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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1885, p. 4

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O 1 1 i i 1 * s O .aa. fj J: *"\ ^3 , w O t> 6* 'V ^* < cfl I M i*3a*1 12 s : % 00 u to -s a s S . " 3 a _. e S E-i * I i H _ < fe g i 1 1 "> s 3 a " * /* s 8 p. J - a 3 ? w * '; 111 j i! co J O 5? 5 * P -: IA s o c2 -3 t s I * 5 a OS fA 9 t e- - o o I I m 60 I . O a> s, 9> - ^ W 9Q3 ^3 *- =: 09 -C: ticea are reprehensible and all the more so when done iu a spirit of bravado and with iutcnt to create disturbance. It in regretted that we NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. FLBSHERTON: THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1885. and "gambler's training school," but our correspondents for- CLAYTON'S SHOP! get to mention that we were merely ' KLESHERTON, commenting upon what lias been HIP | It tke ylaet to grt y>mr Ilarneu CuUart, <tc, talk of the village for week's past, and| before the charges were refuted by the _ Stop n management of an institution of which we are a member. It is also said that j our own "personal experience must fail to corroborate or establish tbe "P '" **** *<' ClayUm'i Boot <t Shoe More, Mime in the of Fleshtrton. PURSUANT to tbe Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will IK* produced at the time of Hale, there will be 1.1 bv ...1 Public Auction, by A s VAN!>I Auctioneer, at MUNKHAWH HOTKI.. In tbe THE READING ROOM "CIIAKG ES." We publish a letter this week, signed by several of our citizens, re- above inuendoes." The fact that our plying to the charges contained in the j business has prevented us attending letter of "Public Opinion," as well as! the Reading Room lesstlian halfadoz- to a minor iu reference to whiskey ' en times since it was established, will "guzzling" ancnt which we made | show what opportunities ve had for editorial mention. While the gentle- observation. men cannot but admit that playing However, we are glad to know that cards "for pleasure as well as for pro- 'ho charges have been met and suc- ( vmie oi VUJ?HEKTON. "n"tbe"(*uuuty"of tit," and whiskey smuggling or ! ccMfiilly refuted- in BO far as mem- , *' whatever you choose to call it have j be" of the Reading Room are con- TflUrSQay, tD6 1C ill Dciy 01 been introduced into the room now j cenied ; and we re not sorry that the AP'M, loOO, used as u Heading Iloom, they deny i charges preferred have been made At T wo ircux'K in the Afternoon, that certain , . . , . .. .. . . j parcel or trat-t f land and prrnjixm, iltuatr that either have been practiced by ; public, considering the disagreeable lym*. and being in the village of Fiennerton. tn ... r, . . ., , _i_. it. i a t . the Townhlp of Arteinevia, in the (ounty of members of the Society tbe former j rumors which have been nying about ore> and i-ruTince of Ontario, containing t>ya<i only having occurred once, and then j tor the last two months and most of "^and'b^^V"""'!'"'^ not during "Reading Room" hours ; which were grossly exaggerated, as S and the latter having been introduced we well know. The only effectual ^SSS^m^mSSSiS^JS^ into the room but once, and then by method of dealing with such was *he *>u?h r >: a non-member who was celebrating | through the public press; and this, j,' u "'."]*'"" his birthday in the "high old style," ! "as been done with what success we if bonlll 'B" as the xaying goes. We are glad to j l cftv * the public to judge. know that the charges in so fur as | It having been stated by a non they relate to the Reading Room | member that Dr. Christoe wan declared and, upon j only the author of the "Public Opin J{SJJ the authority of four leading mei.i her* and citizens, proven untrue. But the fact still remains, that whis- key was not only brought into the Reading Room, but, by the person u liu brought it in or somebody else placed on tin table and exposed to the view of passers' by. Of course it wan promptly iPttiufent* etufe. We merely state this to show that our statement was not so incorrect as im- plied by our "steemed correspondents ; although we, perhaps, were not ex- plicit enough in showing that it was not by any means a common occurr- ence ; for it only occurred once, as has been asserted. We have sup- ported tin- Reading Room heartily from the first, and our sole desire in this matter has been to get at the truth. Were such practices of com- mon occurrence, it would be far better, as "Public Opinion" stated, not to have a Reading Room. The "paragraph" alleged to be un- trno was supplied us by a member, and the letter, signed "Public Opinion," was penned by one who has been a s ut u uch friend of the Reading Room iVorn the outset. We make these statements, because of the rather un- called for insinuations contained in tho letter under consideration. It is not at all necessary for a correspond- ent to sign hi; i;.nne- to a letter con- taining statements which the public interests demand shall cither be sub- xtnntiated or refuted. That, accord- ing to newspaper usages, is simply a matter of taste or choice with the writer. The statement U made that men have been known to enter Churches ' mull i the influence of liquor ; we | might add, that young men have been ; iniwn to enter similar cdinces with ! packs of cards in their pockets, and, while tha minister and congregation were engaged in prayer indulge in a game of euchre. All such prac- ion" letter, but of the "People's Opin- ion" one as well, w take this oppor- tunity to say that the statement utterly false. TULI>. Obntinaie iikin eaaes, humom of the blood, eruplioui and old iorare rured by liuriWk Blood Bit. ter. wliicb purify tad rrguUte all tbe tt- oretioui. not I*' 1 "*'!'*' Huil.iihK. about 36i4il oned at i>rennt for * a Oarriae and Wawiun Hi n>> ami I'aiut MM.|. and alno a Frani*- I.uintter hf)<l and !iry Kiln TRHMM OK HAI.K Twwf^T Pile per cent o tin- iiurchaw uioiiey t.i Ix. akin t<> the Venrton' Solloitnral the time of Hale. The ternin nl pav mi-lit of the balance of the ptirchaiie money and ( the other condition! will be natle knowb at the ]g time of aale. The Vendor reaervet the rk-ht to niakr nnr bid Por further particular! ap|>l v to W J liellamr. Eq.,orto J.W KK08T, Vmdor't Solicitor. Pleaherton, March IDth, 1WV In our leading editorial lart week, in giving the number of schools in each riding, a typographical error occurred, viz., "the South part 90 or thereabout," should have read "the South part 59 or thereabout. Printing ! The addition of a most excellent stock of Colored and other Inks, New Designs in Type, Ornaments and Rules, and a large and well as- sorted stock of Stationery, enab- les us to execute Job Printing of a quality and price which defies com- petition. A trial order solicited. In this connec- tion we might say that The Advance will be sent from! now until Jan. 1st 1886, to any ad- dress in Canada or the U.S. for 75 cents. A. 1*. KA'WCJKT'l 1 , FLESHKRTON. ONT. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. H. i ..mnii KaretroughiD*. and In fart ever) lhin( in the buuiiM will roctiiva m> prompt and careful attention at reasonable prices. ".',::;' & Iota i: M, Flesbrtoa Car:,.?: ?T! Milburn d Gadd, PKOPRIKTOBK vf tfM above work*. *r |r* pared to att< n-l to everything in the Can iagre Making & thicksmithiuK ! IIOM promptly ad well. Repairing in both Branch'* Promptly BttriiiU-<l to HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. ROAD NOTICE! A Voirr. rEOM THE t ' MTKD STATKH. I hmve i-uff. i, .1 (or the U-t 2O yearn with [)ynppNia and (Mineral Debility, nod tried roauy rxue- diw, but with littl" Hiicoevii m, til I uaed Burdock Blood Hitter*, when relief wai quick and permanut. A. LOUOH, Alpena. Miob., U. S. WITHOUT Doirnr Yellow Oil I* ran n\ i 'KI.I.KNCK tbe remedy (or Pain. LamenecR. Itlieumatimo. Croup, Deafnem, llurni. Frost Ritei. Stiff Joint* and all Flesh Wounds. Any in i' in nr dealer can fnrniib it. NOTICE In hereby Riven, thai the Municipal Council of the Townnhlp of Artmoia will, aflor the ctinratiun <il fuur weckn from th nnt publication hereof in thu Ki. -HKIII UN AHVAM '. n.'-]rpiT (the dat of Haiil llrst |iul>llcation bcinu the 19th .lay of Marrh. lhWl|iroceod to paH a li\ law tniloM up and iwll ur nthenriiw dii>poiie of, all that part of Kinranlluc Stroet. in the VII- liuii' of l'i 1. 1 ull.'. lylnR hetwvt'M the Kant iid of Lot Nuniher Hevxn anil tlir Wont nlde of Lot NuinlHtr Nino un aaid Kinoardlne Street, accor- dliiK to thu Oovernmunt plan of laid Village of PrUwVub All penonn Interentcil are hnrvby required to take notice and Kovern Ui. in , I \ . accordingly. W. J BKM,AMY, Twp. Clerk. Dated, mh March. INK, IT WILL PAY YOU TO AD- VERTISE IN THE ADVANCE. ' ABTSRACT STATEMENT ;$ Township of Artemesia, for Year 1884. T balance from 1883 I426B 12 J. B. Sloan, Roll of 1883. . . 421 at " 4< 18H4 |t.",o CM) .1. Hijttcinlxitham IM1 1883 8)1 12 B. .1. Ociletnan, K ill M*i . . i:<7H t;; 1884.. . 2.T2ri*(H) .Intni Hftzzanl IHKi.. 136 70 1884 . 2573 00 John Wright ' 1884 . . 2390 03 Kim* 23 00 MinrellaneoiB 3132 58 II OBTHIBH P.CIHP R. R, LAMDSl In Mlni>tiota. North Oaket Mm- Hjf line, Idnio. Wathlngton ind Oregon ^ff atarletl ranijlnj c*tefllrcw '? to M atr wcrt. on (U 10 yriri'llm*. Thii Is the Belt Countt tvr cuiln<) Loud HMB* new (> (or i>tllimtn i O it- r. - of t.,.v. i i. n , mi ' FREEi ,.. ........ -r.. NOT*: PI "Ml 4 I Arr. OR -'Klllf Til 41 M4l.r.,r nil ,!,. I'.lhl..- I ., |. ,!,!,. ,,1,.( IT, 1U .T.. 111 ill. \i..0.-r.. l',ilii ..... nliy. Konlcaand Man* "i'l t'lir.r.. ICMril.lhr lh NurlNrr* Pnrinr < uiitrr.u- llll"><l l.iwl- fur >lr ii Mi. rHKK ..... ' ..... .-MI Ijuwl-. Ail lr.-...CIIAS H. I.HH<IKN. I i-ui'r. N. I'. R. K.. SI. I'.ul. Mloa- PARKERS AM) THRESHERS! Ask your Merchan is /or- McCollBroslardine MACHINE OIL WM. CLAYTON Has on hand a Large assortment of Mens, Womens & Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES, (^Suitable for tlie Full and Winter, wear. Call and see thom.-t Quality and Price Second to None ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON 2007tf 25 By Co. TrvMiirer $744869 " Ward No. 1 118 66 " Ward No. 2 22890 " Ward No. 3 138 15 " Ward No. 4 140 70 " Kchnul Trimtcei 4400 05 Indigcntx 5600 " Delwntures 22558 " Salarien 47350 " Council KoMion 143 20 " Miacellaneoua 4107 62 " nJpe 8698 31 $20070 25 Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S,

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