M h, n Ik Always In the QOUM th-re wa* trouble and COB- teutioD. LJttlo ipark ot (el i ug Qathlug Into flame, Hlgu of Irritatiou, Hu sure to take ocoailon For strife an<l tribulation till tbe baby eame. All tho evil sound* full of cruel bate and rancor, All tbe aofpry tumult -nobody to blame, All were liuahed *o iweetly, l>laa|ipe*riu( fleetly, Orquiuiea completely, when the bby earns. Paoe* tbat bad worn a gloniny veil of sadness, Hettu totem ou iteeklnf for fortune or for Item Once again were lightened. Onoe igaiu were brightened, Anil their rapture heightened, wheuthr baby oaue. All affection'* window* opened to receive it Pure and fre*b from heaven, and give It earthlv utwe, Clamnng sod oareesinR Iu arms of love, confessing That life hadmiued a blowing till the baby came. Borne* that warn in enadow (elt tbe gentle *uu bine, BiuiliuK as If aniious tbeir secret to pro- claim ; Uratoful uiin^s were (welling. Of iiiirlb aud gladuew telling, And Love ruled all the dwelling wben tho baby eame. Hearts that bad been sundered bya tie of passion Were *gain united in purpose and In aim , lu the bauut secluded feaoe diviuely brooded, Whwe discard had Intruded till the baby Littla cloud-diapeller I little oomfort brlnger Baby-girl or baby-boy, welcome all tbe same ! Eveu o'r tbu eiubere Of bleak and dark December* Borne food heart reuieuiburi wbeu tbe baby cauie. Jouphtne Pollard. What le (e br K*s>rcli. Now tbe milkman wakei ui early, With iiii IOUK ami mournful cry. And tbe green* iouk fresh and curly \i tbe peddler carM them by , And tbe youtb witb mouitache twlrly Hl>orua vost obuoe bue i pearly, A* be goee to uu<et bin girlie On tbe ly. Now tbe father thlnka wltb groaning Tbat ike boy* 11 want new boots, An. I the mo her knowe with moaBtng Tbat tbe girls mutt hatu apriug auiu , And tbe plumber Man U-okigluuiiuer, For be has no abuw in auoiuier , but not no tbe merry dmmmer, Betting out, witu heart of glee. To talk people deaf and dumb, or To death, aa it may be. Now tbe man who own* a garden Iiuues forth to view tbe ame, And beglna bit btndi to harden And hi* back to make quite lame , And tbe small boy tbinKi of "hookey " In a calm, determined way, And, biJlogalateand buok, be l'*i at marbles all the day. Now the poet erarcbae madly In la*t priua'tt rejected vereee BuArcbe* wildly, searches eadly And with lauguage that much worm ii Than a aailor's dei> remark*; And the gentle maiden yearneth For tbe IODR, long golden daye, Ae ake, planning witely, turuetb Her latt luiiiuier'n polonaUe; And the young man'* boeom burnetli For one or two damp days He i* wiahlng Togo tlnbing So be aayi. Now tbe painter u u>o*t precloua. And engagmi for all be'a worth; While tbe builder'* hope* are pecious, And the rafiuaii'* full of mirth ; And ten million acbeuiee fallacious In ten million braiu* have birth. Al H HI t thin time, good gracioni ! All *oru of thing* come forth. Whatever lack* 1'urpoeela enrll. a pool without pebble* breeda dime ; Hot any one itep hath Chance fuhloned on the infinite atirway of Time : Nor ever came Good without Labor, in Toil, or in Science or Art; It mu*t be wrought out thro' tbe muscles born out of tbe aoul and tbe heart. Why plow In the stubble with plow*hare* ? Why winnow tbe chaff from tbe grain '! Ah, mice all of HI* glfu moil be tolled for, ilnce Truth U not born wltbont pain I Oo KIVI-UI not to tbe unworthy, the weak, or the fooliih In deed*: Who ifivotu but chuff at tbe aeed-tlme aball reap but a harvest of weed*. Al tbe pyramid bnllded of vapor Is blown by Hi* whirlwinds to naught, tbe anng wltbont Truth 1s forgotten; Bit poem 10 Man is Man'* Thought. Whatever 1* itrong wltb a purpose, In humble- nee* woven, soul pure. Ll suowu to the Master of Singers , Be loucboth t, saying, " Endurt I" UB TUB roucsutAN. A policeman'* on the crossing, See him no** I Tbe stream of teams he's bossing. While a roes Rtlck* In bis blue coat'* lapel, And hn eye on It doth dwell, And it* fragrance h* doth luiell With his nose. His helmet's tall and tony, It I* hta pride ; Ills glauo* is calui and stony, Far and wide; Ills mien i* wocdrous grand, He wave* bis pudgy band, In gesture of command, ttattafled. Holing Thramk Ike Hie ark. Many of tbe difficulties wbioh briet the present Government o( France an naid to be attributable io uo small meaaare to the absence of inperior cooks from tbe kitohsDs of tba bigb (uoolioDariea of tbe Third Republic. Gambetta, while he lived, wa too ahtute s> politician and too fMtidiooi BD epicure to be guilty of snob a mistake. Uis chef was oae of tin- most proficient io all Paris, and tbe dinner* of tbe Palais Bour- bon were BO excellent that the thoughtless enemieH of tbe rut tribune called him an Aiuori . Fremdcct Orevy, who is oonsid red : model f npublioan simplicity, ii however, ID this i.i;ii-r of tbe table, faith ful to French trudni ju, and the bead cook of tbe Ely sees, Venter, ii famoun for bit model memu ll.it lu almost all tbe Mmin- tries women preid ovtr the range, which means that tbe Mi: liters and their guests eat poor dinner*, for it is a firm belief in Ibis country especially among the male oooke-tbat tbe culinary art is a oloted book to women. Ju-'. an at Lougobiunpaj tbe jockey* must be EaKliehmen if the races are to command Merions attention, no a gentleman of poHitiou who reepeou bis own and bis friendn' Btouiaobe must bave a maiouline ehffot be will be made the butt of every Hybante. From a Latt Pam Letter Five per cent, of all oanoera are Hitaated upon the tongue. Tbe average duration ol Ufa in cancer of tbe tou<uo in, without operation, 10J mouths ; with operation, U months. In some oaaes, after operation), tbe patieatJ bave lived for from two to live i, or even ten yean, Uritcol Hecord. !.! HI 1 I.IKI.o Of IIIK HOI III > \ oudrr the i UUK Rlrsi Ularry BO *)cllle lewB le 4|lel I. Hr. From 15 to 30 tbe Southern girl u a joy to tbe beholder, eays a lady oonecDoudeal. A ereamy complexion, witb sometimes, but not often, a faint flash of pink under- neath, soft eye* witb a world of dream* in them, a rounded ugnre, tiny band* and [eet, and kittenish way*, make It no marvel that tbe youth masculine ot New Orleans is mostly married at 33 or 33. A girl of 30 who has not received a half-a- dozen offers at least ii socially a fiailure. Matrimony is tbe grand, authorised aim and publicly reooguized at tba Laaitiaua lottery, as girls are educated to marry, and to detest the ciroumstauoea which oompul them to earn their living in any less womanly way. " I married," said a little lady to me tbe other day, diioaaaicg the somewhat unfortunate potti- ti'iu of family affairs. Tbe inlerenoe was (lain. But there are girls, brave girls whose pretty facet) may be seen behind the counters of almost every large store in Mew Orleans, who, whils hating conformity with shoppy conditions, bave put tbeir delicate shoulders to the wheel of family adversity and sweetly contributed their mites to tbe income. Of tbe professional ambition tbat fires their Northern sisters they know nothing. They are innately and entirely domentio, lovable and loving, ask- ing only to be shielded from the fact ot life, and permisnion to onlimitedly pirou- ette. A young lady may receive alone, and generally does ; may drive with a gentleman, but may not accept bis escort to tbe theatre, concert or ball without a chaperons ; Sunday evening U devoted to reception all ovsr the city ; church in the morning is tbe usual limit to devotion, firecrackers and brass bands enliven the day, and anything can be pur obaeed, from carpal* to caramels. The girls vil in their prtlty summer dresses upon the wide steps of tbe pillared veran dab, their various admiral* posing witb admirable effect in their immediate vioiu ity. It is very picturesque, very idyllio. There is much rhythmic laughter and di* traded coquetry, many graceful oompli menta and imperial edicts. To make bay while tbe sun shines is a rule ot conduct no lesa practical than valuable to these charm ing dsmoisellev, for tbeir beauty is the beauty of tbe queenly magnolia a touch of frost, a bruise of fortune, and it is gone, withered, faded, a suggestion of the past. Tkr Irlak li.i ou. So much has been beard of " God Save Ireland," and tbe singing of it by tbs roughs of Dublin and (lork, that some may perhaps like to see the words of tins new " national " song. They are by Mr. T. L) Bnllivao, and it appears tbe " heroes " whc are commemorated are Allen, Larkin and O'Brien, wbo were n-ouved in Manchester for the murder of Police- Sergeant Brett who was shot in tbe attack mads upon the police van to reeone Oeaaey. Though little better than doggerel, the aong bae been received witb great favor by tbe " National UtK, who sing and play it at all their meetings. The tune u tbe American air " Tramp, the Boys Are Marching," which is taken in moderate time. The words o the song, as dictated to me by a " Nation alist " in Kularney, are tbeee : IKHi BA VK IHIt.Ak l>. A Hit 4 % i <. I lil i ii. roiu, U ilumb* 111. Havea Three Peneew Ire** Hrlmt Uuro.,1 u Druik. At a recent fire In London three lives rsre saved through thi heroism of a ser- ant-girl named Alice Ayree. The details are terrible, says tbe London Timet, but be predommsting f swung which they will eave behind must be oae of a imiration for he heroic girl, whose first thought waa for ithers and not for herself, and wbo might tavs made her escape in safety if she had obonen so to do, and to leave her master's ihildren to perish without help. The fire, t appears, broke out in the middle of Thursday night at the house of Mr. H. '^handler, an oil and color man. Alice Ayreswae tb.s first to be awoke by it, and she rushed at once to the front indow and screamed loudly for help. The people in the street bel >* called to ler to jump and save herself, and they Htretobed out some clothing wbioh would lave served to break her fall. Tbe flames meanwhile had got bold of the inflammable stock io the ehop, and were spreading with 'earful rapidity. But, amid heat and imoke, and witb tbe proipeot before her of death io it* most awful shape, Alioe Ayres 'as not to be daunted (rota uer purpose. )be had formed her plan, and she wa* esolved to carry it through at all hazards, ibe first dragged a feather bed to the win- dow and threw it out It was atones caught up by tbe people iu tbe street and stretched out below the wiudow. Vary soon she appeared at the window again with a little girl in her arms, and with all care threw her down on the bed. Sue was successful in Ibis way in saving three chil- dren from tbe flames, tbe first without any inrt from the fall, tne seoand and third with some trifling burl, lor tbs great beat and the raff Mating fume* of the fire were affecting ler, and bad made her hold l.-it firm and ler aim lens steady. She bad now done all that u was possible for ber to do, more than she could do witb care for ber own Hafely. Tbe flte had so gained upon ber that she must eoape at once it she was to escape at all. She sprang accordingly from tbe window, but in her nervous and exhausted slate she missed her mark, lumped short of tbe bed, and fell heavily ju the pavement. She wa* picked np and taken to Ouy's hospital, and there she now liee between life and death, with her spine dislocated, and with no hope for ber reoov ery. Such has been her choice, noble but latal for herself. A tribute of honor is all that we can now pay to a deed cf heroism and self-devotion wbiob ha* at no time been surpassed. Tune -" Tramp, tramp, tramp tho boys rnarohlng" Hlih upon tbe (allow* tree, Hwiug our noble hearted tbree, By tbe vengeful tyrant* stricken in their bloom ; Bat they met them face to face, With the courage of tbeir race. And with aoul* they went undaunted to Uiolr doom. Cborus God sav* Ireland, said the haroes ; Uod save Ireland, tald they all . Whfitneron tbe loaffold high, Or the battlefield w* die, Oh, ao matter, wben for Krin dear wi fall. Climbed they up the rugged italr. Hung their volcex out In prayer, With Knglaud'* fate,! cord arouud them east ; Close beneath tbe gallows tree, Kiued like brother* lovingly, True to faith, and home, and freedom to th IBM. Never till th* latest day, Hhail tbe memory i>aa* away, Of tbe gallant lives thus given for oar land ; but. on tbe cause mu*t go, Amidst joy, or weal, or woe. Till w* make our Island nation free and grand. Here Vewe ih,,u <|nr> n t l< iorl Mr*. Kvarts is vsry domestic and i* prouder ot her fine dairy farm in Vermont than of all the social honors heaped on her It amounts to a hobby, and Mrs. Heche Sherman tellu a very fnnny story of Queen Victoria's bead dairymaid, at Balmoral wbo showed them over the model estab lishment on tbs estate and seemed some what disgusted at their lack of amazamen and surprise. It culminated when sbe stated the number of cows, and said : " Di ye ever hear of aae mony in one byre before ?" " Yet ," laid Mrs. E vart* quietly " Where, then ?" asked the maid somewha brusquely. " In my own dairy. I bave naming a number some twenty oow ahead ot tbe " byre' ful. Tb* ruait collapsed and seemed to think sh ought to be sent to tbe Tower on charge o high treason. Tbat anybody ahonld, conic or would bave moie cows than tbs Queen struck ber mind as revolutionary, and ah toll* the **U* witb bated breath to this day always loyally winding np witb ; " I dinna believe it." Baokville street, Dublin, wbioh waa sc long occupied by dwelling* of the uobiht; and gentry and members of Parliament, i now wholly devoted to buitineas. Genera' McDowell, who died on Tuesday in San Francisco, wan tbe commander o tbe Northern forces at tbe famon* battle o Bull linn. He was undoubtedly one of th best trained officers of his time, but it wa- bis misfortune to b placed in a promineu and responsible position at tbe very begin ning, and to be sent onl to do battle will raw troop*, under circumstances tbat madi failure almost inevitable. Tbs old notion ot "combating" witb medicines snob diReauea as lung ioflam matiou has given place to more enliebtenec views. The system of tbe late Dr. Hughes Bennett is described as " treatment by res torativcH directed to further the uatura progress of tbe din*ane and supporting tbe vital strength." The I./mrrt slates that the doctor had 105 canon of uncomplicated in M animation of the longsj which be treated on this principle, without s single) death. rea*** I all-rn In llu..|,i A Russian writer named Stcpniak has sent to the London Timii a luoet remark able account of the Russian presw. It is nearly dead. Binoe tbe eotnmonoemeol ol thi* reign, eight newspapers hive been pro hibited, including the Oolui, and only two Liberal newtpapers sure permitted to exist, in hourly anticipation of their fate. Poli- tical discussions being, however, forbidden, the newspapers have not tbe power in Uusaia ot the magazine*, acd the grand crusade bae been directed against them The Stoi-o, the Ueuenger of Ktraft, atd tbe Aunau of tht Country have all been sup pruned, tbe latter being tbe greatest maga- zine in Russia, with a oiroulati.iu of 10 OCX copies, and worth 120,000 BKrling. Tbe charges in these exuee va* tbat of entertaining subversive opinions ; but tbe real offence was thai ot die- cussing too closely the condition of tbe country. Latterly, tbe Administration has attacked books, and has just published an index of books which may not be sold. Il comprises 13fi work* in ->(X) volumes, and includes snob books ae Lyell's " An- tiquilv of Man." Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations," and "Lubbook's "Primitive Civilization." All the worlu of John Btnarl Mill, W. Bagehot, and Mr. Herbert Hpsnoer are prohibited, tbs iudex having apparently been drawn np by come priest who was) also an absolutist. The main effect of such a decree Is, of course, to exasperate the whole educated class against the Oovernment ; but tbe secondary effect is to revive tbe old system cf secret ool- portage. Books are wholly oppressed, but prohibited newspapers are ssuuggled in from beyond tbe frontier in thousands, just as Hersen's " Kolokol" wae. As a precaution againsl the diffusion of new idess, tbe measure is, of course, illusory, all the creeds except Protestantism having struggled up to victory without tbe assist anoe from the press. Chicago Tribune. "All your own fanlt If you remain ilok when you can Ust hop bitters that never-Kail. The weakest woman, smallest child and sickest invalid can use bop bitters with safety and great good. Old men tottering around from Rheu- matism, kidney trouble or any weakness will be made almjsl new by using bop bitters. My wife and daughter were made healthy by tbe use of bop bitters, and I recommend them to my people. Mslho- dut Olvrgyman. Ask any good doctor U bop 1'itter* are nut the best family medicine On earth II Malarial fever, Ague and Biliousness, will leave every neighborhood as soon M bop bitters arrivs. " My m jther drove tbe paralysis and neuralgia all oat of her system with hop bitter*." Ed. OnitgoSun. larKep tbe kidney* healthy with bop bitters aud yon need not fear sickness. Ice water i* rendered harmless and core refreshing and reviving witb bop utters in eacb draught. Th* vigor of youtb for tb* aged and in firm in bop bitten U I ( " At the chant* ol life nothing equal* \ \ Hop Bitter, to allay all troublM Incident ( Theretj." ) " Tb* bant periodical for ladies to take monthly, and from wbiob they will native the greatsst benefit, i* bop bitten." Mothers witb sickly, fretful, nursing children, will care tbe children and beaetii themselves by taking bop bitters daily. Thousands die annually from some torm of kidney disease that migbl bave seen prevented by a timely use ot bop bitten. Indigestion, weak stomach, irregnleri lies of tbe bowels, cannot sxiit wben bop bitten are used. A timely use of hop Bitten will keep a whole family In robust healtu a year at little cost. To proiuue real genuine sleep and obild-like repose all night, take a little hop bitters on retiring. tar Nous genuine without a buooh of green Hups on the white label. Shan all tbe Tile, BSSJBSBBBI ituH with ' Hop " or ' Hop* " in thitr .me. Bir Arthur Sullivan, tbe composer, wil go to New York at tbe end ot this month to superintend tbe production there ol Ih operetta " Mikado." A Bare MrsBtvv ler Nraralfta. Neuralgia is one of tbe most common and distressing oomplaints incidental tc this climate. Il is not confined to any par tioular season, for whilst most general ia (be winter season, yst many suffer its excruciating agony in tb* beat of summer In late years this form of disease has became better known, and consequently tb means ot relist bave become greatly in * In nnmben, as well as in efficacy _ tbe most powerful and penetratini combinations, placed within tbe reach o tbe public for tbe relief ol neuralgia, wi can mention no remedy equal to or men certain than Poison'* Nitviuni. lie power over pain i* something wounderf ul and we advise a trial for ntnralgia, or an; otber painful oomplaints. Nsrvilin* old by all druggist* at 25 cent* a bottle also trial bottle* at 10 cents. American sprnoe make* tbe baskets to be market gardeners in London. Oov. Rusk of Wisconsin vetoed tb* bib roviding for tbe tentenoe of vagrant* foe inety days and ooonoing tb*m to a bread - aud water diet. Tb* Governor holds lha mprisonment for tbat period on tb* die* reaoribed would b* " erasl and unusual nd thereby violate* tb* oonititutional pro- vision wbioh forbid* tbe infliction ot cruel and unusual punishments.' .. I III' , r.l !,, t I,, I One ot the most important irobeajlugio finds of the present generation was thai ubsartbed in Rome early duringtbe present month. The discovery was msds not far from tbe spot where tbe broozt athlete was recently found. Il represent* i panerati asl, a Oreek prize- lighter repoeng seated after the combat, bis elbow* resting on bis knees, and his forearms and lands, witb tbs oestns still on them, extendel in fatigue one over the other. Tbe stain is unin- jured with the exception of a fracture partly across tbe right thigh, fron which a bit from the inside nnrfaoe bsj been lost. The bead, hands and feet are pteot. and, judging from the eeitna on tbt arms and bauds, the work i* on* of great sntiqnity as well a* of artistic interest and value. Motber-of-poarl, tbe material of wbioh ornamental button*, bnoklee, tun-stick*, card-oases, and other fancy aitioles are made, is the principal production at Tahiti, and makes a commerce variously .estimated between I* 000 and 9100,000 per year. But Q. B. Brandley, in La Nattt-e, slatas tbat tbe lagoons in wbioh tbe oysters pro duoiug this material are found art growing poorer every day, and tbat unles> protec- tive measures are adopted thiy will be impoverished, if not ruined, la a tew years Seven hundred and eighteen miles of underground wire have been laid by tbe Chicago authorities. To these, it is said, the Western Union Company will add 500 miles and tbe Baltimore A Ouio Company r.o milee. In Jamaica coffins are often brought to the bouse before the sick per*on is dead. Recently an American actor, wbo WM travelling there, was taken sick at 10 a. m., and was buried at 4 the same day. His companion on tbe next day bat one was taken ill at 3 a.m., and by 7 tbe same morn Ibg bad begun, hi* last long sleep in the cemetery Just out ol tb* town. Tkr Were* I rrlhr.l irl. lurr. peedily cured by our new radical methods Pamphlet, references and term*, two Ut ter (lamps. World's Dispensarv Medioa Association, M.:t Main Street, Buffalo, N. T On May 3rd, in New York city, la* year strawberries were plenty at 15 cents per quart. Now they are SO cents, ant few to be bad. Tender corn*, painful corn*, soft corps hard oorni, eorne of all kind* and of al sites, are alike removed in a few days b; tbs use of POTMAN'S I'AIXLI** Com EXTBIC TO*. Never fail* to oun, never oausea paii never leave* deep spot* that an mor annoying than tbe original discomfort Give Putnam's Painless (' jru Extractor tiial. beware of sabstitntes. Bold b druxgists every wben. Poison A Co., Kings ton, propr's. Preaebtr Bpnrgeon grows more eloqoea with age. " Bay, why is everything Either at sixes or al sevens? Probably, my dear nervous sister, be cause you are suffering from some of tb i peculiar to your sex. Yon have "dragging-down" feeling, th* baak-aoh* yon are debilitated, yon bave pain* (' various kinds. Take Dr. R. V. Pierce " Favorite Ptesoription" and b* oursc Price reduced tj one dollar. By drngxiit* Mr. O orn Riddle, of Carroll count) Maryland, has under the same roof wit bim no fiwer than twenty-two uomarri*. daughters. _ II .i..ni.b. .1 ike 1'nbii. to hear of tbe resignation of Dr. Pierce as Congressman to devote himself iolely t bis labor* as a physician. II was beoan* bis true constituents wire tbe sick an afflicted everywhere. They will find I) Pierce'* "Gjlden Medical Discovery" beneficent use of hie scientific knowledge i their behalf. Consumption, bronchi U oough, heart disease, fever and ague, inter mittsnt (ever, dropay, neuralgia, goitre o thick neck, and all diteases of tb* bloo< are cored by this world-renowned medioim Its properties are wonderful, its aotu magical. By druggists. The El Paso fimtt *ay* : " New Mexio epenl lasl year tor liquor 1C 485,000, Ml f jr oburoliB< and schools 945,000." Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Oom pound was fint prepared in liquid form only; but now it can be sent in dry form by mail to points where uo druggiit aa readily be reached, aud to-day the Com pound in loseuges and pills finds Its wa even to tbe foreign olimes ot Europe an Asia. By tbe assessor's returns just com pleted Uall'i population i* shown to bav riaen from 5,803 a year ago to 6.006 now Mi increase of t03. Bt. Mary's bat 1,608 inhabitant*. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'fj * VEGETABLE COMPOTJJTOi * e * IS A POSITIVE CURF * . i-,.^ Fer all ef Ibostr r&lnful t'osoplaJnl* *_ \VrakBreare ao romntom le ear kvrec . . FK.MAM: POPI'L>ATION. . IT WILL eras r xrn.ri T TUB woerr r* >BVB OF rSl MALS CllMI'LAIXT*. AIL Ol >tUA1 T" PLABBATlnN AMI I'l ' CHtTI 1 rV : M AJID DlS ri-ACSBBHT*. A*I> THE I >*' t^''B>T M-1NAL tK*. AMI 1 rABTl' "IAKI T AOArTKD TO i HAS*.* or Lirs. *** IT WILL DIMOLTB AXn UPTI TrBnsW rRB TB1 I'TIBr* l!f AX EABLT *TAOIt<>P t>B III II lwTIIIKBl*>. B*CU1 \ tr *riti>u. BI IT* ri . * e * e * IT niM'ivr* FniTxr**. KuiTriixrv. rTrm Al M RAMM. r :. -ni LiMT, AMIIUUJBT B*Sor Tilt >!-... II. iT.IRt. Ill >T1V >.]!,. TV A< lie. Nr.11%01 l'ii"-TRATi"X. I.IMUL DaaiiiT* THAT rsiuxaor HCAUXH I>owx, rirsiao PiotJ Wrii.MT AH I. llA. 1A lit, II AL ATI < i Kill ST IT* tit. . IT WILL AT ALL TIVM AXIi I M'lR ALL CIBlTB^ TAM I A< T II III ."M *ITII Till LAW* *YU Till rSBAll -1-TIK . , . a*- IT* r\ KJ-.E 11 xiLE'.T nBAUNO ur tuir A-K A MI THE HKI i<r r I-AJK, ABW THAT IT Ixitf ALL IT < LAI T'i !>, TIIIHIAIIC* **> LAlilK* I AX L1.A1U.T TBiTiri * * * J FOB THS n-Bji or Ku'>> O'rLAi.x- al IITIIKIl FBI Till* KZVE1IT IA I \-l kl ABD. [.r>in4 M I in. MAM. rmsi.su b-^tl^. for SV of PUkiar L,*e*> on recrtyt ..r pn > ^ lrr tie. llakhAin'* -U<M, to ll.-Ji:, - Lad/ >rDdln . LrU. r*me*ltkUl7 > 'unllT koild b* with il I VI" \ r. 1 INkHAjn - Tbr I l"nl|n - I II imnumS ^ U^r ts .ut. i-r r i . , o i: m. i.. ui (* TO DEALER AND CONSUMER. \\V iniix)rt only tho finest qunliti- c f (.'. iir.'c;in(l Spice. Oui A>A.*:XLIKU C IJTKK, >ld prouiifl and onfiToand iu lib. tins, in aiHTt'f-t luxury. OurKV. tinsofTniK SHCK are perfection; :r! our potods hrandttl" .!" .cLruaninteed free from adul 'tioii. Dr BAKING POWDEB, is"77/. . :' Jiatt Friend? TI Trade relied with vrhole lioast . Ground C'ofT.'cs iu An: '. JACKS, or L'.") Ib. tins. |'i -I:K (viiui-xD SPICKS In all Bizet I packages. W. C. DUNN & CO., CANADA MILLS. HAMILTON. J. WINCKLER FATKNT SELF-VESriNG PDMP FiOCBT Tb* ilmplesl anJ best In Ih* market I'rloe Adilree* 8B Bocbson street soatb Hamilton. RENNIE'S SEEDS ar THE BEST lll,,-ir .1. .1 < .i,,l,.uu. r.-r IVO R. U. AWARE Til VT Lorillard's Climai Plug A rvd NH f'*v; N.t I I, mff i -cui . iti.tt l I Itppltlfj* it 1 llit I'Ti.Ltrtl PI X it AII.I chai>iiit. nitt.ll > <'<iiini,!f rml t M IL.'i la lu <!'- T. : ^ rHRB. ehr.ir. .\ II : I . Jl, r*eBkr*f. uiKif.-rt-iir o * UK, T. A .-..iH'l M. Ill I'*|I ML., N< EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DB. 0. B. BYER8ON, L. B. O.P. H H Leetarer on tbe Rv*, Bar aod TtucM Trinity Me.lloal College, Toronto. Oeolls* and Anrln to tb* ToroDIo Oeoeral Bospllal, late OIlDloal AMiit*vni Koval Lonjon Ophthalmic Hospital, kfnareflaM'i aod OeotreJ London Tkroal and Bar Bn*plssJ. IT tSioreb Street Toronto. Arrtn^i^j Homau BJ TM ri.A'K to ssenre a Uonaeat HJuosilH.L. ot ItMnoertui !'* uaustili' al the HrBMtBB IAN HUPint'ix "Ol fcufj dim. IU . i..- <- ~