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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1885, p. 3

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mmm PIRLHIENT. The lloune went into Committee on tb* resolutions reepeotiog Iba Civil Service Aul. Mr. Unlock referred to the method o( holding Civil Bervico examiuationii. lie indented that there be oue offlaer ID Ottawa wbo woald prapare qaeiitioDi Mid end them to the local examiunr* a: various throughout Canada, The luoal would iieud the renulte to tbe central examiner, wbo would prepare and publtah the report* o( the vctiuinaiiuu* at tin- earliMit poasible momeut t'ndt-r the proBbut nytein month* bad el*ped before the utudidkten knew whether they bad panned the examination or not. He aleo (poke strongly in favor of appointing teaobeM at k>o*l extmiuera. He thouiibt the examiner* ehuuld be appointed lor each examination, and opposed the idea o( appointing permaoeat examiner!, who would beoLiu.i a regular charge on the Oov ernment. Mr. Cbapleaa Baid he oouid not eee hie way to adopting tbeu eoggeitioiM, though thai referring to the teaohen waa worthy of eooeideration. Mr. Gaeay spoke strongly in favor of hav- ing all the appointment!) made by a liusrd which would be independent of political influences. Mr. Foster advocated a non-pohtioal yitem of appointment. The Committee roee and reported the revolution*. A Bill to give t ffeol to the arrangement for ale b> the Public Work-. Department of the Dundae and Waterloo Bond wan intro- duced and read the nrnt time. Mr. Pope, moving 1)19 *eooDl reading of the Bill respecting infectious or ooulegiouB diseaa<M aff utiiiK miuin, explained that it provided better and more ready mean* of oolleoting the peualliee for the io/reotion of tbe law. The Bill wee read the aeoond lime on the onderatauding tbat only thu stage should be tekan to day. Mr. Pope, moving tbat the Ilouae go into Committee to ooumder the resolutions ou the eubjeot of the propoeed Colonial and Indian Exhibition to be held m London 10 the year 1<MM>, under tbe Preiidenoy of the Priuoa of Walea, explained that Canada bad been asked to gus ran tee 10 000 toward meeting any deficit (bat mignt reenll from holduiK tbii exhibition. India had guaran- teed 90 000 for the tame purpoee. It waa oxpeoted tbat tbe Ezuibition would fully pay expeniee, and tbat tbe Government would loee nothing. In tbe Amsterdam Exhibition, the Government bad to pay 5,000 for tpaoe. lu thu Exhibition the apaoe ooet nothing. Tbe reeolutioo wat considered in Com mittee and reported. Sir John Maodouald, moving the second reading of tbe Bill from tbe M mate reepeot ing exploeive eabetanoee, explained tbat it wae baasil on tbe Imperial etatute, and wae dirtc.ed to those wbo eauetd exploeione with tbe intention of oaoalng loae of life or injury to property. Mr. Blake *aid be noticed tbere were eoniiderable changes in the form, if net in tbe BulMUuoe. ai compared with Ibe Imperial iiatnte, aud a*k*d that when the Hound went into Committee tbe mover of (be Bill ebonld be prepared to abow what tbe provuione of Ibe Imperial Aot were. Sir John Maodonald Uertaiuly. Tbe Bill wae read the eeoond time. Sir B. Laugeviu, moving the atouud read ing of tbe Bill to amend tbe law respeotiui bridge*, boom* and other work* ouiiHtruetec ever or in navigable water*, under tb< authority of tbe Provincial Act*, explained tbat it wai to remedy a defect in tbe law wbiob prevented the Dominion Ooveru ment from oompelling the proprietor of a work built under tbe Provincial authority to make alleiaaion* without wbioh uavig* tion would be interfered witb. On motion of Mr. Cbapleau, the Bill to amend tbe Aet respecting tbe Depart ment ot Secretary ol Htale wa read the eecoud time aud pawed through Committee on the Whole. On the order for tbe aeoond reading uf tbe Franchise Bill, Sir John Maodonatd laid be eoold not hops to get it through before *ix witb tbe obatrootion offered. (Laughter Mr. Mill* Tb* gentleman be* been thirteen yeare getting tbe Bill tbo* far before tbe Honee. He can bardly complain if be doe* not get it through all ita itage* in an bour. Several other unimportant measures were advanced a (tag*. On tbe motion to adjourn, Sir Riobarc Cart wrigbl aaid : A telegram baa jnit been pat into my band from an alderman o" Kingston " Tbe officer commanding B Battery declined inning ration* to the wivea and children of tbe men gone Went BubvonptionH are being taken up, and tb* City Council i* intervening to prevent atarvatiou." I have no doubt the officer acted according to tbe customary rnlee ol aervicu, but I would mention to tbe Firm what I am sure be known, that the wtvt* and children of the men of " B ' Battery, nnleaa considerable indulgence it extended to tbem, will be under very con- iderable diatrae* without the allowance which IH all tbat their hnband* and father* are entitled to receive, and I submit that under tbe oiroumitanoae of tbe oaae there i* no fear of any misobievou* precedent ariaing if aome reasonable indulgence i* ahown to theee pr people. Tb* First Minister, I am sue, will **e that itepa are taken to prevent the wive* and children ot theee men from being compelled to depend upon the charity of ti men of the oily of Kingston. Sir John Maodonald Tb* matter will be taken into immediate consideration. It involve* tbe oonnderation of the caeca ot all tbe militiamen who have gone to tb* Northwest. However, it will be taken into immediate consideration. OYIAIUO LFISLil IHE. Mr. Awrey moved concurrence in tbe ameudmeut made in committee to thi Bill i inonrporala tbe Niagara Falli Railway Company. Mr. Merriok moved in amendment that be Bill be referred baok to oomnJtsee rub lootrooliou* to add the following i .u-e : Tbat the aaid company (ball uot exercise any of tbe ppwart tbat thu Aot contain* until authorised by an Order in Oounoil to tbat effeo), which will first bave reoeivad the lanotion of the Legislative Assembly of tbe Province of Ontano. Tbe amendment waa loal by 35 nay* to U6 yea*. Mr. Ermatinger moved tbat the amend- ment* be not now concurred in, and that the Bill be referred baok to the committee of Ibe whole Honae with instruction* to add toe followiug *eolioo : That tbe laid company shall uot exercise any of tbe power* in tbi* Act contained until author- iced by au Order in Council in tbat behalf, aud this order shall not i**na until aix month* after the Board ot Commissioners appointed by an Aot of tbi* Legislature fur tbe preservation of the natural scenery at Niagara Falls have reported to the Lieat - Oovernor. HOB. O. Mowat aaid tbe policy of the Oovernmeut waa tbat the Bill shall not interfere with the park nobeme. H* (aid tne Government oouid not shelter them elves under the repot* of tbe Commusioa- en, and be reminded the Booae that the company oouid not ooustraot tbe railway without an Order-in Council. Tn* question wa* put and tbe amend maul lost by 96 yea* and 37 nay*. Mr. Gibaon (Hamilton) moved in amend- ment that Hamilton be given a second member. Tbere was no other constituency in tbe Provinoe having aolaim anything like Hamilton for a seoond member. H* wa* willing to take two member* for tbe city at Urge, or tbe city to be divided Eait and West or Norlb aud South. Mr. MoMahou aaid he would join wane wild tn* member for Hamilton. 11. iu. O. Mowat I entirely agree witb be view* expreaeed that Hamilton baa been well repreaeoted hitherto. During the whole time thu Government has been in office it ha* been well repreaented, and I .m aare it* representation could not poasibly be improved. I am ear* that I should like to have tb* inpport ot two member* from Hamilton, and I know tbat the present member lor tbat place is ooo fldeot tbat if an additional member wer* granted it would lead to two Btformer* being returned. We bave been acting in tbm meaeure on oon political grounds, and we have acted with reaped to giving addi tiobal member* jiul a* we bav* acted in reaped to not interfering with county boundaries. After pointing out tbat Ham 1 1. ! would not be entitled to two member*, be concluded by remarking that be should be compelled to nppoae tb* amendment. Tbe inijudmenl wa* lost on tb* *am* division a* Ibe last, with tbe exception thai Mr. G i beon (Hamilton) and Mr. Awrey voted in favor ol tna amendment. HOD. O. Mowat presented a meaaage from His Honor tbe Lieut. -Governor transmit ting tbe following supplementary estimates Cill Government _ 1O7 (X l/Htsiatioa - JOO U) Miicellaoeoui Criminal au<l Civil Jus- tice _ 6,411 00 Kducation y.010 UU sUiutcnauce o( Public Institutions 11 5C6 00 Agriculture and ArU 6.L7S 00 Ki|rlujntal Kana 3.800 10 Maiutroaoce auu repairs of Govern- uieut suii De|tartmental HuiMiugs. '2,680 1'ulihn HuiUhUKl 87.306 l Fulilio Works _ _... ,TBO 00 Ciiluuiutiou Uoads _ tauOOO Cbarg.sun Crowu LaoJ* HOOO '0 luluuds 10,ttOOO sllmllaneous I1A.7H4 90 Kipsnsesoll.etlsla.Uon. I'nbllc lustitu- ti"ii MaiuUnaucc, anil (or ialarivs if tin, uiliri'iH of UuTuroin(.Dt aud tlir C'Kil Borvioe for UM moolh of Jauu*rr,U*M *i,OUl CC Hon. O. Mowal staled that the Ooveru ment bad decided to have au investigation in regard to the management of Iba Can tral Priion. Bo far a* the information ol tbe Government goea tbere waa no founda lion for tbe rumor* at all, but at tbe eame time, aa tbe rumor* have been given our renoy to a large extent, they thought II best to bar* an investigation. Mr. Maasie him**lf bad expraaeed a great desire to have the investigation. Mr. Meredith hoped that tbe prisoner* snd guard* would be allowed to give then tvidenoe without any reetraint, aui expressed bimaalf aa satisfied tbat an investigation bad been ordered. At a special meeting of tbe Free 1'reBby- tery of Edinburgh, the libel charging Dr. Btuart Muir, Leith, witb holding heretical viown on baptism , with woribippiog in a way condemned by Boiiptnr* and the Con faaaiob of Faith ; witb approving of Popt*b or *upntitioti* doctrine* and practices, and with foolish and irreverent conduct, waa band relevant. Dr. Muir w* in cons*- qteno* snapended pending tbe farther eeeJementof tbe os*e from exercising any mniHtorial fuuotioim. AD appeal to tbe Hyn<J wa* taken by Dr. Muir, who In the Pr*e*;t*ry had found DO supporter. Wa r in tbe flooded Comatook mine* ebb* ii tlown witb the regularity of ooean tide*, tU Virginia (Nov.) Chronicle says. -, I--I1II*! MSISl I .rlul. An enterprising French vineyardiit ha* renoued hi* vine* from tbe ravaging phyl loxera by tbe aimple expedient of kaepini a dock of hen* among them. Lei any one who baa tb* oar* ot horae* these oold, froety morninga, deliberate); graip in hi* hand a pieoe of iron ; indeed let him touch it to tbe tip of hi* toogue and than Ut him thrust the oold bit into tbe month of the horae if he baa th* bear to do it. Tbe principal use of rosin in midioine i to form plaetera and ointments ; in plasters for it* adhesive or (ticking qnalilie* am drawing, and in ointment* and salves, parti for tbe *ame, and aleo for the pnrpoee o hardening or thickening tbem. It IH aeldom u*ad internally. Deputy Surgeon- General Tuson fir* n*ed Rulpbur fire* in India a* a propbylao tic measure against cholera. Tbeee fires were made at fifty yard* apart, and ken alight during tbe whole time that tbe fat waa at ita height. Not a tingle oaee o cholera occurred ; a remarkable oirouin stance, lino* oholora bad generally broken out at previous fair*. It *aem* rather difficult to make any new diaoovery in medicine which Frenchmen do not claim to bave known all about for a leaat a decade. Tbua, at the February meet ing of tb* HOCH ti do Biologic, M. liabnteai aid that tbe properties of hydrooblorate o micaiua were known before 1870, that in 187i M. Titborde bad shown it* tunic ofTeot* a-i J M. Demarnaa pointed out its aont bet 10 powcra in a theei*. Tbe importance ot wholeeome potabl* water for oil ion it abown in Vienna. Sine*. tbe introduction into that oily of water drawn from tbe Sly-Han Alpa a eoaataa and very oonaideraole deoreaie baa bean observed in tomaoh and intestinal Irou blea, and oases of typhus fever bave become rare. FRANCE AND < lll> t K..UII ol IBM M,,.,,, |-,H,, A laat night'* Paris cable say* : It i* stated that Gen.De 1'lsle desires Col. ierbiuger to be pULUbed for bin hurried retreat from Langaon. (leu. Boulauger, tbe French commander al Tunis, kta been ordered to Tonquin to axume ohiel command. Tbe bases ol tbe treaty between France and China are tbat tbe Chinese nhall evacu- ate Tunjuin, tbat tbe French shall occupy ^ormoaa until a treaty of peace baa been executed, and shall foregu the indemoily rom China, and tbat a treaty of commerce ball be concluded, giving trade advantage* to France. M. Ferry oousidersd the Mrnm acceptable witb few modifications. Tbe Kreuch defeat at Lsngsou occurred before - banal. The following telegram has been received 'rom Admiral Conrbel . The Freuob fleet, under Admiral Lange, attacked Phong Boo oo Sunday morning, bombarding tb* fort* defending tbe barbor* of Pong Hou and Makunk. The forts and gun* were dis- mantled in three hours, when two powder magazines exploded, Betting tire lo tbe villago of Makung, which burued for twenty ionr*. Tb* fleet was not injured. Tbe uarine* lauded and qMewbed to Makung oo Monday and oooupied tbe village ou Tuee day, after several battle*, in whiuu only nve Frenchmen were killed. Tbe Chinese (arriaon, numbering 1,500, inffered beavily. Tbe Freneh are in Ibe bent of ipirits, aud will occupy LitBitah on Wedneaday. Gen. de I'lsle telegraphs from Hanoi oo Wednesday : Uen. Negrier ia making lavorabla progrea* toward recovery. The evacuation of Langaoo seems to have been slightly burned, especially after tbe suooeaa of our counter attack, which was made without serious loas. No furtber reason ia given concerning tbe rapid evacuation of Dong Dong. Tb* Cninese only appear deairou* of re-oooup)iog their former XMition* lo tbu northward of Deoqnan and Deovan. The ailualiun u betur than tba overdrawn account 1 of the past four daye led m* to believe. h, Hirausar -i,. i.. ,i, ni.i.h oll. i. I',.!,.. I.NMl.. A Reading, Pa., tt I. train Ky> Aatrang* lory of *uperstilion and win nrrafl, wbiob i* verified by some of the beat-known peo- le in tte neighbor 1101 d. oouies from Wn/d or Cm le, a umall viilnge tiluaud along be foot of tbe B.ue Mountain*. John 'its, a farmer, baa five children, wbo bave btocrne s filleted with a strange malady, aid sfae entire neigbborboud believe* bai tbey are bewucaed. Tb* filleted children are : Caroline, aged 31 y*ari> ; John, iged 16 ; rouisa, agedU , Salli*, aged 11, aud Milne, agsd 7. Residing u*r tbe Fioka - an Iderly woman wbo hss breu looked upuu with surpioiou by her ue'gtibur* for oo>* ear*, and she is believed to bav* wwiioned tbe obildreo. Tbe latter say bat tbe old woman manif DM beraelf in be form of a oat, though i.o on* *l*e ia able to tee U. Tbey are frequently tbrown into lolent paroxysm* ana are seined with terrible spasms, which pans from one to bs other. Tbey friqaently cry out wneeobing Ciod to release tbem from their terrible apell. Tbey imagine tbat tbe oat ia endeavoring to jump into ihtir faces to acratoh, their tyea out. Then they tear at their throats and rush into the open air, a* Ihty 'my the imaginary old wou>an i* try- ng to ttjueexe tbe life out of tbem. Next tbey wit (i and ory out that she i* biting hem. Tuey btoome exhausted after theee pells an 6. tbir t, iiuda fear that unl<-a* bey are cured eoou they will die. Dr. latfield, the family pbytician, saya it ia a case wb lob be cannot solv*. Dr. Hagen- uiau.of this city, tbe reoogi ized witch lootor throughout Eastern Pennsylvania, 'lilted tbe children. He laid bis hands on tbsm, gciug through all the incantations Alter bis visit 1)11 children became worse. 1'hs houae is ooniioually surrounded by crowd* of people, wbo diive to tb* place >cm mile* irjuud. i i i . r i i in i. AND in KM i. If Ihr Ktnl.h l i. of. w!i*i m I ! 0". Kill, d .nd .,.,.! U n,l,d Cirmamas'i fartarr .T|*rrni. A laal night'* London oable lay* : Sinoe tba unfortunate surprise of Jen. MoNeill'* command, Gen. Graham la* shown extraordinary vigilance lie liavee nothing to be independently carried cut by otbere that he can poaiibly super- intend himself. He is everywhere, and ia last regaining tb* confidence wbioh wa* a little ibaken by the duaitrons uocurrsoo of tb* eomm*ue*oient of tbe campaign. News received from Snakim show* tbat be u proceeding against Osman Dign* with great oaution, being fully aware that be IB dealing witb a powerful and wily foe. Hie great want baa been water, and this baa led to exasperating delays, but be ha* by Ibia time, in all probability, fought decisive battle aomewbera between Tamai and Tamameb, and uews of tbe result i* awaited witb tb* greateet anxiety. If be inooeed* in defeating tbe Ilahdi's ueuten ant be will make no attempt to follow htm to tb* hill*, but will return to Raakim Gen Graham will probably occupy Tokar alter capturing Trmkitat. lie will a" send an infantry force to Baodub to pro teot tb* workmen wbo are to lay the fire lection ol the railway toward ltrbsr. I Tokar i* captured it will be tbe float blow to Osman Digna, as tbat town IB bis store houae and treaaury. A special from Buakim say* thsl Get. Graham commenced an advance on Tamanieb tbi* morning. U* bad not pro oeeded far before he found tbe enem strongly enlrenabed juat beyond Tamai Gen. Graham attacked tbe Arab*, and a battle i* now proceeding. General Graham telegraphs aa follow* " Tamai Spring, noon. Oar foro* advanced at 8 o'clock Ibis morning, am oooupied Ibe village. We occountere< slight opposition. We found very littl water, and tbat little of a very bad quality I nhall return with the whole fores to tb* flrat aartba. Four *oldien wer* wonode in occupying tbe village, two ol them belonging to tbe Anitralian contingent." A despatch filed at Tamai at t o'oloc this afternoon says Tamai is in flame* Tbe British loea in occupying tbe place waa one killed and sixteen wounded. Tbe advance to Tamai wa* mad* ove broken ground and through deep ravine* Few rebels ware about and tbey retire after tbe exchange of a few (bet*. At te burning Tamai, the British returned to MoNeill's sareba. Tb* cavalry will retnr here. The enemy's loea wae flight. Tb men are in good health and spirits. Gen Graham intend* to poao tbe railway far aa Handonb and to remove bis oam thither. Il ia f**re4 tbe scarcity of wate at Tamai indicates a aimilar want at otbe plaoee. A balloon used in taking observation yeaterday bur*l daring a gale. Tlili-,1, > . Ae a meena of suicide tbe small venomou serpents of Oriental countries bav* alway been in vogue th* a*p ot Cleopatra re curring to every one'* memory a* a pro minent txample. In certain part* Bengal there i said to be a race of gypeiei one ol whom fora fee will furnish a *ma cobra to any applicant, " and no question a*k*d." A man wbo desires to oommi murder procures one of tbeae reptile* am places it witbin a bamboo juit long enongl to let th* head protrude a trifle at on end, aud tbe tail at the other. Armed witl thi* deadly weapon tbe murderer creep softly to hi* enemy'* tent at dead of night out* a hole in tb* wall, and introduces tb bamboo. Tbe tortured reptile, oareles* upon whom it wreika ita animoeily, itrikes lie fang* Into tb* sleeper, then is with- drawn, and tbe ama8in eteal* silently away. Qentieman'i Magiutnr. UK UK (NILI'lir I T -! 'l 1 - 111" \MIKI U. . i Vevia Use II. II, .. J | a* .% r.. ill, In loui, -in ..!> I. .. With regard to arsenic, there are oppor- umtiaa of observing what may be classed a* txperimental proofs, m-'i a* could not sibly coour in illne** arising from sewer [as. Tbi* further proof consists in tb* fre- ueut altercate recurrence of illne** and oovery llluesa oo exposure to, and rceevery oo removal from, arteoieal sur- rounding*, followed by fiual recovery on ubstilution of a ncn-araeuioal fabric in ilaoe of thai oon taiuu x tbe ptisan. Change if air i* in all probability often credited with tb* benefit* aruiug from removal from soiue unssnitary cjnaition of reeidenos, office, or workibcp. Tbe effect on men employed in banging or removing arsenical wall papers i* another proof ol tbsir injurious quality meu bave Ire |ueutlv to leave their work unfinished, wing t'K> ill to ooutinue under tbe poison ons influence Arstmc in donjeitio fabric* s so *aeily dispensed witb thsl there u no valid reaaou lor Ibe continued use of tbeee Kiuoucui color*. Srveral paper atainers lave for year* ooncisntiou*ly excluded all ariiuioal color* from their work*, yet bave till maintained their ( i-iiiuu in tbe open market, thus deoidiug tbe question both a* 10 ooet and to quality ot nun arsenical wall paper*. Il i* an interacting question to medical men and chemist*, bow it is tbat ibeae minute quantitie* of arsenic, or ol some combination of araanio witb otbsr ingredients, wb*u breathed, should be so injurious, when largsr qnantitiea can be taken into tbe tooiach aa a medicine witl advantage. Tbia question, however, i* 01 DO oonacqaeooe to tbe patient. His course 11 simpl* enough . having found out tb* oauae of illaeaa, get rid of it, aud be thank fill it ean be got rid of al so small a oosl Arsenic also is found in tbe dust of room* papered witb araenieal papers, thus proving tbe preeeoo* of arsenic in tb* atmosphere Chamturi Journal I hr Hu-.liill . nl *l Ihr I .pUn Aooording to tb* beet available iuforma lion, the following u tbe present distribu tion of tbs Kuiwian forces east of tb* Cas pan : At Merv. Yulatau and Kany a/.i. Col Alikbancfl baa 3,000 KU-HIBU troop*, l.OXX Tnrooman bora* aod sixteen guns. A' Harakhs there are 'i 000 men, but a portion ot tbeee bv* been moved to the Murgab At Pnl-i Khatun and /.ulnoar tbere an detaobmeut* of Uonaeka, a body ol ISO o Iheae horsemen at each place. Al Pnl-i Ktaiabti, on tbe Kuebk, tbere an 600 trained Harik Tnrooman*. Tb* garrison o Asbkabad, wbiob is normally only 4,00 men and twenty-four gnn, will be more lo 8,000 when tb* reinforce meota of 6,00 man aent from the Caucasus have arrived Tbeae are at present only en rout* to tbei destination. At tbe sanje time it is be lieved tbat an attempt will be mad* to re mloroe tbe Merv garrison Irom Khiva an Turkeatan. London Standard. I h, < 1. 1, .1 ...,. h J u.l,i . Lord Dean, the oldest judge on the Boottisb Benob, wbo baa just resigned offio* wa* for a oonaiderable time quite unfit foi duty, ao Ibal hi* retirement baa nol come by any mean* unexpectedly. Lord Dean belonged to tbe old school of Scottish judgee. In bi* conversations across tb* benob be would Of* I he broadest northern dialect, and even in hie set specobea word* that shocked tbe relijed ears of themoderi bar would oooasioDslly alip out. A good story i* Hd ot him in tbe Parliament Donne in connection witb this matter. On one occasion an advocate (now a judge bim self) was endeavoring to prove an issue before bim. Lord Deaa, al last losing al patienoe with tba argument, broke in witb - Mr. _, do ye c*' that an 'why ?" " No my lord, I oall it an ii me." Olive Logan, who ha* resided in London for many year*, says she know* there are wan* in the River Thames over 160 year* old. Tb* Beaton J'<u( doesn't doubt it. but did not think Oliv* oouid remember ao far baok. A lady in Indianapolis potted by miatake a small morning-glory plant lait fall, which soon afterward bloomed and ba* been in flower every morning during tb* winter. Make a memorandum of tbia fci axt frost time. The WertsVs Pear Klrhr*! <*!>. It i* estimated that tbe following are tba incomes in round cumbers of tb* tour m*n wbo are reputed to be the rioheet in Ibe world : Dnke of Vanderbilt. Westminster Capital ITS.OO'OOO W.fXO,OCC I'sr yoar....~. 7.000,070 4.000,00 1'er month 070,000 .nn.OOi t'sr da; l.u 10,000 Psr hour 00 18 MolbsehiM JOO,OOaoOO Per r"' U,7BO,000 \0,OOOJOOO Vet month. 1.00U.OOO NSO.OOO Per day awO) AOOO Per hour ....._.. I ' 1.000 Psrmlnuts _... H * i ij:vlsky aaid, ' uuitijvrn Thibet, .1 of animal life > rile plains that vu ia tb* world, 0s sea. 11 aaid umber n>ii ion*. . .* wt.ghs (rom Nature'* oheinia- of flesh front ,iun o lofty tbat uearly Jane, - nearer tb* iqna- mimr l'u|>ulni -u.l..ll,.,l SB I'"... terlto. Tb* Hui-eian explon after bu reoent juuu.i bat an eoormoun an.. waa supported by tbe ng on these bleak, be! orm tbe highest p. aom* 13,000 feel ab- be wild yak* there iu, aud tbat a fnll-growu 6 000 to 18 000 pound. ry evolve* tbeee great be poor herbage of a la lake* are frtaeo o\ bougb they are 600 u. tor than we are Explorer* tell ua '.r at cot only does animal lit* abound, bu. ..: man can live n torn* of tbe moei d> U-e part* of tbe lobe. It u a mistake uppoae thai tbe iahsra desert u mer ... a use!*** sandy wast*. Much of it la, not *o much oul- tivabl* land a* indnatr .- hand* to make be veal expanse of wu J oases bioaaom in. Tte Muannlm* ct known a* tbe ienousian* has fur - beeL digging well*, irrigating tbe lax .i.J turning many inndrsd* ol barriu r. , iut , garden*. twenty -tour year* ago \\ ,jnv*d iu bead- [Uartere in tbe desor! . ar tbe weatern order ot Egypt, bui rvoirs, began ilantatlocs, greeted c -ula, snd nuw a wpulation of H.OOU pe. i live at Jaiabub, here the noil ban b. .red to fertility iy their labor*. Inert large areaa in be Sahara tbat need . rain or irriga- tion to cover tbem wit' lure. Through bese region* paaa the .ravau route*, aloun which the 50,000 ..ueie engaged ia be Sabaran ooninierc, >r their burden*. Mr. Anderaou, the ci umeor who last ear completed sixtee. ,rs of explora- ion* in South Africa t .-u tb* Orange and Xambcsi Hivers, - .hat Ike rain hat fall* for a few wei ry year in tb* real region known a > u*.ahar% deeert oovers the hlaokei.. 1 v. ale** plain witb [Undid vegetatu i. . I .. is abundant here, *epeoially li>. leopard* and '.riches, and be has c J IP tbu deeert. w*nty-lwo lion* in a t : . nd baa aaen 900 ostriobe* in one t: i . Beast* and bird* find sustenance ii is region where, >oly a faw Bushmen b . r* live. Fat northeast uf them ou ti oil-arid stoppea jf Kordofau aud Darfu Hone ol sbeep and camel* exut on U.- ...ty pasturage f thai de**rl region. 1 arm-it Arctic explorer* found in th> ..- t->( lUtxrgen archipelago where, it i believed, no nan being bad ev> r .ived herd* of reindeer upturning tin uw witb their loots and nones to f '.uf lichen* on wbiob they fed. Mau> deer live aa far north aa Littleton laU . I oeveral aoorae f tbem were killed h- Hayes and folaris expedition* M oxen, or their iraeea, bav* been ftuL.i . g the sboree of tbe great frozen sea a- rtb as explor- er* bav* attained. Lo. d, far north of tb* supposed limit* of 1 life, found trace* of this wi.uderfi .ruped, wbiob (rows fat oo the tendei ,u of th* Ara- ,10 willow and ploughs u, auow for moaa and lichen*. Ol all parts of tbe *:.;, tbe Antarctic regioi H alone are c -iu( ively destitute of life. Few specie* ut N . > tbing* IB tb* vegetable or animal ki. iu oan endure tbe rigor of tbe Houth I . r region. No terrestrial quadruped i ' .'.it* the land within th* Aii'arctio ( . and whale* and seal* are tb* only in a. air tbat enter it* area. Summer iu . Arctic reauoai, with it* abundant lit* i iud and in th* air and sea, present* ai . itnawd and a cheerful scene oomj ai with tbo utter desolation thai reign* i ually iu Ant- arctic water*. A Tvwrr ! .i- M, r. Outwardly th* Tow*r . . Parau oall the buildiuit i posit their dead, reeemb circular i work, aay* tb* " Saturd> K view. " II i* Silsnce, a* the which tbey da- r- open at tba top, and IL. *.il n of tbe hardest etone, faoed wi" unam or |>lai- ler. Tke corpse of a l'ar-i. by tome onn- ons custom, tb* origin of .- '..ob u unknown, i* expoaed to tb* vi*w < f a -* three or four time* wbil* a funeral aeru. -n or oration ia being pronounced. Ac.' -in set ol nun termed naaeaalar* or co- 1 -e-bearera than ronvey tba body to the D MIUSB and place II on a airoular platform i, subdivided into row* of receptacle*,, what miKbl b* termed open or immovahl, oofflus. Tb* smallest or inner circle i- ..lotted to child- ren, tb* next to female*, aud tbe outward, or largest circle, to mai . It la oaj- oulaled thai in the sp*. t> ol one hour or so after a funeral tbe il -h u crippad from tbe bone* by tbe ultures. All impuritiea fall into a reoei oli- below, and, attar a aertain lime, when t kiletonsare thoroughly dried by lb< ouat, thxy are thrown, rich and poor, . 11 young, into a common pit. ID tbx r *ea*--n tbe Tower inside and out IB iho. u,hivc -used by tbe rainfall, . d . . *re t i-o to drain off th* n<oii>ture a i aoov< . it to wells dug ont*id tue T . r. Tb ueee precaution* are (xoellant I . ,111 s s. itary polol of vi*w, and tbat notuing offet *iva ia perceived by any ot U nxs, may be admitted. But wr can h .r Iy no <j me a* far aa Mr. M n. r W. - n... whu is of opinion tbat decjy by* ma> h* aa revolting to Pa*i' n<.n .T -, tbs sw >up of vulture* down u th<> h i I luvcil rela- tion* and friend is to u. W bather crema- tion u destined to make art ^co^ren" or not in England, it ha* little t far from th* rivalry ol a Tower <,f H .jevllj IK Ihr , ,,i.h ili k hlu . In the Registrar's uotci- f r :he laot .|jar- t*r of 1884 we find that in tbe pari-u of Moy and Dalaroseie on.. > f tb" death* recorded waa that of a wninan 100 yean old. In Kirkbill one of tbu five death* recorded WB* that of a I, u. .1, ! y ears of age tbe oldest mbabitafit of ths parish and another, that ol a male ttt> year* of age. In Glenelg only oue ,i..*tii took plao*, that ol a pauper, aged 'J2. In the southern district of Gairlooh th* dratb uf a woman 97 year* of ago waa register! d iu December, lo Reay, Sniberland*hire, tbe last entry in tbe death regiater ia tbat of a woman 104 year* of ag*. I Mr*. Nellie Grant Bartons paeeed bar husband in mid- ooean a* be was return log lor her. She became alarmed over tbe t'le>ram* concerning her father's health* and did not wait but came alon*. - . -

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