CO Q O I I ii II 8 2 3 .s s 3 I * s s $ * 3 I -5 I 1 Wal Ameri ce 1 S 2 08 CO * I o & s> 1 i, -~ cj * I I 9 1 8 S > - *> r 5 58 O ? J f^+ "^ S M _C 8 1 = . - I ^ 5 11 i- a <B O s 3 o <a I 1 S 3 .2 S 3 .2 6, P o > P W3 4 g fax 2 *yj aj yi* uj '! ,-, . S i! 1 rt s = ; *-i 2 *? Ii c/i "2 i *rt ^ = .S "5 ^1 ' , i ** < O 1 C I THE ADVANCE. . R- Fawcett. - Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY, APrtIL 2, 1886. THE REBELLION. (Contributed) The half-breed uprising in the North-West ii significant. The re- bels have no justifiable cause for their conduct. That the un-hung Riel should venture upon this course with no greater backing than the prowess of a few cowardly, yet bloodthirsty half-breeds and Indians, we cannot believe. Personally, Riel is both a physical and moral coward, and not one of those who would peril life and limb in the attainment of a cherished object. Our first difficulty with the half- breeds in 1870 was fomented by Yankee traders ; and we believe OPEH BEVOLT! Louis Riel and the Half- BreecLs Again- A FIGHT AT DUCKS L&.ZE /* HTUeA (Ac Retell Orfeat the Mmmted Polic*. I MUAXS ON THE WAR-PATH ! The situation in the North- West grows more and more critical. Dar- ing the past few weeks half-breed emissaries of Riel have been using every effort to incite the Indians to acts of open defiance against the Government, and by Tuesdays dailies we observe that they have been only too successful. Dattleford is menaced by a body of redskins estimated at 500 strong. The country fairly swarms with them. Several of them went to Dattleford and threatened to burn the place up and take possession of the barracks and stores. The women and children were hurried in- to the barracks and everything done Yankee tradors ; and we believe we r , to put them in the best possible con- need not dig far beneath the surface , ' lifrwwi fn*> *l<.4an/*A . .. in. .11 liava to discover the same despicable agency at work in the present turmoil. The Yankee Northern Pacific Kailway, as well as the States of Minnesota, lowu, Dakotah, and the territories adjoining our boundary line, have taken this method of offsetting the Huperior advantages of our North- West to European Immigration. Let there be no half-way measures in putting down this insurrection and if nitfd bo, send HO.OOO mmi, and have arms dition for defence. The men been enrolled for service and and ammunition have been issued to them. A force of fully 200 men will be raised for defence. From all parts of the North- West come ominons rumors about the Bettled state of the Indians. Several bands of Indiana have already gone over to the enemy. A Monday's dis- patch to the Mail from Qa'Appellc j says : As I wired you yesterday, General Middle ton will not move teach tin- violators of law and order north until the regiments from East- thai they cannot do BO with impunity, crn Canada arrive. To-day's exped- should Riel have left his| ition to thfl File IM *< Why length the File elsewhere, has related reduced at Ins home in Montana and travelled two force bere ftnd Q u ' Appe iic station to or three thousand mill s to the of tho present uprising, at scene 250 men or thereabouts. In view of tiiin i U ii threatening news from the Indian when all was peace and harmony, ! reserves, it would .be madness to at- some of the Government tachei, \. e. he supplies hidden by the officials. The settlers on Colonization Company place during the day to the effect that Blackfeet uprising was rife. The ears were, for the time at least, al- ayed by a telegram received from Iti-v. Father Lacombe, who is at the lUackfeet reserve north of Gleichen, stating that the camp was all quiet. THE DUCK LAKE FIGHT. The following is a half-breed's ac- count of the defeat of Crotier by Du- mont at Duck Lake last week : FOBT VPPLL. N. W. T., March 80. Kleuzar Montgrand, a friendly half- jreed, who has worked on the old trail to Prince Albert for many years as a teamster, came in during the night from Clarke's crossing. He confirms the previous report that the Indians north of the South {Saskatch- ewan are uneasy. Beardy, One Ar- row, Okemasis, and other leading men smoked with Kiel's agents before the fight on Beardy's reserve At Duck Lake. Montgrand gives this as an reserves have mostly fled ; a few arc said to be prisoners. The farmers all through the Qu'Appelle valley are waiting for the upshot in no very plaoid state of mind. Very little seeding will be dono in this beautiful section of country this spring. Should the Indians rise in dead earn- est, there would be a general exodus from these jmrts. Nothing can re- store confidence but the arrival of an overwhelming force of troops. Calgarry was patrolled on Sunday night hy armed citizens, on account of a wild rumor which reached the authentic account of that engage- ment : Major Crozier intended to secure the supplies in Btobart, Eden A Go's store at Duck Lake, together with a quantity of Government stores that were lying there, Jemuied for Mr. Chaffer, who has charge of the Indian farm near Duck Lake. The rebels. 220 strong, under P. Dumont, bro- ther of Dumont the ferryman at Du- mout's crossing, had, however, raided these stores before Crozier's arrival. Crozier came upon Dtimont's force on Beardy's reserve, and called to them to surrender. His men, getting the word of command, pointed their rifles life. One scene in particular brought tears to many eyes- As the favorite regiments marched to the railway station, two young men wero allowed to step from the ranks to bid adieu to their widowed mother, whoae sole support they were. They entered home only to find their mother dying. The shock of parting with her loved ones had proved too much for her. But duty must be done, and although their hearts might be breaking, they were obliged to fall into the ranks again, and march forward to the live- ly strains of martial music t Such is war. Very iuperior Piano*. Organ*. Sew- ing Machine!, Needle*, Oil, Bhottha. Ac. for aale by C. TRBADOULD, neit door to Clayton a, Kleaherton. A VAi.rAiij: PATENT The luoft valuable diworery patented in modern timet ii that of the beat blood purifier and liver and kidney regulator known- We refer to Bur- dock Blood Bitten, which it making M> many wonderful caret and bringiDR the bleued boon of health to o many people. FOR S ALB. That splendid brick dwell- ing nn lota 4 and 5 Peter Street Eait. The house contains 8 roumt mid hall. There ia a magnificent collar under, the full size of the hotue, al*o a good wood- ahed and never failing weU. The above property must positively be sold immed- iately. For particulars apply to D. B. MnraoE, Flesherton. A very rieh-toned Organ for sale for James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing,, and in (act every- thing in the traiioeas will receive my pruuipt and careful *tt< ution at ruaKooable prices. Stoves Is Iota ia M, Merles Carriage Works! Milburn & Gadd, PHOPRIPTOHS of th above work*, an pr pared t<i attend to emythiiig in the Can iage Making & Blacksmithing ! UIIOT promptly and ]!-- Repairing in both, Branch's Promptly tttvuded to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. leu than half price, having six aU of Reeds, 14 Stop*, and being feet high. C. TMAPOOLP, Fleaherton. had he not Iwcn instigated thereto some unseen force '.' resources arc such that could scarcely give his followers one day's rations ; therefore, it is reason- able to infer that he in only the tool of designing villains. to reach Riel with such a hand- , .. . expected that the first bri- Pcrsonally, h s gadp of Ontario troops will reach here An intelligent farmer, from the County oflliilton. was intense wed by the Editor of this paper at Orange- villc last, Monday evening relative to the Si-ott Act. He said it worked well, the only difficulty being, at pres- ent, insufficient accommodation in some places for the public ; but he .ml tliin would soon be righted in fact was boinx righted us rapidly as possible. at the rebels, who were standing on bchiud the edge of a small cbulee fringe of scrub poplar. Dumont shouted : "Is it to be a on Saturday night. I may add that fight ?" tin v cannot come too soon. The at- Crozier answered : "I must shoot titude of the Indians at the File hills, if you do not lay down your arm*." the Crooked lakes, Battleford, and in I Without further parley the rebels the ccuutry north of the South Sas- dropped into tho coulee and levelled their rides along the A PLAMT or RAW. Vhmma. Is the com- mnn and well-known Burdock. It is one of t best blood purMlers and kidney regulat- ors In the Ttgtftable world, and the com- pound known as Burdock Blood Bitters po- RWMM wonderful power in diiuwscs of the blood, liver, kidneys ml stomach. flBMBI PWflP R. R. LANDS! In MinnttoU. Ntrtk Dakota. M .. KB tana, I0io. wkmg1n and Ortgon ^f I >rle*l rsngln* cMcfli I'om 12 < 16 per tert. >n SU 10 Mlr P U. ! Is Bl CwHtrT (Of itcnf liifl 6o*4 Mom nvm open lor 3 ^ tl ai-fti* of <iovrnun*tit i-i"iKr-i*wi M.._ ,..! I.M.I. 1 nllnr !.. JMI1 K - io.iH.4M Acr.! am wii: ll*l.r ..| ill ihi-' ; ' lh- JCoilt. linirT.lh.Killr.*! I. i, .!- I -]*' > t.i.ttrlimeul l,ii<t. AJ.1rv-.< H *s H . l^nrtCom'r.N. I'. K. li..i. l'l, Minn- I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! The Thornbury Standard last week commented severely on the method heretofore adopted by the Conserv- atives of East Grey in selecting standard bearers for the Local House. \Ve agree with the Stundnrd that a change of some sort is needed in re- yard to the selection of candidates, and hope to see the matter thoroughly ventilated through tho press. We shall, as soon as lime and space per- mits, take up the subject and discuss it at length. DK. LOWS WORM SYRUP U re- moved :.ii"- worm from 15 to 'M} feet in length. I* also destroys all kinds ol worm. katchewan, has created general alarm. The news from Wood mountain is al- so bad. Arnold, H private surveyor and timber htmtcr, who has been down there all winter, says the half- breeds on the frontier knew of Ricl'8 rising a week ago, and that they forthwith began to organize. There WITC not over 76 of them in the Wood Mountain country, but there are twenty times that number just across the line in the Upper Missouri, and communications tire passing between them. He says that the Indians and half-breeds have coalesced, the former complaining, as usual, that the Government lias starved them. They appear to hold the Department re for the disiipru urunce of the suffatfc and antelope. Mhould an in- surrection occur at Wood mountain, General Middlcton will have bin hands full, as these frontier rebels would undoubtedly move north to- wards the track. Hut leaving Wood mountain ont of the question, it is evident that ho cannot with safety advance upon Iliel until the first On- tario reinforcements arrive, und even then it will be a hazardous tnp. NATIONAL FILLS tu* promptly iijM.ii the Liver, regulate the Bowela and t* a uurgative arc mild aud thorough. A white top. man was among them. Crozier, who was 300 yards away, held up his hand, and the police and volunteer* extended tlioir ranks. Both parties fired almost together. The first volley from the half-breeds appeared to be directed at Grazier's loft, where the Prince Albert volun- teers wore stationed, and eight of them fell. The police replied with great vigour, but tho men then shouted to Crozier that they could ma see the rebels. Aftur the second volley from the half-breeds Crozier's force began to withdraw, carrying with them the dead and wounded. It was snowing. The police are said to have had two cannon, but Mont- grand's informant, who saw the fight, ays he did not see them nor hear any cannon report. When the po- lice began to retreat, Diunont's men clambered to the top of the ravine, and fired once or twice again ; but they did not attempt to follow Cro- zier, who struck out for Carlcton. On hand suitable for the Season, having just received a Urge addition to my Stock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. On Monday, 600 picked men from the Queen's Own Kitics and Royal Grenadier corps (Toronto) took train Nothing lias born heard from Col. j for the scene of trouble in tho North- Irvine since he evacuated Carlcton, ' West. When the hour for parting but it is supposed that by this time , came, many affecting swnes were he has scut a courier via Carrot Settle- j witnessed which will never fade from mi-lit to Hiimboldt. Arrivals from the north say Riol's adherents virtu- ally control the whole country north of the South Saskatchewan. They have swept up all the supplies within memory. Husband and wife, youth an 1 sweetheart, young men widowed mothers who depended on them for their daily bread, exchangee farewell greetings in rainy cases reach, and arc said to have nosed. out 'perhaps, never to meet agan in this Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, H.E8H EUTOTV. FAEMEES AH) THRESHERS ! Ask your Merchants for McColIBros.Lardine MACHINE OIL