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Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1885, p. 3

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TBK TIN ii i.x A I hi.- Koo.l ..n.l K. J. /.o,,. lu Ihr Unit I or 1 <. ( London Correspomlenl Coorisr-Joarusl.) Diakenu bM made the " Beveu Dials " f smouii. II 11 the rooel aud rendezvous at til* Forty Tbievee," and scores of the mast abandoned and deeper* te dare devils to to found in the precinct* ot the wioked metro]' >lii. H'-rau^e to nay, il ia in the Leart of the nity, and within a (tw equare* Of tome o! tba priuoipal Btreeta. It il a " uear ool " to mauy important places, if yon don't g*t your throat oat on tb way. A* I Btaud before, seven atreets radiate from iM hub, and you drift into it from almost any direction. It gets iu name from the faot that formerly aaoh of tbe asven buildings that face apoo tba tqaare had a elook oa in front bsooe ' Tbe Seven Diala." A walk of a law ruinate*/ brought u- to tbe centre of tbe " Seven Dial*." W ire now about to outer in media* rn uco enough. Tba inepectir stepped op to the Elioemau OD duty, aud, gently exhibiting i oard and BO me tort of ineignia, ex changed a lew word* lotto voee. Tbe nhrill wbietla of tba policeman Bounded and another uniformed knight bobbed op Feraoady, an though from tba boweli of tbe earth. We formud a prooe*aion IXQ strong, and a*t out dowa one ot tba drearieet Ftreeta, followed by a villatnou* orowd, who ware certain tbat ao arreal was going to be made. A ebort distance and we slipped in front of a dilapidated old building. One ot the policemen weol to tba head of the column and tbe otbar brought ap the rev, while we moved oa tbe enemy. We groped our way, Indian file, through dark hallwayi, down a narrow itairoana, into a dimly lighted cellar room tilled with ferooiooe and crestfallen eharselera. They were ot all gee, from the 10 year-old boy to tba hoary Lead. They were taking their sorry sop- pare, and our viait wee a aarpriae party. It wan a aigbt I shall never forget. They were the toughest of tbe tough, and their photographs would make oar American roguee' gallery blub. It waa a atady to tee tba various eipreetioos ot tba hard, kelliah. crime-stamped faoee. Some affected an air ot indifference to our preaenes, and want on muoobiog tbeir meaU without looking up. Others gazed at IM with an Mourned air of Innocence, which teemed to Bay, You are shockingly rude to even susf icion me." A lew did not dieguiee tbelr displeasure at our unannoacotd call, and corrugated tbeir brown and snarled and showed ihsir teeth like dog*. Tue youngest, a boy of not over 16, a* aoon an be got over bia (care, "guy til 01," and offered to treat to tba itale beer in bie pewter tankard. Hie bravado tt sadly on euoh young shoulder*. A men stood in boot of tbe fireplace who bad evidently aeea better daye. Bin eye* were fixed on tba floor, and be never ooe lit taxi them. Bit olothea were leady. bat a trifle neater tbaa tboee about him, nd a badly demoralized plug bat railed him teveral degree* above bia CURRENT TOPIC!. Ur to the 10th mutant tbe Britub Gov- ernment bae chartered seventy transport* in connection with tba Soudan campaign. Tbia la the largest business ot tbia kind ainee tbe Crimean war. Tba number bae not yet reached iM limit, however, and it may not improbably reach a hundred before the demanda ot tbe campaign are satisfied. THE late Oan. Oordon'i sisters have declined tbe annuity which Mr. Gladstone offered to them. Tbe General latt three aiBtera. one of whom i* unmarried, and tbey are all reeiding at Southampton. He had two brotbara, one ot whom, Underby Gordon, died many yaara ago. Tbe. survivor ia Sir Henry W. Gordon, K.C.B. Gen. Gor- don'i sisters lait heard direct from Khar- toum in November. IN a recently published volume entitled " biographical Bketobae," by tba Hon. L. A. Tollemaobe, tbe writer reoorde tbe opinion of tbe late Lord Lanidowne, a dialiu e uii>hed orator bimaalf , and for many yeare leader of tbe Liberal Party io tbe HOUM of Lords, tbat Mr. Bright, as an orator, waa fully equal to Charles Jamea Fox, and tbat none of Mr. Fox's contemporaries were equal to Mr. Gladstone. TIXI was, and not ao loog ago, when tbe ose of tbe thermometer wae comparatively occasional, but now il ia employed to aueb good practical purpose and iu ao many ways, that il ia becoming almoet aa impot- ent an instrument aa a time-piece. Uni- formity in tbeee beat pieoee te, therefore, essential in tbeir ebeapeat forms. Iu Germany tba Government baa been aaked to eatabliBh a legalized aland ard, tbe petitioners citing tbe frequency of accidents mused by badly-constructed instromenta. Noniwii COOBTT, Virginia, tbe region inhabited by tbe first settler*, aod made interesting by reminiscences at Oapl. John Smith and Pooabontaa, ia laat returning to its primeval condition. " In twenty years it will be a wilderneaa," prophesies a visitor. Tbe residents are old Tbe young bave gone to more promising regions. Deer browse where cattle fed, and tbe oak and pine cover great planta- tions where tbe negro once cultivated corn and tobacco. OEBUIKT continues to deserve ita repu- tation aa tbe beet educated country iu tba world. Statistics which bare jail been published show that out of 160.000 Germans who in tbe course of laat year beoan.e liable to military service, considerably leaa than 1} per oenl. were illiterate. Of the Wurtembnrg recruits, every one, without exception, oould both read and write ; and il waa only in tba eastern proviccee and diatriote of Prussia tbat anything approach- ing to an unsatisfactory educational average wae observed. TUI question whether money found in a favor ot tba individual at Warwick whose fun took tbe form of a government injunc- tion against all time pieces, large aod small, wbiob penJatid in bearing twelve figurse on tbeir faoee instead of twenty -f oar. lie ieeaed a bogoi notice headed, "The Clocks and Watches Aol, Ib*:,," and bear- ing tbe royal arms, warning the public tbat all pereous exhibiting a clock or timepiece in any public plaoa, hotel, inn, etc., must within fourteen daya from the date hereof, bave tbe dials and worka altered to tbe new code, under otrtaia serious penaltiea. War- wick ia one ot tbe most old-world towns lu England, though connected with oitilizt- lion, in tbe shape of Leammgtoo, by a tramway, and tba indignation orouied among tbe honeel burghers by tbie high- handed proceeding m said to bave been considerable. There in DO doubl that Mr. Gladstone came in for a full (bare of their objurgation. THE year before tbe Franco- Prussian war Oeceral A. von Koon, Prussian Minister of War, caused to be published and jointly edited with Oscar Peacbel a treatise on ethnology. He bad been rnaioly instru- mental in tbe creation of tbe new German military system, and dneired to cultivate in the German army a knowledge of the natural lawa by wbieh raoee tend to spread and diffuse tbemseive*. Tbe London Lancet thinks tbat some BUJO etudy wuuld be useful now to teach BritUb soldiers, aud especially lintisb politicians, tbe useless uese of waging war against tbe overpower- ing foreea of ustare. Is is ao exciting political queetion jisi now whether tbe bouian sbould be permanently occupied or not. There wul be ample) UriticL blood abed, and slaughter enough of the nemi-civiluad races of we Soudan now struggling with religious fanaticism over this question. Oar con- temporary doee not doubt the ultimate triumph of British arms iu tbe field, but it ioee doubt the possibility of any perm* oenl occupation of tbe Soudan. No Euro- pean rsci tat* yet aaooeeded in colonising tbe valley of the Nile. Ml attempts to propagate Kuropeani in Ibis district bave failed, though every civilising nation tried il in turn. The people now are me as iu tbe daya of tne Pharaohs, and ao they will remain, whatever statesmen and warrior* may desire to the contrary N atural laws affecting tbe diffusion of raoee will not yield to military or political txi gencies. Tbe eoonar tbia truth ia reali/.-c tba better. Il was an axiom of tbe great Napoleon after bis Egyptian campaign again to wage war with a desert. Weaaaari H.*>rtsvc mm* Krllrf. Those languid, tiresome sensations cans itg you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet ; that oonelant drain tbat ia taking from your ayitem all it*) former elasticity driving tbe bloom from your cheeks , tbat continual attain upon your vital foroee, rendering you irritable and fretful, oan easily be removed by the use of thai mar- vellous remedy. Hup Bitters. Irregulari- ties aod obstructions of your system are relieved at once while tbe speoiaj cause of periodical pain are permanently removed. None receive ao mueb benefit, aud none are ao profoundly grateful and show snob ao interest in leoommendiug Hop Bitters aa woman. A PMUl t.i.i -i u , . I was affected with kidney and uricary Trouble For twelve years f After trying all tbe doctors and patent medleinea I could bear ot 1 used two bullion .f Hop BiMere ." And I am perfectly cured. I keep it - All the time 1 ' respectfully. B. F. Booth, Haulsbury, Tenn. May . 1883. BHAI -roan, Pa , Msy 8, 1-73. Uhsj cured me ol several diseases, nob as aerrouiueu tlcknees at tbs Momaob, monthly troablM, ete. I bare not eese a sick dsjr in a year tiuoe I took Hop Btttsrs. All my nelb- hon uss them. MB*. K>MK Uau.N. *vi.*e>o !,.. A tour to Europ* that cost m* (3,000 ilone toed tbaa one bottle uf Hop bit His feataree were deeply furrowed by vice, bat through tbe bard lines) you could read a few traoee ot former respectability. An old mac, wboee sbarp, aly, sneaking face seems to bave inherited ID aa a birthright, waa feeding bimaelf from a pocketful of uncooked vegetables, wbicb bs bad no doubt stolen from some green grocer or market stand. Tbe most individual character waa a rather yoang, stout-built man in wboee face there was icaroely an indication of a human being. There waa a tearful faecl- oalioa in hie (ace tbat held yon with a r-nake like charm. Ilia features were uquare, bold and British. His noee lay flt on bia face, and bis large, yellowish gray oyea had the wide-open roll aod eagerness of a pantbar. His expreeaion Beamed to eay : " I could laj> blood and deem 11 a dainty dish." tie sal bolt- upright, with a capon hie bead, and glared full upon ua. I nave never seen each a face, and am al a Ioee bow to describe il. It appeared to be a ualura but a Ml above tbe brute, and auoonaoiooe of iu degrada- tion. It waa a eoene) worthy of Dickens' |!eu or a great painter's brush. If it waa not a hothouse of hades, I am DO judge. When we bad fully surveyed the aeene the inspect >r asked us, ae a matter of form, if we " reoognizsd any ooa," and upon our responding in tbe negative we filed out aa we earns in, the police parad- ing with presented batona. A few jeers and " guys " were fired at us aa we departed. The inepeetor always ssked us in these dens if " we recognized aay ( one," A he waa supposed to be in March of a culprit. Had the thieves thought other- wise, there would have been a row at once, MI tbey are not food ot visitor" obsperoned by blueooata. We were told tbat tbe proprietor of the wretched den we bad visited waa wealthy, pulled tbe rema over a pair and lived in anmp'.noua ntyle. He never sees thi place, but collects through RU agent. His father, it eeeme, gave bis personal euparvision to a similar ranohe until be got seven years for receiving Htolen goods, and bie rookery was razed to the ground by order ot tbe City Council. Our route took on to a tenement structure down an alley where 600 of these wretches, male and female, are sheltered nd fed ai so many twine. The policeman on duty aaid tbe guaeta were nearly all oat at that hour, and thai muy of them aid not get in until after midnight. We boarded tbe underground rail way and bad a look through east London, notoriona in orimioal annals. IIiindredM of abandoned people herd to- gether in thai district, where tbey are fed aod booaed by wholesale at a small figure. A man or woman auperintecdabt baa charge, and seea thai their meals, such as they are), are served up satisfactorily. The inspector told us tbat be bad made many of nil most noted arrests in this district. In nearly all the plaoee we oould hear tba word " wanted " softly passed M aoon M we crossed the tbie-Ojold. Tbat meant a warrant wss out ae they thought, and it bowed they were accuatomed Io the ap pearanoe of snob, documents. Almost invariably tboee we aaw braced themselves with a rigid would be expression of inno- cence, which waa) painfully artificial from tba aaddaooeea with wbioh it had been tnatqiMd. In..'. A*>*rtssees>aaM Are rapidly becoming a noiaMea, and w think ft be hoovaa publishers to examine) into tba merits of many articles puffed up in tbeir columns. We do not deny that many meritorious remedied are properly ta be olaaaed under this beading. Take tkw hundreds and tbeoaanda relieved from server* Buffering by the use of I' >u*>a~m Nn.vti im . would it not be unreasonable M expect them to condemn thai far famed remedy.' Now we know for a fact tbat I'oleon's Nervilme is without exception tba) moat powerful, pleasant and certain remedy in tbe world for pain. It cannot fail, for i* goaa right to the bottom ol pain, penetrate*) to tbe ner/ee, soothes them into quietness, snd affords prompt and permanent relief. Nerviline ia sold by all drnggiala. Sample) only 10 oente. Try il. Barf bathing bas commenced in Kan Diego, Gal., and tbe whole town bathe* every day in tbe sea. Lydia K. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com- pound itrengtbens tbe stomach and kidney*) and aide direction. Il equally good for both sexes. they also carsd my wife of fifteen year.' nervoui saknees, looplwsuMs and Jyipapeia." It M AubuiD, M.Y. Tba apathy in Boston upon reception of tbe new date of tbe end of the world recalls) the reply ol Theodore Parker when in- formed by a Millerite of the destruction of our planet : " That not oonoern me," aaid Parker. " la* I i.i Bae ton." It i* rumored tbat the Lord iiigh < .m tnisaioner to tbe General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will thin year be the Marquis of Lome). shop belong* to the keeper of tbe place or the finder is often disputed. A writer in the I'hirmaeeulical RteorJ relates tbat a customer in a drag stoat once picked up a dollar note from tbe flx>r between two parallel counters. He Inquired if any ona in the atoro had lost il, and, finding they had not, be appropriated il. His claims 1 1 il being disputed, tba case was submitted to a lawyer, wbo said : " Tbe open paeeaga between tbe two counters wai dedicated to the public, not In fee simple, but aa a high- way which they were invited to occupy for purposes of trefb'o." Bo tbe finder kept the dollar. C'Ai.iroiiMA prejudice againat tba heathen Cblnee ia latest illustrated in a cruel trick played upon Mr. Ah GJW, or, in more ele- gant English, Mr. Alpbonao, who ia a genuine Chinaman playing a part in tbe 11 Denis** " in a Sao Franeteeo theatre. In tbe second act, wbsn pursued by tba miners, be attampte to bide by palling a barrel ovir bia bead and shouldera and equattiug upon tbe iljor. When extrioeted tne blood was streaming down hit face from an ugly scalp wound canned by a projecting nail. It was found Ibal some one, auppoeed to be a stags baud, bad driven three sharp-pointed nails into the barrel in such a way tbat tbe Chinaman oould soarMly escape carious injury. And while Mr. Gow was In agony, MoKee Rankin, bie manager, waa justly indignant. MIBB SABTOIUCH, in her book on tbe Sou- dan and Egypt, aaya : " Every village baa it* pigeon housen, looking like great mud ooova, and in the evening tbe owners go out and call them in. But when a man wants to get bold of extra pigeons, instead of call- ing them be frightens the pigeone away. Tbey do nol understand tbia, keep circling above and swoop down now and then toward tbeir bouse*. Other pigeons, see- ing thi* commotion, join them, and aa soon as tbe man seea there are enough be bidea. The whole ol tbe bird*, old and new, than go into tbe bouse, and tbe man returning abuts them in. This would be a floe fami- nes* it it were not tbat all ot them do tbe am* thing, and, therefore, each gets caught in bit turn. They know thii per- fectly well, bat no Egyptian fellab oould resist tbe temptation 1 of cheating hie neighbor." PIOPLE wbo lay down carpets across tbe pavement for the convenience of tbeir guest* will do well to note tbe oase ol Wataon againat Ellis, decided In Eogland by Lord Coleridge and Mr. Justice A. L. Smith, on appeal from tbe Bloomsbnry County Court. Colonel I Ulis gave a dinner parly in Portland plaoe, and laid a strip of carpel from nil house to the roadway lor tbe benefit ot tboee bidden to tbe feast. Mrs. Wataon tell over the carpet and burl herself, and a jury awarded her 50 damages. Tba Colonel appealed, but tbe decision was aphald, tbe Lord Ohisf Juntioe remarking tfaat tbe public bad an uncon- trollable right to use the highway, and tbat those wbo laid dowu carpets thereon must take the consequences. At Lord Coleridge observed, this a4ds a new terror to dinner parlies, or rather to tbe raapooaibUiMes of tboee wbo give tbtn. PRACTICAL joke* art oat of date, and gen- erally exhibit a great lack ol originality, aa well a* ot a sense ol propriety, in tbeir perpetrators; bat an exception to thin . . Trvr> IB Ibr fur >im Popular impreasiona are often far from tb* truth, aod in regard to tbe arctic rstfior tbey are undoubtedly ao. A tree !*.. .ad w aid be, io tb* opinion of most peopls, tb* idea which would snggasi itself in regard to tb* regions in q use ion. Vet tbia, though true, is cot all tb* truth. Within tb* arctic circle an found tree* often forming considerable, though touted, forests. In eastern Hiberia pioee aud other ireee come down almoel Io tbe water's edge), while all over western Siberia, arctic lluaal* and l^aplaud tbe tree limit ran* within tb* antic circle ; trees sitsnd even to the North Cap*. In Greenland w* find, sven in tbe moat southerly part of it, no herbage more worthy ot ISM nani* ot tree tbaa the stunted birch which, in tbe more sheltered valleys of tbat country, rqoally inappropriately named with Iceland, attains the propor- tion of little shrubs ; and II Is not until we come t3 the milder latitude ot the I'aoino that the tree line, wbicb baa described a southerly curve in tbe cold regions of cen- tral North America, again rises la tbe north, and until we reach the shores of Uehring Strait we find nothing which we can dignify by tbe name ot trees. The wooded banks ot tb* Yukon Kivsr in Alaska touoh tb* arctic circle, and forests of white sprue* sre formed on tbe Noatak, a river wbiob infringe* on tb* arotio circle. In Lapland the spruce oetaea al tb* '--Kb parallel, and boolota nr st tb* 6!th ; but in Norway, probably owing tj the warm gulf stream, which aweape along the coast and loto the arctic at leatt a* tar a* Nova /embla, w* find forest* of Scotch fire tiO ftel high as far north a* Altenfjord. and birch** 1J feel high in an equally northern latitude. In latitude 70 deg. .' ruin, tbe hardy Scotch nr ttill maintains ita ground, though tbe spruce fail* a degree or to farther south. In tbe vicinity ol Hammsrfeet, in Lap laud, in TO deg. -I", m. N., there are dwarl alder* and asp*ns, tird cherriea, rasps and currants. Io the Scandinavian peninsula, probably also owing to tbe warmth which a sea in addition to a currant of bigbei temperature affords, barley Is cultivated ae far north as tbe 70th parallel, the So. HI.OOHISI.VU.LK. O . May 1, T9. Bias. I bave been luftericii ten years, an. I I IneJ TOUT Bop Bitters, auj it oooe uie mure than all tbs doctors. Use B. B. BOOHB. llfc. ..,.! We ire so thankful to say tbat oar nunin l/Aby was permanently cured of s dsngerou* uJ protracted ooniilp*.Uoc tud irregularity ol Ibe Lowell by Ibe use ot Hup Bitten by il* mother, which st tba eame time resturtl her to perfect besltb n<l itrenfth. -Tbe Parent*. Boebester, H.Y. BV XOB* genuine wltbonl s bunch of green lljp oa tbe white label, b'uun all Ibe vile, |K>lonoa* Hall wltb " Hop " or Ho|n" In their name. Suoeesafal tiptrtment* bav* been re- cently mad* al Cincinnati with tb* n*w electric railway brake. Tbe trial waa made with a heavy coal train ol ten oars, etch ear weighing, empty, ab ui eleven tone and aviog a tonnage capacity of 10,000 poaud*. The loaded train, with lull swam on, waa ut to k epeed of 48 miles per bour on a own grade of r,s feet to Ibe mile, and irougbl to a dead *top in ."$ seconds alter utting on tbe brake, tbe uistanee ran in bat time being 445 yards, exact measure- msnl. latitude of Cisco Island on oaaal. tbe Greenland UfBlkl lrm III, , ub. Mention was made in yesterday's Tim that there had been three deaths in tin city already this week from a mysterious malady, the only epecina symptom o wbiob waa lueeoughi. Physicians were diepcKjd to regard this merely as a ooinoi deuce, but Ister developments make the matter mote serious, and tbe eubject is proving very pu/.sling to several ol our lead ing physicians. A Timn reporter l*aroe< yesterday that there are two more oasei which were in a very critical condition lea night, and death leemed inevitable. Chattanooga Tim*. Tee . oeptic general disapproval may fairly b* mad* in Mrs. D* Banga No, John, I am no* going to church with you. Mr. Ue Ban-e Not going to cburob Why, what's the matter ? "It dof* m< no good at all. People stare at me so I oan'l pay any attention t the service*." " Ob 1 com* D w , you must be mistaken Why, what is there about yon to star* at ?' " My old bouiet. She wore a DSW ona tbe next Sunday. Pkiladelfkif Oall. The British irowers last year paid - 1 000.000 in late* aod exported more tba 17,600,000 worth of beer. Never ill to a damp cushion, moil ground, or a marble or atone step if yot wish to avoid I aore throat. , A flagstaff st Mount Vsrnon, Washirgtoi Territory, Uilfeat high, ia claimed to b* one of the bngeet nniplioed ipan in Ib United Ktatei a frequently tbe exclamation of one lady to another. Tbs tact n cot a pleeaant ona to bave to mention, bat still the act may a kindly one, for il sets tb* on* addres- sed to thinking, epprisse her of tbe tact bal she ia nol iu good health, and leads bar to seek a reaeon therefor. Pallor ia almost always attendant upon the first tag** ot oonm'uption. Tb* system is nfsebled, aud tbe blood IB impoverished. Ur. Pieree's " Oolden MsdiosJ Discovery" rill ao* a* a tonic upon tbs system, will nrioh tbe impoverished blood, and reetore roses to the ekeek. Maine propose* to go for tbs drinker a* well aa tbe sell*r and to punish him by mprisonmsnl for tb* fiist offence. Il may surprie* the good people of Can- ada to learn that the corn crop bae been mmensely increased in Canada. No doubl be N. P. people will claim this a* a product of protection, but PITKAM'* PATH- .its Coax EITIACTO* aton* is entitled to all the credit, it ranee more corn to Ibe acre than anything else the world can upply. Sate, mre and painless. Take no HUbstitule. Only a:> cents. Try your band. A good crop guaranteed. Beware ot flesh- eating substitute*. N. C Polaon v Co , proprietors, Kingeton. General Grant'* pbytiriana have deri ded nol to perform tbe difficult operation which IBS been contemplated on aeoouLt ol tbe patient's lack ol vital power. - I l.eve *lrr H. u. , ! i Well, then, why don't yon do eometbing to bring back the roses to bar cheeks and tbe light to her eyea ? Don't you ree she IB suffering from nervous debility, tbe result ot female weakness, ; A bottle of Ur. 1'ieree's " Favorite Prescription " will brighten those pale cheeks aod Bend new life through ibal wasting form. If yon |ove her, take heed. Tbe natural gaa companies of 1'ittsburg bave spent * 3. 600 000 on tbeir plant and have pipe lines extending 31'.' milee ; but with ail this redundant enterprise tbey nave nol tbe sharpness to discover a way to prevent their odorlea* commodity from leaking out of the pipes and to stop tbe daily explosion*. II you bave catarrh, ua* tbe sures remedy Dr. Bage'e. New York trades people, *>* lorn Toptci, complain thai they have greater difficulty tbie y*ar in collection tbtir accounts agsiaet dsliL<}Usat ftnbionables than tbe> had during tbe >ear just oloetd. A bright man at one of tbe clubs tbe other evening summed Ibs whole matter up I a> iog : " A member of New York eociaty must either have wealth or tbs appearance of il." A meemeriat named Townsend ha* hired " subjecte " wbo presented themselves at bin lectures in Chicago, and, under the "up posed influence ot mesmerism, underwent painful teeta. Ona ot them failed to get bia wagea, and axpoeed tbe fraud, declaring that the endurance wae simply due to prao- tioi and nerve. In the presence of pbyai oiana, and without any " mesmerism," tbie man waa prodded with needlee, burned with lighted cigars, and bad cayenne pep- per tbrowu in bia ayaa. Ha swallowed the bittereel drug* and submitted to all aorta of torture without tbe elighteal perceptible tremor, and allowed needles Io be inserted under tbe linger nails or through Ib* oogu* without wincing. LYDIA VEGETABLE COMPOUND c . . IS A POSITIVE CURf ' . For all ef Ikeer Palafal Ceasplalaie \truew M re.n,o) le our br.l . . rKXAi.K port LATHI*.- . IT WILL rt'SM rttTllisi.T Tit* woejer F* us of *^l ALB irUAIT. All. II. MUAM TIlolSLSS, I I-LA' IBSMTS, AX1> TUB t !lr^t*SNT h; I*AL Ws KIM. AD H PABTirrLABLT ADATTID TO < ' HAIK.S or Lin. s * * * e *. IT wm. ntMni.TS AXI. rirti. It MOM rn.. TWI tTBBOl* ArIT -r..r . |.rrru.rn>T. T \ : r S' t T-" AS< ! I' ' >!- THE*.* ! vrsvmsniLT irerts. e * e e IT BBBOtB* FIT\'. >XAT LSWT, ALT' Kin-- ' - I H>r. A .riKEUtTU U TA*. KB>iur Tii>niy/( B ITIIBI A< lit. .Ntll> ' I'UH-TKATIOX. t.IHIBAl. I>B*1 PsruuMOM AKI> IMUUSATIOM. THAT pssuxa or HBAIUIU !*'. c AI >ix,. WUUHT AXU llA. VA< III. l Al >( rSA i i iiu *T m i e ' e IT WILL AT ALI. TIM** AM* IwnBB ALL VtlKlt AIT IN IIABBiiM WITH TUB UAW1 TmA ' ' eVafe 1. Ill AS- I...,.,TT,' TSBII TM nuiiNu op iiui.-i A\t rns mruimrrAiii. THAT IT r>B AM. ir 1 1 AIM- i" 1-1. TII M <>. <e*> i-Aiiii' i AH ULAULT rmTiri % e * e " !' THI < i as UP l.ii'Mi lOirutiKTi m nriilli * TSlie BSBSUT II rml BI-AMIO. 1YHU E. IMNKRAH'S i>'|t>l fD |.r|*r*d U l.rnn. * PTH II Mi h-^UM for (Jk >,4,l If all rfrwu. SVttf I'T Mul. KM< t". U> fOTWl i.f Hlto >T L-nM iwrtpt ,.r prtn w >*. Btl*. 1 * "iiH > Hoellk" Wl i m I fr- b- ** IrtUt* fl VilMi . .ti-wrrW. "iih ut ivi M KiiAsre T>' ur ' - ...Me- "f ** IJT tv c-iii i- t l> l. I.. 14 M . .UT kii<i LffB Ml \f T>' WINCKLER SELF-VENTING PCMP FAl'CET The simplest aad best I nine market. I'rieel ill ill see Bochson street sooth IlanilltoB. RENNIE'S SEEDS are THE EYE. EAR MUD THROA1 DB. O. B. BTEB80N , L. B. 0. P. 8 ., Leetorer on tbe Eve Bar an.t Thn as Trinity Medleal Onlle**, Toronto. OcuMM and aortst to the Toronto General BosTltal. late Ollnleal AoliUnt Hoval London Opbtbalal*) HoeplleJ. MooreeeM'e and Oeowal Lon.k n Throat and lar Heepltal. IT Chareh Btrvit. Toronto. Arttflaial Homao Ives Jf .1 f-T tb AlKlV* iti-A* . |M !M eff Ik* worl k ird And -4 MSI llM h* b**n r*r*J*-1, ntr" u mr futa i l fitrtu-l. 1>.I I will MH4 TWO HOTTI.lVrillB. |Mbr wUbAVlll Ail.* TKIUrUSvn IM. fl i 1.1S sueaBerar, uiB|.r.i r o .>.ir~ DB. T. A. CL.HH . Ill P^/IBL. .*TeSS> llptc, fti **l anU R. U. AWARE Lorillard'i T Climax Plug I- Arm* a r.-4 Hn t i^. ) t lri!l Kotw I.rmf fin- ut . tht . thai l-TtlUr.r n. A4 to eeri > bnnm ss daeaSHui or Bprneertu P'S> maosnlv at tbe IPIIN KB IAN HlTKinW-'i. - SJ IVf*TITIVBU Wanlexl (or tbe DeUtu-taasi LEtllUKo M.B.Ko*i.ics,a*

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