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Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1885, p. 7

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'I krr !>< lir. like the bladet c f tliu KI ui. like the dro|>c of the lake Ih*' locniu tbat (warm o'er tb African plain, The Fenians strove In the em ot the earth. Tbe beautiful couulry where Freedom bad birth. Wiib banner* of acarlel nd coilel.Uof bras*. Anil weapon! that glitu nil liki <ltw on the grata. They came, like the vludi o'er the nut* uf the and, Or Ibe tter* from the Kut when Ibe night itat O who would dare Unit in tbelr ocuqaeriug 'Who, who would dare boaoui the bolt* of tbtir wrath, To be Mattered like cb.tT to be broken like Hone Tnit tireeki, ami they itoud at Tlienuu^ In ' pe,aa. Yield, Bpartaci," ieid Xeixe*, "orhorenada Ura vt- 1" "Come. take ua." tbe anber Leouidu cave. But thrice round ti e wurld did the .lay chate the n IK M. Bre tbe If gioni of Aaia throngeu to tbe ngbt All tbe day. and the next, to tbe ret of the ran, Tbe battle eontlua. .1, at morning becuu. And the moon, aa it auued > u the heap* of tbe ban the Greek* attbilr pott and the enemy Bed; Hut a traitor a patb in iba mountain* revealed. And tbe fate of tbe berow of Hellu was ssel*d , Assailed and outnumbered m raeranu in van. They fought till thty uied, and they died to a man. They died, and tbe vietori. with hurrying feet, fnmtd on to tbe d< i.m . I u'urbeliuiuc defeat ; To melt like tbe drift lu tbe glare uf tbe eun, For Atbeni au<l bparta vere we!U*d in one. They died, acd. with yellow and long flowiug locka, l*y itiffened end grim Tu thcihsde of tbe rocki. With tbe earth for their pillow, thetky for their sheet Bat tbeir oou<|uen began when tbelr heart* oeeaed tobeat The eyes of the Median mother are dried. And the Bpartan uiata'a heart baa forgotten ita pride . Tbe kmgi and the kiugjoiu* bare (outibt their dark bed., And tbe age* nleover their low-lylDK head*; But tbon- dead Lcrot. live, and they cauip, and they ftgbt, Wherever the fettered arlM in tbeir uiiKht; The mountain! uay crumble, tbe ooeaua may dry, But tbe good of a deed that la great cannot die Latest i.un < i HIHH. The German ladies re trying to mtro daoe arinoliue again. The hair remain! dreaied bigb in "pile ol all attempt* to lutroduoe an opposite style tbe front hair Is eat short aod frizzed. For spring, loose flowers, garlands, tprayi, bou<|ueta, feroi in fact, any designs from nature are reproduoed in dreu good* to ploas* tbe f aney of tbe fur Very few jewels are observed in tbe evening ; there are leaden of fashion who wear eoaroely any, others who wear none at all, just aa tbeir own fancy dictates. Wilb plain plaited skirts are again appearing tbe narrow flounce* reaching op to tbe waut wbiob in their materia!. and to low out bcdiors with sbort sleeves, are especially becoming and Bailable a* bell drrsiei for younic gi'l- Tbe searf has DOW become tae favorite flnieh for tbe peasant skirt. It can be made of tuber Bilk or ribbon, and relieves tbe monotony of these new tkirt*. It oan be made to futon either at tbe tide or back, and easily made to harmonize with tbe rest of tbe toilet. Bilk stockings are all tbe rage for e vt u tog ; open- worked or lightly embroidered in shade* of on* oolor i> match tbe toilet Plain tatiu or kid shoes of tbe same hoe oat low are still fashionable, bat tbe newssl style* are embroidered in silk, obenills or beads, with a vsry imall bow or ooqaille ol narrow lace. FeooiDg is a vsry fashionable accomplish- ment jam now among ladies, aud some very pretty oostamen can be designed. One worn by a fashionable belle is of black aatin, picked out with terra ootta and con- wmmnvm A *'! nl (JAN WK DS> WIIM*I : i Ol lit . TfM r..b. Nrvrr u> i. r . (Prom the Loudou Telegraph.) Aa at Ten and Tamai, tbe wounded Arab* refused tu be luktit pruouefr, aud great oaatiou bad tj beeiuioieed lu muviug about tbe field, uot uuly lu avoid the oovort tabs dealt by the blot ding Arab., but tbe msbee and out* of tnu laualioe wuu abm med destn iii order thai they u.i(Ui ins more tarely gel a oouce u( uurviii* their weapons in one of UB. Exploring aloug tuns wady a party of oar meu oauie upou ux aead aud four wounded Arabs lying under a> but by dwarf mimosa tree. Tbe soldiers bad au inter- preter with them, aud ibs Arabe were called upon tu nurreudsr and ojms oak That they said they ouuld not do ; would tbe soldier* tbsreluie ouiuti aud take them. The four wounded men still held tbtir spearii m their baud*. - Very good." said oar soldier*. " put down yoar epeare, and we will see yuu ar* well treated, aud do all we oau to oure your wound*." Ths answer ot the four Arabe cam* tierce aud oouoise : " I'ut down our *pean, lubdel dog* ! By God aud th prophet, never ! " There we* a oraok of Martini Henrys. You oan gnsas tbe reet. It wassgun, aa at Teb and Tamai, alrnoet impossible to take prisoners, and ws secured but two ot tbiic wouuded alive. Tbe third prisoner 1 assisted to bring in, bat be was hardly a capture, for tbe man gave bin. wlf up. He had a Houiiuxiou and over 100 round* of auiiuuniliou. Ills tory was that he bad been oue of tbe Barber- Egyptian garrisou.aud >inoe the fall of that plan* bad beeu fuioed into the Mahdi'd army. He wa* glad to eeoape (rom them, he declared, and 1 tuust *y the fellow looked cheerful at beiun taken. A trooper of tbe 19th oouduottKi him vo Oeo. Htewart. He wa* our oue uu wouuded prisuuer I i*uog of Turkish trousers, short kilted ekirt, with rows of narrow red braid , bloats with sailor collar of red stlk, terra-eotta atookitigs and a carious little oap o! tbe two calors. At Ibs eoort ball in tbs imp3iial osslle at Of en tbe Empress Elizabeth of Anelna wore a grey-blue brocade dress, embroi- dered with gold, trimmed with gold lace, ami to this splendid diamond jswtlry. Tbe Crown Frinossa Stephacis bad on a li^bt green tatin robe trimmed with pink tulle and silk, an emerald necklace and a diadem composed of pearls and diamonds. Tbe Grand Uoobeu Isabella afpeaiad in a green velvet dress trimmed with lace, and the Grand Duchess Clotbilds in a kimilar red velvet toilst. The Princess of Baxe- Coburg wore an especially uncommon drees, s pink moire antique trimmed with laoo anc* stripes of beaver on tbe long train ; to tbii, blue velvet bows. Tbe dreesea worn by the yoncg ladiee who danotd were chiefly remarkable for their simplicity acd similarity ; they all appeared in short white tulle or gauze skirts, with silk bodices and only a little flower trimming, without any farther ornaments. Tbe latter were, however, especially tally and valuably mads up for by the married ladies, who bad aimcHl uuaui'ijDnsly chosen (eathera and We must not omit to mention that all tbe ladies were long white gloves reach ing above the elbow. r - end* iiiu.d U> T Wi ....- I !<. The sorceress of V disjoint has just beeu condemned to twenty year* of imprisonment at bard work, and after that to twenty years of surveillance by tbe police. Last aommer tbie woman, Pommisr, made acquaintance in tbe oburoh at Bloli of a rich old lady, Mme. Duval " I have suc- ceeded," said *he, after some preliminary conversation, " in disoovsring tbe leoret blob formerly rendered tbe sorcerer* so powartnl, and what they uaed to do I eau do. I oan rector* hsrmony aud peace iu the borne of y our daughter , and I can also, if ycu desire it, give you a large fortuue I have the power to make gold oooie op out of the earth like water flowing from a spring." Fascinated by theee remarks tbe old lady took tbs womau home with bur, to VUli juint, a village two mile* trow Bluis, and gave hsr tbe best spare ' room Thsu the next morning she gave he i a sum of money, which ths bag looked op iu a bureau drawsr, and, banding bladaine Duval the key, said : " 1 havs pro nounoed tbe charm, and a* soon a* 1 am gone it will begin to work ; bat if yon Bhoald daring my absence open the drawer tbe spell will be broken." Tbe womau went away, prjmiamg M return on tbs fifth day. This *he did, and, ou enteriug the room where the money was, *hs sxolaimsd : " I am inspired , I see all around me buried in tbe earth. It I bad only four 100-lrauo notes, two ot 600 trace* and 2,000 franc* in gold I oould draw up thousand* of millions from tbe earth." Tbe som she atked for was added to the treasure in the drawer, a oruoifix was placed on it, another charm pronounced, aud the old thief departed, promising to returu on a fixed date. On ber third visit more money, all tbe jewellery and silverware in tbe houss wen addsd to ths pile in tbe drawer. On the fourth and last visit shs gave Mme. Duval a white powder tbat was to be burned the following Tbonday alter sbe had carefully closed all tbe door* and win dows ot ber room. " A* soon as it IB con- sumed," said kbe, the earth will open and give forth it's treasure*." Mm*. DuvaJ obeyed luktruolioni. On the day and at the boor utincd sbs pounded tbs powder into a small orszier and a terrible sxplo sion followed ; the windows were smashed, tbe ceiling torn open, the walla oraoksd, aud wbsn the neighbor* ruabed in they found Mme. Duval lying ou the floor in uob a state that kbe wae supposed to be dead. On her recovery sbe was finally luduoed, after much ptrcuasion by ths local magistrate, M relate all tbe oiroumstauoe* ot this mo*l extraordiaary affair. Pant Letter to the Ne\e Urieani I'tca^unf. A I nu.-li/i.a le i > i - i . * i u l.rpra.t lu M.l.-ln Scotland is exoittd ovsr a o .*of leprosy. Tbe inbjeetol it u under ireatmeatin a hos- pital at Edinburgh, bat was recently brought to Glasgow aud exhibited to tb* medical students Tbe occurrence of leprosy in Great Britain has caused the doctor* to examine the history of tbsir pro fesaioij in regard to tbi* terr.blo diiwaee. Tbe old books are lull of accounts of tbs aud spread of leproxy lu tbe British Islands. Loprr hospital* weie common institution*) iu Kuglaud daring tbe fifteenth century. By a statute paesed in 1487 every borough in Bxitland waa required to support a laxsr-boute." Tbe patients were generally fed and clothed at public expenee, bat they were eared for by the Knight* of Bt. Liztru*. > < order which was specially iutitawd tor ml* par- pu*e. King David o( BoutUud took great interest in the oaose of lepeis, and numer- ous law* were pa*i>ed during bw reign in recpeot to their treatment. Baildiuge erected to eerve as leper hospitals are "till landing. Large botipiials tor tbs treat- ment oflepere weru tstablirbed at Glae- cow, Aberdeen, Greenside, St. Albaoii aud Edinbnrgb. Tbe record* state that King Robert Bruce died a leper and that Henry IV. was a victim of the same disease. Chicago Timrt. < .uuir .. .1 .iihu. .. raacy stall. Tbe most brilliant affair of tbs season thus far, ha* been tbe fancy-dress ball given by the) Count*** of Caithness. Tboss who remembered that lady when *be \isited the I'aited States some fifteen years ago, may readily picture to tbeoiselve* her tusgnifiosnee in the garb of a medn< val Italian dueh*s. Her dress, copied from a paiutiDK by Paris Uordone, wa* in whits stamped velvet, and bl*/ -d with diamond*. She wore a ducal coronet in diamoLds from beneath which flowed au ample tulle veil. The Daks de Pomar, ber son, psr- ousted Monte Carlo. Hie dress, faabiousd like thtt ot a herald ot the Middle Ages, wa* all in black and red. one leg being encased in reel >ilk and tbe other in black. One of bis shoe* we* red, spangled with gold coins, and tbe other was blsck, with silvsr coin*. His broad bat, slashed and puffed like those of tbe soldisrs in I'aosl, we* looped at one side with a white dove, in allusion to ths pigeon shooting at Monte Carlo. A euperb costume, which wa* tbe creation of Worth, was worn by aa English lady. It represcuted Night and Day. on* half of tbe drees being in gold tissut, veiled with floaliox cloud* of peJe row-tinted and lavender gao/3, tb* other bal! being in dark-blue -aim, starred with silver, and with olouds of black gaose clashed upon tbe hip with a large diamond crewosnl. Niei LtUtr in Philadelphia Telegriph. " Upeakingof yoar American girlabroad," said a party from Canada, I don't oar* wbere you find ber and I've travelled a bit my*elf yoar American girl is usually op with the procession. I met ber once at a ball in Uauiilton, Out. There were a lot cf Koglisb srmy fellows there, and they have a pretty good notion of their personal importance. The girl m question bad just come from Chicago, and was quit* a craze in Hamilton society. Oue 01 tbe fellows UKK'Bted to Capt. , ot tbe Guards, that he'd like to introduce him. Awb. an American girl, eb ." said tbs captain, twirl- ing his mooataob*. ' Waut* t j know m*. eh .' Well, 1 don't mind, me boy, trot bar op, it you like.' A friend repeated this to the lads, and when tbe captain waa intro- duced, *be eal' aurveyed him and said : Ab, it's an iffieer, isn't it? I don't like It trot It back.' " Chicago Tribune. I ru.l. d Iks ITin. . .. I .. A correspondent of tbe Bau Fraooisoo IlutUtin recalls a reminmoenoe of the visit of tbe Princess Louise to Vietoris, B.C. One morning a* sbs waa pMsiog by a little toy ahor. sbe saw two poorly olad urohins gazing longingly at tbe nnuy dazzling Uoremente diaplayed in tbe *npw window. She stoppad ana ioqaired what it was they particularly wiahed, adding that i( they would tell ber she would buy it. Twocheap and gaudily bedizened doll* bad attracted tbe children's attention, and tbe Priuoess stepped inside tb* shop to msk* tbe par- ahase. The amount was M cents ; bat, alas I tb* Princess bad left her par**) at borne, and the little obilditu'* faoei began to fall as they aaw their prospect growing fainter and fainter. Annoyed and vexed at the oversight, sbe turned to tbe shopman and asked him if be would tratit her for a little while. The old tbopkeeper, all uu aware of the identity of bis royal customer, canned hsr over oatafnlly *>nd dually remarked: "Well, ye*. Yon have an boneet face, and I guess it is safe enough." fllalei*)rpe. Thing* said and done malapropos are sometime* very amosing. Here is an example : On a certain charge of one of tbe Metho- dist Conferences in tb* Vall*y ot Virginia ther* wa* a change of prsaobers. The newly -sppoiu ted preacher's name was Wolf. His predecessor wa* a serioa*, solemn man, who could scarcely appreciate a joke wben made, ranch Is** be guilty of perpetrating one. This preacher wa* pre- sent with tb* Presiding Elder ot the district at tbe tint quarterly meeting. Tbe P. E. requested him to close tbe morning service on Saturday in the usual way. Taking the hymn-book, tbe preacher looked rather hurriedly tor a hymn, and read, with a solemn sir : JMurgreat Shepherd of tbe ibeer To Tuee for help we fly , Tbe little flock in Mtfety keer For, oh I tbe wof/ Is nigh. It couies, of bslllah malio* full To Matter, tear and slay ; It wire* every itrsmllng o;.l is bis own lawful prey. The preacher, absorbed in bis reading, never noticed the amused imile that lighted np every fsoe in ths congregation. Editot't Lraicer, in Hfrfer'i M*g<ui*efcr April. Hi 1.1. I I .11. i. In . . , ...,,n . At weddings, write* a Hanovsr corres- pondent of tbe Baltimore .S -, the bride often wear* black. W* were at a wedding in tb* fin* old Market Churob tb* other day, at which th* brid* wor* a black satin dress, white tulle veil wub the myrtle (periwinkle) wreath, and tbs conventional garland of myrtle aicucd tbe niok. Ibete garlands are made by tbe intimate frisnds of ibs bride and one evening before tbs wsddmg is sst apart for making Ihs Brant krac . Acd It is observed in all classe*. There i* a custom, bowsver, in tbe Luth- eran church** of preaching a long disoour*e to the bridal pair just before tbe ceremony, and there they have to stand lor nearly an hoar. It seems as it all that was to be said to them oould be done in private before the ceremony, i specially in inch cold weather, when these bog* oborcbe* ar* a* cold as Ibs weather outside. -< "" le A*k lu Three I . .: li. i London Free l*r*n < Beeing that there bavr beeu forty coo seeutive days, ending ou Friday last, during which tbe temperature wa* at or considerably below cere, tbe suggsstiou tbat we may all be able to do with fewer clothes ssuds nou.etL.ui like a ihiver through one's bons*. Yet it is seriously advocated. Mot bars, josi yet, it is trns, but still in other portion* of the tem- perate zone." A correspondent, " Hall- yards,' suggests the following examples : 1. Arislupbaoss bewaile (in tbe oloudi) that tbe youth at Albeub bsd recently given np tbe hbu ol ojarobiog (for drill) naked, with tbe snow ou the ground. Bat, tveu then, boys speut bourn naked in tbe gymnasia, aud all athletic contests were goue through by men perfectly naked, though Tbuoydide* tell* us that this cus- tom wsAOOpisd from Ibe barbarian*. Surely all tbie must have beeu perfectly sale, or it would have bsco obsnged. 2. Some anoieut frieze*, etc , represent all warriois perfect)} uaksd, save sword, buckler, helm and greavee. They would hardly have Isft their kit IL cimp if they had bad one. 3. Virgil says, " Naduii art, sere uudus." If this farm-work wa* QOUL naked in Lorn- bardy (exposing to obill* from over-beat. like war), could u in said clothes were uece**ary I 4. St. Peter (and, a jvrtitii. all hi* con temporaries) flthjd perlecSly naked (John xxi 7) 6. At the Saturnalia .: Koine, in mid- December, young mec used to run about tbs streets naked Tnev would hardly have found fan in tbis il it bad entailed bronchitis. St. Oregory in Great osee naked wrestlers as an illustration 7. Frouis cite*, a* an example of tbs barbarum of Ireland it. tut Tudor period, a chief named O'Ksne. wbc oomee into bis own hall, perfectly naked, aud lite down by tbe fire, having bssc banting all day in tbat state. 8. In 185U two womsc were condemssd in Bedfordabire for having kspt a girl, tbeir daughter and sister entirely without clothes, until her deatL at tbe ags of 17 Hsr stomach bad usver been disteudid with a full meal, and war tbe size propsr for the ags of j. Bbt was kept constantly at lace-making. Mow, i: a naked person can reeiet cold without natural food for ssvsuteen years, I at uot net why, with doe nourishment, clothe* mignt not be Jn p*nsed with eatirsU . '. Mr. D. Utqubsrt kept s son of bis own entirsly uakea tor tbe first year* of bis lit*, night and day. IL ibs bitter win- ter wind svsn. 10. Many person*. froo> sneer necessity, wear a mere apolo^j (or clothing in the severest weather. 11. Many msu.tron. oboioc, wear nothiug ou the cb*t but a tbit. fold cf linen. Tbe chest is tbe weakest part. What il bear all the reel oat, aud liu*n is hardly to be called clothes. 12. I have ofttu gout out in frost, in kilt, without drawers, nsver regretting ab*enc* ol in. user*. 13. Mr. William* trier n. show tbat ths Britons could not havt gout naked in win- terwhen " the Kjiuaii armi*s rarely marched." True, but bow oould they hv* in winter quartern without seeing . great deal of the native*, frou whom alone they oould obtain provision* . Whsre have 1 read of a Canadian cbief wi. explained hi* iodifference to nudity .1 that clunat* (far mor* severe than tb' uf Britain a* Cn>ar knew it) by sayiop. / . . a." fate !" No doubt, if ws war* oloti' mH*k*, with bolss, from infancy, we should b half destroyed if we ever left them c f 14. He urges bimiolf thai wild beasts disputed oavei with mai- loi the saks ot warmth. Indeed. IIOOH foxei- and rabbits bavs not yst diioaidec ileur earths and warrens. " Bauoe for tho goose, saoee for tbe gander." If mat li vex. mtk tbe beast, why ool at they A tfe***ai l Ageat lr *!! B*r "' Blsj NrwieaaMlU*Ml. " PUae*. sir, givs me an emetic, and ijuiok, please." Tb* uptown druggist peertd ovsr hi* counter at the customer and saw a small 9-ysar-old boy and a big Newfoundland dog. The boy's face was dirty and War- *tainsd ; tb* dog'* faoe was weary acd lugubrious. An i n otic ' exclaimed the drug*..!, and then, seeing that 'be boy's band* clutched his gaetrie region in agony, ' i hastily oooipouudsd Ibs draft and bandsi it over tbe counter. Hastily tbe little bands cluteh*d tbd glass and lifted il, not to the mouth a**o- :iMd with tn*m but to the dog's. Too much snrprued to interfere, tbe druggi"! breathed a nieutal praysr and watched tk* prooeedingH. Tbe dog aoeoted the naosMou* luff, touched it wub tb* tip of hi* tongue, book bis head in disguit and iqnattrd down on bis haonobss. "Us won't take it,' sobbed Ibs boy, bunting into tears, " and there's no other way I can gsl them out of him." " Get what? ' stammered the drnggi*t. ' Why, air," was ths agooizad reply. " ! > has gons and wallowed Aunt Julia's te:li, aud ths's going round tb* bouse liks mai because *be can't find them, and I wan; '.) get them oat of his body befur* shs Un'Js out where they are. Oh, sir, do h*J|j u*e, or I'll be wbipp*d to death if AoalJulia fluds it oat. Besides sbe oan'i eat a mouthful of dinner antil *be gets tbsm. ' Tbs draiigisl took pity on the child, and, at Tom Hood would say, conciliated l! dog into permitting hi* internal regions \t be revolutionized, aud IB a short tint a mil* came over the boy's face and be hor- ned homeward with bis deluded relative'* dental apparatu* in hi* pocket and t! ) Newfoundland following sadly at his heel*. Kl, I . Dan Bios, the circus clown, is running a ten-cent oirous in tbe French juart*r ot New Orleans. He talk* sadly of tbs good old day* when bis Floating 1'alaoe was the ,tiun on the upon Father of Water., and thootands of people warmed from far and near to see htm. A recent return show* that oat of 2Ho man of tb* battalion of Marine* landed at Suez on Deo. 31st last, 140 as nearly as possible one-half-were in hospital. In the course of three months 600 men bad been in hospital ot whom only 905 had been considered fit to return to duty, the remainder being ssnl home or to other boepitabln the Mediterranean, Theee mec, who have been condemned to garrison Soez, Buakim, and other Ecyptaan wapon* deserves great deal of *ym path y. Thsy have laffend almoil a* heavily a* though they bad been in the field, without any ot tb* oonipMMAtion* of act- ve Mrvio*. Mr. John Ky d*r. tb* actor . i* dying of tfwowy. et BMsakev. Prof. Carpenter, a lonool teacher of this county, say* an Ea*t Bl. Loni* despatch to tbe Atlanta Coiultttuioii, reporte that yester- day wben b* opened bis ecbool-room he found it full of snakis of various sisss. Tb* soaks* were crawling all about tb* floor, on tb* d**k*, tb* toaobsr's table, the window sills, and under the stove. As there not room for tbe snakes nd ths children, tbe latter fled pell msll from Ibe room. In tbs panic many of tbe children were painfully braised. II U inppoeed tbe school boose being at tbe foot of tbe blu" tbe snakes at ths approach of winter crawled down tho bluff, and sougbt refuge under tbe house. The warm weather of the past few days and tb* heat of the stove thawed them oat, and they crawled through he crack* and hole* into the school-room. I wish to tell tbosii wuc may suffer from that terrible *oourit, t*lo*a, ct a painless remedy tbat will cffec. o, cur* in twenty- four hours, as I had oooasion to prove within tb* last tbr*o day*, says writer in If arm sast t'iren.i. A lady oams hsre who bad been saffenog over twt week* with s felon on tbs end of ber tniddl* tisgsr. I saturated a bit of gratsd wild turnip ths si/s of a bean with ipiritu ef turpentine and applied il to tbo a fleeted part, II relieved tbe pain at once In twelve hours there was a bole to the bone, and the felon was destroyed. I removed tbe turnip and applied healing salve, and the finger is well. The writer of tbe above bas seen tbi* remedy tried for felons wilb success in ons or two oases. BpirtUt of turpentine U a useful Remedy in several complaints. Tbe writer used it last fall in a very bad case of sore throat by applying u to a red flannel woollen rag and tben pu'. il on th* throat, wbiob gave rslief in a few boors and a care in a few day*. Qurrr fmmml u.iom.. Funerals here in Germany, write* an American correspondent, are conducted very-differeutly from oars. Instead of an undertaker a woman, " todt Iran," walks before tbe heavy, lamheriBg hear** be- decked with black nodding plumes, and carries one cr more green wreathee on ber arm. Bbe wear* a long black cloak. Two or three carriages follow, and a procession of men on foot. No women, except the one with th* wreath, appear. Waggon-loads of green trees and shrubs are carried to Ibe bouse to ornament the room wbere tbe dead i* laid, and removed after tbe funeral. One of th* latest anecdote* of Fred Bornaby is that when in Africa with Cor- don one ot th* native tribes, captivated with hi* feat* of etrengtb, wished to mske him tbeir king. To convince him ot their sincerity they threw the old king into ths river, and It wa* only with the difficulty inducing swim OBI. that them Born shy to allow HQoosedsd in th* monarch to H.r.. . <! I alllr WaBMsUf Call < Isuaed ! ihr SJarfcswe*. Th* most dastardly outrage in tbe history of th* township of Psroy, East Northumber- land, was perpetrated Wednesday night. Gsorgs Thompson and Jacob Olivsr, return- ing borne from a *ale, (topped at tb Arlington House and put up tbeir borsc-e) under tbe bout shed. Between 10 and 11 tbe bostlsr found U.iver'* horse bleed n.g profusely from a dreadful cut in tbs bre-.t, wbieb severed tbe jugular v*in. rb* bor*s died shortly after. A search was immedi- ately made for tbe miioreant, but without result. WbeDTbompeon returned be found tnal hi* bone* were gone. He immediately went borne, and on hi* arrival found tbal they had preceded him. They, too, bor*> Mvsral gaenee, which shows tbat th* villain or villains bal attempted to take their lift al*o. Tbe baiter was broken and it would seem as though tbsir eseaps is das M their fright and efforts to gtt away rather than to ths intentions of ths perpetrator* of Uii* horrible deed. In tbe morning tbe greatet excitement [ retailed, which was morea-i when it waa learned that a similar on:..* had been committed about a mile from tli* village. Tero horse* and a sow btlongiutf to a farmer by the name of Broadworth wsre found to have been butchered i.. a like manner. As yet no clue has been found to lead to the discovery of tbe) inhuman mooiters. No reason can be, assigned for tb* diabolical act. The Co. .u oil le talking of c. tiering a large reward to* information tbat might lead to tbs am * tod conviction ot th* paruei oonosrnrj. Had they been discovered within twenty. four boors it is feared they would have fared roughly st tbe bands ot tbe infuriated popnlse*. eotiM New*. Dr. Bain, Lord Hector of Aberdeen Uni- versity, is said to bavs been invited to become tbe rtadioal candidate for Bbe!L.elJ. M*pr Hell, of tbs Bsll Farm, N. W. T., bas josl retoroid from England, wbsre Le made arrangement* for the eetetbliahmsol of an agricultural college in connection with his farm. Mr. Andrew Carosgie, of New York, has) vsry generously sent a donation of 1100 to the UuLlerml ne Branch of Ih* People's League a* an expression ot hi* sympathy with lie objects. Major Osnsnl A. J. H. Klliot, C.B., has) beeu spp inted to tb* command of tL forces in r-oollaad in room of Major-den- era! Alastair MscDonald, who baa retired. Major- General Elliot ha* had a long and active military experience. He wa* pre^st at tbe battle ol Balaclava and ths siege of Hebastopol. and has served throogb an Indian campaign. Mr. (targe Anderson, one of the Si. ' for Glasgow, having accepted the appoint' men! of Master of the Mint at Melbourne, tbe Qlisgow BIX Hundred met on Monday nifthl, tbe 2nd met., and selected Mr. K\U. sell, of Aioog, as hi* saooessor. Wkwi tf /.ro ' Fahrenheit was a mathematician and knew that a eirolo wax divided into MO degress. H* found that iteam and ice were the most natural fixed points in temperature, at opposito pole*. He there- fore naturally divided tb distance on his glass tube between ion and steam into th* number of degrees in tho diameter of a circle , wbiob la 180 He wanted an instrument wbiob could bo cheaply made, and which would measure above (team and below ice, so far a* would be used in every day life. He found that artilloial cold oould be produced wbieb would cause tbs mercury to fall just thirty-two of tbs if ace be bad marked off on his gla** between let and steam, and he there, sensibly or not, placed bis zero or point from wbiob be oould count. Hsnoo ice or freezing is thirty two degrees above, and steam or boiling water is the diameter of hi* circle or 1*0 degree* above 100 or 213 degree* above zero. Field Marshal Von Jloltke bas just published an historical iketob ot Poland, in which he bold* tbat Poland might have continued free had sh* DO! olnng to oerfdom. Sunday Schooling: Teacher What does one mean by "Heaping coal* of fire on some on*'* bead,'' DOW, Harry Haw- kins ? Bury Hawkins CHvin 1 It 'in 'ot, stejaialliv - Ik* I Rsepectable colored psreons who buy first-class ticket* on any railroad in South Carolina rids in first-class oars a* s ru;bt. and their prseec .-9 excites no comment on tbs part of tbeir white fellow-passenger*. Tbs Isw in this respect is explicit and emphatic, and is recognised and cheerfully obeyed by the people of this State. Il is a great deal plcaaanter to travel with respect, able and well behaved colored people than with unmannerly and ruffianly whit* meo, and it is only tbe latter class who object) nowadays to the presence of sslf-respectiug colored persons in public vehicles. W Vifon Utict askf Ceurnr. The H. . . 14ml. Beatrice want* to know what tb* beau ideal i*. The beau ideal i* th* bean with a purse thai will stand Ih* is* cream all summer and tbe oyster* all winter : who will com* wb*n b* i* wanted and go wheat he ii not ; who will bat of tb* things that tbe beau ideal will cheerfully do and cheer- fully not there if no end. Strive to attain onto him, Beatrice. Tbe beau real yon will liod rather s shabby fellow in compari- son. rw J ,dg'. President Barrio*, tuc Guatemalan u*or. psr, married his wife when she was 15 year* of age- He went to the convent where ah* waJ at school and commanded] f.e authorities to give hsr np. He sssumesf so bold a front that they were glad to 1st in bavs her to, get rid of him. He has) scran children.

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