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Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1885, p. 4

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- Q CQ B OQ 02 s? 3 3 | , a) rj 02 -11 IN & S 3 *" W hrl -3 I I w 3 .g 5 * |S , g < B 9 warr erioa a o .i ^ CO ** "O 1 a 3 w 1 1 i -">. a -a ? " .3 3 * * ~ ~3 ^55: | - < a 1 8 - > Z. m & .-. <y a 5 g .5 o3 * a 3 2 *3 13 | 8 & t co a, a jfiS j o g, i QJ CQ -c: o E-M * u & 8 ~S s s ."is *-, 7 1 <*- O U O REPAIRED o ca pq THE ADVANCE. A. 11 Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, MAHCH 6, 1885. OUR FRIENDS. The Editor of THE ADVANCE feel thafrhe would be very ungrateful he not express publicly, and with tin deepest feelings of gratitude, his heartfelt thanks to the large circle ol friends and acquaintances who, in the hour of his sore bereavement, mani- fested their sympathy by acts of kind- ness which will live in his memory und find a deep place in his la-art while life shall last. Words fill to express the feelings by which he has been moved. In the hour of need, warm-hearted, sympathetic friends, gathered around and dii everything in their power to,' console by word and deed. Friends in need are friends in- deed. A relative of deceased composed and put in type the following acroetics, which are published at the earnest solicitations of friends of the family : A vay from every cankering care. M eetlutf ID Heaven with lored ooea there E ver with Christ, on bl|!h ! Li ovoil 'Molia now U fullv blunt. I n C'hrlat turn fouud the long-nought roat A od wherefore aliould wo atfili. It ubbfed of bin truunt earthly friend O n ('lirit Uu mjw rolitM B i-iiiK full aurt- \vhi-a lift ahall end I) vi-n thruuch huart-brettk Uud will auud 'It ouud aiigol* of whom Mulla one T o guide him to the aklot. It 18 a source of great consolation to the Editor to know that hi* dca wife passed awuy to the eternal world peacefully, and with that clearness of vision which showed full acceptance with the Divine Master. Her last' woids were full of peace and ecstatic joy, in which she prayed fervently foi grace and Divine assistance for those dear ones whom she left on this side t lie eternal river, and expressed her- .self in plowing terms of her future Louie a glimpse of which she seemed to catch while passing through the valley and shadow of death. A friend of the family contributes' an brticle in which he pays a fittin tribute to the memory of deceased it an original poem in blafk verse a: well as in prose. The sentiments con- tained therein are generous and truth- ful, and just what might be expected from the pen of one who has ever been a true ond warm-hearted friend of the Editor and his departed wife. In our dark hours, these tributes o esteem and respect, from true and tried friends, light up our pathway the stars do the canopy of heaven. We shall ever remember the circum- stances with deep and fervent grati- tude. God bless all our friends an acquaintances who have so kindly re inernbered us in our great trouble. Our brethren of the press will kiud- our wannest tlianka 'for the nearly and sincere manner in which they have sympathized with us in the loss recently substained by us in the death of the faithful and devot- sd " partner of oui- joys and sorrows." e have received a letter from Mr. Win Wilson denying the statement that he had any connection with Robins as against any one. He for- bids any one using his name in con- nection with statements of a slander- >us nature. As this is really the gift of his remarks, wo refrain from publishing his letter, which would only lead to a long and most unsatis- factory newspaper controversy. In future, letters of a personal charactei will be submitted to the person attack ed, when, if deemed advisable, the attack and reply will be published in the same issue. The attention of our readers is di- rected to our Auction Sale Register in this week's issue. The list of sales ia as large as ever. We hope to see the Valley Road scheme pushed to a successful issue this season. The Eupkraita Council is in honor bound to complete its share of the work at an early date. The road IB daily becoming a necess- ity. We issue one dy earlier this week owing to the fact that the ADVANCE was not published last we- k. The majority, if indeed not all, of our read ers will readily excuse the non-appear- ance of THB ADVANCE last week, now that they are aware of the sad circum stances which necessitated such an unusual occurence. A large number of copies of an Ot- tawn paper were circulated in this lo- cality recently, containing an article renoctiug considerable discredit upon the M. P. for East Grey, Dr. Spronle in connection with an important docu ment which, it was alleged, ho (the Dr) had neglected to ucnd in to the Government. Investigation showed that the statement was untrue the Government having had the said do- cument in its possession all the time. The 0. S. Adeertiter fell into tho same blunder, although the llaninrd made igs as clear as noonday. The if. |P. for East Grey is not in the habit 01 leglecting his business or hiv con- ti tin :iis either. During Mi. n. On Saturday evening lust Mr. John Mc- Aleer of the City Hotel of this place had occasion to draw on, U CAS]I bux, which tie kept in his private room (this wag shortly after dark) when to his surprise his money wa gone, some $80. He at once made enquiry^/ his children who were at the time up stairs in an adjoining room, if they saw any person in his room, they said yes. James Tweed, a boarder, had been in. Tweed waa got, not being far away, and brought before the children to see if they would recognize him wheu they all agreed that, that wag the person they saw. He, (Tweed) then acknowled- ged that he took the money, and at once pjorged to the amount of t70,allhehad. He had keys to fit McAleer's cash box which ho also gave up. The same cash box had bcon opened and about $.15 taken just two week* previous. Tweed it a uiiK nian of about 22 years, and has been looked upon as a respectable and honest young man, 'and was never known to be guilty of any such crime, further- more it is the general opinion that lie was. led into the deed by other*. He however left before a warrant was) issued BO that no chance ia left t<> implicate thoae who are strongly suspected of being hi* accom- plices. MarkdiUe Naiuiard. Is your hair turning gray and gradually tailing out? Hall's Hair Kenewer will rMtore it to its original color, and atinm- U*e the follicle* to product- a new sad luxuriant growth. It altto cleanaen the calp, bradicntc-i dndniff, and is a most agreeable ami h untie** drawing. Printing ! The addition of a most excellent stock of Colored' and other Inks, I )oo i cfyi G in _L>' v_> o i C-. i 1 o 111 Type, and and well of LEFT OVER. An editorial on the School question, in reply to tho Beaver Valley Timtt is left over for our nest issue, owing to the grc^s pressure on our columns this week of other, and perhaps more important matter. However, it will Qp fresh (or one week. The young men who are implicated 1 Jot) Printing Of a jiu the breaking of the glass in our I 1 ' 4- ^ foffice window, and thereby cau8in<*Q.U.cllJ.Ujr jthe loss of a valuable collection O'J'V^hiChjO.eneS slants (all tlie more valuable nn d ei - r \O i f 1+ iriTl A Hue present chcumstances, as theylx'^' _ LlUll.^ \. \vere tho especial care of the Editors] R) have, with one exception, failed! to respond to the warning contained] in an item in our issue of the 19th[ ,'ult. It is, therefore, with great re! uctancc thai we firmly carry out our] intention of publishing their namcB,! viz., IJrcen, Corbctt, and Heai-d-all| n oW Until Jan. 1st engaged in the one establishment inl-i QQ/^ , j this village. Tho other young maailOOOi OO any aQ- .iaving honorably discharged his share or promised to do so we re- frain from publishing his niimo. In this connec- ion we might say that The Advance will be sent from 1886, to dress in Canada Auction Sale Bills Print P short notice at rcasouablo free noticg of same iu A.VVHXCK. or the U.S. for 75 cents. Address, A. JR. f AlrVCETT, FLESHERTON, ONT. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Mo other complaint* art so Inaldlou In I attack aatboMaffeetlngUie throat and lnng: BOO* ao trifled with by ih majority of auffer- er. Th ordinary cough or cold, rtaultlnf perhapa from a trilling or uucoiiKiu<u ei- poiure, U often but llic Ittgiuuiiig of a fatal aickoeu. AVKII'K I'MUI.HV l'i < nuixi. hat wall proTen IU eflici-T in a forty yiara' flatt with throat and lung uutltliould \x taken m all oaiea without delay. A Tfrrlble Cough Cured, "InlRSTl look na-reolil, which affected my long*. 1 had u U'rrlbln cough, aul |,iuatil night ntter Dijfht w Ithoiit slceji. Tlii i.octort gave me u|. I uiij .Um'H I'mnni fit- TOBAL, wllidi relirveil my liingi, in.lueW alep. aint iilliiidttl niu tuu rcM )it4-aaarv for the rcc .11 IT of my Ptrengtli. l>\ tlto eontiiuioil IUHP of the PKOOJIAI. * p*ruta> nentcur* .1 elloctcd. I i;,.u i,. ycn old. lialu niul htarl \ , :i!rl MII. aliUcil J OUT CllKUttY J'fcCIOKAI. >:vctiT,ir. II. HIM: KAIIIUUOIUEB." KacU.iijlmii], Vu, .. L j 16, u .. Croup \ Molhrr'a Trllmtc. " While In tli eouulrjr 'n>i n-dr my lltll* bny.threo >i-kr cltj, u ji> 1:tl tru il! \vllh cn.up; It <w.-iiieU MI if be would iliu I'cin iirangH' lull. in. One of the lannly hllggrtlcit tb* UM Of AVhli'n <'lli:::uv 1'KI.TUkAI.. u buttle of whlob waa alwavM k- pt fti the lioui. Tbli waatriuJ 111 tniull ami iniiui-: t il'tra, and to our delimit in lera limn Imil mi liour tb little (i.tlicnt win l>rrnllr.n{enily. 'Ihe doe- tor Mid tint the C'HIKUV 1'linilt*!. hail aavc.l m> w:iri.n' hfi . Can }-uu ondr at our fruiitiiviti'.' binc< rl) )wum, MBk. IHMA (irnKev." 1M Went UMh St., N< Vurk, Mj 16, lefl "I have mfil AM u'li CiiKnirv I'KC TORAL hi my family for wv.r.,1 >r.:. nnil ilo nut heflitare to BMBaaMMa) || BM i. out *IT*cUial ruiued) tor cou^lu anj cvl>b> har* T<C tried. A. .1. 'HIM.." Lake CryiUI. Minn., March 13, lin. " I iuir.'re.l for rlglit Ji an from Uronrkltll, Bd after t.^in^' mnuv ioinL-t:i<-n wnb no aua* an, 1 waa curort by lBuuf A vi:u'< CMraV BV H>< ..mi. JuiKfii WiLBtJC." Dyhal.u, in*.. April t, Irt*. "1 cannoKajr moojfli In praiae of ATKB'I CNIHY l j :-i :..:i M.. btllcTlns I do thai but for Ita iuK> 1 ahould lone atnce bare died from lung troublta. V. BaAaDO*." Paltitiuc, U'xaa, April 23, ie*i. Ko cae of nn affection of the throat or luga uiat* wblch emnnot be greatly re lie/red by the UM Of A YER'i ( IIKRIIT PlCTOBAL and It will alxayi CUR when the due**-' j not already beyond the control of mediota*, I'BEPAKID 11V Dr.J.C.Ayr4Co.,Lowell,MM. Sold by all Dragftat*. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - FlesJuertou. lUpairlaR. Kavi-trouKhing. and ID fact ver- lliniK in tin- businaan will ri-i-i-ivu n;.. pruiu i- 1 and cureful atteutioa at roaaouable prict.8. & Eslowe in Stick, Crage Ifcrks! Milburn <8 Gadd, PIIOI'KIETOHH of the above -work*, are r' - pared to attend to uvcrj think 1 '" '" Can iage Making & BlacksmithiDg ! liDoa jiroinpUjr ami well. 1 Repairing in bpt/i Branch's Promptly attenilod to. 1 HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. IflBTHHHI PWflp R. R. LANDS! I In If rnriotr North Dakota Mrn-Blj j tin*. I-" w. Wsjbiiigtgn snd Oru(n ^iW rroua Atpriwt raiKlnj chiefly (roc. !2 tort ntf en 6to IO v'" time, ^his It J! a 3"! Ca ' securing Goo<Hom-i no* on lor it>ltlemnl :;' ' ri-,- 4 of (.MV.-iuliirnt |..,.,,| !>,.. n, ...r u,. M '";--''>:; .;;,, i,.., , i .:,.,.!, MT at -lrt.m.4:il AT. O't if<il'. , IIU,' [ 4ll ihr l-ultliv 1 J- "i*l M" "< I ' law , .. ,, ., ,. -.u .,-, -.- i .u n >. Hooka an4 MBI-H ' rnrt:, twri,.-- < :.rtrtr i-IBr-oi.iMi7.ui.'l:ll'i. -I I" ' !' ;""'"a -* - yi tfriiitit-nl I ^'" '. A .mi .- - i 11 A .^. B. . t .ndlVmT. N. I'. H. !:... l-aul. MIBD. GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON Has on hand a Large asnortnipnt of Mens, Winns & MIdr$BS BOOTS AND SHOES, K=E"Suitablc for the Fall and Winter wear. Call and sec them.^g Quality and Prico Second to ITono ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, 1

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