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Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1885, p. 1

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Tit Bits Mrs. Wm. Guy, who lived near Epping, Euphrasia, died, after a brief illness of two weeks, on Saturday evening last. The funeral took place on Monday. The remains were interred in the Thornbury cemetery. Married. -On the 18th March, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. D. C. McDowell, Mr. Henry Holman to Miss Lydia, daughter of John P. Nicholson, Esq., all of Artemesia. Birth. -In Euphrasia, on Friday, 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Curry, of a daughter. Flesherton Advance. TRUTH BE FORK F.I VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, WOT MEW VOL. IV., NO. 197. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH 26, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. 4i V, THE ADVANCE, Cue at the la.liuK Uwal Mid Faintl v Newapaiwra In Northern Ontario. I&apos;ulilitliud hUOMTHK OKH1 K, CM. TKKM8 OF Hl&apos;HBCBIPTIOK : 1.00 prr anuiim in advance ; vlJOlf not pai.l t tli.&apos; i ml of IJ yar So |I|NT diKContlnmxl until Ml ammi;ear|>ai<lu|i. ali.l no ubM:ri|> tloii* tajtou for IMM than imu >..i. ."ii&apos;..|.t wli.-u ^p^ciAl arraut{euiullt for hurtr jHjnodu art- made with the publuhw. \II\KKTUINU KATKS.AC. Casual ad*ertiM>wnU,Ncnt|ii>r ltiuartion an<t 3 oeuU par Una oaoL (ubiwxiiifiit mw.rtiiin TratliUent adverUneuinU kOD. |ii.l fur wueti or.lored Artvortieroetiti> without rpucial rtiroc tlonn will be Inserted till forbid tii.l charm-.! aocordiuglr Libaral m I&apos;lcameiiU t.i nwular advortlMir*. NutiaM aiu.iiM rustling iuatt.-r. 10 cnu |>er !i No advurtlneiueut .lim-oiitiiiiuil until all nr rearaitui are yaul up. < >py for lvorti.inouts unnuld reach tin* offloe not later than mion on 1 u.-wlajr to einmr* i In currant lu. A R FAWCETT, K>Mr aiul I&apos;roprirtur. Tit - Bits. <!>ntufi>i&apos;/ <>f Lof&apos;il awl Other [nitrating Item* tpithrrfi l>y Tlte A&apos;lmuer - Master Will Wright, who is now at- tending the Collingwood Collegiate Insti- tute, was home on a visit last week. Inspector Ferguson visited our Pub- lic School last Thursday and reported the school in good condition. MissTait, of Orillia, who was visiting at Mr. M. Richardson&apos;s, left for home last Friday morning. Just received, another rase of Long Clear Bacon and a case of Roll liacon at S. <Jo,Ml&apos;s Meat Market. We have to thank Mrs. Wm. Cullen, of Regina, N. W. T. for renewal of sub- scription to THE ADVIM-E for 1885. Mr. S. K Clark, of Perivale, Mani- tnulin, will accept our thanks for renewal O f subscription to the ADVANCE for 1886. Miss Frank Wright started for New Yurk last Monthly. Miss Viutch, who has been visiting with Miss Wright, also left for New York at tho same time. Mr. Arch. Neilson has a quantity of pure, imported Black Tartarian Oats, at Flesherton Station, which he will dispose of for seed to those requiring such. Mr. John Whitby was in Flusherton assessing last week. Considering the state of the roads and the stormy weather we have had, he has been making good progress. --Very superior Pianos, Organs, S, ini; Machines. Needles, Oil, Shuttle.. ,v for sale by 0. TEXAIHKILP, next door to Mm. Wm. Ouy, who lived near Ep- ping, Euphraaia, died, after a brief illneas of two weeks, on Saturday evening IAM. The funeral took place on Monday. The remains were interred in tlio Thornlury cemetery. Mr. Carey Treadgold, of this villace. has been doing a good business in the piano, and sewing machine business since locating in Flusherton. We tako plen*- ure in recommending him to the public as an honorable and upright busmen man. The Tiie*day morninii C. P. R. train ran into a " live foot deep " pile of snow between Murk dale and Klesherton Stati. >n, causing a delay of several hours. The public hili ways are that full of snow in plucr* that frnoes by the wayside are no longer a necessity. A very rich-toned Organ for wile fur leas than half price, having nix sets of rl<-e<V 14 Stopm, and being li feet hiyh. C. I ri ,&apos;..... i i. I- .<>..! i -n Mr. W. (J. IVkell, and Mr. .1. R. TriniKle if. riitiy purx-haatid a fine thor- ough-bred Clydesdale stallion, which ittand* llU li.indshigh, and ii.iaid by ^ood Judges to be one of the very finest ever introduced into the country. M.-SM-I {&apos;ickellandTriuibledeoervucretlit for their enterprise. A I&apos;I.ANT or HARK ViRTrv.*. In the ooiu- in> in uiul well known Burdock. It is one of tlic best blood purifiers ami kidney regnlat- ar in tlie vegetable world, ami thr oora I u.l known an llurdock UUiml Bitters po- UKuMimi woiiderlnl powrr in iliimses uf the bluod, liver, kidneys and stomach. FOR SALB. That splendid brick dwell- , Fou SALE. A Maps rising 5 yuan old. ing n lots 4 and 6 Peter Street East. Apply to The house contains 8 rooms and lull. There is a magnificent celUr under, tin- full size of the house, also K good wood- shed and never failing well. The above I&apos;BTFB Horn**, Fleahertoa. Birth. Tn Euphraaia, on Friday, 20th in*t. , ter. Mar r. rt. On tlu- Ihth Marcf. at the the bride&apos;s father, I-T the Ruv. D. C. Me- i&apos;owell, Mr. ilinry Hoi man to Miss Lydia, daughter of John P. Nicholson, E.i., all of Artemusia. ,,-,, ((M Wool (%*uKa* T*>ed A ^ ^ ic hard80nii 50 property positively be mid intined- .the wu&apos;e of Mi. Hugh Curry, uf a daugh- iately. For particulars apply to D. 8. Mi NKOR, Flesherton. Some people would hardly be lie vi- lla- advui tiscincnt of Jiy* Ticrtd .S&apos;ui&apos;tt complete at $1.50 until they went to Kicliardsong and *ai them & irrr- tatitjieil. Rev. D. C. McDowell is attract- ing large audier.ces to the Mi th... Church by a series of impressive sermon* which he is delivering on the Lord&apos;s Pray- er. La*t Sunday morning hu [.rt-.i-&apos;h. .1 from the words : " Hallowed be Thy name ;" and, in the evening, from the words, "Thy Kingdom Come." There were very large audiences at both ser- vices. The ordered clothing trade is boom- ing because M. llirliardson has the &apos; largest IMH\&apos;I uf ticflt and Suiting* Our Township Father*. Wltat tin, I Mat At La* 4ao* tf < Thu Council DM* in th Tow HaU, Fleeherfon, <>n the tad uh. Freseat,- MeMtm. Ckriatoe, Blake.>, Elliott, Me Arthur and McK ee Mtunte* of last meeting wejrr n+A and fcewsU, John liraiutf, Jas. .Movturt, J. 11. WoiwTi, J. I. (irnhain. John Wber, k SsoiUt, J H. Heard, BobL Cx.k. \ &apos; . M.. Horlal. There will be a Necktie Social in the Town Hall, (ilenelg, u Monday evening, April tith, under the auspices of the lad- icn of Priceville and (lleneltt Catholic Churches. The features of the evening ladies the most pefmlar candidate re- _ a gold cross. The famous Parki Select from and at prices which will Bros, will furnish raueic for the o-casion. satisfy every puruliu Adniissioii 25cenU. Doors open at 7 . 30. In moving the second reading uf the See bills, (jerrymander Pull on Tuesday, Mr. Haidy announced that a second member would The largest range of Cottormdes, be given to Muskoka and Fairy Sound. Ginghams. Prints, Grey & White Some one had Itoen pointing out t I. mi how ridiculous it is to put Sullivan, one i uf the most weiteru townships, into East Cottons, can be en at Richardson s. Hrhool N. , i ,,,,, n . r:iii..n. We understand that an attempt is being made to change the boun.lanus of the FleHherU&apos;ii S.-hool Section, as also School Section No. (i, or whatisconini&apos;inly known now considered to be. in thu central part as the "Stone* School Section. The of the county ! >Hcrn ttuund Tunes. ... % i n - i , propoeiuon u to Cake from Flethertoii Miss Maiul Uiclianlsou lias rcttim- ! Urey, so he thinks ho will muud the mat- ter by calling it Centre (iroy. The peo- ple of Collingwood township will no .1 >ul&apos;t le gratified to luarn that thuy are. her School Secti.iu thu lot* on tho second and ed and will be pleased to sec ucr lhird meMl . i , m w ^ frt , m Ut 140 m . patrons opcniug day of IK r ntw c |, ve , i >lt lf)2 A ,.| u- , r TTIM wm Millmory Stock on First of April. accordingly tak. m the village at the sta- Between 4 and 5 o&apos;clock un Tuesday tion, and ivld thom to tho said School afternoon, (ieorge, son of Mr. .livcob N. S.vtion No. 5, which would make it a MC- Brown, of lot 71, con. 3, Nonnanl.y, met tion of a Urge size. with a serious acciduat while chopping in The intention, we learn, is to build a his father&apos;s bush. He failed to get out of new school house at or near the lot own- t he way of a falling tree which, after od by Mr. Thomas. McArthtir on tlu-lifi being cut lodged on another tree, thusal- line. As the North-Westerly limit ..i tering the direction in which it was falling. No. (! would then )* placed d&apos;smlvantagu- The accident resulted in a badly bruiied ously from the school house, it is pmpos- leg trom the lup to tho knoo but fortun- ed to join l..t.< in that locality to the ately no bones were broken. The injur- Cotton. Priceville School Sections. ed man is under tho care of Dr. Cotton. There CAII be no question but what Aft. Fnrnt Krfirejenl&apos;ii: School Section No. >, under its present Do not fail to nee Russell&apos;s Stock circumstances, is too small with so larjie a slice of it oil&apos; for Separate Sch.Mil Of Watehei at tremendous low prices. pur . . .... ,. poses. Hu( the great dilhculty is to n-- 4 public meeting of tho ratei-nytrs ,,,,,,. 1 | u ..^n,.,,,. Ml ,l interests. If the of School Section No. 5 will be h.-ld i houa be built where f,, r the Su,ti.,n tho school house, Flesherton, on Monday, w .,uli! it l>o as March aoth, mst., at 2 o&apos;clock p. in., to j^.,,,,],. a ,,,i ,, therl nll . n tioned. as Flesher take into coumderation the |&apos;titi,.n ]ires- ton to whir h place the mad* are usually Council at their i n , better condition. Then, again, sup- last session, to Lake off a large part of the ,,;,< th.r Serrate School of thu said section and attach it to 8. 8. No. 6, and jch.M.l section No. cease t.. .-list, what then ? ItneupnortorsaroentitKidtoitchool privileges and that would be in No. < Tho section in luch a case would be as much too large as it is now too small. These thing* it would do well to ponder In-fore H change U rashly made. The recent legulat&apos;n provides in a mea- sure for imall School Sections $100 for i-.n h school section in bulk is to be levied ver the whole Township. It willbeseen that small areas, unless villages, will not pay near their proportion of such lew. yet the small section will receive its $1110, or, in other words, the larger sections will ami*t the smaller one*. It is well forth* ratepayer* interested to seriously consider a subject of so much importance, And br fairly represented at tho Council with their view* fully digest- ed, o that the Council be enabled to give other matter* uf interest to the school. The \Vintvr m past it Spring fairly opened in Uirhardsnns Store 1&apos;iles of new Spring Goods of every des- cription. An early call solicited. Rev. J. E. Bowers, missionary of the New Church, Toronto, delivered a lecture in the Town Hall, Flcsherton, which wns fairly attended by the pnMio. Oka sub- ject of the discourae principally related to the future state, and was listened to withoon siderable attention by the audience, a large number of those proecnt not being unacquainted with the writing* of Swed- enliorg. At the close of the lecture. quite a number of New Church works were disposed of. Baryaint in lloots. Ruttoncd Hal- moral HroganB, &c., at Hicliardson&apos;s. Ac.. Where?* 11 vo -- No MUTKU. No nistl- i whero piin. lameness or mreness oxisti, Halyard&apos;s Yell- ow Uil taken or applied will k &apos;iv. inimecliatv ruliei, and a poniiive cure quickly follows its use. A ITlAHTT RKCOUMFMIATION, Jacob A. CherrT Pectoral Itann-ni of watcbea for Hav* yon a cn no longer troiil.l* Sli-ej-li&apos;M night* The an* of Aver&apos;* retiring, will i,.otlu. K.mjM-y, of Oannamore. italc* that he has i the cough lo quieL allay the inflainmatinn, tak.-n Burdiirk lilootl Hitters with inrrsl IK- and allow the II will, m..r- neii t in a liiiK<<ring cnmplaint, and adds tliat &apos; over. rpp<H1y htm fci- pulmonary organs, n Clearing &apos;ale next HO | be would fladly recommrnd it to all and give yon >ieal. Mr. John Wflirriy was appointed aseess- or for 18oO, and by-law passed confirming the appomtaieat. Mr. C. C. James tendered his rcsigna- I tion at auditor, and Mr. li. Meldrum was [appointed in his itaad, sad by-law pass- ed confirming the appointment. An account from John Gordon of $1.25 was presented sad ordered to be paid. The committee appointed to investigate Treasurer&apos;s secuntiea was presented aud read. Applications were received from the following parties for toe oAoe of assessor, vix., John Whitby, Thos. (iranger, J. O. Irving. U M. Mi uui WM refunded S&apos; being statute lalmr charged on lot 33, con. 8, the pathuiiuiturs certifying that thu work had been jwrformed. The Council adjourned. BT-LAW MO. 376, To &apos;lypmHt TWnaAtfi (hticfnfar 1*85. Be it enacted *-y the Muniripal Council of tho Corporation of the Township of Arteiuesia, that from and after tith day of April in tho year 1886, the persons here- inafter named, a* Overseen of Highways, Fenceviewers, and Puuudkeepcrs, for the several divisions of thu Municipality of Arteiuesia, be and they are hereby con- stituted and appointed tu fill the said re- spective offices as aet forth in schudulcs A, B, and C, hereunto annexed. That each of the said officers hereby &apos;p^pftrBWes^ vnwT, on or nerof f fn^ ! day of May next, after the passim; uf this by law, make and aubscnlu- the necessary declaration of office and fylo the same with the Clerk of thu Municipality within I&apos;Uht days after making it, and shall cen- tinuu to hold luch office as aforesaid until his or their successor or successors has Keen duly appointed and qualitied or until otherwise r. l:.-vod by this Council. Be it further enacted by tho Council aforesaid. That Overseers of Highways shall, on or before th 30th day of July next, afu-r the passing hereof, make a correct return to the Clerk of tin* Munic- ipality of the itatute labor perf..nnr.l in their resp.-titt- road divisions showing how ;unl &apos;..r. th<- Mid l.-ilx.r h.-u. 1 . . n performed, ami all money* (if any) entrus- ted to him h;w boon expended, also ! all erforini-d statute labor and that all statute labor shall be performed in the division in which the property i situated ami that nt least one half of the lalx.r in .ij.&apos;iii.i.i: gravi&apos;l roads shall lie |x-rforniel on mud cravol roads and in ul] asesg&apos;Mii) ymvel shall be used. And IK- it further enacted by the C&apos;oun- il aforesaid, that schedules A. K, and C, I.T. niit&apos;i annexed, shall form and be a art of this by-law. "A." Ottrtttn of /Yi</Jiir.iy. Win. Hrown and Thus. Matthews, Wm. ilenry, Wm Burnett, Andrew lleattie. IT Lent. .T..fiii Sharp, A. N U..e. Thorp Wright, It. Stmson, (1. Ludlow, . l.udlow, T Elliott, jr., R Fi*U-r, Ja*. O&apos;Hrien. Jacob Holly. Kd. Watts, C \V Bellamy. W. H. Johnson, John lirown, Wm. (lollop, J. Ci>rntlel>l, r , Snn.uel Hheardown, Thoa. Ht-id, H. &apos;&apos; Wilson, Wm. Blair, Wm. Spear, Mai. Kennedy. .1 I&apos;i|-r, A. Cullen, Pat. Quigg, Best, John Lyons, Jas. Nuilson, 1 >. McLean X R. J. Conkoy, .los. Win. Walters, John WlnU, R. John W.itsoii, Jas. O. Little, Archibald McLran, W. H. Hu.|,l>, K. McKimion. .lohn Turner, Freil. Kennedy, AIIKUS Me LHid, P. Muir, sir, 1>. Harn-w, Henry St., ne. Win Chard, John Chard, John McKoe, sr , Pat. Welsh, J. J. Atwell, JM. (ieiio,., John Hargmve, I>. Thomp- son, Hei:t..r Ki&apos;iinedy, John llicklmg, Wm. I&apos;urxH, Thos. (ienoa, Thos. Boland, Robt. Wrlmg, Chas. Turner, <!<-o. (lor B. WUttaker, jr., P. Mmir, AitgM Mc- Lmxl, D. Currte, Joe. Aussum, H. D. li win, & BhaiiBMi, Wm. Blair. Alex. M. r CAT, Q. M.ore, Q. Stewart, C. W. Bella my, Id. Rosa, A. Down, ST., J.,., , Hickling. J. B. Sloan, Jan. ^tcwart. r W J. IX-iinis, JaineBrj-aii, I M shaw, M. Akitt. W. J. BKM.AMY, It yen are soflrnnR from a sense of ci THE wBAars%. try on* kuulo of Ayer t Hamapanlla It will east yon bat Qat- ar, and will do jou mcaJeutat le go.i [-. wiU do sway with that lirfd feeifac. at. I ftre yoa new lif and THE ADVAX. K till IHfti for 70 centt . A DrcwrD HIT. Hazard&apos;s Yellow D.I tour! r. tbv ngb: every time wh.n applied for rheumatism, neuralgia, pain, sonnets or lameness. anJ internally fur c.,1 K sor* throat, eta., !t i -qn!lv &apos; A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD a TWO Limn. ,-mn M;. father r. !> Vt. II* ha* bnn a ci.t. al I tsttar wtU MU |Mwba( Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla ) i.l la his ess*. I think Us blood mail .r KNiUiiMd tlM hat-wr for at :. j . l.ut It did not abow, scf.t In i! I aMKrfoluvs son oo UwwrlM. maLl a . .. flv jrari afo. From fw tpuU *b:ch .-.. pwrad at that Urn*. It frm.!ttal!y iprrad ton lo MVW his Mittr* body. I Mar* ymi b v i twribly anieuo. an I an otjtel of t.lty. r , au ulnf juor >sdlsls. Nvr. taM ar who w. ..I tMOfy lo UM r*. - Vi untruly, W. M. PiULUi- ." FROM THE FATHER: Joljr f.>r me to tUte to joo Uw I . -. . uar dsrtvsd from U ua of Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla. Kli months S(nlwsoinplrt*lysovfr4wim trrlbl humor and saroftlous sorr. &apos;. > hinimr eaoMtl an loertauit at &apos; &apos; . | aud the tkln crarat^l so aj t lh blood to flow lo many )>lac*< &apos; I moved. Mjr ufforlng* were freat, an 1 r life a burJen. 1 eoiunMaMd tlw .- . t > t*ii&apos;taii.i.A In April lait, a<. : U rfularly sine* that tlrar. Mr ^ : ;vi lo ImMoro at one*. The snres " lioil*-!. n,l I feel porlftctiy !! i . &apos; - bcinf now abla to J t * .. i * &apos;. . &apos; S.llm.VMLA. < L, \ ____ . - - . r I a:i F.rufolous Comi ;..:..i., > . 1 . a, r;. . in-. . -. i:oll, Tdmor*. in I I . &apos; > i. i. ... :... I , &apos; . al< dl -.M.Tn, sUmulntas 11.&apos; i. ami thus rwtorsa .i i.heu the wLole fjt^n. fkl.l-ABEI) ST Dr. J.C.AyeriCo., Loweff, Va So..! by all I>riigglu. II. ui i. . . PATENTS ttTT* s CO., nf th<> arrrmr Una l..wt mm i*.. trlt..r f MftrkM. C.-prnithu, f- r t Btft>&apos; il. Fntn.^ tM-".^. l*ai*til> M*it fn<i> Thin ntesuobuiaed thr.u, kBth.SrlBNTirl< AM-Kl saaeTwMelrrin-iilMnl rkxine.&apos;pen^ sti Wveklj SiH.-h.i..i >-iiniMp aJ kMsip fovmaUnn. Ppt*ui*-n doaveffteH. i- ..itn lean nt fn. Ml NN \ AnlCi)imc.IUr.Jw.,. -. l !- IHi.l VICK/S \ V*** nrk . i m atita ukd hi. tn BT--,. |Mn.M in EnKlUh Md Oernf prtoe^ J m r &apos; &apos;"&apos;"^ f*<.m nr ,, " t<hrtk " . Robt. Cooper, A. Elliott, Archibald Indno. .K r " "&apos;": i &apos; .wto,* " * - VICK, Rochester, H . T. 1

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