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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 3

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A Bailed oi "Prie*l r*u foroUll but Dot avert tb fulun- LAMUOB. We idle thro 1 the J*y* ot yooth. And tMuk not of tn COUIIUK yean, Hut could w* lt!ru the lulure'i ruth, Wliat uwxl IliiTe a ere ul (.uatful lar Talk uol of woe, ye gloomy tear*, Criihb uot our *oal with j >y alar*. II matter* uut uur tn moliug feat* for wbu OKU chauge tn* word of Fat* ' Youth li III* IMUUOD of . Lrfftt't bowl for u* o errtuw with win* ; W dream of pleasure day at.d uitfht. \Vbllt) I'l.ryi,,' n klvnes ht-fin -livine. Ab, tbeu, wby tbiuk of rbeuuiv eya*. Of wuary heart *uj hallluK gait, Lt rod lip* klw, aud nrl-ut eye* tbiuu, Kor whooati chauK* the word of Kale ' Ti* vain to liinik ol c 'Uaiug woo*, Wbou flowaii wtll fall from UH*M fray . Tfo* luluru comeit, ihu (T0 out gott*, Ttieu lut u livo our nve* to- Jay. Lxil u- bo l4|'|iy wbile we uiav, Ttitt 1>iug u.oiueuts will nut wait; Lift, imuuit Klu-r tbo' w pray For who cau cuue tbe word of Kate * ENVOI. n>iak Dot nf woe* we may eudur, Tbo' coming sorrow* may be ^reat ; Tli* prtut nuly i. et>oure, for who ca.ii ctiaugn tbe word of Kle I III i Ul V 'M K si s | I M i^. .1 Blaltr'* t.itir. .. 10 ih. l*ra Hauler fc. .. *-.<. m i lu butler in a gi v.-u quantity o( milk ; and ben tbat quantity i* known, tv*ry exer- on will be made to procure tbat amount I butter. Tbe purity and quality ol tb* ilk will be touted, aud tbe temperature tpi perfect, to secure v*ty particle ol u<ter thertin exitiug. Now 1*1 u* oouiider, for a few minuter, le benefit* to farmer*. How oar people reserve the vitality ol the *oil? liieevi- eut tbal tbey mut put back a* mucb ae ley Uke from tbe noil. If we wi*b a yard I oalioo, wa muat leave, aooner or later, It* quivalent i i oauli, or we oau get no more alioo. Any retail dealer will tell you that, tome time* without aaking. Bo witb tbe oil : we mn*t remore what ii taken away, r we will not get any more e -ru. Now, wbat u tbe ea*iet means of acoomplUoiDg bit purpoae? I* it Ibe eameut mode to xpart me produoe and import fertilixarb? Ibat i* uot eoouomy. A man wbo ipok* here ye*irdy Toucb* 1 upou tbe product bay. " Tb* *oil 1* dyiuii out," *ald b*. " \V* mut Meur* noui* r*nudy." Kacb of you lu thu audieuc* kuow* Tba' in bi ujcutb tbe word wa* clo*ed Cow*. AlRYIkO U TBI mAHII-I AN1I MOBT ECOSOMlLAI. or rBJUEaviNO TIE VITALITY or KBNiriTg OF CUUMKBU8. Mr. President and Gentlemen of tt>< Iowa Bauer aud Cheese A**coiation. ] oust ftte (bat I feel rery niuoh out ol plaoe lu addressing this larnu oouveulioo oompored ul oieu who know ten tituee a much aboat tbw question a* I ; m*n wbu are old, some il ti.eui m yearn aud otben 10 experience ; tuaie wbore hair basturuec white by tb,e t,ileut fall u( tbe uow dak) of time, aud other* whote hir ban turuti gray by severe nerliou cf tbuir uienta aud physical abilitie* to gain ibe ojinlorth and eujjymenl of life tecured by tb preoiou* metal, liut I understand tky object if tbu atsauialion in to bnuij tb buaiuat* of butter and obeeae nuakiugdown to tyiitem ao perfect 10 eoouomy tha manufacturing and coiutui roial iuda*Uiei will be o logger able to boast ol mperio systematic principle*. In Older to acoom plisb tbie purpose, conventions tuunt b beld to lugxeat, dicuHH, argue and debat oew thought* and idea* beneficial to tb advauot-uiontof lbi>< branch of induHtry. Tn< great aim ol Ibu association 11. ittoood, to beu lit tbe oouiojutiity -tbe poor M well a- tbe nob, tbe termer* a* well a* tb oreamerymeu, of thin terpruing 8 late o Iowa one eeetiou of UMI great and glori one country, wbioo lu art *>ud industry i sorely, steadily. rapidly aud inevitabl placing itaulf at the bead ot tbe world. 1 not witb tbe ibi ugbt t at I oan reude you much iuformatioo ou iLii lubjeot, bu with tbe bopeot briaKiog fnrtb to your oon siderauou aome poiut wbiod baa been pic viou*ly panned uuubnerved, tbal 1 *baj peak to you a few minutes upou tb Benefit* ot Crekiuirue." Firtt, better butter ran be made at oreamery tban by u old-laabiooed wa> oburoicg witb adabur. Wby? Beoauoe a neater lyeteni oau be reached. 1 believe *y*tem i* ibe greatuem ol eoooeaii. No 1 preeame there are anme who will quee tioo this etatemeot. It u very natural to a farnur to tbiuk ibat bu wife oa uke jukt M Hood butter ae aty tua that ever fljuriebed tbe p*ddl< We will admit thai l**I ebe oan make Kooa butter, but U it proba ble, or eveu po*ole, tbat iba oau reaob etate ol perfeatioD aa Dearly ae th- oream arymab? Sue may make pretty gooc baiter one day, but perbapi tbe butter the uext day will not be eo Rood. Holder la tbe butter ol two daye exactly aliki Hhe pule tbe oream into tbe oliuru, aud I pretty ear* tbat eba will gel eome buttei beoaDie khe bai perlormed tbe same lab. many timee before and obtained butter but for ber life kbe m aoable to lay wbe tber tbe butter will be fupericr or luferio to tbat of tbe day before ; and if ebe boul uot obtain a particle of butler from tba oream, abe wnuld be utterly uuable explain Ibe reaaon wby aud all DOO aha doee uol uoderetaud tbe fuudameuta principle*. We may expanuieut an obtain a reHUlt, but uuleee we uudemtaii tbe principle* we are Lol nure tba another experiment of Ibe ine kiu will produoe tbe aaote re-ult. X obtain a de*lred result, we miut uuderetau ib* principle* govermug tbal result oo-uperat witb those priuoiplei. Agaia tbe farmtr'i wife baa uot tbe fauilitiu* fo butler-making. Hhe bae not tbe nioel prepared cellar Ibe cemented tliar an wall*- tbe vale, tbe OJOlere, tbe buttc worker*, aud all tbeao apparatus wlnob w find in all ilia oremeriea ; but, iuetewd abe U provilod with au uuoorneutod oella wbioh i* ocoitaioually, if uot frcqueully vi.ii.-d by raw, wbiob are very loud butter, aud tiyeoially of obeeae. Tbey wi molest o'eam, and it IH very annoying tba wile wueu a rat wade* iuU> a pail oreaui aud it unable to wade out. il TUB WIL. dimoutt, iln."-t in i' iM-ib.'-, to keep unoemeuted cellar free from rail, owing to their natural propaiiHty of burrowing in tbe eartb. T be farmer or bin wife otunot RI ve Ibe time and etudy to toe art ot butter-making tbat tb oreamery luan oan and do*i give to tbe buiineae. If the wife makee tbe butter, abe mnet divide her aftentiun between tbi* work and her houeebold affair*. If iba farmer make* tbe butler, be tuuil devote one-ball of tbe d*y to tba collar and ibe other. half, not to tbe itudy ot tb* prooeaa of good hatter- making, not to the perueil of newi- paper and otber report* ot tbe price of good, bad, and intermediate butter intbeEa*! and Weet, but to tbe overeewiug of tbe farm work. Hi* help reijuiree hut attention and preeenoa ; they receive only one-ball ot il. The " dairying bneineai" require! bin full attention ; it receive* only one ball ol il. Perfection i* reached in neither bunneea . they both loee by inauffioienoy of attention . 1 1 ii juit like trying 1 1 kill two bird* witb one aton* and miaaing both. If bit attention i* eo divided, bow le he to make improve- ment? HudiiiM not know of the late im- provemeul*. lie ba* not tbe time to ex- periment and ntudy, but continues ou, making tbe lame kind of inferior butter. There are many people in the TJuited State* (the number in Iowa, I ar:: !:pj-v '- ay, .1* oonelautly diminleblDg) wbti are plodding along iu tba name old road in tbe aarne unenlightened making no batter butter to-day tban wan made two hundred year* ago. But the oreamery yitem ha* opened tbe road to improve- ment. Il employ* tbe oh* mint to aualyi* the milk, to a*o*rUm tb* exact amount We will allow five aore* of laud for each cow tbat u placed upon a farm. We will ,lo tay tbat one iu the season will make 50 pound* of batter, wiiiob ii placing it very low. Five aoree, according to the ttauvtice of 18HO, will prodnee H8 bucbela of corn 66butbelol o*t and l&ttoniof bay at*uiniog one aore for corn, two for oat* aud u for hay - wb'nu will weigh 10751 ponnda, which in mat year wa* aetirnated M $44. Deduotiug (ue-tentb ol tbi* weight 'or tbe wafer entering into it* oompoaitiou, we have 9 070 t pound* ol true aoil. Now, I we expjrt tbia il ii gone forever ; we o u uie II no more, and all tbat we receive !i.r it i* 148. But if we feed tbi* |>roduoe to a cow. -be will yield 150 poundi of but ter, hioh, valued at 2H oeote \ivt pouud, amoual to 142 We oau aJao atoure, from no < lira prudco. one calf worth 110 aud one bog worth 110, aud deducting tbe ID ter em, at ten per cent per annum, up >D tbe value of tbe cow. whioh we will mil mae at v3J, leave* 117 more for tbia pro- duce tb>n. by exporting tb* raw material aud, al*L, you retain a* a fertilizer all of tb* product rxoupl 13o pouod* of true noil in tbe 150 pound* of butter, aud tbat n quired to build up the animal Uk*ue of tba calf and bog ; aud which fer- tiliser you replace up in tbe toil aud make to reproduce year alter year, until it it anally all converted into butter. If we convert tbe whole 10,753 pound* of produce into tbat many pound* ol butter, aud value It at v- oeuta a pound, il rtaebe* tbe *um ot f 3.010 M Tbiuk ol the tiuoanl we lo* by vxporiiug Ibe raw material tbiuk ol tbe value of the apoila. bpoil* renult from uiauulaoturirg. Tben, if we ;-u to teoure our own wealth, we mufet look M Ibe eream- eriee for aiaialajcoe. Euglauditaiuad ber im meuke cialtb by ber uianutacturee.induaing otber oountriM to aand ber the raw material* aud allow ber to manufacture them into good*. Bhe returned maoufao lured good*, bat kept the tpoile. She bae grown fat upon tpoiU. Bba ba* lacked tbe very life-blood from tb* oouotriee that patronized ber, or tbal were under ber eon- tr I Sue aeeuted in reducing Italy to poverty and pMip*riam; India to famine and *taivaliou ; Kgypt fell the innueuee of ber political policy. America waa mad* a victim of ber greed until Ibe eon* of Kag land grew to manhood aud broke looee from tbe apron-tiring* of their mother oouutry and paddled luair own canoe. Like Kng land, the far men can ferlili/s tbe eoll ol Ibeir farm* by keeping large number* ol Ojwi and importing leed, if the) oau tiud *om* State ao kind a* to tell it* produoe. Now, let me ay that cow* mut be well fed. In the oow you will find tbe lilver rule aud tbe golden butter. If you do not feed her, the will give yoa but little milk , bat if yon feed ber well, *be will do for you all that ba oan. If yoa have maobiua, kerp it well oiled, or il will anon wear out, aud you will aell it tor old iron ; it you have a cow, keep b*r well fed, or tbe will eooo gel to poor tbat you will have to i.-ll ber for a oauuer. Again, ooui jer for ou* momenl tbe caving in exporting tb* butler instead otgraiu. Ujriug Ib*) pail year tbere were eiporled from tbi* ekalioo iM) 310 poundi ol butter. If 10.752 puaudi ol produce be rrquued to yield l"-0 poundi of butter, tben aooordiug to tbe old rule of three whiob, I believe, w*i uned a great deal wtaen the older bead* here went to*cbool- 47.331,020 pnuodi of produoe will be required tJ pro duo* or yield 6tiO..'UO pouud* of butler. If tbi* all had to be dtawn * duianoe ot tix miles lo the station, the met ol delivering to tbe depot would be $2 per ton. Tbe freight from here to Cbingo would be 12 per ton, making a total c f l"> per ton . wbiob upon 47 311,020 pouud*, would amount to IliH W "">. The IraunportatUD of butter vroU'd oust tl pr tbuuiiaud pound* to t i depot, and ! |nr tbou-aul pouud* to New Y .irk oily, making a total of fli> per thoiinaiic pouoda, wbiob, computed upon 660,311 d* of butter, would amount to 110 66 C .K> - a eaviog of 1167.7625'.). wbiob larmern have uol been alow to perceive What ia a batter ba*ina*s? Wbat u i sorer famine**? \Vill it ip down ? Can i go down ? Bom* oawepapee iuea, whi bava nothing else to talk of, may aay to bat, to far, u ba* not gone down, or eve* tarted to go down, but, ou the contrary, n going tb* otber way. The butiuea* is >e in it* youth ; il i* (rowing larger every day. Tbe nuiub >r ol oreameriee in tbe blale i* continually moreaaing, and ba* now reached *ix hundred. Il It utterly impossible to fix any future period when it maximum will be reached. It u movini rapidly onward, tailing manfully over tb broad ocean of time, bravely meeting am auooeaafully battling each and every atom and tempeet, always avoiding tb* rook* am and bars by the aid of the ever-watobfu and dutiful Batmen the member* of Ibi association. CUKHENT TOPIC*. Loan BEAComriBLD said in 1H7S tbal, a* b* tat night alter night op|O*ite the trattury bench, it* occupant* reminded him of " a rang* of extinct voloenoe*." In 1885, aay* tbe London Telegraph tbe C m aervativetteem to resemble tin-works tbat never will go off ; tbere is elwayn tome dauipnet* or disarrangement if tbe meobiaery which prevents an iffeotwo attack upon tbe euemy'tpawtioo." An or a year ago an Euglub gentleman, travelling in (jjrmauy, came aero** an tflijer employed in superintending eome details ot military railroad traoaport. Ha nad been a captain during tbe Franc ) Qermau war. and bad allowed hi* o jmpany to be nuri rued After baiug Impriaoued for eighteuu months he was jliccd iu tbe military railroad transport Mrvici', and told tbal ba wa* never to reoaiv* promo tiou. BeiL-g aurpri*ed by au eutiry in the one unpardonable tin for the Oeruian*. F>M a return pablithed by the Berlm municipality of tbe population uf the German capital it appear* tbal Birlin bad on December lit, 1880 (tbe )%>t renaue day of Ibe Uarman empm). 1,123606 inbabi tantM. iuoludiog tbe military, liy tbe end of 1881 the population had risen to 1.156 .1x2 wmlM ; 1882, to 1 102,073 , 1883, to 1,226 392 ; 1884. to l,2i3.1'.'C. lue garruoo f Berlin wa*. at Ibe end ot tbe latter year 0,064 A fresh oueua ot the German mpire will be taken on December in next TUK reaouroei of civilization have been rougbt iototervioa in the oaae of Max- well, tbe S:. L )Ui* murderer, who it on ward a steamer bound to New /. laland. A abi* message b*e bean aeni froiu St. Locu ia E i^lai d, I'ortogal, the il- lit-rraueau. Lrabia, India, Australia aud New / talai.d to tbe Auckland autbontien at a cost of bout 13 CO per wort, or several hundred .oilar* altoxelber, aud if it retain* any of l* original meaning after tbn trip of 1>> 000 mile* through all the>e atrange oounuiee, here ia little doubt tbat Maxwell will be in be lookup within an hour after tue ship's arrival at Auckland. Henry Bigourney. ot a well known Bo* ton family, ha* married one of tbe oorypbeea in tbe ballet of a Boeton Ineatre. Mr Higourney U about BO yuan old, aud baa an luoom* of nearly 100 000 a year. Tber* are 623 326 Old-fellow* in Grea Britain, a gain of 38,877 during l**t v air The number of deatbt in 1884 wa* 7,07!.. A long face i* often the prefao* to aahor par**. I* il proper to otll t prison window " gailt" fram*? mixed type. The distribution of tbt purely blood type, which contribute* t)o,etbing over2H pei oeut. aud la a*a Delated with unmixed Teutouie blood, i* rather ourioa*. [i i* bighe*l in Hano\e', where il form* 43 per oral, of the population, but II U very nearly as bigb in tb extreme *a*l I'ruwian and P^mcraQiau district*, where biatory and tradition looatea r/rep^ndarai- K Slavic eletniut, and [>oiuto to tbe c im- pleieuae* of tbe gradual ludualrial eonqattl of tbote region* by the Teutonic race. Jprtai tborl " K, aumh " ' Sultana ' Tin annual report ol th* Oaio Annoul- ural Experiment Station urge* tb* pre- ervation aud maictenano* ol foreati, and y* It if oonoaruing woodlauda: "Th* Irst *l*p thould b* to remove all worthies* 'aiiatiee, and to encourage the valuable sort* to lake their place. Stock abould not allowed to ruu in wood lots lor purpose* I forage . tbere *bonld be a careful guard against fire, *eed* tbould be planted in aoatit place* ol tuoli varieties aa are) moat Imiraole ; shoot* of inferior varieties should M kept down, and valuable sort* ibould be rimmed up, 10 thai tbey may grow tall or jaiug trunk rather than branch**." Tut Church of Soctlaul I>ita*tabli*b- men! Bill, now before tbe Britiah House of >mmone, propose* to di<eetablHh tbe burob of Hjollaud on Ibe ll January, 1X87, but in minuter* may onliuus to occupy their man*** aud glebt* till Whit- sunday, 1--7, and also suberquently on certain condition*. Tb* property of which tb* church receive* tb* butfil ii t) be transferred to eommiseioBers, wbo ar* to *oaipen**>te minUtar* and others and to Have tbe managemaut ol cuarobae, exo*|>i Iboee belonging lo borough corporation* Miumter* are to be oompeu*atrd by rsoeiv lug annuities, to be determined by tbe net yearly value of their tfnoe* and by tha age of the bolder*. Tim report ol tbe Saporinteodont o( Public School* in B.mtou diwueaee Ib* experiment ot manual training for b iyt. Two hundred boys, from ten different grammar school*, have been under initruo tioo in carpentry two hours a week iluoe September. They were) selected by tbe rna*tert from among thoee 14 year* of age or older wbo bad the permission of their parents to take the instruction. "Tbe experiment baa already gone far enough to prove that work of tbia kind oan be j>mrd to tbe ordinary grammar school work witb Kood tffecl," *y* th* Superintendent, and be advuoatrs tbe making of provision* lor industrial training lor girl* as wall a* lor boyt. THE London fn.ih think* that gjeen Victoria baa gone to An le* Bain* lor medical treatment, and tb*t tb* denial of tbe Court Circular it proof only ot tbe avertion ol th* U jyal family to be thought iliog. I'ruth tayt tbat tbe late Duke of Albany was several Umee on tbe vary briak ol the grave when the ptper* were being luHtrucud to itat* tbat ba waa perfectly well, and the Prince Consort was practically a dead man when the news ol ui illuee* wa* communicated to Ibe public, for bi* ease wa* hopele** before the first bulletin appeared. Anxious n i nreM alter Uiyal personage* who are indi*posed are luvaria bly aeaured tbat " i* going ou favorably," when the tub< jjeul iwiue make* u clear tbat at tbat vary lima tbe august invalid wa* going straight aud fait to tb* grave A mc rwtioa ha* been lately goingon in England witb reference to the employment ol electric eel* f ar purpose* of vivisection. One paper point* OBI thai, before an anti viviseotionist protest* igaiuit experiment* upou tlactrio eels, ha ibould abjure eels altogether a* an article of food ; lor aal* are usually tkinned whue they are tlill alive, on tb* ground thai tbi* culinary prooe** remove* tb* oil with Ib* skin and leave* the neab white and firm. Aud th* St Jamei't Gaietto tay* that no virtue* bave been written down to tbe eel'e credit. It doee not care lor th* Buffering ol other flab No eel u aver touched to its heart because a big cod ba* mad* a breakfast ct! of two do/eu whiting. Bacidee, the eel is a oanni bat. A big eel in want ot a meal always looks out for a little eel. Wby anti-viviteo tioniata should be tender over to unfeeling a creature i! m bard to tee. Be. 11* time ago Prof. Virohow brougb together the remits of an inquiry into tbe relative proportions of tha blond-haired dark aud mixed types among tbe aoboo children of the German empire). Sine* then tb* inquiry ba* been extended i< Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland, am embraces nearly eleven milllotoblldren in lit *oop*. In a lecture al th* Berlin Aoad amy of Science, 1'n f . Virohow now ahowa tbat more than 50 per cent, of th* aoboo children ot contra! Europe belong to th* Tha fbori " S^aniab " or lokl ia tathion'* latent whim. Oatpgau " l* ibe uarnt, given in Paria to the neweal (tyle of hairdreiMi.g for )ouug ladies. Tbe pretty beige and almond tinted eiw* are revived, and Ii id an much favor a* tbey met 25 year* agu. A dkinty little faabioo U introduced of having a card-case matld to match tha call- ing ootinme and any lady can easily make one lo match any dress be deeirea. Uandkerohieta are purely ornatnantal. They are small, with colored border*, deli- cately embroidered and etriched in ouo corner wub deoign or monogram. Saahea of watered ribbon, wbioh arc eigut, twelve aud sixteen inobe* wide, are worn at fiuitnt* I r elegant indoor aud walking toilet* and are especial favorites with young ladies. Tbt key-note of this tr*aon ream* to be embroidery. Il ia used upon everything dr em-en, bonnete, ribbons, laces, trimming* and fabric* of every description for under and ouuile wear. Lawn* with small flguret are iu*de up witb open V-sbaped bailees eyed witb laoe and belted with soli tilk th* color of tbe figure, or tbey are fiuitbod with Swim bodioee in silk or velvet. Plain gray -co tout aid gray-blue are mad* up with red to luck very pretty for country wear. Tbe red i-ometiuie* form* t frilling, over wln-u tha ooulra*lu/g olur it cut out in p- i .t* nt ile.ll hpt>a, while upon tbe bodice it forms a tucked veal. Chenille triuamag* will remain fashion- able, aud we shall uavacbenille embroider it*, paaaementeiiee of chenille and silk chenille and velvet or beads, among others beads cut with facet*, wbieb glilMr bril liaotly, and ar* of all tint* and color*. A D*w braid is of ooi)i>ry -colored gold il is narrow and aet up ou the material iu knife-edged patterns wbiob oompUtelj cover tbe tutf to*. Il i* u*ed for v**ta ant standing military" ooll*n>. It looka ex oeedingly well upon tb* li<bl vicuna elotba which are fashionable tui* *pring. Vary pretty fichus ar* mad* iu soft folds if gold or silver dotted tulle or muslin, >* round ill* throat aud era** low upon ba front of tba bodice. Tbe neck i* com pleted by a baud ot velvet edged with standing laoe, aud tbe end* with lac* and groap ol velvet and aatin loop*. Tue etamiue fabric* are the noieltiea an tbey ar* alway* in combination patterui ;>lain with clustered and shaded ttripe* o velvet or cbeuiili or ti^ure*. not large au usually iu atfi. dark linla, Ibe atriped figured tint being ued tor drapery, la panel* or fringe and for ba-que. Eiamiu ia tb* name lor what would have bee called canvas grenadine a few year* ago Hat* ar* ateeple crowned, and tb* aoarl and wing* aud ornament* wbiob tiioi them ar* mounud in inch a way a* greatly to tbe apuarent baiejhl. Kmbroielere laoe, embroidered soarfa aad embroilere ti**ue* in soil, dull India linle aad oolo are greatly used, and Ib* latter are twistel and fattened with rilver and Kbine*loo pin* iu many novel way*. Tbe pin* ar* much mailer than tail year and inor* like tb* real patterua in jewellery. -n i fc i i>- MBN. >..:.. K. .r...ui. J...M. f , plilM lu.. , . The !. ct tater. hare referred to ar* nol occasional pa*out ol depraved taste*, bul whole natu in, wbo ouoeume iu**ot* on so larg* a tolt a to iai*e them to a regular article of trade. L u*l are au artiol* of food in parts < t Africa, Arab, a and Pecua such invHirianre luat th* i rue of p-cvi one u it.flaei.oed oy tbt qiantity <>f the rit-d mstolM 10 band, lue Tualeg*. ot fries, e tee in tbaui highly, aud a tingle dividual will eal ae many an three bun- red ot them raw, roanted or stewed at meal. Cakee ol orutbed lojtut* *r* a ellCacy. B -lied I jeui.s are i>| predated 1C uruikb Termite* aud ant are tbe next oat important food iLtects. Ibe egg- dfii r> die of tbe females cf Allha p'.alot are industriuuitly collected by in South Amenta, and the taste their ruarted and failed bodie* a* been appreciated even by Euro ^*ar>*. Tbe African naxree* can ardly get enoagb if terui*, which o ealeu fried al tba Ctpe, tnd in other rgiont are oiadi into cake*. K*)a*ted ter- lie* tail* scmewual bk* marrow oraweet ream. Ttie 17 fear loouit baa neon eaten North America, tad u *aid to bava wen u*ed in oap maki'.g. Cakea are mad* Mexieowitb tb egg* ot two kind* ol water-bug*. A cake made in l\uan ol meet egg* i* described sa having the tail*) t caviare. Th* Koman* war* fond of a at* < whioh tbey cabled c i*au. A favorite ttb is prepared m J >mi tea from the larv t fa beetle tbttlivm in toe trunk* of palm- ree*. Another wood insect i* preserved in ugar by the Cbineaa aud Malaya, and a quor u made with tbe addition of tome water from a boelle iu Mexico. Catarpil are are eateu iu Auntralia aud al the Cspe, ,1 ibe rifk ol woeful pain* iu Ibe ktomaob. iud eveu spiderr, abhorred by every other race, ar* eateu by tbe llotloututt ol New Caledonia, witb the aamr liability. Wurm* are aooep'.ed a* food by vary few people ki'id of grub la ooilt-cled and ealer. Brazil, a uereid worm iu Samoa, and a reed-worm by the Amos of Japan. 'he Au Iralian* around Part Adelaide are aid to bave lived excltuively on w< rui* and molu*kt, while tbey abhorred bee*. Some teraoi t in N apis* eal a tape- worm, a para- ite of the carp, fried in oil, aud c til u by he nam* of macaroni plain. Sea-urchin* orm a .|iite important item in tbe cookery >t some la-idn, and are popular in some ol ibe Mediterranean districts of Europe. 1 eetijtee of them are found among Ib* remain* ot feast* of Pompeii, and 100.00C Iczto ot them ire still sold in the market* ot Marseille* every )ear. Toay, wub lolotburit*. form important turns in tbe ood eoosuuiplion ol Coma ai.d Japan, where tbe (eopls rarely see our butcher e meat. Tbe bcl ilburia Q-hrry m carried on extensively in Jtpau from April to August. Tb* " oaloh " u consumed fr*ah on th* spot, or i* prepared tud [ aoked for tbe Cbineee mark"!. K ven the Medusa, wbiob no otber animal, to far aa 11 known, will aal. is sought for by tbe Cbiueve. and used a* a dried and tailed meal. Popular *'.-.< n sswat%. late Tb* Ohio, wan on* tim* advocate, Southern l-".. l(. . I. . Uavernor William Allen, ot a man uol easily deceived. At General Murphy, a oeleorated prtclused in Cbillieoiht and Ooio, ib* d*fMd of criiuioal* b, oir. . r D.u<> A ourion* but important otte, in which nmtll-pox infection waa convey ad in a letter ia recorded by Mr. Karkeok, in hi* reoeul report on tbe sanitary condition ol 8l. Maryeburcb, Euglaud. Oa March 1st, last year, a case of email-pox wat reported to him in the penoo of a domeatio tervaot. who bad seen uo one ill or recovering from email-pox, and wbo bad nol been out of tba towu for mould*. Moreover, no case of the ditea** bad occurred in Bl. Mary- cburob or Torquay for yeare. On inquiry, it was fonni that the infected person had received Itltert from ber sister. *n inmate of tbe Weat Bromwicb Small-pox HotpilaJ, wbo bad unfortunately tent the germ of i your eyee. the dueane in her Utter." Tbe oaae wae a! ouee removed to tbe Tor.|vi*y Sanitarium, and tb* only person in tn* household who became ill was the recipient and reader of the letter*. M *wU Tahr One < baari . A New York State larmar wbo wa* in Eluiira tbe other day wt* aiked by a local peculator if he had any hay to sell. " G nog to h*ng righl ou t i my bay." ht replieJ. " If t.iu'asid aud Uattia Qgbl, bay will go kiting." "Got <tny potato**?" "Lots of 'em, but in oaae of wr cater* will boost runt up." " Any oat* ?" "Two hundred tunhtl', but war meant 80 oeut* a bushel for oat*." How about pork .' ' " Gol ten barrel*, but pork ia going to olimb." " Can't yoa ipare a few turnip* "Turnip*? Wei', in case ot war tut- nip* have got to jump, bul bain' I want some nails and oaliker and tobaoker, I'll let you have five bushel* and lake my chances on Ruana baokiu' down." WaU Street Ursjilressusly rrvltastlaiartf*. Bonnet Cox ba* invented a new way calling a man a liar ; he oharaoteriM* a false statement a* " miaobievoualy onvar aoioni." Tbe uaual dialogue whioh prt eede a fight will hereafter be at follow* : Kiral Gentltman You, air, are notori only addicted to mi*obiavou* uii veracity . Seoond Gentleman Aud yon, air, are tn infamou* devotee ot the same pernicious habit. First Gentleman You're a bellicose exponent of malicious and miiohievons unveraoity, and bave not ecfnoieul physical strength or courage to resent tba alalamanl. Minneapulii Tribute. Lady Duflarin baa mid* a innovation on court ouatom* si Calcutta. On her invitation to parti** al Government house* appeared a rrqueet tbal (hot* aving children would bring them. being hi* tort*. His power wt*.b a juiy wa* almoet irreentibie, and tbe facility wub which bawepl in behalf ol hi* client carried everybody with him. A uoturioua bora* Ibirf bad b*eu indicted at Chill. oolbe, anl. of eonrta, b%d retained Ueu era! Murphy Tbe proweatiug attorney reoured Ibe tervices of Allm to help bin convict tbe rascal if poMiole. The evi- dence wa* heard, and u made a pretty clear case anainal the aoouied. Tb* prosecutor op*ued for the State, and wa followed by General Murphy in out of hif molt eloquent aud laarful ttforta. The jury, like ilia advocate and a large portion ot Iba audience, were in Mara, but Alln sal boll upright, wub a atony and danger ou* ylar* in bi* ticel-grmy eye*. Wbec (raneral Murphy had coi cludvd and aal wi['iug bis trars and tobbiud, Allen aroee and said " UdOllenuan of tb* jury, it tet u oruel to say anything to brtak tbe charming tpell tbal tb* learned oounrvl ha* woven atoaud you, or rudely di-ptl the u an tbal he has drawn like pearls of buuis'u v fron Your tears bave been teipooaive to hi. but perhaps bad you kuown tbs fountain whence uprang hi* tear* your* would nol bav* willed up re*poo*ive. Cienllemen of tbe jury, let uie show you tba fountain ot tba learned cionser* tear*." Saying tbia, b* reached ovir ibe table with hit long arm tud tinned *om*tbiug out ot General Murphy's ojl pocket. Holding al.fl a big, red oaiou. [celrd to the quick. Ue went on : " I was aware tbal I ha onion was the symbol of tba Eijj | liau tnyiterir* but not until oow did 1 know ibal u wa* tb* * ibitatoe of General Murnti}'* tetra an<? ujyiteriout power over a j-irv." The prisoner was convicted without Ibe ;ur' leaviug tbe box, and il wan yrar* before General Murphv got orer tbe clever expo* A Lively wU K I wonder bow many nnddl age-u lish matron* or m*id* woull oar* to gc throuitb tbe programme perfi roi*d on* day last week by Ibe Etnprea* ot AjMri* Sb* left the Santa Cecilia, Lord Alfred Pagef* n-arn yaobt, al Deal and walki>d from theuoe to Hover. Oa arriving at I >->ver, aha went by train lo r'ulkttoue, walked back, and than rejoined tba yacht, having walked no lemtbao aighteen mile* during th* day. I am, of ooumr. precluded frou? mentioning Her Majeaiy'a ixtot ace, bul abe waa married jl thirty-one year* age this month. London Truth. Lord and Lady Meliund. with tbair infant daughter, return to Eugland from Canada. London Truth says, tt tbo end of April or early in Mty. Ltdy I'tortns* Anton al*o goe* home Ibis season, whan her marriage wilb Mr Henry Htreatfalld. ol th* Grenadier Guard*. A. 1). C. lo Ibe Governor Oeuaral of Canada, will take |ll*M. I. MI year 3.4:.7,a0y.0i: oigaraand y.M. 334,000 oigartil** ware niaunfaolnred in the t'uited Blale* alone, requiring over '.arlling I '.'1.000 000 pound* of leaf. In 1*79 net 40,000000 pound* were ated. The vet bulk ot tobacco, however, la concBmed ia " otber maiiuf aoturas." which repaired 2l7,4ul,000 pwnd* in 184, -

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