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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1885, p. 8

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'-, .^ - FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF M. a:: .tei,.r,.i! Works, Such us Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Tuble Tops in American and Italian Marbli; und (iranito, and made on short notice. Also Mantlus in Marble and Marbleized Slate, \r., \c., Aug. 30, 1883. Burdock BITTERS Cures Dimmest, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, ItiUou&ne&s, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liar and Kidney, Plmplct, Blotches, Boils,'! lunwrs, Salt Jtheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases artt>in<j from Impure Blood, Dcrrtnycd Stomach, or irregular action uf the Jioiccls. KlmlM-rley. /'iv.m i' Ci/rri tjKni'1' itt. At the last election of ofticcrs iif Q Valley Council No 4li, Royal TeiupUrH of Tun iterance, thu following w officers for the current term : J. R. Fawot-tt, W C. Miss 8. A. Tliom|on, V. C. S. 8. Burritt, P. C. J. M. Thurstoii, Chaplain. T. B. Carruthers, Hec. Sec. Miss F. A. r.i. - i: Asst. Sec. H. J. Ellis, Treas. J. L. Lawrence, Herald. Miss M. E. Burritt, D. Herald. Miss E. (J. (iaiidin. liuanl. K. C. Carruthers, Sentinel. There is a membership of 60 in this Council at present. Kob Roy. (From onr mm Ciirretpundent. ) Mr. John Crowe, who hat long been a resident in this Township (Osprey) and ;i -.Olll III I'll ItflHK. /Vow our own Corrttpondmt, Mil 1.0 MAI/i:. MuM. SNOW. KTI'. Sinuo my la>f letter about "while elected v '"-'> 1 ' etc. , I obtained an "Envi-lojn' of Milo Maize Seed," a new plant a&nctiltf J attention in the South as a "fodder, Invad, buscuits Ac. , when the seed U : ground into flour. It is said tn ]irodnce i sixty tons to the acre ! can be cut sever- i al tunes in one season. I send you a few . seeds tn try in Ontaria if you cannot at- li'inl tu it, give to come carefull person . to plant, and cultivate same 0.1 corn, re-' I serve some for later planting in cnse of > 1 frost. I think it may do well wherever Sarghum matures, a* a fodder at least. MURK KNOW. On St. Patricks day there wan a henvy fall of the "beautiful" and on the 2'2nd March another <>f. ikl><>ut H font in depth, with wintry cold weather, no sign of spring yet. These peopl,e KIV, the win- ters are becoming more severe than for- merly. KfTHKHFoKIl I'OI.I.KOE pioneer in its settlement, sold the furui where he spent in.iny of hihhappixst hours AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Ko other eomplMi.U sre to !n:.liin In tUeUf attack aitbuM affecting ilu- il.ini ami lung*; none to trinV.l u ,t!i by tin- ma.oriiy <>f nutter- en. The ordinary cuugli or r. .-I. i -u'tinif perliapa from a trilling or nuroi -ri.>n fi' rxure, I* ofttv but tlui ktytui.n t uf :> fatal tckneaa. AVI:K' CnuiiKV I'l.i |.>i..u. lies well proren lt edirart in n forty ji.-urs 1 Bflit with throat nta,l lui.|{ il.Motf, miJ tiiuuld b* tMkuii in all cujcit ui.i.ui delay. A Trrriiilc Cfinjrli Cnrvd. "In If.'.T I t""k r. p. Vi-ri. 1-11:1 I, wliVli: f"i.rtcit n-y lun|>>. Hindu (urriblr ouugh, (i il puMl Ill-jilt atlfr ri't'ln ui:'i...;t ..lo.';.. ';'!.- ,1. g:i\u i. ic up. I irilil AYKC'l OlJtrrV In- Toll vl.. which re:.* veil I.IY I : ,A n.uiu-i4 Hf.j.. ILU, I niiur.Kil me tl.e n I !.<< ..pnry li.r 1 1> r.-r. -.fiy of fcv fi.'.h. I; lie >llllllll..l IIM' I'l tlir rilM-f.A 1 l - . .[. l".-Tl,a- lu I. , ', L. VC..S ' rvlir has more FeiiialeStudenUtlian lnTrtofurj iiiblic schools are increasing in the South. iisliK|ipii-Kt hoin.H puc sc and accumulated t be greater portion of J<h ."^'"ivd r;u:e'; are ,,uu-t now fhol- GET YOUR Spring Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fleslwton TaiUr. . . , , ,\ era in South Caioliiiiv, laMldllua healthy He purchased a farm tL- ! ^ ^ ^ ^ f>jw ^^ (|{ ,,,.;, his wealth. oth concession of Nottawasaga, whith.-r u ,,,i "laid colds," who CM rha<ia,;<<one > he removed last week. Mr. Crowe is very (Stock will probably sutler hunger before ' .if Jlur hixhly esteemed by all who know linn. Mr. \\ J. S|.i-iu-.- has sold 90 acres of his fanu and reserves 10 upon which he purposes erecting a residence. T. Spence and W. Richmond have tak- I en a contract of making a large quantity t of molasses. They have now over 000 troughs awaiting the trickling of the maple juice. A gnat many farmers have had to make artificial lf,' fr sonic of their cows the growing seiMon. Accept of our sympathy and deep sor- row for you in your bereavement. May i i'.il sustain you. While tlte wavox of trouhlo roll," And hen. I tin- Comforter .livim-, Anil ever on your pathwav -.him-. Until you reach the Heavenly goal: \VM. Pt'KI'V. Rutherford College P.O. Burke Co. N.C. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urif v Hiu Illood, correct all Diwrdor* of tbe I .1 \ ! , Htotnacli, Iviin"\ - n.n<l Tby lnvi((,irte inl rmtoro to bvaltb Dubilitateil Conitltutlmii.. anil aru invaluable in all Com- |ilmn IH iuciJuutal to Ki<iualu of all m<iii. For t'liililii-n an<l tin; aoil they are priceleu. THE OINTMENT U tn .offtllible reiue ly for Hail Ix**, l\m*\ HruaiU, Old Wound*. Sr.-i nd Ulcem. U U fnnum- for nd Kliuuinatiiiu. . r dinur<lom ul tin- Chvt U baa IM> oqiuJ. ForSORK THROAT, BUOJVCH1TIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Rwellingii, anil all Skin IilHvamiii It ban no rival; ami for contracted and itlff joiuta It aota like a cuarm. I'aniifacturi'il only at 1'rofi'imor HOLLOWAT'S KutablliiliniMit. 7H. Now Oxford -( . i ( latr X'M. Oxford Nirrrt >, London. a rl are Hold at 1*. Ijil. 2 'Jd., 4<. M., 11 . 9fin.. and .Tta i-aoli llnx or I'ot, and may be had of all i mi' \ i n. Ion throucliiint th World. i-8* Piirrhntrr* fht(W torik t< >hr IjyM nn thr Pot* nnd Ifnj-rt. If Ihr ailtlrrux it nut . il.i-titi I ,S7rrf, J.ttn tur, thin tiff >yM<n'/i|x. J. W. BATES, Furniture Ih'nlcr and KLiKSIIEllTOX, 1 1ST. Money to Loan. K '.J Prr C.-iit. J,>t.;;:it ,.n Mr<,; :l l,t /*<),. WITH Interent imi.l yearly, not in advanmi. No comnusilon oliarged Avi'ly to V CKIKlt. TIIO'tMtl KY. CAUTION ! KACH PLUG OF THK MYRTLE NAVY IS MARK HI) T.&B. / Bronzr Letteri, JST01TE OTHER GENUINE. CLAYTON'S IIAKXESS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, Fluid All hiiflervrs from that terrible torment, ..."iiraltfw, cau be made hupp; in one nm- by ropes suspended from the beams above , ,,.. by . ,>,, B p p | ic . tiol) l)f j.- tu ; A j, igllt . in the stable, owing to the want nf fod- 1 Ding t I..M I'll f . i-l.l. h.i i! IM| fto.:n\. f>.i:il a 1 .. t III Kit* i..<,..LM i - . '.--' niv. rii.-M c r- iT-.i l-lni, \ l., .luijf Ii, I' ' J. Croup. A JUi>llirr*n Ti-lhii|*.' " V'litl.. In I'm ri.unlrv IUM A' . i l..y t . <- \. .:i- .-..I. -MI. 11.1-^1. i r.-u|.; It i..-. -in.-'! JIH if lu 11.1.111,1 nli> T-..I., inr-.i ju- luli'.i . in, ...| the family Kiii^ >.> 1 1 . n* l : A \ i I: - l in 1:1: \ Pli'n.n.u. 1-1 '.i,. -i. unit :.. \\.,\- k. pt lu tl.e I UM-. w.-l>liw.| tn KM. all Aiul ir.-ij. i *n M-H, liiiil III ur .U'l r :lll In > t1:;m l::i'f . i, I i 111 ll.e I..!..- i ' . ilmw tor a.T.i Him in.- i n. I.M ] . ,. i:.\i. i. MI 'IV' i in- - 1 .. n 1.1.-. I Ai ^ ^.11 ui l.t mil 4:1. .nil ..'. : ,..- ii v >i ,.rr. . !,...!() r-vrr." 1'XI \\M tJ-illi M.. >ru \ck..\:\ l. \>H. l,rr.:;ttr t> prui.i 111. re It I ,- 11 . I . Ill . ltu.1 r--ii.i vlv Kir ix>.i;.l.s i4tfl . 1 . .- j, ivr i i , i> t. . ' '.. .'. ' r. -^ i.." I'sr'l: !.. l!H. r nrr r? i r..' . i i < , ; r - . r-. wix n.Mi nn i i i , i i. rrii . i - < i CC4-. I V.. t 1-U10I1 b> til'- ll'l I 1 .' v . I * I I ' li- K\ I I .'!! .1 . .'I'-l I II \V Al I I k." J'.l ... .U. Mi-., .'.| I ' .'. 1 fi der. Mr. .loscpli Hurley lost a valuablehorse last Monday night. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited tn ev- ery age. Beinx sui{ar-coated, they are easy Ui take, and though mild and pleas- ant in action, are thorough and searching in effect. Their ethcicy in all disorders of the stomach and bowels is certified to by emu lent physicians,prominut clergymen, and many of our best citizens. rutbeii ou pa'iifiil partn. nml with Jill uitiog any disgusting ini'ilifiiif ilnv s(ti-r day with littlit or no result. Fluid mi cures an effectually Toothache, Itln-uiiittliMU, Hpailacbo, and if only -." cents per bottle at liichnrdsoo'sDrng tore. I'/, ill IJ/Hl' Muj, in W. Fli tJitrtim. ,l flaw Butcher Shop iu Flesh- orton j Fetch & Mitchell, I'llul'I.IKToKS. . tnnltr to annonnee to (he ]'r|i ,^pl'''nf KU'T Wr. . :V row,,, thP| i-rton nml HurniiiiKliii... i.umtr', that thv Imrn I er, tins a very lar.'o and well narU.lal, I By tlir Agricultural Kiitnr. "TlioughU shut up want air. And spoil, 1 ke bales unopened to the sun." So thinks the Agricultural Editor of THK AIIVAM K that is, if the "thought*" are worth anything. 8'>me of the "thoughts" expressed in Markdale juat after the Nktutlard was iasued, in which the name of a well-knnwn "hoas" man was freely used -would have had a more healthy effect if allowed to spoil and "like bales unopened to the sun" or moon, either, for that nmttcr. Jim Henry can tell you more about them than we can. We saw the renowned S. L. M. Luke in town. Ho was discussing the advisa- bility of introducing the liolstein breed of cattle into this County -a subject he has recently taken up in the most vigor- ous manner, through the press, and on in stump, sidewalk, or elsewhere. He espied the agricultural editor, and with that courtesy for which he has ever been noted, he dropped his pet topic, grasped the a. e. by tlir hand (mid a vice-like grip it was), slapped him vigorously U|MIII the back, and cx'jlniinrd : "(ilnd to see you, niv lioy, glad to HIT \,m !" The a.e. with- drew hiit han 1 a-s r. nj.llv as the rulei of ordinary politeness would allow. The >V.IM'/ ir I nmii lias added n hand- some paper-cutti i I i \\\* plant. The ed- itor, Mr. Knt ledge, was absent, but his excellent foreman. Mr. W. T. .Turkman, filled hi position in the most gentlemanly manner. Tbe a. e. cnlleil at the well-known IM- fant Houseaiidfonml blMUMM "bonuiOC. " It is ruinori'd tliHt i'," t.iiindi'r nf this po- pular establishim nt. Mi Benson. sr..will shortly issue to tin- puMie a "Stm-y of My l.ifi'. " An Mr. Bi'iiviu hss had many in- tjresting ejiporiem < H ilnriii" his long life, a work such us that designated ought to l>e a Ver>- reniliMe . .nc. Mr. W. A. Brown, the popular jewell- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tlin thorough brd Stunt Horn Bull, Duffcrin Will >tDil for Cow> tin. knaiuiii of IHK, at Lot 140 Ut K I * K. Huad, Artrnii'Hla A I no tbe tbur- uui(hbr0rl Ayr*hir llDll. Robbie Burns Will tancl for Cow* the acawn of 1MU, at the name iilari* rlUrrw-H of above Hull* can be MMB at any time upon application tu the prouriotor. TKKMS -For "DuffBrin." f SO . "Robhlo Huron" f900; payabla Ut of January Uiwuutit !"t *>v io I hut i.i.i il n I :.' I :i\f iMrik liiiii; tr-inlilre 1 I'I.A .tv>." r;i.e*ti.itr, Jn.i, April '.'.'. I''-'. X" r.-.w of nn n(r<"'l'>n ft tl>r Iliroat "r Iiiiiir !!> vlnch o.innnt b- ((' Uyr^li\J l.v the n* of Avrn'i <'nrni:v 1'r T..BAW anil it will n'ira>jt run \iliei: tlie diiea nut all i ailj tryontl the com .- ; .,f Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mtf, Sokl by all Druggists. Advertise in The Advance. for caab allowed AKTH CAIRNR. Proprietor. KtarU'il a HntcliiT Simp In lh ntanri next door I ,(,,,. I- f r&L.ln. to tlio Marl.lf. Worl,-. I'l I :SHKI!T( IN. wh.,r<.' , , , f** ?,?* 1 thi'V \vill he p|,.iMi.i| t,, in, -. t with all wlio favor tlii'iii with tli.'ir 1. 1. tn. !,:,-. Kri-^h Mrrts of all kiml ., and KlHh, .v-r in thuir puaaonii. Itospoctfully yonm, I'KTCH * MITCHELL. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, " CLARENDON." /* itni.iliiui at Littie M Hit fur Srrviee. House & Carriaga fa, . i Fainting flratly, Ejcpniitioiuly, and ( Ttrajjy per- funntd liy OBOBOBSAUL Who trill kr fuwiil in the ijil itnnd, aiotf .Milliurn'i ilt'-p. Onlrrt or nthrntw irill rrrrive rarrfid attrntioti. I SLAND HOME Stock Farm. Cross* lie, Wayne Co., Mich. fc'AKMUM, FARM FOR SALE. Ix>t 72. .'Inl ronce<niou. Artolnnnia, rontaiuiui-' ,M ncn--* Hi nrri>s rli-ari'd ami in a 1:00.1 Htatr d rnltivatioli ; lialanrreoinl hurflwooil liimh. Ti-rms a.y. Applv I.) .1AM KM ]tl.A( KKTltN nn tl:i' pU'liliMM, or tO \V. J. W.I.I. AMY. :.w Kli'uliortoii. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PRO. PERTYl IMPORTTO Percheron Horses. All vork elected frnrn thr fct of *n** and Atom of c:'li-ih.' J refutation and rrf(istered io toe flench an I Ameruau tlu.l U< ks. ISLAND HOME Ii b'l'ivf-il'v Itnmr.. at ti.e I en. I rtf Gimtiss lit In the Detroit Rivrr icn nn'.cs In li.v thi- < itj. and l"ceible HT ntllnwd und rtramrioii. ^Hon n i' litnllur with the locution tr>v rill m Htv office. V <'ra|iail Hinidlr..'. NIK nn . s4-(i't \\-\tt reompeny them t > the larm. r nd for< it; '. tur, free by miiL Address. SAVACC ft I-'APM-:-. Detroit. Mica. YELLOW OIL CURES .RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. -IN THF.- Township of Osprey. UNlir.Ktlinpoweni of mlo In n-i-tain Mnrtita- Utm to tin- Vendor*, wliicli will l>t< |jroilnci<<l Are pleaaant tn take. Contain tholr on U a safe, min\ nnd <-r/r. ft. _; / wernte in Clilldren or Ad* nt tin- tilnr nf snli'.nn.l on in (laviin tit .if thrni U-fitult l.i'in^ liui.l. n seotrred.tbon Kft, jewelry, Ac., j ^'u'llH. ^,,ll.. r .'.l for i-li> hy I'nl.ln Aiic -tn .-. at do-to prices. He At thr .! iilloii-ii MOII-I-. in Hi. ol li.,i(ialk. J St'UAHl 'OATID. 1'riim.T VlCOKTABI.* Flljjhly rrrornmrndpd. for -n. II. ml- (i In . ton linn, IH//IIH s-. II- ;irl liiirn, I Rail Kn-ndi. In-- of *p- pi Illr. Jiilllltllrr. 1 "^ Of Hoar Hiiuiiiuli. i,i>i r l inn. plulnt. 1 <r any i Hiu x- nritn^ fnmi the Htnm Cft. Itowri or KMiirr*. Thty are t> mild and lhoroii|,'a In Ibelr action. From Hoi . li" is * ' Bn?C l "" <mo ~' <lurin the season. Mr. Tim*. Davis, tlio world-rnnownod architect, was tileaHnl to ineot with tli Ag- ricultural Kditor. Dr. rariorwasiirosont lurinirtlic iiit<-rvi,'- Mr. Davis said ho Inul 11 hill of SIIIO a.':iii,i.t tlio T. O. A- li. K. Co., nnd wai ili.sirnna of writinsr out a i-lu'ijiii' for tlu; full am,. nnt of tlin loss sus- tained liy Mr. Kllinttin tho rncent acci- tli'iit at tlir railwny stntion. At present ho (Mr. Davis) WMS Vmsily fiii;aKed in- |mtiii./ tlio now Mrtliorlist church boing cri'i'ti-d in Mnrk<lnli>. "Dothr < 'art IT, Doctlmr Sproulo. Do-thor Cli:-istoi>, mid you and you olno '11 jint liand niu over, yo iiinliTstand, 8aid Mr. Davis, glancing l>cnii{iiantly nt tin- Agricultural Editor and Dr. Carter. Th" Dr. nnd A. E. liav- ing nodded awcnt, the architect made A bee line up Toronto street. On MoiH/ftii. Hie 20th Dai/ of .lj-il, /,s,Vt7. At One (Xlo.k p. in., by JOHN \V. MOKllOW. .\nrtliii'i'r Lot Number :t7 in lh :inl (IIIH'I-MH- Inn H. P li.'iul. In tlir I TII.I!I||I "T ()"iirfy, if! HO anro inor or Uiim, iilioiit *! of wlik-h urn nail! to li" i l , mi. I nmlrr rlilti- vati'ni ; balance tlroboTpd \vitli nn tim pnimlosreHid to bo a Ire ilwc>lllnn nml barn, aim a mimll nrcliaid. I jimln nri- uli in i. inili'K'if Uundalk. EIGENIA (irist Mill, r: Uih Mill. lit [mr pnnf nt time of alo. l'i PIT eoM nitbin oi. tiiontli tlicrcaftrr, n-ul bi>lnrc to ! ' , l iy n iivrtcnirn of thnpr<'nil>pyahli> In fi y<>ar with Intrrn-t at 7 per cent, yearly, or ternx may be vdrinil n mny l> aorfwl nt tini" nf KnV For (urtlu-r partltiuan apply totbcauctionorr or to MOSf , FAkOONERinor. ft B \nWIOK. Toronto. March Kth, 1HHJ. Having mmlo rxtrnsivp iniprovi'inpnta in >i > Grist Mill, I am ro>iti.i<.nt I cnn jrivi- RV\ satisfaction. CHOrPING DONE ANY 1>AY. <loo<l Fliiiir slwavH on hatnl . Custom SHU ing, and BUN filled "n tlio sliortost notiec. I.nm- bnr nnil I.iitli on hsm). Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. AKITT,

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