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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1885, p. 4

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Birth. -In Flesherton, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr. Jos Smith, shoemaker, of a son. J. G. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHliRTON. REPAIRING ! In all Us Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. .1. R-Ftiivteti. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, APEIL 30, 1885. ARCIIBISI10P LYNCB AND THE SCOTT ACT. A letter appeared in Tuesday&apos;s Glole, over the sifjnaturc of John Jos- eph Lynch, Archbishop of Toronto, iu which that celebrated prelate coines out squarely against the Scott Act. He takes an almost similar view oi compulsory legislation in such mat- ters, as does Kev. John Carry, the well-known Church of England divine, our old friuud, Mr. Bobt. Albery, of Clarksburg, and a large number ol other gcntleiniiu. Common courtesy compels us to respect the opinions of such men, while we may not endorse their views upon the Temperance or any other question. Speaking of the Act the Archbishop 3ay : "We doubt very much wheth- er this partial prohibition, by count- ies, will do all the good which the promoters ot tlie Scott Act could wish. Tho difficulty of enforcing the Act will be very great, it will require a cordon of police around the counties. and a host of spies through them to detect illicit manufacturers and vend- ors of poisonous stuff that they will Bell for liquor, that will quickly bring on delirium trcmens, and Anally in- sanity and other miseries, so that in- stead of one respectable licensed vend- or of safe liquors there will be a host .of persons without conscience or character, who will traffic in this poisonous liquor, winch will cause a greater evil than that which sonic people desire to have suppressed." So speaks the great leader of thiMv&apos;itni the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, of to-day. Does Halton furnish an example of the evil result-* of partial prohibition ? It was in force there, three years, and at the end of that time a strcnuons el. n t was made to have it repealed with what result &apos;.&apos; Why it wns actually nuil liy an i.icreinctl majority, and i.s in force there to-day and giring .,&apos;i ii >il ijeneral satisfaction ! This cer- tainly does not go to show that par- ti. il prohibition is a failure. Again we quote from the letter in -&apos;ion : "One of the great causes oi&apos; intemperance is weakness of con- ./.i&apos;ution and poverty of blood. Give ilic laboring man fair wages by which he can have a comfortable breakfast en the morning of tneut instead of a little tei and bread, often without butter, and thero will be little craving i ir htrong driuk and hence less intcm- : cc. ^^n working in our foun- . tries and factories require strong nourishment, and if they h*d a good i\v! of snnp for their dinner or lunch ! n-i-e uwiild be less craving for strong drink." We beg most respectfully to aaecrt our belief, founded on close obierv- ntiou, that such a state of things does not ucctssaiily follow. How many of rim* living on the fat of tho land solo speak ba,vo been brought to want and misery through the indulg- uice of this "wavioy. for strong drink," wliioh t in our humble opinion, utllicU hiyh end low, rich and pour alike Thousands of instances are not wnnt iug to bear us out in what \vc say In fact wealth and intemperance arc as often linked arm-in-arm as poverty and intemperance and perhaps more so. The Archbishop asserts that the use of wine is not prohibited in the Bible, and says "our Divine Redeemei instituted one of his greatest sacra- ments in bread and wine, and St. Paul advises his disciple Timothy to use a little wine for his stomach&apos;s sake, for there are persons of weak constitutions that require such nour- ishment." Its use as a medicine is not opposed by any sane person ; but it does not follow by any means that it is to be used as a beverage. Pois- on is alright in its place, but too much of it produces death, or is at least not beneficial to the system. So with strong drink ; its use as a medicine is in many instances not only quite proper but necessary. And it is to contine strong drink to its proper place amongst the "medicinal poisons" on the druggists&apos; shelves, that the Scott Act has been placed upon the statute books of this country. Let the Temperance wave roll on, say, we ! Horsemen, Attention ! When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has any ngly sore, bathe twii-&apos; iinilv, and apply McGregor A Parke&apos;s Osrbolic d ratf. it i> undoubtedly the finest tietling and cleansing application for it. Be sure you gci Mdirei&apos;or and 1&apos;iirke&apos;s. Sold for 25c. per box. at KichardisoiiK Drug Store. LATEST WAR SEWS. The North- West troubles have assu- med a more serious aspect since lust week. On Friday morning the force under General Middle-ton encountered the rebels at a place called Fish Creek about 18 miles south-east of Batoche&apos;s Kiel&apos;s headquarters. They had se- cured a Very strong position in three ravines, thickly wooded, and held the approaches by sharp-shooters in rifle pits, from which a deadly fire was made on our men. They were dislod- ged by the artillery, but succeeded in vunkiog an orderly retreat, carrying off most of their dead and wounded. A number of cattle and fifty-two dead horses, and two or three dead Indiana were found in the ravines the latter had been overlooked in the haste of the rebels to get away as they doubt- less carried all their dead and wound- ed with them that they could find. Our volunteers suffered a severe loss in killed on the field, and of the woun- ded, a number have since died, mak- ing in all 10 killed and about thirty wounded some very severely, as sev- eral amputations have been made since. Colonel Otter with the Queen&apos;s Own succeeded in reaching the beleag- il town of liattleford without any mishap. Their will doubtless be some iard fighting done before the rebellion s crushed, as Iliel is very determined and there arc signs of mine- widespread trouble with the Indian tribes. Turning our attention to Europe, the war feeling seems at fever heat, and it. seems almost impossible that tlie shock of battle betwi m Jiritain and Russia can be averted. Gladstone las made a speech in parliament, tlie firmest in tone on the relations with Russia, since the quarivl i-nnmicnced, and Aviis cheered to the rclio. Ho said ,hat lie would use every means consis- tent with honor to avoid war. Cholera Prrvrutnttve. In order to withstand Cholera aud such ike epidemics perfect purity of blcmd, and the proper uctiuii of the proper action f the stuuiacu are required. To insure that enu, n the chvape>i, most avnilable imd complete uanner, UM- Mcltu-Kor&apos;.s Sjieudy Cure for l)y. Hpepiia, and luipuru Wood. Them is no purer, Hafer or more reliutlo remedy in i-xist ,-uce for IiidJKention, Dytpepsia, Costiveness, etc. Auk j&ur neighbor or any person who used it. Sohl at Itichitrilsou&apos;s Drug Store. Trial bottle j-iveu free. Fluid l.iulitniiiK. All sufferers from tlmt terrible torment, eumlnin, can lie made happy in one mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light- ning briskly rubbed ou painful parts, and vitbout using any dJHgusting medicino day ifter day with litWe or uo result. Fluid .igkting aJso cureg us effectually Toothache, umbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and ii >nly 2<jents per fcottlaatlttchardsoii&apos;sDrug store.. T11K SCOTT ACT IN GliEY. We have received the follow-in-,&apos; let- ter from our nu-mbcr for the Com- mons, Dr. bproule, in reference to a statement in our last week&apos;s issue con- cerning the Scott Act vote in Grey : Kditur Advance, Fleiherton: SIR, I see by your issue of last week that you intimati! the vote Will be taken ou Scott Act liy-Law for Urey on 2&apos;2nd June, and that the ob- jections filed against petitions were held not valid. 1 may say that is not correct. A copy of the objections was forwarded to Mr. Frost, and he re- quested that time be allowed him to answer them ; this was granted. As yet no reply has been received by the Secretary of State to these objections, and nothing can be done until it is. I am, dear sir, Yours truly, T. S. SP110ULE. A GKKAT MISTAKE. 11 in & great mistake to suppose that dyspepsia can&apos;t be cured, Imt iiiuxt be euduroj, will lif made gloomy ud miserable tin-ruby. Aleiauder Burn*. of Cobourg, was curi-J after sutteriuK HfU-vu vsrn Burdock lilo.-l BitUira cured him. CARD OF T/fAXZS. Mr. Editor, Allow me, through the columns of your paper, to tender my sincere thanks to each and every individual who worked with such un- tiring zeal to protect my property from destruction by fire last Thursday. \V. W. TRIMBLE. CAS DBAHBM UK CI-UKD? Mr. John Clark, of Millilrul^t*, Out., declares it can, and that Harvard&apos;* Yellow Oil is the remedy it cured him. It in also a specific for all m:l iminiitU&apos;ti and pain. Bound to 1C uli- the Roost. \\ ilsi in Thuinpson seems dutenninod [hat his name shall down to posterity as :i prominent, if not somewhat notor- ous, character. Lately things have not HXJII moving! vi-ry smoothly around his domestic hearth ; and, indeed, only a few weeks ago he made his detnit beforesquiru Armstrong, at the instance of his wife, who complained of ill-treatment. As hey could not live peaceably together,an arrangement was made whereby a divis- on -if their worldly goods was made- each taking what belonged to him or her and -in fact it was a separation by mu- iial consent. Mrs. Thompson who is an mlustrious woman, rented a small house n this village where she and her children ided. Thus matt*** went until Wed- nesday night of last week Ju working lard day after day in order to earn an hnuest living for herself and children ; hile /i. spent his time chiefly "(mm- mmy" occasionally getting more liipior han wan good for him. On the uvt-ning named he hwl been imbibing more than isiml, and about midnight started down Sydonham street mi .> "foynge of dutcov- iry." Arriving at the hnusu occupied by lis wife Thoni|MM>n forced an entrance, n the iiii-itiitiiin- lu. wife nnd all the hildron except the y.iunircst, made thoir escape to the house nf it neighbor; so h:it, when Thompson entered tho dwell- ng, he found himself Monarch of nil lie surrpynl !" Now, it striken us rery forcibily that here is omethii)i; "rotten in tin- atateof umark," if something cannot ho done n ]irotect helpless w.itiien and children nun the midnight niiiU nf such (Iriinken ellows att Thomnenn ha* shown himself he. When snWr. it is said, ho is n teady, industrii.UK ninn ; but that does n.t iitf.ird sufficient excuse for his mad ranks i>n the nisjht in i|iientinn, and we runt measures will In- taken to teach him liattlu- lu nf mil- liuid are not to be >roken with impunity. THR .SI:RKT Orr. Tlie secret of success if ll&apos;li.lni-k lllnod L&apos;ttirs is tllllt it acts ipon tin; bowiiln, thu lin-r, thu kidneys, the km and the Mood ; n-moviug obstructions lid imparting hpnltli an I vigor. Card of Thanks I hereby tender my sincere thanks to each anil pvfry person who rendered me aRpifit- ni-i- at the Inte fire, Ihcrpby HtvinK valuable .ioi-rty which otherwise would have been lestroyed. Kindly acwpt my sincere thanks. H. L. WILKEHSON. Fleshcrton, April 21th, 1885. WATERLOO N&apos;Kws.--\Vlter, of Waterloo, writis that Halyard&apos;s Yt-llow Oil m ilono great good in his family, hla wife winy cured of Callousv lumps that other iiedicinea failed to remove, he also states hat a neighbor wn.s promptlY relieved of ibeiimatism by the sume remedy. Birth. In Fli sliertuii. on the 26th inst., the wife f Mr. Jos. Kiniili. Bhoemaker, of a son. lull Hoagh conditions of tho Skin, Shampooing tho head, I&apos;lnipleB, PrupUon nd Skin Diseases, use 1&apos;rof. Low&apos;s Sulphur loap. PH. LOWS i&apos;LKAHANT WORM SYRUP An agreeablA, safe and eflfectaal remedy to emove all kinds of worms. 3:^J i- J Vegetable Giciiir.n HAIE EENEWEL TU the flnt prepnratlon pcrf&apos;-ct!vf.ilf^tril 19 euro iliai&apos;iiHcs ul tho bca!i>, niitl (lift tii>i n.o (wuful ri-ilorcr of 1.:... .. ur t,v:iy lair lu lu natural color, growili, unit >* i.i.-i&apos;.l l-^iu;.. U luu luul liiuny iiiut.-.l . -. L it in he La*, e tu fully wet all tho n-i|iu>:i.i i&apos;< i..i,:i ,1 In.- liit proper triatmi-nl uf t! - anil * a&apos;p. li.ii.r llAiit Iti M u i:ii h &apos;- MI .. . ;. ..:! i*u fuvor^ and t>|irc-ail lu;.- auJ* tocrvry qiutrler of tbo (:&apos;i-! r. lu m.(-.i.ul- K-leil BUI-I-OM cau be nttnunt . I to but out cauw; tiutlircj&apos;u<jilmtut&apos;\l il<; naiutct, Tlie proprietors havo ofit-ii lit-cn inrpriseil nt tbe receipt of ordrri l..m nnuio eonu- ir.c, where ihrv hul IH.H-." :..v.j au tlTurt for iu iiiiroductiuii. TUe use Jor a *liort time of n M.I.&apos;S ItAm ll::v:: 1.11 wuiidcrluily In., r .t\i ilia per. soiml a|>|n.-araniM.-. It tk:iiu-. . iliaii&apos;a!|> Irom Cll n: J&apos;Ul.lir-, cure* Uil 1.... ...l.i, liur, luul .rvin-, and thus | remit* lislil;uu. u 8t;mu".;itc* the we:i\i ituil ^..inln. ninl i&apos;ii:.l.k li-i&apos;Iji lu (illah lorUiU.l H l.t-w IIIK! \IJ-iv. i,< pru.Uh. TLo elFeots of ll,. Mrl.^lo mo i.ut truiib.t-nt, like thotfo of :t. . ..i. tiuni.but niutlii M IOIIK 1.11.0,1..... tu uu ft jiiaiur of t&apos;co:iuiiiy, BUCKINGHAM&apos;S DYE roK THE WHISKERS TTin euanpe tlie l*anl to a naturtl brown, orblack. ludnlred. Itpradaeasapernwnrnt color that will not wash avar. Coniiitmc i>f s tingle preparation, U u appliixl witLuut trouble. PREPARED BY J. G. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Wttfi&apos;lir*. (&apos; I Jen-eli //, $< Cheaper Than Ever ! James Sullivan, ; The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. ltol.ui.ini,&apos;. Kim-trouwliiniMiiiil in Imt i .". . thiuu in thu bimiiifSK nil) n-, ii\. i, . I&apos;runilit Mill run-fill llttMltioU St ii&apos;aaouablu pri> i: Carriage Tforh! Milburn & Gadd, pllol&apos;ltlllTiilts (.f the- alve woikx. are inc * pargil to attunil to everytbhif; in tho B. P. HALL & CO,, Nashna, N. H. ; Can iage Making & Blacksmithiug : HUM |ironi|>tly nml in p /{(&apos;/HI if/// ^ in hntlt Bold by all Dealer! In Mexiiciuci. FOE ALL THE FORMS Scroftilnu*, MVrrnrlnl, Blood Dlordtra, the bent romedy, bec.iiua tho nmit BeAifhinff and thorough bluod-purittor, is iitUii-l.- 1 U. HOltSK SHOKING A SF&apos;KCIALTV Ayc.&apos;s Sarsaparilla. Bold by all Drogglsts ; tl, six books, to. GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. JOHN WHITTEN. Kuiider tind Contractor, Flesherton, Tfi now ready In taki* l>ullillun contract* (or tun * MWonoflHW. All ordorii will IHI prouiiitly I to MI UBual by o to heartily thank the public for pant pat largu .111 1 wtn< n-nl Ktaff <i( workmen. Al>nUk this oiiportnnlt; flBIlLMP R. R. LANDS! KJI ^jf In Mi Una. U "! lota, \ortn Dakota Mon 10. Wathingion anil Ortgon *lsrl on I t lor sec lc<s rsnshfl chiefly frnm o pr scr. to 10 ttsrl lime. This i the Bell Co-jmrj curing Coofl Garnet nowo?:n f^-r Krtltmnt. ,r. I ,,. MITK roitK TII% .,.,, in ,t , v,..r . .,, 1-nHI. &apos; mi &apos; I..M. -i vr.!.r.. &apos;&apos;""&apos; ", *" ino .,^lllr> .&apos;I i -&apos; &apos; "&apos; I In&apos;- III&apos; tie ..v ; u .i.i uii.1&apos;. i-wr-V l.N. I.M.JC.&apos;10&apos;r, -. I&apos;.H. H..IH. l-&apos;il I liavc a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitable- for tlio Season, having just received a large addition to my Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTOJV Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, FARMERS AUD THRESHERS! Ask your Merchants for McCollBroSsLardine MACHINE OIL . .

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