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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1885, p. 8

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CORRESPONDENCE. [Tht Kditvr {ktrt iwt nrrrxjtiinlit ewliirte the upmton* exprwW fry corretputuienU. ] IC h;iri;r- V j .<inM KIMHII. HEARD'S Waggons, Naiiiilarliiml at Flesher- ton, re tbe Chuapeat, u nothing but good wood U lined In thorn. They are strongly irooed, runs aaiy and wall Fainted. farmer* aud othert wanting thu Cheapest aud Heat Waggon will do well to examine tbe ma (rial carefuHy. HKAHl) S Wa#guuBar warranted for :i ye*n, aud aold ai very low price*. No freight to i>ay. Hunnin* Oear. Ho*. Sprint s..t Neckyoke and Whiffletree* 7500 that said charge* aru fiilse and malignant. " " ** " for ffMh 6fi.iK) ' Vaiittfacturorof liuggie*, Deuiocrati, Waggon*, Cutter*. Kleigtu. Iron Harrows, and Agent for l**i * e panujrap I, | To Ou Editor of TV Mmnce. The last iasue of your pa|>er contains a |>aragraph, a letter, and an editorial, brim full of charges againat the Reading Room which, if true, ought tu be investigated ; but happily we are in a petition to state How. JOHN H. HEARD, Flesherton. In doubt by your re|>ortr : furni.sli.-il nu The regular FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Me Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on Hliort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleizud Slate, &c., Ac. Kl.-ili.-rt. MI. Aug. 30, 1883. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jnundicf, Affections of the Livermd Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, BoiU, Humors, Salt Hheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. GET YOUR Fall & Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fleshwton Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify tbe Blood, correct all IMwrdem of tha i-, Stomach, liidn'.yn, and .Oo\veli. Tliey invi|(.>rt.- unit restore tu hvaltb Ufhilltatwl ('nimtitutlou*, and r invaluable in all Com - plaint* ia.:i<iental to Femalm of ill ,;.- For Chlliiri'ii MI. I the aigml they are prlceleu THh 1 OINTMENT 1< on infallihln reiiixly for Had !>.. Ilwl ltr..t. Old Wniindn. Horw and IMceri. It i famoui for < .-Mil ami Illn-iiiiiatiniii. For <\i>order of thu Client It ba no e<|ual. h'nrSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulandular Swelling*, anil all Hkin DlMftue* it ha* no rival ; and tor contracted and >t!ff joint* It act* like a charm. Kamifacturvd only at Profeuor HOI.IXIWAT'* Kutahlliiliiiient, : - . > Oxford si r--i ( late 5. Oxford Slrrnt >. London. and areHoMat in. Ijd.. 2. M.. 4. fid., 1U.. 29* , mid :tl .-noli H.n or 1'ot. and may be had of all Medi cine NViulorn throiiKhnnt tho World. ,-^IT Purchasers (< ')if Isilrl on or'l Wrrrt. IsiHil ami lln.rrt. Jf Ihradtirf** i* not l "! *;iuriiM. CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED T.&B. In linmzt Lftlfr$, HONE OTHER GENUINE. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLKSHERTON. OXT. Money to Loan. At '.'A /Vr Crjit. luttrfjtt i/n Mravflil WITH liit.-r.-Mt paid yearly, not In advance. No con.miMloD charged. Apply to A. VB1ER. - I IIOKMtl ItV. monthly mooting >ya* not adjimnied fur want of a quorum, tu the intinu waa i.| it-niMl and part of the busines* tmnaact- ed, the cause of atljouruuieiit having been the want of a report from a cominitU;e appointed to xolr.-t and pay fo^auine ad- ditional periixlicalB which we thought we ought to have on our fylea. 2. -The letter by "Public Opinion." The undersigned would deaire tint to en- quire, who is "Public Opinion?" We are of the opinion, that if Public Opinion had aubecribed himself Private opinion his " uom de plume " would more fully accord with hu untruthful letter. We, who aru almoit nightly in the Reading Kooin, Im vr not heard one tittle of auch, not even from younelf, Mr. Edi- tor, who la a member of the Heading R .. mi Society, and , whoae contribution* in literature are not unimportant. We are of the opinion that Public Opinion la one of the few in our village who have carefully abstained from aaaiating our in- stitution either in. .rally or pcrumarly ; and, of course, to tiuch a person anything that c. mill be said or done against the in- stitution -would afford him some mode of ((ratification . Alas! Mr. Editor; how many are pre|>ard to tear down and de- stroy, but how few are ready to assist in building up, especially if it coats them any thing ! We have examined the rum- ; urs set forth by Public Opinion, and ' have found they contained no one particle ; of truth, and we now challenge Public | Opinion and the reliable authority to make good or substantiate the charge of ; card pUyiUK or other immorality since the ! room ha* ben opened aa and for a Read- ing Room. We do affirm that no cards have been played either for pleasure or protit therein ; and if Public Opinion has any knowledge of such, he ought to have acted manly and have intimated such to the officers of that institution and not act so cowardly and uninaiif ully by publish- ing a slander further than Public Opinion is known, or perhaps further than he would like to be km >wn over his "nom deplume." We hop*^ however, Mr. Ed- itor, that if Public Opinion deaires to write again, that he will give ua his name and if he writes the truth he will not be afraid to do ao. Hut your own editorial (a* one connec- ted with the institution) contains a more aeriouii charge even than the former, viz., " that liquor is secretly smugxlud into the Reading KIN mi," and you leave your read- ers to draw their own inference, which would very naturally be that liquor has been habitually taken into and drank there. Now, Sir. we do not pretend to know what may he in the pockets of all who resort to the Kooin, as we do not search them : but we are prepared to af- tinn, that liquor ha* not been seen in the Reading Room excepting unr*, or. which occasion it was brought by a young man (who is not a member) who came home t> see his friends, who are respectable citi- rsns of this vicinity, in consideration of which we suppress the young man's name. This young man inform'.! the boy,that it I., in-,; hi* birthday, namely, the fourth day of March, he simply desired to make it a O be joyful event, for which purpose he had purchased a Lottie of whiskey and took it in his pocket to the Heading Room, but this bottle soon fottnd its way outside the building. This young nmn hai not put in an appearance since, and the universal desiru is that his visits mny l>e like the migels, frw> ami fur hrttrrt-n. Hut, Mr. Editor, we have known men to have entered our churches uuder tlie in- fluence of liquor, and some may have even carried it in their (xicketa, yet wo have not known where charges have been brought against the members personally or against the church ;ut a body for tolera- ting nuch, and especially so, if the offen- der has no church connection, which would bens reasonable and perhaps so, than to charge the membership of the Reading Koom with tolerating and tmm- tenancing an evil over which they had no control. We do not claim for our Reading Riioni every excellence, as it is but yet in it - in- fancy and must, of course, continue HO, whilr men of in/Tuiice undpofitinn with- hold their support from it. We are *at : s- ii.-.l, however, that it is doing tomt good and we aru aiming at making it niuh more successful in its intended puqiose. \ We are pleased to be able to sny that the It. has been visited by Comnurcial Travellers and others who have expressed themselves as very much pleased with the ' urder olwurved and tin- numerous paper* and periodicals with which it is supplied. ' One gentleman, who recently paid the 'Room a visit, was so well pleased with I what he saw, that he promised to send us a supply of interesting paper* on his return home, which promise that uuntle- ' man h:u faithfully kept, and for which he has the nniU-.l thanks of the nieiiibenhip. Now, Mr. Editor, we must close, hop- ing that Public Opinion when wnting again will try and ttate thu truth, and if he cannot do anything to assist an insti- tution designed to keep our young men together and at the same tune afford them some facilities for amuneiiient and enjoy- ment, that he will not write in such way as may be calculated to injure and dea- troy a useful institution, which is neither a " whiskey guzzling " noryta ''gHinb- ler's training school." We feel heartily to regret that such utterances should cnrne from one who is a patrn and whoso' own personal experiences must fsil to corrob- orate or establish the above inuendoei. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, J. (il.HI.ON, JAB. (i. RURKILL, WILLIAM CUTTON. Flesherton, March 17th, 1886. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP bat re- moved tape worm from 16 to 3O feet in length. It alao destroys all kinds of worm. KING'S EVIL Wat the name formerly given to Sorofofa because of a superstition that ilcouUbi cured by a king'* touch. The world L> niscr now, and kuuwi tout SCROFULA fin only be nired by a thorough pnrtuVs- tloD of tin- blood. If thl I- II.--IP.-IOI'. tbe disease perpetuate* It- tuiul ti Krii'-ralkm after ifvuvrsti.m. AIMOII-; . i:iili.-r yniptuiiMlif dfV<-lopm?iii-> :,\ Kczema, Cutaneous Ki-uptlons, Tu- iM'.-s. Boll*. C'arbunclea, I i \ -.. i . : Purulent I l<-n .. \. i .. i- an. I l'|;v- tlcal < il lapse, .-I.-, li ll.-\\i<l to rou- tlmit*. Ull. IMII. S.'lofuloi:-. < ,1- tiirili, KlJuey awl Liven- Dl&rase*. Tubercular < '011*11 ntpiioii, untj \aii- oui "'li.-i' .laniji roui OI Uti luiUuit >, are produced by It. Ayer's Sarsaparilla It the on!y pnt'trful nad ali'iiyt reliable biood-pn rtitiiug MuliciHf. It l*ho oal an altonUvs that It < r:i-!i.:.t<-< i;<n . tbe avt.'in Hereditary N-rofula, MI; tb<" p<>i-orn of loniii: . n ill- : nil men-urv. At tin- MII time n i n- ri.-lM-i and u':iliZ'-< tin- L -... 1. ivi.rinj healthful iitiion to tbe rlml orvani ""'' r. luveiuiuu,- tbc entire ) Htai. I'liis Regenerative Medicine I Is composed of tb* p-milnf / S'lrfifiiri/ln, wllli jV/./.r I>'i-k. (itU- liuym. the lixll'len of I'i>la*iunm ami T Iron, nd oth.-r itiL-rwlirntH nf irrt-st po- tenry. carcfu'.Ty awl M : n\il..-:iilv eoni- pounded. IIK forinnitt U M'" '"'> know . to ti ii:iil; -:<l pi. .!<!. .11. -i .1 (ho ! phv-i m-t ronxtiintly iiiiHTilx- ArciiV I BAI: M- vKll.LA ax an Absolute Cure For all dica^o-i rntm-il by id \itl<tlonef tbe bios J. It i roiK-i r. 1 1 . ' .1 |o tbe uljjb- fst prsi-ticalile do-rro. fu U- oml *ny o:hfr pn-:-2rj!lnn lor v. l.:h like effect" arc cl.iitn^J. am! !< 11 T.-'orr Ihr i-bn|irt , as writ a< tbe b '. I'.ooU vurl.'.-iDf nxC- clne, In the wot M. NATIONAL HILLS act promptly j upon tin- Liver, regulate the Bowel* ami . M a purgative are uiild aud thorough. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDER8 re-; quire n<> other Purgative. They are safe ' and sure to remove all varieties of' Vtorma. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- ! erton> uv Or. J. C. 4/er A Co., Law-". /':::. [Analytical Chetuist*.] Sold by all nruir-l-N : j-ri- - 1 ; *lz bottle* fur V>. .--0===^=^ Tin Prize Winnlnc Kn r. For aorvleo at Little Mill* Torsi* SI which muni he paid |>oltlrel]r at time of aarvle*. W i H. Cainpalgne. Fetch & Mitchell. PROPRIETORS. THE oiidenlgnMl respectfully Uke tbli oppor- tunt t v to iniou in .- to tbe pcopl* of FlMh- ertoD alia urruuudinn country, that they litvv | lartvd a Hliujt in the ln.l next door to the Photogrtiili UtlUry. Klnbvrton. wherr ' tby will bo |ile*ed to nuet with all who favor thui with thulr Mlroua|t. Frenh Meata of all kind*, and Kuh. Ac. In their I H SLAND OME Stock Farm. CrOSM 110, Wayne Co., MiotV dAVAUK & KAilM M. Respectfully yuun. PKTCH * MITCHELL JIB Uominion Organ and Piano Co. ^ IMPORTED^ Percheron Horses. All v k vlectat from tbe crt of afrea and *oa> of eva'iliiriod renuuiion and rrftaterwl IB a%k French airl American Mud booka. ISLAND HOME la rwaniifunv <!tutrd at the lira. I of Gmvm h> In the I>-.r .it Kirrr. trn n.llrs belnw the < itv. and ! arceavnle br railroad ind leatnhoat. Vmitof* not ii-inliar with the location may rill at eft? <>rBot. *,* C'amnau Huil.linr*. and in i-M-nrt win arcncnpanjr thrm to the farm. Send for catiloffiie, free by "*! Addreu. SAVAOE * PAU.U:I. UcUolc Mich. Ma-H the larftrst and moat complete factory In Uit ! Itomlnlon-IBOxIsa. tlfiiit Boson tnr iwardii to 157 Ililtr !i :k* T>11 Mflnl anil I>1plofna at i 'rnt^niilal. 1ST*. Mt.lilan.l IM|.loni*at Sydnrv, Aiintralla. IMT7. li MnUI at I'r... In.-UI Kililhltlun, l*iS. ! Illnlmi A:inti at InduMrtal Exhibition, Turoam i M . SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. HKAT ix TNI: MAHK0. romspondrnn-Soilrlt..! s. ml f or Illuitratre' Cal i aloynr, malle.1 ffw. AddrtM DDMINMON lllMiAN AMI PI \XO COMPANT. IVi\vinr. OXT. PATENTS units A tho m-irrrmr AMrmpAW. mn. llnun l.ia.-f un ...illrit. -r^ fur fnlents. I'm ,-n! . Tn-.l'. Murk., Cnpyrlahlv f..r Hi.. I i..l.-i si ,u v l'-..i,rt.. Bnf land. Frmnro, itrrnmny. MO. Ifnii.l B<-k rtbout ' H AQ YARD'S YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATtSM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An pteaaaat to take. Contain tberfr own PvrfatiTe. li a lafa, lam, and rttrnatJ i la Children or . Patmlnr.Miiln...|thr. ni-.'MltNN A ii'.lUMil lo theHrir-NTinr AMKiii.-A^trt.. laruwt, i w*t. aud aanat vtdulv .-irrnlatpd wi.-"'lB.; pninir. f,l'.Un yenr. XV-'t-fctT. Ppl.'mllrt rnarro 'n n an.l lnt*r>ntltiir In- fornmtlnn. S|'nion ( . f ;he HMrMllllr- A inrr* Icnni'iit f r. ... Art'tr> *Mr.VN A I'll, Srll..MII'IO Ar.uicAN OBco. :l lii-.iad*r. No.r York. . I, IMizlnraa, Heartburn, Had llrriiih. I nt 4 1>- . prlllr. Janndlrr. !> f Mrsmry. Hear HH.nmrh. LlTrr Com- plalal.' >r any UlDfftx nn-im- from thr Mlosn- aea, B*>wrliinr kl.lnr.,. The; an- m>. mild and thorough In tbelractlon. From 1 tot rn !. EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO ul Ittk Mill. Havine milr Pitensive improvfm. lit* In mv t iini Mill, I am rooti.lHiit I call RIM- g.x.'i sstiafartiou. cnorr/NG DONK ^(.vr DAY. (iood Flour always on han.l. ( iislom Sawing and BilU till.-.! on the short, ^t nolirc. I.MII, 1.. r and I,H(|I slwars on han.l. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, _

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