Over Fifty Fine Watches TO SELECT FROM. Importan^tojhe Public ! I It III II f\ t f\ /~\ f* i t i I t-i f- lit i i.i r- i * i r- s-\ ' I The Model Jewellery Store, 20 feet Metal Cases Filled with FINE Goods 30 CLOCKS! Assorted, beat American make?. .Spring and 0. O. I Lave a large stock, carefully selected, and can give CLOSER PRICES FOR CA8II than any dealer in this section of Grey Co. Prove tins by calli my a Watch, Clock, or any line of Jewellery. Elgin Watch, 7 jewels. Exp. 13al., 3 oz. Coin Oae, $12.00, 6 per cent off for cash, $11.40 net. A fine Swiss ^ arrants for 1 4 2 years cover all breakages, which means considerable to purchasers if they invest with me. 3 grades WaltLam Watches, close prices. No article misrf Fine Lathes aud Material for WATCH REPAIRING, which I make a specialty of doing in a practical and careful way. Your work and patronage respectfully solicited. calling at my shop when yon want to Watch, full jewelled. S'J.Nl. M \ 1 have OVER 100 RING 18k., 14k., 9k., Wedding and Engag* ment Gems, Solid & Filled. w, JEWELLLR, A. BROWN, MARKDALE, 0\T. For Table Use. Best makes Silverware, Quadrupt? Plate. Holleu & Flat, agt. Mcndon, \V. VICTORY ! t would still kill the prisoners. The ines- j sage came too late. Gradually the lines i had been advancing, and n<,w the word 1 "Charge !" was heard all along the line. Forward the men bounded with a yell f- i _.,, rflWx T) n l^4. 1 'hat echoed and re-echoed down the Taken at THe POlnt j broad valley. The Royal (irenad.urs and the two Midland companies in their bright scarlet, springing along as if every man were a trained racer. The 'JOth Winnipeg men as nobly responded to the of the Bayonet. A Brilliant Charge ! OUR BOYS DRIVE THE REBELS OUT OF THE RIFLE PITS IN SHORT ORDER. (From Toronto Wurl(tt Report.) look. His actions were very nervous, and he continually rolled his eyes from side to side, evidently fearing violence. His appearance was that of a hunted man. He gave the scoots the letter Gen. Middleton sent him, which stated that if he surrendered no violence would be done him, but that he should have a fair trial. He knew nothing Catarrh A Xr w I . . ;u m. ,,i Perhaps the most extraordinary success that ban been achieved In modern medicine has been attained by tbe bixr.u treatment for Catarrh. Out of H.OOU patients treated during the pant x months, fnllr ninety per cent, have ben cured of thin stubborn malady. This is DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. oiS.,u.NT. PHYSKIAV SIR4.E0N, Af. FLKKHEKTON. __ ! > i . I I i \.. 11. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHER, PRICEVILLE. ONTARIO If&AUntlU yr<> mf *lti attrnM tn. none the leu startling Reridtnet, nrrt tn Thruiuu Cuvit "fj. wbco it is remembered that not five per cent. > order, and their wDd cheer' was not un- of Gabriel Dumont. but understood he ifiSLSSS SaSS^S?' heard amid the general din. Officers, had three wounds revived before .oner . benefited . lulc the waving their swords and their cr*ked re- lUtochp Hfl had swnni nnt tn r* ^ medicines and other advertised cure* volvers, were everywhere leading and JJ fjj* B never record a cur. at all. Starting with the cheering on the men. Down tho uecliv- claim now generally believed bv tbe must ity toward the l,.wer part of the villa*, ' """ft*" nl ht8 8 | nc l ' ie "' Dentine men tbs, tL di^ i. due to the the avalanche of scarlet and nfle-green "! ''ad been spent in the bluffs near swept. Nothmg could withrtsidthe Batoche. and that hi. wife and child- * nu * P''" "> he t,*sa.. terrific onslaught. Every one vied with ren were near by wtth some halfbreed I nC8 * d *P t * d hu cure to ih<ir his comrade to be first in the trenches, women. He expressed himself as in, "ion -thU accomplished, he claims On first hearing the terrible cheer that mo rtal termr of the Galling gun. "" C ' Urr1 ' " P 1 * 6 " 8 *"? ured,and tbe per- As intimated in broke from our lines the rebel, sprang t,, Jn apl)carance Rie j iookg d ii apidat . "aiieney i. unque.t.oned, a. car., effected their feet. Some showed signs even d His cloth., s are and dirtv ! by him ' cn ' **" MO are cure* still. No then of wavering, but many of then. ' (1 /"> one els* has ever attempted to cure Catarrh coolly settled themselves to receive the '" 8 '"" r nd ard 1( >ng and unkempt, i,, ,hi, manner, and no other treatment ban charge and to die game. They fired In shoit there seems very little differ- ever cored Catarrh. The application of thn our brave ence in the ontward appearance of remedy i* mmple. and can be dr.ae at home. Itatoche has fallen Yesterday's despatches, our gallant volun teera soldiers, veterans, we may now call them were clamorous to attack with the bayonet the rebels in their tranches: deliberately, and several of and rifle piu. At 4 o'clock afternoon Gen. Middleton, judging that F. apU ' the annuunition of the rebels was nearly Monday fellows, among *' relch signs of being badly discomfited by the steady tire and determined asjiect incessant hail of shrapnel and rifle bullets, .it last gave the long lix>kod-fr order. Early on Monday morning the firing was resumed, our men gradually advan- cing well to the front, the sharpshooters mil B and C companies of the 90 bat- talion holding an excellent position along; the crest of the hill directly south of the i rebsl position and dropping in shot after! shot with great precision. Here both Sergt. T. Mitchell of the Grenadier* and his brother, Serjrt. C. M. Mitchell of the !*0th battalion, did effective service. Each .iharpsheoter pieken his mau, and them Lieut. Fitch and Louis David Kiel, "president of the ' nd '*' P"fnt season oj the yearinfhe and Hrown, all -hot rebels," th* Montana bummer. He ^.'SXtt&SfSStSSt looks more dignified now, however, one treatment Sufferers should correspond i .u u-_ u-: u 1.. i_ ^,1, Messrs. H. A. Diion <k Bcii, 06 King street west, Toronto, Canada, i nd enclose cihamted. and that they showed decided > Mitchell-yet, nothing daunted by "the *! 1 whel ? **!'" brought home in a -- - - - -- - - - i- - ,j t j,e Yankee r/heelbarrow. He is kept a "Kifilit onward puthed our Oren All nu-rn and undismayed. With thounand armed foes before And few behind to aid. Not wifter |>nun the avalanche Adown tbe *tt*| decline That rliei o'er tho paront ii>rlng Of broad Sankatchewan. Hearoe iwitter iboots the bolt from heaven Than eanie the glittering l-an I Right up axalnit tbe guarded truieb, Aud o -r it Htevl In baud In vain their leaden forward iircis, They meet tbe deadly brand close prisoner, and will be sent on tc Clarke'* Crossing, and thence to lie- gina. (Fmm uiir <>int Ctrretpmuirnt.) . The residence of the Rev. Dr. Strongman was destroyed by fire last Sat- urday. The Dr. with coat and hat off, ' worked like a hero trying to save the con- tents. He was ably assisted by his wife. A large number of people were soon on Onward our brave fellow* pressed still iwn the slope, through the valley, a- fU,r pC^rSyondThe rtufotirt rifleV" The ' !"**. ^ the great object now, was "drew a sk shot rebeU made a bold stand W 1, and Uaus won . __ , They fought l " prsvent the flames prvaduitc to the of uur<aU>ouuug avstiwisafa. Tfc ah<. jiii-etly watching him till steady, bead" on him. The effect of was aniiouMy |...ked f.* by the )xTy.,and I J "jJ h . to ***** ' '" ** entlnMuU * in connection with Mr. Akitf. grist mill according an it was a miss or a hit the I applaud ud were destroyed, also a stable belonging to The haMHawA foot |O<M teldnni baok WV>re arnied focmen throng : Hut aever ha-l they fared In field Ro etrn a charge Iwfore, And never bad they felt the sweep Of Canada i volunteer oorpi-" Capture of Riel marksman was laughed at or I'tgr bis companions. Meanwhile the Win nrpeg field batter}- was sending an occas- ional shell wherever ne was wanted. At I ne time the guns would Ira trained on a ' group of Indians or lialfbreeds far beyond the rifle pits along the rifle bank, and when the nhells would explode in their midst a general skedaddle would take 1 place. At another time their black muz- i The backbone of the rebellion may zels would be directed faraway over the now be said to be practically broken. ^ mKl ' 1 " f last week ' v Mr NV| " Wil ' river where rebel ,har,h.,ters still held The instigator tbrreof has fallen into "" * nd Hrot ' the llght fr "'" wllu ' h WM a few houaea. In this direction some ex- Uw han( j s of Mid ai etou . The follow- ' ell,-nt firing was made, several .hell. ^ ^^ Q( hjg ^^^ . g takcn from the Toronto World : Clarke's Crossing, May 1>. Louis Riel is captured. He wan taken , stamp for their treatise on Catarrh Mon- treal Star, Nov. 17. 18W. House & Carriage Painting .Yeuf/y, Rrptditv-'iMy, and Cheaply ptr- forintd 6y GEORGE SAUL I ' I - !. 1-1 .M . J.P. AKHMALL, L.U.M DENTIST. QKM)L-ATB of Toronto School of Dentistrr W will be at Mr.U.r the lit and 3rd \Vwln, . nay c( each imiiUi, and at rUsbetWn on the l>t and IH Tliu'a y in each uionUi for th, ,*;i^. of hi) |>r<>rainn J. BALDWU BAUDS, a P E< IU.LV raED.W OjLfcMN HANDS, El'HLIN & QARVIN, Haiuit, &*eetmr to lauiirr .1- BARHISTKKK. 801. 1< OOMTBTaMna, ** L>Mt K*W of I Kat. Toronto XOT.VHtK- Mouev to lx an at 101 FROST & FROST. BIRRIHTEHS SOLICITOBH.COXVTSYAS> K- Ae Offlo I'oulrtt Htrwt. Owx Bomn and every Thursday at Fl.KMl I .HTi N j. w rBotrr, 1. 1. H ALPBBD FKORT. Crown Coaniy AMonev (n tke atop.. *iimd, obow - (Jnjsrs hy Mr. A. I'lirdy. I'-y strenuous etTorts Mr. Akitt's large hotel stabk was saved and the further pn^ress of the tire stayed. Dr. and Mrs. Strongman each lost a gold watch and a lot t.f other valuables. The tire broke out about nuun : cona*, spark f falling on r<H.f : no insurnnoe. AKOTHKK FIUK. Mr. McDutfv's and outbuildings on lot l!l, con. V, mesia, were notieeil to be on fire on FARM FOR SALE. Ix>t Tf. 3rd coneeaiinn. Artotneil*. contalnlna 80 cr.. to acree cleared au.l In a wood >tat uf cultiratlun. balaswesmdharAwaadDMh. Tsrase *> *p|-ly t" JAMKS III. \CK1IUK.N un tin- pratulwe. or to W. J. |.KI.I,\M V John W. Armttrong, futanurrasi. <V Oaav. J\IVIHION COt'BT ( UKKK COMM1HS10KMK ; * ID B R.. Con vyaooer. Ac AflpMfsrMrshax and tale of laudi. Appratoer for C ]. , and f P H US Hoeiety Money to Ixxin on it ' ui.t rM.inlil.- term. Issfu or MAHKU' r penetrating and badly wrecking the build - ings. In an 'tluT pnrt of the field or more correctly brushwood bills A Bat- tery 1 wns feeling the enemy and sending shells wherever the rebels showed them- selves. The scouts, led by Col. I'.-.ult. -n and Ule brave Cu|it. Frvnrh were reo.n to the scene and had aumv Bousing the mn.At,,. All the builuin*. ,.,,.,.,, t the *uMe were letr.yel and it was set on firu and de.-tmyod the next have been the M"""' " | day. The nre is a*id t "f work of nn incendiary. on Friday at noon. While [ A b,.ve rei-ort condei*,!, having been rolling the nver m that locality ^^ ^^ UUj ^ . ^ _ En , ior Smith and the members of C nuupany infantry school ww several rebels ill tlic brushwood near by. f ramiDg 800 HOIlSe- JOlDlDg. laterlalfurultlied _ _ N".IM hut tt'-iiiK-tent workintfii employed. The eatinftctloe my wnrk ha* iivea in the piwt l> a Kuarauteo fei tin- (uture. to A. U 1. 1:1111 Klt-ihrrton Stati"ii to the grao<l final assault while all tke front -f tin- itlope the sharp mid tinuous roll of musketry, and the gmdunl Fire was opened Oil them, which wac Tllt m..!.,.^^ ( pre r..d to ex.-cute al udvanoe of tbe i-ntire line under nover all returned. A signal whistle wad blown | order* utrut<-d in him fur iu-xirm-tit.il <-f pointed t., : .].,-,ly teriniuation of th tl ) wain Col. Urulton's scouts, who, /- ( -.7/,,,,,. ,,/,.,. /;,;,/,, struggle which. a.1 a ready lasted nearly . fc t(J ^ d j f ' three days. GtlMtM MiddleinB lumse f i / .1 j Instli; r-xlef^p-iatto ,,,int ..f the entire inti' lewral of tlie. ui-i-and on if - line carefully watdiing through his ^'laas th>: w ' t>11( '' bllt thc rebels llHd *tter- the lie of the rebel entreiiuhniunts aiul "' making notes for siil>se<|ueut use. Throo of the more daring scouts, Thus the tilit biHtetl until (! after- Win. Uiept, Thos. Hourie and J. H. noon when the general sumimnHHi the Armstrong, pushed on through the field officers commanding the viiri..,,, hrushwood and striking by chance corps to an inform* council. He nrienv i t L j . -i 1 1 i laid out the plan f attaA, instructed lol ' W' e "^ ^"j . Bud.l,.|,ly each officer wht wa^ to that ..no's c * nic Ollt " *"' "P* 1 P rain< wlluro special object and c.-uitioneil them to im- within sliort rifle range itOOO l!i. I |iress on tin- men the necessity f being Htldtlini rrbcls, only two of whom firm and calm, yet IH, Id iw true Britons, were mmi'd. Tho three scouts nt The officers joined their respective coin- O nce bon- down on the four rebels, at r* r '*3 r n,andand .imetly inform,.l llieir men | the 8ftui) , tilll( , ,,,11,,,^ on } {i ,.i .f thc plane? action, and with tlirlirultv , m ;l .^. iatl , s PMapedi snppresswl the cheers that would lin-ak ,, , , fortb at the to them welcome news. Tho ll "' 1 - " '" ''"' fe' a , me w , as ,"!' bring eontinued at intervals; but the ' somewhat _ agitated until the scouts majority of both officers and men were arrested him. FLESIIERTO\ Churches and Societies. ' fVrr- ,,J .-A.I. Otu are iiurrtnl OP.IiMi Rererj s-mday * too'olorli p.iu.Hun- ' !> wliool at 1 |. in rV>er m<etun( every U> ov. nii,^t :.i 1.1.. \ \\.L--X u. |ldle> Aid Society In connection., Thur tot Oi:u\|i Kh } CUl'KCll i SUM lay at 1 1 a. . A ca. w . t.\ 1 i' in V >UIIK People'* Prayer meeting i vrrv Monday evening str.10 . I'raiei niwtlnrvThur-Ml(y,Ti,nlii < <' ^ I' t McDowm.1.. Cbalraaa of the Own Boand Dlsirie*, pasMr. .L^dio* Aid Soc- iety In co-iui- : Jas. K. Sloan, IA'81'KASCE AUBXT, XI'UKNIA that tolld eld Kir* Iniurauc* "o . the No*wira UNIUB .f N.-rwlcb, 1.1.1,1*1.' Inurauoe effected on Hiiuse*. uutbuildlni;. a I low rate* Incur** aalnit liiilitnln* w. j. BELLAMY; rwr. ci.ru UTCur.il*. THE MARKETS. Plonr Fall Wheat FLESHERTON. ...k 8 75 to 4 00 A. * MKKTI-i t!,,-ir l.-xlt, H'wiui. srraln'. Block * onovrit Krulav ii i<t before tho full moon I llSlI .. Wl-l<'ollltd. S Dim nr. W M WJKsu.AHt.Hec>. /" A;/./.V l.nlHfg, I.n.n.r. MK' ; ' ! an.l ir!i Tuoidsy Evening In . !.ii...r Hi t o'clnok. Ixvlge Hniiiii. In Strain I. l-Hk. Voruntiti- I . > < l<ude le% iiieetlni; in .-i<li in,, nth \ isltinu hretUi-uoor- >IU1I) II. ' - I i.irnBi-nx.M.O \V. n. CtMru-iM- i: s. /AM /.I \->; AUT, ,\< DF.KHS. MOHTdAOKS I.KASKs *e . |.ret>ar ed and properly eieeutwl lnin atio < tod lu nret-clau coiapanie* Money to Ivudtk lowest rate* Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO~DiVISIQy. Change of Time. Titkni-i r/rct 3f"ii.tiy, Xur. J4th, I- Toronto, ilrry <a. Brucr ............ c g ,, r . Oats '^" Ilnttpr *-" {;KK S - ltoes ,'. I tlinr M.'imwliile the remainder of l ................ tho * or ' c .................. I 083 ( 5() 85 5s n 19 hitching up fRbhards, frw-inu wristbands, fastening swonl knots, load- scouts were drawing near, and Kiel Hy.perton ............ . 1000 intf their rev,, Ivem, takiua off ooata, et,-. Wn8 hidden, his captora fearing some Hi(le ..................... 5 50 All wen imi.ati.-iit. While this was all f t , |eir COIllrarteB WOIlM shoot lliln at Wool ...................... 1! u'"ing mi i\ flag (,f truca arnved frnm Rie . , si,,., nuL-i.,a n to the effect that if our men did not sight, as many bad sworn to do. cepskms ............ eease tiring on their houses they would 1 T|l(> newB of lns capture spread J ....... ......... ,. kill the prisoners, (ieneral Middleton 'rapidly to camp, and caused great 1'ut ks, per t race ...... instructed him to remove the wmnen and 'excitement and joy. Toward night- Chickens, per brace..., 6 13 6 1! AH 45 80 children to a particular house and he, Ml he was brought in under a strong Turkey* .................. 11 would not fire ..n it. Riel again sent a egcort ttn d all volunteers wore ordered 10 30 7.', 0" 50 20 60 50 80 11 A iid ion Kale Bills < * P"*"* tbc P r ' 8Ollcr a^faM*"' in " "l-^ lect tho women in one house and lot him < "" c P r ' 8Ollcr know, but on the envelope wrote in pen Bnot - Printed on short notice at reasonable < il that unless Middletnn M-HM-I! with bi He was taken to Oen. Middleton's. prices free notic of same in forcei and granted him an interview he tent aud wore a haggard, dissipated ( THE ADVAMCE. A. >. r. ir. C'LKSHKUTON l-d* No Hi. meet In Ihelr I I.,|L'U It-mu. struu Mock, Toronto lreet. 1 M u,la> in i-tt-li in. -utli at 7'Jiip in Hhi|- VlnltliiK l.rettirru wel.-,. in,- W <l Pit Kki.i . M \\ D 8. Mowo. Rec'r . TooxT'i.d.'|>rt. 7 -JO a ni . . n p f do. arrive. 10 am K.|> i- I-ALI.KY DII i*i<>\ . dr|*rt. *IOa m , II i " arrive. H t.', Sorr.-Miied train leave* I'mrk lal>- I in DimiON Arr'.- V 4J p.w M, Mi i.l.l !..-. i r-~ 1 10p in. Depart )."pni \\ \NHVTK. (iBN'L Se T-rr.nti, 1'arkdalr /.. " /.. .V". V in Iliuir Uxl((c |i, m instralin Mock " ->,r. Friday evening after the full of tin- ni.-nn In each month * i .itili brethren welcome. I \V IUTIII. WM w |- i H..,.utT. See'y. R. T. O. T. THAINS I.EAVK FLESHBRTON STATION Onlnit North, at II . i". " Wp.m . .* < (hiliut South, at f> )-' a.in . I O p in .t- ., ti >l STAIN corNclI, \,, 14(1. Hn> al Tnuplan * "f Ti<ui|>eraiicri, meet In tli*lr hall, strain IT'lcshcrton .Heat llarkct. ., i lan.rci . , bloek, l-t an.l .ir I Tuesday even u al 7 '! o'clock. Vi<lton are cordi >Mlm - I bmunth ally invited J. n.ltmsKLI., li - PII.KSHKHTON lilMsln.N. No. 844. oie<'' in ttii-ir new hull, Dr Clirltr- '< blnck. every Wednesday evnnliiK at 7:30 o'clock. Vliltln* brethren c<'r,llally Invited. C. J. Bmon.Il. W P W. A NII.BT an. B 8. RSADIXO HOOX. evterHedi from Cash paid for fat Cattle and' Oln every evening iSimda T o'clock P. M until lu P Cr.rdiall) luTiled to vlilt. x J W. AWHTBOI-O, ITsst. T B otCi.*rroii,8eT. Cash. OMr-n promptly '., . stran^rt are Fresh Meats constantly on