Sudden Death Mrs. Arch. Hunter, of this town, died very suddenly on Saturday morning last, of conjestion of the lungs. She was an old resident, having been here about 80 years. She came to the neighborhood with her father and lived in Bentinck, just north of Durham, but after removed into this town, and married the late Arch. Hunter, who died some eight years ago. She has since resided with her son-in-law, Mr. Arch. Hunter. The funeral took place to the Presbyterian cemetery, and was largely attended by relations and friends who came out to pay a last tribute to an old and much respected citizen. - Grey Review. Saturday afternoon a little daughter of Mr. Jas. Elder, of Peabody, was playing on a sleigh on a log that had been left, and the log rolled onto the child and killed her. Mr. Elder has the sympathy of the whole neighborhood in his affliction. - Chesley Enterprise ; . - - DISTRICT SAYINGS AND DOINGS. In the Arrangement of Which, Sciuaors and Pen are Freely tJaed. SENT TO OWEN SOUND. James On Easter Monday a certain Stoneliouse of tbis town, was seui to county town editor drove bis best girl i Owen Sonnd jail, as a dangerous luna- 'to tbe station and tied up bis borsc tic, last Tuesday. For a long time tbcre while be escorted lier on board, be has been employed by M r. Robert i He was HO engrossed in seeing ber Bull, but for tliQ last few weeks sbow- 1 comfortably settled for ber long and AVis regret to state that Dr. , ed gigns ofgeHous aberrations of miiul)] dreary ride of twelve miles tbat be MoWilliauis is agaiu confined to rooui by illness. Dr. Cbristoe visited linn DM Tuesday. Tbe Dr's. wbicb developed tbeiusclvt-s so strong- did not liear tbe signal and was carr- fi lends wish him a speedy recovery.' DundaJk Herald. The enervation aud iaaiitude of apriug time are but indications of tbe iluKKinh i'-n in of tbe blood, overloaded with carbon- ates aceamolatod by tste use of hatiu^> food in wiiiHT. Tin., (MSiUition may be re- medied by the uae of Ayer'i Saraaparilla, the beat blood purifier known. Miss Bridget Rodgers, 107 years old, and who bas been iu the county gaol for the past two years, was 011 Tuesday last removed to the bouse of Providence, Toronto, where she will be looked after for the bal- ly as to warrant his committment, InanV! and on Monday last James Carson Trial bottle given free. -SUDDBN DKATU. Mrs. Arch. *uce of ber life. Duferi* Pott. A GHEAT MUTAKI. U ia a great mistake to auppoee tbat dyspepsia can't be cured, but moat be endured, and life made gloomy and minerable thereby: Alesander Barns, ' Hunter, of this town, died very slid- o! Cobour,wa cured after auffering nfleen d j Saturday morning last, of Uurdock Lllood liitiars cured him. ' -Saturday aftemoou a little conjestion of the lungs. She was an * ' resident, having been here about ied off by tbe train. Whether the horse remained at the station until conveyed him to the County jail, tliu return of its driver next day or much to the relief of tbe inhabitants was taken care of by some sympath- of this enlightened and prosperous izing stranger is not recorded, but the burg. Durham Chronicle. I o. t. e. looked as happy aa if he had Cholera Preventive. '*"*"& th t wholc P* bord.rtowUh.tMd Cholera and auch fo"'*nd.-CiW.y Enterprise. like epidemics a perfect purity of blood . aud tbe proper action of the proix-r action of tbe stomach are required. To ui-un that end, in the cheapest, moat available and complete ' out, or has any ugly acre, bathe twice daily, manner, ueeMcUiegor's 8p*edy Cure for l>y- nd apply McGregor <k 1'arke'n Carbolic pepjia, aud Impure Blood. There in no, Cerate. It ia undoubtedly the finest healing purer, 8afci or more reliable remedy in exist- n d cleansing application for it. Be sure ence for Indigestion, Ily tprpaia, Costiveueks, you get McGregor aud Parke'a. Sold for 35o. etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who per box, at Kicharditoug Drug Store, nsed it. Sold at HicbanUon'a Drug Store. be- . n. Attention! When Tour hone ia gall. J. acratched or DR. LOWS PLEASANT \VOHM 8YHUP An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of woruta. yean AUCTION SALE -OF Elder has the symrmtby of the whole i neighborhood in his affliction. Ch*- . i',^- try bnterpmt. EUPHHASIA. daugbter of Mr. Jas. Elder, of Pea-' >iu. naving i body, was playing Dn a .leigh on a Shears. She came to tbe neighbor- Valuable Farm PrODBrtV log liad been left, and tbe log rolled hood with ber father and lived in i. tb. Town** * <m to the eaiM and killed her. Mr. "entinck, just north of Durham, but after removed into the town, aud j married the late Arch. Hunter, who died some eight years ago. Bho bas ..), 'since resided with her SOn-ill-laW, Mr. 'sal, and on default being uiadein payment uf nU i the moneyi thereby secured, thore will bo oBer- ' cn. | Arch. Hunter. The funeral took ; * for lt ' b v labile Auction place to the Presbyterian cemetery, and was largely Attended by relations and friends, who came out to pay a last tribute to an old and much re- , th Clark, of Milldridgr, Out., declarea and that liagyard't Yellow Oil it the remedy that cured ciiin. It ia alao a specific for all lullannuafou and pain. - Mr. Isaac Wilkinson, of Nor- luanby, uear \ aniry, has two ewes which have had seven lambs this season, one three and one four, and they arc all doing well. Four lambs at once is a very rare occurrence, and is a At m. St 1' ph ^. n ch will i>r.hlu.-.<l at the time ll'-t.l. in th. I' ill,,.,.' spected citizen. Grey Review. Flntt Huih the baby (taiid* alone, Hoi. I ) ,,nr breath anil watch her, Now he take* a step- juitt one. Waver*. Mto|M, -quick catch hert forrtt | Courage ! Life nrat >tfi> will coat. Now axain ahe't trying One, two, tlirvu ! abe wiilka altuoet, ntuuililinu.crjing. for them all to be doing well thing seldom heard of. Ml. Confederate. THE SICIKT OCT. Tbe aecret of of Burdock Blood Bitters U that it cU| Precioiu. l>ab) ! uponcv more upon the bowel., tbe liver, tbe kidneys, the! il&SSS3&+**m* ikin aud the blood ; removing obstruction* Hrlght eyei upward cUn.-nw. and imparting health and vigor. ' Whore mama with cheering aniile. Toiler darllnii IN tho libel suit Von Pirch vs.- eMv eeaxufbabr, while Her nrat tl|> nbo reckoni : nt eiiilolt of ;lf content - ow he growing bolrier. One can lianlly hold her - be so preee to admn. >-, In her b.*bv learning PnUaso Ahl by what iniKhancu In this overturiiliu: '.' There llea baby on the floor Sprawling, n.llmx. ncroauilng ' | Are life'" nrt att<>m|<t o poor ? Baby wae but .In'miiing When uliii fi-lt v~ I-.1.I and trou . Gladly now hh. -lm^ini{ To tbu one who-m *<M>thUm ftotig Hack her mule la bringing llnrti are cured l>> mama'* kiae Bravn atcain u ever See, the lilucl) llttlo MUM Maken ner beat t'lidonvor : \Valk right off the darling pet Hn-ifi now to eAr'e* her I Coin,, what will of ftrt utepa yet. All good anijuli bloas her I To My M-I. i . Lnlrly Married. (Byfiptei'il Hettinger, tried at Waterloo Assizes, a , One, two. three < Hi >ho will walk verdict for plaintiff of |1 and costs *>". before w know it: Hear her weet -voiced baby talk. was returned. Mr. Hcttinger, editor! ixwt : . I'rattllnK, toddling, thure >he goe. of tin 1 \\alkcrtonulocke, it appears, st.m>inK on to proudiy- TuruhiK in bur antnnM toa, aCCUSCll KeV. YOU I ircll Of being anf Plead then laughing loudly. impostor of Polish decent, and not asi be represented himself, the son of a German baron. Jianovtr I'ott. WATERLOO NEWS. Walter I.nitnti. of Waterloo, writ. - tbat lUgynrd's Yellow Oil bas done great good In lux family, hia wife bring cured if Citllotme lunipa tbat otherl medicinea failnl to remove, be ulao atatiaj that a ueighbur was promptly rilirvi.l . ( Ubeiimatihiu U' the name : mcdy A PAINFUL accident befell Mrs. Gideon Moore, an old lady H!> years cf age, of Doll's Corners, last Friday forenoon. MIS- Moore bad just step- ped outside the door of the house when she slipped and fell on some ice, i breaking her thigh near the hip joint. ! Dr. Jone.s wa.^ immediately summoned ' and everything possible was done to ! i,t not my sinter, though a wife. reli,ve the old lady. A break of this ^l^^^.^.^'m'arried life. kind is a lifi'ioiH matter to a person of Uut them are crosnu* too her a!^. . Ml. f'nreit Urpretentatiicr. \ do not wih to mar your mirth. With MI ungrateful vound Hut >i't rnienibi'r. l>lion earth. No inortal evnr found Your prooiioctii and ymirhnnea are great. Mav (toil your ho|** fulfil . Knt you will And in every lt Home illlrli iiltlcs ntlll. ' Tlioriten which lately joined your handn. K. lik'ion fin nm Hie Htr'.ni't oands. And Love tho be*t cerumit. I A friendhi|> founded on e*tnem, Life'* hattiTin^' blunt endure. It will not vanlnn an a dream. And which 1 hope la your*. But yot God'* IdiiiHliiR daily cravr. Nor tniitt vonr yoiitnfMl heart . You mint dlvlno annlitaiino have, To act a prudent iai t Thowh you liava left a parent'a vin^. N lonffor n-k IU care; It In l 'it neldoin hunbands brinR A lighter yoke to wear. They have tbalr humors and their fault*. o mntahle Is man, Excuse hla falling In your thoughtfi. And bide them If you can. No anger or resentment keep. Whatever In ami**. Bo reconciled beforo you deep, And seal It with a klu. Should he TIN vrni - ago all our tjrio umuufaclurH tobacco uume Iroin tbu l'^U-J Htntre. tut month all. r n:. 'iitl. mill viisr nliei \<r iliu euperior i|iulity of liie "Myrtle .N'.m ' brand 1ms I.. . n dririny tbti Aniriiniii article out of Uio Cun.vliiiii murk. t. The "M\: ! Navv" ii< now kuowu in every vil!g iu the Dominion, and is aa fmnilJar to tlie Kiuokem upon tin- Atiuutiu and 1'aotic c..nst an to thote of tbe <:(> iu which it is manufactur- ed. Cat'ELTY TO ANIMALS. On Monday Btorniog \Vallaco ilonos was tij) before tlie Mayor for cruelly cut- ting oil' the tail of a calf belonging to Mr. Huitmnt), .1th street. John Irv- ing and Josopli Kt an were also in trouble charged witli assisting their ringleader iu annoying Mr. Heitman. After a severe admonition the young- sters were discharged in the hope that they would mend their manners in the future.-axV^W Butoti*. FOH linugh oondltiou* of Ibit Skin, ' Boar It with mild a.ldm Sl.amnoo,^ the head Pimple,. to^t- und Skin Disease*, nsu Prof. Low H Sulphur Soap. THE WhOHO A young man not twenty miles from here left Good Friday to visit friends in Mmmi Forest. On his arrival at Orangovillc he boarded tho Credit Valley train Imagine his horror mid surprise when the conductor asked for tickets for lirampton. The mistake was not so serious, as he had friends in Drainnton, where we expect he .spent a pleasant time. Shelburne It'" not tin 1 war to aoold at large, To clamor. ra" or hoait, Kor wlviM tlnilr duty Imsl dl Who condevoend tho most. Mutual attempt" to aervo and pleaeo Each other will endear. Thui you may upend your life with eeM. Nor discord interferes. ThtiR Rive your tender panniona scope. Yot IrattoJ thing* purmi.. B H.-nv. n tin- objnet of your hope. And lead him hither too. blnoe yon munt both resign your broatb, And only (t.t kim . wnen : 80 lire that you may part at uoath, To meet with Joy again. And may the Uir.l your ways approve, And grant ynu both a ibare Of bin rudeomlng, saving lovf . And providential care of < atar rh \ N I rral inr n I - 1'erhapa the moat eitraoriliuary aucceaa that ha* been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by tbe Dixou treatment ir Catarrh. Uut of 2,000 patients treated during the piuit nix inonthH, fully ninety per cent, have breu cured of this stubborn malady. This U none tho leis startling when it is remeuibcred that not five percent, of patients presenting themgelves to the regular practitioner are benefited, while the patent medicines tnd other advertised cores never record a cure at all. Starting with tbe claim now generally believed by the molt scientific men that the diaeaie is due to the pretence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted hia cure to their extermination thia accomplished, he olaima the Catarrh is practically cured, and the per- manency U unquestioned, aa cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ver attempted to cure Catarrh iu tbU manner, and no other treatment baa ever cured Catarrh. The application o( th* remedy U limple, and can be done at homr, and the preaent eaou of tbo year in tbe most favourable for a speedy ind permanent cure, tlie majority of caen tx-iug cured at one treatment Sufferers should correspond with Meaan. II. A. Dixon A Sou, 305 King street weat. Toronto, Canada, and encloae I atamp for their treatise on Catarrh. --Mon- ! trealStar, Nov. 17, lHt. Model Walch DR. CARTEK, M.C.P. &S..O.NT. I'll i M< I \ V s| m.MiV A. KLESHEKTON. Keiidence, next tu Itittticii ('/< i_(/i. . . IJixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCUEIt. PRICEVILLE, - (NTARIO. All Collt l>l''llllptlll tltt' Hitnl til. Jcnttetnj. J.F. MAMKHALL.L.W.M ___ f DENTIST. flHAIH'ATK of Toronto School of Denttotry U will tie at Mark.lale the l. an.! trd Wadaf - day of 1Mb mouth. n.l at Flmtu-rtoii n ami 3rtl Thun<1a\ in eiu-h month for the prattler of 111- |*..i'.ii foul J. BALDWIN UAM. K. T. KrHLlN. ritU>.W.OAVlN HANDS, EGHLIN & OARVIN, On Snlurdav. ih, ir.ih Da> of ay, IHM5,at I O'rltx-k p.m. Shop! - - * 20 feet fine mcUl Show Cases filled BAKKIHTI.Kv .sol.Ii I10KS. COMVEYANCKRB. Ac Money to w Lowell lUti of tutorial. Office*. 18 Kim; Htrc.t Kant. Toronto Bjr A. S VuiDi'mtif. Auctioneer. tli<< > ith Kaat quarter of Lot Number Three, iu th Klfth Con oeaelnn of >aid Township of Kuphriuia . ntm Ing MJ acre* wore or lioui. 40 of which are naid to be clean*) aa<l cultivated. On the premium are Mid to be a Log HOUM. with Kruno Hit. hi'ii Frame Uaru. aud Loir Stable, aleu a >uiall Orchard. TKItMS. U|Mrut. at Mine of ule. 11 per oent. within one month thereafter, ami balance to be Mtured by a niortae of the |>remieMfor re yean with i utereat at T per cent yrarl).r auch other tunim may be arranged with the purohjiNfr at the tiiMi- >f Kale. Kar further |w,rticular apply to W J. HKI.H KT, rieahertou. or to HOH8, FAIA 'ONHKIDOE AHABWICE. April th. ims. Tomojrro. with Watches, Cbains, Kings and oth- er lines. Over 50 complete Watches to clioo.sf fruni. 30 A-l Clocks. Fine stock of Silverware'. Goodn marked THE MAKKETS. FLESHEBTON. in plain ngurrs. I sell retail aud give close prices. All warrants given on straight business principles, tt years at work in Flesherton and Markdale wakes my claim on your patronage an honest claim. Flour ?s 75 to 4 00 Fall Wheat $0 MO to t5 Spring Wboat OHO Harley 5<l Oats 85 Peaa CO Uuttcr 14 Kgg, fresh 18 Potatoes ld5 Pork 5 HO Hay. per ton 12 (X) Hides 5 50 Wool Ifl 8hep*kins 45 Gweie 00 Duofes, per brace 50 Chickens, per brace.... 2"> Turkeys 11 tifi U 68 37 G'2 1 13 30 5 76 4 00 t; r.o 2(1 64* 6 50 80 11 FROST & FROST. DAKHlNTMt*. NOI.IC1TOR8. CON VKYAXC11S. * 4c Offlco I'.iulctt Street. OWKM Sol'XD, an 1 over) Thunday at KI.P.SHKIiTi N J. W. KIMJ8T. ULJI. ALFUED KKO8T. Crown County Attorney i'n',inr',>- Cards. John W. Armstrong, FucailFKTON, Co. OllJtV. nivislON COIKT CI.KKK. COUUIHKlONFi: 47 in H H., Conveyancer. Ac \gvat for purmhax- and ule of lnd \|>|>ratM.r for C I. C tVn and r. P. H * S Hoelety. Money to U>a- on th' '" reawnable terms IUIEU or JIAK.iM t iiH. KN hr.H. a K. Sloan, Hepreeeatlng that >lid old Fire Iniunci. Co . tbe NOMWICH I'xiiix. of Norwich. Knglaml Iniurauce ufimuxl on HOUM*. outbuilding*. Ac at low rate*. Iuui e. against ' W. J. BELLAMY. Twr. CLEHK AITKMKU. 15 Years at Watch Re-\ pa/ ring. Exporicnce the best Teacher. Honest estimates on watch work. The Reliable \Vatch-Repairer, W. A. BROWN. Markdale. A'iT, .1- TVF.ED8. MoRTOACiKS. LEA8KH, *c.. prtpar ff *l and jMettjl rieeuted. Inauranc r?. . ted in nnv-elaee cuiupanm. Moue> to let. J at 1 )..'. rate! FLCHMEBTOX Churches and Societies. m. -OF Property in the Village of Flesherton. Pl.KhfANT to the I'.iw- r of Halo eoiitaine.) in a ci-rtaln Indi-nturc of Morti;ai>. ' I. will be prodoeed at tba tiino of Mali-. I'M p- will be oil hv Hilbllo Auction, by A S \ AS 1 1 -> -. I . i Aii.-tiuneer. at Ml 'N-H \\\ -, HOTK1, in the VliJai;*- . f K1.KS11KUTON, in thu County nf ( Thursday, the 16th Day of April, 1885, At TVO O'CLOCK In the Afternoon, that certain Iiarcwl r>r tract of Und nn>l priuiit>. .itnt,. vlng, and being In the Villa** of KI-li.Tt<m. In the TOVMhlp ( ArteiiU'xia. In til" <..iiiitv..f Orey aa.l I'rovinw of Ontario, containing b> I innaiiiirMiii-iit mi,' Hood, t> til.. Minr I-M.H. ..r lea*, aadbelai; ootnponed of apart of i ,t N-HH tier One Huii'lnol and Kiftv<)no. in th - 'iini N.rtli-Katt .if tli Toruul. *ri I '-v<i enham Koad. in the afnrcnald Tonb!|. "I Ar emeaia,aad may be more partleularlv kn..n and .Uiieribed on Vlllane Lei M amber Fli the South Kant-irly >iilr of (ollinw..l tret't. in tin' fori'"i I Villniri' of -li,. . on a plea or map of the MiirMtlvtolen nf tH i...f NuiiiliarOni' Hundred mnl Klftv-Onu. IMH I. \.\ Thoinaa II. llillllanl. l:-|. I' I. -. . .lat. 1 i' . Kl|!hthda\ of Xiu'ii.t. A I) 1W), ml U.-,'i-tfr."l In the Ri<(!!trv office fo, the ul,l CoMntj of (tri'y. on or about the K.iubt b day nf March A. I> I IH7I. I'po" the premiMoi is ,'rectoil it two-tory iMM BulldinK, about .Hil'j, used at ].r. . ..t [ .r Carrlaiii' and WaKiimi Shop and PaintShop, an.) Kino a Kranie Lumber Hhml and Dry Kiln TK.UUSOK SAl.l; Twenty Kiw per crnt of / tli- I'liri'liaK,. in ...... > t" In- paid to tin. V..n.|..i Solicitor at tho tinip fif Sal,' Thotommof pav- mentof thi' Imlnnro of thn piircnaix- money and tin 1 otaer conditions will bo made knotvh at tho tin..' jYnal". Tli Vendor ropnrvcs tho right to make one bid. For further particulars apply to \V. J.lif<llauiy. Kiu,., or to J W. FH08T, Vendor's Solicitor. Flnherton. March 19th. 18DK. The above sale ia-- ('in/, frre ofrhtirye. thu hwliiy art fJ ' PMMUtYTMMIAH KKX in: every Siin.iay attJOo'clock p.m. Sun- lai SfhiHil at 1 p in I'rayer n,. rli:i.' ,.i,.| V Tbiirwlay rv.-nink- at 7 m Krv A \Vn.... pan- tor .I.* I:.-., \|.| S...-I, t v in r init,.i-tion i SKIlVIi l> e-..-r > SIIM.!> >t 11 a. in.* & n. in. !>uiela\ SchiK.I at l! p in Vouut; I'wipl- Prater meetlni rv.'ij Monday eei:ii.(; at - K \\ Prayer tueotlngeveri rhnredayevealDi at 7.111 Krv I) ' Mi D.IWKLI.. Cliairiii.n of tho nw n Sound Ditri,-t. |.Mtor. ibadle*' Aid Soc- iety 14 oooneatnii i PRlXCJt ARTHUR LODGE. I ( > MA80N8, MM: I'ln their I. ..l,i K.-.III. Strain Hlk *** ! iv nil or lief, .re tliu full In .n V'litlni;1>tfttireM e .nllitlly wrlconiixl u M W. J. Ilri.nuT. Hec'y. /' r'PKi;i\ l.(>l><;t; l.n.n.f. Jji'l.i - . \.T, .>:I,IM.I i!lrr U e.,lv I'.venlngln eni-h month at M o'clock. I,H|IJ, K<m. In Strain l,lo.-k. Tonmtn tree De,:r. . I ..Imv i.| DMetingln f<h month Visiting hn then , -,.r- llnl.. ntitf.l Jon. MI.AI Kiu-K.\.Nii \v II l AUi'Aii,NF B.8.1 A. n. f. ir. FM.I'.slirilTON 1... e \ . iw, ,,,eot in thrlr I-" If" l!o Str'turn lil.K'k. Tonilit'i -lie, t on the 1-t HII I :ir l Monday n . i\. h month a> T:M|>.m. har|i VMting brethren .^Icnine ^ B 1'irnKM.. M \V |. - Mo-mor. Ki-o'r Framing and House-Joining. The nDdentRiied l prepared to riecute a. I orderintnit..| t.. him for th* prci n /'iiW/iw,; -111,1 f'ruiitr /{iii/./iuyt, during the season of INU All material furni.bc I if ao deeired. Noun hut coni|ivtnt workn . i employed. Th satUfactlon my work ha- . in Ike pat it a Kuarantee for tliu f uturr Apply to A. Jlil.Kuii Fleihertou Station Jiotclo. Flesherton Station Hotel. Alu. II, In, i.ili ,1 .i,i,, /',"/. IT' TIIK alHi*i> H.>t'l li.ninn boxn thorouolily re nttl tlir.i'.iMhout. DOW affor-U eicelleut c eonunodatlon to the travelUM IMII.IH- Thel-ar l w.-ll >U|.|I|I,H| ith <-h.ii.-.. l.i. i i.. r > tii I Cigr. In fart. aiii|di->i-minnioJatlon u afforded hn .. to both man an. I lia>t. liO-ly Cvanadian Paeilic Kailnay. WT1RIOJWT1SOT- Change of Time. Tukiini i-ffift M' .Vi.r. .'}r/i, ;>'; Toronlu. trry V Krurr lm-i. TORONTO, d<'|>art,T 90 a.m ..... 4.ic ; i do. arrive. 1U.U am -. p rr Tnh"NTi>. .lepart.ainain , . 410pm. arrli> I . J.s " N..II Mlinl train leave* Paikdalr 1 i i L. O. L. Ao. .', MEKT in their l/v| K ,< IJoom In Strain ' bloek every Kr|.la> rv,.i,inn ft,T HIM full of th,. moon in each month. TlantB| i.r, Uir,.n welcome. J W. lUrra. \v M W. P. CuoaaLHT. See'y. K. T. <>. T. POfST.VIN COl'SC II. No. IW. Uovl Tomplar. of Ti inpiT'in !-. lui'i't 111 thi'ir hall. Straln'n bloi'k. lt a-id lr>l Tinuxlay ert'ti ' In each month at 7:.Wo c lock. \ i^iturs ari' cor.hally invlti .1 loH SMI I II. S C 1. G Itl-HUKI.I., R.S. of PLi:sHKUTDN DIVISION. No mi. nui.'t thi'ir new ball, I)r l In i,t>... - block. i>' Wi'.lni'n.lay rvi'nlnit at 7:.'W o'clock \ luW brethren norillally Invlte'l. C.J. 8mofi.ii, WT. \\ A MM urns. ttrf llil|>ni.I)i.]iait Tnn.nt.i >rnvn 9 VI a i: '3>imi I'arkdala " W WHYTK. I> M. Nli OKX i. SIT'T. i>. i. Paes. Ai.r. TRMNS i. HAM: FLESHEKTON SI TION ; Oolnx North, at 11.4 a.m. N V. jn A 1 1 ji ni (lolnx South, at 0:W in . I (f, ( , rn A Din , n Flesherton Meat Market. KiiPT.<;oon, .IS. I'ntil Thur^iv, the 3<>th day of AjirU, at fAi.- tame hour ntvi plate. J. W. FROST. Veudoi'4 Solicitor Haabertuii. April 1Mb, 1889. FI.KSHKKTOX f|pen every evening iHunda, J W. Cash paid for fat Cattle and , Preat /<0.\f from j " ^r" .gen arelj- res [, Jf eau cwlstolll |y OW hand /Oi. i,8ecy Cash. Orders proiuptly til ul