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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1885, p. 5

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The many friends of Mr. J. Scott (formerly of Inistioge) will regret to hear that he died last week at Angus, Ontario. We believe he had been severely afflicted for some time. -Dundalk Herald DISTRICT SAYINGS AND DOTNUb. In the Arrangement of Which, ScisHora and Pen are Freely Used. LAT Thursday morning Dr. skate 86 laps while lienett ran 80 Cotton&apos;s valuable hound was found laps, the stakes being $100. Doth dead in the stable. The cause of the men were iu good condition and ready I Grey Coowty spring assizes open at Owen Sound on .Monday, 13th i tine brute&apos;s deatli was poison, admin- istered by some malicious person at present unknown. The Dr. valued the <log at $:>n and will make the guilty person, if hr can bo discovered, < iilarrli I X-W I r. al HI, in Perhaps the moat eitraonliuiry aueeau that has heen achieved iu modern medicine >iy to start when called on. At the ( /or CaUrrh< O ut of > noo patnmu treated word go both men set off, Whyte, win- during the post nix months, full) 1 ninety per ning by about 10 yards. &apos;1&apos;inie ! in. cent, have been . 2seconds. but had no ehunce. curt.1 of thin ntubtinrii , , malady. Thin i n..n.- the KKH ktartlll-K Jlenett made a good show when f t 18 rt . II1 ,. ul b r ,, lt i 1 .t uot live per cent. There Was a fair of pati.nM pr. amting themmh.H to tli. \ ruguUr practitioutr urc benefited, while the pay dearly for the despicable trick. attendance of B^ctatorH. Music wit.-: ,,^,.,,4 ,;,,. 4ll ,i ,, t |, ur ,lv,r(ise.t cun> supplied by the 2nd liattalion J&apos;.and. uever record a cure at all. 8Urtiii with the n ,, , i claim now "enerallv l&apos;.-!i> %. >l nv the muni warehouse in Tort hlglll was (Its- WMkBK TO KKRr ,T.-Ke*t, it in your -met OmM. sou-untie uie.ii that ti,., di-u. is&apos;du.- &apos;oth, t roved by tire on Sunday last; loss &apos; m &apos;&apos;. v &apos; &apos;1&apos;lie hem remedy for accidents an<l |>H. LOWS I&apos;I,KAS\NT \VOUM SYKI.&apos;P presence of living |.:ir.,ite in the lUsue, Sl&apos;tlMU) i nrl for 811 000 Grtu t &apos;. IU< &apos; r *&apos;"&apos; nck &apos;"&apos; &apos;"&apos; Ullr "&apos; 8e ul "; l!r ""* !i &apos; An agreeable, safe and efteetual remedy to Mr. Dixoii at ouot, adapted hi* cure, to their JflJ.lHX), msmed U.UUU. Ur.y s,,r, n... bo.r throat. Croup, ltheu.Hti.-n,. ri!lllove .U kinds of worms eileruiinsli. tl. .,,..-, -, J. he claim. Jievietr. Chilblains and Pain or KoretWHS of all kin. I., the Catarrh u uraetically cured, uud lli ptr- in tlij-.t marvellous healing remedy, Hug- It is with deep regret we an- man. iie\ is unquestioned, as cures effected had a yatd . Yellow oil. inotmcc the sudden death of Mrs. ! bv &apos;" (lllr y " 8 cu - rc *&apos; N " we are| The Salvation Army, under V ,, t , alli of wiH.amsford Station, on ^ glad to see that he is now much Captain Magee, is growing DR. CARTER. M .&apos;.}. AS , OST. PHYSICIAN. M II..M.V .\. KLESHKKToN /.&apos; .i./rjirr, Mjrt !> Jlirn.m it &apos;. iiiut., before Justice Ualt. FIKK. J. tv (leorgo&apos;s \u.rRf Mt. Forett Kej-rieatattve. DJ. Mc\Villiuins has severe attack of illness, but to l>o a< t i, e jj 5tl| of Ml4rcll Sunday ni-ht &apos;&apos; v &apos; r cure . d ^tarrh. The application of th- better, and hope he will soon regain&apos; J, wl Uhy institution in Orangeville. M , K Voi/^i sat uu with advim&apos; nci"h rt &apos; m< ^- v U " imp1 "- &apos;"&apos; "". &apos;- &apos;"&apos;&apos; h ""- n i ti 11 u mm, \ Oglll .sal up \\ltll au\lllf{ llel^ll- a ,,j the |>ni-nt a-i.H<>ii n( thi&apos; year it the Lu usual luio,\Ui.JJitiuiuUc Jlerald. i Strtff Captain Profttaor XVi^liis HS- | )OJ . a|| ,i , )( . xt m , )llm ,,, XV1S j|[ most favourable for u npi-r I . ui I |..-nnan> nt -TuK many friends of Mr. J. sisu-.l the Captaiu and her attractive H ud died at 4 o&apos;clock Wednesday after S^itoSf&apos;^ifcf.^hoSTd&apos;ti^^d {Scott I formerly of Iiiistiogc) will re lieutenants ut the nfternooii ami even- ,,. Me<lieal aid was eall, d but *&apos; l >&apos; Messrs. H. A. I>ix:>n .vSm. n" iTi-..t t., I,..-,!- Unit I,, ,ii,.,l lt u,-i./>L- i ill" ii&apos;i-\iius in tin- t/ivvn hull mi Sun t i \, \- -Ir.-ut went. Toronto. Cuad. aud giet to lieai that Ii was of no avail. Mis. VogM was UIDP f , (r , Ml . ir tr , Ul . catarrh. - M..U Angus, Ontario. &apos;We believe lie had day, and treated the largo audit nee W( -|l known and highly respected both treal Slur, Nov. 17, i *-.!. e. to excellent music.- Du/,rin i,, this section and iu the neighbor- "~~ &apos; ]>r. llixon. Physician, Surgeon, ami AOOOUOMfM, I&apos;KICKVII.I.K, / ,iff. J.I&apos;. NAKSIIAI.L. L.U.! DKNTIHT, /IKMM&apos;ATK . f Tnrouto u . 11 U at Murk U).- : (lav of t-Ki h Tn>>nl)> ATt&apos;l ftl tin i u .1 1 l,iir~l,i. In ... i of 111- I I been severely afllicted for Vundalk UtniU. ACCIDENT. Mr. John Of Violi-t Hill, had the small hr, hood of Flesherton. Her husband .\i.\iv SrecKHSFTL. Those ac- and children have the sympathy of In.,, i .1 I&apos;:-. . . ui.ilm . Iu order to w tli-tand Cholera and such like epidemics u perfect purity of l.lood.aud TH in-lire Hint ellil. in the cheapest, most arailnlil. niid .&apos;oiiipl.-ti- manner, tl* 1 MI (in r^r - ->|m dy I,&apos; lire for |)y- gpepoia, and Impure I&apos;le n- is no puriT, haf**r or more relml&apos;l i remedy in ence f. of&apos;.nainted with the Kelly family will be the public in their bereav. m.-nt. one of liis legs broken the other <lu\ pleased to learn, that Mr. Jiimcs Heart disease wus the cause of her while working in the mill of Mensi v Kelly ha.s succeeded in taking first death. Chutucurth AVir. Hawkins Jiros. &htlbur*c EI-H&apos;I clas ; honnrs, being third on the list vniit. at his su-<)inl ye.-u i \.unination at Me By lack oi open air eipiciwi, aud the wnnt (illl Medical College. We heartily ol BufUcieut oara in tbe matter of diet. th. ......... 11 ].,i.. ],:, .,,,,1 n, ,.,],,.( mnat ..... - . . V- JIIJ^ 1 ULUIU14. Illlli allU Ult (IK I tt JlI&apos;lSl IIIH III.I.M-I mu&apos;io .. wbole physical im-oLmiiMii often becomen imtminil durint; the winter. Aver&apos;* .sr- &apos; successful career, for this promising*&apos; H.pi.r.llH is U,e ,,r..p,.r r.m-ilv to taki- ij, , slll( l t ., jt- _^ ur /,, JW (&apos;hr-.nnl.. the spriiiK of tin- M ar tn purity the blood, * u, vi. Mi-iite the i.tsf&apos;iti, rxi&apos;ito Uie liver Ui&apos; Srui TO (.&apos;.>NUITK.- -The it:&apos;i-t tn.iihl.-- iietioii, uud n-ture the healthy tone uud nnm itgii is sure to \i. &apos;Id if timely treated vigor. with M.I^&apos;^HI IV Puloml liuliuin. I&apos;k&apos;iiiuil The workmen in KncchtiT- i-&apos;-i ;- cabinet factury, Hanover, struik , against a reduction often jurcenl. on their wages last wi-ek. but afterwards went to work at the ii.-diiced rato. Mt. f&apos;ornt (&apos;n/t(lvriite. Theltoyal Teiuphirs of Tem- perance, Uran^&apos;eville, imrjiose holdin.: h.iiu -iiiiintnly euti-rtainiiieiius in tin n hall, Ciiisiiolm&apos;s hhx&apos;k, for tho pur- ."" " ,&apos;" ",," ",, _&apos;.&apos;,"_. &apos;"&apos;i&apos;~". e &apos; Sprue.- \\ In .it poee of promoting the cause of T> ui perance. 1&apos;ott. Hall&apos;a Hair Rem-wor n-imws. cl mmeR brightens, mid iiivi,..mtf- tn< hair, and re Model Watch Shop . . HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN. B MiHI^ I 1.1.-- -ii. [i MMH- I-ONV I \ \Si I i . I - KIM) f u r .-..;. -it -T. I every Thurwlay t H.l&apos;.sll Ai.rurii PP &apos;I. . I.- .1 w KROOT I.I I. ( line UK tal Show Ca-.-s tilled More. w &apos; 1 &apos;&apos; ^"telies, Cliinns, llnu&apos;- aiil nlll Thursday night Mr. \Vm. Trial bottle |lr fn. , lot 10, con. 10, Arthur, had is barns mid i-t.ihli-s. in wl.i.-li erlnn.-. ()\i r ;">ll CIIMI|I!I tr \\ateiio THIS A, a Ml r. nil 1**J for TO ce,,U. lo ,.,,. , Vom . ;{ A . , ,, wrBeighHia*dofott!e,800bnab< -rware. ut ii>&apos; faded or KI-H.V li.ur to it youtl.fnl color and (mitre- I&apos;.-ojile with gray h. ii pr. fi &apos; in H-i&apos; ilii 1 P-iii&apos;fr, nitlier tln.ii pio claim to tin- world through their l>!e ,. -Ij. 1 loekH thut they in- K on toiU-cijr. uuil of oats, eight tons of hay, and |-i,,u T ] L 1 \| IRKETS in I&apos;him twin, s. 1 .,ell r,t.t,l and I i i i ,. i -L A A J.-J -*... * A. . J. w 1. . JL^M _L *-* I unplemeuta, destroyed by fire. His ,,- I,,- al,,-,,&apos; ..MM,. Insured FI.KSIIKUT. >X. pruvs. All warrant &apos; L&apos;I\I i: on John W. Armstrona, Ki.i>iiricT<&apos;\. Co. Cli.r.v. DIVIiti>V i >&apos; 1. &apos; i I . l:h l (iM\ll---["SI 1 in M It l . < an. I -.!. I.I&apos; I.N-I : -- m the Agricultural of \VatcrtD\Mi, N. Khnir &apos; Jas. T. Sloan* r/M.yr/; i<;/;.vr. U 7.&apos;i tn I nn -n .1, ptia .1 ^ If &apos;I I) :,1 is nut known. Mr. Hail, v unu mu- , ISarley &apos; ** w.Tf trcnii homo at the tune. Mt. , ^ n m Forett Confederate. peas 051 -MM. JOHN SCAMXIS, of tl |: &apos;&apos; r " ! j |J South Line, Hraiit, died un the 22nd p&apos;"^&apos;". (l .<-, ult., in her sixty-sixth year. She p,,,-^ h:.d In en a resident of the Township Hay, [NT ton 1&apos;J (H > II . niaki ^ my il.iiin on your patrona ail h.inerit elailn. of Ih-ant for upw;ii-(U of thirty years. Hides ,. 5 5n She was born in the county of Derry, ^&apos; . Ireland, and came toCanuda i,,lv|?,. 8bl>*iM . &apos; QUIT* a sensation waa < at the Queen&apos;s hoU-I Friday night liv the explosion of a coal" oil hnnp.&apos;&apos;ivin for some j.-ars m the township j),,,.^, ,,,. r brace Dam.i-e on.- chair and a portion u f of <in<;lph. She was a devoted wil. Cluck. n~. per brace... . the lloor partially Imrned. lltnortr !>"&apos;d mother, and consistent church Turkeys j, . nieiulier. She was the mother of Mr. John Scanlon, of Allan 1&apos;ark. The Of, II 20 i, c.ii I M) M 11 15 Years at Watch Re- pairing. W. .1. P.KLLA.MY. TWf. ( LtKK AHTICMIU. /\ ^i l: i \-&apos;A .t>. , Di i.ii- M&apos;.I.TI. M.I - . d aii&apos;l i-i Ucnry to !:.! . ,. ,_, -- LEO 15iioKF.N. Tlio otluT duv ., ,. ,: family have the irmpathy of the com as a little son oi Mr. James lluml, * . ,11&apos; niinnty in their Hud bereavement. who lives on Lot 1:2, 1st ( on., (>. S., ,, Hunuctr Idtt. Helaneluon, teMing u uom out A <i "" I I< (>1 ""- " &apos; . Ijtnrn-> GORDON&apos;S I.\l riencc the l>c-nt Teacher. II i watch wovk. The lit-liiihle &apos;A&apos;atcli Hi |i;iin-r, W. A. BROWN. Marlidalr. tl la nt-< laa cuuipanlM. . . : i ,. - aud Eouse-Joiuiug. Tim iinrtt-rmirtir.! i> |>n-o*ri I t orderiui.tru-l. 1 1 , I mi f i . /&apos; / ,. /&apos; In the p*t l a guaraut. \ M. I.KIIH Fi.t:siit:Kio> HARNESS 811 V Churches and Societies. , -, j , , ^, , , ,, . >r p / \ X &apos; I lj IJ ^ 1 I 1^ IV I V_/ A 1 OK Of the sUhl.Mlu- il....r which puslirs , "" I I< >1 ;"- , "&apos;&apos;. 1 ilriwixt. Ijtnrn->ti r, I&apos;a.. wnte thnt he ha- aside on rollers fell, and Bttlkillg one {tu :t . &apos; .1 . >-r :.m U.iil of lliiinocU ofti." boy&apos;s lens broke u jnidwav !.<.- ltl "" 1 &apos; 1 blttw 1 ." r . llv M" """ l " ll "- ""- ami liver and kidney trouble*. In ie tWe u the ankle ami HIM. \\<- b*-- him it .ii].|.ini.&apos;irtlios,. who n,.,,! u. I,, lieveDr. linn is in ttttPlidanee. (:i >&apos;""&apos; " K&apos; v *" uie K 1 &apos;""* 1 &apos; fnotiou. Sktumnu LconnmiHt. - A IOUKCI lady named N THK t&apos;HKMi -. AMI HIST. *>n nerniinl i f . ,, . ,t, pmuy u,,.| ,-.,. ..... ntrHl,,l Kt:r U! ;lli nn.l l(gg Morrison, of COIi. 11, Altlnir. grout p<iwer over .li-.-Hse, lliird.xk lll:i...l , v i,,|,. driving home fidlu Mount For- Hi: 1 &apos; .> in tin- eurMMti unil l>eiit lii ..... 1 . . . . clnuiH,,,; t.itii,- k,,..ui, f.,r all diM.r,l-i. ,1 - &apos;" coin[any with u mule n, : ,tn, con litiiins ..( the liloml. O ii Monday, was tlii.iwn out (if the i ; .LK.i Ti.iN. Oriingcvillc had an cutter and had her arm broken . exciting ckrtion on* Monday ID tin., slmiil.ler. The gentleman in The ntn.liiiaies w. re Mi ssr.s. lioht. the flitter with MJSH Morrison hud Moo:-e and Jo--, jili Foster. The pi i/.e turnid out to pass u sleigh ahead of, for which they con tended was the re- them when his cnttor struck the side pn -.entatioii of the J-&apos;.iist \Vivrd of that of the ok-igh, canning the former to iiiiiluliou.s luiiiilrt 1:1 the municipal upset, ami Miss Morrison&apos;s arm hrin^ council. Our nl.l fiicnd .Joseph e,-iiin extended aa she fell, it was bi-iken in lir>t with !W votc-8 to si>are. .S&apos;A< / as described. Mt. f&apos;urnt hfjirn, nt- Lnru. /&apos;,-.-, /&apos;/.. "&apos;&apos;&apos;. MITAI.. A. t;hard, of St*liu;-. in n M.-t pc 1 1&apos; 1 &apos;&apos; "VI-*" l&apos;t the matnifw! r. c.nt iHtir. tiM In- inrt will, iin nn&apos;of t,,l<-co f>nisU men ly of |.ikni|,&apos; the TlllU&apos;SdllV , tllG ICtll DaV 01 aooi.ifiit iioiiit> t ..... no,,. i, y i,i,-| ....... 0| tat Md preMiat it into plofi. ht i, /w-ll ifiQ^i bin knr-en WH B.VCI el v injured. A few M|> h -we\er. thnt the priiocix i ft very deli. AP" 1 , iOOU, plications of Hiii&apos;v,ir,r YHI.nv Oil uffonled "tir and the lea-t Inlw ..l-p will in,. ire th- MAC.* TV>.. ntiiat Ii.. nil. n I. I At TV\ o O < I..K K ill tin- Afternoon, that rertalii inirneilut,. und cmupl.-te relief. &apos; &apos; &apos; ,,.,,.,., , .,., ,, f |. T1< | ;(;lf | ,,,..,,,1..-. tn fur months ft4-r it leaves tin- plMt>r* | .,,,4 B . 111K , n,,, vu!.-oi H. -. -- 1&apos;AXdEHorS. -- tlllirau IjUt/, alhajlJl. It must IvUli.-r ilry UK) i|llick in r tin- T..ti>lii|> of Ait.ii.iMii. in ll..- > ount> i.f \<-*\y. Kven alter it IIM r.-* he.l HIM Urejr and rr..vluei &apos; &apos; - ft-, .v / J . Sun- * ilav s. at 1 |i in TUMI- : Si >w ^ 1 Flestertcn Staticn II: v: I /.&apos; . f !<&apos;, I, F&apos;f I&apos;li- (.. U wall > In f.*. t I. l an.l - .>!.. . \i-rv M&apos;<mln\ <\ iiiii|> ., M. I i ut. | Iji . in the Villagt PritSI&apos;ANT toth.- I&apos;owi-i oi Siil a i-i&apos;r.nin In.), iit.irt- of Mi&apos;itt.M oontaJnsd4B -.&apos;. wlneli Will I. lit.. ilu.. .1 Ht till&apos; till,.&apos; Of .- . llllM) , -i&apos;|il liv 1&apos;ul&apos;llr A lilt in. l>> \ S \ \&apos;. 1 " ^l I &apos;i . Doer, i Ml N-H \\\ s lion I 1:1 tlie viiiiu-i. nf Ki.rsni-Ki . -,111111% of "II U I Mi. VS. M" ..i -ii.-ir I Hl..l> &apos; &apos; i -la> r U&apos; tli. t ill V i-iti i, .... Hit, ii i- .rilmlly Krli-oliinl Itiiiluay. ONTARIO DIVISION. n>, m. \v M I-I A>/././\ W . . - M- r%"_>n.| an. I Itli T .in- In uch iii.&apos;iiili ut s o.-|.H&apos;k 1.1 Strnn. lii.H-k. I ..r..nto ^n.-. t. P.-I.T..- L.-Ju-.-. l.t MII <&apos; nu.nili Vuitinu l>ruthenoor- dially nun. -I Kin ux.X.;. W II V.;,,,,.." M N ->X4. Toronto. <;n-y V Km.. Hit ii<in. TuHoNTu,d|>art.1 .In. in IH... in l&apos;i a in 10 ws ni, vvls at at , _ Mtiiiotd,-l.r,..y of nmni|.iiliition ni<iMiin>nienl MTU&apos; II , T , , &apos;&apos; ,,.,, ., Hamburg ny DM cars oil ntOtHWJ rennire.1. The wenilier inu&apos;l In- MTffiUl; i,,. r ii,,, loct I&apos;l.firo It.nvinir il,. vilhurn Ii &apos; "tndieil, for if there in too nuieli ni&apos;iialnn- .11 &apos; the m ii ,. ,., ,,...,, ,., , t |Mirt .,, ,_ lt Nl m.i ..... anil l iiu ,... 111 th, h, &apos; I ". T. II". ta thin Room, st r in&apos; I.IIM-K. ti.. i in tli" l-t ^ tniMit h. * i l. I in -l,itr|i VisitiiiK 1&apos;n-r lir, u . i W li .I&apos;M KKI.I. VI \\ |i -. v,,M,.. r . l;..,, F&apos;l.i:.-li: RTON Lod . &apos;. ;&apos;. l , I&apos; U.f.KY //!/>/" N t " i tiain InavMTaik lal &apos; &apos; / / / /. i. ie ui HI t&apos;arh \ l"itilli; l.n-tliri n U HAII-S \\ M iir win ii it in remarked that hu was going to Strat- tht MMM wiU k^ M-r"&apos;i>l-l "r" . it will mould, mid "ham ltoa<l, In the nfon &apos;.|p of \r &apos;&apos;"&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos; &apos;&apos;"""&apos;&apos;"&apos;&apos;-&apos;&apos;* ford to pay his nowspaper subscription. wl - will liv il [u \\llO Will ll\C to lie me,,, unless th,y make a w U tea mueh nni-t-u,. .&apos;."..iTiiir &apos; f " r l1 " ln--&apos; " &apos;; 11 &apos;&apos; \V I - wl - will liv op&apos;"Re f . A K ..n. _if it ,- ov..r,l r ,,,| ,, l li &apos;; i ;^ r - &apos; \ 1 . 1 f &apos;;&apos; li . \\, ha\eil [u \\llO Will ll\C to lie , ,, ..... m It Will tan en-p. nd will nip s,,,,,,^,.,,,,,. Hundredand Kiftv-.n, "/&apos; ri:.\ii&apos;i:i;.[.\<&apos;K. TJM.i -.III.!. I. IN HIV ISIuN. s- t iu .-, ,. &apos;.eiliM&apos;tinn. I&apos;Mn hriii who iii&apos;<iiiifaelnri> It IHTI; 1|..,&apos;, tli, |,rMini,- tln-ir imw hull. Di . l.i have tlieir own gtoreliotiHi-H in VirL-inia, nnd Krainftutl.UuB.aloul - e.ntfoi Weilneaday eveiilnis t i M .- \ -.;. to. l,,f Ivnt-M tli.i i iilai,....&apos;. &apos; l.r,-tli-..,le..r.lill> ,nvitl. fr.&apos;iu thi&apos;fm.&apos; tlie h-.if lunrH thfl plant,-* s .,,,,. Kr . nip i.,,,,,,,^ Sll ^,, , , )rv hllll ,, M ., , , , ,,,,. ,. s , g IhainN until it is tiime.1 out of the fm-torv, - Ti:iiM> ul > M.K l w.-nty I -ii.. ),..,.-. ut ,-f old men, unless they make UhB to ? gue ^ u ;& , Mrfuu thatthe soon, andgi&apos;t killed in the sain. -M ut l,. N.,W" linn IK^II l.ioii.jht to Kitvh &apos;huidabio object. Mielburnt /&apos;> i-i-rtimi. Th ton ^v iiufarm^ it . "^^rrr^rt r ,1::; ,..-..,.. .1..-.;. ^^.^ ^ - pOMM.haprrlD^wUhont r , MH | health, to T, of th.&apos;.r k,lled l,d tn,- secure which the li|oil iiiu-t Iw keiit piire The lliatcll for the chaillpi"!! ami evcrv or^.m in proper Baraoeh .. , nl . , ,r,fvtlv.l.l 1 and refute slnp lietwien \Vhyto.of Lheslcy, uui llunutt, oi Toronto, took place last OUSTltr CTIUXS ol the SHoiuaeh. JLter Tuesday evening in the rink. The Wliyto Ud to 1 ina.l.-l.v ,, V&apos;. Mr.l.r in rli.&apos;ir I..- t ;i stinit- - i .-M-r\ Kiilni rv, -iiiim ulUT tin- full of tlie .h. ,;, ... w r i m n. r <>. r. Pl-lr of Ti&apos;io|. run.-.&apos; iinwt MI tli. ir lull, MI, un. I&apos;liM&apos;k. lt it:i&apos;l li i rn.&apos;>.ii. - &apos;li n .&apos;Mill at 7. Hiofl.K&apos;k. \ .- . . ,n\it. I I i . HJ I l-i p In Hi |H.t I ..n.lilo I .i |- n. I&apos;.tikila;.- \N winrr i>. \; &apos;T I.I FLESHEK&apos;i&apos;ON STATION at 11 " in. n at v4 a in . I w . iiit North Klesherlon l ? rlai&apos;krl. SKI&apos;T. lioOl". . I \ .-iiilun&apos; I Hlood HitlerK purify the organs. ISTlirCT Bowels, tin- (niri In.-. i&apos;.-)&apos;.ii-l t--: ;- \ . ii.loi* U>r at the time of Han. T):. lorni of i>v II.. &apos;!..-% Allil Hie ntli.&apos;t i-iinihiiorr mil I&apos;- nm-l,- kuouh t tliu ti iu> i The \.n&apos; the rlxlit tn make one l.i.l For funhor pMtteular* apiih to\V 1 llollauiy. HHII . or to J. W I&apos;-1H.^1 Veii.|..r&apos;i S<illcltor. JOHN WRITTEN. <nxl i&apos;niilrin "//. IS no H to ttk.> Ixilldlne rntrrtfnr thi> l - \ >l... k. r- will u. promptly! Cash paid for fat Cattlo- aiut lo hoarttly think the publtc for |<it patronage. CaslK DnK&apos;rs |>tt>ni|>tly f&apos;rli

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