemi-nuid tub lance*, a* stewed fruit*, juicy vegetable*, etc., bave the power of absorbing foul gaaen from an impure atmoepbere to mob an extent as to render tbem half pouonou*. from wbieh u followi tbal dissgreeable odor* escaping from flltby dufa eloths, burning greaae, masty old oarpeta, pane of itai* garbage, foul drain pipe*, etc . are uol only breathed by tbe inmate* of ib* bouse, bat they are actually eaten I ' Veasels containing kitchen refute should nol Bland in the kltebeu ; indeed in winter time tbere is no need of any such veeeel. Everything may be bur Led. and from a aauitary point of view abould be. Il ha* been done by a good-ailed family daring summer month*, even to tbe water melon node and coffee ground*. A gnat aasut- auo* to luoh a dinpoution of wait* matter i* a perforated pan or a imaiJ-iiied col lander kept io tbe -ink. into which peeling* of all kiuds, egg i-uelU and tea ana eoflee- grounds may be emptied and there drain until the proper time, wbicb rboold be ouoe a day , oomaa for their cremation. I ( other diai * 'itiou 3f tbe garbage moat b* made there should be kepi two bnoketi, uaiuii them alternately aud cleansing with a stroug alkali eon one Mil i* emptied. In et.her oaa* aucb refus* a* egg-ab*ll*, cpoiled eggs and all animal matter ihould be oousigned to the flan** at ouoe. Tbe water in wbiob vegetables of a strcng udor have been boiling, ae beans, cabbage, Jto , tbould nol b* emptied into the kit&eu sink. If there are ttationaiy in the botue, aud it the plumbicg ia not perfect, tbe odor will aaaend through tbe pipe* to tb* very upper atone* of tb* build leg. Wherever tbere I* an outlet there u will rutb, witb accompanying foul gaeee, wbicb even a fluabiug of Ibe pipes fall* to r. move. Then- H nothing so deleterious to ibe good health of a household a* imper- fect drainage. With thi* dmaetron* foe to contend with ou* may a* well toes hygienic rule* to tbe wind*. Tb* drain pipee in moat modern built house*, which are in- tended to earry away foul mailer, gene- rally perform the double office of conduct iug back into our dwellings more poisonous materials in Ibe form of x*aea- Ulan they carry out. Another enemy to tbat perfection of bealtb and ilreogth wbiob all women deoire aud so few pas**** i* to b* found ia baeemeul kitobene Ae a rule they abound io dampne**, an 1, a* a natural reaull, in n old, Ibat arch enemy to beaJtbful *ur- roundinif*. It force* it* intidioiu way into clone! and pantry; il mark* with dlseMf breeding germ* the jellie*, tbe fruits, tbe vegetables, tbe bread, and fringe* tbe pumpkin pi*. Ii line* tb* carpel on tbe floor and creep* up tb* wall. d*f*cmg paint and papsr. We broab down the mold from the wall ; we breathe the mold from tbe closet* many times a day. often an boor al a time while the periodical oUaciog U going oo ; we raiie the carpel, aod are II fewH* a****** is**j uawwvw LUV ft, 'lup^ i*u , nil tatl'D wUV U*1I|'*OV, MLI U **, D very mucb or remembered my existence I almost strangled witb it* pungent odor. live miontee afterward*. He OTsr-impnlaiv*. London Truth. only WM Ini. ih. I'nole William Cjle, living near Dalian, We get tick, we bave *ore throat*, we have headache, our strength fails a* and we never team to see what i* back of it all. Another important requirement ID tbe preparation of wholaiome food is a perfectly clean. Tb* little fellow replied : " Y*i, but hi* lead'* turned tbe wrong way '." Faulting Q.) Era. storing food of any kind, more especially butter, milk aod meal*, they all beiox recently dog him a cyclone pit, which bis j par* cellar in which to keep" the everyday good wit* utilized lor putting her soap- 1 sopplie*. Il tbould extend under every barrel in. ill* neighbors tell it on him : fool of the bouie, and bav* every facility that, ih* other day, a whirlwind passed I tor thorough ventilation and perfect drain through bis place aad raised considerable j age. Without Ibis il i* an unfit place for doit, which caused him to gather hi* family together and ran witb tbem to Ibe pit. Arriving there he jumped bead fore- most into il. Hi* little *oo, who wa* fol- lowing, baited and turned to bit mother, and excitedly exclaimed : " Ma, pa's into the soip-barrsl up to bis ankle* I" 8b* replied : " Ob, will, loony, if be'i in no deeper than tbat be ean get out." abeorbeute. Even witb the** provision* a oellai may become a no u roe of oootamina- tiou to Ibe whole bouae. Decaying vegeta- ble*, soured traits and tainted mean should not be tolerated twenty-fear boon. Bat what are the** compared to many old boot* and shoe* piled np in one corner, piece* ol carpet and matting tailing apart from decay and mould, cast ofT olotblog, even to hoop-skirts and boitUe, all of whiob are known to have been found underneath bouses of pretentious appearance. Too SMALL. A very considerable time mnce one of the tben very maob ret poo ted )alry.nple family lo*t hi* way on* dark misty night on a hill. After wandering .bout for lome time be came to a small cottage, aod having koooked at the door ot he same, laid, " Let m* in pleaxe, I have oil my way." " But fa are ye ?" oried a shrill voice from within. The reply WM, " I am Sir J. Dalrvmple Elpbinntone, of Logie Klphinatone, West Ball." " Pre- urve m*," exclaimed tb* woman, " my boasi* wadna baud the half o' y* I" An incident ot tbe Prince of Wales' visit to Ireland wbiob pleased him highly has not been generally recorded. An old tl idler layed and aang while bi* wife, a lady of perhaps 70 inrnmew, danced an Irish jig; , id " before tbe Prince to the tun* : " Beeghan I B Trinces* Matbilde WM so delighted with M. de Lessepit' speech al his reception into the French aoademy tbat when ojt gratulating the new immortal ib* ei claimed . " My dear Leesgp*, I cao't help il, I must kisa you." " Do," limply replied the academician. Hue did and the great canal designer was happy. Labouohere aayi iu the London Trutk : \ " I cannot uudemtand upon what foauda- I tion tbe primroas ha* been connected with I tbe name ol Lord Beaoontfield. Tb* only allusion to the flower in Lard Beacon (field's works i* In ' Loibair,' where Lord 81. Jerome i* called ' Barbarian ' by hie wife, because be ha* remarked thai primroeee r* M*T *(***. A conference convened by the Cen.raJ Council tor promoting eelf u( portuig penny dinner* wao bold recently in London, to enable those wbo nave keen carrying on penny diunera doting tne IM! few me. lha to compare experience* and result*. A short paper was read by W. Bootfield, in wbieh he gave an *(.oouragiug aoeooot cf experi- ment* in penny dinner* in wbieh b* bad been tn^a^ed. Sir Henry Peek explained tbe metbod by which, in Devonshire, be bad soooeufuily combined tystem ol food and eduoatiou for obudrsn at the rat* of tivcpeno* a week. The Count*** of Aber- deen detailed the result* of Ib* foundation of a penny dinner syitem m Aberdeenabire, where, in nve school*, there were the mo*l snooursging reeolw, and the dinner* were eU-iupporung. Bt* deured to Lay before tbe meeting her own and Lord Aberdeen testimony to the great advantage* which would accrue, botk pbyaioally ana morally, to children it tb*** dinners were more thoroughly adopted, tuiil also to thank Mr. Muudella fur ibe very gre*>l interest be bad taken in the matter. Sidney Boxtou, M. P., the Chairman of the Ontral Council, eipreised tbe Mtufae- the progresa made, and re- Uon of Ibe Council al wbiob tbe movement marked that tbe great difficulty which bad lobe tutl WM caused by the great fluotua- liou in to* uumber of obildrtn attending the dinner* from day to-day. It WM alwayn ueoeMary, however, to give the matter s six mootba' experiment. At the end of that time it would generally b* found tb*t tb* dinners could b* con- ducted ucoMBlullyaadou a nelf eupportiug biaia. Dr. CamnatU, M. P.. referred to tb* Uoutcb penny dinnero, wbicb, be said, were conducted ou a different ayttem to tbo** whi:n were oarried on in London. In Boot* kud a soap dinner only was aimed al, and ibie WM seuerally fouud to be infAcitnl for tb* pnipoM ; wa* umple, and wa*, M k rule aecved for a baif -penny. Benjamin Jlarki- read a paper on the beet mean* cf making dinner* available to tboM oaabi* Io ;y. Tbs Standard *ay* : Sir Henry 1'ee.k, with 160,000 dinners al 160,000 penee uMLg freely date podding at a penny per ?oe.ud, about repreaenta tbe be* I economi- cal effort bKberio made, and from thi* il will be weu that tbe qo**lion u very evenly balaLoed. If them wsre co-opera- tive ouokiug for tb* poor generally there would, we believe, be uo quetiiju al all. IJsAI.ina.Bt: All. HINTS. Iliibll. IB. i I ar.Bi(ki I Not a few of tb* much oomilaiul is I kr.ol. <eiB tmamlfrmtt. di eaaeeof which ao tuade. oc serve* the I'litaburn Impaick. are dl*ea*e* of habit. All of tb* vitai organs get into habit* of acting lit a certain manner al certain tiinte, und it i* no e*j*y matter to break it op. Oougbing i* often nothing more than a babii ; so may spitting be, yswning, laugh- ing, cryi; g, cracking the finger*, seratobing ibe> bead, aqoiuttng or rolling tbe eye*, lolling ib* tongue cut, biuog the nng*r nail*, piosiug tb* ear* or nose, Ib* rejeti- .LioD ol word*. Itigtai g turpri** and horror, ai.d many other*. K i* Well known among j b) siciau* that tb* stomach and liver are both given to forming bad habite, and very bad oue*, too. The** are more dj Moult to break np than acute attack* of disease. *tuk'nl i* lubjeoi to a ijreal deeJ of silly babii*, or M lea*l little oue* wbieh do no lciai barm, and are productive of no good except a* far as pleMing tb* individual lor tb* tnu* being. These often become Moond na'.ure. aod there are few pereou* but have more or 1*** of them. There WM Ben Joboson, wbo oould uel rest in hi* bed, much UM go to ileep, uule** hi* shoes were placed heel to to* io a particular eorn*r of the room. He bad accustomed himself to doing this for a short time, during which il became a habit and finally beoam* a nice* lily. This seem* Ilk* a very silly thing for an intelligent man to be gully of. bni labit* of lea* consequence than that will make men miserable. Juit reoall those of roar acquaintance wboni yon know to have little peculiarities of their own, lad see now *a*y it i* to trace them to some habit which was oontidered too trifling to mint sven a passing nolle*. In looking for tbeee iu your neighbors and acquaintance* you may find some in joonelv** wbieh may be !opi>d ofl without injury to the body. O'Duibbiv* an Oleanni An ingenious Parisian, M. Adrian Oaooo, IM patented a blantiug powder whiob pro- vides a new explosive compound intended to have tb* fjroe of dynamite without it* extra hazardous properties. Tb* compound ooDHiit* of a mixture of nitre of poteeh nitrate of soda with nlfbur aabeeor tannin. Ritualism most be spreading in England when we read In a Chorch ot England paper that on a recent oooasion Ih* suffragan bishop of Nottingham, Dr. Trol- lop*, wore a " cope of crimson velvet, powdered with floor* d* Iw, green orphrey witb rich edging, a sort of blue qaatrcfoil on each Rid* ol the morne, witb evacgdiatio symbolf, iud a nob and ooetly jewelled more*," Ttw Pn-nrkrr *ua*) i Bom* time ago tb* editor of the Wetkly Y\rr-Hy, and tb* preacher of Mount Josiah ;hurch exohangid place*, not only in a nominal way, but made an actual transfer of properly. We take three extract* from the first number of the t\rt-t'l\ hioh appeared after the change had take lace : 1 W* bav* ahonldcred the reiponai i ty of running this paper, and we reqo ow ubeoribers to pay up al one* and pi y that ibev may do ao al their earlier oo- enlenoe. We underiita,t:d tbal Ai rson iregg out oft oue of r m fiogera U .her lay. We hope at J pray that be m it*t long all right. A ouw belonging Jim Polk McLtugtahu lost ou* (fbtrhori la*l w*ek. W* pray tbal aba may reoo\ r A man named Hbaivt waa killed at B iley's Ford lait Moud->N. We are tbankf .1 that I i* no woree. We pray tbat the L >.il* inre may not forget t) adjiurn. We :ru*l ihat crape may be better utxtscaeon W* lope tbal the severest part of the winter IM paaud. We have laitb lu oor ability to run tbie paper." The editor, wilbnai raibarra*meti. took 11* place in tbe pul; u, but lie soon t. cam* lonfumd. Stntibg tne tck of box k, be aid: " Hereafter wa will uut receive eld 'ails in exohanun for our g'xpel. Turuips rill do very well, but we are nol a oow. Jever before was thi* pulpit iu *ucb a , luruhing oonditi >u aud advertiser* ibould make a note of thin fct. Our mourner 1 ! bench go** to every punt-c'fio* in tb* country. Now is tbe time* t > become a dea- con of tbu ohorcb, two dollars per year, one dollar for six months and sample copy **nt free. Tbs text says tbat trains going north arrive al I o'clock p. m. This can- not b* disputed, for J*r*miah, tbe gtneraliODi of another column. prrpbel, vipers, M it WM spoken of by eay lag: ' Ob, y* advertisemrulin On* ol the moil remarkable fact* brought oat by the oceanic research** mad* by tb* British ibip Challenger is the probability that all oaeanio island* an of voloanio origin ; In all the researches mad* no ludi- cation* wire found of lubmerged land over tbeee MtM.