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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 5

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The late John Kenney. It is with deep regret that we have to chronicle the death of one who was well known in this community. John Kenny was born in the township of Artemesia, Grey County Ontario, July 4, 1850 and died March 26th 1885. For some years he was in the employ of W. McCoy, the proprietor of the hotel of this place, but had severed his connection as a bar tender some three weeks before his death. That fatal disease typhoid pneumonia, swiftly but surely did its work and after an illness off five days, one of the most genial and sociable of our citizens passed away, sincerely mourned by a very large circle of friends. His mortal remains were interred inthe Roman Catholic cemetery at Port Austin on Thursday. And although the fact that his funeral would be held here was not generally known, as it was supposed his remains wouldbe taken to Canada, yet a large number owere present to pay their last token of respect to the memory of the deceased. The obsequies were conducted by the priest in charge of St. Michael's church, the Reverend Father Maschino. Post Crescent, March 31, 1885 Continues into next column with editorials about the deceased. Over Filly Fine Watches TO SELECT FROM. Important JtoJhe_Public ! | The Model Jewellery Store, 20 feet Metal Cases Filled with FINE Goods &apos; 30 CLOCKS! Assorted, best American make*. Spring and O. G. I have a large stock, carefully selected, and can give CLOSER PRICES FOR CASH than any dealer in this section of Grey Co. Prove this by calling at my shop when yon want to bay a Watch, Clock, or any line of Jewellery. Elgin Watch, 7 jewels. Exp. Hal.. 3 oz. Coin Case, 912.00, 5 per cent, off for cash, $11.40 net. A fine Swiss Watch, full jewelled, $9.50. My Warrants for 1 A 2 years cover all breakages, which means considerable to purchasers if they invest with me. 3 grades Waltham Watches, close prices. No article miarepreseuted. 1 Lav. Tine Lathes and Material for WATCH REPAIRING, which I make a specialty of doiug in a practical and careful way. Your work and patronage respectfully solicited. OVER 100 RING! 18k., 14k., 9k., Wedding and Engage-] nient Gems, Solid & Filled. W. A JEWELLER, BROWN, M VltklllLi:, 0\T. For Table I M-. Best makes Silverware, Quadruple Plate. Holleu A Flat, agt. Mendon, W. THE LATE JOHN KENNY. Frvm un American Ejthangt It is with deep regret that we have ! piece) and of his readiness to utter Mrafurd Road, any lie, provided it will serve his base From our CorretponJent, and selfish ouds. I challenge him to Seeding operations, owin t.. the con- substantiate the statement he has tiuued cold and Iwckward weather, arc to chronicle the death of one who was well known in this community. John < m<wle <lueut tbl " matter &apos; r produC , ge "&apos; Dg f "^ "&apos;, ^uable anv evidence which by any exercise of Mr. U. Hutclunsoit loat a valuable Kenny was bora in the township of ._^__. u _ . ( __, \_^ , _,._ threo vear ,,, d heifer 1<U)t week . S h was Mr. liutchinaoti lias lost several head of cattle thin sprint;. Mr. VV J. Hnlly has >>een laid up for 8UClJ .nut- time with a severe attack of inliama- inal- tj, m u ( t j, e lungs. He is slowly recover- a a v i t i i v vv n i > i is i i i i i i v r 11 i ini i i j &apos; -i _ . t 1 1 r . . . ,-. n_. , . &apos; ingenuity can be twisted into having ArU&apos;mesia, Grey county Ontano, Jnly ; iust at her culvinir 4th 1850 and dud March 26th 18*5 jr Pl <">&apos; *" tr**-!&apos; For some years he was in the employ of W. McCoy, the proprietor of the to it. Aud on tlie other Land if he can not and does not evidence which he produce ) and hotel of this place, but had severed hit connection as bar . . . ., , , . . . , .. m . suuae it will penetrate even his three wMU before his death. That iciously asserts is in existence, I pre- n u . tender some * dull The School Trustees are getting some moral consciousness that he stands improvement* made on the ach.n.l prem- fatal d,Hoa 8 e typhoid lon,a, ^ They have let the job ,,f putting up ; swiftly bu surely did its work and ^ hlh . a new fence to Mr. Day. They wanted after an illness of five days, one of the to let the i-.b of whitvwMhiiiK.aud elean- iAnAfl inni-nuliritif iirmrmli* \vlnrh IIILH J most genial and sociable of our citi- toned journalistic principle which has ing out the school-house, but cutild not , led him in the pursuance of his base . , ., .&apos; , zeus passed away, sincerely mourned get any on* t<> take the job. i i e *_: j IT- i and sellisli toot, to invade the sane- , A- (jiii^..* i... ,-.,II.H| Mr i: by a *rv largo circle of friends. His . in th6 "ty of truth, to slander the memory ham&apos;, blacksmith .hop and | ll>1Me . were interred <-*lholie cemetery at Port &apos; He ( of truth, to slander ^ e dead> to Uct &apos; mt8 1 llie fecllUl * 8 moved m 1-t w,k. _. ri j A I.L i_ oi those who mourn and to outraijo >\. C< >>, *>n of Mr. w. J. (<><>oy, Austin on Thursday. And althooah ... . . , , every sense of j astice and propriety, met with an aooidaut at tho Bclipae aaw funeral would be; P J ^ , mll , Mt u , a98ertlou the ftu-t that his held I., n was not generally known, as it was supposed his remains would be taken to Canada, yet a large mini- and reiteration of what he knows to&apos; He wa. w-rkin. at - ,,f the be,,, and , >m. way got caunlit, reoulliiiK in a l>;ull\ " Catarrh A Xew Treatment- Perhaps the most extraordinary sne that has been achieved In modern medicine ha* been attained hy the Diion treatment for Catarrh. Oat of 2 000 patients treated during the pant six months, fully ninety per eent. have been cared of this stubborn malady. This U none the less .lartiittf when it is remembered that not five per eent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefited, while the patent medicines and other advertised cores MM record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed bv the most scientific men that the disease i. doe to the presence of living parasites in the tisane, Mr. I>iiou at once adapted his cure to their extermination this accomplished , he elai mi the Catarrh is practically cored, and the per- inauenry i un<|M?slioned, as cures effected ly him fcnr year, ago are cures still. No one elite has ever attempted to eure Catarrh In thin manner, aud no other treatment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy it simple, and can be dune at home, aud the present season of the year i. the most favourable for a speedy toil "|x rinauent eore. the majority of eaes being eared at one treatment Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. II. A. I Mum & Sou, 305 king tr.->t went. Toronto, Canada, and enclose DR. CARTEK, M.C.P. &ti.,OnT. FMYMH&apos;IAV *t K(.tnv A , . FLESH EKTON. ReridtHce, twjrt lu iHmtio* tVurf o_r>.. >. 1 >I . I I 1 M.I,. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHKR, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. ftr-All colU promptly attttuir-l to. J.P. MARSHALL, L..M O E N T I B T . GKADl&apos;ATK of Toronto School of Dentistry will I* at Mart.lale the Ut and Ird Wednea : day of eex-h month, and at KlMherton on the le la each for the practice bfi flsVl Kl&apos; ber were present to pay their last . . . , ., . , judgement of an intelligent public token of respect to the memory of the .,_,,, 1 venture to believe there is no deceased. The obsequies were con- ducted bv tin- uricst in charge of St. , does not, in the severest terns, con- , &apos; derau the heartlcssness and cold-blood- ed brutality involved in tlii. prosti- i H is getting along all ritjht and will anon All this 1 say I leave to the, ^ a , wofk in and&apos; nju.i.wrs inNi&apos;n a. r. r.cui.n nuo.w <IA*T . HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN. USE PROF. LOWS tCLPHCB SOAP for Prickly Heat. Nettle Hash. S.-al.-y Krnp- nght-miuded man in the county who tinn, Itch, aud all diseased condition* of the House Michael&apos;s church, the Reverend Fath- er Maschiuo. PORT CRKKKMT, March 31, 1885 malignity. A LOVKR or TRUTH. We understand there i. to be a U.; tntion of his editorial pen to the grati- .ham fight in Fleaherton on the 25th inat. , Editor of the TtuwNE : Allow me ij ficatiou O f ^ig personal malignity. j between our voluntow. and a number of ; civilian, togged out in Indian and half- | breed apparel. We hope tho report it of iu maaofaetm* i correct. of any bnt: A NABAMNJECTOR frea with each bot- ihiloh&apos;s Catarrh tUejsMy. Price SO cents. S .M by l> S Monro. the Fpace to repell a vile slander of the Pt. Austin News upon the dead, _ Mr. John Kenuey, who, (for over a Fmotb* rear fu vorably known aj the obliging unul ?V ot &apos; . i "l? " ne * , -..-L ., .1 . &apos;.^_ TT__ . ^,. I V" Vinrima leaf of the nnost quality has y. , A&apos;sji"/ifi.<ui/y, and (.Titaplj prr- fortnrd 6y GBOEGB JSAUL 1 &apos;!. -,!l4- I&apos;! . ,11 . ICA.i ,rill </,, mi in (Ae old ttnwt, abort .Vi//,urw&apos;i wrruu/r A-}i. Orders by moJ ur othrrmtr will rewiw eorrfW attfntiim, on to bttulrr d- Haiult, BVHKIHTKRS. SOLICITORS. NOTAH1K- OOMVBTA1ICBM, Ac Money to Loan a>t Lew.-.t Kate. ..f iu tweet Offlcva. 14 Kla Strew t East, Toronto FROST & FROST." BARltlHTKRS SOLICITORH. COS&apos; VEYANITRS. aVe Office Poulett Street. OWKM BOI-ND, and every Tbunday at KLKSHKKTi s J. W PROMT. LU. ALTRRD KBO8T. Crown Countj Attorney. clock oi the McCoy House,) fell a vio-ibeen ueed in the &apos;Myrtle Kavy&apos; n toWarcn. timto typhoid pneumonia and died \ rb ;,? Mlu &apos;* etur 1 ri "&apos; il U , T "^ "* t |^ b ^ 1 , lief that the public cannot he muled on | iMt WOeK aged 27 jean. He was a this posot, aud tliatanv tampering with the; young man who was highly regpoctod i $***&apos;. ?" lie &apos;&apos;, r "" d 7,,^ monel * r y&apos; loss to them. Thuusaudii at dollars a year&apos; fay all Hi acquaintance*. The iiisin- 1 .aved by mitinK witii *n inferior leaf, w.&apos;.uld cation in the News it an unmanly, i n l "TO tDMn &apos;&apos; do ; ll>t . 1 &apos; h . PJ" of &apos; i the poblio u to tb quality of their tobacco, unjust aad cowardly attack upon tin- dead. If the pharisaic editor of that Iniii.lo.jr. .per who ban made an unenviable , , . ..... Mr. Oeo. Kn by, merchant (if this plac*, record in this kind of meanness wiU . Clean no hii own dirtr , th ^ &apos; reoovunng from an acc.deut of nNI)KU . nd Ilt tl , tlll . o( ^. lll . own ainy record tne |4 p^nfuj n.tare which befel him seme J certain mortaKr from suuiien B.irrtti to ruwiTtlo u-.-kiilil AafAAtn l.ij wA>k nt ..... .1. the \t-ii&apos;l.r. wdi.-h will I.*- (.1 -lurmi at the time people woma eaieein Ins worn of much time ago. Mr. Kirby was cutting a hone O f *ie, aud on dufauit i...ioii.,adein|.>u^nt ..f AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Property In the Townaliip f EUPHRASIA. FAKM FOR SALE. i IxH W. Srd conoMelnn. Artemeela, containluc Viafrea 40 aeree cleared ami ia>atr>o4 <ue of cultivation. l.alan&apos;^ L.^M! liaxilwoo&apos;l t.uali Terms ! ea.y Apply to JAIRS BI.ACKHCItN on the prrmiMw. or to W J HI&apos;t.l.VMV John W. Armtlrong, riiisjaim Co. Oui. \IVIUON fOVRT OLRKK. mvMI&apos; &apos; In n K , Ciinvwyaueer. Ar A4*ent for and P. P HAH Society Hone; to 1 .>n oa th .> reMonaMe term. Iwi-ma or M VIUUAO t EDITOB DEMOCRAT. DBAA Sm. In last week&apos;s issue of therthv aavnred, tburu will ln> offer- ed for ulr by I&apos;ul.lfc Auction .if Afiin^Aiiif&apos;i llntfl, in the Vittagr nf r*sieVw4a*V On the Hiili Day of May. IMH&.al I O&apos;clock p.m. By A 8 VixnrnKN. lucttoneor. tho Honth quarter of Ixrt Numhi-r Three, in the Kiftli dm- ctwKUMi of mud Ti>wn>hl|i of Kupftiraala contatn- r If*.".. 4U of which aru naid to Un th.&apos; prfinl..- are aH to lie a LOR llouao. with Frame Kitchen. Frame Barn, and Lotf Stable., aleo a autall Orchard. TKHMS in |.rri-iit at time of M|... 14 per cent, within one month thereafter, and balaiic* t. he decured l>y a inort4{a4Ei< of thn prt&apos;iiii-&apos; for ve yean with InWtrent at T |ir i-.-nt rearlt . or Kiifli othur triii a may he arranged with tho purrhaaer at the time of sale. For further particular* apply to W. J. I&apos;M I.A mr, Kleherton. or to MOHS. KAM-UNRRtntiE t 1IAKW H k April JHII, IHHft. ToDowVe, Framing Hlltl HOUSO- Jolfllllg. greater value than thru exhibiting his 1 of meat, holding the aam.> in ,.n.- hand vicionsuess. CIVIZKM. \ and uaing the aze with the other, whun : he aocidenUlly out the first jointof the left thumb, which was used in holding the . bone, and sli^hily injurinuthulint finger. the News the talented editor of that Dr chrirt.* dreast-d the wound, moral shoct publishes an article so The Wan-ham Cheuae Factory will open Toid of truth, that I am compellod to May llth. The intention in to .!.. it place brfore tite public the true facts " October 24th. Mr. J. Jackaon haa of thr ease. John Kenney to well takeo the drawing of route No. 1, at and favorafcly known in this neigh bor- |la5; Mr John Anlntt N " 2 at 969 &apos; hood, w for H long time the bar- -d Mr^Hugh Nc-bitt >V3, at $118^ tender at the McCoy house, but "^ &apos; o^H^ Lol"if ^d F^ngo 5 ceMed to act in that capacity, /or ab- j, j t Oaprey oat a month previous to his deceaw. Mr .&apos; (j^, H all and his mother loft for Not having secured another situation Whitby Station on Saturday, April 26th. be itill remained bere aad on Sat ur- They carry the heat rea|iecU of a lurye d.y of last week ho WM taken ill and circle of frienda. May pma|>erity dawn despite the skill of his physicians. Dr. "P " them in their new enterprise. Hellai s and Eakins, that fatal dis4>ite, typhoid-pneumonia, worked its and 011 Thursday morning he canity jet through, in their action, they cure con &apos; n A *^ e .&apos; > ** &apos;" * "rantejfor ^>* &apos;uture paimiJ away, deeply regretted by the f*&apos; 1 &apos;**&apos; 01 &apos;;, tlmnl * t | h * &apos;"&apos;; or K ans and . * i the appetite, and cleanse, build tip, aud ntuc community. Hit twany friends .trengthcn the sytrtem. ha vr read with surprise and sorrow the groaaly untruthful article before referred to. With referento to these amertions of facts of the oase, I give a moat empbatii denial. I do not object to the Editor of the News attempting to elevate the standard of aorality. I consider it Lu privilege and duty M a journalist, bnt I do ob- J4Kt to hie doing BO whon he is not warranted by the faatH at iatne. I am solely at a lorn to know the ra*ou*. lor bia haw assertions in regard to j tius matter. This one article will.&apos; LESMCKT.\ Churches and Societies. fnsf o/ ekaryr. rr. nurrtnl __ CHURCH. a nil VICE every SuoJay at*.JO j ulook p ni Kua u .lav H.-li.x)l at 1 p m Prayer meeting everr Thur~l\ rraatuc t T:. Rv A. WIUSOH oe- tor (Ladiea Aid 8<ley In connection.) The unilenls^ied in |>re|iared to execute all order* entrunU.d to )uio for tho ereetion of iHtjfUinyi and Framt Aver&apos;. Cathartie th, best m*di t ^ IMOU lgM ^^ .nine that ean l> employed to eorreet Irregu , ( , rte.lrd None but coni|<tettt workmen larHiMi f the utomarh and bowels, (irntle, employed. The tati>faction my work ha given &apos;ie future .DO. Fleakartna Station tvtwell Iteau. From our own Corrrtftondent, Mr. Kich Maxwell ha. pulled down the old building, formerly known as Mai- well&apos;, hotel, and i. moving hi* house on THE MABKETS. FLESIIERTON. Flour ?8 TBto4 OO Fall Wheat $0 66 to H8 Spring Wheat U the old aite. Some newspaper* boarinn t ftarloy Ju date 1861 were found, having been uaed.Qats Sfi in (topping crack, between the chinks. Peas Mr. John Miller&apos;* house, on his fartn near the town line on the Collingwood Butter 12 Egg*, freih _ 10 Mlisfy an honeit MM! intelligent pnb he, of the utter rooklessoMW of his remarks ia the interest! of morality, <<>f which bo profnMM to be tho month Oimrel Road WM burned down on Moo | Potatoes ft day. Home harness and othoi thing* were bnruaxi. The house win vacant. One of our ought- to-know-better village farmer*, ihearud hi* sheep laat week and twsjlva of them died, which ia quite a loa* at this Ms*on. [Above WM top laU for laat week. eb,J 6 80 Hay, per ton 1000 Hides ft ftO Wool 16 Hheepskins 046 Geese 06 Dneks, per brace 60 Chi.kone., per brace... . SO Turkejt U KH H 40 GO 12 10 30 6 76 13 on 6 60 20 60 M) BO n \1KTHOLH8T CBURCH. SKKVICKSerery Sunday at 11 a.iu *.1up ni Hunday Hchnol at I p m Younn People I&apos;ruyer nii-rtinii every Mnndav vvenlng at 7 > (nral Prayer metttlnx every Thunday ..vminx at7.T KKV p. f M< UOWKU.. c&apos;bairniau of tho Owvn Soun.l Dlntrlct. paitor iLadiea&apos; Aid Soc- lel) In oount^tloo i E. Sloan AOXXT, K U*pnsntlu that Mild oM fire (Manwr* Co.ibeNuswiiB I&apos;muK, of Norwich. BucUu I Iniuranc* 0*ctl on HOUM&. outbuildmi. Ac lpiur >lmt lightning W. J. BELLAMY. TWT. CLKBK iUTKHIIU. . . ISKl&apos;KASl&apos;E MiT, DKBUM. MORTOAOKH. LKABKS. *c . prerjar ed aii.l pmpvrly eseentod Ii.,uri ,. ,r . _ ind umperly eireutod ted in firit clau cotu|>aniee. Moaey tu lend loweM rati (/anadian Paeifle Railway. ONTARl6~i5l7ISION. , A. * r. \ Change of Time. tfT.KTIn tlwlr I..HI K ,. Room, strain. Rlook W "ti V.T\ Kmlav on ur bfore thufull uioon. \&apos;litlug UrwMiren eordially welcomed. S DAMI n, W M W. J Hai.i.tii\ . 8-y LOLXfX, I.n.o.r. MK I : I&apos;S every ted and 4th TtMiuUv Kvenlif ia each month at H o&apos;clock. LIKX U.. in In Btrtlni block. Toronto utrtiet DoRrev Uxli< lit meeting in etch month \ nltin bmtheu cor- dially lurltod. J><n lli.Ai mM. N (! W. R. A. o r. r . PI&apos;SHKRTiiN lootft No. Ita, meet In their L.-tK-"&apos; K&apos;xiin. Htraln&apos;t Mock. Toronto etreet, on the lit and 3rd Monday In each mouth. a> 7i|. m .harp. Vlaltlni brethren welcome. W. O. >-i KHI.I.. M W D. H. MoxaoB. Kee> rLfXUKI<T<>\ /. n. L. SO. 4. MK.KT in their Ixidfe Room In Btrain&apos;a block sery Krlilar eveniuf after the full of the moon In >.a,-h month. Vl>itih|i brethren welootne. J.W.B.TM.W.M. W. P. QBoeaunr. Beo>. R. T. 0. T. Fi I -s PA I N COl&apos;NCU, No )M. Uonl Templara of Temperance. met In their hall, Htrain&apos;i liloek. lit and 3rd Tuwulay evenV in each tnnnth at 7 30 o&apos;clock. VUltora are eordially ln\ lt<-i JjsMlllH.SC J (> RUSSBU.. B.S. Taking r/ttt Monday, .Vw. tjlk, I&apos;oriinl <. . n > A Km. . It i \ Ulon. TOOTO. depart. 7Da.m,_ ............... I 40 fm do. . CRBniT VALLKY TOBOHTO. <lH)rt. * 10 am. . . arrlre. t* " Non. Mixed train leaves tfl p mi .St " 1 a MI OXTARIO <f QVKBBV SCATS OP PI.KHHKKTON D1VIUON, No tM. me*t In their now h.ll. Ur Utirtetoe Mock, erery WedniHulay emnlnn 730 o&apos;clock Vlsltinf hrothran cordially invited a I. tnovut. W.P W. 4. i n m H R R. RJIADLVO R<<M 4 10 1> m. Dvpart Toronto . .Arrive 9 M a u 4Ji|. in Parktlale . .. jf. um W.WHYTK. DtMcNICOIX,. <ii i s, r T Maori, i > - - Ar THMNS 1 f \\ V PLB8HBRTON STATION Ooln North. t I1:3S a.m. (KOft ILIII . * 4 06 p . (loin* South. t a.44 MII , |-U> i- M ,* " m i u. Mesherton Heat Markel. 8KPT.OOOD, Hawnmrro* Uvfcf Cash paid for fat Cattle and Open every eenluc (HumUyi e&rei>ted< from To&apos;elix-k P M tmtlliap If Cordially Invited to vtah. J. W. AmntTBoiio, Treat. are&apos; p rM j, Meats constantly on baud fct; . sey. Cash. Orders pfcjjuptly fllltsi.. &apos; - .

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