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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1885, p. 3

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FOR THE LADIES. -I I, IK I .1-1,1.1, Tb* sod, Persian tinted laoe iut.-ortucid last autumn promise* equal popularity fur dressy summer wear. Hati are very high in tbe orowa and more or K- -11 conical ; tin ir brim is of VMOUH sliaji--, turned ap sometimes on one side, sometimes on tbe other. Gloves bavs few new suggestions a* far as kid gloves are concerned, but iu Bilk glove* there are some very elegant novel- ties promised. High-sboaldered c ff ;ot* co itiuue popular aad are so especially becoming to many ladies tbat tbey are not likely to be aoati- duui very soon. A pretty novelty ia jtokets, lik'ly to prove a favorite with young ladiea, is made of stockinette, wbioh ii embroidered by a oew patjut process after tbe jacket is mads ap. Hat triinmiagt are in great variety, bat those in'Mt popular will be tbe moyen age soarfs of ecru oauva* witb quaint printed designs io dull colors and gold. The ground material is not unlike rather heavy, rouii i Silk milts are ?jry mcoh in demand. Tbe fi icr grades of black mod colored mitts re almost perfect work* ol art, aud witb tbe Imprjved soap* tbey fit the wrist as closely as tbey oould do if they wore but- Lpis lazuli ball handle*, witb gill claws, are inuob ased j i-t now on parasols, and antiqas and highly-carved ones Also while moelio parasols, matching tbe mat- liu bjnnetn, are to be tbe newest tbmn this year. Preach faille in black and every oolor, which ii DOW made with a strong and rather rough soface, will play a great part in the ejetnma* for summer, as it drapes well aad makes charming ornamentations. Galloons studied witb steel dot* or start are ased (or trimming spring jaokst* and maalle* wbioh ars made of fancy tpeokled olotk, lined with thin silk ; tbsy are fas- tened al the neck with a iteel clasp ; ths sleeve it semi- wide, wi.h velvet facing. Joel now fashion'* whim ik a tea-jacket, masls in soft silk, wilb laoe or gold and silver trimmings, a* dressy a* possible. Il is a thoroughly comfortable article, in- tended to be worn for home dinner, ei:her with any convenient skirl or before a low bodies is pot oo, witb a foil-drees evening skirt. A ooTdl trait in *pring costums* is that IB* sleevea ars very much trimmed ; ths naming is pat oa on tbs iusids from tbs shoulder to tbe bend of tbe arm and con- ISM* of passementerie and fringe, woollen M* or braid ; if tbe latter, il is pot on in several rows olose together and nuithed in loop*. The most fashionable initenals fjr pnug dreeees ais etamius, woollen net aud anew style of vsiling called votlt-dt-muaim, 'rosB some fanoisd rsssmblaaoe to the tex- MSM Of sail cloth. All these fabrics are of a eoerse, loosb texture, somewhat akin to oaavas. Woollen net or tulls-de-laiue u ke BMt novel and n mad* io all oolort, beit being a loose, transparent fabric il requires to belaid on over a silk material which shows through. Chaossaree. House shoes of flne kid, witb a pattern ol flawere embroidered ovei tb* iaetep, a narrow raobe round Ibe edge and small bow at tbe sids to msteb. Route slippers of black satin, with border and -ijall bow of black satin and red silk lining. Walking boot* of black kid faced with sha*Tnn. low be*K pointed toes, fifteen snail buttons, and fancy boots of fins French kerseymere in a tiny blsok and bite ebeek, mad* gaiter fashion, and faced with patent leatbsr : fifteen very small bias* buttons. Oottoo goods are running a very sue- aeisfal rivalry witb wool fabrics In point o( beauty, and eertainly have tb* advantage of tbem in cheapness. Ths nsw sstinee art wonderfully attractive. Tbere are tbe prettieet crape tiui. bed cotton go jds, dainty armart- woven materials witb bunches and sprays of flowers and leaves, a new oottou fabric known a* toile de Jersey, and a material with a crinkltd tcrfaoe called Kensington crap*. Then there ars batistes and lmns for warm days. Tbs Hootch ginghams are almost a* pretty as summer pilkn. They com* io very fin* checks, pin stripes and a sort of chins sffeol, and, stylishly mads, oould not, at a little dis- tance, be distinguished f rjm silk goods. Tbe general aspect of spring fashion* denote* tbe most extravagant fancies in tbs way of hate and bonnets. Tbe latter are, perhaps, ths most buarrr of tb* two. Bom* Lavs a small conical crown placed very high on tbe top of tbe bead aul a border lying flat opan tbs hair ; othsr* have a high crown, tiling straight up from tbe back of tbe bead, and a border raised from tb* forehead and laid close ovsr tbe tem- ple* , others, still more fsuoiiul, are in tbs shape of a iqoar* cap tlil open in tbe middle of tbe front ; there is DO border to sfisak of ; tbs *dge i* generally trimmtd with beads. There ars, however, very pretty lulls capotes of colored guipure, and others of colored crape, embroidered with silk of a darker shade. <>nbl. H> l| Rhubarb Pie. Peel off tbe skin from stalks of yoacg rfaobarb, aud cut them obliqusly into pieces of about an inob and a half (oms kinds need no peeling), stow slowly in sogar, or in batter, and a little water till soft ; sw seven aud mak* into a covered pie. Khubarb Pudding. Pat several stalks of rhubarb, peeled, into a stewpan, with tbe rind of a lemon, a stick of oiunamoD, two oiovss, and as much moist sagar as will sweeten it. Place over the lire ud reduce il to a pulp, pa** through a hair sieve, then add half a nutmeg grated, a quarter of a pound of fiesb bolter, the yokes of f mr egg* and tbe white of one. Mix all well together, line a pie ditb witb good puff paste, pot in tbe mixture and bake for half an boar. Cleaning Flannel. Flannel tbat hat be oome yellow from being badly washed can he whitened by Making It far two or three boars in a lather mads of on* quarter of a pound of cord *oap, two tablespoonfult of powdered borax and two tablespoonfols of oarbooate of ammonia, dissolved in flv* oc six gallon* of water. Boil ths soap io small ibavings in water till ilJSSslTSfl then add to II the other uigteilaiit*. Let tb* flannel lie in it until t looks whiter, then iqaexz) and press it, and riuee in blueing water, and hang It in tbe hot sun to dry. Iron while it ia null damp. II" l:ipl ill. .I l.< . HwiuaroM. i Prom tbe rail Mall Qsiette.) Gen. K joiaroff distinguished himself by military tact, audacity, aud renouroolul D6XH as well as pjiional bravery iu the Ud-so-Turkibh campaign iu A^ia Mm >r in 1*77, when be won his present rauk of ijeueral After tbe capture of Ardaban, uer the Rmso-Turkiah froutiar, Col. K imaroff was left iu command of a detachment which bad tbe difficult duty of dtfeodiug a considerable (root of tbe ueigbboriog monutainoas oouutry, aud of protecting the Russian frontier as well an covering the flank and rear of tbe army then operating against Kan. When the movement urged by lioris Melik ff was made against E-zarouu, C'jl. Kimanff executed a very bold aud successful maLcsavrs. With a flying sqjadron be advanced from Ardaham, passed rapidly round .he enemy's flsok, aud cams dowu upon a part of the Turkisn force wbioh was holding the Panak Pass on tbe S*uau- longb range, which commanded aocass to the town of U.ti on the nortberu side, whence the Turks intended to attack Ardahan. Col. Komarcff's unexpected appearauoe bad such an effect that the enemy retreated al onoe without Hunting, and the Russians wers enabled to oooupy Panak and O.U, and to capture 3.000 riflis and 51)0000 cartridge*. Wnen at a subsequent period of the campaign the Russian troop* were ordered to retire from Uadj-Vali, Ool. Komaroff. with his datach- meat, foand Himself placed ia a very periloos position by reason of tbs with- drawal o( the main column of tbe Kassiau force, from which be became separated by a distance of from four to five miles, while In was exposed to Turkiih tire from tbe twin height* of Great and Little Yalta. By a dash he drove off tbe 800 Turkish cavalry who held tbe Oreat Yalta, stationed a body of bis own man in their place, and under cover of their fire brought the main part ef hi* own force round to the eastern slope of tbe bill, where after a time thev were j ued by reinforcements from tbe Russian army onJsr tbe very nose of tbe enemy, and the whol.-foro* was enabled to retire in order. Daring tbe attack of tbe Turks on ths night of July Sltt (Aug. 1st) upon tbe R as siao cnip at Kionriouk-Dara, Col. 01 ratbsr at this date Gen. Komaroff, for hs bad already been promoted to tbat rank, wa* charged with a detachment to take up a position at Mount Karaal, four versts from the Rjssian oaeup, and there act at bis own discretion. It was on this occasion tbat he received a wound in tbe breast, which, however, did not prove serious, ths bullet having struck areliglous medal which be wore. O*n. Komaroff subsequently took part in the storming of Kars, and oontri crated no unimportant share in that eels brated action. At the conolnaion of tb* war hs wa* mads commandant of Batoum on tbs Kuxiue and af Mr the Akhal Tskke expedition be was placed io command ol tbe trane-Caspiao army. Tb* Russians attribute tbe paaoeabl* annexation of Morv in a Urge meaaors to Osn. K jmarofl'i tact and skill in othsr than military mat ten. I- .iMilnir r \ oo.l. A gensration or more ago the most admirsd wood for furniture purposes was mahogany. Until quite recently tbs ta*te for mahogany has been held in abeyance and black walnut has long ru <ued the kio( of fnrnitnre woods. Before mahogany oou trolled the popular desire cherry wa* a favorite, and white walnut or hickory was used to a considerable extent, particularly in America. Thtee old-fashioned wools are turning into favor again, and vsry fine effect* are produced by the contrasts il cherry and hickory. Mahogany and cherry blend admirably as shads* of oolor instead of eon'.rasts. Tne so-called " branch " mahogany, tbat in veueert on the fronts of bureaus and in tbe frsme* of mirrors formerly produced such impossible effects of uraiu, has givso place to that of plain straight grain, tbe ifloou of color rather than of gram being desired. Except yellow and bl*ck birch and tb* aatio and birdseye maple there are few American woods that show a very distinc- tive grain. This makes them valuable a* foils to tbe more erratic grained wood* of the tropios. Oue of these, roe* 60/0, of a deep red color, with broad striated grain, works up beautifully witb tbe eberry, making a complement of tints, or with the hickory showing a contrast of oolor and of grain. According to the statement of a promiaent dealer in furniture woods, Anpsrioan obsrry and hickory are coining rapidly into demand, and for foreign woods the mahogany and tbe comparatively little known coco Ma are much called for by makers of fins furniture, carvers and internal finishers. Jimbtr. HIM l-l I I 1C I.I T1MUKKI. Uww II. I. Kill.. I t Mill Illlui luailoll Bui? sksul Taxes*. When the late Chief Justice Cbass chose to onbend himself bs could be witty as well a* wis*. Al a social gathering at hie bouss during tbe war, the snb.'eot oi taxa tun having been mooted, a distinguished naval officer present said be had paid all bit taxes except tb* incom* tax "I have a little properly," said be, " wbioh bring* me in a yearly rental, bat tbe tax gatbirsrs bavs not spotted it. I do not know whether I ought to lei the thing go that way or not. What would yon do if you were in my plaee, Mr. Chase ?" Tnere was a merry twinkle in the eyee of Secretary Chase an he answered archly : " I think It the duty of every man to live unspotted as long as bs oa."rHiladflphia Record, Tbe telegraph wires between Maojo, Us., and Cbaleu recently ceased working, and a search was male for the cause. The oable pastel through tbe cellars of the exalts office at Maoon, and it was discovered tbat It lay over a rat hole and disturbed tbe rodent in its movements. The little animal ad gnawed through Ibe covering of the cable and bitten tbrough tbe copper threads, thus breaking tbe connection. While demolishing an old chimney in Otsego oouniv, Nsw York, recently, work- men found H7 in Continental money dated 1776 and 1777. Tbe printing of the note* wss perfectly legibl*, and in gsoeral tbsy were in good condition. Tbe package con silted of one do bill, two 120 bills, on* I*, on* 17, two 60c., one ( and QUO -. Out cf the members of the English Lega tiou at ju f uruinhes suuiu inurcal lug gossip regarding General Sir Peter Luuibden, of whom the paper* Hpeak daily By r.-a-uii of his relations to tbe A .,1 , itjuniau boundary 4 loaliou lu C-iUlral A <la. " Kro u fai* you.h," Bald thi.i gentleman, I I.juiaden has been a manot war. lie L st >a u in the service 01 the 1. >s. India Company, and distinguished hiuutli as a youngster in tbe UrriL.j maeting of 1007. Having talent for Hiudusiaul dialects us mudieJ them patiently and carefully. In this way Gau. Lamadcii acijaircd a kjow- ledge ol the stmumonta ana aharaoter of tbe rank aud file of the Ijdlau Army, so mat hi* aorviodiu tbeojuuiry bss wen sim- ply invaluable. When bir Frederick KJMII, was on bis way toUaudahar a fw years ago it was of tbe utmost consequence tbat be should have some accurate knowledge ol tbe route, aud tbe forces likely to oppose aim m the mountain passes. THIS infor- mation Sir Pjtur Lauioddu. iu uio own lime aud way, volunteered to oblam. Three daye elapeed aud he bad not returned, aud Uaueral K,oeru began to be seriously concerned for the safety of his daring staff cffijer, aud fiaally thought in had been murdered. The Qjueral was mitiug io his tout late on me afternoon of the fourth day wben a dakir, or holy man, suddeuly appeared, riding furiously down the mountain sids, aud wanted tu pass the entioel, wbo was a grim old Higolander. Tbe saored man was an extraordiuary lojkiug creature, and tbe revaras of saiutly, as be appeared to European eye*, liu was almost naked, the garment be wore being a pair of dirty trou*rs made of goatekm. II m hair nearly rjacbed to bis waist a* II bung dowu bii suoulders aud back, aud the lean, brawny arm* were covered with a paste made of saudalwi/ol ashes mixjd with castor oil, a decoction of peculiar sanctity aud a poweifol smell. A uoaeay of sandalwood, ojuaiatiug of ninety-nine beans, completed the equipment of thin wonderful object. Tbe man dismounted from his beast, whose heaving tl.uKs told of bard riding, and in a dialect of Pushtoo or Afghan asked to sse tbe head sabib. The Highlander did net understand aud motioned him back. Jusl tbeu Oeueral Hoberts came out, and, kvepiug a ary e>e on his visitor, asktd him 'in Hindustani what be wanted. . The visit jr, iu barbarous jargon, made tbs general understand thai ne desired an interview. Wben taey were alone the dakir said : " l>jn'l you know ms?" Il was Liimsden, whose disguise, dirt, wig and all, bad been so complete as to bs even uusutpjoted Io a man whose intimate friend he had been for tan years. ' Knowing b jw superstitious tbe Afghani ars, Luinsdsn bad solsoted a disguise they would not rsadily question, for they art dreadfully afraid of offending those holy men who** superior sanctity is indicated by a degree of dirtiness that is appalling to to* eivilizid mind. He knew the dialect of tbe ills** bs represented perfectly, and its religious stock m trade in q notations from tbs Koran, so whenever be approached an Afghan encampment be dashed fearless!) up to il, yelling. 'Fab allab Mahomued reeoul allab,' tbs uiysti : words of tbe faith ful, and, though queaiionsd pretty sharply ouot or twios, bis idsnuty was nsvsr BUS- peoted. Tne information be obtained enabled Candabar to be Oaptored, and mad* tb campaign the moss sooossstnl on* *v*r msds amid tbos* bleak mountains, so often fatal to England's arm*. For this dis- tinguished ssrvio* Gin. Ljmsdea was, io July, liM, ocm missioned a ms] or general of IDS Bengal staff, and given a large grant of money, amouutiog to about tlOU.OOO. This is the man on who** report and judg- ment, above all others, rest tbs chances ul a war tbat may change tb* entire map ol Central Asia." Tar BrllUa Umm facMrlra. The Kjyalgun factories ojnmsl of forget, smith'* ibop rolling mills, pattern shop, brass and iron foundry, gun-boring mill, tool rooms, turneries, lignting-rooin, field gun section, engine repairing shop, with otbsr branches. In lbee various depart uients ars at work some 000 maebmss, lathes, and boring machines, drilling ma chine*, other machines for rifling, planing, slotting, thsping, milling, screwing, lopping, and wh**l cutting. Twenty wemmu*; machine* record aud regulate the produo lion i two circular saws are at work, 'HO visee are wailing to grip anything they can get hold of. Then 54 turnaoee continually do blow, witb tbe aid of eix blowing fans, while there is sngine power to tbe extent of 700 boreee, and boiler power to a much greater extent. And tbe factories can produce 0.000 ton* of guns, from tb* light mountain bowitser to b* carried ou the back of a mule to tbe latest Woolwich infant of HO tons or more. Al the head of Ibe factories are two or more artillery ( ili aern, while the general staff consuls of 24 clerks, draughtsmen, and limsketpin, 21 foremen, UNO arlinoert, and 671 laborers aud ooys , while as for total annual cost, the gone lake in round numbers a quarter of a million from tbe annual estimate*. AUlht Year Round. Thr ssas>s>r l.asnl ! J -K-II There is a remarkable absence of pau perisoi in Ibis country. Tbs rich msn are few and far between tbat is, oountiog riches as we oonut them in America but a man with an income of 11,000 a year is considered a wealthy mac, and a peasant or farmer who has tlOO laid by for ' rainy day " is ranksd almost among tbe capitalists of his district. Iu all tbe empin it is estimated tbat there are less than ten thousand paupsrs a wonderful record for a population of 37.000,000. Not to make comparisons which Mrs. Partington say* are " odorous " I suppose you have at least ten tbouasnd panpert in Illinois Perhaps your readaii will brgin to think I am falling into the habit a habit as old as Ibe days of Sbakspeare of travellers who praise everything in foreign lauds a depreciate every thing in tbeir own. There is a tendency in that direction when one oomparee Ibe social life, the happiness sue contentment of all classes hers witb tbe relative conditions which prevail in Ame- rica. I am not opposed to mission! or missionaries, but I honestly believe thai snlightensd Japanese missionaries ooulc do much good in America. Tokio Letter in Chicago tieiet. Many white people patronise tbe Chinese theatres ia (Jaliforuiau cities. Umr II. ... an. I . r u.. "All your own fault If yon r*uislu >n k when >uu can (id hop tiiUuii lLat uivw- Kail. The weake.t woman, smallest child and sickest invalid can use bop bittors with afetv aud tirest good. O d men tottering around from rlbeu- uiatisui, kidney trouble or auy weakness will be made new by usiug bop bitters. s~ My wife and daughter were made lealtby by tbe use of hop bitters, and I eoooimend them to u> pauple. Metbo- utt Clergyman. Ak uv good doctor U bop I'nteis ars no. iht bust family lueJlciua On cardl ' ' ' Malarial fever, Ague and Biliousness, will eave every neighborhood as soou as bop utters ariivs. ' My oi'.tuer drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of bar system wilb bop Oltters." Ed. UiweguSua. L3t'K*ptbe kidneys healthy with bop utters sod you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with bop utters in each draught. The vigor of youtb for the aged and in- firm iu hop bitters ! ! ! I " At tb* change of life nothing squall , Hop Uuur i ui allay all trouble* luuldeut { Thereto" Tbe best peri xlioal for ladie* to take monthly, and from which thsy will receive tbe greatest beusfil, is hop bitten." Mothers wilb sickly, frstful, narsing children, will cure lite children and benctii themselves by taking bop bitters daily. Thousands die annually from some Form of kid-iey disease that alight have Men preveuted by a timely use of bop bitter*. Indigestion, w_-ak stomach, irregalari lies of the bowels, oa^ool exist wbsn hop bitters ars used. A tuuslT UM of bop Mitt*r will ke|* a whuie taoiilj I u rubust healtu s year at little 00*1. To produce real genome sleep and child-like repose all night, take a little bwp bitter* on retiring. f None (ennui* without * bunch of grean H.ip* on the whits lal>l. Hhuu all tb ils, puisunoDi Muff with " Hop " or " Hops " la Uiatr uauie. _ r -i ma ! lit.. ! Hxl. " Yss, I live in Buffalo," said an slderly passenger, sadly, and I'm going to Chicago Io see tbs fire department there. We have a fir* department in Buffalo, of oourse, but it isn'i a suoeets. It's too slow. Wben a nrs breaks out tbe man thai dis covert it goee and wake* up a pjlioeman, tbe policeman runt around and find* the sergeant of the beat, the sergeant goee bom* and gets bis ksy to tbe box, returns and ssods in tbe alarm. Al tb* fir* tels graph office tbsy call the nrs obisf out of bed by telephjns, be wakens hi* bind man and the hired man bitches up ths chief's horse and waggon . thsn the chief got* around to the stations and wakes op Ibe m*n. Tb* msn dress, hi lob up the bone*, rut kindling under tb* steamers and start >r tb* tire. Tber* U a oily ordnance agaiuit running horse* iu tb* streets, and so tb* tteamsr bones ars trotted to the fin. They usually gel Ibere about tbe time tbe wall* an falling and Ibe insurance men are flxiug ap tbe losses. Tner* tin'! any reas why we ihouldu I have a good fin depart- ment in Buffalo, at we have lota of fire* for tbe msn to practice oo. We're way up ou politic* in our town, bat whsn il comes to putting out conflagrations we admit that we are a little behind th* times. Tbe Vienna Geographical Society will end its BeoreUry, tne well-known Dr. >soar LCLX, next month on an exploring xpedition into ths country between tb* lie and tbs Con^o. when be will seek races of Dr. Junker, Lupton Bey and there, who are said to be prisoners of El Mahdi. A I,...-,,..,, Ilow can ws raise more corn to the aobsr Wny, of ojurts, by nsiog PUTNAM s C>ax Kvii.uKn Putnam s Painless Corn Ei tractor has given universal satisfaction, (or it is tors, safe and painless. Like svsry articls of real merit il has a bosl of imita tors, and ws would specially warn tbi public to guard against those daugorou substitutes offered for tbe genuine Puinam'i Kxtraoior. N. 0. I'jlson St Co., proprietors Kings ton. Eagluh psopls an drinking mors bee and Isss spirit. The revenue is lee* tbi year by ll.HOO 000 Beer pay* a light tax as compared with liquor. Tbs medical profession are slow (am rightly su) t j sndorse every oew tnediume that is advertised aud sold ; but booss merit convinces tbe fair mindsd after reasonable time. I'uvsioians in good stand ing often prescribe Mr*. Piokbam's \ afcsl able Compound for the cure of femali _ Tbe average maple sugar crop of Ver moot is iu tbe neighborhood of U. 000 000 pounds, but this year il will exceed tha amount. It's no secret that Dr. Pierc Extract of Smart- Weed is composed o best genuine French Brandy, dlstillw Extrset of Smart-Weed aud Jamaioi Ginger Kx)t, witb Camphor Essence, am oooit tutss, tbsrefon, ths beet remedy ye known for oilio or cramps, cholera morbut diarrt.i . dystentery or bloody -flux, or M break up colds, feven and iurlunmator; attacks. .".Ocjnte. By druggist*. Charles U Connor is said to havs enunoi ated the principle tbat " a repoitar auoul get all tbe newe he can and give it to th world, but a lawyer should get all the new be can and keep it to himself." Y'jung men or middle-aged ones, suffer ing from nsrvous debility aud kiudre weaknesses should send three letter etamp for illustrated book suggesting sure mean ol cure. Address World's Medical Associa- tion, ButUlo, N. Y. From ths London Timet : A onrion case came before tbe Derbyshin Cbarto Session*. Mr. J. B. Ciwolitle. manufao turer, Olossop, appealed against a decision of magistrates, who fined him five shilling and costs for indeoeul behavior iu Cnarle* worth Church. Tha appellant" smiled " a the surplioed choir, and, SH they were marching back al the end of tbe service, be observed that tbey " looked well in thei nighi ihirte," Mr. Horace .Smith argue* t it there was no indecency 'or dietnrbsnc* of thsstrvios wilhlo tbs meaning of tbe Aet and Ice Court bell that tbe conviction oould not be maintained. Want of prudence is too frequently wan of vim*. LYDIA E. PINKHAM't * VEGETABLE COMPOUND IS A POSITIVE CURf * . *.,- Kor all wf Ihoa4* Palafol < aaiplalni* *a*T. ,,-n,i.,.n la our Swat r : I'OPl I.ATIOM.- , ,J Ir WILL cms r4TmtLT rut wn*rr man or Fl I'M CUATI.KI KAIJ i!ta *irr DsH I.A' BMBNT, AND TH B r->x*rcjC*IST >I-IMAL Wl. I .ft. AMI ! FARrn '-I.4BI.T AIIATTBD TO Tm HAS..B -r Lirt . s * '4 IT WILL i-i-'iT AMI r \rr.i. 1 ' " runs: TSB' rrit' - IN AN t-Ai i T rA.,Ri r pi >:I..I-MCT. TsW rrN:.t\. i T"i N. i - -mull. UCEn> CUT UPCKl'lLV Bf ITS I'll. w * w * * ^ IT Rr.">r KivTvr-i. FLATI uiii T. nsrranTS A lirUANT^. ANIikEUBTBS Vt KAS rrn->: M/.II In fBl HU-ATINU. UUD-, . K . --TitATiiii. tiiiiaAL DBSIUTT. , IN :>I..ILTUIM. ****) TUAT mi liu ->r BSAKIXO IV> M. < AI uto PAO&, Wrir.uT AMI IU' KA< ut. i* axWATi rsmMAsmBTL* ...** IT WILL AT ALL Tlr AMI I >I.IB ALL nSTVB TAM IS A'T IN HAKS.'M WITH THS LAWI TaA* ,,, IKK THI rtHALB >TrTBM. s * * w ~lTS Ft HI- I' i il.Kl.T niBTBIB LSVITIKATBJ ,-r -.-r ANI. rut Rzuir ->r TAIS, an TUAT IT IXIBS ALL IT < I.A1MP To IM>, TKOtTSAJfbS SS* 1-AlilM I AK 1.LAULI TBlTlPT "U * a * TBS II KB or KlllBBT I 'KrUAnm IS) IITIIIK nil THIS BSItSUT 1> I Sit KI-AMBD. * I.T1.1A t PINEHAjn VB-BTABLT. itlUHH D Al Lrnn. M*-A Fn |L Mi btittlM fgr |S. . Ifjii * banssB sa MsripsW pstsssssswea >, iiktuun'l "ituMr la Hnllk" will b> SkUbd fra> U > Lad; H ndlnc Mam|L l^ttrrs niiailliliarMillj uwvrs4. N funllf (baald b wlth.-ol LTKIA K. PtkahABTS I.IVEli I'lfls T*--T n- 1 - ~ iTTawm lai * TVT B>^rnt i- r t-._ , f n. TO DEALER AND CONSUMER. We import only the finest Coffee and Spice. A,KM>KI) ('>r'KKK,8Old irrouiul and inikrnnmd in lib. tins, in a iK-rlVi t luxury. Our 1 Or. tiiiMof PrRKSpirm are ix-rf-' '.)!! : Ml our goo'. 1 l>ranltl '', .re"- , f jpiaruntexti I'rt'f from adul . 'tioii. I>r H.VK'.NQ POWPKK, is "77' ' - T! B Trade \vliolr i-ioei>t - I'ofl'fi's in An; . \\\^\ with ir^ Ground or Pt I:K GRnryD SPICKS in all sired parka ires. W. C. DUNN & CO., CANADA MILLS HAMILTON. J. WIHCKLER PATENT SELF-VENTING POMP FAGCET Ths simplest aad best In Ib* market. Prise A l.traai 8HHab*on tnelioaUi Hamilton. RENNIE'S SEEDS an THE BEST lllii'ir ul I u iL.^.i fur !- FIELD, GARDEN * FLOWER 8EED5 CONSUMPTION. * aoov* U ;, bi IH) r km* ! of kx| ,l, truoc u n.T fftltb O SOTTLtt rSB. w>- br* % pltl v r-m*dy r r th* tbosmdi .-r r~ at ihs Maadlsg hT tw*o r-ir-O lu.l*, TnlHtacIrr. lh.ll will s*n.l TW fmhrwlllisTAI.I *BI.*TKUT snjMflSrvr SHvs > sad r O A-I.I DE. T. A III.IH 1 H. . l SI.. *.w Tss*k R. U. AWARE Lorillard's Climax Plug ^^ , ^S**^ K.I.,- I.Tnl r,n-.-i.' . lhl ! N., I llplll| n.i I.TIIUnlM >). arw . . . .., --- . - -* -- * ' ,- <hi l * ' EYE. EAR AND THROA1. DR. 0. B. BYEB80N, L. B. 0. P. 8. B.. Leetnrer on tb* If*, Bar and Throat Trlulty Me>lloal Oollw**, Toroolo. Oeallst an I Aorlsl to U<s Toronto (Uosral Bospllal, lals Olliiloal AaslHaol Hural London Ui'bibaJnilo Hospital, Moonnehl's and Central Londtn Tkroal and Bar Bospllal. IT Obarab r ToronVi Artl Dalai Ha man lyes \ r I . s\ t to seeor* a Ho Oser* iMssb OkeaMtt tret 1

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