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Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1885, p. 8

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Wag HEARD'S Manufactured at Fle^her- ton, ure tnu nio|H-t. as uothiuu but good wood I* uiwd In th. in. They are stroiigly ironed, runs easy :i.l wall Painted. uera autl otu*ru wanting tlu t'lifapottt aud llottt WaUk'on will do well to exaiuiuo the lira- loarefuHv. HKAKD'S WagKoun ar warrantotl for 3 yearn, and i-nl-l at very low prices. No 'roiuht to pay. liuniiiuK Gear, Hox, Hprliig Suat, Neckvoku an.l \Vliifflt-troeii 73.00 for uili 00.00 liaiiufacturur uf Uuguies, Democrat!, Vfrngitoui, Cutter*, Sl,-ili. Iron Hurrown. aud Ageut for K. Coui|laiut of It. Wilson. . tli. Kiiiti.r "f 'I'll, AilniHf. SIK, In your inane of thu 12th inst. a untruthful i. tin- uppeara from H. Wilson relative to certain units in this Court. For the information of sui-h rend- ers of thu ADVAM K as are not iic<|Uuiiitt)d with Mr. \\ilnoii, 1 propose makiii", some ux|daiiHtioii ; but tu those who know him it is not necessary. I shall take each suit JOHN H, HEARD, Flesherton. CORRESPONDENCE. I w 'i*> ' th Clurk told him U) lwvt> ._,. ,, ... summons tliort), and I am sure that he [7/ic Kditor <(fi,.< m>f Ht*-e*Mtrtlii ewiurtt i i i-oiilu not lor such was not tin- case. V> nun thu llailitf made it-turn to the summons, I took exception to the service, na I con- | sidureil Wjjgon, wlio had lieuii served with Miiimiums, ';LS not un inmate of Defend- ant'* dwelling, but that Defendant would \ pei hap* be more an inmate t>f Wilson's ; dwelling. 1 however, told the Bailiff that 1 would take the summons to Court and ask the Jtulge to decide as to the service. This 1 did without any pressure from Mr. Wilson or any ono else, as 1 certainly referred to, as they appear in his letter, ' would not enter judgement on a AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint* are to (millions In thelt MUck as thoM illoctlnf tbe throat ami luiiff: none f> trlflwl with by the majority of suffer- en. The onlnmrjr cough or eulil, mulling perhaps from a Iriaiuf or UUCOIIKIOIU ei- |Hur, is oflu tut tho begiuuiug o( a fatal ickiiew. AVER'S Cumin l'i > H.IIU. lai well proven iU efficacy In a furtjr )er' aglit wall throat and lung iliMases, nuJ tUuultl be tukeu In all cuw wlUiuut delay. FLESHEKTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL K1ND8 OF Verb, and then " luuve tliu public to (1) " S|,l- .lilt- V8. ItubblllS." 'I llIM WHH an octinii brought tn recover a small ac- account which wax <liimt*d and of cnurae ..tin.' to court. It was nut proven at the hearing that tin- account suvd for been paid (as Mr. Wilson alleijes) but an I'll'tirt waa iniiile to prove that the debt hiul not leii I'ontiacU'tl, one of Dc-frml- ant's witnesseH stating that he heard Mrs. Itubbins (Defendant's wife, by whom it was alhx'td by the I'lnintitl' that the good*? were purchased) the K<H>ds sued a\ that ithe never bo't for. Such evidence uf Such as Mouiiinenta, Tomb Tables, Ilcadstonos Couuter and Table Tops in American B ud ! " CCOUIIt uwl Italian Marble and Granite, anil made on . was Iulkl ' (1 '>' tlle J '*K >f 1'v C""ll sliort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and | *' account, t<> which Mr. Kproulu replied Marblcued Slate, Ac., Jtc. Flushertoii, Aui{. 'JO, 1H83. Curt's, Di:;uuss, Lost of Apatite, Imicji'stton, Jltliousness, Dijsj>ef>sia, Juuiulicc, Affect ions of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples, Jilatc/u-s, Boils, Humors, &ilt fiheum, Scrofula. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Stomach, or irn'ijuliir action of the Botcels. I conaiilercd not good. I brought the matter Intfor the Judve, who gave his op. mi. ni (before he saw Mr. \\ilsoii) t hut tin survicu wiu'l I th. n drew my pen across the lUfitlavit of aervice. N" at- teni]>i was made by myself or JiaililT net jiul^enifiit as Wilson iillcves, ru nei- ther of us had any personal interest in the suit. Now, Mr. Editor, I am sure that you and the public can nee at once that there lias been no injustice r wrong dune U< U. WiUon in the way or manner of which he complains. We have had nevuntl suits in whieh the wrong person had been nerv- ed, whose name was similar to the real Defendant. Tins can scarcely be avoid- ed when there are several IHTSOIIS of the same name living within the Division, and especially so when correct instructions are hot uiveii to the Clerk at the time when suits are being entered. At the very lat Court, in an action where the father and son had the same name, the Court to prove the name, wlic-reU|H>ii the ; father was served as the Defendant, when Judge gave verdict, " n tuit. " Some in fact, the sun was the Defendant. This time after the Court, the Defendant p- | matter came before the Judge, when the plied to me for witness fees. I enquired ' suit was simply adjourned in order to get course was not admissable, and the other witnesses gave almost similar evidence. However, in all such matters the Judge i proof of tbe correctness of the 11. The Fttf., Mr. Sproul, that he could not, as his witness, who is j now a traveller (Mr. Win. , Campbell) could not be produce<l at the GET YOUR Fall & Winter MADE UP BY ' THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Taihr HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYSPILLS&OINTMENT THE TILLS 1'nrlfv t'.io Illoud, correct all l>i-....l, i, , ,r the Liver, Htornnoli, ICltln'^'M, inl I ;<.\\ Tljuy invli;.>ratt. ami rttnro to health ltel>llltat"l Constitution... ami an- nn .iln.l.l,. m all t'oin- |iluist. liici.luiitnl to Kuiualun of all aijtiH. For uml tin- a:,-.l tli, aru pticuleM. THE OINTMENT or Hn.l r^t:-*, Itiul Itn-AHt^. <UU \V<Mind. Xttr** mul He 1 Kin uiuntUiii. For rii* ( .i ,|, i - i tli* 1 ( ln-t it IIHH no l-'urSOHK THlfO.17, JiJfOJVCJfJTIS. COUCJIS, COLDS U AII iufalliblu rMie<ly for IU-1 \-v.. Hiul Hr. (tout mill KhutiluatUm. For tt ia fauiouifor i. auil all fikin l>i~. - It lia in, rival, an. 1 for contriutvd and ntiff joint* it act* lik.- a charm. r.aniifii.-tiirixl only at rrnfevaiir Hoi.i.nw\V Ki<tnlili>liiiii.nt. TH, New OM or.) M r.-.'t ( laf .- .%:, o\ i..rd Street ). London. ,. . ! aru told at la. IJ.I . -if. M.. l tl cine Yin. "-V . ami :rin. iwoh Itox or 1'ut, iwnl may l. hml of all Moil) rs throughout tlu- Worl'l. ; <r t, >l,r IM on II- I'-l, >i,ij /.'...,. If fA. ,i,l,lrr.i u not CAUTION ! \-.\C\l l'LU(i OF TIIK 1YRTLE NAVY as is usual, if UufeinliUit had |id his wit- nvssos, to which In- rupliud, no, I infor- med him that I cuultl nut nitcrinin any suoh application until the witnesses were paid first. He oiiino again to my nttiri. Mul iimjf nltiil;ivit to the effect that hu li.ui paid them, Mirrr iriturutt niul hi* uim fees. Hu ret|itircd $.'(.00. I infuriiieil t h. Plaintiff that witness feos were de- manded, to which hu emphatically n-|>li. .1 tlint he would not pay them excepting the Judge so ordered on appeal. Now, Sir. I inn pr|isvrod to hrini; tliu same st any time before the .1 mi :_. ami if he or- ders the same t<> he |uutl, I shall collect them. Ju all witnex* allowance* either party to a suit, if tliey consider them- selvea aggrieved, has the right of appeal to the Judge. (No. 2) Federul Uank VH. Win. This was a suit entered in !.', on a Pro. note made by one Win. Wilson in favor of Coaaett, of Ouulph. On the H nli end of the note tliu following was written : Name, Win. Wilson ; Am- ount, f 211.00 ; Township, Arteiuecia ; Puat-Orhce, Maxwell; Con. U, Lot 27. I issued numinous accordingly and placeil same in the liuilitl * li.m.U, mtluint in (rur<i. AfU-r Hiiinu time the Itniliff infonned mu that hu could not rind or hear of any IXTBOH of the name of Win. Wilson in the locality designated n tho note. I thought it ini^ht !* \Vin. Wilson n.iw n-nidiii'.' n the Hth con. liailitf met snid Wilwui, I believe, in Fleshvrtoii and served him with biimmons. Mi. Wilson entered notice of dispute, suit came tn Court, where, n [ Mm the evidence produc- ed by the Defendant, the Judjfu ordt'ietl " tfini Ifiiiii." No order made as to costs and no nttidavit i\ !. .1 in order to get any, so that I hiul nothing whateverto do with regard to giving or refusing witness fees. I was not placed in n position tu collect fees, nor dare I culloct them without nn "attidavit of dislmrsements." Aa t.. blotting out dntes. I know not what Wil- son menus, .M-. |.i in-- (lint '.' " Courts had now 1'iuvsiil, iminely. the O,'tolH'rnnd Jan- uary Courts, since suuinions was iasued, and in order Defendant mixlit not 1- misled \<y the datvs o| these Cinirts, it is posnililu tliu pen ma} have Wen druwi through them this, if done, could not liave any ponililu 1 .irint; on th easv (No. : ) Tiiml.lf v. Robins. This was a suit brought on a nntc madr t.y .l...s,-|.]i Itnbins in favor of II Trimlile. When this suit was being entered, Mr. Trimble's agent informed me tlmt thu Defer. dnnt Itohins wus working M Wilson's, on the the nu'lit person sen'ed, and I find in- stances of this kind in every Court in the Province. I have heard of other statements made by R. Wilson in the presence uf gentlu- meii in this tillage of a defamatory char- acter which may be subject matter for more serious consideration at a higher tribunal, if his pecuniary circumstances are not such as to forbid thu incurring of costs. JOHN W. Klushertwn, Feb. 1C, '85. 1). Mr. sproulr > To Hi-- //./, f.., ,.i Tl,. A<tniner. Sir, In your issue of the lath mat., I observe a communication from one Rob- ert Wilson re costs for witness fees in a suit I had against ono Joseph Robins. x-iliK the- source it comes from I should not il.-i in it worth noticing were it not that he attaches blame t.. the Clerk of that Court, Mr. J. W. Armstrong, who only did what I believe to be his duty in the matter as the witnesses for whom fees were claimed, simply knew nothing, and therefore did nr could prove nothing for the Defendant. Thurefere, when the Clerk applied to me, saying Robins and Wilson had been there for costs for wit- ness fees, I furl id him distinctly (Mying such unless ordered so to do by the J udgc. I did not L'rt judgment against the Defendants (1 use the word in th plural as it was not simply Koliins I was fighting out Wilsons under the guise of Robins) because (1) I did not think thy wonld have thu audacity to deny the indebted- ness, having previously admitted it and promised to pay it. (2) The amount being so small only slxmt fcf and not think HILT, as I have mid, they would deny the indebtedness, I did not think it would be honorable to brink; the salesman who sold the goods, all the way from Montreal to prove tho claim, thereby putting the De- fendants t> a large amount of costs which I deemed |woiiid IHI unnecessary. Mot having said witness to prove the account, the Judge, as I tuidurstand it, had no other alternativu but to unter non-suit. By giving tho aU>ru an insertion in your valuable pai/rr you will "let the public know " who was in fault a||d oblige Yonrs truly, R. J. Srsorut. 'In rlu Ulflll A Terrible Couth Cared. .'.: 1 took aaeTroold, which a my lungs. I had u tf rriblucuugh.ioiil ' I Hll.-r Illgbt without iicrp Tim doctor gHve 1110 up. 1 triad AYKK'S CUEKKY i'l Tou.lL, whieh rellrred my lungl, Imlurtd ...).. uii.l affuriled nie the reel ueceaai y fur tliu i . .-..\. iy of my itrvugth. Ii> tl.a coiitiiuietl u of tli PreTostAL a pcrmH- iicni cure effertol. 1 am nvv O yeare olil, bal i&iiU hearty, and am Mlifliil )uur cui.uu\ I'M i..u\i. aaveU me. i. i FAIMIIBOTUB." Itoc^iiitfhaiD, Vt., July U, ln-J. ( ...UP A Mothrr'. Trlbnle. *' Wbilo In Ui country last wlnUr uiy little* l.v.tiir- yar old, was taken III with cri up; it ... uir.1 a> If he wuttld ill* from nranU- latii.ii. Olie 0f the faintly tug^etteil !.,< iiee* of AVKS'S fyr.Kiiv FECTOSAI.. a tx.ul. ot whirb waa IT kepi la the howe. Thle wns trie.1 In uiall autl frequent dci, and to ur dvlight In leas tbsii half an hour the littlo patirut wu breatslng tailly. 1 h doe- tor c.ii.l tl... i iniiuv I'rtTOKAi. hail. aavoi nit ilurliii' life. Can you uudr at our jr.,t it tule '.' Siiirrrvly > core, MMS. KMMA iirpxrv " 11U West I>th St., New York, Ms; M, Uf 1. "I hare u^.l AVER'S CHIBKT I'l. r..mi lu my family for MVvrsl )er*. sutl tit. i,. t hc*iUU> to uruuouuce It th u.ut etlecluai r. n.-'i) fur coughs autl colili we hsve *v*r tried. A. .1. i K i-t ." Lake Crynal, illun., March 13. Iff.'. "linlfi-reil f.irrlfht yean from Ilmnrhltle, and alter tr> 1114 nianv remeillet with in. uo- eeea, 1 * cuicil l>) the u>e of A 1 1 u'> i nm m l'i. rott M. .!..>! i n \\ .VUJLN." ll; L.ii... .Mlw., April S, IN-:. "I num. .t ) enough lii praiee of Area's CniKin l'i i MI: M . beliTlng as I do that but for Its tin- I should louu Tuci- have dieii f i lun^ troubles. r . BaAOHOX." TslMthie. Tcias, April 23, I--.'. No cue of an affection of the throat or tangi eslsts uLicOicanuotbegreatljreimedl by the use of Avu's CHsBBT PBcroaai.. and it will afireyi ewe when tbe dlseasr , util ilready beyond the) control of uiotlicl&e. Dr J.C.Ayeri Co .Lowell, Maisv Sold by all Drufflsls. I li.- Prize w i u M i ii- Boar. For Mnrlee at Uttla Milli. Ttrun:-*! whirl, iiUMt lw paid pintitivi-ly at tlUMi of aariloo. V", ' I H SLAND Flo ME Stock Farm. Crosso llo, Wnynw Co., MicH. dAVAUK * KAHMJM, " IMPORTED Percheron Horses. All Kk Mlectwl from tbe e( of eteve tat desw of eatahlwhed reouUiloa and icgjetcml IB the Freoca auJ A toencan Mud books. ISLAND HOME If beauUfullr altutl at tbe btad of Ga In tbe Detroit Rltcr. Irs mile* below tbe Cky. i i> a. . ew Me by railroad and tfeasi hoat. \ nil . not familiar with the .-nation mar call at cflv onVe. 51 Campau lluildli li them t.> the hu-ro uiK. tiid an encort will accompany . Sentl for catalogue, free by mam. YAi-n A ftuivit. bettu*. Mica.. HACX.AR.DS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM MARKED T.&B. In /Xfrrt, OTHER J. W. BATES, and Furniture Dealer Undertaker* FLliSHKKTOS, O.NT. Honey to Loan. At < WITH Int. ..- 1 I..M.I ><'rl> . M. .t in advance. No C9milli**l'U linii;. 1 *A|l]il) to 8th con. I at'coi dm .]\ insited nummons and endowed on Cfipy " Working at Wil- sons, Hth con." The Bailiff went out with summons and not finding Defendant Koliins, and the delit lieini^ under ^H.(Ki the Itailitf, I suppone, tmicluded that as Kohins had been working at Wilson's, that service of summons upon a "^ruwn up person IHMIIK an inmate, of Dufundunt's dwelling was good, ami that as Mr. \Vil- .1 n was an inmate of tho dwelling in which for tlie most part resid- ed, that such Hervice was tjood and Inw- (ul. Tin lUiliir t ! s th:it hi- livver told An i:\ci-n. 'in Rrport. Hon. Jos. U. (.onlridgf, of Ur.H.klyu, N. Y wnt.- -"1 csituot viprens inyxlf in sufficiently pntiiMworthy trms of Burdock Kloinl IlilU-rs which I have u~. .1 fur the pant twti y. .us with great l-ii.-tit." Highly recommrnderl for BIIIin.D<-. Hrad-Arbr, <e- lien, IMaslsna, HraHbara. ' llrraih. LMS ef Ap- f. Jadlrr. LeM * .nor,, i^.r atMUMk. LlTi-rlev platlst.'T nny lllne> arnlnf from thetAesi rh. It.iwr I. or Klrfn.-)*. They are sale mild mill iinH-<>ui:li ia thelractlou. Vr..m 1 to IEEMAN'S POWDERS. Ar* pleMWBt to take. Contain thulr ovn li a sate, inn, an 1 *nr<*mJ t In Children or AiM> EUGENIA Grist Mill, W ui Lit. 11 IliiTinp msrlp exUasiT* mprovrmrntH In tot Urisl Mill, I um i -t> .1. ut I cau n> l < Kvo*! CHOPPING WNE AM" DAY Good Flour slwayi on Imnd. ( ns(om Sau i sod Blllii lilli .1 nn tin. nhnrtcHt nntioi*. ber anil I.atli klwajmon hitml. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT

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