\ J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1885. THE FRANCHISE BILL. Next to the North-Wcat troubles, the new Franchise Bill now passing through the House of C ominous at Ottawa, 18 of most importance. It will be remembered it was announced at least two years ago, bat for want of time to perfect it, it has lain over to the present session. Iu discussion has evolved some strange feature, from political and parlizan points. The elections of members to the Do- minion House have taken place on the Franchise in furoe, in the several pro- vinces, and then-fore diversified accor- ding to tbe whims and customs pre- vailing in each ; and it evidently pre- vents an uniformity which, to a mere casual observer, only seems necessary and judicious. Tin- Hill in question anticipates un- iformity its promoters say, that all the members of the Dominion Honse should be elected upon a common Htandard. What qualification will elect a man in Ontario should also fleet another in Nova Scotia or any other Province, and to accomplish which, the Voters' Lists should be un- der the control of tbe Dominion Gov- ernment, jiint the same as they now are under the control of each provin- cial government. Dot no bill daring the session has met with such stern opposition, Sir John McDonald made the sub- ject of enfranchising women an open question, willing himself to adopt it, but not binding his opinion on his supporters. The result was a very protracted debate members of the Opposition speaking against time, amid all sorts of noises, songs and mimi- cries, and what is strange about the matter is, that the Reformers clamor 'd en masse for the principle at Ottawa, but in Toronto recently under Mowat, t lii-y were equally zealous against it ; Hiid yet if a Conservative were to utter the term FACTIOUSNESS, as it really seems, the Reformers would denounce him. Such is party ! The great enormity of the Bill, how- ever, is tbe provision in it for " Revis- ing Barristers," whose office it will be to revise tLe Voters' Lists after due notification to the public in siu-li a way that every man will have a chance to see whether his name be omitted or not, with a privilege to appeal if un- satisfactory. These barrister* or jud- ges are appointed by the Government in power, and an exact copy of the method adopted in England. Any one reading the Globe of Friday last that is, any one who knew no bet- ter would think the whole country was to be canght irresistably in the Conservative net ; and certainly if it be, ae it declares, tbe measure is a bad one but then it isn't which makes a difference. One thing is sure : it would bo difficult to surmise a more hysteri- cal tad meaningless appeal to the pas- sions of its Bqpportstrs. The country is invited to cafl meetings, mate pro- tests and demands to stay such an in- iquitous, treasonable measure. Well! wo will see how many meetings will will come out of it the rub-a-dub-dub of the Globe of late fails to alarm. So far as can now be judged of the measure, and especially this provision of it, it is very judicious and appropo. Sir John proposes to enfranchise Indians that is those of them who by their intelligence and property qualifi- cations, rank equally with white men. Is there anything wrong in this ? Take for instance Dr. Oronyheteka, a learn- ed Indian and others of noted ability. Should they be deprived of a franchise because they happen to be Indians ? But the Reformers of the Dominion Parliament say yes, and accuses the Government of being abettors and re- warders of the rebellious Indians in the North-West by this principle. This is party again ! The Dominion Government, with a measure more liberal, more compre- hensive, and more perfect than the one recently carried by the Mowat Government, is by a concord, which savors of purposely avowed obstruct- ion, retarded by all manner of manoeu- venng and vileness, both by the oppo- sition and their organ. We would have been glad if our own member could have been exonerated, but it appears with the Dr. it is party first rigidly party. An hour's ob- struction was handsomely put in by him, and yet it is not at all unlikely, when among his supporters, be will de- claim against waste and expenditure, and his supporters will pat him on the shoulders and cry, bravo, Dr. ! Why not give this measure a trial ? If it be not perfect, there are means for re- medy. Such a measure was deemed necessary and foreshadowed iu the constitution. The only real trouble is that the Conservatives are passing it. ll.>r-m. n. Attention: When T'"ir horse is galled, scratched 01 eat, or ha* any ugly sore, bathe twie* daily, and apply McGregor A 1'arku's Carbolic Cerate. It is undoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing application tor it. lie *nre you get MeUregor and I'arke'ii. Sold (or 26c. per bos, at Bichardsous Drug Store. Harkdalt Itrnu. (Sptcial t tkf Adranct.) who took part in the fight here a few week* ago, were given their deserts on Tuesday, wln-n three of them were fined 20 and C-MT.S, one $10 and costs, & une $5 and costs. We admire the linn nuss with which the magistrate* dealt with this case. It is the bent way to put a atop to such pugilistic encounter* and the *ul- phury atmosphere which usually aur- rounds such. Friday being the 1st of May, our school roust have had a slim attendance, a* num- ber* of our juvenile* weru seen wending their way to the Saugeen or its tributaries with rod, line and baaket, in sitnrch of the " beantio* of the stream." and judiring from their Iwauiiitg faces, they met with success. BU1LDINU MiTRM. W. J. McFarland's store i* undergoing extensive repair* umlur the itupurvision of Mr. Oeo. Richards. Win. Douglaa* is preparing for the erec- tion of a handsome brick residence adjoi- ning the school hou*e. Work Upon the new church will com- mence shortly. Mr. J. Mi KeniKi is building a carriage woodshop adjoining hi* blacksmith shop M--I.K AXON. Fluid Lightning. AH sufferers from that terrible torment, Nfluralgla. can be made happy in one mo- ment by a aingle application i Fluid l.iht nrnu briskly nibbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine .Uv after day with little or no result. Fluid Lighting also cures M effectually Toothache, Lumbago, liheuiiiatism, Hpadacb*. and I* only 25 cent* per bottle at Uichardaon's Drug store. Warning. To the Editor of The Advance. Warning is hereby giren to those who disturb divine wonhip by whispering, talking, Ae. , that unless they quit their peraiciou* way* they may be invited to explain their conduct before the proper tribunal. Parent* holding pews, see that none of your family take scat* outside of yniir own pew*. A hint to the wise i* ufttcient. Z. Dmvk IT AWAY. Drive away nil poison- on* hnmor from the blood before it develop* in acrofala or some rhronie form of disease. Bordoek Blood Hitter. wuU do It. WAR'S ALARMS 'A FEW HINTS THE FIRST BATTLE NEAR BATTLEFORD. COL OTTER WINS Three Hundred Whites Beat Six Hundred Indians. Seven Soldiers Slain! Fifty Redskins Killed and Wounded- THE VERY LATEST NEWS ! WINNIPEG, May 5. A despatch from Saskatchewan Landing, via Swift Current per courier who arrived this evening from Battlcford, brings news of another battle fought witli In- dians on Poundmakcr's reserve, on Sunday, May 3. A flying column of 800 men, under Col. Otter, attacked the Indians, who were 600 strong, at 5 o'clock in the morning. The fight lasted till noon. Our loss was 7 killed and 12 wound- ed. The enemy lost 60 killed and wounded. Col. Otter covered, including the engagement, 70 miles, fought the battlfaud returned inside of 30 hours. The men behaved magnificently. The list of casualties is as follows : KILLED. Korth\rtit Afountfd Police. Corporal Laurie, Corporal Sleight, Bugler Burke. Ottuwu Nuirptkoottri (G. 0. F. O.) Private Osgoode, Private ROgers. C Infantry (Toronto.) Private Dobbs. Enquiry at the new fort says the nearest name to tlijji ou the rolls is Dawe, a young man from Cobonrg. Bugler Faulkner. Enquiry at the fort fays this is probably Bugler Foalkeo, aged 19, who came from Manchester, England., wax a bugler in the Queen's Own and joined the Infantry school last July. WOUNDED. .V.<i /An . *( Mounlrd Politt. Sergeant McLeod. R Battfry. Lieut. Pelletier, Lieut. Oaffney. Cor- poral Morton, Gunner Reynolds. C Infmitry. Sergeant- Major Jackson. This is probably Sergt. Major Spackman, aged 48, who formerly be- longed to the 1st battalion of the Coldatream Guards, came but to Can- ada about a year ago as sergeant in- structor to St. Johns, gne., infantry school, was promoted by Gen. Middle- ton on the division of C company at Qu'Apptflle to be sergeant major. LATER. A despatch, dated Winnipeg, May 6, (yesterday) says the Sunday battle > .suited in a complete victory for Col. Otter over the Indians, of whom one hundred were killed, instead of fifty killed and wounded as first re-ported. Ponndmaker's entire force was driven off in great disorder. Direct com- munication has been established be- tween Medicine Hat and Fort McLeod. Cholera Preventntlve. In order t withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect parity of blood, and the proper action of the pro;>ei action of the stomach are required. To i'uHiiro that end, in the cheapest, most available- and complete manner, use McGregor's Speedy Care for I >\ pcpjia, and Impure Blood. There li DO purer, wafer or more reliable remedy in exist- . nre for Indigestion, Hysprp-iB, Costlveneas, 'to. Ask yeur neighbor or any person who used it. Bold at Itiohardsou's Drag Store. Trial bottle given free. Valuable Property For Hair. In the village of Fevertham, containing half an acre of land. Good house, stable and orchard. Best situated property in the Village, either for business stand or private residence. For particulars apply to J. W. Bates, Fleaherton. NATIONAL PILLS aro sugar eoated, mild hot thorough, and are the best Sto- mach and Livi r Fill in nte, FOR THE WE Of Don. To OM (as tse>. tli ffnllf, 1 to 4 Pillfi Hiorougklf, 4 to 6 ^(1*. Erptritnct Kill dtcvto tk proper dou m <oc* c Tor Constipation, or Coitlveneee, no remo.lv Is so effectlfo as AVKB'S PILL*. They lusnre regular daily action, and re- store the boweli to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, ATBsVf PILLS are Invaluable, and a uro cure. Heart-burn, !. of Appetlt*, Tool Stomach, Flatulency, Dlixlnees, He*>d- .. h, , \ uitibnew, Nausea, are all relieved and oared by ATBB'S PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Billons Disorder*, and Jaundice, AVEB'S I'n.u ihoold be given In doses large enough to exalte the liver and bowels, and remote constipation. As a draining medicine In the Spring, these PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowoli, are expellod by ihete riuu. Friii.ilnii.. Skin Dlerasee, and Piles, the result of Iiidlgcitlon or Coustlpatloo, are cured by the ose of AvtB's PILLS. For CultU, take AVER'S TILLS to open the pores, remove Inllsminalory secretions, and allay the ferer. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by SttdJon coldi, Indigestible fuo<l, tito., Avzit'S PILLS are tbe true remedy. Hli.-iinritl.iii, Gout, nrlicU. and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on remoTli.f the cause by tbe use of Avxa's PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kldnry Complaints, and other disorder* caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Aril's PILLS, Suppression, and Painful Menstrua- tion, hare a safe and ready remedy In AVER'S PILLS. Foil directions. In various languages, ac- company each package. FBirAlKD BT Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mai*. DoldbyaUDmgglsti. J. 6. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Selling Watches. C\ock. \Jewcliij, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! I James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Keitairinjf. Kuvftnui^tiin^. an<l in fact every tii i UK in the tumim** will receive my prompt and careful atttition at rM*onablt prices. "?- & loloware is l\ Carriage Wort. I Mi/burn & Gadd, PROPRIETORS of the above woik>, am prt * pared tu ntti-ml to i-Tuiythinij iu th Can iage Making & BJacksmithiDg : linei promptly ami well. Repairing in both Branch'* I'riniiptly attWliltHl to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. JOHN WHITTEN. Builder and Contractor, Flesherton, I HIM minp R. R. LANDS! Nln MlniMieti. Nortti Dakota. Hwt- lar)a,lsAe.Wurilngtnsii < Oregon from Idtfc* VrlOT l I'US'I *ol. I srlesi rsi>l"<| cW"y '">" * ' ' * enh> 10 TWS- !*. IhH l ! ' Cn'rr fe urlng Gecd Howt* now entn ' seltlenerL JIB ^P 3 70 .> i - l Kr.- -10.S1H.43.1 A(.r .f nil l inth.- No-, rl*Uf . Arr.-e OB - 'WK- I ""-I- rclH. .-.. f .*! n . N*ITK M '".: I-"" 1 - . ,. . .N. UBdCoa'r, K. P. It M I have a Full Supply of Boots *&: Shoes ! On hand suitable for the Season, having jnst received a large addition tun.) Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, FLESHERTOM. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, KLKSHEHTOIV, FARMERS AND THRESHERS! Ask your Merchants for McColl Bros.Lardine MACHINE OIL > . 9