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Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1885, p. 8

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ABSTRACT STATEMENT Hecdpts and Expenditures CORRESPONDENCE. [Tin KJitur iloe not nerriunrily eiulorit tkt ujiinidiu tuciH-eueU fcy III. In;.: Social. Township of A rtemesia, for Year 1884. \ To the Editor ofthe Aihtince - Sir, Tlie latest scnaatioii from (well, To balance from 1883 $4258 12 J. H. Sloan, Roll of IKKt. . . 421 03 " " 1884... 1630 00 J. Hijnrinbotham, R,,|| 1883 811 12 fj. J. C.ileinan, Roll 1H3... l:i7* i>7 " " 1884... 2325 00 John Hazou-d " 188S... i:VJ 70 ' " 1884 . 2673 00 .' Wright " 1884... 23<JO 03 Fines 2300 .Mjscellantioua 3132 68 By Co. Treasurer $7448 59 Ward No. 1 118 65 Ward No. 2 228 HO Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 138 15 140 70 never mind, it's in Artemeaia anyway) is the Finch social. Thin social differed from the common run, inasmuch as that the proceedings were opt-ned by the great and only Flapnoodle of the West, who, Indigent* 1 >i 1 H'llt III t'S Salaries 473 60 Council Session 143 20 Miscellaneous 4107 02 Jialance 25!)8 31 FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, 4400 05 54> 00 225 58 { cotton wrapped around his manly bosom no, I mean his linger played the great tune of " Gillcallum." This was the sig nal for the renowned Proton Thrathspay dancer, who soon had the undivided at- tention of the audience, but the " gurre' wid the purty knitted cap tuk the liun bedad d'ye inoind ! " The finding of some forty-rod by one of the fair sex occaaion- ed great excitement, es|ecially to the per- son who called the assembly together. The grand transfoniuition scene was also a matter for profound cogitation ; for how a member of the male sex could change himself so that his identity was lost in that of thu opposite " persuasion," was and is a mystery as yet unexplained by our leading scientific luminaries. The comic song by an esteemed and venerable personage uf the old school, in which Phillip IfounNCgM joined in the Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones choru, elicited such outbursts of applause Counter and Table Tops -in American and " , r ,C7 *"'**< " "'K er w \ l \" i .. day . 1 he presence of a number of the and Granite, aud made ou .',, ,,, -,. , ALL KIM'S OF Works, Italian Marble short notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Murhlfi/.i'd Slate, Ac., &c. Fleshcrton, Aug. 30, 1883. leading lights of Priceville tended to make the social pass off in a royal manner. Yours truly, ONE or THE SCHOOL HOYS. <'ur> .> l)i:;itti'ss, Luas f Ajijutttc, Iiulijcstwn, Htltowsncss, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of Ike LACCT and JitJtuys, Pimples, Mtotchts, Boils, Humors, &ilt Mheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Jilood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the liowels. > GET YOUR Fall & Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fbsh$rt<m Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PI US & OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urifv tuu Hlood, correct all Diiwrdori* of tlie Iviver, Stoinuuli, !v i.iii'\ - txnfl I :..\\ ,-l- . ivlgorate *n<l rertoro tn health Debilitated Constitutions, ud ar Invaluablr In all Com 1 .aiiitn iuci Ic.iial to Ki-iualiM uf nil at;. * For ( liil.iri'ii ami tlif au'l tliuy aiu pricvleas. THE OINTMENT . * 4:1 infallible romMv far liml loftn. Bad Hn>aHts, nl I \V<r,in<lK, Sores ami Ulcer*. It Ufaiuouftfor Oout AH il lih -ulna; i->iu. Fur diordorH uf thu Client it baa tio equal. I'm- SOUK TUROA1, J3ROJV CJIJTJS. COUGHS, COLDS OlallJular BwolUliu*. auJ all Skin Dlnoancn it tm< nn rival; and for contracted and stilt joiuta It acta llku a tliarm. r.iiii:if'>i't:iii"l only nt I'rofc-imor MOI.LOWAY'H Ktal>liHhmeut, 1H, Xow (Kfurl Street ( inte 5:t. O\for<l Street ), London. a il aiu Mold at lit. IJd.. 2. Oil., 4. M., llH..22n.. nnd :n. narli IU>x nr Cot, and may In- had of all Mcili clnr Veiulorit tliriHi^liont the \\mlil ~ Purfkatrrt ilt' foot ti. >!'< L,<l-l .-n thr >'f 1-1.7, Iftmimi tuitl n.frt. If f/i address is not -ii itrr .iriii. < Imli |-;i I'd M nl;tl in . Iu urder to withntanJ CLolera uud hki- <'|i|ilt mic u |n-ifut.t |iuritj ofblood.nud tin- |.i.. [ii i in-lii. n ( tin- IIIIIIHT .n'lii.n of the stoiiiHL-lj urc rt-quired. 'luiiiburL' that tin], m the chpf8t, iiiont mul complete iii.iinii'i , u*e McUii'Kor'K Spttdy Cure for Dy- upcl'om, aiij liupurt- UlooU. There is uo I cu r, .-ufi-r or uioie rt-habb n nn tly iu <-xi>t- euc for Imli^i *t."ii, l';i|ie|i-iu, Oontivuuvu, etc. A^k jour ut-;(ihbiir or any pc-rson who used it. Sold at Kichardsuu'k l>rug iitori . Trial boltlf yivi-u free. I i i - ii.-i in KPWH. (From wur own Curretpoiultiit. ) A wedding jiarty fnun Cullingwuud Tp. visited this place on the 18th. They made things lively for a short time. The Trustees of Keversluun school re- cently placed ten new eaU in the school riMnn which were greatly needed in tinier tn scat properly all the pupils of the school. Siiniliiy, the l-'ith inst. , wns so stormy that no Hcrviccg were held in any of the churches. Even the " Army ' meeting* ore nut held, no that some idea may be formed of the severity of the storm. Tin Union Sunday School, held in the 1'ri-sbyttrian clnipe), has been very jMiorly nttt-nded this winter < wing to tlie severity uf tlie weather. It is altogether likely that the school will be closed until wann- er weather sets in. The partial veil) uif uf the sun on the Kith wax visible here. Every now and then thu sun's disc cculd be seen through the drifting storm ch uds without thu aid of smoked glass. T: is not often that i >'nl tSol looks like tli- moon in the tirst <{uartur. It is expected u change for the bettor will lie made in ouruail route. Tli mini will then leave here about 7 a.m., call at Maxwell, and meet the mail train at Flcshcrton at 11:35 a.m. Then return olid reach here at 4 p.m. NED. CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OF Till! 1YRTLE NAVY IS MARKED T.&B. In lirwae Lftttrt, KONE OTHER GENUINE. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, dm -.UK n. Attention! When \ i.ui horse in gallvil, Bcrntche<l 01 cut, or lius any ni;ly mi-, Imthi- twict- tmily, olid apply MrCin-Kor tV 1'iirki s ('arbolic Cerate. It i- un.l..iil.ii .lly tin- lineKt hvaling aud i-li-iiii-in,' appli. iilinii for it. Uu Hiirv yon ^eiMcltri'ifoi ami I'lirki-'t. Sultl for '25c. PIT IMH. at l!irliiti.|-i'i:.i Drug Htore. I In st ..ii Act. nnroRi>, Quo., March 11). The Scott act was defeated in Missisi{uoi county to- day by a majority of 40. ST. TH..MV-. Ont., March 1ft. Tlie Scott act was carried here to-day \,y 764 to 743,niajiirity for the act 11. The vote is tliular^eat ever [Milled in the city. In the county the act was carried by a majority of 1711, with three small places to hear from. SAHNIA, Ont. March 19. The Scott act was carried in Lambton to-day by up wards of 2500 majority. KU:SHEHTO\, ONT. Money to Loan. At fii PIT t'nit. Ititrrrjft <,n Xh-iiight hmn. WITH Intnront paid yt-arly. not in advance. No comniimilon charged Apply to . - TIIOItXBlRY. i I n i.l Light ni>K. All sufferera from that terrible torment, Nt-ii'iilt-iii. can I c mail.) hnppy in on* ino- mi'iit by a sinul'- application of Fluid (light- ning briskly riiblied on painful part*, anil witlruit tiKJng any .l>-_'ii--tin medicine tla> lift. -I .l'iv with littli- or nn rcanlt. Fluid Lighting also cure* n effoctnally Toothache, LmiilmKo, Kin iiinatism. Hcarlaclip. and il only 23 coots per bottle atlliohardson 3 Drug Aurtlon Kalet*. Live Stock Sale on the fann Mr. W. <!. I'ickell, near Klesherton, on Saturday next, the 28th inst., cowineiicing at 1 o'- clock p. in. Over :n hend of .Milk C.iws, lleifi-rs, and Steers, of a very supfriiir i|ii:tlity, to be disposed of. U months credit. Discount for cash. W. G. 1'ick- ell, proprietor ; A. S. Vandusun, auction- eer. See large and small InlK Mr. D. McCormick, auctioneer, has I In-ill instructed by Mr. Ati|{us McLeodtu jsU his farm stuck, At by public auction at Lwi. 10, Con. 3rd N. D. K., Artemesi* ' commencing at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp on ' Tuesday, March .'!lt. 9 months credit on all sums over $b. Discount for cash. See bills. Mr. A. S. Vaudusen, auctioneer, has IM i n instructed by Mr. A. N. Koe to sell his farm stock, iinjilements and house- hold furniture by public auction at Lot 160, T. & S. Howl, Artemekia. (near Flesh- urton) on Tuesday, March 31st inst, coni- mcncini; at 1 o'clock p. in. Without re- serve. 7 month* credit on all sums over $6; discount of 8 per cent, allowed on all cash sums exceeding f&.OO. See bilN. Mr. Daniel Ferguson has instructed Mr. liiiL'.iiii McCormick, auctiiieer, to sell his farm atock and impleiacnts by public auction at Lot 5, Con. 11, Proton, commencing at 1 o'clock p. in., on Thurs- day, April 2nd. 10 months credit mi all sums over "> See bills. Mr. Peter Stoutenburg, sr. , haa in- structed Mr. John Speors, auctioneer, to si-11 his fann stuck, iniplcnu-nts, and household furniture, by public auction, at Lot 14, Con. 14, Township of Osprey, on Friday, April 3rd,commenciiigat 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. 11 months credit on all sums over 95.00. Without reserve. See bills. Mortgage Kale of property in the vil- lage of Flesherton on Thursday, April ItJth next., at Munshaw's Hotel commen- cing at 2 o'clock. J. W. Frost, Vendor's Solicitor; A. 8. Vandusen, auctioneer. See lulls and advertisement. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral. No ntfter rnni] :almi art- >o lusiJ.oujt in t!iel attack aehw*i.-iiiii; the throat Mi.l lungsi nonoin triHetl -itU l>> tin. n. or lutTcr- cn. The ordiuary cougli or i-t.ul, rnn'iiiig perhaps from a trilling or unciu.i>t u.u - |Hur, U) oftn Imi tbo tcyiumi.g of u final luknew. Altl:'i> tliKllkv I'MHILM ;.i> well proven lu ettit.-ai.-T in a fort) >. m' Ugh* u uii throat aud lui u ileuiu>, and tlivulil dm v*kvii iu all CIUKS without delay* A Trrllile Con^li Curril. " hi 1W.T 1 Umk it wvrrv eoltl, wlacli rffcrlrrt my luiif>. I '! a t- uiliif t-"ii|;l.. in .1 |.:>.Mcit in^lil lli i av'il tuiUuiil )<)> Tli.- ,'.,K-I, if pnvu me *ss 1 t: i.l A volt's .iuMil: v li.- TollAL, Viiicll rrli'ietl my l-.n.ijii. ii..'.i.t., ttHp. n/rd Mi.M.Uil mo tliti ut i.vt*>niv I..; Hit- I.T MM tl HIV trni|.lh. Ity II. a t-..:.iii.u. il IIM tl Hi- ri < :I>IIA:. H pcni.ii' ti< in cum \,.i rl.i', n.l. I ..... m (. )^i,- oltl. In. i- m .1 1. . : >,.-ni! i . siit.uctl \. ur 1 III KIM J It II'I.AI Mlll-.l ll.r. l!i Hi i- K.tll-.nuuillKU." JiucUnglmii*, \i , , i. > u, >.. ti..ii|. A Vt.tli.i'. Tf I nle. "VTliilf lu III- i-uiii.try t:.t i> < t nn II til* _ _ ' K-v. !'!. tt-uri.!.l,iwtkcn Hlv-lil. i-rt'iip; il .*uiil M it lioHuuUI t'.le I.L in iri j;a ittlli.i.. i.*M.-l thr fauitljr riii.-vl.i >!>< i*. tl V\m" l:m.i:liv f'rtroll.ll . a . u . i- :.i.-n <> ...> k.n m n.. i , i. Iric I in ai.kll aud IIM|Ui,l it -.-, M to iiur tltfil^lit in )i-Mi tliitt. !.*!: n ur tui I.l: |(tlMr*l >. ... l.j. :i;L . . \ l.t '"<? tor P.I..I l:ii I!... riirnrv rr.TuR'.i i . I cur (i..lnu.. .' <. ur>, ! ;IMA rrnxrv." "1 IIUTJ w. .1 ,\\ rx'x fiifiirr fi i: ir. Ill IrlV I.-UI'V) IIPI- WT' li"ir t Mill I I r. Lci.Ulr KI l" n.illirc II |i. I.|1 tl r. III.) r n.,:l> tui to..,,;!. ui..| rwlt.t ^ ;. it. >t,| triftl. A. .1. i i NL." hiLl rrtt.i!. Minn., 'ii-.n-li .). )>>.-. "f illll'- It-il (.-ril^M >.: r- f-.'i in I' :<!.' I. il'k. an ! a!; "i !. ; l'^ i; : lit r ...... ii ii r. i. i- i-i- mc- t. . l*ri tr . .1 lit iln- u- i/t A' I i: > c n< u- lii lui.-nu.. .'i>i I'll V.'ALUL.M." U>^.u ... \u . .\j i.: i, i. f.-. "I caun I Mt <-lu .1; 'i MI | i:i:> if /I I lt' Clt'. Kill 1 .1 I ).'!. K' .tint; :^ 1 t'.n lltftft> till fi.t Al US' I fLou'.tl Mil); Ml .- i..llr Illxk fl-Jlll llll'U Iri'u'-lf-J I . I KAt*I>u>." 1 oiMiiui', 1 1 \:is. April '.'.'. KB.'. Nt> i-r fit nn ttftfttna of llie tliront of hinin exlm K'.II.-I 1.311:1- t grtljr rgheTwI b> the mi of AVER'C <'riERY TtnoKAU ant! u inD a/nm/i n/rr when tljs llii"' - nul ul. t..Ji U't'iit! tlje coutiul o. r.:j<l:ciim. rnrrAK::.i BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Matt. y all DR. LOWS WORM SYRUP has r- tape worm from 15 to ,'iti feet in It also destroys all kinds of FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS re- quire no other Purgative. They are safe and Riire to remove all vaheties of Worm*. The Priw Winning Itour. Forum-rice at l.lttlc Milln. 'I'crniH : #1 whxih in ut IKI paid pucitivuly at time uf service. W. H. Caaipaif{ne. SLAND HOME Stock Farm. Croaso lie, Wayne Co., Mich. dAVAUE & KAKNUM, CLAYTON'S II \ K V'iSS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It tht place to gtt ymtr Harnrt* Collar i, made up in yimd ttyle. Nhop in W. Clayivn', Boot d- Shoe Store, Flfaltrrion. ROAD NOT 1C nil.!! 'OF E! IMPORTED* Percheron Horses. AH Hock Kiectrd < of Mabli4hetl repu 1 French u 1 A mcrn-.i mm. NOTICE i hercl>v Klv.m, that tlm Municipal ('uinrjl of the TnwiiKliip of ArtrnieHia will, nft. r tlir expiration of four wrrkN from the flrHt imliliL-ation huroof iu the KI.KXIIKHHIN An-. AM i newHpaiwr, ithu datt* of iiald flrnt publication U-lne tin- day of Mar<-h.lV>ipro<-cetltopa a by-law t.. IMI up anil ttvllorotherwitii- tliHjMiat. of, iill i!ini part of Kuii-anlitii- Strrt-t. in tin Nil lawt- nf I'ni'.i'vilUi. lyniK lii-twvi n tlin Katt Hide of Lot Nuinlntr tv.vt-n and the \Vt-s sidt- of Ix>t Nijinl.t-r Sim- mi naid Kincardinti htrei-t, accor- tin c Government plan of aaitl Villagu of . All poron liruironted are hereby required to take notice aud Kuveru tuem<lvea accurdiixttly, W. J. BELLAMY, Twp. Clerk. Dated, lth Marcl).lW5. m the fret of vin s and 4 .1 in and registered IB n Mud books. ISLAND HOME Is bnatlfurtr limited at the bead of CRTHM Iu In the Detroit Hirer, t-n mll belnw tht <'Hy. ami m .cssiMc br rmlrond and Meam Srmt. VWiton not laniiltar with the lm> I ion miv rill al city office. 54 Campau HuildliuT. ind an rsrort will accm th*-m t.t the t.iiin Pt-n i fnr i niil.^pii.-, tux: by L Addrna, SATAOS & t ABNUH. Detroit. Mich. , (HACYARD'S YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Now Butcher Shop iu Flesh- erton ' Arapl it to take. Contain their own ! a safe, euro, an.l rftrrtuai In Chil.lren or Adl* Peich S Mitchell. I'Kdl'IMKTnUS. 'Till; Hinli rsiuni-il iTKpi-i'tfiill)- take thU nppor- * tiinity to announce to the pt-opl of Kleih- erton and nrrniiudiii|{ country, that thryhmo utartt'd a Iliitilu r Simp in tin- -taml n>-tt door In the PbotOfTaph Calif ry. Kit hlmrtun. whore they will l>i> pltiattod to niiift with nil \\ ii fu\.ii t'loin v.itli patronaKP. Krh Muatii of all kludii, and Fnh. At 1 in thuir oaaon>. HoKpectfully youm, 1'KTC'H A MITCHKU,. Sroxni IIATID. PUHKl.T I VKtiHTAIU.I n-romnrndrd i-.nii.ii^iii t. 4.L.. <i,ll- , in/dm .-. llrnrtlinrn, i:n iili. l/noa or *|i- p. III. . .liimiif I. i . I"-- ul >1i in..r>. HtoniHrh. I Iti r uni* plHlnl.or any illnctm artniux from tU" 1 Hlra- arh. Bowrlnnr Klilnry*. Tln;y arr- Mfe, iniM and thormigh In their actlt>n. piwin 1 tot pllli it a do* I-KH r "-..-. I-I.K BOX. EUGENIA Grist Mill, HnvinR until' PitoiiRivi. iiupriivfini'iitH In my Urial Mill. I nut I givu goo^ SHtiitfaRtiou, CHOPPING DONE AXY DAY. Good Flour always on Imml. Costom Sa\ving 9 and Bills filial nn tho xlinrtrnt notice. Jxmi ter and l.niti nlwu.vioii liand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. IVI. AKITT,

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