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Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1885, p. 8

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. - . FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, A Krliublc "Weatln-1- PropliH. Flesherton has n weather prophet- -in fact \vi> have several, but the one we IIKTO particularly refer to can just "knock the spots olf" 1'ruf. Wiggins, or even that notorious old fraud, Musi's dates, who predicted a mild winter lust fall : and, then, when that failed, he had thu ALL KINDB OP | Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstouns Counter unil Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M:irbK i/.i it Slate, &c., &c. Flesliurton, Aug. 00, 1883. li i-ioii ( onrl. His honor, Judge MacPhei-son, had n light docket to dispose of at the last Di- viM.iii (Juurt held in Kleshertun, on the 17th inst. Thei-o was nothing very enliv- ening about thu proceedings the iiioiin- toinius hum ilnim ( debtor and crediU>r exhausting the j>arionce of those whom curiosity brought thither. Of course brass to give it as his opinion t lint we would hare a nice <>[>en spring ! Hut we I there were a number of rather important digress : A week ago last Monday our cases, but even these did not seem to cre- weather prophet predicted beautiful, pring ate much inturust. Thu Wilsons were at weather, commencing on the Thursday ' "Coort" looking after the iuterenU of the following. Sure enough it came, und has' irrepressible Robbins again, with what stuck to us like a brick ever since. There ' result we know not will likely hearubout I .,..., ,v .. r i Ar"*ic, i*iljr know* a- ii.- st flotsi Ep' *.'-v t!:it while * r Burdock BITTERS Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indijwtton, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Lieer and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, S<ilt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Imjiure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irrnjultir nation of the Bowels. is nothing mean about us; "honor to whom honor is due," has been, is, and al- ways shall be our motto. Our reliable weather prophet u none other than Mr. M. Richardson. No 1 Fine (iKlerich Salt, cents per Hbl. at only 95 R. TUIMHLE'H, GET YOUR Spring Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE i Flcsherton Tailor. Improvement*. As stated in a previous issue, building "jirratiiiiix have already commenced in Flesherton. Besides those already im-u- tioned, the following buildings are in course of construction : A large three-story, brick, carriage and blacksmith shop on the corner of Durham and Hill street*, by Mr. J. H. Heard. A cottage, brick veneered, residence, on Adelaide street east, by Mr. Harry Piper. A cottage, brick veneered, residence, on Church street, by Mr. Jas. O. lirooks. A two story frame residence, on Rich- mond street east, by Mr. Win. Taylor. And still there's more to follow. Nrhool The following is the Report for U. 8. 8. No 1, Artuinesia and Euphrosia, for it some other time. The Wilsons lire a clever family, and known more about law than a grunt many of our lawyers- so we are ti>ld by one who ought to know and have inure inHiicnce with the "jooge" than a carload of pettifoggers who "chate people in H face, so they do." The Agricultural Editor could not help observing upon whnt trivial pretence* many of the cases were brought Wore Judge Mac Pherson whose reputation as a clear-headed and upright jud^'u is wide- ly known. Lots of the cases brought Vie- fore uur Division Courts are the outcome of misunderstandings which a few wordi* from any clear-headed man would net right, and thus save the cost and annoy- ance which would otherwise follow. It made the Agricultural Editor sad and mod at the same time, nnd in the words of the immortal but rather "illy" clad, "Puck," he was led to exclaim : "W hat fools these mortals bo. " The old "stand-by's" of the Court wcr all there ; in fact the Agricultural Editor of this paper has never known them to fail to put in an appearance before the last echoes of the ItailifTs stentorian "0, Ys. O yes," Ac., had died away, to bo HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urify tho Hlood, correct all Disorder* of thu r.* I v i< I n' \ - and. Tjjjr invigorate and rontore to health Debilitated Conntittitlonii. and are invaluahle in all Coin I', imt luuiiluutal to Koiualui of all OK. I'm riuliimi aud tin- agod tliuy aru priculu. THE OINTMENT I* ft'J Infallible roiuedy for Had IA-K*. I*ad HruaHt*, Old Wounds, Sorim nml I'lcom. It U famouR for limit and liheu in ati Km. For disorders of thv Clu^t it ku 110 equal. I'nrSORK T11HOA1, mtOXCHlTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Uludular Swelling*, and all Skin DIoBc It ha no rival; aud for coutracted and (tiff joint* It act* llku a charm. KantifActurril only at Profensur HOLLOWAY'N Kittablishiiiuiit, 78, Krw o \ i or<i Strrt-I ( latr .%:i::. Oxford Ktrrci ). London, .-: 1 r K>ld at 1 ltd., * 9d., 4 Oil.. 11 . 93t., >nd Xta. cncli li..\ nr Pot, olid may l>w had of all Mc<ll i iin- Vendor* tlirouiiliout tlic \\'iul<l. the last quarter- names of pupils being ! ucceeddbythestam P offeet,and confused arranged in order, according to merit :- > Inurmur " f vo ' c " Wch invariably attend 4th Class. Kate Kennedy, Willie Hugh O'Hrieii. Sr. 3rd Class. Hugh Walton, Benny Carruthert, Frank Lowe, Jan. L O'- Brien. Jr. 3rd Chws.-Fred. E. Phillip*, Kmest t'hilli)*. Robbie Stuart. 2nd Class. Arthur Carruthers, Maggie Shcffcr. lit Claas. Walter Shaffer, Tho*. Wal- ton. L. A. liBXBX, Teacher. Mi I " r i in n il<- n i I run Mr. ^e opening of our court., They shifted > uneasily on their seats, and craned their I heads forward with eager expectancy , when anything unusual occurred ; and when the judge, in his abrupt, and decid- ed manner, decided a OM whether for plaintiff or defendant the "old stand- by's" nodded their heads sagnoiously, and winked at their neighbors M much a* to **y. "I told you how it would happen !" ! The otherwise tedious routine of the Court, was thus relieved somewhat in the observation of these old wiseacre*. The canes lew than forty in number, which wa* very little more than half the usual <{uota were all dispuwd nf early in !( *-rn* r.'ow \o;-; tin t*>anl a .*liip s^h ; iimih.l ' .- , > I'-tni. m Itui i.i.:y any* ui <jn.igi*:.<Mi lu *....* , li : ic trii- ii l|j;tt one Of ihe o...*.'r* ^f fas 1 1 * 1 L .a c :.i. U l',;u .:. k.ur i,. t*.-- . . - *; , vi nu <>j::ii.ite d.cj*x, by lL UK ol Ayer's Sarsapariila. Slur* tlien Mr. LELAXP k;n r^lrn-cn ' I AVKII'S S.IIISAPAUJLLV ,,|ll III.1HV nilli.i.r .. and be Las never yet Inartful Its (:..: or to I'ltTf a radical cure. n ..,i,- ypu-i a?oou of Mr. T. PLANT ' farm lulxireri brulicil hii ! u. uwltijr l Hie I'J I iir of hi* liii< I, r.n n;:l < riil><ii>-el1lnf or lump ap;>e:mi! on tlm tn'iiml HitT. licr- rlbl llclllllg Of 11;" (kill, Hltll 1. lirMlig Hl.ll tinning (iiili.i tlirnujfi l!in ltii"p, mud" lifo alinoit !i 'oln.-iMn. Tho 1. I < n r l<"-iil v i-nlan."*-!, mi I ruiMilii: 1 !;'. i* f T< !. siUcliarjrfnj S 11 ' lMntllio i>f extremely offensive mutter. No trtMtir.i 'it va> 'f r.:./ Ti: nntil the man, by Mr. Li i AM' - illicc- tl"ii WM sanpllwl trlth AVKr.'n Sin*r*- HII.LA v. lili-h ]laj<l tli tttlu Irri: \ liMle'l ili', Kirn, rejnoTi-il t!iu Knolllng, u*>'. completely relieved the llmt> to UM. Mr. LBULMI hu personally Ui<xl Ayer's Sarsaparilla for l:;i"imitlm, ::'.! ent.'m mi-era* j nr .^, ftfl.-r cnr.Iul o".,c; \.... >n, i\-e!:.rt* tY.t, !T I. IJ n i.i mi iii' :V.uo i.i lUo v : .1 c :nl to ll for |U car of I.Ivrr I) ! *. ci.iw:, t:io .r.-ot i.r i-.ij H n:r.T. * '; l()i. inn, titmt, >r....... MI. I :.! : mi iniia f...m of Mi--: I llisT.*"'. Wo hart! ;.'r. LCL.XJ J'K peri:.; <l^ut>i' I; v'joUKiyiielho fi::lLer <-%:.:. HOC in l< : :. to tli r-.::;i.. i. :.].;..} c.:::;'..r \t.\. A veil's SAILS vr.M.a.i.A to n<J l.::a jtri :- ally citlicr at Ut uuiuinia'.'a .c -u lit.: ', LonS Ci-auc!i,or at tlio popular !.<:.:.'. UnxiJway, ::th and *l!i i:.-. .11, Xew Vert. Mr. LKL.IND'* xtcnire V.^ .wa.'je o." .. CooJUonebjrtliUnnrqaall. J tn.::. ... .' biunil ixi.'inti* ennb'.cs him to 4,lro L.';ul. .. j much valuablo luformatlon. PIUErARCD BT Dr. J.C.Ayer4Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold b; ail Vnsfltti; SI, n bottte (or t :. Advertise in The Advance. ISLAND HOME Stock Farm. Crosso He, Wayne Co., Mich. dAVAUK & KAiOiLM. *<T* l'iirtluui-r* ln>i<l'{ Ian!: ,' ' ?, (>..'" >lif an tin- l'ntx ninl 1','i.rrt. '""/./, i. tht ii tit'- ituriin If the ttddrrt* it Itvt J. W. BATES, Furniture 1 train- anil Undertaker, 1 I.IISHKliTON, OXT. Money to Loan. .1' f.'l Per CViif. /n(.'m( >,)i HtniuiM Lonit. WITH Intrri'iit i>i.iil yi-arly. not in nrlvanea. No coinmltHion char-god. Apply to A.UK1KR. TIIOKNRIRY. CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED In Branzt Lrttert, OTHER GENUINE. CLAYTON'S II AK\ KSS SHOP FLESHERTON, Is tin- j>/mv l':l I IK. 'll,'. <f- Shue Hli,r. , in-chief of our sidewalks and streets. On Tuesday evening he strolled down (Jollingwood street, and finding that everything was nut just .a/ lovely as it might be |>articularly in front of the ADVAXCE printing office gave it as hi* opinion, Unit thu folks in the east end were a lazy lot anyhow. He thereupon moved, seconded, and tarried unanimous- ly, tho following resolution : That Fnwct-tt and them other lazy clm|>* in the East Ward of this town ..f Flesher- ton, be and they are hereby requested to move, or cause to IHJ moved, within forty - eight hours of the passing hereof, nil the rubbish on tho sidewalks and streets in front of their respective places of business and abode, on OaBbgWOod, Kingnton, and other streets in the said East Ward, in the said tnwn nf Fleshi-rton. Fawcett demurred on tho ground that the pile of wmid in front of his oilier ou<l- ed greatly to the l*auty of the scenery. Supt. Triinl'li- ovi-r-niK'd tin- objci-tiun. :illi'i;iiir,' that to idlow any such tiling to be toluratc'il xvould r^talili.ih a liud ] ilnit for hi.t Mic-cessors in ottice in thu dim future. Horses uml Sidcnnlks. To t/ie Editnr of Tin .l,l, The extreme tlioiightfuliiesn, to ki-i-[i dumb animal* fret out of thumud.wasdiK- playud lout Sunday evi-ning by a youi^ innn on honw-bitck who. after tryin^ftome time to u'et his horse on the sidewiUk, succeeded; than after trotting him at a pretty pood ],: - ( . f,,r some dintanen there- on, the said \mitli felt sntiflfieil and retir- thi.m with tyi(-irimti-.iiia.- Fri I, M. ,it . of all ed in order to allow those iniimrtincnt HnilH, unit 1 ISO, <vc In tlit-ir atMuimi. pedrstnans to have a ch.ince. No won der there are hole* in the sidewalks when they aro used with Ruch freedom byi|ii;ul rupeils and the lon^-i-ared lii]>o<ls who di- ruct the footsteps of tho former. 1'noBoNo IViii.lro. [We have oftuii admired the "thought fulness" exhibited on the p.irt of cques- t rains, such a the one referred to above. lloHMK lU.i-oiiTKK, in absence of the " Editor-in-Chief. "1 As a superb unlr dressing and renovator Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally coinniruil ml. It erailicntrs scurf ami dnndruff, cures all cruptionn and llohiuRS of the srnlp, pro- motes the renewed growth of thn hair, aud lurcly preTeots Its fading OI tumiug gray. Our esteemed and highly venerated citizen, Mr. R. Trimble, has boeii npjioint- ' the Krnoon, and judge, lawyer*, clerk, ed, by common consent, superintendent- j *"* **!*. ucces*ful and unsuccess- ful clients, "old stand-bys," and thu aud- ience dispersed. A (loon TEHT, For over eixteen yesrs 1 M. Kvi'rcKt, of 1 ..i< ht, has sold Hagj-ard's I', i !..tnl Halhiiiu, and its alen are steadily Incrrakiug. It ourrs coughs, colds aud all lung complaint* ; is pleasant to take and always reliable. WELL TO HIMKUBKII. A stitch in time avuu nun'. Serious results oft follow a Now Butcher Shop in Flesh- ortou | Peich & Mitchell. oppor- " fPHK. llti.| t 'rsii:n<l rnspi'ctflllly take tlill A tunltv to onnouno* to ttu |wQpl f orton ini'l Kiirri'-ii-ilii-K ronnlry.tlmt tin v liavo itarti'il Hutclmr Shoji In thi- "tun I in ' ' '' ' M"' \\iiikn. ri,KSHKHT(l\. wlirr.' tli"\ wili lu< |iloae<l toinuct with all who favor Hoflpectfullv \onrn. 1'liTCU d MITCHKLL. .........-*. Eleiirtliarn, mmm Kn-nlli. Loss or 4p- IM (llr. Juundlro. !. <>l Wi-nnin , Sour Hiomnrh. l.lver "iii- plHlnt.or any lllnrxiiarlKlnKrn'm the <4iom- Mft, fwcls or KMUty*. They aro iafe, mild und th 'rough Ui their action. Fromlto* IMPORTED Percheron Horses. tin stomach. boweU. lirer, kidne.v and the blood. Take it iu time. FRKRMAN'8 WORM I'CWbKRH destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infniit iNEWADVERTlSEMKNTS. TUo tliorouvli-hn-d Hhort Horn Hull, Duffcrin \Vill Ktaiul fur ('<> ^ tin. M'HHiin nl INH"I at Lot 140 I : I I . .V s K'iti'1. Arti-ini-Kla Aim the thor- i HI; til ml Ayrnliirullnll, Robbie Burns Atl v. - k s lcr*r,l frrrn the (ret of rirfs and < of evViliitiol ropuuiion and rcgiuereJ in uw- Krencb aul American nml Ixioko. ISLAND HOME I< heautifullr nlmatrd it the head of Gom Ii r. in fie [)-ir -:t Kivrr. ten milcH helnw the < itv. and Uaccmible hv riilroad nml Meamhoat. Vkilon nol l^inillar wiih the lootinn may call at city office. r,i C.MII[..III Duilihr. '. ami mi rcort will accompany them t > the Ijun. S.-nil t n i nt.ili>cue. free by t A'UieM. SAVAOK & KAII.NL... Detrco. Micb. Will Ktaml [i. of 1HH5, at tin , MMplM*. Pedlgr*** of abmr* Btun can hu R<><-II at any r.m appHoaMon to tlm |iroj>ritor. i I. i:\IS: l^or Dufforln. " *1.60; "Kohblc ]<uru for i . allowed. Ut of January. Diwouut AKCH. CAIHXS, Proprietor. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, " CLARENDON"," /- staiulirui at Little Mtiltfar Kernel. House & Carriaga Painting Xratly, Erjtrditunulti, ntl < 'heiijily per- formed hy OBOBG-BBAUL YELLOW OIL 'CURES RHEUMATfSM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Aro pleaunt to take. Contain thalr own ParfatiT*. Is a safe, sure, ami rttrctaal " ' T T worm* in CUlMii- . or AJ* EUGENIA Grist Mill, ;;.: Ii'.; Mill. on ll'lin it-ill It- fiininl in (In iJil stiinil, nluivr Millium'x rorritufc nhif>. (Men 6/ nuiil ! <>r nthmrite irill reteire rartful attention. Having ruade pxtt-nsivo iuprovement!i In m<r UrUl Mil), I inn oof)iint 1 can gire goo-l satUf.iotioB. CHOPPING DONK ANY DAY. (iuml Kl'.nir olway.i on htuid. FARM FOR SALEJ Lin T'. .'trl oonpi'islon, Anenmola. eontalnliiK ! fioiorei*. M acr** o!**nd and In *jrao4 ** ' ; Cultivation; bataaM good honlwioa booh. Tornm IIHHV AppJy to JAMi'.h HI. \CMil UN on the utilise*, or to W.J. BELLAMY. 6w Casiom aud Bills fillor) on tho shortcsl noti<v>. Lntu ber and Lath always on ho nil. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT. J

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